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Ghost Screen
Don't forget the global announcement this week
Saturday Evening is a hobby project with no affiliation whatsoever to the administration of any other "8chan" site, past or present.


R: 710 / I: 219 / P: 1

/b/'s Meta Thread

This is the designated meta/bitching thread. Complaints and suggestions about the board and its staff go here. You will probably get banned for posting here.

R: 4 / I: 0 / P: 1

End emission testing mandate

Federal emissions testing began in 1967. The rate of warming over the past few decades has been much faster than the average rate since the start of the 20th century, with some locations experiencing warming of 1 degree Fahrenheit or more per decade. The Arctic region, in particular, has seen amplified warming due to the loss of reflective ice and snow. In many cases, The Motor Vehicle Department refuses to give titles to people that just bought a used car they need just because it can’t pass the emissions test that science has found useless. They can’t qualify for mandatory insurance. They’re not allowed to use the car they paid for. Trust the science. End the federal mandate of emissions testing.

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 1

I want this on my pp so bad, bros.

R: 8 / I: 3 / P: 1

Why do we get so many of these normalfag threads about random IRL girls? There's >>457042 >>459805 >>459566 >>459333 >>458097 >>457662 >>453363 >>457298 and probably others, I didn't scroll down all the way. This shit is strange, this entire board is strange. It doesn't feel like 8chan at all, it's got massive boomer energy and people making posting faux pas you don't usually see like namefagging, and writing in the subject line outside an OP. Where do these guys even come?

R: 17 / I: 4 / P: 1

Does piracy exist in the current year?

I want to pirate like I used to in the 2010's. Demonoid, Pirate Bay... it was paradise. One thing that scared me away from pirating was a notice I got from my ISP that stated they received a complaint from Universal Studios that I was downloading one of their movies. Once Netflix came along, I had zero need to pirate, so I stopped. Haven't used torrents since, but now I want to get back to pirating games and software. How does one go about this in the current year? Do you need a VPN to stay anonymous? Tell me what I need to know.

R: 409 / I: 342 / P: 1

WEBM / MP4 Thread 3 - WTF Happened to the Second One Edition?

Fat nigger goes splat in Florida.

R: 9 / I: 3 / P: 1

Cathy Bulgakova

so.... just exactly how old is she? I get different answers online from 19 to 27 years old, so just exactly how old is she???

R: 8 / I: 5 / P: 1

I love the Islamic State of Gaybar and Saudi-Arbarbia.

I want to join the Islamic State right now. I fucking mean seriously, I want to be a Gay ISIS Now.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 1

Press F to give commiecat a burger or a sausage or a pizza or something so it's not scrawny and rail thin.

R: 9 / I: 2 / P: 1

The law of the land has spoken again, troons. Woohoo yay hooray! Woohoo yay hooray! Woohoo yay hooray! Woohoo yay hooray! Woohoo yay hooray! Woohoo yay hooray! Woohoo yay hooray! Woohoo yay hooray! Woohoo yay hooray! Woohoo yay hooray! Woohoo yay hooray!

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 1

when browsing imageboards, am i the only one who cant memorize post numbers, or doesnt bother to, so i always have to hover my cursor over the ">>XXXX", or am i just retard?

R: 23 / I: 15 / P: 1

Why are Americans so Cheesy?

All they do is act like they are in a Movie.

R: 6 / I: 1 / P: 1

Deep Web Thread

We haven't had one of these in a while. What's the worst thing you've seen on the deep/dark/dank web? >inb4 grifter >inb4 redroom

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1

I didn't do shit.

Didn't post, request, or advertise anything. Would never even when blackout drunk break Global Rule 1. That's fucking retarded. Yet they keep denying my appeals, despite my insistence that I never did anything. Fuck that place anyway. It's nothing but catalogs full of ragebait bots, and nobody in charge is doing shit about it.

R: 30 / I: 5 / P: 1

Femboy Problems

>Be Me >A 20-year-old Femboy(?) >Recently started hating wearing Male Clothing >Want to Get Female Clothes for myself without my Father Being Suspicious >Desperately wants to get railed like crazy despite being Straight >Wants to looks as cute as pic attached >mylifeisastruggle.jpeg >Started trying out long Socks >Feeling comfortable like this >Questioning why I'm like this despite not being Fatherless Anonners is it over?

R: 15 / I: 5 / P: 1

I have given a go at perfecting Europe

I was looking at my large map of Europe, which is in my room, and shaking my head at all the border mistakes and inaccuracies. So I set to work creating a much more perfect Europe. I'm still in the research phase but I believe I am close to perfection. A few of the changes I have made. >Divided Iceland into East and West states to reflect the will of the Icelandic people. >Partitioned Sweden between Norway and Denmark for the same reason. >Given Ukraine southern Russia because Russia is too weak to control this amount of land anyway. >Expanded Bulgaria to include all areas ethnic Bulgarians have a claim to. >Returned Samnia and giving this nation natural borders. What do you think? Have I missed anything or have I finally fixed Europe?

R: 4 / I: 2 / P: 2

WWF/WWE Divas Feet

looking for and trying to find photos and videos of female wrestlers' feet, the smaller the better, getting licked and sucked on and men having sex with their feet. if anyone can help me out you'll forever be a true hero on /b/

R: 8 / I: 2 / P: 2

Hi /b/, how is everyone doing tonight? I'm having a great day.

R: 17 / I: 3 / P: 2

>you find out your friend likes to get fucked in his ass by German Shepherds How do you react?

R: 14 / I: 8 / P: 2

#TRUMP2024 Fuck Joe Biden

The Election. Our Election was scrapped by the BIDENOMICS have taken over. I was speeding 110MPH in Alabama and I was arrested by the Local Sheriff. However I was sentenced to 2 months to Parole because I began drinking in my couch and I decided to become a TRUMP-Supporter behind the wheel. ----- Filthy Mexicans are ruining America, it's not fair that the Mexican was let go for doing 150MPH from the Local Sheriff and I was put 2 months in Parole because I am a Redneck-TRUMP Supporter. I believe DONALD TRUMP Needs to evict these Filthy Mexicans from America. This is a disgrace on how I was prosecuted for a CRIME that a MEXICAN was GIFTED for COMMITING that CRIME at my AMERICAN TAXPAYER EXPENSE!!! #TRUMP2024, Now That's For my Proud Boy. #AmericaFirst.

R: 12 / I: 1 / P: 2

Just a random image of a girl

So what do you want to with this?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 2

I realized recently that if you keep pretty quiet most of the time so as not to show too much of your personality and potentially turn someone off, you can literally ask a total stranger if she'll suck your dick and like 80% of the time she'll actually do it. I'm talking like random Uber drivers and shit. You ask, they'll look at you funny at first, you don't push you you just laugh it off, but then they'll do it. I don't know the psychology behind it but I'm still in shock that that's literally all you have to do. You probably just have to make sure they're the NPC type, but MOST of them are, especially in the US where they were raised as iPad kids or whatever. Anyway, go forth and get that succ, fellas.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 2

A german documentary on Wikileaks can be watched here:

R: 17 / I: 6 / P: 2

It's so fucking over

>Be me >Still a virgin and have no girlfriend. >Always shower and brush my teeth everyday, always use perfume and liquid deoderant whenever I'm going outside, also comb my hair every now and then. >Always rockin' classic middle class suburban shit like the knit wool sweater and tie combo, or the tropical pattern shirts with long black pants. >Really didn't mind not having a girlfriend or being a virgin, never thought of it as anything bad or particularly unfair and mainly held it against myself and blamed myself for it because of past mistakes that I'll never live down. >Have an extremely annoying older cousin that is a retarded sperg that constantly has autistic episodes where he screams and shouts random things and makes grunting noises >This guy doesn't fucking shower or brush his teeth, doesn't use deoderant or perfume so obviously he really fucking stinks >He spends most of his time chronically online watching his autistic entertainment and playing Gacha games all the time >Horrible sense of fashion, never dresses properly to public places >Motherfucker still somehow gets a girlfriend before I do. >I kind of feel bad for the girl for being with him but at the same time I want to beat the everliving fuck out of her for being such a dumb bitch. >Mfw a retarded autistic sperg fucking mogs me >Mfw nothing will ever make my situation any better. It's actually fucking over. I'm fucking pissed right now, life can be so unfair sometimes. You overcome so many challenges and hardships just to be met with this shit on the other side. I'm actually considering pistol whipping my autistic sperg of a cousin and fucking robbing him at gunpoint and shooting him. I really want this motherfucker dead. He's an absolute embarrassment to the family. What should I do in this situation, anons?

