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Ourobooru Rescue Anonymous 11/01/2022 (Tue) 00:14:12 Id: 3e9b8b No. 724311
it seems the booru project is seeking to get rid of ourobooru, help archiving the booru would be welcome https://ourobooru.booru.org/index.php and so would help in migrating its contents, perhaps something like this https://code.shishnet.org/shimmie2/ ? does anyone know if acid has been looking into booru alternatives for if the situation arises?(which apparently it did)
>>724311 Are they scrubbing anything with loli in it? Why is it going to be deleted?
>>724313 they scrubbed some cuckchan boorus for furry and loli, etc
>>724316 well shit, any way to it without painfully doing it individually? >>724317 Back to back to your dead board
that was just cuckchan's booru being taken down, but there is a definite risk of ourobooru being taken down OI ACID Is it possible for you to host a booru with the shit mirrored from the old ones?
>>724319 I'm sure wget or maybe hydrus could do it.
>>724319 >any way to it without painfully doing it individually? Imgbrd-Grabber isn't too bad of a tool bionus.github.io/imgbrd-grabber/ >choose your platform >start program >click Sources >click Add (Not the plus button) >insert the ourobooru.booru.org URL >search >the ourobooru link should appear along with pics >on the bottom left is the destination where your downloads where go, I suggest make a Ourobooru folder for convenience >click Get all (Or if you want to be selective you can get tags or pics you like) >go to Downloads tab & begin downloading
>>724316 >>724320 Can we call it Cucky-chan?
>>724311 You better hurry up, faggot. I just reported it.
More than anything I'm concerned about keeping the tags intact, that would be the most tedious thing to rebuild. >>724319 Hydrus. I don't know much about the others scraping programs, but hydrus has a tag saving feature. It was what was used to move into ourobooru from -booru >>724326 The vast, vast majority of loli content from the webring and beyond doesn't get uploaded to ourobooru.
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>>724329 Don't talk to (((LCP)))
>>724329 >Responding to spam
>>724329 > The vast, vast majority of loli content from the webring and beyond doesn't get uploaded to ourobooru. And the vast majority loli in existence exists outside of ourobooru. How is that relevant? That doesn't change that what's on ourobooru is what's targeted.
I used to be a booru owner, looks like they are no longer giving user support; I asked on their forum to recover my password, twice, but they didn't answer. Is there any alternative outside the booru project? and by alternative I mean free, I know the software is opensource and you can host it on a paid server. >>724316 Really? which boorus were taken down
>>724341 See this post from the last GamerGate thread >>723747 for some context, the boorus that were taken down were the two that hosted the art that was made on cuck/v/'s drawthreads over the past decade (including some art of Vivian from the early days of GG).
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>>724311 other possibility instead of shimmie2 could be the horsefag's https://github.com/derpibooru/philomena the tag system is different allowing for spaces but separating tags with "," so for example "tag_1, tag 2, t a g _ 3" filters by those three tags, it seems like a good alternative >>724323 >maybe hydrus could do it. that's why i made a post on /t/'s hydrus thread to see if they can lend a hand i've also informed /loomis/ over at https://anon.cafe/loomis/res/1536.html and codex and co over at >>>/site/7283 pics related are the looks of shimmie2 and philomena, so you know what they are, i personally fancy philomena >>724341 >Is there any alternative outside the booru project? so far i found shimmie2 the one i linked on op, philomena and danbooru and its forks like https://github.com/Iratu/atfbooru
>>724329 don't forget about the source info which says from which board it originated
>>724324 Problem is it doesn't download child posts, so stuff like many comic pages, WIPs/sketches, and edits of a of template images will be lost
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>>724345 cap i did of the post you linked to post it over at cafe/loomis since spoilers don't let you see them unless you mouse over them
>>724348 I hate the horsefag booru, its search is so obtuse to use this rudimentary booru system that most boorus have is flawed, but it works for what we have since its pretty simple, I don't see why we can't just have a gelbooru clone with >our own hosting instead of relying on them, assuming that the gelbooru code is out there ofc
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>>724311 I've seen warnings about this for ages, yet only now does it actually happen and the circumstances required only one butthurt faggot to accomplish it if that is to be believed. Those booru project policies didn't exist until later so how do we know moving the content to something else won't end up the same way? Better yet, how do you even move that much stuff including the tags? And why do tards keep seething over drawings?
>>724359 nothing on the internet is safe forever, but if anons archive and back up things on their end, it at least increases redundancy and resistance when such things go down also, if 8chan can host a streaming site, I don't see why it couldn't host a comparatively booru, which is way lower on bandwidth and storage requirements I'd imagine
>>724360 comparatively small*
Alright, let's talk plans and practical solutions. I think downloading the current contents and tags is more important, working through the replacement solution can happen after. What is a good way to bulk download a booru? >wget >Hydrus? >a booru scraper of some kind?
>>724360 >way lower on bandwidth and storage requirements I dunno, there's a awful lot on there. Tons of duplicates and near-duplicates. Tons of massive images that don't need to be PNGs taking up as much space as possible. It's not video hosting but it's still using significant storage I'd wager.
>>724364 Replying to my own comment, I know that a lot of boorus have an API you can use. For example Derpibooru and other Philomena-based boorus, I know how to use "Derpibooru Downloader" to scrape from those without touching a command line. Is anyone familiar with software like that which might work for Ourobooru?
>>724365 Nah, most boorus that aren't danbooru/gelbooru and the big ones take up less than 10-20 GB and even less in many cases Duplicate images don't mean much, I backed up 95% of the ourobooru on my old HDD (though it died literally a few months ago) and it did not take much space at all
>>724370 Hydrus. Like I said hydrus is what moved all the pictures from the previous booru to the one we use now with all the tagging intact, and rather painlessly at that. I'd have done it myself if knew how to get it to work on my machine.
>>724364 the booru downloader that >>724324 suggested is good for backing up most of it, but it misses the child posts is the problem
>>724364 >>a booru scraper of some kind? there is this https://bionus.github.io/imgbrd-grabber/
>>724376 did it keep the sources as well?
>>724377 oh shit child post will be an issue
>>724390 When I scrape stuff off gellbooru it makes a convenient link to both the gelbooru source and to other supported sources like pixiv. If your source is dicks.com then it doesn't appear, but I imagine it might be saved somewhere.
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Not sure how to use Hydrus to scrap off the posts including parent and child posts from the booru.
>>724397 https://github.com/CuddleBear92/Hydrus-Presets-and-Scripts/tree/master/Downloaders If it isn't a community downloader here then it might range from mild tweaking to lern2script.
>>724397 i asked about it on /t/'s hydrus thread
>>724397 I'm already backing up all the normal posts on ouro right now, but yeah, I dunno a solution, unless anons are autistic enough to manually check every single image for parent-child images I wouldn't mind checking a few thousand myself if necessary and anons could divide up the work (i.e. one anon checks pages XX-XX, another anon checks pages YY-YY) but it'd be nice if it were automated.
>>724352 So is there more images than the the 22476 because of child posts and edits? Because thats what i'm getting from ourobooru
>>724405 yes that seems to be the case
>>724405 Yes, there are.
>>724403 >I'm already backing up all the normal posts on ouro right now Does Ouro have everything saved from 8-booru.booru.org?
>>724409 no, it has a lot, but not everything
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I'm gonna confess to some technical incompetence on this one. I have no fucking idea how Boorus or their software work. How is it that some company can "get rid of" one? Are they all hosted together on a corpo site, but user-managed like Wikia is/used to be? Who runs ourobooru?
>>724407 >>724408 That sucks i'm getting vidyart2 but if its not getting child posts and shit like that i will need a better alternative,i'm not sure how open source img grabber is else i could try finding someone that could add a few tweaks on it
>>724324 >>724377 >>724389 Ok, I installed Imgbrd-grabber and am getting it configured. Reading through the documentation, is there not a way to write all the tags and metadata to a separate file for each image? All I can see is how to write the tags into the filename, and/or embed the tags as exif data into the file itself. YT-DLP, the youtube downloading command line utility, lets you enable saving metadata to a json file next to the video file. Makes it easy to parse later on.
>>724413 The normal boorus use a free service called the booru project.
>>724413 dunno who "runs" ourobooru per se since its probably a local owner, but it was created on the booru project >wikia that's a good analogy, yes Here's their TOS, and sort of an explanation for their shit https://booru.org/tos https://booru.org/tos
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>>724410 Well this will sound retarded because grabber doesn't collect every child post as you mentioned at >>724352 and Hydrus seems more fit for grabbing everything, but is there a solution where one could just use Hydrus to get the child posts and use the Grabber for normal things?
>>724420 I don't know, because afaik there isn't really an easy way to "know" which images have child posts outside of clicking on them since they aren't connected to the normal tagging system afaik (or at least, nobody ever bothered to do that) There might be one way to know out there, but I don't know of it
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>>724418 OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE How could people not have learned in 2014 alone that you never depend on some upstream franchising shit like this. Wiki fucked GamerGate out of our first Wikia wiki that way. Now I'm only shocked something like this didn't happen sooner. There's nothing we can do on this kind of short notice, but get anons archiving everything off that booru. I see one or two people are already trying, so see if you can get ten more. If we have everything archived then we can take that data from anons later and maybe make something for the community.
>>724413 I think that's basically it yeah, a vps with the booru web server already set up that you can only manage via a web ui.
>>724422 Is there a tool Hydrus uses similar to Dupeguru where it detects a similar or duplicate image you have saved? I'm using the grabber until I understand Hydrus enough to use it
>>724425 In this case, the people who ran the booru project seemed practically absent, so this kind of came out of nowhere they (the booru project people) didn't seem to give a fuck since the project was first created and a lot of their site hasn't even been updated, people thought it was just like "whatever, I can do what I want I guess"
>>724428 Yes it can filter duplicates, it presents them to you in an A/B manner and presents adequate information and options. It's under pages > new special page > duplicates processing. Set it to 8 or something so it can capture the most disalike images, things like censor bars or mosaics.
is Hydrus even aware of the child posts' existence so it can download them to begin with? Booru grabber is not, at least not without having the links to each child post to begin with (impossible without looking through them manually, unless there is some way to do so)
>>724429 Which makes me think someone got directly in contact with whoever run that,the owner might have gotten scared seeing the shit going with kiwifarms,many possibiltiies but what we can do is to try to get what we can. Which make me think that we really not only need to do this but we need to find a way to start optimizing our methods to archive shit offline, we get to moments like this and we barely have good options on what to use
>>724432 From using it the past 16 months, I can tell you hydrus relies on downloader modules for things like that. You can probably add in the functionality, but maybe someone added it in to other booru downloaders and you can bodge something together, I'm not sure since I never relied on the parent/child system. In the duplicates filtering system there is an option to tag two images as related but not duplicates, so once you do grab it it may be possible to link them. Never saw that functionality on the other side in the image browser though. I'm also 99% sure it's unreasonable to pull annotation tags for things like translations.
As a testing example, did Hydrus grab the child posts under this automatically without having to manually put in the link? https://ourobooru.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=21930 This is the link to the edits under that parent post: https://ourobooru.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=parent:21930 The booru grabber is not normally aware of these edits' existence, at least the last time I used it (months ago) to do this
I'm currently doing a bulk download via imgbrd-grabber. Filename format: %md5% %all%.%ext% Better than nothing I guess.
