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Holocaust 2.0: Total Jewish Domination Edition Strelok 11/13/2023 (Mon) 18:48:00 No. 11359
The story so far: >IDF takes over Gaza City >Israel now openly bombing agricultural areas in Khan Younis >White house announced that they will accept Israel permanently occupying Gaza City >Israeli defense minister responded that they will not only occupy Gaza City but they will make sure they have permanent free military movement through the entire strip >Entirety of Israel seems to be on fire from militants in the North and East launching rockets, with Israel having little to no control over the situation >Israel airdropped flares directly over Al-Shifa Hospital about a week ago and there's been few reports coming out of that area since then >Israel detonates experimental, miniature nuclear warhead in North Gaza >Anons argue whether or not new thread is worth making, answer still unknown, rumors of internal memo suggesting press conference to be held on Tuesday, noon BRT (UTC-3:00)
>>11746 I'm waiting for all these regional conflicts to culminate with major powers being pulled in.
>>11743 Arigato, senpai.
>>11745 the Muslims really pussied out over Gaza. Wasn't Iran, Tukey, Jordan and others supposed to do something by now? Embarrassing.
>>11749 The only ones involved with this that don't look like total cowardly idiots are Hamas. Kikes can't pacify a tiny strip of land despite overwhelming tech advantage, surrounding Arabs are too scared of the US to do shit, the US military and overall leadership are too pozzed and stupid to do anything but sit there and act menacing, and Iran keeps getting bombed by butthurt Mossad agents because they're probably one of the cunts supplying Hamas with RPGs.
>>11749 >>11750 The only arab factions that are doing anything are the ones that are already off the reservation (e.g. Houthies, Hesbollah). >Turkey Is in a pissing contest with Israel which poses a massively awkward and unending headache for NATO.
>>11749 Do you not remember the US fleet being dispatched to israel? The reason they haven't got involved is because they will just get slaughtered by american airpower. Israel can genocide in peace with big daddy right off their shores.
Loving the fact there's now more evidence of Jewish tunnels in NYC than there are of Hamas tunnels in Gaza atm.
>>11753 >tunneling under NYC That sounds dangerous. You could probably collapse a building or two doing something like that.
How many 2003 Iraq-style invasions can the current US military and its nigger asshat troon orgy handle simultaneously in terms of logistics, morale and political support? In case Israel's neighbors do something so anti-semitic the poor oppressed Jews are forced to deploy humanitarian smart nukes to ensure the existence of their people and create a future for jewish children.
>>11756 US can handle both an infinite number and zero more. So long as the petrodollar remains the world currency, the USA can fight wars indefinitely. The more wars the USA starts, the weaker the petrodollar becomes as the world currency. America and Israel is a catch-22 where the longer the aircraft carriers remain on Israel's coasts, the more likely an international incident is to occur in Asia or South America that could destabilize the petrodollar, but in theory so long as America responds quickly enough they can go to war with every non-nuclear nation on earth. The second they respond though, Israel is toast.
>>11756 Touch grass.
>>11758 Grass-anon really broke you by not hating niggers, huh?
>>11730 Gas masks were developed pretty fast. Speaking of which, in the Soviet artillery handbook from 1930s the proper military niche of chemical weapons was outlined clearly: having to work in gas masks impairs troop performance. This matters if they find themselves in need to do a lot of demanding exercises like anti-air and anti-battery shooting (or even running through a bad terrain) immediately after that. Thus: lead with gas, then soften up with preparatory fire proper, then attack. At this point it was not even expected to actually kill or incapacitate much, just another form of suppression that's more situational, but can be long-range and persistent. In reality of the actual wars, of course, chemical ammunition was not used, not only due to mutually assured stupidity, but also as logistically impractical.
>drama over the nigger word is now expanding to other threads Kinda glad this site is shutting down at this point if this is what you faggots are doing these days.
The US and UK has begun attacks on Yemen.
>>11762 Why?
>>11763 Probably the fact that Yemen has been launching missiles at Israel quite effectively, newfag-kun.