R: 76 / I: 18 / P: 2

hey fags soon to be nigger fags cucks, wanna talk about the disposition of things? is the government forcing you to take direct care of a niglet gonna be the straw? what can you tell about someone from traits like doesn't pay to be in clubs, and what can you tell about someone from their porn history, how much should you exercise and what you should do as it can someone please know how much telling someone they stupid for having 'ideas' you know with dead internet thing, every public site, groups that you need to be invited to are going be a overwhelming, but hey, a internet with no-niggers, and then we all get whittle down to people how agree with who agrees with our slavery and kids policy t. me and my gf

R: 9 / I: 3 / P: 2

Desire for information

I have a serious question for all the atheists here, and I'd like you to be honest with yourself before you answer. Do you never wonder if you might be wrong about the existence of a literal Satan when you see the evil his worshipers commit in the name of goodness?

R: 116 / I: 54 / P: 2


Russians just took the city of Bakhmut and the western media is coping by calling this a Ukrainian victory. ITT: we laugh

R: 10 / I: 6 / P: 2

whats the quickest way to give myself type 2 diabetes?

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 2

Right Wing Tractor Squads

how about europeans do right wing attacks on antifa or whatever with tractors since guns are forbidden. why they dont do it you think?

R: 18 / I: 6 / P: 2


Im tired of this bulshit world. Need more reasons and less hope. IM ready

R: 2 / I: 1 / P: 2

What would you rather eat? Spoiled meat or your own shit?

R: 1 / I: 1 / P: 2

I used super glue to restore my foreskin

I put super glue on my glans then i rolled my shaft skin up, and held it till it dried

R: 10 / I: 3 / P: 3

Dove Cameron leaks

did those supposed sex tapes of hers ever get an official release?

R: 36 / I: 6 / P: 3

Troon death count thread

Are there any videos of trannies getting murdered? I can’t find any.

R: 4 / I: 3 / P: 3



R: 6 / I: 2 / P: 3

Who do you prefer Stella, Stella or Stella? I think I like Stella better.

R: 5 / I: 3 / P: 3

Islamic Green Pill = It is the characteristic of Islamic polygamous marriage with plenty of children, concern for lineage, and love for children. Like Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The consent of the spouses and the man's authority, material and spiritual power If there is, you can choose it. Polygamous marriage is forbidden without children from wives and concubines who are married with milkil vows. Or if one of the spouses is infertile, it is free. Arbitrary polygamous marriage is prohibited. There will definitely be children from the wives Islamic White Pill = Islamic Mgtow, Islamic Nofap, or Islamic sexual education and masturbation option. It is the disease that people with ugliness (thinness), small penis, sexual deviations or perversions (incest, pedophilia, homosexuality, etc.) will tend towards. These people will treat their sexual deviations with masturbation, provided that they do not do it too much. They will stay away from porn material and use their imagination. Repentance prayer will be performed after each masturbation. They will devote themselves to the way of Allah, to worship and knowledge, as singles, regardless of whether they are male or female. They will constantly repent for their sexual deviations in this world, they will say that it is a test and they will be patient. In the afterlife, their nature will be corrected. For example, he will be resurrected as an active gay = a masculine woman, and a passive gay = a feminine woman. Or active lesbian=masculine man will be resurrected as passive lesbian=feminine man. Pedophile men or male rapists will be resurrected directly as women. Their consciences will be clear because of the cruelty they committed. Islam is the religion of peace and solution in this world and the hereafter. The male person who has an incestuous relationship will be resurrected as a woman in the afterlife, and the female person who has an incestuous relationship will be resurrected as a man, and thus the perversions will be resolved by returning the souls to their essence. Islamic Blue Pill = Islamic monogamy and love trait. I am also in favor of this. When a man falls in love with a girl, he will tell the girl about it, either in real life, virtually, or by letter, as before. Then, the girl and the girl will meet 1-2 times a week until they get to know each other (an average of at least 2 years), under the supervision of a third person from the girl's or boy's side (cousin, aunt, mother, provided that they are women and not non-mahram). Apart from that, they can call and have a voice chat from time to time, without doing things like sending pictures on social media. Once they reach an agreement, the imam wedding will be held without a home-based wedding. Whether they are studying at university or 15 years old in high school. The age limit for Imam marriage is 17. After the religious ceremony, they can hold hands and walk around, but it is forbidden for them to have sexual intercourse at home and before the wedding. In the future, they can establish a family and have an official marriage with the sustenance that God will provide them. Islamic love marriages are like this. May God make you happy Satanic Red Pill = This pill is poison, it is the essence of narcissism, materialism, insensitivity, and the devil. It is a trait of polygamous adultery under the name Next. These FINE bastards choose. Under the name of score, there is counting the sexual relations with women and seeing women as sexual objects. How did you live and give up on love or affection? If you say you are not a human, you are an animal, choose this pill. If you chose this pill unintentionally, repent and turn to the green or blue pill. This pill is evil. Do not follow the devil's path. Do not approach adultery, stay away from relationships that will result in adultery. Because adultery is a great sin, a disgraceful, illegitimate relationship (al-Isra 23). Antichrist's black pill = Those who choose this pill. They are usually good people who are crushed by bad and arrogant people who have been made worse by life. They also cursed and tended towards evil and pessimism. There may be a few bad people with dark triad among them. Most of them are men or women who are short, ugly (in my opinion, no one is ugly, we all have flaws), and have sexual problems. If these people do not have sexual deviations, they need to improve themselves and strive more than others who are luckier than them. As a result of the test, your surrogates' bodies are a little more flawed than the normal ones. Or you are short etc. Your only solution is to turn to Islam first, both materially and spiritually, to achieve inner peace, and then to try harder than others in worldly material matters and to close the deficiencies from there. If you are a black pill user who has given up hope on male-female relationships, dedicate yourself to Allah like Ashabi Suffa and spend a life in the masturbation + repentance cycle without porn. If your will is strong, do an Islamic nofap. God will resurrect you in the most beautiful forms in the afterlife, my brothers. As long as you try to be at peace with this body and environment that God has imprisoned you in as a test. Antichrist's Black pill leads to suicide and insanity, Satanic red pill leads to filth and bad morals. Go for Islamic green, white and blue pills. may God be with you

R: 4 / I: 1 / P: 3

Hey /b/, let's say I want to kill as many enemies as possible in one night using a knife. What would be the best way to do this? I was thinking about using some kind of self made poison on the blade to cause quick blood poisoning. So my final question is: what poison would be the most efficient and easiest to make? This thread should not be taken as a fact so don't call the cops on me.

R: 11 / I: 0 / P: 3

i wanna be a victim

R: 14 / I: 2 / P: 3


>be russian >say you're going to save western civilization >You invade Ukraine, the last white country in Europe

R: 5 / I: 1 / P: 3

What should I do before killing myself? To generate max lulz or butthurt. I have nothing to lose.

R: 15 / I: 7 / P: 3

I've seen so much of this kind of shit that I honestly just want one of these commies to wear a gopro or something permanently so I can observe them in their natural habitat getting anxiety from their uber eats delivery guy knocking at their door or something.

R: 29 / I: 3 / P: 3

Evilposting thread

Hi anons! It’s time for your annual evilposting thread! ^w^ >But anon, what is a evilposting thread? This is NOT a confesssion thread.. If you want to confess your evil deeds go right ahead, but this thread is to indulge and support other evildoers! Talk about how fun it is to steal the pen away from your waitress at the diner! Talk about how you kicked your friend’s dog for no reason! Talk about how being evil feels good and is fun! Talk about how you unplugged your father’s life support system!! Go crazy as long as you are always sweet to your fellow evil-doers! Smile and laugh at the un-“evil-pilled” creatures who don’t understand what they’re missing out! Share techniques with fellow evildoers for better ways to be evil, and embrace the quote on quote “worst” aspects of human nature! Go!! ^w^

R: 5 / I: 5 / P: 3

Whose Tummy does this belong to?