>>724433 When I first heard of hydrus I thought it was very bloated, but it at least did most of the job I wanted it to. I kept thinking that maybe some kind of filesystem that integrates tagging would be more flexible and unix-like.
>>724441 I'm doing the same, it's definitely better than nothing It will get most of the posts, there's probably several hundred, maybe a thousand child posts, definitely unlikely to be much more than 5% of the books Still though, save what you want, and look at whatever your favorite arts/comics are in the booru and see if they are a parent post to other pages or things like that
>>724311 The best tool for booru archival is gallery-dl, but it needs a little setup for booru.org sites. I don't have the time to handhold, but in order to get it working with *.booru.org you have to set up a config file with this snippet in it: https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl/commit/595bdaa4bee5c9dd0b5e5849054a87a08f345c3d You're supposed to be able to force an extractor by putting it before the URL which would allow easy archival without a config file but that doesn't work for me. You may have better luck, but I had to follow the above instructions. Also be sure to enable writing metadata for tags/siblings/parents/etc in the config, or just use the --write-metadata flag if you're lazy. Then just run (assuming your config automatically picks up, if not add -c /path/to/gallery-dl.conf): seq -f 'https://ourobooru.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=%g' 1 25000 | gallery-dl -i - I have started downloading, good luck to everyone else archiving.
>>724448 I'm going to check up tomorrow and isee if i can make it work
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>>724311 >it seems the booru project is seeking to get rid of ouroboor
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The 4cuck thing happened entirely because some sperglord was called out for requesting the same things over and over so he attacked their boorus as "revenge" or something. Requestfags are the scum of the Earth. That said, I'm not sure if OP is right. There's no evidence they're coming after the ourobooru, unless the /aco/ requestfag starts mass reporting all boorus at which point they'll probably ignore him.
>>724481 >>724481 Got an Archive? I want to see how it went down.
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>>724425 I wish I got half the enthusiasm that's in this thread than what I got in the the booru thread back in 2019 on vch. There was no viable alternative offered, and virtually no initiative was taken by anyone to do anything. The options were to do literally nothing, make my own server (to this day I am still near tech illiterate), or bite the bullet and use the booru project. I explicitly mentioned lolicon was officially forbidden when I linked it as an option, but objections to using the site were mild at best and at worst accepting of this compromise if it meant free hosting. No other option was really presented anyway, so I went with it. >>724448 Good on you anon, and everyone else archiving.
>>724483 Well no shit, humans are slow learners and usually only take action after something horrible happens an ounce of prevention is a pound of cure, but a lot of people can't be assed to do the former There wasn't really an alternative existing and our own site was pretty fucked in that time anyways, but now that we have our own site, and signs that things can actually be done here (like the streaming platform), things are looking up imo
>>724483 >make my own server (to this day I am still near tech illiterate) Give it a try with some off the shelf vps like vultr, as long as it isn't spicy stuff you can at least try making a simple website for about $7 a month. From there you can try learning to run a proper booru instead of just some html, and eventually use an old laptop as a server and try learning about hosting on tor or i2p without getting you or your users v&. https://landchad.net/ is something I've seen recommended as a tutorial.
>>724497 >eventually use an old laptop as a server and try learning about hosting on tor or i2p without getting you or your users v& Would a laptop with coreboot or libreboot affect the server?
>>724481 honestly people should be more careful around autists, if someone is autistic enough to keep requesting the same thing in every thread for months on end, you can be sure they will be autistic enough to try and ruin you with the same autistic vigor some people should just be left alone, like the witches in L4D
I'm going to pass. The only material that gets me off is sequential art for a handful of fetishes. Single images barely do anything these days.
>>724353 >rerequesting images mere hours after getting them is this some advanced OCD mental illness on drawfag threads?
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>>724448 I'm too stupid to use gallery
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>>724481 Just as /a/ was the best prepared for the collapse of 8chan. (smugloli was a bunker for YEARS), so to must we be similarly prepared for disaster!
>>724554 anyone else have an issue with 11 files "not found" on the server?
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>>724573 Nothing on my end.
>>724413 I only barely know how to use the Arch command line and have only done so with the wiki in front of me once. I just use Manjaro to get muh Arch experience minus the autism because I just want something that JUST WERKS that isn't Windows because Microsoft wants to turn us into serfs and I got sick and tired of forced updates and blue screens of death too. Haven't had those issues ever since and that's saying something because Manjaro has plenty of it's own problems, still a better experience non the less. Is this a confession booth now?
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>>724324 I am going to save vivian images with this, thanks.
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>>724441 You can always use "bulk file rename utility" after you finish, if you want to add number or anything. https://www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk/ %character% doesn't seem to work. Sadly. %num% is a better tag than md5 for differentiating files though, less shit in filename. Then i usually pack in cbz, but that's my thing.
>>724353 Are those two boorus lost forever? >>724311 Also where's the news about our booru in particular being targeted? And what about porn boorus?
>>724311 Also how are Danbooru and Safebooru weathering this storm? They seem to have that kind of risquè content as well. By the way fuck whoever decided that the entire thing must go down just for a couple of drawings.
Heads up for anons using the Grabber tool on the older 8-booru, I was able to scrap most of the stuff there but I noticed in the prompt after finishing that 11 files were identical and got overwritten.
https://github.com/reiuyi/list-of-boorus/blob/master/booru.org.md Here's a bunch of 'em if you wanna check them out >>724348 Inform 8chan's /loomis/ board and that artgain board they use just for drawthreads >>724375 In the event you want to de-duplicate them I suggest you guys use Dupeguru
>>724667 if they aren't reported by a spiteful autist they'll be safe, teh vidyart guys are supposedly making a new booru
>>724359 >Those booru project policies didn't exist until later so how do we know moving the content to something else won't end up the same way? You can never know if something is going to cuck out 10 years from now anon. Don't ask for the impossible. Ask for backup plans. >Better yet, how do you even move that much stuff including the tags? It's 20,000 files. I have 30k on my computer. Use Hydrus or something.
Been busy with Halloween and trying to debug the streaming site's performance issues, so I'm just now getting up to speed on this. Acid and I were discussing hosting a Booru about a year ago, but it got backburnered because we were spread thin (and still kind of are). What is your favorite booru engine? It seems like Danbooru is still updated. Looks like it's written in Ruby on Rails and the source is BSD licensed and receives updates. Gelbooru seems to have stalled in development about a decade ago and I can't even find the source. Stuff like PBooru (>>724488) is neat, but small projects like this tend to die and lose support. There's also no demo site to play with functionality and ensure it's reasonably bug-free. Are there any other alternatives that are being missed? Seems like the only option for something well-supported is Danbooru. We're not any less busy right now (if anything, we're more busy) but if there's a deadline then I can move this to the top of my project queue. If there's one thing I hate more than anything, it's content being lost forever. Ideally we would also do it in collaboration with the Ourobooru admin. If anyone has their contact info or knows how to get me in touch, I would appreciate it.
>>724481 >That said, I'm not sure if OP is right. There's no evidence they're coming after the ourobooru It only takes 1 report to be seen saying "This booru has a ton of loli and bestiality, nuke the whole thing." for it vanish into thin air. No doubt since this thread was created, there's people reporting ourobooru for the lulz already.
>>724677 Do booru admins still have the time to browse through the content before deletion?
>>724678 I have seen small boorus nuked for CP, rather than just the CP deleted. It's not far fetched that the same could happen here if the actions of a lone autist just took down a few boorus larger than ourobooru.
>>724667 Danbooru hides loli/shota behind a paywall (though their payment method has been broken for 6 months) or "contributing" to the site for several months so I'm not too worried about it getting fucked. Not an excuse to avoid archiving it though. I don't have a loli-capable account yet, but I'm grabbing everything else I can in the meantime. Lolibooru has a bot that takes posts on Danbooru tagged with loli and reuploads them, so I'm archiving that site with gallery-dl as well. >>724674 I think Danbooru would be fine. If you need what I've managed to scrape from ourobooru I'd be willing to help.
>>724680 >If you need what I've managed to scrape from ourobooru I'd be willing to help. Thanks. I'll definitely need help to make sure everything looks correct. Assuming you have a full backup, how big is it? Will help budget for disk space + overhead for growth.
>>724688 not him but my download of ourobooru images excluding child posts (which is again probably around 5% or less of the total images) is 16.5 GB, at most the booru in its current state won't take up more than 20 GB
Vidyart2 should take about 20 ~gb without the child tags, i might just try to find someone to code something more optimized or even to do a script on some program to do this
>>724320 >>724324 >>724364 >>724433 >we need to find a way to start optimizing our methods to archive shit offline You could also ask the Archive Team for help. I mean, shortly before Hispachan's closure they archived the whole site as you can see in https://archive.org/details/Hispachan2022 so I don't think they would have a problem doing the same with that and other Boorus. According to https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Archiveteam:IRC#ArchiveTeam_on_IRC they can be contacted by IRC. Without a doubt, it could be a great help to rescue a lot of content in a short time (especially if a site is at risk of being closed at any moment). >>724365 >Tons of duplicates and near-duplicates. Nothing that a proper use of hashes can't fix. >Tons of massive images that don't need to be PNGs taking up as much space as possible. Which can be solved with something like pngnq as demonstrated in >>>/site/6831. >>724443 >I kept thinking that maybe some kind of filesystem that integrates tagging would be more flexible and unix-like. Maybe something like http://tmsu.org/ ? It is not a filesystem as such (although it does allow mounting a virtual filesystem via FUSE) but it is quite flexible. >>724607 >Manjaro >JUST WERKS Choose only one. >>724679 >I have seen small boorus nuked for CP, rather than just the CP deleted. The same thing happened with krautchan.rip a few days ago. Apparently some asshole reported the site to AWS (the hosting where it was running) for some forgotten post with CP.
>>724713 I hoenstly was never one to use IRC so but i will try to, would be good if we could "partner" with archive to get better ways to make archival easier to do on an indivudal level, since as soon as any of us see something that would be worthy to archive i think we should do it.
>>724674 I'm quite partial to Philomena, the software that the horsefags created. But Danbooru is also fine. Whichever is easier and cheaper to maintain I suppose. Danbooru will have a wider install base for sure, and more people will be familiar with it (even though I prefer the interface and tag format of Philomena).
>>724688 >Assuming you have a full backup, how big is it? 19GB for Ourobooru. >>724713 >Nothing that a proper use of hashes can't fix. I doubt any booru would allow uploading files with the same hashes. If you mean a hash of the actual pixel data and not the bytes of the files themselves (i.e. identical PNGs with different compression) you could get rid of pixel duplicates though. >Which can be solved with something like pngnq PNG quantizers are lossy. If we're throwing keeping hashes the same out the window we might as well convert all PNG to a modern lossless format. I would say that instead of webp it would be better to wait until JPEG XL support is default on most browsers instead of a hidden option like it is right now, since it's the best new format and actually has a chance at becoming mainstream. If you don't mind me sperging about it, it's basically a highly efficient replacement for (A)PNG, GIF, and JPEG and each of those formats can be losslessly converted into a JPEG XL with a smaller filesize. Though using JXL would lead to double niggers running outdated software complaining about being forced to use an image format from this century. See this spreadsheet for a comparison of various lossless image formats: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ju4q1WkaXT7WoxZINmQpf4ElgMD2VMlqeDN2DuZ6yJ8
What does Sankaku COmplex use? Their site seems to be a bit more updated than danbooru
>>724787 Looks like Philomena might be more scalable. I'll poke around Danbooru and Philomena's code and communities today and see if there are any pain points with deployments.
