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I'm making a news board. Strelok 01/12/2024 (Fri) 00:04:53 No. 1402
https://8chan.moe/news/ I don't care if it's full of feds. I don't care if you are coming or not coming. I'm going to post news on 8moe and you can either come along kicking and screaming, or I'm leaving you behind when the bombs drop March 15th. I'm calling it a news board because that's all I really use /k/ for half the time anyways but you can post /k/ things there if you want to and I don't really care.
You know what I do remember there being some Spaniard babyfucker maybe it's because the article was about a baby. Well, I'll try again with the Spanish on the next one to know for sure.
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Excavations at Saqqara revealed burials, colorful masks and statues of the goddess Isis https://8chan.moe/news/res/168.html Researchers have discovered an ancient Egyptian tomb in the necropolis of Saqqara, which is about 20 miles south of Cairo. >Carved into rock over 4,000 years ago, the tomb sheds new light on the craftsmanship and funerary practices of ancient Egyptians, providing “invaluable insights into the history of this region,” as excavation leader Nozomu Kawai, an archaeologist at Japan’s Kanazawa University, tells Ahram Online’s Nevine El-Aref. >Archaeologists from Japan and Egypt collaborated to complete the dig at the ancient site of Saqqara, a strip of land running five miles along the Nile’s west bank. Once the burial ground for the Egyptian capital of Memphis, Saqqara is home to archaeological sites that span many centuries. Along with tombs and temples, the necropolis boasts sites such as the famed Step Pyramid, built in the 27th century B.C.E. >In addition to the tomb, the team unearthed “a number of architectural elements, burials and archaeological finds of different historical eras,” per a translated Facebook post from Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. >The burials included the remains of a small child and an adult, according to a statement from the ministry. The adult was buried wearing a colorful mask. >Ancient Egyptians often buried their dead wearing decorative masks. These objects were not created to depict the wearer’s own face, but an idealized, youthful visage, which facilitated the deceased’s journey into the Egyptian afterlife. >The researchers also discovered newer burials, including remains from the Ptolemaic period (around 304 to 30 B.C.E.) and a coffin from the 18th Dynasty (roughy 1550 to 1295 B.C.E.). Though the coffin was damaged, it held a well-preserved vessel made of alabaster, the white mineral Egyptians often used to make perfume containers, jars and funerary decorations, according to Ahram Online. >“The artifacts and burials uncovered provide a window into the lives of those who lived in this ancient civilization,” Mostafa Waziri, secretary-general of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities, tells the publication. >Additionally, researchers found two terracotta statues of Isis, the Egyptian goddess associated with magic and resurrection, and one of the child deity Harpocrates riding a goose. The goose symbolizes “an evil spirit over which the Divine Child triumphs,” Kawai tells Live Science’s Owen Jarus. >The team also recovered amulets, pottery tools and ostraca—pieces of pottery—that feature hieratic inscriptions, or cursive hieroglyphics. These kinds of grave goods were buried with the dead in the hopes that they could be used in the afterlife. >As Kawai tells Ahram Online, “We hope to uncover more secrets of the Saqqara archaeological site in the upcoming seasons, further enriching our understanding of this historically significant area.” Repost because I copy/pasted too quick teeheepero~ Arqueólogos desentierran antiguas tumbas egipcias con coloridas máscaras de momias y valiosas estatuas Excavaciones en Saqqara revelaron enterramientos, coloridas máscaras y estatuas de la diosa Isis Los investigadores han descubierto una antigua tumba egipcia en la necrópolis de Saqqara, a unos 30 kilómetros al sur de El Cairo. >Tallada en la roca hace más de 4.000 años, la tumba arroja nueva luz sobre la artesanía y las prácticas funerarias de los antiguos egipcios, aportando "valiosísimos datos sobre la historia de esta región", según explica a Nevine El-Aref, de Ahram Online, Nozomu Kawai, arqueólogo de la Universidad japonesa de Kanazawa, responsable de la excavación. >Arqueólogos de Japón y Egipto colaboraron para completar la excavación en el antiguo yacimiento de Saqqara, una franja de tierra que se extiende ocho kilómetros a lo largo de la orilla occidental del Nilo. Saqqara, que en su día fue el cementerio de la capital egipcia de Menfis, alberga yacimientos arqueológicos que abarcan varios siglos. Además de tumbas y templos, la necrópolis cuenta con yacimientos como la famosa Pirámide Escalonada, construida en el siglo XXVII a.C. >Además de la tumba, el equipo desenterró "una serie de elementos arquitectónicos, enterramientos y hallazgos arqueológicos de diferentes épocas históricas", según una publicación traducida de Facebook del Ministerio de Turismo y Antigüedades de Egipto. >Los enterramientos incluían los restos de un niño pequeño y un adulto, según un comunicado del ministerio. El adulto fue enterrado con una máscara de colores. >Los antiguos egipcios solían enterrar a sus muertos con máscaras decorativas. Estos objetos no se creaban para representar el propio rostro del portador, sino un rostro idealizado y juvenil, que facilitaba el viaje del difunto al más allá egipcio. >Los investigadores también descubrieron enterramientos más recientes, incluidos restos del periodo ptolemaico (entre 304 y 30 a.C.) y un ataúd de la XVIII Dinastía (entre 1550 y 1295 a.C. aproximadamente). Aunque el ataúd estaba dañado, contenía un recipiente bien conservado de alabastro, el mineral blanco que los egipcios utilizaban a menudo para fabricar recipientes para perfumes, frascos y adornos funerarios, según Ahram Online. >"Los artefactos y enterramientos descubiertos ofrecen una ventana a la vida de quienes vivieron en esta antigua civilización", explica a la publicación Mostafa Waziri, secretario general del Consejo Supremo de Antigüedades de Egipto. >Además, los investigadores hallaron dos estatuas de terracota de Isis, la diosa egipcia asociada con la magia y la resurrección, y una de la deidad infantil Harpócrates montando un ganso. El ganso simboliza "un espíritu maligno sobre el que triunfa el Niño Divino", explica Kawai a Owen Jarus, de Live Science. >El equipo también recuperó amuletos, utensilios de cerámica y ostraca -piezas de cerámica- con inscripciones hieráticas, o jeroglíficos en cursiva. Este tipo de objetos funerarios se enterraban con los muertos con la esperanza de que pudieran utilizarse en la otra vida. >As Kawai declara a Ahram Online: "Esperamos descubrir más secretos del yacimiento arqueológico de Saqqara en las próximas temporadas, enriqueciendo aún más nuestra comprensión de esta zona de gran importancia histórica."