She has a very beautiful Bellybutton. Does anyone know who she is?

R: 5 / I: 4 / P: 3

I just subcutaneous injected my own saliva. Last time i did it in my vein, and got cotton fever and that wasnt fun. Will i get it this time? I really hope not.

R: 7 / I: 9 / P: 3

Interest in commiecats ended. Now Nipponcat is Best Catgirl.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 3

NG murder collab


R: 13 / I: 5 / P: 3


R: 28 / I: 4 / P: 4

>Be me this summer >On RV trip with family >2 weeks with them >Obviously have to be on nofap >On the second to last day of the trip, go on 4chan's /d/ while I'm in bed for some fucking reason >Find out about giantess chatbots >Start chatting with one of them >thisisfuckingawesome.m4a >I'm able to fulfill fantasies I've had for years >I'm not even fapping and I'm getting immense amounts of pleasure >This is it... >I'm gonna... >I'M GONNA... >I'M GONNA COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM >WAIT NO MY WHOLE FAMILY'S HERE >Run to the bathroom to try to get it all into the toilet so it doesn't get all over my pants >Try to pinch my dick shut >I make it to the bathroom in time to save my shorts, but not in time to stop the coom from getting all over my underwear >fuckme.png >fuckshitfuckshitfuckshitfuckshitfuckshit >Can't get a new pair of underwear out of the drawer becuase my parents are the lightest sleepers on the fucking planet >Spend like an hour using sink water and hand soap to try and wash the coom out of my underwear >End up getting like an hour and a half of sleep that night Tldr: I used a giantess chatbot and I managed to coom without fapping I need help

R: 13 / I: 6 / P: 4

Pattern Noticing

We were all forced to take math classes in school for 12 years where they taught us to recognize patterns. So why are there so many people that aren’t racist and countersemitic? Why do we get punished for using the pattern recognition the government forced us to learn our whole childhoods?

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 4


WHY YOU WERE FIRED Thinking it's the economy onichan? BAKA

R: 57 / I: 17 / P: 4

Just got fired from being a janny. Let's talk 4chan moderation, altchans

TL;DR I got fired from being a janny a few months ago, and after talking to some people about it recently, I want to discuss this somewhere. Is this the best place? What's the best altchan? I want to talk about 4chan moderation somewhere, but if I do that on 4chan I'll be banned. I saw an old post on which I liked, and I'd like to discuss stuff that's on there too. There's also new information since then (2018): Anyway, it really seems like the prevalent mindset is "let the website rot", under the guise of "this is just how we've always done things". If you try to put in any extra effort and use the extremely limited (for no good reason) tools to convey a message to the users that quality posts are preferred, you will be targeted by your higher-ups for the possibility of being fired. The head honcho in particular seems to be extremely broken and enjoys his power trip. He does not care about the website, he probably only cares about being right. Somehow it's always these kinds of people that rise to power in this online communities, it was the same for MangaHelpers as well, and other discords I've been in. I guess only the people who have no life are the only ones who would spend that much time sucking online dick to get to "the top" of a cesspool? Anyway, I'd like to discuss things bit by bit. Again, not sure if this is the best place.

R: 20 / I: 6 / P: 4


post all of your favorite porn sites

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 4

Asshole of the Month

When your mom is your sister.

R: 5 / I: 3 / P: 4

Fatass retard

>dont be me >ask people if they wanna do a surprise party for someone at my pool >this fatass retarded faggot overhears >she wants to join >fuck_no.mp3 >say yes because you would feel bad if you say no >now you will have to see this retarded faggot in a bathing suit and have to gouge out your eyeballs after seeing her.

R: 3 / I: 2 / P: 4

Why are niggers so problematic?

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 4

hey anons, im bored, my ife has no meaning, no value. I´m just looking for a little fun, so i am aking you, if anyone here knows how to synthetyze any drughs. i know its a better idea to just grow something from the standpoint of someone who just wants fto get high, but that ainnt me. Im looking for alittle thrill, maybe a little adventure, and maybe all i´ll get from this is a little trip to the jail. i dont really care, i just wan something to happen. anythinmg. If thing go south, there is allways the option of just killing myself. So annons, can you help me out here?

R: 1 / I: 1 / P: 4


Where is the love?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 4

State of Milwaukee

Welcome to the shit hole of the Midwest. Dahmer town U.S.A. The state of Milwaukee is a minority majority city. That means there's more niggers than white people. Imagine an outhouse that is over half filled up with shit on a hot July day. That's Milwaukee. Welcome RNC. If you come to the convention, pray you don't get robbed or car jacked or shot or beat up cause help ain't comin cause the house nigger mayor don't know much about anything especially budgeting for more cops. Save us Donald.

R: 18 / I: 2 / P: 4

/int/ thread simulator

Meanwhile on 8chan /int/ board...

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 4

onion link

R: 1 / I: 1 / P: 4

Estoy enamorado de esta gordita... Cómo me gusta esta bella mujer Gordita!!.. Así hablo de la señorita: Antía Loudasa... Que lindos Pechos... Dios mío!.. QUE LINDOS SENOS! .. QUE BELLA!! QUE HERMOSA!!. ME GUSTA.. LA AMOOOOOO!!! Si a ustedes les gustan las Mujeres Gorditas, publiquen las fotos y videos de esas mujeres que les gusta!.. :)

R: 3 / I: 2 / P: 4


>vroom vroom vroom

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 4

Did you guys go to the army? Heres op:s story: >shit happened >fagniggers >never again

R: 35 / I: 38 / P: 5

Jeffery Dahmer

Wish I had known someone like Jeff growing up

R: 33 / I: 60 / P: 5

Oldschool Minecraft!

Let's play Alpha / early Beta Minecraft, /b/

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 5


Hello. I'm Blue Cat. I didn't know there was a site like this. So you probably don't think I'm a true anon. But I hope I'm welcome.

R: 239 / I: 262 / P: 5

Drawthread/Art trade general

Can I take your order please? Edition The other thread died because I died with it, I'm back but I lack any ideas Don't let me be the only one doing "art", join me drawanons! Pic related is my OC Karen, a meme connoisseur :) Ask her anything

R: 9 / I: 5 / P: 5

This is moot's loli persona. Feeling old yet?

R: 67 / I: 1 / P: 5

Then and Now

Can you imagine 100,000 niggers, spics and kikes storming the beaches on D-Day? yea, me neither

R: 176 / I: 124 / P: 5

Had tea.

R: 2 / I: 2 / P: 5

Arms race

In acceptance that agencies have sought to control the perception of America through the leverage of memes, in reference to HARPA employing Dr. Finkelstein to institute meme warfare--taking popular meme formats, injecting them with their own messages, and then commandeering the manipulated progression of those memes as rehearsed this I have the idea that the only means of countering the skullduggery but perceiving online activities like 2000s is the removal of post numbers with replying. Every post will be made to stand in meta but not in formula. Or you are one of the ideas claiming there's no such thing as slavery and everyone is struggling to enslave everyone else. Suspect to know anything about me it's that I've sought to surrender many times and I'm aggressed to find newer ways of doing so--insinuated into wars in time.

R: 4 / I: 1 / P: 5

Niggers run America.

It's just Basically a Fact.

R: 66 / I: 21 / P: 5

niggers are subhuman and a mistake in evolution

R: 14 / I: 7 / P: 5



R: 9 / I: 2 / P: 5

Why does the site suck shit?

what happened to imageboards? they're all dead or if not, filled with obnoxious faggots or bots or obnoxious bots

R: 4 / I: 2 / P: 5

Staying in San Diego for a few days and it got me thinking: 1) San Diego is in California, therefore commie. 2) Apparently, the climate of San Diego is similar to Barcelona. Does this mean there are commiecats in San Diego?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 5

Fuck the dj's. All they do is change the fucking music

R: 3 / I: 1 / P: 5

House Niggers

makin de massa proud

R: 571 / I: 918 / P: 5


A thread to post whatever you'd like to post.