>>724852 >scalability Who gives a fuck about that, the ourobooru will never have millions of images or people accessing it at the same time and the horsebooru search is autistic, danbooru/gelbooru is easier, familiar and convenient to use for what these kinds of boorus are
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Hey, hydrus developer here. I didn't see an ourobooru parser specifically on the shared repo, so here's a quick one. Experienced hydrus users know what to do with this. If you haven't heard of hydrus before but want to get into mass media management, please do come check out our Hydrus General on /t/ and my extended help and getting started guide, but it is a big program that can be overwhelming, so I recommend you don't rush into things. Hydrus is not for everyone. Hydrus cannot store 'this file is a child/parent of this file' information yet, so it cannot copy this from ourobooru. This downloader will get tags, post time, and a source URL (although this booru mostly does not have URL sources (here's an example of one that does, though https://ourobooru.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=15480 ). In hydrus terms, this booru actually has an explicit 'artist:' namespace, as here https://ourobooru.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=24021 . In order to increase 'preservation', I have not converted this to our more typical 'creator:', so this is something to keep in mind. The booru doesn't seem to support a pure wildcard '*' search (it actually gives a SQL error?), nor any metatags like "id>0", so if you want to scrape everything, add the scraper GUG I have attached and import it the normal way, then enter '0' as its search input. Let me know if you run into any trouble.
>>725063 Doing G*d's work.
>>725063 Noice
>>725063 I was getting "Cannot parse ouroboor.booru.org gallery page: Could not find a parser for orurobooru.booru.org gallery page URL Class" error when trying to use the scraper. I fixed it by deleting a booru.org url class I had installed previously. Just posting in case anyone else runs into the same issue.
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>>725063 >>725109 I hope someone understands all this.
>>725168 Hydrus is pretty overwhelming for a new user, I've been using it basically everyday for about 10 months and I still barely grok parsers and downloaders.
Is the ourobooru owner here? Can the ourobooro owner or admin make an easily downloadable archive? (maybe split into separate zips to make it easier to store)? Also, I imagine a script/webcrawler might be an easier alternative to downloading than doing it manually.
>>725168 Somewhat adept Hydrus user here. Here's what to do with those images. Save the images HydrusDev posted. Those are the config files needed for Hydrus to understand how to deal with Ourobooru. In Hydrus go to Network --> Downloaders --> Import Downloaders Follow the instructions on the window that opens (Drag and drop the images onto Lain's face). This will import the config into hydrus. Hydrus will give you some info on the downloader and ask for final confirmation to add to hydrus. Click yes and it will say it was successful. If you encounter an error you probably saved the thumbnail not the actual image. Now that the Ourobooru downloader is installed go to Pages --> New Download Page --> Gallery A new tab will open and from there you can choose the Ourobooru tag search (default is tbib.org search). Then just type your tag, press enter, any watch Hydrus grab everything with that tag. If you want to scrape everything, install the scraper the same way as above, open a gallery download page, select the ourubooru scraper, and enter 0 as your tag and it will grab everything it can. The Hydrus UI is pretty dense and complex. The getting started documentation is actually quite good. Check it out at https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/index.html There's also a Firefox extension called Hydrus Companion, which makes sending things directly from the browser to Hydrus much easier. However, it requires setting up the Hydrus API (see the documentation). Setting up the API is maybe not the most user friendly thing, but very much worth it in the long run. Hydrus Companion is at https://gitgud.io/prkc/hydrus-companion Regarding parent/child posts: There's really no easy way for hydrus to know what is a parent or child post. All that info is hiding in the Ourobooru database and without direct access to that there's not really any way to know. Ourobooru seems to allow searching them with the tag "parent:xxx" (where xxx is the post id. For example "parent:17884") The problem is that Ourubooru considers all posts to be a parent post, even if there are no child posts. So if you search with the parent tag whatever post ID you use will always give that ID as a search result. If there are no child posts all you get is whatever the ID you search is. But if there ARE child posts associated with that ID, then those will also appear in the search results. For example "parent:17884" will return two results, posts 17884 and 17883. But "parent:17883" will only return post 17883. It would definitely be possible (and quite insane) to just do a gallery search in Hydrus for "parent:1" then tag all the results within hydrus with the tag "parent:1". Then search and tag "parent:2" and so on until you go thru all possible IDs. This would allow you to preserve parent/child posts.... in a sense. It would be more akin to a Pool grouping like on e621. Not exactly the same, and also not ideal, but better than nothing. But there would be many thousands of posts with only one result. And child posts would be tagged with multiple parent:xxx tags. It would be a hell of a lot of manual work too. Perhaps someone smarter than me can figure out a way to automate using the parent:xxx tag to make something a bit less insane lol.
>>725245 Tagging 0 doesn't seem to work, so is score:0, but various ratings do. Don't know if it's a good idea to download everything, given that parent and child posts don't merge, but the thought is there
remember when sadpanda was down for a while but managed to change serves to a country with no anti loli laws? i wish that happened to booru or at least someone did their version of booru hosted in a country like moldova
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By the way be notified that grabber leaves tons of cache junk in itself, its as bad as a browser that has a history presetup of you visiting ALL the boorus. Its like i don't know, when you visit bunch of hentai websites (including even exhentai) and then don't clean history after yourself.
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I'm not sure where this panic is is coming from all of a sudden. Booru.org hasn't allowed loli for a very long time, iirc it didn't even allow it during the Infinity-Booru days. So hosting it on booru.org isn't any more of a risk than it ever was in the past. From what i've seen, they only seem to take boorus down if mods/admins actively dismiss reports of banned content or if said content takes up a significant portion of the content on the booru. Neither of which is the case for us since reporting stuff is pretty uncommon and I went through about 20 pages and didn't see an single explicit loli/shota pic. So from my point of view, I don't see Ourobooru in any immediate danger. Not that alternatives or backups shouldn't be used obviously, I'd very much like us to have a backup of everything, just that I'm confused as why everyone is freaking out right now about it.
>>725869 Literally 2 large boorus were taken down in the last few days
>>725869 2 boorus were nuked because some cuckchan faggot wasn't getting his requests done in drawthreads over there, so he reported the sites for wrongthink to booru.org.
>>725869 It would be good to have a independent booru anyway. I'm not sure how urgent these take downs are for us, but it happening is a sign it could happen to ourobooru in the future. Is 8moe going to host the booru now? Better than what we have now, but not ideal. Not great from a PR standpoint. I wish the webring could contribute to this somehow.
>>725965 >Not great from a PR standpoint. I wish the webring could contribute to this somehow. It sounds like a good idea to put the booru as a separate site on the webring. Just for that extra layer of redundancy and distance so that 8chan isn't directly liable for the content stored there. That being said, as long as this site carries the 8chan brand it's fucked from a PR standpoint anyways. The way I see it as soon as the wider internet realizes we exist, we'll get nuked just like Kiwifarms. Literally doesn't matter what content is on the site. I hope I'm wrong though. I want Max Revive to be a success.
I hate the Anti Christ and pretentious namefags, why can't I just enjoy cute Vivian's and loli PSvita tans in peace fellow /v/alkyries?
>>725890 >>725869 the panic came from the rerequesting fag in cuck/v/ draw threads, the autist who requested same girl again and again and after being told to fuck off, got pissy and reported the boorus. Then admins happen to take action against it. It happened so quickly and with so little effort it obviously warrants attention.
>>726039 Who said you can't? Too many walls inside your mind? Too many walls outside? Rains too many judas? Smoked too much of hag curation papyrus? Even greatest ideas flush down the toilet, don't expect judgement rain to last forever, it will switch its target of attention.
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So how many anons have backups? How do we put this in a non-booru project site that doesn't have such pissy admins? Have other boorus being warned of such threat?
Does anyone have those cuckchan booru backups? I'm guessing a lot of old art and shit was lost, would be nice to be able to access them and save some of the stuff >>726123 I've got an ourobooru backup (no child posts though), and the consoletan booru (again, no child posts sadly) >non-booru project site that's what we're figuring out, I think Acid and Codexx are thinking of what to do now >have other boorus been warned I don't think so, its probably a good idea for anons to backup any boorus they care about or might care about
>>726200 What other boorus are being used, the furry one has lots of loli right? They should be warned too. I don't know what ib they use. What are the cuckchan drawfags using for now to upload their shit? Assuming they aren't back up. We can contact them for some help.
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>0.001 days hours minutes seconds hummingbird wingbeats without shit being on fire
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>>725890 >2 boorus were nuked >>726349 Look at the bright side, you'll always on edge to brace for impact like its 9.11 all day every day. In no time that'll make you internet security and digital safety expert even though you never wanted to be one.
Any updates on this?
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Is there someone else archiving shit from sadpanda? We were really close to losing it once and i'm sure they will try again and again.
>>727014 It's a massive undertaking. If any one person wants to back up the whole panda, it'd have to be a richfag. Otherwise, anons are just going to save what they like as they want. Much the shit on the panda is trash anyways. Oh, and the latest update to save on ram usage has removed search result page numbers, so any kind of script reliant on them is now broken.
>>727018 Not as much as you'd think, images are not videos or anything, it would likely need only between 3-6 TB is my guess
>>726858 Got both 8booru & Ouro, but still possibly missing child posts
>>727112 Oh yeah, I forgot to say I have the vast majority of child posts saved from ourobooru. I'll have to sift through some big folders to find some of them though. I'm missing some child posts from /monarchy/ for sure, and maybe the odd /v/ or /monster/ pic, but it's mostly all there.
>>727133 Please post a link to your backup so >we can DL it, and also proofs if you can because its weird for a "vast majority" of child posts to be DL'd why not all of them then? If you know how to DL them all, you should be able to get all of them right?
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>>727188 Fist of the Northstar > JoJo
>>727140 It's scattered because I was the original uploader in most cases. Pictures I've uploaded are sorted by board, where both child posts and non-child posts are stored together. I'm certain of missing child posts from /monarchy/ because there's an uploader who diligently uploads art and edits from /monarchy/ without me having to save it and upload it myself (thanks for that btw). Here's some already sorted child posts: https://anonfiles.com/Fai2UbFcy2/acooking.tar_gz (the /a/nnual /jp/ cookoff photo collection from 2019) https://anonfiles.com/x5n6UdFayc/herodemonlord.tar_gz (comic from /monster/ about the Demon Lord being an obsessive stalker to the hero) I was planning on Slowly reposting them after we got a new website set up, but thinking about it, that might be pretty messy if child posts don't work the same way at the new place as they do on ouro.
>>727192 Part 2 is good though.
>>727194 >Pictures I've uploaded are sorted by board, where both child posts and non-child posts are stored together To be clear, I mean in folders on my hard drive with no metadata (like 90% of child posts aren't tagged anyway).
Did I just sage a sticky?