Who we raiding boss?
>>1439 You're heart.
Nicaragua expelled 19 imprisoned clergymen to the Vatican. https://8chan.moe/news/res/185.html Catholic bishops have been openly critical of President Daniel Ortega Among the group are prominent political prisoners including Bishop Rolando Álvarez and Bishop Isidoro Mora. Additionally, 15 priests and two seminarians were among the expelled. >“We're glad to see the release of these religious leaders. Every individual deserves the right to worship at home & abroad,” wrote Ambassador Brian A. Nichols on X on Jan. 14. Nichols is the assistant secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs for the United States Department of State. >“We continue to call for the release of all those unjustly detained & the full restoration of fundamental freedoms for the Nicaraguan people,” he added. >President Daniel Ortega has denounced the Catholic Church, which has been publicly critical of his government in recent years. Roughly half of the population of Nicaragua is Catholic. >According to the Wilson Center: >Things boiled over in early 2018, when Ortega responded to largely peaceful protests by students and others with brutal force. More than 350 protestors were killed. Some Catholic bishops tried to protect the protestors by offering them asylum in their churches. Other church leaders attempted to act as mediators in the crisis—a move which Ortega viewed as a direct threat to his leadership and authority. In response, priests were bloodied by beatings and churches were desecrated. Since then, according to the Vatican News, the Ortega regime has carried out nearly 400 attacks against the Church and its adherents, ranging from defacing church buildings to attacks and arrests. The regime even expelled Mother Theresa’s Missionaries of Charity and declared the Vatican’s representative to Nicaragua Archbishop Waldemar Sommertag persona non grata. >Ortega called the Catholic Church a “perfect dictatorship” during a televised speech in 2022 because it does not hold elections for the pope. He also called the Church “coup plotters” that worked on behalf of “American imperialism,” per Al Jazeera. >Bishop Álvarez was arrested in 2022 for being a “traitor to the homeland” and served roughly one year of his 26-year sentence for treason. Álvarez had been an outspoken proponent of free and fair elections in 2018. He was arrested after refusing to get on a plane with 222 political prisoners who were being deported to the United States. He said he would not go into exile unless ordered to by Pope Francis. >“We must continue to work to combat the brutal Ortega regime and free the remaining prisoners — including courageous Bishop Rolando Álvarez, who refuses to abandon his flock,” said Congressman Chris Smith of New Jersey at the time of the bishop’s sentencing, per the Catholic News Agency. “He is truly a Christ-like figure with a servant’s heart, and we continue to urge Pope Francis to speak unequivocally on his behalf and seek his release.” >Bishop Mora was arrested in December 2023. He was taken into state custody by police after he told his congregation that the bishops of Nicaragua were “united in prayer” for Álvarez, a remark that was believed to have prompted his arrest, per the BBC. >“This is a continuation of the repression against the Catholic Church,” said Juan Sebastián Chamorro, a former presidential candidate who had been imprisoned and was expelled to the U.S. in February. “It’s the pattern. Any priest who talks in favor of democracy will be imprisoned and then exiled,” he said. >Twelve religious orders including the Jesuits, to which the pope belongs, and Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity, have been kicked out of Nicaragua, Molina said. The Ortega government has also confiscated Catholic universities such as the Jesuit-run Central American University, which the government said was a center for terrorism. >The regime has banned Caritas, the Catholic Church’s principal charitable arm, and most religious processions. Last year, the Vatican closed its embassy in Nicaragua. The Spanish TL contains a naughty word apparently.
Man en-route his last rites comes back to life; Pothole becomes ‘Life-Saver’ https://8chan.moe/news/res/187.html Brar's grandson noticed movement in his hand after the ambulance hit a pothole on the way to his expected funeral in Karnal. Doctors at the nearest hospital confirmed that Brar was alive. Now undergoing treatment, his family sees it as a miracle and hopes for his recovery. >They breed anger and derision; they cause annoyance, discomfort, and even expensive repairs, but India’s famous potholes actually saved a life on Friday. >The ‘late’ Darshan Singh Brar was being transported to the Indian version of a wake after his untimely death from a chest infection at the age of 80. >Indian potholes have a bad image for being a ‘life-taker’. People have lost their lives falling into these holes or have been stuck inside them for days and weeks at end without any source of food or water. >But, this time, these potholes actually brought someone back to life! Astonished much? >The atmosphere surrounding Brar's expected funeral in Karnal took a sudden turn when the ambulance hit a pothole.It is being reported that Brar's grandson, who was with him, noticed movement in his hand and realized he had a heartbeat. >Quickly, they redirected the ambulance to the nearest hospital, where doctors contradicted the earlier declaration of death and were positive that Brar was actually alive. Now, the elderly heart patient is undergoing treatment in a Karnal hospital, and his family, initially preparing for mourning, sees the incident as a miracle and hopes for his speedy recovery. >Balwan Singh, one of Brar's grandsons, explained to NDTV the turn of the events. He said, “My brother in Patiala informed us around 9 am on Thursday about our grandfather's death, and he was getting him to Nising (roughly 100 km away) in an ambulance for his last rites. We had informed our relatives and other local residents who knew him and they had already gathered to mourn his passing. A tent had been set up and food had also been arranged for the mourners. We had also got wood for the cremation.” >Further, it was reported that the encounter with the pothole where the ambulance experienced a jerk, has brought renewed hope to his family. As Brar fights for survival in a Karnal hospital, the family awaits his recovery. >Balwan also told NDTV, “It is a miracle. Now we are hoping that my grandfather recovers soon. Everyone who had gathered to mourn his death congratulated us, and we requested them to have the food we had arranged. It is God's grace that he is now breathing and we are hoping he will get better.” As reported by NDTV, “Dr Netrapal from Rawal Hospital said, "We cannot say that the patient had died. When he was brought to us, he was breathing and had blood pressure as well as a pulse. We don't know what happened at the other hospital, whether it was a technical error or something else.”
