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Russo-Ukrainian War #31: Wagner strikes back ! Strelok 10/21/2023 (Sat) 14:36:45 No. 8822
Only thing we need now are nukes and smooth bore muskets and we've seen it all! >Ukrainian spring summer counteroffensive has failed utterly, without achieving any of its goals. Recommended watching: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGGS25XFNHk&t=2839s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufouPCVEvdM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsYtZCLBO9k >Russians are slowly chipping away at ukrainian push on Rabotine, at the moment without real results. >Ukrainians are attempting a push in Kherson region >through Dniepr >so far they have captured two villages by the shore >consensus is that it is a suicidal push >Ukrainians have struck russian air base in Berdyansk with ATACMS >lossess depend on who you ask, from 3 helicopters (initial russian claim) lost to 60 (ukrainian propaganda). Anywhere in the region of 9-30 seems reasonable for damaged craft (there is one word for destroyed and damaged in slavic languages) >most likely this is the only time when we see ATACMS, at least unless more are provided. >there were only 12 provided of the cluster munition variety, insufficent for destroying Kerch bridge, which is why Ukrainians wanted them for in the first place >striking Berdyansk and other similiar airports are the only thing they are good for. >6 (+3?) were already used and next time air defences will have easier time when shooting them down. >Russians launch offensive along the entire frontline >the most important of which is attack on Avdievka >Avdievka is ukrainian fortress, fortified for 8th years >its has been used during the war to shell Donetsk city, which makes it a very important target >there is a huge industrial waste pile on the north-eastern edge, called Terrikon. It is the only elevated vintage point, 20 meter high stone outcrop from which you can see entire region >aside from initial push, there have been hardly any other successess so far >fighting is bloody, ukrainian MoD (so 0 credibility) reports almost 10 000 dead since the start of the offensive
>>9338 >War has changed... Mothefucking Bethesda lied to us. >>9340 >Kalibr upgraded to use flares.mp4 A friendship rocket is delivering fireworks just in time for new years celebrations! >>9344 >Russian cruise missile tech and production looks like it's coming along in leaps and bounds.. I wonder how much data mining NATO has been able to do for improving the AA and anti-missile systems, Russia is definitely busy dialing in the radar profiles of NATO's stuff but their AA installations aren't getting BTFO'd on a regular basis so they actually have a chance to extract data for analysis. >>9352 >>9353 That sounds fascinating but I could do with some visual aids.
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Green arrow represents shooty shooty, purple arrow represents talky talky with base about what's happening. Black arrow represents direction of movement. Rinse repeat for as many meters as you have to move. Reverse for retreating with middle group providing cover fire and far-back group keeping an eye on the situation.
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According to weeb, due to shell shortages, instead of sending in artillery pieces and ammo at a steady pace, Ukraine stockpiles it and unleashes it in a big wave to use it in greater effect. Thinking about it, that's been Ukraine's strategy for most of the war and is most prevalent when Russia is advancing. That, and stuff like this >>9346 to pressure Russia into redeploying their troops.
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Suppose one wanted to volunteer with a civilian medical background and skillset, which group is the least corrupt/pozzed/fucked curently? Also any news on those anti-kremlin russians?
>>9357 Last I heard all the foreign volunteers have gone home or been killed. In any case all groups are going to require you to buy everything yourself and there's still a chance they'll off you if you look wealthy enough. Some foreign fighters got offed by some Ukies a few months back over money they were being sent.
>>9357 Anon, dont. Its beyond suicidal at this point, if you want to unfuck your life through adventure go on operation: white boa to africa. There is new war in kongo and somaliland is still fighting with worst somalians. They sure as fuck would take a medic in.
>>9357 You would be better off blowing your brains out or joining a drug cartel if your life is that far gone.
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>>9357 >Also any news on those anti-kremlin russians? Defenestrated, probably. >>9359 >Its beyond suicidal at this point >Try somalia instead Are you drunk? >>9346 >Russians conducted rocket/drone/artillery strikes throughout Ukraine, presumably in retaliation for Belgorod/Donbas. >Maps from Rybar >Claims that multiple Leopard were taken out by drones.
