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Clown Girl Thread. Anonymous 05/22/2021 (Sat) 02:47:41 No. 2132 [Reply] [Last]
Dumping ground for clown girl lewds.
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I love this thread!

Tentacles Thread. Anonymous 10/07/2022 (Fri) 12:50:44 No. 3898 [Reply]
A little strange that this thread wasn't made despite how much of a common cliché tentacles erotica is in hentai. Share whatever you've got that isn't futa.
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>>5264 There's no audio for any of the videos. The original versions of these videos had them.

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>>5267 I have this if you're looking for it. Anon's post contains some clips I didn't have though, and I have a few more without sound and some loops.
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>>5267 You're right. >>5268 Such a shame Casch stopped animating stuff.

Oppai Loli and Shorstacked Thread. Anonymous 07/24/2020 (Fri) 14:16:22 No. 107 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for well endowed cock sheaths.
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3DCG Anonymous 11/25/2021 (Thu) 19:32:22 No. 3163 [Reply] [Last]
Most difficult medium to reverse search
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Bunny warning

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Milf thread 08/18/2020 (Tue) 05:29:37 No. 181 [Reply] [Last]
Dump whatever mature, Milfs,and Gilfs lewds you've got, no 3D.
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>>188 Best of type of milf/mom with big tiddies and armpit hair. Fucking hot! >>226 No playing with pokemon until you play with mommas pussy. Aggghhhh this is fucking best thread, mommy milf i fucking love these.
>>5227 I wish I had infinite cum in my body, then I would have jerk on this all the time. <3
Please post more.

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Anonymous 11/06/2021 (Sat) 18:09:52 No. 3117 [Reply]
is child hentai allowed here ? if yes, can anyone post some ?
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>>3117 go to /loli for that
>>4969 Loli is allowed here, but OP probably isn't.

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QTDDTOT Anonymous 04/05/2021 (Mon) 02:49:27 No. 1778 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone know the full text here? Is it an English version of some of the moonrunes on this cover? https://exhentai.org/g/1882966/c04685059c/
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>>5140 Have you tried checking the forums about this or are the users not too fond of VPNs?
>>5144 No. I'm strongly anti-forum and also navigating their shit for a particular issue always seems terrible. Their moderation is obstinate as hell and the moment you go against one of their beliefs about how the site should be run, everything you say will be wrong. If I can't happen to find it through light browsing tehre, I'm not asking there, because telling them know I'm on a VPN may make them incredibly hostile to my account if they're having issues with people on VPNs lately.
>>5144 For once I found something on there immediately. Should have done my own work in the first place. >Lately we have been seeing a surge of old accounts with weak/compromised passwords being taken over by spammers, causing them to get banned. >If you still use a weak password or a password you ever used anywhere else, you need to change it as soon as possible. >We will not manually restore access to your account if you ignore this warning and it happens to you. Accounts have been getting hacked, which leads to them bot posting suspicious links and torrents that people can't tell at a glance aren't the usual gallery torrents. It's not simply a spam issue that can be reacted to by buffering anyone making too many requests, so everyone gets fucked by captcha now.

Hentai Share & Request Thread Anonymous 04/05/2021 (Mon) 02:40:34 No. 1776 [Reply] [Last]
Request and deliver sources and download links of hentai content in this thread to keep everything organized in a single place. For art/drawing requests you can use /h/'s >>841 & >>1209 draw threads or create a new one here. This thread will also double as a share thread similar to /co/'s where you can share hentai related material with other anons. Note for requesters: Use search engines like SauceNAO and Yandex or search the title in exhentai before making a request. There's a high chance to find what you want with them. Note for sharers: Due to the small size of the board, direct download links are preferable to torrents since torrents are less seeded. Is recommended to use services like MEGA or Catbox to share your content.
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>>3123 Yeah, I'm not reading Kazoku no Shisen Shisshiki. I really don't like the art. Here's a rec, https://exhentai.org/g/933488/daa4a74b83/ The girl knows nothing and the boy only recently discovered masturbation.
Does anyone have the link or an image to a certain CG set I'm looking for involving a shota with a bowl cut fucking a milf on the beach? I've been searching Hitomi and Exhentai to no avail.
>>5128 I managed to find it by myself funny enough. https://exhentai.org/g/1012926/34e6380440/

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Crops Anonymous 03/20/2021 (Sat) 16:21:42 No. 1654 [Reply]
Thread for henn thai crops.
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Pokegirls thread Anonymous 12/27/2020 (Sun) 06:05:21 No. 736 [Reply] [Last]
Post your favorites. It's time for some serious business.
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This seems like a good place to ask: I am looking for dumps/collection of this guy https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/1479742 He mostly makes Pokemon stuff, or at least that's what he's famous for, so I might as well ask here. Kemono stopped updating several months ago.

Hentai Game Recommendation General Anonymous 04/05/2021 (Mon) 08:00:09 No. 1793 [Reply]
Looking for hentai games where the player can corrupt and control girls and mold them into willing slaves. I highly enjoyed playing the PinkTea games, Altos and Herdone's The Headmaster and Custom Reido, but I still found them lacking in a certain ageplay regard. I don't need the slave girls to be full-on-l*li but really want to play a game where my character acquires control of a young girls sexual development, using her innocence to corrupt her in a sex-education/groomy kind of way. Post Recommendations or comments asking for other Games down below!
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>>4839 Shrink High is the definitive Giantess/miniguy h-rpg. It's so good, many people who don't have the fetish play it just for fun. I've played it all the way through 2 or 3 times, and I still never managed to get all the secrets in the end, as few or guides exist for much of the game. There's lots of missables, so be sure to look around thoroughly. Spoiler is a map of the sewers I made for myself. If you like exploring, I recommend not using it and mapping it out yourself, since it's pretty simple.
>>4843 Also, do not play the sequel. It's fucking terrible.
Has anyone ever heard of this game? I found it several years ago and added it to my backlog. Now, it's nowhere to be found and there is zero, I mean none, information about it anywhere on the web. It just disappeared without a trace. I figure it's yet another shitty RPG maker game, but maybe there was something good in it. Who knows, at this the thrill of finding it is better than anything that the game itself could offer. RJ number is in filename, anyone know a site that hosts a download or a torrent?