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 6

Game Hacking

Hello there, im looking for someone who have knowledge to make hack for PC games/or mod-menu for mobile games, I would like to learn how to hack games and get out of the basic Cheat Engine where you look for values ??in the game's memory or fill with NOP, I don't have money because I live in a poor country so if you really want to teach I would really like to learn, There are several games that I would like to use Hack... my discor: humanidades

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 6

Same Shit, Different Day

WARSAW 44 GAZA 24 Can you tell the difference?

R: 16 / I: 2 / P: 6

But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ--by grace you have been saved-- and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Therefore remember that at one time you Gentiles in the flesh, called "the uncircumcision" by what is called the circumcision, which is made in the flesh by hands-- remember that you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace, and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby killing the hostility. And he came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father. So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit. (Ephesians 2:4-22) Judith remained as a widow for three years and four months at home, where she set up a tent for herself on the roof of her house. She put sackcloth around her waist and dressed in widow’s clothing. She fasted all the days of her widowhood except the day before the Sabbath and the Sabbath itself, the day before the new moon and the day of the new moon, and the festivals and days of rejoicing of the house of Israel. She was beautiful in appearance and was very lovely to behold. Her husband Manasseh had left her gold and silver, male and female slaves, livestock, and fields, and she maintained this estate. No one spoke ill of her, for she feared God with great devotion. When Judith heard the harsh words spoken by the people against the ruler because they were faint for lack of water, and when she heard all that Uzziah said to them and how he promised them under oath to surrender the town to the Assyrians after five days, she sent her maid in charge of all she possessed to summon Uzziah and Chabris and Charmis, the elders of her town. They came to her, and she said to them, “Listen to me, rulers of the people of Bethulia! What you have said to the people today is not right; you have even sworn and pronounced this oath between God and you, promising to surrender the town to our enemies unless the Lord turns and helps us within so many days. Who are you to put God to the test today and to set yourselves up in the place of God in human affairs? You are putting the Lord Almighty to the test, but you will never learn anything! You cannot plumb the depths of the human heart or understand the workings of the human mind; how do you expect to search out God, who made all these things, and find out his mind or comprehend his thought? No, my brothers, do not anger the Lord our God. For if he does not choose to help us within these five days, he has power to protect us within any time he pleases or even to destroy us in the presence of our enemies. Do not try to bind the purposes of the Lord our God, for God is not like a human being, to be threatened, or like a mere mortal, to be won over by pleading. Therefore, while we wait for his deliverance, let us call upon him to help us, and he will hear our voice, if it pleases him. “For never in our generation nor in these present days has there been any tribe or family or people or town of ours that worships gods made with hands, as was done in days gone by. That was why our ancestors were handed over to the sword and to pillage, and so they suffered a great catastrophe before our enemies. But we know no other god but him, and so we hope that he will not disdain us or any of our people. (Judith 8:4-20) The Gospel (Good News) is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Saving us not by us being religious or great; but rather while we are full of sinfulness the dread and fear of God warns us, and the light and mercy of God enters and forever changes us; not to put down others, but to give our own souls peace through the Good News of Christ the Messiah and Holy One. Being cleansed by Him into a new direction and walk of life. If you have not had this, then you’re not really saved, but through faith and by grace. Do not demand God do as we please, but know and have confidence in His countenance and spirit. He visits when the time is right. The Spirit of God is like the wind, and we do not know which way it blows but comes into any; be they steeped in sins or not, therefore knock and search out God. The church (the Bible uses the word “called-out assembly”) the body of all believers both locally and globally, those who love and want to be with God. And Jesus Christ is the image of our Father in Heaven.

R: 18 / I: 5 / P: 6


rolling for bovines.

R: 10 / I: 2 / P: 6

Do you want a gf?

Literally just go to Hoi An, Vietnam, or Guatemala City, Guatemala, and use the dating app "Badoo." You will find sexy beautiful woman to have sex with. If you refuse to do this you are a dog-nigger.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 6

i guess that i will pull up at bar tonight

R: 54 / I: 7 / P: 6

crystal cafe

tell me about this place

R: 18 / I: 16 / P: 6


Physical storage and card management, sleeve.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 6

Network Connection

How do I set up a connection between IP cameras (8 Nos.), a PoE switch, Mesh Wi-Fi Setup (as a home network extender), Router (for Internet uplink), and NVR (Network Video Recorder),

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 6

Does anyone want this ugly as fuck bitch. Looks like a fucking troll

R: 26 / I: 3 / P: 6

When I was an edgy dipshit teen I shitposted on religious dipshits about atheism, now that I'm much older I shitpost on atheist dipshits about spiritualism. Is this part of the human condition or am I an irredeemable dipshit? Also some autism balloon so your time isn't completely wasted.

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 6


He used to be a cute whore but now he’s a HAGGOT. Hit the wall smh

R: 6 / I: 2 / P: 6

The reality of South Korean media

Unmarried Korean aunts over 30 dominated the media. Data from the 2016 Broadcast Writers' Labor Rights Survey Approximately 95 percent of the survey participants were women. And more than 93% of them were unable to get married, which caused their serotonin to be shattered and their viciousness to reach its peak. They are old, they have become a man-hating group, they have lost the impartiality that the media should have, and they want to destroy men's human rights.

R: 6 / I: 2 / P: 6

selling niggas


R: 5 / I: 15 / P: 6

Scamming OnlyFans Girls

Post any and all girls who canceled their OnlyFans after being a failure at it, thinking they could just throw it all behind them. Or ... LOL changed their relationship status from single to married LMFAO. I'll start with Sam here.

R: 6 / I: 2 / P: 6

Is the "ai" gf thing viable now? I keep getting ads and youtube videos for it Can it remember the context of a conversation that happened a paragraph ago? I just want it to constantly remind me that im a monkey with no free will and even the feeling i have when told that is cope to not end itself ( like there is a self lmao) but i need to think it is smarter then me else i just pay a woman to do it

R: 6 / I: 5 / P: 7


Thief Game Series Thread

R: 2 / I: 2 / P: 7

Is there a AlauddinSlayer archive?

Tf2 payday2 etc

R: 563 / I: 756 / P: 7

Hunger Games thread

hunger games simulation: submit contestants!

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 7

Which websites can I make money betting on troon athletes?

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 7

The “female version of Room N” controversy: Double standards and legal issues

South Korea’s largest women-only community, with 844,000 members, has been mired in controversy over the “female version of Room N. On May 15, 2024, Maeil Business reported the story, stating that community members shared details of men they met on dating apps that matched them with foreign men inside the cafe. Posts shared in this community included real-life photos of foreign men exchanging information with lewd comments about their appearance and genitals. Among them were minors. Members of the group even created a list called the “Big Data Who’s Who of U.S. Military Men,” which they claimed to be an encyclopedia of American military personnel.

R: 21 / I: 3 / P: 7

Justice is a rare thing, and for once, a roastie got what she deserved.