>>9358 >>9360 Should I wait until more established organizations get involved then? >>9359 I don't want to get unironically vored.
>>9362 The more established organizations were involved early on. They got shafted worse than the conscripts did. That's why the mercenaries all left, and Ukraine is crying that nobody will help them in the private sector unless they have guarantees/protection provided by a foreign nation.
Some thing going around telegram >The National Interest (USA). “At net cost, Russia can produce 314 Lancets for every German Leopard. The discrepancy becomes even more striking if we take into account the difference in prices in the two countries, adjusting them to purchasing power parity (PPP), as is customary in accurate economic comparisons. It turns out that for every German Leopard, Russia can release 683 Lancets. This begs the obvious question: will Leopard 2 be comparable in its combat capabilities to almost seven hundred Lancets? Hardly". >Putin signed a decree on granting citizenship to foreigners who entered into a contract with the Russian Armed Forces >Zaluzhny is publicly complaining in conferences that he simply doesn't have enough men to fight. >Russians have started using Best Korean KN-23 ballistic missiles, which are analog to Iskander TBM. >Allegedly, in the last few days, Kizhal strikes in Kiev have taken out one NASAMS and one Patriot SAM battery >Russians have massively increased their Geran and Kalibr missile usage in the last week.
>>9364 >This begs the obvious question: will Leopard 2 be comparable in its combat capabilities to almost seven hundred Lancets? Hardly." I hate these comparisons. Certain costs have to be absorbed to make progress and you aren't going to make an ROI on them. The Leopard II is wildly overpriced, however lancets don't win towns and cities; boots do. >Putin signed a decree on granting citizenship to foreigners who entered into a contract with the Russian Armed Forces That was already a thing. Russia and France were the only two "modern" countries that had foreign legions prior to this war taking off. Well, ones that offered you citizenship. UAE has the best foreign legion deal on earth, but they just offer you fat stacks of cash. The only thing that changed was now you don't have to join the Russian Foreign Legion which required you to know Russian anyways. >Zaluzhny is publicly complaining in conferences that he simply doesn't have enough men to fight. His brain must be feeling better since he was doing that in the past. >Russians have started using Best Korean KN-23 ballistic missiles, which are analog to Iskander TBM. Makes sense, the Norks probably sold them at a discount for bread and steel.
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>>9365 >however lancets don't win towns and cities; boots do. Neither do tanks, the thing is, which is a better literal bang for your buck? a leo or 700 lancets? i'd rather have the latter >Russia and France were the only two "modern" countries that had foreign legions prior to this war taking off Can't believe you've forgot these guys... making us proud
>>9366 The Spanish Legion only accepts foreigners from former colonies. You have to be a native Spanish speaker with either Spanish citizenship or hold citizenship in the Philippines, Mexico, or Central-South American Spanish diaspora to qualify.
>>9366 >which is a better literal bang for your buck? a leo or 700 lancets? Which one can park in a town and hold negotiations with the mayor at barrelpoint/check buildings for stragglers? I understand the lancets are militarily more bang for your buck, but you have to control the rubble or else it doesn't matter. By the same logic we should abandon all AFVs and build more artillery pieces because it's more bang for your buck, yet clearly countries need AFVs.
>>9368 Using tanks as expensive occupation paper weights still seems like a raw deal. They have their uses but their utility on the battlefield is narrowing due to new and inexpensive tech while still being expensive themselves.
>>9369 >Using tanks as expensive occupation paper weights still seems like a raw deal Always has been, always will be. Occupying territory has always been a raw deal and the age of the internet has only made it rawer.
>Dima dubbed the nork missiles as Kimskanders I also switched to watching his videos at 1.5x speed, but that is my personal problem.
HistoyLegends year in review/what to expect in 2024 video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmUfnN_ylZI >>9371 >Kimskanders heh >I also switched to watching his videos at 1.5x speed I've been doing the same since a lot of these guys are doing it for monetization moreso than amount of content.
>>9372 >>9371 >not just watching everything always at 2x
>>9312 imagine catching that on the battlefield...mmmm...
