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Amateur Game Development General: Japanese Work Ethic Edition Anonymous 03/13/2024 (Wed) 15:30:09 Id: 40ae53 No. 946073
The fake enthusiasm is key. Resources: >#8/agdg/ via irc.rizon.net >https://app.element.io/#/room/#agdg:matrix.org via matrix programs >Dev resources: http://8agdg.wikidot.com/resources >Wiki: http://8agdg.wikidot.com/ >http://mu-sic-production.wikia.com >https://pastebin.com/qtDwktHP
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Crop and Claw dev here. We just released an update that gives an extra coat of paint over the original game. You can still play the original NES-esque graphics and music, but now you can also play with MIDI music and more detailed pixel art. Check it out if you'd like. https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2760970/view/4238531900071070057
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>>984321 Looks great anon. I saw the game just had a big update and wondered what it was. I'll play it some more later tonight probably.
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i changed the party follow system. instead of following behind the player/previous member, it follows keypoints the player leaves behind as they walk. this approach does have flaws, but i think it looks less awkward than all the smoothing and wall clipping that happened before. also i've been working on populating this town and writing the associated dialogue. it takes a bit since i have to more or less do it twice because of translations.
>>984321 Huh, I'd like to give it a go, but my cart is fat enough as it is due to the sale.
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>>984813 Nothing personnel. Just wishlist it if you're interested. I don't remember when the next sale will be. Either that or I'm under Steam NDA (I tend to obsessively pay attention to NDAs even though probably no other dev cares, including Valve)
>>984889 Will do
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>>984321 From an NES to an MSX game. It's funny how some of the designs went from looking like enemies to fuck monsters just by changing their palette and shading. This guy in particular with the diffusion on his rear and thigh.
>>984321 I appreciate what you're doing her anon.
>>966619 You need to make prototypes first, then start making your own thing
>>984928 why are you like this
>>980733 Chibi/SD has a really simple formula. >Start off with a generic chibi base All chibi characters in a style have some unifying features. If you look at two or three different characters by the same artist/studio you will see a lot of similarities, from limbs to proportions to head shapes. Put these similarities together and you get a generic template you can make all your chibi characters with. If one character has some special proportions or unusual limbs you might have to vary the template a bit, but for the most part the template should be set in stone. >Add just enough features to make a character recognizable If you have some characters you want to make an SD version of, you need to look at the design, figure out which features make the design unique, and translate them over to your template. Don't go overboard trying to copy features exactly, you just need to add enough so people can recognize it. Overly detailed figures are less readable and less recognizable, so you need to know when to stop. And that's all there is to it. As usual with character design, start with a 2d drawing and turn that drawing into 3D. Much like you would write a script before shooting scenes of a movie, a simpler medium allows for quicker drafts and easier revisions. >>983268 >I don't have any experience with Gimp and Krita at all, so I don't even know how to make better looking textures. Part of texturing is understanding what makes a texture work. For example almost all low-poly models put most of the lighting into the textures instead of woing complicated in-engine lighting. To do texturing, you need to have a general idea of how a surface looks in detail. This part is independent of what tools you use, and just making normal, 2D drawings where you try to replicate the texture of an object will help you get a sense of what's important. This video ( https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=HPwVdOJo-28 ) at 5:50 shows you a few tricks for texture work in Krita. >where I can get some free courses and tutorials which explains me the basic of making good looking animations and textures Take a stab at The Animator's Survival Kit, it's a great resource for getting into animation. >then I would have to provide content for own made music, [...] sounds effects, monsters That's what royalty free assets are for. And when you release a game and make some money, you can invest money into hiring artists to make some assets for you. >code with good foundation and clean structure Yandev made a living shitting out if-else block monoliths. Most modern engines are built in a way that makes coding relatively retard-proof. >doesn't also mean your game will become just as popular like Mario and Sonic Yes, but that doesn't mean you have to give up on it. Doom wads won't make you as popular as Mario and Sonic either. >>966619 The microgame collection sounds like a great way to get your bearings in gamedev. You can make a lot of different setups and experiment with them as much as you like. Then, when you feel you're done making making microgames, you can tackle something with more complexity.
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>>985033 It's a disease, and it's very much contagious.
>>985019 A friend of mine worked on a Metroidvania that was originally a floor-based dungeon crawler in the prototyping phase, had the team not gone through all that experimentation and testing they would have kept trekking on a concept that they couldn't make work and that wouldn't have known that until years into development. A very famous example of this is The Elder Scrolls, the first game was going to be a first-person arena combat game simply titled "Arena", but their prototypes were tedious and repetitive. They added side missions between sets of fights to break things up and found these were much more fun than the core game, development pivoted from there and I don't think the finished game even featured the original concept. Figuring out this stuff early is vital. >>985033 It does look kinda like a scalie OC. The tongue hanging out doesn't help.
>>985098 That much experimentation is the mark of amateurs without a clear vision of the game they want to make.
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>>984321 You should give the monsters large boobs haha
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>noo don't get into game devving you're gonna starve yourself <get into a based and redpilled codemonkey job! fucking niggers make me sick, the job market is fucked, and I don't wanna spend more time denigrating myself for some bitch position where you can be laid off because you're nothing there sorry for the rant
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>>985199 >>985199 Also an image that will show up on chapter 6.
Testing building destruction
>>985095 >>985033 At the very least if someone wants to fuck your characters it means you're good at character design.
>>985439 i for one am happy this nigga still around grinding his hustle mad respects bro keep at it one love brother
>>985439 Wheres the destruction?
>>985527 Over here >>984811
>>985571 In motion i mean. Do you have a vid?
>>985572 Not yet, destruction makes the FPS slow to a crawl, we're optimizing it first.
>>985521 I'm not, he's a giant sperg and has a history of sperging out.
>>985578 And I will continue to do so faggot. This is Spergtown, normalfags get out.
I need to make MONEY but I'm RETARDED
>>985593 Become a streamer.
>>985285 Just don't look for jobs where programming is a cost rather than a profit producer. If kelloggs is hiring programmers you will be treated like shit and atrophy and be replaced by 20 pajeets.
>>985593 Do shift work.
>>984321 Hey DinoLeaf anon, I'm not sure if youre the artist, but if you are, do you have any tips for iterating quickly to learn faster?
>>985593 This man decided to drop into the thread and contemplate the human condition.
>>985775 I'm not the artist. But the artist recently found about Michael Mattesi's concept of Force, and compiled some highlights of both books and streams he had done on the subject. If we knew about this before, we could've gotten a lot better a lot faster. In his words, "yeah force basically cleans up a lot of the noise in what you're drawing to focus on the pose and how it functions. Effectively just making you draw faster after you get used to it, and drawing faster means iterating faster". This PDF has a bunch of links and books to check out. I myself don't have much public art in the game, but there are unused beta sprites sitting in the game files for data miners to find.

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