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Videogame characters Anonymous 11/14/2020 (Sat) 00:25:02 No. 612 [Reply] [Last]
Just post some porn of VG characters
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Anonymous 04/04/2021 (Sun) 21:11:34 No. 1747 [Reply]
What's the fucking weirdest or most degenerate doujin out there?
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Can anyone remember the name of a doujin where a girl is locked in a bathroom stall at her school for the rest of her life and psychologically and physically abused until she's no longer recognizably human? Towards the end she's turning her uterus inside out so boys at the school can fuck her falopian tubes because she wants to be a good "meat toilet". And she's somehow stretched out to ridiculous proportions. Her eyes are like way to the side of... Actually her head isn't really a head anymore... It's very hard to explain. The cover made me do a double take when I scrolled by it.
>>5004 Wew

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Cartoon Smut Thread Anonymous 06/22/2020 (Mon) 03:24:14 No. 47 [Reply] [Last]
Cross post from >>>/co/2073 Post /co/ smut based on your favorite childhood cartoons. No anime.
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>>4897 What kind of audience is getting off to this shit and why. I've seen awful & shitty porn that I've sadly fapped to. but even this is a bit much for me to even fathom. Shameful fap thread if you've got any stories to tell at. >>1623
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Yuri Thread Anonymous 06/07/2020 (Sun) 00:50:34 No. 9 [Reply]
Because yuri is pretty nice.
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MMD lewds Anonymous 02/14/2021 (Sun) 22:42:37 No. 1187 [Reply] [Last]
Despite all the clipping I've come to love these 3DCG anime girls dancing and stripping. I primarily find videos on Iwara, but Iwara is SHIT. Slow as fuck speeds, even just loading pages sometimes, not the videos. No real tagging, just largely useless general categories. The fucking filter by date option doesn't even have things in order by date, but by reverse alphabetical order of the months. You can't search by artist, only by title, though maybe you could follow people if you bother to make an account. It's been like this forever. Why the fuck is this shitty site so popular? How does anyone find what they're looking for on this site? All the videos are too large to post and would look shitty if I were to take the time to compress them, so here's one by Zankuro that someone else compressed. I'll just post links for others. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/qald2syygurvxy4y This one is dancing with timestop and then "stuck in the wall" fucking. Don't really care for the latter, but what I do really like is the girl continuing to dance in spite of the lewd shenanigans and incorporating her resistance to them into the dance, such as kicking over the fans when the opportunity presents itself in the routine. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/b8q44uz6wjc3aqe9e One of my favorites. Nothing is actually exposed, but it's incredibly lewd. Miku is forced to dance under some sort of contract, regardless of what is done to her. She only breaks routine in order to prevent being actually exposed, and the pulling of the panties done here is something I haven't seen anywhere else. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/dggjktgnws7jdm9y Not a fan of hypnotism, as the girl's reactions and state of mind are very important to me, but this is short and she's unhypnotized towards the end. I like the way the cocks got rubbed on her face and how they were worked well into the rythm of the routine. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/0obzxt9znuzkzazx Another one where the girl continues the dance while things are done to expose her, but she resists and attempts covering herself when exposed. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/oqoryirqmc6ma6k9 Yet another where the girl continues to dance while things are done to expose and lewd her, but she resists. In this one though, she gives into the lewd halfway in. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/84gq4serbil2an7z A dance where Kizuna Ai is lewd and works the lewdness into the routine. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/2zo6vfewwjsq49ng7 A dance where the girls are both sluts, get fucked, get pregnant, and continue dancing while pregnant, which is something I haven't seen anywhere else. Unfortunately, they're not longer pregnant at the end, which is gay.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Edited last time by Dandy on 03/07/2022 (Mon) 05:13:15.
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>>4555 I admire your perserverence. I've tried looking through the top videos before and maybe 1 in 50 videos is any good. All that's really required for a video to be watchable is a cute girl, a song that's not ear cancer and a camera that doesn't shake around constantly so you can't see shit, yet so many people fail to manage even that. >BLACKED Thankfully I don't often watch stuff with sex in it so I've avoided this. Does it mostly coincide with the increase in western creators on Iwara or are the japs doing it too?
>>4565 I imagine there was a large influx of westerners to Iwara with the revival, since the English version of the site became more navigable. I don't much notice of a creator isn't Japanese very often. I'd have to check their videos to see, and I'm very picky based on thumbnails and previews alone.
New vid from my sub nnba https://www.iwara.tv/video/C7V2Ec8OIUiIes Guy gets a special ticket giving him a private striptease by some idolm@ster idol. She's also a student at his school and they do it in a soundproof recording room adjacent to the school hallways. It was pretty decent. I've gone through the top viewed vids for September. Search page kept crashing for no reason. It's niggers all the way down. Half or more top videos are NTR, BLACKED, or both. I finally dug up the tag blacklist feature, and it's useless since most of these aren't tagged, as tags can only be applied by the shitty cuck uploaders. This is the last time I will dig through Iwara vids besides my subs. It was always a increasingly sparse amount of quality in an ocean of shit, but now it's an ocean of niggershit. The site was better when it practically broken all the time. I'm done.

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