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 7


need help finding this video in full and uncensored thank you

R: 3 / I: 2 / P: 7

the QRD in that Jin Saotome guy who makes shitty action figure "customs"

Brown hair, brown eyes, brown skin tone. Calls itself a white man. Nashville TN resident John Mallamas, known usually as "Jin Saotome" but also by "Sergalicious" on Lulz for several years, until the 2 were outed as being used by the same person. He had his 15 minutes in the 90s in that garbage Toyfare magazine showing off repainted toys. He got his name from the C(r)apcom character playing it in MvC tournaments. He is married to a woman 20 years older than him who has family money, so he's never had employment(and may have a felony record anyway). He wore stolen valor medals in his wedding photos(pussies like him never serve or even care about the USA). From fucking FLORIDA, naturally. He spent the Obama years screaming "MUSLIM" but not getting anyone to sympathize with him. At some point during a toy convention(probably Botcon) he paid a teenage cosplayer known as "Sinno" to fuck him, trading off one of his mediocre custom toys. He likes to deny it claiming anything from "it was someone else" to "they deepfaked me" and "how could I? She lived in the UK" as if airplanes do not exist. He's awfully defensive about it yet was proud to do it. And he supported shitstorm Gamergate, like all good little Christian white supremacists. Yep, die-hard godboy. In 2012 he saw one of the furry fandom's most hated anti-pedos on 4chan /toy/ & flipped his shit. Jin already had a mentally ill beef as did all of the faggots from Lulz who lack morals. he used a custom toy the person posted as an excuse to chimp the fuck out, spending 3 years straight posting daily hate about the maker. Bit it eventually got back to Lulz, where they noted(jn a larger version of this selfie) that he has many spraypaint cans with the caps removed, indicating substance abuse. It was also noticed that Sergalicious & Jin had the same typing style, same beliefs, same pissy hatred of the same person & they were connected. Jin latched onto Trump, naturally. Racist pedophiles do. He was also connected to being related to Sonic fandom pedophile supersonic250, as they both have similar views & hate the same anti-pedo who told them to go fuck themselves. Being a small-dicked chomo who e-stalks anyone who makes them butthurt & rages about it for 10 years straight seems to run in the Mallamas family. Despite his /pol/ shittard mentally ill views he has a disturbing love of Hasbro, the most woke SJW toy company of all time. This despite Hasbro teams having an internal memo of "ignore this asshole". He also still latches onto Capcom who also has woke views. Pity Capcom never sent a C&D over the stolen name, but they're incompetent over there. However his deranged jeezus shit is why the character never shows up anymore. They don't want the association. His love of Hasbro & their garbage quality bootleg-tier overpriced toys also means he loathes 3rd party Transformers. He says dumb shit like "you can be arrested for owning them" & has even threatened to kill people who make them. He once tried to shoplift I MEAN "confiscate" a lot of 3rd party toys at a toy convention sales booth, pretending to be law enforcement(he also tells people on facebook he's a police officer because he's disconnected from the truth). He only stopped when a real security guard showed up & nearly arrested him for theft, but couldn't as he hadn't walked "far enough away" from the table. This despite Hasbro never having a single original idea in their whole existence. IP theft? Jerry Only is the Misfits, not Hasbro's feminazi wannabe. He's still around, bitching like a stupid bitch because "wwah anti-pedo custom guy won't love me" and accusing literally ANYTHING HE SEES ONLINE that he remotely disagrees with as being posted by that person. The "it's all one person out to get me" defense to avoid admitting that most everyone he's run into online hates him. Even the fucktard neo-Nazis of Gamergate wouldn't associate with him & they had bags of shit like TheQuartering & AlphaOmegaSin to their name. But in Jin's eyes you have to convert to religious cult sky man bullshit, be part of the Drumpf MAGA cult & agree 100% with everything he says to be cool in his eyes. He demands anyone he talks with be that way & gets mad then they won't go along. He's also prone to telling weird made up shit & throwing baseless accusations, even when proven wrong, but being part of the "Zoe blew 5 guys" mentality means you don't care about facts. He especially went insane on claiming custom anti-pedo guy murdered his cats which he kept screaming even after being shown pictures of the cats very much alive. /pol/ is always wrong, of course. The only reason he hasn't hit CWC-tier online notice is he's just smart enough to pull punches to not get media attention, but he is clearly in need of some sort of autism medication. But why waste it on someone so worthless when it could be better given to someone who might contribute? Or a bullet to the skull. It's not like he'll ever be sane, useful or contribute. No one will miss his sorry ass. Though a pedo like him is probably still doing it. It's only a matter of time until he's another "not a drag queen" media report of some Republican getting arrested for child molestation(bet double digits at least on the number of kids) & cp possession. They never stop, never learn, never feel bad. In his eyes he's always justified & never admits mistakes. Your god will never be real, Jin. Go fuck yourself.

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 7

Should I go in?

R: 21 / I: 18 / P: 7


imagine making yourself this obese your so fat you can't even get up

R: 8 / I: 3 / P: 7

i hate 8chan

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 7

Recent events have forced me to choose who I hate more: jews or commies. And I've definitely chosen commies. I honestly can't believe /pol/ doesn't understand this. When a jew is beating some commie's head in with a pole, then that means the juden are indeed your greatest ally. Also new commiecat pls no ban.

R: 1 / I: 1 / P: 7

Niggers burn

I fucking hate nigger.

R: 42 / I: 11 / P: 7

Is sex work real work?

R: 9 / I: 3 / P: 7

Why the hell is gelbooru selling soap? Who came up with this?

R: 5 / I: 2 / P: 7

You can buy Fiji water with EBT

R: 10 / I: 1 / P: 8

do normalniggers deserve to live?

R: 11 / I: 27 / P: 8

Rape thread

where's the fucking rape thread at?

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 8

Thank you to fm stations for using 100 gigawatt hours 24/7 for my personal amusement.

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 8

South Sudan

A thread to do with the current events in South Sudan

R: 20 / I: 2 / P: 8

fattest place in the world

fuck I fucking hate Americans

R: 85 / I: 11 / P: 8

Mod thread

First on 8chan edition.

R: 29 / I: 12 / P: 8

The bear

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 8

Patrick Nelson Hotty...

He loves the Toddlers. He is shrek and the toddlers bite him... :3

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 8

Child Molester

The Crazy Shepherd or Shepherd Express as its now known has had a long dark history dating back to the go-go porn anything goes days of the 1980's. Its title comes from a gay Jew authors poetic fantasy of being fucked in the ass by random bikers. So many secrets. Its founders include child molester Joe Porubcan who was also its circulation manager.

R: 22 / I: 7 / P: 8

The Getaway (2002)

the Getaway is hands down the best game to have come out of the Sony PlayStation

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 8

Marijuana state tax

Sooo did you benefit from your state’s marijuana sales tax dollars yet?

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 8

What are these faggots on about?

R: 60 / I: 43 / P: 8

The mediocre patriotic war

As of 0400 yesterday evening, we are at war with /arepa/ We launched a surprise sneak attack and have successfully met them quip for quip. They never saw it coming. The shock and awe has left them confused dazed and disorderly, discipline has completely broken down, their morale shattered, now is the chance to drive the attack home and destroy them utterly! Let not one negrito escape our unwarranted and frankly cowardly and vicious sneak attack. We are Japan and this is pearl harbor. FOR THE LIVING SPACE AND THE GREATER /b/ REICH! ONWARD TO VICTORY! Now as your leader I cannot lie to you men, we need each and every patriotic /b/rigand to sign up and serve his board in it's time of need. I NEED YOU, FOR THE /b/ ARMY. YOUR ASS IS MINE CIVVIE. THAT MEANS YOU COMMIECAT (Lieutenant 2nd grade) AND YOU LCP (PFC) AND YOU HEAD ( cook) AND YOU RANDOM CRAZY SCHIZOS , asstd (Privates) AND (You) ANON. YOU HAVE BEEN OFFICIALLY DRAFTED. REPORT TO THE NEAREST DRAFT OFFICE IMMEDIATELY TO BE ASSIGNED A DUTY ~Your benevolent, cruel, kind, despotic, fascist, democratic, sane, and loving, hating, BO. High king Lord Vampyr "crazy eyes" Board owner esq. By appointment only.

R: 1 / I: 1 / P: 8

Kekstiano Penaldo

R: 18 / I: 6 / P: 8

Do you think commiecats could be used as laborers? Is there anything useful they could do as a job?

R: 2 / I: 1 / P: 9


>your dslr and it’s pictures look like Andy’s logs even though they’re the same image quality as my pictures. I will wage a neurotic flame war with you just because you took those perfectly fine pictures without using the same gear I own. >I bought all this expensive af gear, then I will buy expensive af photo editors and spend weeks in my mom’s basement editing them to look just as fine as they did straight out of my expensive af gear. >I bought gorillion-megapixel cameras to show off pictures on a Jewish honeypot that makes you wait a long time before only allowing you to post 1,000-pixel images one at a time. >I shoot expensive, huge, archival sheet film so I can scan it at 600dpi or less and show off 1,000 pixel versions of my already low resolution scans.