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>>727192 >thinking this is a competition >thing bad because too many people like thing
>>727217 I will admit, it's a lot harder for me to enjoy JoJo with what the community has become.
>>727274 Thats peak faggotry.
>>727274 >it's a lot harder for me to enjoy JoJo with what the community has become. Why do you pay them any attention? I didn't watch JoJo until many years after it became a normalfag anime meme. It had no impact on my experience.
>>727217 I'm gonna keep saying it, and you can't stop me.
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>>727274 Just ignore the (((fandom))) niggers who are only in it because it is popular and probably only watch it dubbed.
>>725869 > Booru.org hasn't allowed loli for a very long time, iirc it didn't even allow it during the Infinity-Booru days So an anytime they could nuke our booru if it struck their fancy Yeah, that's a landmine waiting to go off.
>>727274 Imagine being this weak-willed News flash faggot, normalfags are sheep who will consume anything that gets popular Jojo became popular in the west largely through imageboard memes, if you change your behaviors and tastes based on what normalfags like, you will end up liking nothing and being permanently unhappy
>>727018 >>727111 For the past 4 years i've been downloading and archiving most of the artbooks, vidya related manuals, doujinshis, manga and magazines both original and english translated. When it comes to doujins or manga i decided to have a standard in quality of the art since there is a lot of shit there. I've downloaded a lot of stuff that isn't on par with the rest just because of the historic significance of the work. Old stuff from the 80's or 90's that would be lost otherwise, parodies that otherwise i wouldn't care... If anyone knows of someone else willing to undertake the archiving of it, let me know.
>>727274 Stop immersing yourself in normalfaggotry and you won't even notice what niggercattle are into. I don't own any social media and i avoid meme culture like i avoid people. When board culture started sipping in onto social media sites like kikebook or forums it was all over. And that was around 2007/8.
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>>727274 To be honest jojo was always gay, everything gay turns to modern culture among youths, because its almost like all youths psychology is deadly tied to symposium/phaedo of socrates. Its just its different shades of gay. Part 1 was just a dracula story, but since part 2 it went greco/roman inspired subtle feminization vibes until it peaked at part 5. There's however huge difference between bara gayness of 2 and 4 vs twinks of 5 and after. I mean haven't you observed what thumblr did to jojo community? You say it "became" something yet its just your observation from perspective of an imageboard is not first hand.
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>>727192 If you follow that logic long enough you'll only love Shotaro Ishinomori and Go Nagai works.
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>>727495 You're saying as if that's a bad thing
>>727489 it may be gayness inside but it was only part of the reason it was became full blown meme gay. Its popularity was inevitable with the release of david pro anime but's fandom wasn't that obnoxious before. Kingu Crimson memes, kira Queen touched that post, Duwang, and its was I DIO, that was the extent. But when the normalfags karma hungry want-to-fit-in crowd joined it was EVERYTHING IS JOJO, oversaturation without rhyme or regard. That is the problem when something becomes popular. At best we can hope it quickly exits the mainstream window.
>>727014 I have considered it, but with image limits and such wildly varying quality I gave up before actually starting. I do save ones that I personally like, but I prefer standalone images over doujins and most artists I like have leaks on kemono with higher quality images anyway so I don't have a lot from panda.
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>>727566 Bands, popular music bands. Its the fucking bands.
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>>727489 >>727566 Jojo fandom wasn't even as obnoxious as it became. Same thing before Attack on titan had an anime. WWWRRYYYYY was one of the first memes back in the early cuckchan years.Same with duwang. People that enjoyed the series and were able to take it for what it was. They didn't "turn it" onto something. Western Niggercattle are cancer and just blindly consume the products, regurgitate the talking points and repost the memes until they take all the charm out of it. Previous fad was zombies and they beat that horse to death and beyond. Best desition you can make is distance yourself from normalfaggots as much as you can. >>727566 At least the loli/toddler content should be archived.
....So is anybody here willing to rent a VPS?
>>728267 Which would you suggest?
speaking of booruback ups here's some boorus i recommend some of you to save: https://fuck.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list https://fur.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list https://zerobooru.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list https://cute.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list BE QUICK BEFORE THEY DIE TOO >>but remember, the number counting images per tag or uploader might be inaccurate so some tag/user may have much more or less images than the numbers present a good way to see this is >check the last/latest page counting images from a tag or user >look at the url and the number generated by current page >then look at the present images for example https://fur.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=sonic&pid=320 url shows the number 320 and the pics available in total are 7 but the tag showcase at the left says "325" so it's not counting 2 other images this means that the image counter is incorrect and you need to pay attention to the url and images seen per page to figure out the real number >real number is 327 if any of these images are familiar, it's because i admit i am the anon that kept spamming those suspicious gofile links but as of now, most of those links are no longer working and i don't feel like reuploding those folders if anyone wished to see them, pray some other horndog has backed up the 6 folders and kept every single file in there
>>728457 <fuckbooru has 12k images <fur is 18k <rest two combine is 1.6k where are these from? are the cuckchan drawthreads doing anything to restore/create new booru?
>>728457 Any story behind those? Fuck looks like random mostly low quality porn. Zerobooru has some loli/shota porn in it so I can see why it's in danger. Furfags already have their own independent boorus that are fucking huge and well tagged, don't see the point in saving a random booru.org for them. Cutebooru seems to be some shotafag's personal dumping site for one specific character.
>>728399 I'm asking if anyone ITT is willing to spend money for a server, otherwise this thread is basically over and were stuck on the old site.
>>728829 I assume we're still waiting for an update from Acid and Codexx on any possibilities, and people are still talking about backups, child posts, and other shit Personally, I think someone should archive the consoletan booru with all the child posts. I only have a backup without the child posts.
There were some additional hurdles this weekend (both technical and in real life) but progress has been made. Could anyone with a backup reach out to me directly? I'd like to see about automatically importing backed up data and giving the new site a test drive before opening things up. I can be reached at codexx (at) cock (dot) li or you can join #8ksux on Rizon and ask for me.
Edited last time by codexx on 11/07/2022 (Mon) 09:14:46.
>>728956 Should I resticky this?
>>728956 Do you have a PGP key?
>>729017 Editing because it's easier than toggling capcode.
Edited last time by codexx on 11/07/2022 (Mon) 14:49:32.
>child posts Any links to a parent/child pair? I've been clicking posts that look like they should be grouped together as parent/child and haven't found a single one.
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>child posts
>>729115 You were this slow to make that joke about children posting. Fasten next time.
archiving this one could be good as well 8-booru.booru.org
>>729162 Saving the children isn't rape-correcting them, pervert
>>729122 When I started lurking boorus I unironically thought "child posts" meant CP, I know, I'm retarded
>>729122 He made the same joke a few days ago but was deleted for it because he was posting in his usual (((lowercase pedophile))) way.
>>729247 nsfw pic on a sfw board. Unspoilered. Well you are very new arent you?
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>>729251 I've never understood the autism about spoilering nsfw images. Are there seriously people browsing at work?
>>729262 I sometimes browse at college or other public places.
>>729262 Sometimes I browse at college and when I'm travelling on bus.
>>729262 I don't get it either. Seems like well-deserved Promotions™
>>729262 >>729272 >>729273 >>729320 /v/ is set up as a "work safe" board and always has been, spoiler your shit.
>>729334 >agree with you >still tag me are you dense.
>>729334 I agree with you, why the fuck did you (you) me?
>>729334 >It is this way because it is this way, don't you dare question the rules wew
>>729339 You have to go back.
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Sorry for the lack of updates; it has been a busy week. There are a few more tweaks to make, but I expect to have GOOD NEWS SOON!
>>731838 Excellent.
>>731838 Neat, although I have to keep the thread unpinned till after demo day.
>>731838 >soon
>>731838 >two more weeks :^)
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>>731838 >(6 days ago)
>>736002 It hasn't been two weeks yet! :^)
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Talking about imageboards, what's exhentai entrance nowadays anyway? I seem to neither getting sadpanda nor complete lockdown, just a white page. Leveled 100 levels in hentaiverse even for credit points. Shit's got stupidly easy to level nowadays. I know there's certain "years of service" limit also, but what was it?
cuckchan also has missing/broken mega links in some generals, probably reported by the same fag that helped take down some boorus simply banning him from posting isn't enough, he should be barred from even viewing these sites (like exhentai) so he stops reporting links that people use sites that archive threads and shit are another thing to worry about but that's more on cuckchan's side of things if this comes off as "anti free speech", these fags are snitches and by reporting shit to booru and mega, they are getting companies to do shot against us
>>736494 You cannot ban one person on multiple websites, baka. Especially with this "some cuckchanner" shitpost. Cuckchan has loli/shota on /b/, sometimes /d/ and /y/ has shota at trap threads. Its not clean from what you believe they're "banning" either. Drawing policing problems, man.
>>736519 /d/ usually banned lolis if the mods got a whiff of them (i.e. in the OP of a thread, or if someone reported them or they were browsing it)
>>736585 glad your attitude wasn't as prevalent as it is here back when GG discussion was the thing being nuked.
>>736592 its most likely niggerpill with that "might as well give up" line, don't reply, just report and ignore
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>>736593 I am not a nigger. I always compared my own addiction to shota to milk. But nowadays i'd rather go for a milkshake than worry about fucking drawings. I am done worrying about them, that's all. Go cold, into blue, than into black.
>>736822 I remember when John Kelly made some ads saying something along the lines of "My name is John Kelly, you know who I am. Stand up for your rights and..." yatatatata
>>736834 Mark really does look like a FtM tranny I would a Mannpussy
>>736829 oh, it's in the thread
>>736822 Has this been confirmed?
>>736822 go away josh
>>736468 go to exhentai, open the left/right click menu, click view page info click the security tab, click view cookies, select teh cookie that on the right says "yay" and delete it and it alone, close those windows and reload, should be it honestly
>>737266 Nah man, that's just how you remember it. I too did that, doesn't do jack shit nowadays. Fuck it.
>>737269 I got a blank page too but I just logged back in e-hentai forums and waited about 2 days and it worked
>>737269 I use some placebo browser plugin to log in, 25% of the time it works every time.
>>737270 >logged back in e-hentai forums and waited about 2 days If that's about leaving cookies on for 2 days i am out.
Any new news? I know the site's been shitting itself so that probably caused some delays, but it would be nice to get another update.
>>737639 Here's the rundown: The site is up and (mostly) configured. I have a sample of a full scrape which I am using to write a script, which I will provide to someone with a full backup. I haven't had a chance to work on the script because of the issues this week and some pre-holiday stuff on top of my normal weekday schedule. If anyone has a backup and would like to write their own upload script, you can reach out to me by e-mail so I can provide you with unmetered upload rights. I plan to launch this weekend regardless, I was just hoping to have most of the content already mirrored.
I'm confused why this thread is still stickied. The OP isn't even true, booru.org isn't looking to get rid of the ourobooru.
>>738824 The booru project admins proved to be faggots, so they shouldn't be trusted, they could kill it in any moment. >I'm confused why this thread is still stickied I asume Codexx is giving news anytime soon.
