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satyameva jayate

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Anonymous 07/03/2023 (Mon) 13:53:37 Id: 81bf96 No. 5513 [Reply]

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Anonymous 07/03/2023 (Mon) 10:48:35 Id: 084eef No. 5512 [Reply]

>>5508 Teri ma ka rape katue animebhangi
>>5509 Tere ma randi
>>5508 why don't you try spamming your shit there kek

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Anonymous 07/01/2023 (Sat) 17:27:16 Id: d50c77 No. 5497 [Reply]
cirno poster/ kanyakumari anon/ star butterfly poster tum sab kaise ho
1 post omitted.
>>5497 >>/Ganeshwilliamsfanclub/
>>5502 Teri ma ka rape
>>5504 same 2 u

moderators & janitors Anonymous 06/09/2023 (Fri) 14:24:55 Id: 66d620 No. 5332 [Reply]
what drives a man to devote his time to retarded websites for free?
1 post omitted.
>>5378 >implying that cleaning spam on a guatemalan basket weaving forum (for free) is a good use of a man's time
>>5379 Beats working for a living.
>>5378 And again with the spam. Do you not have a BO or any vols?

Anonymous 07/01/2023 (Sat) 09:31:56 Id: fd768e No. 5495 [Reply]
I would rather not go Back to the old house I would rather not go Back to the old house There's too many bad memories Too many memories there When you cycled by Here began all my dreams The saddest thing I've ever seen And you never knew How much I really liked you Because I never even told you Oh, and I meant to Are you still there or have you moved away? Or have you moved away? I would love to go Back to the old house

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>>5495 Teri ma ka rape
>>5496 i said that to you on your shitty textboard now stop spamming it.
>>5499 Teri ma ka rape

Anonymous 06/29/2023 (Thu) 07:17:25 Id: 0b7b6c No. 5487 [Reply]
I like taylor swift music fr
>>5487 Ye ladki Taylor swift ke concert attend karne ke liye mumbai se Australia jaa rahi hai. You'll never be on her level. Also ranger poster kaha ho tum
>>5487 Teri ma ka rape >>5490 Hat katue otakuchamar

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demonfoxy Anonymous 06/28/2023 (Wed) 15:21:26 Id: e63fbf No. 5486 [Reply]
which one of you niggers is this https://pomf.tv/userprofile/TheDemonFoxy

MURICA FUCK YEAH Anonymous 06/27/2023 (Tue) 16:05:39 Id: 6de173 No. 5483 [Reply]
I'm not Amerifat I'm a proud Bulgar mongoloid 🏹🐎💪🏹🐎💪 In my heart I'm a mongoloid! We are a horde! Give me free germonies w*stoid!

degtob thread: real inch edition Anonymous 06/27/2023 (Tue) 10:18:34 Id: 193be1 No. 5472 [Reply]
roastan toastan poastan meme project
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>>5473 stfu faggot i will literally break you like a toothpick
>>5472 >>5473 >>5474 Teri ma ka rape
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Anonymous 06/26/2023 (Mon) 07:43:57 Id: 865f67 No. 5466 [Reply]
College conducted mock group discussion Midwits and posers are the loudest while having shit points Don't even get me started with favouritism. I hate this. <3 <3 don't forget to upvote my post
>>5466 collage?
>>5466 despite being 18% of the wourld population india produces 90% of the condescending cocky "" gods greatest gift to the world"" type assholes thats a faxx
>>5476 teri ma ka rape

Anonymous 06/14/2023 (Wed) 14:57:21 Id: 710b6b No. 5348 [Reply]
What are my options if I, as an Indian want to host an website/forum which has illegal shit like doxxing, nude/porn posting, revengeporn, incelposting etc and not get caught. Asking for a friend.
3 posts omitted.
>>5439 NTA but youre right. the only way to circumvent is to use monero. but crypto payments are still not untracable. however using https/tor is more than enough to keep doval glowies at bay(for now, who knowz what jewish tricks theyll buy after pegaSUS). do not use upi, do not trust your bank. always use cash. you may also get away if you have a friend outside endia who may help you get a cheap vps over at iceland or something. its actually over for pajeets in terms of privacy and digital safety. gobmint have our fingerprints and retina scans(stored at an insecure data centers in hyderabad), your education, meme exam all tied to your adhar. kollejes putting all education, address, employement information on their websites. its actually over if youre born a pajeet. i dont mean to be demoralizing but you cannot do anything about the truth. our own country hates us more than any outside actor. we have no rights.
>>5439 >>5447 I don't think they can track you through credit card if the hosting company doesn't share the data with LEAs. Host it in some balkan shithole or Switzerland. The credit card transaction just shows the company you are dealing with, it doesn't what you are doing with the server. I don't think they can prosecute simply for buying a server. Same goes for domain name. Use https://njal.la/ See this thread, it has some more info https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/93087683/
>>5448 they absolutely can and theres nothing stopping (((them))) from trackong you. if youre born a 'jeet,,its actually already over. fuck information age i want to go live like a ooga booga. humanitys going to die out in this century anyway. the cycle is in the endgame. days of humans are going to be over soon...

pojeetland: 3pm stroll edition Anonymous 06/26/2023 (Mon) 06:00:57 Id: ce982b No. 5460 [Reply]
I fucking love this shithole when it rains kinoest days i hope it rains 12 months a year in this shithole 'jakk this
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>>5469 wtf dont doxxx me
>>5469 Wapis jao inch me
>>5471 cute

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Anonymous 06/23/2023 (Fri) 12:15:28 Id: 937d64 No. 5450 [Reply]
Fuck yaar it sucks to be lonely and depressed and broke and bitchless and unemployed at the age of 23
>>5450 stop crying and start improving 1. upskill and get a job, even literal bihari majdoors are not unemployed 2. start hitting the gym 3. interact with some more people and be nice to them. you can make some friends
>>5450 Just get a job. Everything else is actually a blessing.
>>5450 college?

Anonymous 06/24/2023 (Sat) 11:30:43 Id: 8935e1 No. 5455 [Reply]
>They said I won't be nothing I'm sorry to hear that someone said such discouraging words to you. It's important to remember that everyone has their own opinions and biases, and their words may not reflect your true worth or potential. It's crucial to surround yourself with supportive and uplifting people who believe in you and your abilities. It's also essential to develop a strong sense of self-belief and confidence in your own abilities. Remember that your worth is not determined by what others say, but by your own actions, growth, and accomplishments. Focus on setting goals for yourself and working towards them, proving to yourself and others that you are capable and deserving of success. Don't let negative words define you or hold you back. Use them as fuel to prove those who doubt you wrong. Believe in yourself, stay determined, and surround yourself with positivity. You have the potential to achieve great things and become the person you aspire to be.
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>>5455 If you are capable it doesn't matter what they say if you are dumb/retarded no matter how hard you try end result always will be a failure.
>>5455 I am not nothing, i am an autistic retard, but i have always been that way. Now i don't let it bother me. Just be good at what you do. You don't need normalbhangi approval. In all honesty if you have some money and your own house and car, you're going to make many people seethe. And they're going to seethe no matter how much shit they talk. Not that it matters but if it makes you feel good. You can safely ignore the rest because you are now well off. >>5456 Based pic literally me Based post also
>>5455 hello chatgpt

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