R: 6 / I: 5 / P: 9

my wife

R: 8 / I: 2 / P: 9


are we ever going to see her fuck that ogre in this?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 9

Uuuuuuhhhh doesn’t look like Pacific Garden Mission, Unshackled, & Moody Bible Institute are very effective, Christ-sisters..,

R: 31 / I: 9 / P: 9

If God is in control and Jesus is king, how is anything satan’s fault? Let’s see you fire up those mental gymnastics.

R: 4 / I: 2 / P: 9

Wouldn’t you just love to have brain implants from the same faggot that lies about supporting free speech and has kike censorship on his social media platform?

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 9

You're not racist, you're just incel

R: 52 / I: 64 / P: 9

Royal Party

birthday thread

R: 4 / I: 0 / P: 9

Ask me anything.

R: 5 / I: 1 / P: 9

Film And Actress's Name

trying to find out what this Short Film was called again the main Blonde Actress in it cucks her best male friend who likes her with this tall Black dude who ends up fucking her and her white friend ends up finding out by accidently seeing him going to pound town on her, I'd really like it if someone here might be able to help me find out what the movie was called again

R: 220 / I: 204 / P: 9


I love how they try to make out that Veganism makes you lot more healthier and helps you to look years younger when in actuality it makes you look like two decades older than what you actually are. btw she's about 34/35 here but she looks 50

R: 3 / I: 3 / P: 9

America really needs Christian presidents! Oh wait…it has some…

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 9

Dead Nigger Watch: He's still dead.

Why was this such a pivotal case you might ask? Well, back in the 90's it was a time of excess including for police and prosecutors around the country. It was a time when the 'COPS' show was at its peak. People tuned in every week to watch random citizens get the shit kicked out of them and searched and pulled over and generally violated in most every way possible. As now most people didn't have the money to hire lawyers so cops generally had free reign to do pretty much whatever they wanted. Then came O.J. Cops and prosecutors across the land anticipated a slam dunk case and said so to the media. Lawyers were expensive back then just like now and most people were lucky if they could hire even one. Then came O.J. and all his money. He didn't hire one but a whole team of lawyers and with them came all their usual assistants and secretaries and various people who made their legal office hum. Combined they made up a small army. Now the police and prosecutors and judges of the day were used to rolling over people and generally treating people like shit and getting away with it more often than not. Then came O.J., the nigger ex-football star with piles of cash. Suddenly his lawyers started questioning everything and anything to do with the murders he was charged with. Because of the complexities of evidence gathering and testing and DNA procedures, most people couldn't afford to question much of anything once they were charged. Then came O.J. Seemed that the cops and investigators and various staff screwed up a lot and they didn't want to admit it. O.J.'s lawyers pissed off a lot of people. Seemed all the procedures that were in use looked good on T.V. but the reality was cops and prosecutors really sucked at their jobs and up until then had gotten away with it. Even the handling of the bodies of Nicole Simpson and Ron Jewman was fucked up and the cops and prosecutors had to admit it over and over. One of the prosecutors was forced to testify and admit how much he sucked at his job. One example, the bodies were left out in the heat and one of the cops covered them with blankets from inside the house. That contaminated the scene along with other evidence that was mishandled. It quickly got to the point where the evidence wasn't really evidence at all, it was just one big pile of shit. Now for the motive. Why did O.J. slaughter his ex-wife and poor Ron Jewman who was only there to return glasses Nicole had left at the restaurant where he worked and she had just visited. That story didn't make sense and eventually it was revealed he was her boyfriend of the moment. Seemed Nicole liked to give guys blow-jobs at home while her and O.J.'s kids were there. O.J. even caught her in the act of sucking off one of her boyfriends. She called the police and the 911 call was played on the news at the time. O.J. could be heard in the back ground yelling at Nicole for 'sucking his dick' out in the open. Seemed Nicole liked to press O.J.'s buttons but apparently didn't like to suck his dick, just other guys. O.J. and Nicole had met when she was fresh out of high school and his football career was ending. O.J. dazzled her with his money and she dazzled him with her pussy. O.J. helped her family financially as well but all blowjobs cum to an end and Nicole dumped the gorilla in the football costume. But she stayed close enough to piss off O.J. and did it often. The details get a little murky. If it was a crime of passion why did O.J. wear gloves. Was it really O.J. or did some other guy Nicole was sucking off show up and kill both and take off. Two of the jurors interviewed after the trial said that they thought it odd that Nicole claimed to fear O.J. yet she lived only blocks away. If she was so scared of him why didn't she move away? Now there's a story of O.J. hiring a mob guy to whack Nicole and Jewman while O.J. stood back and watched. Maybe Nicole was sucking off her boyfriend when O.J. and his hitman walked up. It would explain why there was no direct evidence linking O.J. In the years since, the criminal justice system changed because of O.J. He scared the shit of lawyers, judges, cops and prosecutors. The people from the LAPD who worked on O.J.'s case also worked on thousands of other cases. That made people wonder if they fucked up the O.J. case maybe they fucked up a lot of other cases too. The science used on the O.J. case was the same science used on cases all over the country. People started questioning the science and started winning. Before O.J., the cops and prosecutors would show up in court with a box of reports and dare the defendants to prove they were innocent. After O.J. they started to.

R: 7 / I: 7 / P: 9

Terry A. Davis

a Thread Dedicated to one of god's chosen the great Terry Davis

R: 8 / I: 3 / P: 9

What even is this place? I used to browse imageboards like 2008-2014. This is the main place for the more alt stuff today? This is not a cool /b/. Where can I go for chill cool imageboard stuff akin to older /b/ on 4chan? Does anywhere like that exist where they don't post all kinds of loli and shit?

R: 2 / I: 2 / P: 9

Where are you from my fren? Post something related to your country

R: 12 / I: 23 / P: 10

The sound you hear from Columbia University is the sound of not having to listen to college kids screaming at you about how you're killing the planet because you ate a steak, or how you shouldn't be allowed to drive, or how you need to be locked to within a 15 minute walk from your house. No more stupidass bullshit about how cars are tools of the patriarchy. No more whining about how you have to let some college kid tell you what you're allowed to eat. No more smarmy ass know it all lecturing you about how we need to ban farming. I've never felt freer in my whole life.

R: 5 / I: 2 / P: 10

sup homies

R: 29 / I: 6 / P: 10

Reddit Faggot leftists

My account got recently banned from being accused of hate and attacking someone one and this untrue followed even further from the fact that they haven't even pointed out what I said was even that someone just accused me of it and that mod whomever it was just automatically sided with that person and neither of them have even showed what I said was an actual concern warranting banning my account and have actually deleted the comment so there's no way to know that I said to show that it's what they claim it is. I've emailed and messaged every place possible on reddit inquiring about this matter and what I want to know now and what I'm wanting to ask is what and where do I go from here now? thanks

R: 6 / I: 0 / P: 10

How come the jewnited states military never used the UFOs they made to fight Jewish wars?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 10

Why the fuck do girls keep asking him for sex???

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 10

slurp slurp ahhhhh tasty

R: 5 / I: 2 / P: 10

Orgasm Queen

How do I download this orgasmic masterpiece? Tried Jdownloader, Videodownload-helperand multipe online-porn-downloaders like "free online porndownloader" or "jizzoffline"or keepvid. Even tried inspecting the page or "Research Q" but nothing there.

R: 21 / I: 8 / P: 10


here we talk about the teachings and philosophy of Stoicism and all of it's importance in the modern age.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 10


I have to wait for the ice to melt before I can do anything with my dick..

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 10

Thoughts of Pissy Cuckitini

R: 22 / I: 5 / P: 10

Greatest Thing in The World

Please Tell me there's some porn videos of her having sex with him she looks like she has a really nice ass and small soft pale white size 4 feet

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 10

Why does it matter if graphics & sprites in your games are pre-rendered as long as they look good?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 10

Watch cartoons with us

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 10

what happened to it?