>>738824 >booru.org isn't looking to get rid of the ourobooru. They're looking to get rid of anything hosting loli/bestiality and other "fringe" content. It just takes reporting by someone. Basically, Ourobooru is in a state of limbo where it exists freely only so long as the people in charge aren't paying attention, the same as with Jim being unaware of loli on 8chan. And Jim had dementia, so making him aware of things was significantly harder.
Waiting on a full set of json files from a backup. Hoping to have the site mirrored and up tonight, minus child posts.
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>>739653 Link when?
>>739722 I don't like this image, it's shitpost aura mocks me.
I'm very close, but encountered an issue with something. Working to fix it ASAP, but I'm waiting to hear back from someone for clarification.
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I haven't added any new art in weeks thinking this whole time the new booru was only two days away for twenty-three days. Please tell us if this will take a while.
>>740643 I'm working on a configuration error on the server side. Thanksgiving will probably delay things at least a day. I'm hoping to have it up over the weekend, but I don't have an ETA on this configuration problem. I'll update again when it's just the upload script that's left.
>>740918 Anything new yet? The ourobooru has been on hold for art for a while, this is kinda getting ridiculous. >>740643 Maybe just add them to it for now, just re-add them to the new one when it comes around and keep them in a separate folder, since anons not knowing about new art and being able to access and post it hurts the boards
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>>743126 I'll start drip feeding some. How many boards actually know what's happening anyway?
>>743294 Who knows honestly
>>743294 Post the baby
>>724311 wtf rule64 2.0
>>743126 Thanksgiving slowed me down, but I'm just messing with the upload script. Should be in the final stretches.
>>743844 Sweet, finally.
Today's issues have delayed things a little but I am still working on it.
>>724311 literally who? and why should i care we don't have places to store memes or something, i do hope nothing threatens gelbooru though, they're the least obnoxious weeb image host after sunckucku decided to be jews
>>744888 Can >we have some screenshots or something as proof that progress is being made?
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>>747270 The uploads are done. I'm working with the developers to chase down some configuration issues. Pic related. The software has minimal documentation, but a lot of settings to override, so managing them has been a process. Also, if any drawfags would like to make a logo or a favicon, I will figure out how to set those as well.
>>747642 >uploads are done The script* is done. I'm adjusting the configuration before uploading everything to prevent issues.
>>747642 This might be a bit much, but do you mind copying the original dates over?
>>747703 I'd like to do that, but it's going to require database tinkering. I'm hoping to just get the site live and then return to the issue later when I can familiarize myself with their schema. Board tags are also going to be changed; they cannot begin with a '/' and there's no way around that, so I'll be stripping the slashes in the interim. Child posts will also need to be manually corrected; it's possible to automate uploading them, but none of the scrape data has those relations saved.
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>>747642 >>747738 >>747739 Is the snek logo acceptable?
>>747869 I like it. It's a cute snek and at least this one's not sucking its own dick.
>>747715 >but none of the scrape data has those relations saved I was never able to find any parent/child pairs on the original site. Are they invisible or did nobody care to use them when uploading?
>>747921 If you use https://ourobooru.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=parent: And put the image post number, it will show you the parent-child posts of that post number e.g. https://ourobooru.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=parent:21930 problem is that I don't think there is a way to automate searching for that
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>>747715 Can it swap forward slashes with fake forward slashes like this: ∕ v ∕
(757.01 KB 380x240 ouroboros animation.webm)

That video didn't load in some browsers.
>>748317 >>748325 looks creepy as fuck and unsettling
Status Update >Logos and Favicon Got some excellent contributions and have uploaded some. This turned into a bit of an ordeal, but I managed to get it working with some duct tape. >Configuration Issues Somehow, things like "minimum number of tags" and "copyright requirement" are hardcoded. I'll fork the engine to fix this, but the build process hasn't always worked correctly so I'm not sure I'll have it overwritten on launch. I'm talking to the devs about it. >File Mirroring Been wrestling with the configuration issues and some real life stuff. I'm just going to mirror whatever I can and open things up, probably this weekend. I need moderators who can oversee the site and make sure new images receive approval. Ideally, I would like the former ourobooru admin and any volunteers there to take over. If that's you, please contact me at codexx (at) cock (dot) li and I will help you get set up with an account before launch. Basically, expect a soft launch this weekend unless things go tits up. There will still be some kinks, but I will continue to work on them until things are stable.
>>750130 >"minimum number of tags" and "copyright requirement" are hardcoded God this is stupid. Is there no open source booru software with common sense?
>>750141 Apparently not. I'll probably write up a blog post about the entire ordeal. My desk gained a new forehead-shaped dent in it this month. Philomena is a shitshow and the devs are unreachable. No documentation exists, and their docker container doesn't work out of the box. Gelbooru doesn't seem to have an active source release anywhere I could find, let alone active developers. I was told by one admin that Danbooru is the most modern iteration of the Danbooru/Gelbooru projects. Most other booru projects were splinters (for example, a Philomena rewrite in Ruby on Rails) or otherwise so small they couldn't be relied upon for developer support. That said, I'm not ludicrously happy with Danbooru. A lot of stuff is hardcoded that shouldn't be. The logos were a pain because you have to "compile" them. Why? Who knows. Their own install is heavily customized, so despite offering a Docker container, you still need to play with a million settings to get a sane experience. And aside from the default config file they provide you (that doesn't load by default), there's no clue that a setting even exists unless you ask or dig through their code. It's going to be a learning experience for all of us.
>>750130 The guy who owned the last one should be fine shouldn't he? I think he's been posting in this thread already.
>>750160 I believe he has been, but we haven't been in touch directly. If anyone has direct contact info for him, I can reach out myself.
Edited last time by codexx on 12/09/2022 (Fri) 16:17:27.
Thank God that Hydrus dev has the common sense to allow negative only searching. So many searching tools seem to only allow you to enter a blacklisted tag/term if you also enter some other positive tag/term. This functionality makes it really easy to find things that are missing namespaces that ought to apply to all files, such as the namespace for whether or not something is explicit.
>>748325 >>748596 Looks like something out of an adult swim bump. Someone should start a webm thread or a video project to make more adult swim style /v/ or 8chan bumps, I miss those.
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>>750130 Just sent an email, do you want any verification I'm the guy?
>>750976 Sent you an e-mail. Once you verify, I will get the ball rolling. Thanks for getting in touch.
We're in touch. I unfortunately need to head out for a bit, but when I return tonight I will finish off the upload script (need to account for some differences in Gelbooru -> Danbooru labeling) and then I'll let 'er rip.
>>751147 since I'm already set up, would it be fine if I started uploading new stuff?
>>751725 That should be fine. The order of previous uploads won't be preserved anyways. I spent a couple hours fixing up the script yesterday but I think I'm in the final stretch. Not sure how much time I will have until Wednesday but I will see about squeezing it out.
>>751866 The page numbers aren't clickable and the shortcuts don't work. are the 20 tags minimum and tagging the copyright "requirements" staying?
>>743294 A few. /monster/ knows about it at least.
>>752504 >page numbers aren't clickable Weird, it defaulted to having too many pages and now it has too few. This is a bug. >tag minimums and copyright No, but they're hardcoded so I need to play with it. In the interim, I think you can upload/approve posts even if they violate the "requirements", so just disregard the warnings.
>>752733 Page numbers might update within the next day. The post counts are a rough estimate because the database doesn't keep an exact count. If it doesn't update then I will have to investigate further.
>>728457 fuck it, i'm bringing back the gofile files but only because it's christmas eve and some anon on /b/ wanted a second chance at grabbing this shit https://gofile.io/d/hwO1P1 https://gofile.io/d/QISQrM https://gofile.io/d/1CWxHR again, these folders have a lot of nsfw and sfw art that could satisfy some fetishes and they're not organized feel free to back this shit up or to ignore it if you don't trust these links at all i won't do this again next year
>>753637 thank you anon
>>753637 were these the same ones you posted on all the boards?
>>754340 >>753637 and if so, weren't there 6 folders originally?
We're approaching 2 months of booru limbo. Wouldn't it be fine to open the site for a beta test? It's already in a better state feature-wise than the old booru, and as long as the server can handle the slow traffic along with the meager image amount it's ready to go.
>>755027 Yeah sure. https://ourobooru.art/ I don't think e-mail is configured so don't lose your password. I have no idea how to reset it manually yet. The script to back everything up is like 95% done, I just keep getting curveballs thrown at me. Streaming site shit the bed this weekend so I'm trying to get it duct taped together. I'll try to spend an hour or two on it ASAP.
>>755104 All we need is a hydrusanon to dump the archive and we're golden.
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>>727495 Don't forget Ishikawa
>>755216 I've got a dump with JSON metadata, and the script I wrote it just using that to pull from the original site. The person who gave me the dump has all the actual files as well, in case the site gets nuked in the interim.
>>755313 So are you going to dump it soon?
>just got a cloudflare error message Are there any other protections besides cloudflare? Because they will cave to public pressure if the booru gets targeted.
>>755499 Soon. Holidays have really wrecked my schedule. This was all supposed to be done by Thanksgiving. >>756474 We have options if it comes to that, but I'm not terribly worries about it. Not unless they start systematically removing sites with any loli content.
>>758276 Do you have a time frame? Should I expect nothing until next year? Two weeks from now? >I'm not terribly worries about it This has a decent chance of developing into a crisis on it's own down the line. What makes you so sure cloudflare won't ever drop the site? I thought 8moe had robust ddos protection apart from cloudflare, so why not the booru?
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>Error 503 Backend fetch failed >Backend fetch failed >Guru Meditation: >XID: 1769612 >Varnish cache server I don't know if this is my internet or the server but uploading files above one megabyte often gets this error. Are you able to upload vids related?
>>760179 I'll check it out. I have a feeling there's a setting that needs tweaking. >>759341 I'm hoping to have a chance to wrap it up this week. > What makes you so sure cloudflare won't ever drop the site? I'm not certain they won't, I just think it's lower-risk given the name isn't the same and the affiliation is loose. If they do punt it, we can put it behind our proxies. But I wouldn't want an attack on the main site to impact booru users. I'll talk to Acid and see how he feels about expanding the proxies to cover multiple different backends. We're still building out tooling to make managing them easier.
>>760179 >>760312 Seems like it's timing out. I'm conferring with the devs to see why this would happen.
>>760179 Okay should be fixed. Try it from your end?
>>760358 Nevermind, I'm retarded.