>>11763 Because the Houthis are able to launch drones and missiles at any boat passing through a strait that normally takes some 15% of worldwide shipping, and they've proven themselves to be the only Arabs outside Palestine willing to walk the talk, by bombing ships with connections to Israel. The US and UK sent their navies, and initially only did AA work, but if they just kept that up their ships would run out of million-dollar missiles faster than the Houthis will run out of cheap explosive drones.
>Iran has siezed a tanker >UK is bombing Houthis in Yemen We may not even make it to March 15th.
>>11766 I doubt it will come to anything significant, it seems like outside of terrorist attacks and bombing from afar the only ones willing to do any direct fighting are the kikes and hamas. No one has the balls to fling any nukes, the US doesn't have the balls to launch another large scale ground campaign anywhere (and probably doesn't even have the capability considering the abysmal recruiting numbers and overall rampant incompetence), and the sandniggers don't have the balls to attack because US carriers are still scary despite the incompetence.
>>11767 That assumes that someone doesn't fuck up somewhere and overescalate.
>>11768 In what way?
>>11769 Most likely the US unconditionally backing Israel in a retaliation, beyond it's borders, of some sort.
>>11770 The US doesn't have the manpower to back them up on the ground and the kikes floundering around this much in Gaza against what are basically cavemen with rocket launchers makes me think that's not going to happen. Yeah I know about >US air and naval support, but that only takes you so far when your expensive munitions are starting to run dry and kikes are still as casualty averse as ever to the point that losing a couple thousand is more terrifying to them than losing tens of thousands would be to their enemies. Not to mention even in their sorry states the countries surrounding Israel have far better intel, equipment, and training than Hamas, if jews are having thousands of dead and injured in their own heavily blockaded backyard they probably won't fare much better in some other yard outside of their precious iron dome that also isn't fenced in to keep the enemy from regrouping or bringing in reinforcements.
>>11769 I mean that since that policy is set and orders are given by leaders but are carried out by boots on the ground. It wouldn't be at all hard from lowly squad, or pilot to find themselves in a "Boston Massacre" kind of situation. Or even a ship captain. >>11771 Probably the biggest threat would be Isreal or some ultra hawks from the UK or US starting a war with Iran in the hopes that that will give the excuse to bootstrap the US and UK into war mode and do limited or full conscription.
>>11772 >conscription in the US Fuck I'd love to see them try that, almost the entire fighting aged population is fucked in some form or fashion. If younger people aren't outright anti-America they usually have some chemical addiction or severe mental issues, and the conservative ones (or what oasses as conservative here) are more worried about their own homeland getting fucked in the ass than going to the exact opposite side of the planet to fight sandniggers on behalf of kikes. That might actually be the straw that breaks the camel's back
>>11773 >are more worried about their own homeland getting fucked in the ass than going to the exact opposite side of the planet to fight sandniggers on behalf of kikes. Imagine believing this, nothing excites the white man more than the orders of the Jews, the white man exists solely to serve their Jewish overlords. To be commanded to die on foreign lands for israel is an honor amongst whites after all their god is Jewish, their religion is jewish, and not to forget the foundations of the west the whites uphold is entirely Jewish.
>>11774 Nice projection pzhos.
Your niggerpill logic doesn't hold up at all because if that really was the case and it wasn't just delusional boomers propping up the zog hype then the US military wouldn't have a recruiting crisis if all those white men really did worship kikes that hard when their precious zionist hellscape is having trouble.
