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Canadian Related Things Strelok 08/25/2021 (Wed) 05:21:07 No. 7267
Greetings and Salutations I wish to make a thread for my syrupnigger brethren in regards to firearms and basic politics. I intend this thread to help any leafanons looking to get their PAL and shooters. While theres still a chance for you to own something Vote O'Toole if you still want to keep your guns and have the OIC repealled Important links that you should read >https://pastebin.com/Ndb2jSAu >https://www.howtogetagun.ca/ If you're from 4cuc/k/, kill yourself, we do not want you
>>7529 >phoneposting You’re right nigger-kun, I should have brought my PC and monitor to Europe while backpacking so the file name doesn’t hurt your feelings. I’m deeply sorry. If you have a better alternative since 8chan, and Julay world shut down let me know, god forbid I add some traffic to such a slow board once every 5 months. I’ll see if we can’t get your rez another 10 million so your chief can buy another nino and blame the white man for his pipes freezing after he cut a hole in his wall so his horse could drink from the bath tub in winter. :^)
>>7530 >his pipes freezing after he cut a hole in his wall so his horse could drink from the bath tub in winter. >*shlopshlopshlop*/10, would lead a horse to water again
>>7531 True story too, buddy’s dad did a bunch of electrical and plumbing on some rezes and some of the calls were insane. But overall most of the natives I worked with were pretty good, honestly. Though I have heard stories of them killing guys in the north back country to steal quads and guns.
>>7530 >phoneposting >no, no, I'm actually a hobo >i have nothing better to do than trawl chans for dopamine hits and (You)s oh ok, that's much better. smooth attempt damage control not really. just don't repost that low effort off topic garbage here and no one will be calling you out for the rest
>>7533 Shit the fuck up you retarded bitch, wah wah cry cry he used a poopy device and I dun like iiiiiiiiiit, I wanna contwol everyone awound me obey me nnnnnooooooohhhhhooooowwwww. Control my dick into your mouth faggot control freak.
>>7533 You seem angry strelok, maybe you should save up and try backpacking, it’s really fun and you meet a lot of people, you’ll make some good memories too. >off topic I asked about Canadian stories of people being killed or robbed at gun point by natives because I remember a few on 8/k/ a few years back and they were pretty good. The only (you)s I was expecting was some green texts until someone spreged out that I used a racial slur. Sorry I’m railroading the 2 and a half year old thread, we wouldn’t want such an important thread on an active board like this to be driven off topic at all. Thank you for your concern.
>>7530 >this level of damage control Sure sounding totally mentally stable there, faglok.
>>7535 It's pointless to continue, there's a reason this site is dead and it's because of turbospergs looking for any reason to shit their pants no matter the content of your post. There is no worthwhile /k/ anymore, this shithole is basically just 4/pol/ lite.
>>7537 >any reason to shit their pants My favorite kind of wood is curly maple. I like how the stretch marks on it seem to reflect the light somehow. Thanks Canada for being inventor of the maple leaf. Hold on I gotta go shit myself real soon but what is (You)r favorite kind of wood anon
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>>7537 /k/ommandobros........
>>7534 chug/10 reading comprehension. use your virtual reality helmet and smart watch for all I care, just don't spread cancer here. >>7537 >this site is dead and it's because of turbospergs >There is no worthwhile /k/ anymore, this shithole is basically just 4/pol/ lite. pray tell - is it the turbospergs or the phoneposter hobo types with low effort racebait posts that are turning into pol?
>>7537 Meh, such is life in the webring™ so ultimately who fucking cares. I'm just glad I don't have to deal with 4cucks moderation.
>>7540 >racebait Have you been to the Israel/hummus threads strelok?
>>7540 >pol >pol Strelok I... sage for for off topic and double posting
>>7540 No it's fags like you throwing a fit at every offhand comment that would otherwise not garner any real attention whatsoever. You will never realize this and continue to blame others for the results of your shitty retard fits.
leafbros... they stole our thread again
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>>7545 Leafanon, do you believe he was a good leader? I heard he was popular among the people for being a populist.
>>7542 >>7543 >Have you been to the Israel/hummus threads strelok? Sure, there's substantial discussion of >checks notes >weapons, combat, military history, conflict news reporting, and outdoorsmanship in the context of current events in the middle east fueled by racial/ethnic/religious factors. In contrast with: >CHUGS, amirite??? At least share an anecdote/news story/archive of old top posts. of course such tasks are insurmountable when you're a phoneposter
Quit yer bitchin' and either post or don't.
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>>7545 >>7546 I forgot the one thing he did that made him a good guy to my muddled memory and it had something to do with rescinding the payment home taxes/payments/credit or exposing some aspect of it as fraud. He is funny crack-smoking man however and that makes him likeable and charismatic in the same way Trump and Shinzo Abe are.
