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Hentai animation and Lewd Animation Discussion Thread Anonymous 01/19/2021 (Tue) 16:52:43 No. 951 [Reply]
A general discussion thread for hentai OVAs and porn animations in general. >What are your favorite artist/brands >Favorite Genres of porn >Types of fetishist you likes >Things that you hate in porn animations >What's sites do you visit
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>>1700 Hanime.tv still has it's loli tag so it's completely gone.
>>1703 >Hanime.tv still has it's loli tag Good >so it's completely gone. Wait, what do you mean?
>>1707 I meant to say not completely gone by I typed too fast and skipped a word.

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Petrification Drawthread Anonymous 01/13/2021 (Wed) 08:18:14 No. 841 [Reply] [Last]
I need practice drawing and I'm sure you all want some free sketches, so if any of you are interested in getting statues of characters you like go ahead and drop a request. I'll do other stuff but petrification and similar stuff will be favored.
39 posts and 43 images omitted.
>>1199 Heads up anon, your delivery is on the choco thread
Esdeath turned into a mannequin
Requesting Arthur Pendragon and Merlin from Seven Deadly Sins naked and fucking in any position.

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Valentines Draw Thead Chocogirl Celebration. Anonymous 02/16/2021 (Tue) 08:18:53 No. 1209 [Reply]
So, one of my favorite things about valentines day is all the choco tf that gets posted, so I wanted to start a joint drawthread and also just chocolate themed art thread. feel free to post other chocogirls here too. or just girls covered in chocolate. also, I'm still going to look at choco requests from the original drawthread too so dont worry dudes Also, If anyone cares I think I'm gonna name this mascot "Goldie", unwilling representative of 8ch /h/
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>>1387 whats the source on that last one?
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Pic/s below are your new curse. Anonymous 03/12/2021 (Fri) 09:43:51 No. 1565 [Reply]
Basically, just a thread where you describe a transformative curse that affects the next person to respond to the thread. So to start: You're cursed to become a random /h/ user's familar. You become a being made of pure magical energy, and will automatically transform to suit the desires of your new master. You must obey every order your master gives you without question, it could be something as simple as going on a grocery run, or fantastical as transforming yourself entirely. He can even dismiss you when you're not needed, and you will blink out of existence entirely until your master summons you again. On that note, when not following any orders, you can only stray about 30 feet away from your master before blinking out of existence as well. After your master dies, you and your master will transform into a small golden trinkets, that when touched by another person will cause you to become their familar. (This will hopefully slowly spread a bunch of familiars all over the world to the point where everybody has at least one)
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>>1565 Shortstack curse, anyone inflicted get reduced to a minimum height of 4'10 to 5'2 and develops and ample thigh and bust size around a C cup at the least if male an effeminized body and thick thighs. Develop a bit of a shortman syndrome but rampant sex drive and a need for affection during intimacy.

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pewpew Anonymous 02/11/2021 (Thu) 13:47:26 No. 1142 [Reply]
Either penis goes bouncing/moving or ejaculating Janny Edit: Would merge to futa thread but fuck you
Edited last time by Dandy on 02/11/2021 (Thu) 15:09:56.

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Nostalgia thread Anonymous 09/26/2020 (Sat) 18:44:30 No. 446 [Reply]
ITT we post our first or earliest hentai memories
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>>446 Does that pic even counts as hentai?
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Viper GTS, at the time it was the best hentai ova I'd ever seen when I was new to hentai ova's in my early tweens.
>>1090 Barely, back when paheal was more relevant it still had a ton of shit porn flooding it's gallery. Had to wade through a ton of crap to fine good shit. That still is the truth to this day but thankfully tags exist for most booru styled sites like sankaku and others.

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Anonymous 09/20/2020 (Sun) 17:59:28 No. 413 [Reply]
Why is everybody's taste on this board absolute dogshit
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>>413 Why don't you post the shit that makes you hard, Mr CIA?

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Anonymous 08/27/2020 (Thu) 20:40:33 No. 228 [Reply]
>>182 >>183 >bestiality >niggers >>226 >>227 >disgusting obese, blubbery whores >more bestiality You people have the worst fucking taste. This board sucks.
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>doesn't complain about the trap thread we see where you sit, anon
I think all the shit fetishes are the reason this board never really took off
>>228 stay seething gaylord

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