>>11773 >>11774 >>11775 >>11776 50-100 years ago doctors cured wounds 50-100 years ago policemen stopped crimes 50-100 years ago train drivers drove their railcars on-time I can tell you what God has to do with it with examples. The healthcare system for example is a lumbering beast where money gets thrown at it, more and more money every year. The experienced white doctors, particularly at consultancy level, they worship secularism and science. But their job at this level is to watch innumerable beans coming in and to move those beans around. Without moral purpose and without specific shared aims, like preserving the sanctity of the human soul as an example, this is just going to look like Universe 24 of the rat utopia experiment. They are not made to work towards anything. We have the beautiful ones running our health system. They stand for nothing in particular; they lack anything purposeful to do with themselves or with things they look to commit towards. Any shared moral goal would be an improvement. Hindus and Buddhists can get a fair few things done in their own way and their own time. But our traditions are Christian. Under Christianity we accomplished most of our pre-modern history, and those accomplishments leave many an other culture for dust. Trial by jury instead of trial by might. Paying a wage, however derisory, instead of open slave markets. These ideas had not accidentally sprung up at our feet; they were worked for. So believing in God, or "a God" is what's holding you back not in terms of over-zealousness but rather your lack of belief in anything. God is as defined post-Christ, that of the kindness in man. The same ability to order entrophy, the same creative means and elements; just applied to universes. Any such humble creature with a forth layer of the brain contains that of God. All good dolphins and whales go to heaven. I'm not a prophet or even a very good preacher of the faith or anything, but because I understand these things I can't stoically be shifted as much as when I was a God-loathing atheist whose faith in evolution and fitness survival depended moralistically only on the golden rule™. No talking point of the moment can arrange what I find to be good or not any more either. Wokery hasn't much room left if pride is most certainly a sin.
>>11777 >Weapons
>pzhos so upset his logic fails even basic scrutiny that he goes on a schizo black cock meltdown lol eventually this behavior is going to completely ruin your ability to communicate with anyone and you'll deserve the total isolation you get in return both online and irl.
Blinken said Israel's settler violence, settlement expansion, home demolitions, and evictions make it harder to have peace and security https://8chan.moe/news/res/241.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ixrnp1q6HM[Embed] U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is calling on Israel to pursue a two-state solution with Palestinians as the only pathway toward lasting peace in the region. >During this week’s World Economic Forum conference in Davos, Switzerland, Blinken remarked on the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, which sharply escalated after the Oct. 7 attack on Israel when 1,200 were killed and hundreds were kidnapped. >Since then, the Israeli response has largely consisted of indiscriminate bombing campaigns and has resulted in the estimated deaths of more than 31,000 Palestinians, with another 61,079 injured. A staggering 92 percent of those killed have been civilians. >“For me, I think for so many of us, what we’re seeing every single day in Gaza is gut wrenching. And the suffering we’re seeing among innocent men, women, and children breaks my heart,” Blinken said during a Q&A session at the conference. >The Associated Press captured statements made by Blinken speaking at a news conference after meeting with Israeli leaders, saying Israel “must stop taking steps that undercut the Palestinians’ ability to govern themselves effectively.” >Blinken said Israel “must be a partner of the Palestinian leaders who are willing to lead their people” and live “side by side in peace with Israel,” the AP reported. >He added that violence (including Palestinian deaths) committed by Israeli settlers, settlement expansion, home demolitions, and evictions “all make it harder, not easier, for Israel to achieve lasting peace and security.” >Blinken’s call for a two-state solution came within days of one of his European counterparts making similar remarks. >“The only way is the creation of a Palestinian state,” Josep Borrell, the European Union’s foreign policy chief, said during a recent news conference. He added that an independent Palestinian state would offer a “horizon of hope” for Palestinians. >The Biden administration is likely to face strong pushback from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who continues to remain opposed to the proposition of ever allowing Palestinians to have a state of their own. >For decades, Netanyahu has been openly opposed to making Palestine an internationally recognized country, going so far as to provide funding and support to the very Hamas terrorist organization that attacked his country on Oct. 7 in a bid to prevent a two-state solution.
Netanyahu Says He has Told US He Opposes Palestinian State in any Postwar Scenario https://8chan.moe/news/res/241.html >Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday rejected U.S. calls to scale back Israel’s military offensive in the Gaza Strip or take steps toward the establishment of a Palestinian state after the war >“We obviously see it differently,” White House national security spokesman John Kirby said. >In a nationally televised news conference, Netanyahu struck a defiant tone, repeatedly saying that Israel would not halt its offensive until it realizes its goals of destroying Gaza’s Hamas militant group
>>11485 >>11486 Honestly how is some low level grunt on the ground completely cut off from his leaders because of Israeli jamming devices supposed to know there was a ceasefire anyway? Even if they had alternative means of communication those have long since been bombed for sure.

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