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The insane defense of the modern state of gaming Anonymous 03/24/2024 (Sun) 16:52:18 Id: 4ba64c No. 950740
I decided to make proper thread about the state of idiots who defend the horrible state of gaming today. Not to be confused with that one retard who is trying to keep his (games don't need anything past the GameCube's tech) argument, I want to talk about the overall defense of shit that is actively ruining our hobby. >The defense of bad localisation Now I'll add a different spin on this on for you anons, I know a few people who think our hate of stuff like UnicornOverlord's localisation is overblown. Why? They think it being flowery isn't the same as sjweeb bullshit like Fates, not understanding removing the intent or tone of the original is bad like injecting pozz. >The defense of horrid optimisation Many a game regardless of platform run like fucking ass due to devs not giving a single fuck about making sure their games run properly. I've seen retards from the Switch to PC making excuses for this bullshit. >The defense of bad business practices Now this is the current talk of the town with Dogma 2's blunders blowing this conversation throughout the web. Now I'll say this some of them do have a some valid points which I'll address >Capcom did this for years and now you give a shit? >Many of the people are doing this because of Twitter or YouTubers and following trends >Sensationalism Now while they aren't totally incorrect about the above, this is still deflecting from the elephant in the room that being none of this shit should be tolerated period. The whole "this doesn't effect me or it doesn't effect the game as it's minor" bullshit you hear from people, is the reason why this shit has gotten worse and worse in the past 15 years. Also Nintendofags do this to a cultish degree for Nintendo. >The defense of the politicisation of gaming Regardless of political spectrum (Right, Left and centre) this politicisation of the gaming industry has fucked the hobby and the retards who try to spin "games have always had political subject matters" ignoring that much of those themes weren't based on contemporary politics like who you hate in office. >The defense of tumblr gender pronouns Need I say anymore /v/? >The defense of the casualising or dumbing down of various game genres The fags who defend this shit to appeal to newcomers need to be fucking shot, as back in the day you either learned the mechanics or fucked off. I feel this should be a better thread as it's actually talking about problems in gaming.
>>974426 I agree that's what he's trying to say, but he keeps disagreeing with people who are arguing the same point, but clarifying that the game itself didn't change, only the player and the world outside of it.
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>>974426 >GC Don't remind me.
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>>974426 >>974432 The funniest thing about the GC autist is that due to the GCs mini disks with much lower limits than regular DVDs, PS2 games usually looked better due to being able to store all the textures and decals at higher resolutions.
>>974418 >I can go and play Perfect Dark and I know it's not going to hold up to my memory of it, because I'm 20 years older and have been exposed or hundreds of more refined and better-designed FPS games than the ones that blew my mind as a kid, but it's still the same game. The problem with that is that then you encounter people who never "grew up" with that material, such as in my case. Outside of ports/compilations, the "oldest" games I had were what was playable on my GBA and GC. With my "newest" game console up through high school being the 3DS. Since them, I've dived head first into newer and older games, and realized just how much better designed and more content was accomplished with older games than the games of today. >That's still retarded though because it removes the context of when the game originally came out and what the expectations and achievements of it were at release. That only furthers the argument. >>974426 >games can have parts that are outdated in comparison to newer games or even new games in from the same series Excuse me, outdated in what way? For example, I've often heard of people talking about 2005's F.E.A.R. as being an "outdated game", but it's never explained what is it about the game that makes it "outdated" in comparison to newer FPS games. >>974433 >GCs mini disks with much lower limits than regular DVDs, PS2 games usually looked better due to being able to store all the textures and decals at higher resolutions Are you sure? Are you willing to put it to the test? The next series of images will be taken from different versions of games that I recorded in the best quality possible. Which version do you think looks better?
>>950740 the explanation is very simple: good games don't sell you don't sell with gameplay, you cannot show gameplay in a screenshot or video that is why you need graphics - to grab attention you can sell any sort of crap as long as it has attention if your game is on the front page of steam or the apple store top10 it will sell game companies are not in the business of making games they are in the business of making money if people buy DLC they will add DLC if they can get ESG funding for adding a few rainbow fags in the game they will because its guaranteed money and some people don't care or notice politics and will buy the game anyway if people were informed and actually paid attention who made their games none of this would happen and these companies would pay attention gamers literally needed gamergate to happen to notice that there is liberal agenda now many people are naive and think its only got there recently political activism and propaganda in entertainment is nothing new and if you think it's just activists like sweet baby inc and they are the cause you are dead wrong many devs are liberals, just take a look at twitter: Sean Barrett (engine guy for thief games) is a full blown TDS liberal fag, John Romero is an ukraine flag trans rights liberal etc. the list goes on many gamers don't even know who these people are - nobody pays any attention
>>974433 >>974470 >>974472 Here are the versions I took these images from: <Crazy Taxi: 1 is the PS2 version, 2 is the DC version <Evil Twin: 1 is the DC version, 2 is the PS2 version <Headhunter: 1 is the DC version, 2 is the PS2 version <Splinter Cell: 1 is the PS2 version, 2 is the NGC version <XII: Set 1 is the NGC version, set 2 is the PS2 version Yes, the frame you see in image 2 is entirely absent from the version of the game you see in image 4. It should be noted that I have not modified these the recordings I got these images from in any way. The NGC and PS2 images were both upscaled with the same device, and all of these images were played on the same monitor with the same display settings. Any differences that you see are not of my doing.