Where can I get some sweet maple syrup?
>>7551 Up your ass, faggot.
>>7552 But Australia doesn't have maple trees. They have trees that set themselves on fire though, can I get fire syrup from his ass?
c21 just became law
>>7554 I don't know why this is surprising to you but the only choices at this point are to stop following the law or submit like Australians did.
>>7555 nice bait
>>7555 Nobody is going to comply just like the 2020 OIC.
>>7556 Ok retard. >>7557 >no one will comply They're not concerned about the ones old enough to own weapons now. They're banking on your descendants not being able to obtain weapons. When will cuc/k/s learn that weapons rights are a generational game? Rhetorical question, I know the answer is never.
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>c21/gun ban FAQ >I read on cuck/pol/ that guns are banned in Canada now hurr durr! They aren’t, our government passed a bill that got neutered by gun owner groups and the opposition, who were pissed about it. >but I heard there was a list of banned guns! There was one, three years ago. Not a single “banned” firearm has been taken or given up. The list you’re seeing is the “neutering” referred to earlier. >but won’t the government ban things arbitrarily? They haven’t succeeded in their first attempt, 4 years ago. Nothing has happened. Let this be the end of it. No more dumb gun control hypotheticals. Nothing has happened and the government hasn’t done shit. Please google your questions and read the actual legislation before making retarded statements on this Angolan Breadmaking forum. It’s a sad nothingburger by a government that’s on its way out.
Canada = failed state in '24 cap it, fgts
>>7560 'Capping is only for things that aren't self-evident.
>>7561 The Jews will save Canada's failed state by causing a leaf 9/11 and subsequent debt wiping conflict
>>7526 Well the most infamous ones I can think of are from Fort St. Johns, (or nearby, I'm sure someone on the western front knows,) and some anecdotes out of the Chilcotin. As in the FSJ one where the teacher lady went there and was flown in to the res, and told to report back in a week. After not doing so for two weeks, they flew in to check up on her, at which point she ran onto the airstrip naked with three chugs behind her, after being raped for 11 days straight, or something like that. There are other stories, like how they built houses there, and they would cut holes in the roof and make a fire pit in the basement, because they couldn't figure out the propane. Upon ruining the house, just set up a injun tent on the deck and sleep there. My favorite injun story is from the Chilcotin was a trapper in a farmer dense area. He was fairly well known by the locals and kept mostly to himself. His wife and him moved cabin to cabin doing that line of work. He had some shitty old stove in his local cabin, and kept it near the door because " it was less work bringing in firewood." Of course it went up in the winter, and his wife was trapped inside. He was in a panic, and a while later one of the locals went there, after seeing the flame. He started explaining, and immediately once he finished his story the rancher asked him, "you had the chainsaw in the sled. Why didn't you just cut through the walls and save her?" All else is speculation, and there may have been a reason for him to kill her, but it's funnier, (and likely more correct,) to think he's dumb. There are other little stories, like how a man stopped by a river with spawning rainbows, and yelled at the drunken chugs, "what do you think you're doing netting here." After a pause the response was, "well our dogs need to eat." Stewards of the land, in the truest sense. As well teachers in the Chilcotin being astonished that 5 year old kids in school were wearing diapers, only to discover the children had been raped so often that they could no longer control their bowels, and some other horrific shit. Unless you wanted some cool, badass, Hollywood style story of chug cowboy robberies. In that case I got nothing.
>>7563 >only to discover the children had been raped so often that they could no longer control their bowels Canada should bring in more Afghan refugees they would get along with the chugs just fine it seems. Then again it's not like featherniggers down here don't rape their children that hard either, it's a shame white people let their alteuism take over before these creatures were completely wiped out. We were so fucking close too.
>>7560 We're all in the same boat. Much of North America may face electricity shortages starting in 2024 >Over the next several years, many regions of the US and Canada may struggle to ensure a reliable electricity supply amidst soaring energy demand from the tech industry and electrification of buildings and vehicles >New York, New England and the entire western US along with some of the most populous Canadian regions such as Ontario and British Columbia are at “elevated risk” of experiencing electricity shortfalls during summer heatwaves or winter storms. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2409679-much-of-north-america-may-face-electricity-shortages-starting-in-2024/ https://archive.is/avhSn I keep hearing the solution is more nuke plants, but I question if that's a good idea in the midst of the competency crisis. I have nightmares of beaner-built nuke plants with jeets and bugmen running the controls, but I suppose the longer we delay the less (White) institutional knowledge of these systems will be transferred.

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