The World Economic Forum’s (WEF’s) annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland opens on the same day as the Iowa caucuses. https://8chan.moe/news/res/189.html When asked about a second Trump term, Al Gore said 'this may be a year of significant surprises' >Despite the conference being thousands of miles away from the location that kicks off the 2024 presidential election season, U.S. politics are top-of-mind for some attendees. >Specifically, CEOs, bankers, and policymakers in attendance are expressing concern over the possibility of a second term for former President Donald Trump. >“You know, we’ve been there before, we survived it, so we’ll see what it means,” BlackRock Inc. Vice Chairman Philipp Hildebrand told Bloomberg Television during an interview. “Certainly from a European perspective, from a kind of globalist, Atlanticist perspective, it’s of course a great concern.” >Hildebrand previously headed Switzerland’s central bank and resigned from his position in 2012 amid a scandal involving his wife, who engaged in a currency exchange that allowed her to profit from a policy change made by the central bank. >Hildebrand has previously leveled criticism at Trump. During the WEF conference in 2018, he said that Trump’s “protectionist U.S. trade policy is the biggest risk to global economic recovery.” >This year, former U.S. Vice President Al Gore is among the voices concerned over the potential of another Trump presidency but suggested his re-election is not guaranteed. >“I don’t think that it’s a foregone conclusion,” he told Bloomberg Television in Davos. “I’ve been through the process, I’ve run four national campaigns over the years and seen it from that perspective. I’ve seen a lot of surprises over the years. Something tells me this may be a year of significant surprises. I hope it’s the case because I don’t want to see him re-nominated and re-elected.” >Gore also cautioned about giving the Iowa caucuses too much weight. >“I’m not sure they’re as significant as some believe," he said. “There have been so many examples – last time in 2016 Ted Cruz won the Iowa caucus, and then it mattered not a whit. We’ve seen others win the Iowa caucus on the Republican side and then disappear.”
hang yourself faggot, no /k/ommando is coming to your fed honeypot, no matter how many copypasted links you post or how many totally legitimate "concerned anon" posts you samefag
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Dog That Won’t Stop Digging Saves Entire Neighborhood After They Find Dangerous Gas Leak Underground Authorities informed her that if Kobe hadn’t detected the leak when he did on December 21, the consequences could have been fatal. https://8chan.moe/news/res/207.html It would have made front-page news around the country: a quiet Philadelphia neighborhood exploding suddenly into flames days before Christmas; but because of a clever dog with a heck of a nose, it’s only making news. >A disastrous gas leak was detected underground by Kobe, a 4-year-old husky owned by Chanell Bell, who trusted her intuition and listened to Kobe’s warnings. >Having moved into the home rather recently, Bell noticed Kobe was digging in the same spot in the yard hour after hour. She didn’t think much of it as he is an avid digger when the need arises, but as it got larger and larger, she took notice. >“I trust his judgment because that isn’t his typical behavior,” she said. “He has great senses and he never digs holes unless he is helping me dig; I knew something was up.” >Chanell had had a gas leak in the house earlier in December, and seeing that the hole went under the sidewalk, she “trusted her intuition” to take out her gas detection device. >Immediately, the reading detected gas. >Not just gas, but a potentially cataclysmic amount of gas. >Chanell alerted authorities who informed her that if Kobe hadn’t detected the leak when he did on December 21, the consequences could have been fatal. >“We were told it could’ve caused serious health effects like respiratory issues, brain damage, and even death. They told me that something as simple as a light switch turning on could’ve caused an explosion too!” she said. >The gas foreman and crew immediately turned off her gas and got to work on the aged pipes that were leaking in three places and which could have affected other houses in the neighborhood as well. >“They were so impressed with Kobe and mentioned what a good dog he was,” said Chanell, who believes that you should always listen to your animals and their senses. >“It feels amazing to know Kobe saved our block, I am very thankful to have him,” she added. “I hope that this spreads awareness to others about the dangers and severity of gas leaks and to pay attention to your fur babies!”
>>1444 Prepare to get raided nerd
>>1402 >I don't care if it's full of feds. I don't care if you are coming or not coming Ok but the vast majority of what you're posting isn't even /k/ related so why are you spamming links here in the first place and why should anyone who wants to talk /k/ stuff go to your board? There's dozens of general news and current events boards.
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Japan manhunt after Starbucks customer shot dead as he sipped coffee in shopping mall https://8chan.moe/news/res/214.html The male victim was shot in the chest yesterday at a shopping mall in Shikokuchuo city in Ehime prefecture on Japan’s southwestern main island of Shikoku, while sipping a Starbucks coffee >A manhunt has been launched after a Starbucks customer was shot dead as he sipped his coffee in what was reportedly a gang-related crime. >The male victim was shot in the chest yesterday at a shopping mall in Shikokuchuo city in Ehime prefecture on Japan’s southwestern main island of Shikoku, local police said in a statement. He was rushed to a hospital but later pronounced dead, police said. The Ehime police department is searching for a middle-aged man who fled the scene of the shooting. >A man who lives nearby said he heard a bang and thought it was a car crash. An employee at a car dealer in the same shopping mall said he saw an ambulance coming in about five minutes after the shooting. He told the Japan Times: "This area is far from a place where this kind of thing would ever happen." >The victim, believed to be a 49-year-old man, was seated in a terrace section of the Starbucks before he collapsed outside of the coffee shop, according to media reports. Police declined to confirm Japanese media reports that they are investigating the shooting as gang-related. >In 2018, Japan, a country of 125 million people, only reported nine deaths from guns. After the assassination, Nancy Snow, Japan director of the International Security Industrial Council, said the shooting would change Japan forever. She told CNN: " It’s not only rare, but it’s really culturally unfathomable. [. . .] This is a speechless moment. I really feel at a loss for words." >>1448 You seem to be awfully concerned for someone acting like they don't care. >why should anyone who wants to talk /k/ stuff go to your board? Those who know, know, newfag-kun. Hang out, have a beer with the /news/men. You might learn a thing or two. >There's dozens of general news and current events boards. lol. lmao even
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North Korea Will No Longer Pursue Reconciliation With South Because of Hostility, Kim Jong Un Says https://8chan.moe/news/res/217.html North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said his country would no longer pursue reconciliation with South Korea and called for rewriting the North’s constitution to eliminate the idea of shared statehood between the war-divided countries, state media said Tuesday. >The historic step to discard a decades-long pursuit of a peaceful unification, which was based on a sense of national homogeneity shared by both Koreas, comes amid heightened tensions where the pace of both Kim’s weapons development and the South’s military exercises with the United States have intensified in a tit-for-tat. >Some experts say Kim could be aiming to [. . .] communicate more clearly that he would seek to deal directly with the United States over the nuclear standoff, which has deepened amid disagreements over the stringent U.S.-led sanctions over his growing nuclear weapons program. >Declaring the South as a permanent adversary, not as a potential partner for reconciliation, could also be part of efforts to improve the credibility of Kim’s escalatory nuclear doctrine, which authorizes the military to launch preemptive nuclear attacks against adversaries if it perceives the leadership in Pyongyang as under threat. >The North Korean steps come as Kim has been actively boosting his partnerships with Moscow and Beijing as he attempts to break out of diplomatic isolation and increase his leverage by joining a united front against Washington. >North Korea also abolished the key government agencies that had been tasked with managing relations with South Korea >He also ordered the removal of past symbols of inter-Korean reconciliation, to “completely eliminate such concepts as ‘reunification,’ ‘reconciliation’ and ‘fellow countrymen’ from the national history of our republic.” >He specifically demanded cutting off cross-border railway sections and tearing down a monument in Pyongyang honoring a pursuit for reunification, which Kim described as an eyesore. >South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol during a Cabinet meeting in Seoul said Kim’s comments show the “anti-national and anti-historical” nature of the government in Pyongyang. Yoon said the South was maintaining firm defense readiness and would punish the North “multiple times hard” if it provokes it. >Kim had made similar remarks during a year-end ruling party meeting, saying ties between the Koreas have become “fixed into the relations between two states hostile to each other.” At a political conference last week, he defined South Korea as the North’s “principal enemy” and threatened to annihilate it if provoked.