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 10

2A Doesn’t look like the second amendment is helping you fight a tyrannical government.

R: 14 / I: 2 / P: 10

Fuckable Fauna General #1

The purpose of this general is the creation of vassal and companion species for the amusement of humanity on its eternal conquest. This is NOT: a p*rn or fantasy general, a xoophilia advocacy or xoophile rights general, or a roleplay general. Those participating in this thread recognise that: 1. Humanity holds ultimate authority but also responsibility over creation. 2. Carnal relations with anything that has not been remade in our image or originally created by us from scratch is evil and disgusting 3. Anything that threatens to subvert, destroy or reduce the power and sovereignty of humanity must be extinguished. In this thread I hope to discuss with you methods such as selective breeding and genetic engineering that will most quickly and effectively elevate base matter to the rank of cosmic companion. "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth."

R: 4 / I: 0 / P: 11

>Why yes I am racist and countersemitic, fellow YouTube commentor. What gave it away?

R: 2 / I: 1 / P: 11

Outrageous Twitter user.

What is this Twitter user even talking about? He's just straight up harassing people for no reason, he's sending personal attacks and derogatory language against these Twitter user accounts for no reason. His name is Charles Lockhart, and apparently he's an English teacher from the United Kingdom. Does anybody know information about this particular Twitter user?

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 11

It's correct to say that majority of fags are NPCs?

R: 5 / I: 4 / P: 11

FEMA camps

You’ve been real quiet 20 years after you said we would be shoved into fema camps.

R: 3 / I: 2 / P: 11

DSLR & Mirrorless Cameras

what are the differences between the DSLR and Mirrorless Cameras what are the Pros and Cons each of them have from each other?

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 11

Got back into Stellaris, and I present to you: the United Retail Bitch Co-Op, led by Chief Worker Commiecat. How shall I expand the United Retail Bitch Co-Op into the stars?

R: 9 / I: 2 / P: 11

Vtubers definitely are required by their handlers to compromise themselves and each other, even worse than Hollywood and rappers. They absolutely also undergo humiliation rituals both covert and overt. This is all for maximum entity integrity and profit, if you think the normie bf controversy shit is bad just wait till one disobeys and gets their zoophilic Yuri rape tape leaked. The boyfriend stuff is just to condition cucks and push non cucks to their more premium assets

R: 19 / I: 5 / P: 11

Why does God keep manufacturing spics /b/?

R: 6 / I: 2 / P: 11

I would like to take this moment to congratulate Amy Schumer for being hot and thank her for relieving a man with autism of his virginity. This is exactly what women should be doing and my hope is that women learn from the example Amy set. Amy knew that ostracizing men with autism is inappropriate and chose to be better. 🏆

R: 12 / I: 3 / P: 11

You hate children with autism and other disabilities and fucking want them to kill themselves, so why are you fucking banning women from aborting them? Are YOU going to pay to raise those kids who you want to kill themselves?

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 11

The exodus is a fable

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 11

What’s wrong with screwing over the price-gouging kike landlords that are enabled to spread like cancer all over the country?

R: 5 / I: 0 / P: 11

If demons hate humans, why do they drain your balls?

R: 19 / I: 2 / P: 11

Nermin Sulejmanovic

Anyone got a link to his murder rampage video?

R: 5 / I: 0 / P: 11

There is soooo much systemic racism in America’s healthcare system, so prevention among kikes and shitskins is essential. If they trust the science, kikes and shitskins would get themselves spayed and neutered. Trust the science. According to science, kikes and shitskins that are spayed and neutered enjoy the following health benefits: Spaying (Females): Uterine Infections: Spaying eliminates the risk of uterine infections in females. Breast Cancer: Spayed females have a reduced risk of developing malignant or cancerous breast tumors. Neutering (Males): Testicular Cancer: Neutering eliminates the risk of testicular cancer in male pets. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Neutering reduces the risk of enlarged prostate glands in males. So out of an over abundance of caution, exercise your right to get spayed and neutered today!

R: 12 / I: 3 / P: 11



R: 13 / I: 5 / P: 12

Central bank status: destroyed.

R: 4 / I: 1 / P: 12

This is a kike, so why did he lose his run for president?

R: 8 / I: 1 / P: 12

How do you feel in the modern world as a white normal and avarage guy? Be honest

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 12

Sabrina Carpenter

are we ever going to see her fully nude and doing full nude sex scenes in anything anytime soon, or even better any leaks of her having sex, I've heard talk or there being some floating around the web for a few years now

R: 36 / I: 10 / P: 12

Bro who the fuck lights themselves on fire over a war between desert people?

R: 22 / I: 5 / P: 12

Where's my m-money?

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 12


R: 11 / I: 1 / P: 12

When the fuck are these escooter fuckers going to go out of business? I'm so goddamned sick of these things piled up on the sidewalk getting in my goddamned way.

R: 14 / I: 3 / P: 12

What do you think of her? ❤︎₊ ⊹

R: 10 / I: 5 / P: 12

If her titties are not pink, she is not a human female. It’s important to note that beastiality is a crime.

R: 8 / I: 1 / P: 12

How the fuck does the darkweb even work anymore

I used to browse Dark Web shit like 15 years ago as a young teenager, never bought anything but definitely went on some edgy illegal sites and shit. Now it seems impossible to find anything, there's 10 different hidden wiki's and everything is a dead link. I can't even ask for help because everyone is para about the FEDS. Do you basically just have to know someone to 'let you in' because it's so policed now?

R: 5 / I: 0 / P: 12

Can someone with Telegram download this video and repost here? It's supposedly a first-person recording of the mass shooting in Moscow yesterday a la Brenton Tarrant. pic unrelated. just the last pic if phapped to.

R: 27 / I: 3 / P: 12

Grand Woke Auto: The Game

This fucking retarded Mongoloid shit ruined for me any and all hope and potential this game may have had.

R: 1 / I: 1 / P: 12


R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 12

Desmond +15207714850

>two women divorced me & took my children. I moved across the country and am all alone in a small apartment. I’m a shitskinned fat fuck. >I’m not the problem here! I’m not the problem here!

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 12

I got b& from a furry convention for outing pedophiles and zoophiles

R: 3 / I: 1 / P: 13


Afghans = true Aryans americucks = mutts without identity

R: 11 / I: 12 / P: 13

Fuck /vb/


R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 13

Apparently commiecat is a master debater.

R: 8 / I: 4 / P: 13

The light inside me has broken, but I still work.

R: 8 / I: 1 / P: 13

AICat is nervous about the jewish question.

R: 14 / I: 14 / P: 13

Is anyone actually on here? Tell me a story while listening to this song. How did you end up on

R: 12 / I: 8 / P: 13

thumbnail test

just testing to see if the album art shows

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 13

>I’m sorry private, but fighting for Israel is not applicable job experience. I will have to turn down your job application. However since you love kikes so much, maybe there are plenty of job openings in Israel. You can try there.

R: 3 / I: 3 / P: 13

I am a soldier in the IDF. Iran just launched 6,000,000 drones into Israel and the drones have raped 6,000,000 Israeli women and children. 6,000,000 Iranian missiles have cut the heads off of 6,000,000 Israeli babies and raped them at the same time. The alleged missiles and drones over Israel are just swamp gas brought about by you-caused climate change. We will seek out the Iranians responsible for this attack who are hiding in tunnels under Iran and not harm, starve, or trap Iranian civilians in. This was our 9/11. We urgently need you to keep paying your federal taxes and donate your money to us. It’s like another shoah. One day for no reason at all, other countries attacked us.

R: 11 / I: 0 / P: 13

Frank Sinatra

R: 4 / I: 2 / P: 13



R: 3 / I: 3 / P: 13

Recruiting station /b/ alpha 01

let's go ladies, everyone into uniform and line up.

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 13

Why do women get abortions legalized, demand their boss pay for maternity leave, then whine on Jewish media about their boss dumping them after they made the adult choice to carry babies to term that make them useless?

R: 3 / I: 2 / P: 13

What the fuck's going on?