>Gateway time-out Error code 504 >SSL handshake failed Error code 525 >Web server is returning an unknown error Error code 520 The website really struggles at times. >>760317 The smaller video got uploaded without issue but the bigger 6.8 mb one spits out this wall-of-text-error: >Upload failed: ffmpeg failed: ffmpeg version 5.1.2 Copyright (c) 2000-2022 the FFmpeg developers built with gcc 12 (Ubuntu 12.2.0-3ubuntu1) configuration: --disable-ffplay --disable-network --disable-doc --enable-libvpx --enable-libdav1d libavutil 57. 28.100 / 57. 28.100 libavcodec 59. 37.100 / 59. 37.100 libavformat 59. 27.100 / 59. 27.100 libavdevice 59. 7.100 / 59. 7.100 libavfilter 8. 44.100 / 8. 44.100 libswscale 6. 7.100 / 6. 7.100 libswresample 4. 7.100 / 4. 7.100 Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from '/tmp/RackMultipart20221231-909-o3vny4.mp4': Metadata: major_brand : isom minor_version : 512 compatible_brands: isomiso2avc1mp41 encoder : Lavf58.45.100 Duration: 00:00:38.27, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 1411 kb/s Stream #0:0[0x1](und): Video: h264 (High) (avc1 / 0x31637661), yuv420p(progressive), 1278x718 [SAR 1:1 DAR 639:359], 1398 kb/s, 30 fps, 30 tbr, 15360 tbn (default) Metadata: handler_name : VideoHandler vendor_id : [0][0][0][0] Stream #0:1[0x2](und): Audio: aac (LC) (mp4a / 0x6134706D), 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp, 4 kb/s (default) Metadata: handler_name : SoundHandler vendor_id : [0][0][0][0] Stream mapping: Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (h264 (native) -> png (native)) Press [q] to stop, [?] for help . Also: >AI generated images are currently pending approval I don't really don't know if those should be permitted or not. I have myself uploaded some AI art before, but they were templated off of 8chan affiliated drawings.
>>760458 I can't say I've run into any of those errors when playing with the site. The worst-case I've had is the slow reboot times, which is admittedly painful. >ffmpeg errors I'll try to diagnose. I think they bundled their own version of FFMPEG so it's possible it's not configured properly. At least it's not timing out now. >I don't really don't know if those should be permitted or not. As far as I'm concerned, the inclusion of AI is up to the booru admin. I have no issues hosting it, but would prefer the model be included with each listing. I think Danbooru has a category tag for that.
>>760458 >>760462 Also wanted to add that I do appreciate the bug reports. I'm sorry the software has some rough edges, but I'll keep working on it.
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What're anons' opinions on AI art on ourobooru? The barrier to entry is cash in instead of talent, so it may be produced en masse. There's an anon on /loli/ making high quality AI art in an unusual style on the regular who has some art on the new booru. Would anyone really care so long as it's properly tagged as AI generated and people don't upload loads of garbage? He seems to be concerned that people wouldn't want AI art on there. >>760312 >>760314 Make sure when you can finally dump that it's staggered a bit. Wouldn't want to DDoS the site with a mass upload.
>>760467 The dump should be fine since it will process each request individually before moving onto the next. I'm more concerned with the drive space allocation. Will need to keep an eye on space usage. It's already a bit higher than expected and I'm not sure if that's just installation cruft or if the small number of existing uploads is taking up more space than anticipated.
>>760480 There were early concerns about capacity >>724365 which were immediately dismissed. This new booru adds video support (which previous booru lacked) thus a much larger burden to capacity. There is no shortage of video OC that could be uploaded to this booru so if capacity is a concern already I strongly suggest you disable video uploads before your disk usage runneth over. Another thing I noticed, the old booru didn't have sample images. Only thumbnails were generated per post. You didn't have to click "view original" every single time to get past a sample image. It'd just show you the source image immediately which is most likely what you wanted. Samples could reduce bandwidth use since people aren't on there loading the full image every time, but I don't think anyone actually wants samples. I only see Anons get bullied for saving samples since they didn't save the full resolution. I can see those samples needlessly increasing disk usage with every post.
>>760595 the only time samples are acceptable is when the image is over a certain filesize imo, like 8 MB or larger for example
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>Gateway time-out Error code 504 for this video here
I have a couple of questions: Do unposted uploads take up server space? Would it be difficult to add new tag categories? Pic related. >move the 'animu' tag from the meta category to the copyright category in one image <all images with the the 'animu' tag now have the tag in the copyright category Is that a permanent feature, or is it just for setup? Is there an option to allow people without accounts to tag/upload? Not that I'd want that this instant if the site isn't ready for it.
>>761089 Categories are a bit weird. They're coded in a config file but the software is sorta set up to expect certain ones. I can rename copyright to board and plan to, so keep using it for now. In fact, renaming is easier than creating a new category. Unposted files probably consume some space, yes. But the software does also resolve duplicates fairly well. I don't think anonymouse uploads are available, since every upload is tied to an account. Requiring registration will help deter spam, too.
>>760595 Additionally regarding samples: on this newer booru software can make the thumbnails really big so why do you need samples? Its not like having small thumbnails where you can't see what the image is and have to click it to find out. If you click on one of these huge thumbnails odds are you know what the image is and want the full image. Samples are basically a second thumbnail barrier to entry and I still think they are a waste of space. I don't know if you can disable samples, but they seem superfluous to the goal of image hosting when you have huge thumbnails already.
Does this three day rule apply universally? Will anons have to approve all the thousands of images that will be dumped from the old booru?
>>761828 Weirdly, I think having the Owner account bypassed this requirement. Assuming you're the Admin, I'm surprised it is imposing it on your. Worst-case, I'll just write a script that approves everything I upload. We should come up with guidelines on who has moderation privileges so you're not alone in approving items. You should be able to upgrade users as well, although there's a large number of default roles and I'm not 100% clear on the distinctions between them. The wiki on Danbooru might help. At some point, I should probably manually pork a bunch of their wiki pages over. Why they hardcoded all this shit and then didn't auto-populate the wiki, I don't know.
>>761896 > Assuming you're the Admin The uploader was not, and neither am I.
>>761916 I will need to look more into what permission level bypasses the approval requirements.
>>763432 the tradition lives on
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>>760312 >I'm hoping to have a chance to wrap it up this week. You can do it!
>>763503 Anon, it's already been a week since that post. You think he can time travel?
>>763629 That's the joke
Anything new on the site project front?
>>763718 Oh, I'm fucken dumb.
>pictures with the furry tag are automatically hidden if rated anything other than general Cool feature. I'm getting the feeling I have a lot to learn about how this site runs.
>>763947 I've been trying to fix the streaming service. Apologies. >>764746 I was surprised to see that's a default. You can set a custom tag blacklist if you're logged in from your user settings page.
>>764835 Is the dumping of the archive the top priority, or is there something you're working on first? If the dumping could happen now, I'd really like that.
>>766060 Streaming site is #1 because maintaining two servers while in transition is costly. Booru dump is #2 on my list.
>>766109 >maintaining two servers while in transition is costly. maybe stop being a tranny faggot
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>>766118 I lol'd
So, how's the streaming coming along?
>>724510 Why would you use memeshit like coreboot or libreboot if you're this illiterate? No, it wouldn't affect the server
>>768023 Streaming site is fixed (for now) so I'm turning my attention back to the booru.
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Uhh, did that content migration ever happen or is it still fucked? Storage still a potential issue? Can video uploads or sample images be disabled to reduce space consumption? Can the permissions system be simplified so there are less hoops to jump through when uploading? Will previous parent-child posts have to be linked together again manually? Will tag aliases of the old booru be migrated? https://ourobooru.booru.org/index.php?page=alias&s=list
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>>770726 You think the site is being worked on?
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>>769153 >I'm turning my attention back to the booru >>770766 >You think the site is being worked on?
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Please respond.
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>>773964 Current Status I know there's been a lack of updates, but my weekdays this week ended up being hell and I've had other issues crop up sporadically. Storage Space The storage is taking up a little more than initially expected. I will migrate the site to a more flexible storage configuration. I'd like there to be room to grow after the content migration. Copyright -> Boards Tag I'm going to play with this first this weekend. Expect some downtime. If it doesn't work properly I'll have to harass the developers again, but I've been led to believe (in my prior conversation with them) that it's straightforward to rename a tag. Content Migration I will perform the above two tweaks first to ensure both ample room after the transfer and also so I can incorporate category tags into the script. Disable Previews Requires some code tweaks and will probably be harder than adjusting the tag count/copyright check, which is a simple bypass. Need to actually change how it serves pages. I'm going to lobby them to add it as a config option, though.
>>773974 I don't want to sound like a broken record, but how long will each of these steps take?
Considering this is directly related to drawthreads, could it be possible to also move this thread to >>>/drawarchive/ once it has run its course? It would be useful in the event that the project goes live and we need a meta to discuss shit.
When's the new site coming?
>>775057 If they work the first time, not long, but I need time set aside for troubleshooting, which is the biggest source of delays. Finding a solid block of time in my schedule where I can sit down and either fix issues or revert has been difficult. There will be some maintenance today, and my goal is to get the storage expanded. I'll prioritize the content migration afterwards. I've been putting off forking to make adjustments but I very well might have to. >>778433 New site has been up at https://ourobooru.art/ and you can submit work there. Just have some rough edges to sand off. >>775210 If Mark is okay with it, then the globals can handle it. But I'm currently working with Acid to get archives working locally. I used /gg/ as a workaround repository, but maintaining archive boards simply doesn't scale. I've also got some ideas to fix the archive attack issue so threads can be properly archived again. I've got some network issues with the streaming site I need to look at, but these are my top issues once I circle back to site development.
>>778558 Sure, go for it.
>>779191 Jewcy
>>779267 and that's okay~
>>778558 >and you can submit work there. Last time someone submitted work, it was removed after not being approved within 3 days.
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>>779288 It wasn't clear what I should do with that art due to it being ai generated, so I sat on it till it's pending status "expired," to my surprise. What little ai art I've posted on the old booru were edits of already drawn images that were blatantly "8chan" related, and I was thinking maybe I would keep it at that. Anyway, the deleted pictures are still recoverable if anons generally say they want to include ai art.
>>779423 Are you serious? You let the pics expire and get deleted without approval because they were AI? Like nigga who the fuck cares?
>>779423 >>780297 Any AI pictures should go to the AI booru, they need more people: https://aibooru.online/
>>780297 going on booru sites for pornography, it's kinda disconcerting and disheartening that i have to use exclude the stable_diffusion tag to remove full pages of AI genned pornography. And then some retards don't fucking tag it properly and I still have to sift through whole pages.
>>778558 If nobody's mass-exporting all of the pics and tags from the first booru I don't think people will bother to make the switch at all
>>781404 I thought the pics are getting migrated?
>>779423 >It wasn't clear what I should do with that art due to it being ai generated Tag it as AI generated? How is that complicated? >>780574 Sure, stick it on there too, but ourobooru should contain anything and everything made by 8anons.
So how's the new booru doing?
>>781412 That hasn't happened yet.
>>785719 That hasn't happened yet.
> Invalid SSL certificate Error >code 526 Is the site currently down for everyone?
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>>788908 I'm starting to get the feeling this site isn't going to take off.
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The migration plan started LAST YEAR It's now March and it still hasn't happened So much OC is falling through the cracks because Codex can't get it together.
>>790916 There was never even a legitimate threat to begin with, this was a big scare and now people are frightened off uploading anything to the booru.
>>790957 What are you talking about? We saw takedowns of years-old boorus because of a single butthurt autist with an axe to grind >>789373 >site still down What's going on Codexx?
>>792361 >>790961 >>790916 Sorry, I didn't know it was down. Life has been kicking the shit out of me. I'm working on getting it back up. The site is up but for some reason Cloudflare can't connect to it.
In the future, if there is unexpected downtime, please e-mail me at codexx (at) cock (dot) li. It's the fastest way to get my attention outside of IRC.
Site is back up. I'm waiting for an update from the streaming site developer, so I will spend some time on the booru this week.
>>796166 Excellent, finally Now what about possible migration options for existing media on the old booru?