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Chinese scientists 'create' a mutant coronavirus strain that attacks the BRAIN and has a 100% kill rate in mice - as they admit there's a 'risk it spills over to humans' https://8chan.moe/news/res/223.html Chinese scientists have been experimenting with a mutant coronavirus strain that is 100 percent lethal in mice — despite concerns such research could spark another pandemic. >Scientists in China, experimenting with a coronavirus closely related to the virus that causes COVID-19, found that it had a 100 percent kill rate in a small mouse study >The scientists, including a doctor trained by the Chinese military, cloned a pangolin coronavirus and infected modified mice to “assess its pathogenicity,” they said in a preprint paper published on bioRxiv. (See research paper on 8moe) >Of the four mice infected with the virus, all began to lose weight five days post-infection. Shortly thereafter, they exhibited symptoms including sluggishness and white eyes. >The four mice died within eight days of inoculation. Researchers described the results as “surprising.” >Researchers then infected eight additional mice, euthanized them, and selected organs from four to analyze. High levels of viral RNA were found in various organs, including the brain, lungs, and eyes. While the viral load in the lungs decreased by the sixth day, it increased in the brain. >“This finding suggested that severe brain infection during the later stages of infection may be the key cause of death in these mice,” the scientists said. >The experiments were on a mutant strain of the pangolin virus, known as GX_P2V(short_3UTR). >The results suggest a risk for the virus to “spill over into humans,” researchers said. >Lihua Song, a scientist in Beijing who co-authored the new paper, did not respond to a request for comment on how the scientists ensured the experiments they performed were safe. >The Chinese scientists infected genetically engineered mice that have lungs modified to better mimic humans. >The researchers who published the new study include Yigang Tong, who was trained in a Chinese military program and worked in military-run labs. He also co-authored a paper in 2023 with Zheng-Li Shi, who helps run the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Ahh hell nah!
>>1448 >You seem to be awfully concerned for someone acting like they don't care. What? You're the one who said that, that is abdorect quote from your OP. I'm asking a question. >Those who know, know, newfag-kun. Hang out, have a beer with the /news/men. You might learn a thing or two. So not only do you not have an answer you're hoping to cow me into not asking anymore. Woman tactics, you aren't doing yourself any favors. >lol. lmao even Nice rebuttal, there are dozens of boards like yours already I'm asking why I should be interested in yours specifically instead of forgetting about it. You say you "don't care" yet you're clearly trying to gain traffic and also taking offense at a simple question. I didn't even insult you either.
>>1452 Why are you trying to logically engage with this utter retard?
>>1453 I was genuinely curious, and I thought maybe he was simply upset about the board closing so I waited to ask thinking maybe he wasn't as much of an asshole as he initially came off.
>>1454 >I was genuinely curious You're mining for attack vectors and it can be smelled from a mile away. >Ok but the vast majority of what you're posting isn't even /k/ related Establishing the target as a threat for shitstorm milking by challenging legitimacy of being here. Target is working with a board with tangential relation and a focus on a banned topic on the webring (news, specifically news that might involve politics). Get target to either admit there are non-/k/ things to claim off-topic illegitimacy or to double down to use select threads to start a fight. >so why are you spamming links here in the first place Established in the first round of conversations. Looking for an attack vector to order a cease and desist of the target's current actions. Establishes that you did not even read the thread. >why should anyone who wants to talk /k/ stuff go to your board? Failure to read the thread once more. Attempts to create an attack vector via the above method of challenging the legitimacy of the method. So new he does not recognize Z-poster as having been newsposting since meme flags were introduced to the board. Alternatively can't comprehend why someone who has been newsposting this entire time would want to keep doing so. Doesn't know about the shit storm shortly after Tengu took over. >There's dozens of general news and current events boards Attempts to discredit newsposting and instill FUD in newsposter by insisting on a false claim (that current events discussion, the very reason /k/ has been repeatedly denied in past migrations, is not actually banned on the majority of the webring). Doesn't know about the Smug denial of /k/ of 2020/2021. Doesn't know about the Trashchan disaster from roughly July-August 2022. Doesn't know about the PLW fallthrough of June-July 2022. >Nice rebuttal, there are dozens of boards like yours already After attack vectors have failed and the shitposter has been stonewalled, he doubles down hoping to see if defenses will crack. Engages in a "totally legitimate" conversation with a random picking a fight to establish a rapport and force a (You). Provides zero examples of claim because it is either entirely fabricated or it would reveal the shitposter's primary board of contact which he knows would lead to disenfranchisement of his argument. You use the same formula every time. People recognize it without even having to respond at this point. Maybe you are "totally legit" but the chances of a totally new, fresh user who totally isn't an outsider on a board this small trying to find an attack vector are about as slim as your mum's days without getting railed by anon.
