>I was genuinely curious
You're mining for attack vectors and it can be smelled from a mile away.
>Ok but the vast majority of what you're posting isn't even /k/ related
Establishing the target as a threat for shitstorm milking by challenging legitimacy of being here. Target is working with a board with tangential relation and a focus on a banned topic on the webring (news, specifically news that might involve politics). Get target to either admit there are non-/k/ things to claim off-topic illegitimacy or to double down to use select threads to start a fight.
>so why are you spamming links here in the first place
Established in the first round of conversations. Looking for an attack vector to order a cease and desist of the target's current actions. Establishes that you did not even read the thread.
>why should anyone who wants to talk /k/ stuff go to your board?
Failure to read the thread once more. Attempts to create an attack vector via the above method of challenging the legitimacy of the method. So new he does not recognize Z-poster as having been newsposting since meme flags were introduced to the board. Alternatively can't comprehend why someone who has been newsposting this entire time would want to keep doing so. Doesn't know about the shit storm shortly after Tengu took over.
>There's dozens of general news and current events boards
Attempts to discredit newsposting and instill FUD in newsposter by insisting on a false claim (that current events discussion, the very reason /k/ has been repeatedly denied in past migrations, is not actually banned on the majority of the webring). Doesn't know about the Smug denial of /k/ of 2020/2021. Doesn't know about the Trashchan disaster from roughly July-August 2022. Doesn't know about the PLW fallthrough of June-July 2022.
>Nice rebuttal, there are dozens of boards like yours already
After attack vectors have failed and the shitposter has been stonewalled, he doubles down hoping to see if defenses will crack. Engages in a "totally legitimate" conversation with a random picking a fight to establish a rapport and force a (You). Provides zero examples of claim because it is either entirely fabricated or it would reveal the shitposter's primary board of contact which he knows would lead to disenfranchisement of his argument.
You use the same formula every time. People recognize it without even having to respond at this point. Maybe you are "totally legit" but the chances of a totally new, fresh user who totally isn't an outsider on a board this small trying to find an attack vector are about as slim as your mum's days without getting railed by anon.