>>796168 Script has been sitting at like 95% done for weeks. The API is a bit shit (have to make like three requests for a single image) but once it's in place we should be good. I also got a lead on disabling previews.
>>796259 sounds like its almost there How long will it take do you think?
>>797109 "Not long" but that assumes I can actually sit down for a stretch to bang away at it. I'm battling a flu, car troubles, and some other problems. I'm going to try getting the previews and tags sorted in the interim. If the script takes more than an hour or two to finish I'll probably shunt it to next weekend when I have fewer deadlines to worry about.
>>796259 >>797195 >I also got a lead on disabling previews >I'm going to try getting the previews and tags sorted Hope it pans out. Those sample images seem like such a waste of resources. Didn't have them on the old booru. Additionally, I always see anons get bullied for mistakenly saving and sharing sample res images instead of full res from pixiv and other places. Granted, sometimes artists save massively bloated hi-res PNGs that would be better off as JPGs. It's like 50+ episode anime series using FLAC audio. Some people just don't see the impracticality and refuse to compress things appropriately. Regardless, sample images or previews would be wasting space beyond that. Only really need thumbnails especially on this new software which can set thumbnails to sizes like "gigantic" or "absurd" which make samples redundant.
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Video uploads have to go through ffmpeg? Looks like it's broken.
>>797217 I find the previews annoying myself. When I browse boorus, I just want to download a copy and move on. The previews actually have a config setting, unlike some of the other things. The main problem is that setting configuration settings is a bit autistic because of Docker bullshit. The developers recommend doing things one way, and then when it doesn't work, they go "oh well you need to configure your stuff in a specific way and then it works", none of which is documented. I've tried three different ways of forcing the config and it hasn't taken yet, so I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or the software is just being dumb. >>797274 Probably to generate a thumbnail. LynxChan does the same thing. Not sure why it's broken, though. Nothing has changed. I haven't updated the software. The downtime was the web server not handling SSL correctly and refusing connections, so nothing to do with the backend.
Quick update for you guys: Docker is acting funky which is stopping me from troubleshooting the previews issue. I'm trying to work on that now. Site is literally running but Docker says no containers are up. Literally impossible.
Attempting some maintenance. Site may be down for a bit today. Not sure how long it will take to run. If I'm still banging on it tonight I'll probably roll back to the last version. Edit: It should be back up. I've got a couple hitches on the backend I'm concerned with but I should be able to start debugging the previews issue. Good news is that the previews have a config setting, the bad news is that I've set it like three different ways and it's just disregarding, so I'm going to speak to the devs about it.
Edited last time by codexx on 03/14/2023 (Tue) 18:45:33.
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>>798647 >finally find the setting >it doesn't even work
Probably no updates today. I've got a bunch of stuff to take care of that can't wait. Booru admin, I you have the ability to upgrade accounts. Until I fix the "posts need approval" issue (no setting, so this will probably require code tweaks) my recommendation is to grab a few users/drawfags and give them moderation power. Encourage them to approve their own postings and anything else that isn't spam. I'm not sure what rank is needed for approval to not be necessary, but we can find out. >>798663 That's how I feel every step of the way dealing with this software.
Site will be up and down for maintenance throughout the day tomorrow (Sunday), so don't panic if it's not loading.
I ran a decently popular booru that eventually I had to shutter. The reasoning being that the actual moderation tools and other things are not only lacking, but utterly buggy. You'd wake up one day, and some aspect wouldn't work, and it was always random which one wouldn't. The amount of times some button I, or a janny, needed to press would just not do something was so common it became an actual headache. The software has been abandoned for a long time, the support given has been lacking for years, and it's no surprise that they're pulling the plug. They've always banned for loli/shota, which became a headache and the reason I ultimately pulled the plug on my Booru. They had a long-standing policy that the moment that content was detected, upon report very rarely would a warning be given, and instead the booru would tend to be deleted. Often times, deleting a post would outright break, as would the report system, meaning for what could be at least a day (and up to a few days), there was no ability to actually remove posts which became a liability because the owner took responsibility for the content on their booru. It isn't worth it to use this software even if you can manage to do so post-support pulling. The project has been a zombie for years.
>>801829 how good would you say philomena is?
UPDATE: We're approaching the end of month 5, the 21st week since this thread and plan were initiated. If migration doesn't happen in April it'll have been a half a year. A failure of competency in codexx, the danbooru devs, or perhaps a perfect storm of both.
Since the new booru has been "almost finished" for more than three months now, would it be possible to get more people to work on it? >don't worry it's 99.9% finished . I've just been working a lot lately and I'm sick and there's this unexpected bug I know, I know. I wish I knew how I could speed this up. All I've really wanted is the art transfer to happen as soon as possible, so skipping some QOL stuff wouldn't upset me at all.
>>804498 to be fair, considering that the original boorus we're most concerned about are still up after all this time, its not exactly something that's super urgent now since most of the tension was in the initial weeks still though, I'd always vote for more autonomy than less over our own shit, so it would be nice if this were just finished already.
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>>802124 I will say that I looked into Philomena first and a couple people who run pony boorus warned me off of it. I only reached out to them when I was unable to reach any developers directly for support. >>804543 >would it be possible to get more people to work on it? I'm actually onboarding some new recruits right now. My main issue has always been schedule (and the persistent issues that crop up, splitting my attention) so having some help should allow multiple projects to make progress in parallel. I now have someone who can monitor the streaming site and someone who understands the technology better to assist with the booru. I'm hoping to announce the plan next weekend. >>804498 Frankly I owe you guys a lot of work that should have been completed months ago. I'm juggling three websites, including dev time for the 8moe frontend, and to be honest December and January barely left me any time to be on a computer at all, let alone refreshed and ready to troubleshoot. I can't blame the danbooru developers for all the site's problems, although if it just worked and had configuration options that worked out-of-the-box then this all could have been settled before Thanksgiving. This is my top priority until the site work as expected, and with both an assistant for the docker reconfiguration and someone who can watch over the streaming site in the interim, I should be able to give it my full attention. As I said, more news this coming weekend. I have some documentation to put together so we can be on the same page, and some questions to ask the developers. I've been outright told that the official Danbooru instance is running a very non-default configuration, so I'm hoping to get a detailed list of what they do and how they roll out configuration changes; the software has like 3 different ways to update configurations and they are often at-odds with each other or operate in different contexts, and it's made quite a mess. If they have an easy way to centralize it, I would like to emulate that.
>>804583 Alright, I'm holding you to that progress report. Will the newdevs be active on the board?
>>804680 The one helping me with the streaming site is "suds", who is already known among the streamers. I've asked him to tripfag on the 8TV /site/ thread, and I'm sure you can get his attention on the /v/ streaming thread. I don't have his e-mail at hand, but I'm sure you can get it, and I know he hangs out in an unofficial 8chan Matrix room somewhere. The one helping with the booru is a friend of his; I'm not sure he wants to be publicly named, and he's mostly going to tag-team the configuration with me. He has prior Docker experience and I'm hoping we can get things into a state where the site has a known good configuration. After that, he may be available to help with upgrades, but hopefully all of that can be automated. I've sent him some documentation I have to look over throughout the week, so we'll see what happens this weekend. His schedule is pretty limited but I would be satisfied with a working Docker install where I can easily update configs. If it can reach that state, then I can probably find someone else to be at-the-ready in case the server falls over.
semi related, bleach booru is down...temporary problem or did (((somebody))) complain?
>>724311 >>804699 another semi related issue, is anyone endeavoring to preserve the vast array of imagery from "hiccears" (a Chinese version of pixiv) before the Chinese Communist Party, with the assistance of the Japanese government, erases it all from the world wide web? One can only imagine the horror that would ensue, as these same authorities forcibly extract the organs of the artists they've already arrested I think we should be able to judge for ourselves if the site deserved nuking from orbit, or if it was just some "big titty lezbo" content Xi Jinping decided was “too gay” for this gay earth.
>>804980 Did someone back that up? I mean, it's Sweden and China, so the chances are slim, but still.
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>>804980 It's weird they're cracking down on gomoseggs considering, historically, that wasn't really an evil taboo there. They have a deity called Tu Shen or 'Rabbit God' who represents gay love. They have gay figures in folklore and mythology. There were multiple emperors who openly slept with the same sex, most famously Emperor Ai of the Han Dynasty who had a boyfriend. So why are the commies so against it?
>>805258 >So why are the commies so against it? declining birthrates I would assume? However, let us not be mistaken, the authorities are not specifically targeting homosexuality but rather using it as an excuse to pursue their campaign against internet pornography. porn is often viewed as a convenient scapegoat to blame for the multitude of societal issues that plague the world. Not to mention it had Chinese citizens being creative and expressive (something the government hates) and they weren’t going to cuck to the credit card companies. what a (((coincidence))) this is happening at the same time pixiv and a bunch of Japanese websites announced they are caving in to censorship demanded by western financial organizations. I see all this as an organized hit on anime style art. (hopefully someone is also backing up all of pixiv, and I don't think we can count on any booru sites coming to come to the rescue, they also seem to be a dying breed)
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Oh hey, so you guys are running this site. A while ago I tried uploading some of my AI generated lolis and the pics got deleted after a few days. I see that the posts were restored now, does that mean I can upload more AI lolis? Also, I have a lot of pics now and I remember the site being pretty demanding with the tagging, do I have to upload the pics one by one and tag them or can I upload a bunch of them at the same time? See the AI thread on /loli/ if you need more examples of the kind of pics I want to upload.
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My apologies for offering a suggestion since it seems there is already a shortage of available development resources, but would it be possible to include the "recipe", as it were, for algorithmically generated content somewhere when it is uploaded. I figure currently the person who brewed it up could just comment on their own picture with the associated prompts, weights, model, etc. but I feel there must be a more elegant solution.
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>>805444 Hi Lowercase FAKE Pedo! Having fun attempting trolling by posting AI generated content? Get back to us when you're ready to prove you're the real deal by posting 3D irl Child Cunny. For now I don't believe anything you say, you're just as big a hypocrite as you think acid is.
>>805304 The time between the last two batches of approved posts was TWO MONTHS so I suspect anything you upload is going to sit there until it expires and gets auto-deleted from not being approved. So maybe wait for the migration to happen. That will confirm the site is actually functioning and at that point it might get enough attention for posts to be approved.
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>>805459 Very nice, but that's still kosher.
>>805455 Alright, I guess I'll wait for the migration then.
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>>805480 2D is still 2D. Fake pedo is fake. No balls, no glory.
I promised an update this weekend and it is now Sunday evening. Progress is steady. I got a hand from someone with Docker and Ansible experience who is a friend of suds. He is doing the bulk of the configuration, taking my existing config files, streamlining them, and trying to emulate the way Danbooru manages their instance so I can make edits and roll them out quickly. Some of the details are still over my head. Once he has that finished, I'll work with him to learn the new rollout system, possibly make some additional tweaks, and wrap up the migration script. I'll merge in everything from the old booru, followed by anything on my previous instance. Timeline is somewhat dependent on this guy's schedule so I don't want to promise it will be done by a given date, but at least I can keep busy fixing the script while he rolls out the new config.
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>>807220 It sounds like an improvement in terms production. I hope it reflects in the update speed.