>>1455 bro bro dude those meds? on the table? you're meant to use them
>>1456 Touch grass, dicksuck tranny.

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Cape Verde reaches malaria-free milestone https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/new-year-heralds-a-healthier-planet-as-cape-verde-eradicates-malaria-lao-eliminates-lymphatic-filariasis/ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-67951537 A sub-Saharan African nation has been declared malaria-free for the first time in 50 years. >Becoming the first sub-Saharan African country to eliminate Malaria in half a century, Cape Verde has gone three years without a single case of transmission. >Malaria kills most people who die every year, and now that the complex phenomenon of various parasites and various mosquitoes has been quelled, it should stay that way owing to the fact that Cape Verde is a nation of islands. >Indeed, all international travelers and migrants have free access to malaria diagnoses, which has been one of the nation’s strategies for controlling the spread of the parasite. Active mosquito control has also helped, as well as a general rise in the standard of testing and treatment. >“This success reflects the hard work and dedication of countless health professionals, collaborators, communities and international partners. It is a testimony to what can be achieved through collective commitment to improving public health,” Cape Verde’s Health Minister Dr Filomena Gonçalves told the BBC. >Mauritius, another island nation in African seas, was the last country to eliminate malaria—doing so in 1973. >Not needing the natural benefits of islands and oceans, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic was recently hailed by the WHO for its successful eradication of the disease lymphatic filariasis. >Commonly known as elephantiasis, it’s a debilitating parasitic disease spread by mosquitoes. For centuries, this disease has afflicted millions of people worldwide, causing pain, severe disability and social stigmatization. >Lao PDR is the 18th country in the Asian and Pacific tropics to have eradicated the disease from their society, proving that determined measures can succeed against it even among low-income countries. >It’s also the second neglected tropical disease that the country has eliminated following the elimination of trachoma as a public health problem in 2017. >To eliminate the disease, which by 2002 was endemic in only one southern Lao province (Attapeu), local health authorities and partners gave preventive medication to at-risk communities from 2012 to 2017. Elimination efforts also benefited from activities to reduce malaria and dengue, including distribution of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets and health education campaigns. >“Our country’s achievement has been made possible through years of collective efforts by dedicated health workers together with support from WHO and partners,” said Dr. Bounfeng Phoummalaysith, the Health Minister for Lao DPR at a ceremony celebrating his ministry’s efforts. >>1452 Ask me on 8moe if you have genuine questions in the meta or shelter thread, and I'll answer them to the best of my ability. Over there. Where about 80% of bad actors won't even go because it's a "fed honeypot" in their eyes. There's too many dramaniggers on the webring at this moment in time looking for cows to milk.
>>1458 That video took far too long to process so anon gets a freebee this time. https://8chan.moe/news/res/235.html
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Percentage of children living with 2 parents reaches highest level in decades https://8chan.moe/news/res/236.html A new report reveals that the share of American children living with two parents has reached its highest level in decades despite predictions that the percentage of children residing in two-parent households would continue to decline. >The Institute for Family Studies, which describes its purpose as “to strengthen marriage and family life, and advance the well-being of children through research and public education,” published a report titled “The Resurgence of the Two-Parent Family” last Wednesday. >Authored by senior fellow of the Institute for Family Studies and research psychologist Nicholas Zill, the research provides data from the United States Census Bureau about the “proportion of children under 18 living with two parents, single parent & neither parent” dating back to 1960. >While 87.7% of children younger than 18 lived with two parents in 1960, that figure had dropped to 67.3% by 2005. The percentage of children living with two parents in 2023 was measured at 71.1%, the highest share since 1990. >Meanwhile, 25.1% of children younger than 18 lived with a single parent in 2023, while the remaining 3.8% resided with neither parent. Additional data in the report broke down the family situations of American children even further. >According to U.S. Census Bureau data from 2022, 60% of American children lived with married birth parents. Single-parent households were the second most common living arrangement for children under 18, with 26% of American youth residing with just one of their birth parents. Nearly one-quarter of children under 18 (21.5%) lived with just their mothers, while a significantly smaller share of youth living with a single parent (4.6%) resided with only their fathers. >The remaining types of family structures for American children were households featuring a married birth and stepparent (5%), cohabiting birth or step parents (5%), grandparents or other relatives (3%) and foster parents or other guardians (1%). >Additionally, statistics in the report showed that younger children were more likely to live with their married birth parents than their older counterparts in 2022. Among children between the ages of 15 and 17, 53.6% lived with both of their married birth parents. That figure rises to 59.6% among minors between the ages of 6 and 14, and increases further to 64.9% among children 5 years old and younger. >Broken down by race, Asians had the highest percentage of children living with their married birth parents (81%) in 2022, followed by whites (70%), Hispanics (55%), multiracial children (51%) and blacks (33%). The research also showed that the overwhelming majority of children born to a college-educated mother (82%) lived with both of their married birth parents compared to just 54% of children whose mother did not have a college degree. >Analyzing the results, Zill commented that “the trends reviewed here show us that those who predicted a relentless increase in family instability or single parenthood were simply wrong.” According to Zill, “There seem to be growing numbers of young adults in all racial and ethnic groups who realize the economic, educational, and emotional benefits of marriage for themselves and their future children. As parenthood becomes more selective, the marriage-minded may have an advantage in childbearing.” >“Two developments that promise to extend the resurgence of the traditional family are the older ages at which adults embark on parenthood nowadays and the increased numbers of recent immigrants in the U.S. population,” he concluded. “Women and men who begin having children in their 30s and 40s are more likely to marry beforehand and stay married. Likewise, recent immigrants have shown a propensity to marry before having kids and then to remain married.” >A previous study conducted by the Institute For Family Studies in 2022 elaborated on the relationship between children growing up with two married parents and their achievement of academic success. The earlier report, compiled based on data from 2019, determined that children who did not grow up with both married parents were 2.18 times more likely to have their school contact their parents about the child’s behavior than those who did. >Similarly, the study found that children who did not grow up with their married birth parents were 1.63 times more likely to have their school contact their parents about their schoolwork than their peers who grew up with their married biological parents. Students from non-intact families were also 2.92 times more likely to get suspended and 2.01 times more likely to end up repeating a grade. >“These results reaffirm the conclusion that children from stable, married families have a better chance of receiving the guidance and support they need to succeed academically and adapt confidently to the classroom environment than children from disrupted or reconstituted families,” the previous report stated. “This does not mean that children from non-traditional families cannot do well in school. Many do, despite the conflict, turmoil, or curtailed parenting they may experience at home.”