I have a feeling that being a Russian soldier stuck in Moldova might be the safest way to take part in this war. Once the frontline reaches that place it's all ogre for Ukraine anyway, and until then it is unlikely that anyone will bother a bunch of soldiers sitting on one of Europe's largest collection of explosives.
>>9375 Yeah, I don't know what happened there. Ukraine was legit getting ready to invade. The number of troops they put on Moldova's borders well-exceeded anything that would involve a feint in Kherson. Best I can figure is Romania threatened to stop supplying Ukraine if they actually did it since this war has drummed up anti-Romanian sentiment in the Moldovan population that a few years ago was ready to integrate into Romania.
>>9376 >this war has drummed up anti-Romanian sentiment in the Moldovan population Is it only amongst the pro-Russian part of the population, or more general? In the latter case, why?
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>New Russian Geraniums now come with jet engine which allows them to cruise at 500 kph >First time somebody within Ukrainan power structure came out and commented on UAF casulties, apparently UAF is now losing 30K men a month, 500K so far. >Ukrainan govement ordered 50K female camo uniforms >Russians changed AtA tactics, now they wait for UAF pilots to scramble to intercept Geranium drones then bonk them with R-37. >Russians still haven't run out of missiles.
>>9377 It's a general sentiment. Moldova was on the verge of a breakthrough to reunite with Romania (transnistria question notwithstanding), but a lot of Moldovans feel like Romania fucking around in Ukraine is endangering a Moldovan-Transnistrian war and they are becoming upset. Or so I've heard anyways. >>9378 I've noticed a pattern of Ukrainian shills on social media screaming about how Ukraine has yet to suffer 100k casualties and there's no sources to back it up almost every single time before the actual numbers are released. It's getting old.
>>9379 >I've noticed a pattern of Ukrainian shills on social media screaming about how Ukraine has yet to suffer 100k It's been like that for months now,yet they claim they trade like 5 to 1 against Russians. Russians themselves are similar when fiving wild claims but they seem to be more restrained and will say they're suffering heavy casulties in some cases but that Ukrainans are suffering even more. I guess it's understandable in both cases, war tends to bring out such fervor among warring sides.
https://yewtu.be/watch?v=PcNYDc2-Msw >Dima thinks the burger's secretary of defence was wounded in Keeev, and the story about him developing cancer is just a fabrication to hide this >Hohols seen handling out papers to their fellow Hohols in Warsaw, although they don't have the legal power to actually bring them back to Hoholistan (yet) >Hohol officers are negotiating with Natto to get comfy jobs once the war is over
>>9380 >It's been like that for months now Yeah, but it always seems to be worse than usual right before a number drop. The Soviets used to do the same shit (minus the internet) to let their civilians know actual war deaths while obfuscating any and all data about it. >>9381 >Hohols handing out papers to foreign Ukrainians I don't know why they don't just blackbag them off the streets. That's what China and all the Middle Eastern countries do when they want someone from a Western country. >Hohol officers are negotiating with Natto to get comfy jobs once the war is over Soviet-era officers? In my natto? More likely than you think! After the last Holocaust Jew dies off my negative energy is getting re-routed to remaining Soviet and Chinese officials.
Nothing interesting is happening but we should make a new thread probably.
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>>9383 Yeah. You should.
>>9383 I'm waiting for something interesting to happen or for the 2 year anniversary. The bongs believe Russia will re invade the Kharkiv region on the 15th, and the rumor of reopening the front has been floating around for a while so it could happen especially after the attack on Belgorod. With 30k losses per month and the lackluster draft/gang press rate, I don't see the 500k mobilization target for new units being met in a timeline where the monthly casualties don't eat all of those new troops. Combined with dwindling equipment and I think opening a new front, if Russia can sustain it without weakening other areas, would be the straw that breaks the camels back.
>>9385 Allegedly they have at least 70k "active reservists" who can fill in the role of a new front line. Will be interesting to see if they do it or not. They should if only because Russia can not win this war without conquering Kharkiv. That valley has been the source of Natto gays interrupting Russia's shit for nearly twenty years now.
>>9385 The entire site is shutting down in March. If we wait for the anniversary to make the last thread, then there's no point in making one.
Aight I'll make it in a second.
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