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This thread went to the final layer of hell.
>>974470 >>974472 Left looks better in most of these, even with the higher res.
>>974474 >Headhunter Yeah, no wonder right looked better GC multiplats looked like ass, that's just a fact man.
Oh no, did uttering his name bring him back?
>>974474 Dreamcast has more vram than any 6th gen console 8 megs vs 4 megs (PS2) and 3 megs (GameCube), and supports SSAA unlike the PS2 which doesn't support AA at all. Dreamcast and GameCube also support Progressive scan far more often than PS2 for whatever reason. These are the more likely reasons for Dreamcast and GameCube looking better than PS2 in these games.
>>974104 They never age. They are the exact same thing they always were. You are a retard.
The darling in the franxx image is actually envriomental story telling about how >>973529 is actually such a fucking retard
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>I really made fags butthurt Just to add more fuel to the fire, games can age like wine or milk.
OP it's as simple as new suckers going into the system then defending what they know, you think all these record breaking sales somehow doesn't mean new retards are coming in?
>>974649 >>974653 Games, media and art never age. >>974654 >all these record breaking sales Such as?
>>974656 I was agreeing they don't. Also >Such as? So look at the list I lazily grabbed of the best selling games. Look at the slop with cancer monitary shit in the top 10 which aree also all from post 2010 games meaning playing them as a kid would make you an adult now perfectly able to enter and ruin adult forum discussion with defence of goyslop design. >GTA Most modern play of this is the online component with literal robux fake money you have to buy >PubG Modern tastes in royal games can be found here with fortnite and other clons being branches from this point >Red dead 2 See GTA >Overwatch We still have people who'll unironically defend their paid for product having most unlocks be tied to look boxes, then just straight converting the game to a f2p model and calling it the sequel but also the original game you paid for doesn't work anymore. These are all massive games braking into the top selling games that have only actually brought cancer & then kids who played them then add 5+ years from when they did and now they're the shitters defending it because when they were young this is what they known.
>>974656 >Games, media and art never age.
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>>974660 <Redditors Dead Redditdemption Online It's abandonware, unless someone profits from its assets, Cuckstar just ditched it to rot because they couldn't bring the expensive and retarded gimmicky vehicles from Saints Row unlike GTA, whose real story mode requires internet.
>>974711 Shut your ass up, you schizophrenic furry.
>>974653 You are functionally retarded.
>>974717 Says the retards who legit are trying to conflate me saying games can't age means, they can physically age (which isn't what I even fucking mean you lack of reading comprehension fuck wits) or due to said lack of reading comprehension can't fathom that like what I said here >>974396 is that even good games can show their age in comparison to newer entries in their own series or newer games (not to say that makes said older games bad or that Newer games are much better then older games). It's like talking to GC.
>>974741 >It's like talking to GC. Or it could be that you just make shit arguments and don't understand why people are calling you out.
>>974750 >He thinks if Trump loses things will be less pozzed Nigger they will only get worse, you have no understanding of how crazed the left is.
>>974755 I should also add they are trying to fuck with Japanese games now.
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>>974764 You've been under a fucking rock if you think things are improving, some things have gotten better. But a lot has gotten worse, your whole "just play Japanese games" doesn't mean shit as the left has been fucking super hard with localisation. Or even worse they've been using ESG to fuck with products in Japan, only a niggerbrain baboon is this obtuse to the issues.
>>974750 Nigger, they started doing this shit before Trump ever announced he was running for office. Also Japan isn't safe from this shit, Japan is already trying to emulate the West.
>>974780 You aren't Jesus of Nazareth, you are a known image board spammer who's mostly known for being delusional and posting on halfcuck. Kindly fuck off.
Is this the reverse of Niggerpill where, we have someone who is blinding trying to whitepill?
>>974783 You know you've spammed us before. We remember you, and your insane claims. Now fuck off before I make you fuck off.
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>>974784 Is he posing as his picture while acting like a schizo retard on purpose to trick Anons to personal army that guy?
>>974787 No, he just likes posting pictures of his asshole on halfcucks /pol/. And also on our /b/ and /vb/. Apparently he's also jewish, hates goyim whites, and hates trump. Other than that idk and idc. He crazy and he spams. Also he's a heretic, which isn't illegal but should be.
>>974771 >Or even worse they've been using ESG to fuck with products in Japan, the only silver lining is that all the free games means that unless your game is actually good most people will just stick to there free gaas slop so all these esg dumpster fires are burning money.
>>950740 That's why I just go offline on steam and play through the game before refunding if it seems shit. Eventually you can just look at a game and feel if its shit though, if others can't then that's on them.

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