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Christian school to arm, train staffers after deadly Iowa school shooting 'With God’s help this layer of protection will never need to be deployed,' superintendent says https://8chan.moe/news/res/238.html A Christian school in Iowa will arm and train its staff following a deadly shooting at a high school in the Hawkeye State. >Starting this month, Siouxland Christian School (SCS) in Sioux City, near the state’s western border with Nebraska, will arm selected staff members to be prepared in the event of an active shooter on campus, according to an official memo sent out to families. >In her Jan. 5 letter, SCS Superintendent Lindsay Laurich cited the “unfortunate reality” of school shootings like the one at Perry High School in central Iowa, which left the school’s principal, Dan Marburger, dead after he heroically intervened during the shooting. >In addition to Marburger, an 11-year-old student at Perry High also died. >While plans to possibly arm staffers had been considered at SCS long before the shooting at Perry High, Laurich told parents after the shooting, school officials “determined that it is essential that we take further steps to secure our building and to ensure that your child(ren) are protected at school.” >Calling the decision the result of a year-long “serious and diligent process” involving feedback from law enforcement groups, legal advisors, and insurance and industry experts, Laurich said the armed SCS staff are trained to “go directly to the threat” and respond in a manner that will “allow teachers and students to get to safe positions and will provide an active response until law enforcement is able to arrive.” >All staffers selected to be armed will remain anonymous, she said, explaining that the decision was a difficult but necessary one for the safety of students and staff at SCS, a fully accredited private school with students from preschool through grade 12. >“School buildings should be safe. Teachers and children should not be afraid to come to school,” Laurich wrote. “We must employ all of the tools and resources at our disposal in order to be prepared for worst case scenarios. >“... With God’s help this layer of protection will never need to be deployed,” she added. >Whether in a Christian or secular setting, when it comes to arming school staffers, the key to limiting legal liability is “training and acting reasonably,” according to Theresa Sidebotham of Telios Law, a Colorado law firm that works with Christian ministries, churches, and other religious organizations. >“Churches, schools, and other ministries are frequent targets for mass shooters. While it may be counterintuitive for some, being armed, trained, and prepared can end attacks quickly or help deter them to begin with,” Sidebotham said in a statement shared with CP. “In some cases, having armed protection prevented a bloodbath.” >While churches and ministries might understandably be concerned about potential legal exposure for arming their staff, Sidebotham said as long as certain key measures are in place — including proper training and screening of identified personnel and a “carefully crafted” security policy — churches and other ministries can take the same steps as private individuals to defend their people and their property. >“Legal standards don’t require ministries to be sitting ducks,” she added. >Additional security measures can also be taken, including the installation of surveillance cameras and implementing restricted building access. >A June 2023 survey by Lifeway Research found an overwhelming majority (81%) of Protestant pastors in the U.S. say their church has some form of security in place, whether it’s armed church members, uniformed police officers, or armed private security on site. >Some security measures listed by researchers include an "intentional plan for an active shooter situation," which more than half (57%) of churches surveyed said they have in place. A similar number (54%) said armed church members are part of their security measures, a nearly 10% increase from 2019. While not stated in the article, the Iowa governor approved all schools to carry, but the only school insurance provider for Iowa threatened to pull coverage for any school who does so.
Mexico Has Cut Migrant Flow To U.S. To Help Biden In the 2024 Election In exchange, Mexico's president wants $20 billion, an end to the blockade on Cuba, and the removal of sanctions on Venezuela https://8chan.moe/news/res/244.html Why are the sky-high numbers of illegal aliens entering the U.S. now plummeting? >The Biden administration is negotiating a multi-billion-dollar deal with Mexico to clamp down on migrants to boost his image ahead of the 2024 election, according to new reporting from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS). >Illegal border crossings of foreign nationals in the first weeks of January dropped by as much as 70 percent, wrote Todd Bensman, Senior National security Fellow at CIS, citing government data that was shared with him by a source who requested anonymity. >Immigration is a major flashpoint in U.S. politics and could spell disaster for President Joe Biden, who seeks to extend his stay in the White House by winning this year’s presidential election. >Millions of illegal aliens have entered the U.S. since Biden took office in January 2021. Within the first eight months of his tenure, illegal migration soared to the third-highest level in nearly 100 years. >Now, Democrat-run cities are being overrun by migrants and are buckling under the financial, logistical, and political pressure to end the crisis. Democratic mayors of five cities recently pleaded with Biden for $5 billion to address the migrant surge. >As stated in the CIS report, “Biden’s motivating drive in reopening migration-related diplomacy with Mexico amid days of 14,000 apprehensions that ended with a historic 300,000 in December is to get those giant numbers and terrible visuals out of the headlines ahead of an election many predict will be won or lost on thin margins.” >Mexico’s government is now rounding up migrants in the country’s north and is shipping them to southern cities like Tapachula and Villahermosa. “Tens of thousands are filling those southern provinces now,” wrote Bensman. >“Illegal traffic into Eagle Pass [Texas] today continues, but in fractional volumes of what they were in the fall,” he explained. >To catch fleeing migrants, authorities are also installing new road checkpoints, similar to those found in the Gaza Strip, Bensman wrote. >Mexico has now ramped up deportations, sending migrants back to their home countries. >A major migrant camp across the Rio Grande from Brownsville, Texas has been bulldozed, and anti-pedestrian trenches have been dug to deny access to widely used crossings into the U.S. >According to local media reports, the Mexican military has ordered a blockade of rail yards that have been responsible for shipping countless numbers of migrants to the U.S. border. >The Chihuahua Herald wrote that “Migrants reported that it is extremely difficult for them to get to Mexico, since the authorities, including Migration and the National Guard, stop their advance along the train tracks,” as part of the crackdown. >According to the CIS report, an unnamed source affiliated with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency says that the operations will only continue through the November election. >In exchange for his country’s cooperation, Mexico’s president has asked for $20 billion to be shared by his country and several others. He is also asking the U.S. to legalize millions of Hispanics who are currently in the U.S. illegally, suspend the blockade of Cuba, and remove sanctions against Venezuela.