>>807286 Update on the schedule: due to availability, it will take until at least next Sunday, but I think things can be wrapped up then. I'll have some time this week to work on the migration script and other odds and ends.
>>805427 Fantastic idea. There should be an uploader notes section to fulfill this and other purpose.; Just put a reasonable character limit on it so it doesn't make scrolling to the comments a pain when some retard tries to blogpost through it. >>807301 See the above.
Quick update: forgot it was Easter so things are on ice for today. I'll get you another update soon.
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>>807336 Doesn't have to be a character limit. Just make it partially hidden at first and add an "expand" button.
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If migration isn't done by next Sunday, is it safe to assume it never will?
>>814074 >>817430 The half year mark is approaching: >>804498 Next goal will be a full year. The new booru could become as drawn out and painful as Josh's new 8chan fiasco back in the days. I'd be invested to see how this train wreck unfolds if it wasn't crashing so slowly. Perhaps bringing on more people to spread the blame was a good move. We'll see. Eventually. Maybe.
>>804498 Too much code, not enough code monkeys.
When's the new booru coming fags? The current ourobooru has been stalled in people uploading because of this delay, this project will have done more harm than good at this rate if you don't fucking finish it in a timely fashion.
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>>822719 After multiple claims of progress happening soon, this month, this week, or whatever the only remaining approach is radio silence. At this point, who's going to believe any suggestion that progress is happening or will happen regarding this? I only hope there are dedicated autists cataloging new OC on local storage so it doesn't fall through the cracks never to be seen again. >>817486 Every time anons are led to believe this project's completion is just beyond the next signpost it shrinks back into the distance. May as well go back to the old booru despite it being "in danger". I'm genuinely baffled that anons didn't just go back to using the old booru after like month three to be honest. It has the full content, doesn't need a migration, when you search it you find all that we've archived and not just what elevated accounts have bothered to upload and grant approval for.
>>822738 Two things happened at once. >The guy helping backed out So now I'm untangling what work he did do so I can ensure it works correctly. >The S3 provider I was using had issues Ended up being the source of the streaming site's problems. The delay is, I needed to evaluate the new S3 provider. Now that they've been fast, stable, and reliable (and more cost-effective) I can work on integrating them. I've also got a copy of a How To Docker guide I'm working through to avoid future issues. I would have attended to things this weekend, but I was dealing with the spam issue. Booru can well and truly be the priority for this coming week.
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>>826280 What's that?
>>826280 New S3 container is good to go. Probably no update this weekend because of the holiday but maybe I'll get a few hours free.
Okay, after some issues with the new S3 containers on the stream site, I'm making some tweaks to the booru configuration tonight. Also I know the certs are about to expire on ourobooru.art but I'm hoping this site is up soon so I might just ignore that. I don't think it's set to auto-renew yet since I wasn't sure what the frontend web server would be. I need Acid for the web server config on the new box, so I'll pester him about it tomorrow. Then all that's left is configuring the software, ensuring it works according to spec, and migrating content.
Found someone else setting up a booru. Sharing some notes.
>>830938 Alright, we'll wait
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Asked this in other thread but it's better to ask here too. Registration is closed and I have drawings that were posted on the draw threads that weren't reposted on the booru. Is there someone I can reach for an account? I'll send an sketch of one of my drawings to prove who I'm.
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>>851640 Quoting my own post to say I got a 403 error when trying to upload anonymously.
>>851640 I would be happy to help, anon. Reply me with your deliveries and the tags you want to add.
>>851640 Yo man you still here
>>853287 Hey, sorry. Been busy lately and didn't see your reply. I appreciate the offer, but I don't want to go through a third party to post there.
>>853547 If you ever change your mind, I'm your man.
So, how's the site coming along?
>>856943 This skeleton pictures make me jelous because they always look super comfy
>>856959 Really? I thought it hurts to sit when you have no ass.
>>857073 How? Skeletons do not have any nerves to feel pain. Why do you think they keep getting back up?
>>857111 You've never had your bones hurt?
I notice /monster/ has tired of waiting and started posting on ourobooru again. Maybe I should do the same?
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>more than seven months of waiting >decide to continue uploading on the old booru > after a few weeks I realize I can't log into my account >can no longer moderate >possible that nobody can moderate now This is fucked. I have been unreasonably patient and this is the result. Is the nu-booru even still being worked on? How can you have not even transferred the old images yet?
>>859830 Sorry anon, I'm going through a difficult gender transition. I have to spend most of my time removing maggots from my crotch so I don't have much time left to work on the booru.
>>859836 literally kill yourself
>>859830 I concur, it sucks. We should have at least had some sort of message about it. I can still log in if you need me to do something with it.
The Ourobooru is fine, whatever boogeyman you heard of either didn't exist or passed. It's not getting taken down. >it seems the booru project is seeking to get rid of ourobooru Seriously, you opened the thread with a lie. There was never any indication of this, you took what happened to cuckchan's booru and extrapolated it out. Can you please re-open account registration already instead of nodev'ing on some Infinity Next-tier custom booru that will inevitably go nowhere?
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>>859836 I should have you banned just for making that statement
>>859914 >being this much of a dumbfuck It doesn't matter if the short-term threat is gone, this is a long-term issue
>>860072 What threat, from whom? It's been eight months, nothing happened. There's nobody coming after us. There was no great purge. The guy who took down cuckchan's boorus likely doesn't even know what 8moe is, and we're still not sure if that's what actually went down. More harm has been done keeping the booru closed than any theoretical damage you've cooked up in your head from events that literally have not happened. Unless we actually have a new booru up and running, the Ourobooru has been semi-defunct for the better part of a year for no reason. What is your suggestion, don't use the booru we have now because of some hypothetical future takedown? A takedown we have no plans for in the first place? I completely fail to see the reasoning in that.
>>860080 Resilience is king
>>860080 >>859914 You do realize the booru project admin gave up, the code is no longer maintained and he can pretty much unplug everything in any moment, right? The sole reason the /v/ and other boorus where taken down it was because he couldn't put adds on it, so bear in mind the add based internet is burning down right now I highly doubt booru project would last longer than two years from now. >one hypothetical future takedown You do realize oorubooru violates their Terms of service. Terms which, by the way are there to sanitize the boorus so they can have adds and add revenue is the sole reason booru project is still going on despite everything else just going to shit. And before you same something idiotic like "they only deleted /v/ydiart because it was a big booru"; the owl house booru was very tiny, less than 600 pictures: https://web.archive.org/web/20220219185645/https://theowlhouse.booru.org/ https://theowlhouse.booru.org/ And YET they took it down because it hosted loli art something the admin didn't like. So, stop being a nigger.
It's been a tumultuous couple months. I expected the new site update to be ready by now but it's halted while I wait for some code contributions so booru is king once again. I've been asking some questions and should have a better config this time.
>>859836 Underrated shitpost.
>>860227 >Examples of unacceptable content >Bestiality is banned >Except if it's drawn >Also, no real porn at all Who wrote this redundant garbage? >>860080 >>860227 The entire time Jim had 8chan, loli was not actually allowed by him. As soon as someone brought it up to him when 8kunt happened, he said as much. Same with Ourobooru. It's literally one report away from being nuked. I do agree though, that there is zero reason to stop using it until the new site is actually fucking running. Unless mass file migration has already begun, which I doubt, there's zero reason to stop using the old booru. And that's only if it's direct migration. If someone is just saving the files with their tags in a database like Hydrus, then uploading to Nurobooru when it's ready, they can just subscribe to the old booru to auto-download everything and it's tags with Hydrus daily as new files are uploaded. Now if anyone is impatient about the progress of the new booru, then fucking contribute yourself, because there are very few hands on deck. It's just Codexx, and maybe one or two other guys. And Codexx is also busy building a major site update to bring back liveposting and a dozen other things. I don't know why the updates need to be so big. Site morale would be much better with various small improvements at a time if that's both possible and easier.
>>860573 >I don't know why the updates need to be so big. Big updates creates hype.
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>>860239 >>860573 Anything you can give me to do?
>>860573 Also, rule34.xxx bans loli/shota, but has 4000+ files tagged as cub.
>>859830 I can still login and keep jannying.
>>860609 If you want to help shoot me an e-mail at codexx (at) cock (dot) li or pop into #8ksux on Rizon and ask for me. I am usually around in the evening in burgerland. Even if you can't help with the booru, having more hands elsewhere frees up my time.
>>860609 Yeah, you can go kill yourself.
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>>883123 Goodbye
Any updates?
>>899370 What's an update?
>>899370 I don't think there's going to be any. It's better just to use the original ourobooru anyways since it works.
Wish the multiple image uploader worked so I can dump the Rad Dude edits into the booru more easily. I'll try doing it one by one later.
If the artist of a picture is miss-attributed, how do I correct it? https://ourobooru.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=25241 This is the actual artist https://twosipsofbleach.newgrounds.com/art/ https://twitter.com/twosipsofbleach
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>>899794 Thank you!!
>Still no updates
Reminder this was started entirely because of boogeyman shit, and pretty much everybody is back to using ourobooru. >b-b-but It's been over a year, shut the fuck up you don't get a say anymore. You were wrong.
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>>914016 Preparing backups and safety measures is never a bad idea, faggot.
>>914016 >Muh boogeyman Read the fucking thread, faggot >>860227
>>914015 What's an update?
>>914062 I don't think I trust a guy who can't spell "ad".
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>>860227 The links and archives are there, you can check them by yourself. The Booru Project terms of services are also there, read, nigger: https://booru.org/tos >NOTICE: IF YOUR ACCOUNT IS FOUND TO CONTAIN ILLEGAL ACTIVITY, OR ANY ILLEGAL FILES, YOUR ACCOUNT WILL BE TERMINATED IMMEDIATELY, WITHOUT NOTICE. ADDITIONALLY, Booru Project WILL NOTIFY THE PROPER AUTHORITIES OF YOUR ACTIONS. > * Loli or Toddlercon: Any form of loli or toddlercon (very young drawn childeren) It's actually a miracle ourobooru went this far without getting axed, specially considering how many people hate this place, I could even report it to booru project admins just to shit on your for saying "it's a boogeyman"
>>914208 Why would he need to read that link? He just explained what the link means in the very post you replied to.
>>914214 I missquoted, lmao. this >>914208 was for >>914138
>>914231 Well then. I don't think I trust a site linked by someone who repeatedly failed to spell "ads". :^)
What is wrong with ourobooru? Everytime I try to use it, it has a warning page.
>>927038 SSL certificate expired
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Have the new booru project & content migration been abandoned entirely? The old booru's latest post is from today. The new booru's latest post is from 5 months ago.
>>938353 I might just scrub it all and archive it locally
>>938353 No, I backburnered it over the summer, made some progress in the fall, and winter has just been excessively shit. Site update is wrapping up so I will have free time for it.
Rise from your graves and give us the damn sitrep
>>956665 HRT is progressing nicely, today I was able to talk to a cashier without him vomiting. I'll be a real woman soon.
If there is no update right now I will spam both boorus with vantablack niggerhell soyjaks
>>957510 It's dead Jimbo Thotkins.
>>956665 booru.org has basically been soft abandoned and it slowly falling apart. anyone smart is making plans to jump ship or already have it was a good run
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