Keep in mind that if you plan on "being your own boss" and sell your own craft, you have to shill your products. Go to E-Bay, Facebook Marketplace, whatever, see what others are offering, do something similar but at lower price, maybe even at a loss to gain a few customers and followers. Now that these people actually bought your stuff, they are more likely to buy more from you, so start contacting them, ask them if they want something(personal commissions), or lie and tell them something like "I made 20 tables, and sold 19, would you like to buy my last table at a
'discount'?" when you just made one table, use FOMO and other techniques, and contact all of them with the same message. If you are good, start posting your creations on other places like Pinterest, Jewtube, Snapchat, whatever people use. Create a mailing list if possible.
>inb4 I don't want to communicate with other people
That's a
(((You))) problem, what? do you think that when you made a table or a wooden spoon, it will magically disappear and money will drop from the sky? No, you gotta sell it to someone, and I doubt the people in your neighborhood will be enough to sustain yourself, though even that is a good start if you don't want to do online interactions.