US Govt Asked Banks to Flag Private Transactions Including 'MAGA' or 'Trump' — Purchases of Bibles https://8chan.moe/news/res/246.html 'What was also flagged? If you bought a religious text, like a BIBLE, or shopped at Bass Pro Shop.' >Investigators with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network asked banks to flag purchases from Dick's Sporting Goods, Cabela's, and Bass Pro Shops. >Perhaps most shockingly, the federal investigators also asked for a warning of purchases of "religious texts," including the Bible, that "could indicate extremism," according to a letter to the former director of the FinCEN, Noah Bishoff, from the House Judiciary Committee and its subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. >House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan posted the letter on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, writing, "We now know the federal government flagged terms like 'MAGA' and 'TRUMP,' to financial institutions if Americans completed transactions using those terms." >Rep. Jordan added, "What was also flagged? If you bought a religious text, like a BIBLE, or shopped at Bass Pro Shop." >According to a report from Fox News, Jordan told them "the documents obtained by the committee indicate that after Jan. 6, 2021, the Treasury Department’s Office of Stakeholder Integration and Engagement in the Strategic Operations of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, or FinCEN, distributed materials to financial institutions that outlined 'typologies' of 'various persons of interest' and provided the banks with 'suggested search terms and Merchant Category Codes for identifying transactions on behalf of federal law enforcement.'" >The government asked banks to use these terms, which targeted conservatives, to "search Zelle payment messages" as well as a "prior FinCEN analysis" of "Lone Actor/Homegrown Violent Extremism Indicators." >"According to this analysis, FinCEN warned financial institutions of ‘extremism’ indicators that include ‘transportation charges, such as bus tickets, rental cars, or plane tickets, for travel areas with no apparent purpose,’ or ‘the purchase of books (including religious texts) and subscriptions to other media containing extremist views,’" Jordan wrote in the letter. >"In other words, FinCEN used large financial institutions to comb through the private transactions of their customers for suspicious charges on the basis of protected political and religious expression," Jordan continued. >The letter asks Bishoff to appear before the committee by January 31 because he may "possess information necessary for our oversight." >According to the Fox report, "Jordan said the committees obtained documents that show FBI personnel, including Sullivan, 'made contact with and provided Bank of America with specific search query terms, indicating that it was ‘interested in all financial relationships’ of BoA customers transacting in Washington D.C. and customers who had made ‘ANY historical purchase’ of a firearm, or who had purchased a hotel, Airbnb, or airline travel within a given date range.'"
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27-year-old Christantus Omondi was arrested and charged with murder, aggravated assault of a security officer, and obstruction. https://8chan.moe/news/res/259.html >A Fort Worth delivery driver was killed by a naked man who beat him to death with the firewood he was delivering, court documents show. >The 27-year-old suspect, Christantus Omondi, is now in jail and charged with murder. >Police say after the brutal attack, Omondi went back to the Airbnb he was renting and threatened another tenant. >The victim was just doing his job, dropping off firewood at a residence in Fort Worth. The homeowner came outside to help him. >The homeowner was able to escape the attack. He says the suspect was acting belligerent and extremely violent. >The homeowner, who didn’t want his name used or his face shown, spoke to FOX 4 and recounted the terrifying ambush. >"Fully believe with my whole heart that he was out to murder both of us," he said. >Officers were called to a home on Wendover Drive in Fort Worth on Saturday night in freezing temperatures after multiple people called them about an assault. >Police found 51-year-old Scotty Jackson dead in the front yard with "severe blunt force trauma" to the head and neck. >The man who owned the home told police that he had called Jackson to buy firewood. When Jackson arrived with a U-Haul filled with wood, a naked man — later identified as Christantus Omondi — approached him, according to an arrest warrant affidavit. >"This naked man is three inches from my face, holding a key up to me yelling at me that I was on his property. He never wants to see me again. I should leave," the homeowner recalled. "Scott then replied, ‘No, this is his property and his house. Just let us unload firewood because it’s cold outside.’" >The homeowner told police that’s when Omondi pushed him and then struck Jackson with a piece of wood repeatedly and eventually dumped a wheelbarrow on him. >Omondi then chased the homeowner back inside his house. >The homeowner watched Omondi go back over to Jackson and beat him to death with the firewood. >In police documents, officers noted that other witnesses confirmed the homeowner's account, as did video surveillance. >Omondi then went inside an Airbnb on the same street, according to the affidavit. >A female tenant inside the Airbnb later told police that she was trying to do laundry when Omondi, who she recognized as a tenant of another room, ran into the house yelling at her, documents show. >The woman told officers Omondi tried to force his way into her room yelling, "I'll beat your a--. I'm going to f--- you up." The woman made her way to the bathroom, and Omondi was trying to force his way inside when police arrived, according to the affidavit. >Police told Omondi to leave the home, and as he left, he continued to yell at officer, documents show. >Omondi, who was still naked, was "non-compliant and aggressive," according to the affidavit. Police deployed a taser, and Omondi was eventually detained. >Kasey DeLeon holds onto the days her dad, Scotty Jackson, spoiled her and her two girls. She lived with her dad in White Settlement. But Saturday evening, Jackson never came home. >"I remember telling my boyfriend, ‘Something is wrong. My dad always calls me,’" she recalled. >Last DeLeon heard, Jackson was delivering firewood to a home Saturday evening. >"I’ll never be able to call my dad again. I’ll never be able to see him. At this moment, I have so much hate and so much anger," she said. "I just hope that justice is served. That’s all I want for my dad." >Neighbors say Omondi had only rented that Airbnb on that street a few days prior. >Omondi does have a criminal history, including evading arrest. Last year, he held a security guard at gunpoint in Tarrant County. >Omondi has been charged with murder, aggravated assault of a security officer and obstruction. He is being held in the Tarrant County Corrections Center on $312,000 bond.
