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Video Thread Anonymous 09/16/2022 (Fri) 07:12:59 No. 425340
Random video thread.
(6.43 MB 576x822 Seth Smith.webm)

>>439902 How Clinton Balanced the Budget. No doubt, there are sensible cuts to be made in federal spending, starting with the bloated defense sector that the Republicans continue to hold sacrosanct (presumably because it is such a rich source of legal and illegal graft). The curve of health care spending must be bent downward, too. But if we honestly wish to bring the federal budget closer to balance, without wrecking vital services or plunging the nation back into recession, why not consult the record of the one president in recent memory who actually achieved that goal? Not Ronald Reagan, the affable wingnut whose tax cuts blew open a huge deficit, but Bill Clinton -- who left balanced budgets and a nation on track to paying off the national debt entirely. How did he do it? Clinton isn't shy about explaining what happened on his watch. The budget deals he made with the congressional Republicans were significant, but not nearly as significant as the tax increase on the wealthy that he passed, without a single Republican vote, in his first budget in 1993. Voting to raise taxes on the rich was the crucial step toward fiscal responsibility and a long period of high employment, national prosperity and international prestige. There is no other way to stabilize the budget without inflicting grave damage on our future. More: https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2011/02/11/how_clinton_balanced_the_budget_108853.html
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>>441240 All copletely irrelevant so long as the current -private jewish federal reserve bank system stands. The national debt can never be repaid, no matter how you fudge the books to make it look like one year's federal budget is less outlandish than another's. Of course, presidents who don't play ball with the bankers tend to get shot, so the average person is left with tepid water cooler talking points like what you just posted that are little better than arguing whether ford or chevy makes worse trucks.
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>>453880 Shit, I'd let her lecture me about the Rcokefeller/Lizardpeople/Jews any ol' day.
>>454057 I think she cute
Niggers dying is always funny!
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>'random' videos >more than half are flag wacing political bullshit from the same nigger >>431817 How the fuck does anyone with working eyes approach *and* take the lid off a tank like that when the cunt inside is clearly up-up-up ready to pop out and in attack mode. She's either a total retard or it was staged for whatever reason. >"Do you need a hand" No a brain or a large knife would have been more useful.
(2.61 MB 1280x720 autism no frieren.mp4)

>>425340 >Random video thread. >doesn't post a fucking video i hate niggers

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