Kishida Faction to be Dissolved Over Political Funds Scandal; Others May Follow https://8chan.moe/news/res/265.html >The ruling Liberal Democratic Party faction which was formerly led by Prime Minister and LDP President Fumio Kishida intend to disband itself as a political organization. >In relation to the political funds scandal involving LDP factions, prosecutors plan to build a case against the 46-member Kishida faction, also known as Kochikai. Kishida decided that they would have to dissolve the faction in order to address public distrust in politics under the current circumstances. >Concerning his faction, Kishida said to reporters on Thursday at the Prime Minister’s Office, “I am considering dissolving the faction. If it helps restore the public’s trust in politics, we must consider it.” >Along with the dissolution, Kishida plans to close the faction’s office in Tokyo. >Given the move by the Kishida faction, other factions might follow suit. >The Kochikai was established in 1957 by former Prime Minister Hayato Ikeda and is the oldest of the six LDP factions. It produced prime ministers Masayoshi Ohira, Zenko Suzuki and Kiichi Miyazawa. Kishida became the ninth leader of the faction in October 2012. The faction has been left without a leader since Kishida announced his intention to leave the faction in December 2023 amid the allegations against LDP factions concerning revenue from political fundraising parties. >The Kishida faction has registered as an “other political organization” to the Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry based on the Political Funds Control Law. If the faction ceases to be a political organization, it will not be allowed to hold political fundraising parties. >The Kishida faction has submitted revised political funds reports for the years between 2020 and 2022 to the ministry on Thursday. The faction added a total of a total of ¥25.01 million in revenue to the reports due to some part of fundraising revenue not being reported.
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'We look forward to our day in court.' A grand jury indicted Actor Alec Baldwin on Friday for involuntary manslaughter over the shooting of Halyna Hutchins on the set of the film "Rust" in 2021. https://8chan.moe/news/res/272.html Baldwin, 65, shot and killed Hutchins on October 21, 2021, while rehearsing a scene on set in New Mexico. >The actor was previously charged with involuntary manslaughter, but the charges were dropped last April, and prosecutors said that they could be revived at a later date. >The grand jury issued the indictment on Friday, according to Kari T. Morrissey, who was assigned to the case last year with her colleague Jason J. Lewis after the local district attorney’s initial prosecution against Mr. Baldwin fell apart and the initial charge was dismissed. >The indictment, which came exactly one year after the initial involuntary manslaughter case against him was announced, was the latest reversal of fortune for Mr. Baldwin. >In New Mexico, an involuntary manslaughter conviction on a charge like the one Mr. Baldwin faces carries up to 18 months in prison. >According to the report, Baldwin is charged with two different charges of manslaughter, but can only be convicted of one. The first count claims he acted with“total disregard or indifference for the safety of others,” and the other says he engaged in negligent use of a firearm. >"We look forward to our day in court," Baldwin's lawyers, Alex Spiro and Luke Nikas, told Fox News in response to the indictment. >Baldwin has maintained that he was told the gun did not contain live rounds. He has also claimed that he never pulled the trigger and that the gun went off on its own. >The Times report notes, "A forensic report commissioned by the prosecution determined that he must have pulled the trigger for it to go off, contributing to their decision to revive the criminal case." >“Someone put a live bullet in a gun, a bullet that wasn’t even supposed to be on the property,” Baldwin said in an interview after the shooting. “Someone is ​responsible for what happened, and I can’t say who that is, but I know it’s not me.” >Baldwin was both acting in and producing the film. >Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, the armorer for the film, is also facing a charge of involuntary manslaughter. She has pleaded not guilty. Her trial is scheduled to begin in February.
Where are the archives?
Humans Are Living Longer All Across the World and the Male-Female Longevity Gap is Closing https://8chan.moe/news/res/275.html >Whether in the harshest parts of Africa or the richest parts of California, longevity in humans is increasing. >Also, the gap between male and female life expectancy is narrowing, the researchers at Spain’s Universidad de Alcalá report in the journal PLoS One. >The authors split world populations into five clusters and found each area demonstrated longer life expectancies and fewer disparities between genders over the last 30 years. They also said their data predicts that these trends will continue into the next decade. >But although safer and safer conditions for blue-collar jobs have meant that men are dying less on the job, the experts believe they will never average the lifespans of women due to conditions caused by their Y chromosome, which seems to be associated with increased risk of lethal, non-communicable diseases. >In terms of life expectancy, researchers found that most countries in the world have seen improvements in longevity over the past two centuries according to data from across all continents between 1990 and 2000. Measures used were life expectancy at birth and eight other mortality indicators from the United Nations Populations Division records relating to 194 countries. >They then lumped these countries together to create five separate clusters based on their mortality and longevity characteristics between 1990 and 2010. >Amongst all five of the clusters of countries, the researchers found that life expectancy is increasing and the male-female mortality gap shrinking. The researchers also extended their model to predict outcomes for the groupings in 2030 and found a continuation of these trends. >Though all areas improved, Africa was found to be the region with the most significant improvements in mortality indicators. >“This fact clearly presents the growth in the aging processes around the world during the last 30 years,” said lead author Professor David Atance. “Even the best-performing high-income countries continue to grow, although these improvements slowed over time.” >He added that the closing of the gender longevity gap, which is decreasing in both the cluster analysis and country analysis worldwide, could be explained by the past “harmful” lifestyles of blue-collar males falling by the wayside in recent years. >If larger and larger slices of national populations age into their late 70s, 80s, and 90s as Atance and others have predicted, humanity will need to rapidly re-examine the picture of old age in our societies away from sitting in rocking chairs being cared for. >Renowned psychologist Gabor Mate has compared the phenomenon of a gerontocracy to the idea of “elders versus the elderly” where in traditional societies the old are still contributing and valued members of the community, who are consulted for their wisdom, but who can also still physically pull their weight. >>1467 Archive?
Well you're in luck, anon. I've got shit to take care of this weekend because one of my neighbors was a nigger and clogged the sewer main.
>>1468 Yes, an archive link of the news article. https://archive.is/
>>1470 Ah. Yeah nah, if anon wants to archive that's his business. I only use it as a paywall bypass. TorAnons and Firefox-derived Anons get fucked by cuckflare and the article gets posted anyways so the only real point of a link is as a source for verification of the quoted material. Which anon can archive at his own discrepancy if he needs it for future access. Plus I don't want to sit on the load queue for 5-20 minutes waiting to find out if I've been blacklist-looped and I need to hop IPs or if it's going to actually go through.
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