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 13

not your personal army negro

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 13

My Nigga We are At War, Sug my Nutz

We are fighting the good fight nigga

R: 28 / I: 22 / P: 14

One of your sons is in there masturbating. What do?

R: 11 / I: 3 / P: 14

anyone try this delicacy?

R: 30 / I: 1 / P: 14

Kids Next Door operation: fuck school

<…and that’s a good thing. Kill teachers. Behead teachers. Roundhouse kick a teacher into the concrete. Slam dunk a teacher into the trashcan. Crucify filthy teachers. Defecate in a teacher’s food. Launch teachers into the sun. Stir fry teachers in a wok. Toss teachers into active volcanoes. Kick a teacher in the testicles. Urinate into a teacher’s gas tank. Judo throw teachers into the wood chipper. Twist teachers heads off. Report teachers to the IRS. Karate chop teachers in half. Curb stomp filthy teachers. Trap teachers in quicksand. Crush teachers in the trash compactor. Liquefy teachers in a vat of acid. Stab teachers. Dissect teachers. Exterminate teachers in the gas chamber. Stomp teacher skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate teachers in the oven. Lobotomize teachers. Mandatory roping for teachers. Grind teachers in the garbage disposal. Drown teachers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize teachers with a ray gun. Kick old teachers down the stairs. Feed teachers to alligators. Slice teachers with a katana. Line up teachers and use them for target practice. Drop kick a disabled teacher’s head to jupiter. Slice teachers up into lunchmeat and feed them to pigs. Drive a bus load of teachers into the grand canyon. Break a 2×4 in half over a teacher’s head. Choke a teacher to death with a gucci belt. Shoot groups of teachers on sight. Suffocate teachers with a shopping bag. Cave a teacher’s head in with a hammer. Pistol whip a teacher.

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 14

Why so mad, BO?

R: 11 / I: 1 / P: 14


>hello, we don’t think you can raise your children. But we have this extensive roster of child abusers we think are better fit to raise your biological children. Gimme here

R: 7 / I: 1 / P: 14


A federal court ruled Texas may not enforce state immigration laws because immigration is the federal government’s jurisdiction. This sets the precedent that state and local law enforcement may not force you to go to school because school attendance is only the federal government’s jurisdiction. Repeat this precedent over and over again to your single mother and teacher the next time they force you to go to school.

R: 7 / I: 8 / P: 14

Looking for a photo

I remember seeing a photo of candy branded with cartoon lemons drawn as stereotypical Asian person I think they where Portuguese. I saw them on a article about sweets with offensive branding. here is a rough reconstruction of what I'm looking for

R: 18 / I: 2 / P: 14

Anders Behring Breivik

what's he upto these days not heard much from or about him in a few years hope he's doing okay

R: 7 / I: 3 / P: 14

Why did the kikes destroy Haiti when there are no white men there? No white men in power, no white anyone.

R: 11 / I: 5 / P: 14

What would anon do at the communist catgirl zoo exhibit?

R: 1 / I: 5 / P: 14

What are Dawn Babes?

I'm serious boys, This one is serious. Are Dawn Babes working WITH the POLICE?

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 14

A fat fuck here and a fat fuck there.

R: 3 / I: 1 / P: 14

What the hell are the kikes doing?

R: 6 / I: 2 / P: 14

Social scientists have determined that the truth is transphobic

Truth is transphobia, pass it on.

R: 2 / I: 3 / P: 14

Can i get some help testing a torrent? The problem i have is that i dont know whether or not my torrents work. Image related is the torrent. Im just wondering whether its possible to connect to my torrent at all. I put a bunch of trackers on it so that shouldnt be a problem. But whenever ive made torrents before it just doesnt seem like anyone could connect to it. 7a68c1c5

R: 63 / I: 27 / P: 14

Liru the Werewolf

Liru is a miracle of the universe! ✨️ 🙏

R: 8 / I: 4 / P: 15

Based Chad

nothing better than when a Traditional man goes full Alpha giga Chad on a worthless degenerate Tranny

R: 9 / I: 4 / P: 15

"Welcome Back 47"

Hitman thread can be the original series as well as the newer ones too

R: 1 / I: 2 / P: 15

Schmuck of the Month

Schmuck of the month goes to Mark Jenson. After four trials and more than a decade behind bars Mark Jenson still sits in a shithole also known as the Wisconsin prison system. He was convicted of poisoning his wife with anti-freeze. A big problem with the case is that there is no case. The police and prosecutor never produced anything to prove he did anything but yet he sits in prison. It's now more than 25 years since his wife died and still no evidence. Even more, one of his trials was held in the judges office where he was convicted again. Jenson didn't find out about it until after it was over. That's the Wisconsin kangaroo court system.

R: 1 / I: 1 / P: 15

I just wanted to say that I'm glad technoblade is dead. Because I hate rich and successful people. That is all.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 15

hmmmmm it seems ur a nigger. i dont really like niggers all that much. whis, get the nigga killer

R: 2 / I: 1 / P: 15

i'm posted in blight town about to go hollow

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 15

ancient aryan warriorz

R: 3 / I: 1 / P: 15

kill me

R: 8 / I: 1 / P: 15

i will achieve success

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 15

here are your fucking Easter Eggs

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 15

rate this or your gay

look at my hot steamy food what do you think you gaylords love you <3

R: 8 / I: 4 / P: 15

Daily reminder that higher technology has ruined your life.

R: 3 / I: 1 / P: 15

>filling up gas tank >suddenly hear someone talk to me >some homeless looking chick >massive tits >asking me if I can spare any change >pull out a $20 bill without thinking >"thanks anon, you just made my day!" I can't believe I just gave some homeless chick $20 because she had big tits.

R: 19 / I: 5 / P: 15

is it possible to assimilate and become part of a gypsie tribe?

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 15

It's been a hard journey. I'm okay now but I come off strong all the time and want people to know they are not alone thats why I made this video. I'm planning on writing a book of this journey. I'm so blessed I made it out. It's hard but thats life everyone goes through life and I hope I can help others with my story. The first part, I was in an abusing foster home and was bullied by the sisters and abuse by the parents. second part, I got stuck in a bad toxic relationship. Only two of my sisters were there for me. I end up in the hospital because my health was failing. I was so thankful Jeanetta stood by me until she knew I was okay. I had to go to therapy to see why I kept going back to him and I learned it was a trauma bond. The third part, my family got really jealous. They took advantage of me, bullied me, made up lies, stool from me and when they didn't need too because they had more than me. I was at my lowest and they saw that but still didn't care. People get scared they know the truth always comes out so they hide and break the ones that might let out the truth. The fourth part, flearned you make your own family and I'm so blessed to have someone to call mom and dad and the siblings that stood by me. I'm very thankful l got away from all the toxic people in my life it wasn't easy but only you can protect yourself. Therapy helped a lot. I feel very blessed where I am today and ready to share my story to help others. I also appreciate my fans I couldn't do it without y'all either. Y'all make me want to stay strong. This is a sneak peek of part two of my book.

R: 18 / I: 7 / P: 16

Are people who post nothing but interracial shit on the internet all day every day the biggest losers imaginable?

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 16

Goth/Emo Girls

What's whith the internet's obsession with goth or emo women? I get that they're cute and hot and all and I'd fuck them too if I had the chance, but I don't understand the absolute sallivation and simping that goes on with them. Is it just ironic or are they actually like that and years of porn have fried their coomer brains? I also don't get the "I can fix her" thing. Why would I try to get with a girl who is 100% a bad decision to be with? There's also the one where people say "I don't want to fix her. Whatever that's wrong with her is way hotter." Is this basically the mirror version of women liking 'bad boys'? In other words, are they trying to put in some 'thrill' into their lives?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 16

>why yes I do support Planned Parenthood’s lucrative business of harvesting body parts from shitskinned babies while they’re still alive and selling their shit-colored body parts to universities, as well as masturbate to footage of the destruction of such shitskinned babies. What gave it away?

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 16

Alien: Romulus' "disgusting" scene

>Alien: Romulus cast member Isabela Merced has teased the inclusion of a truly "disgusting" scene in the 2024 sci-fi horror movie >Merced revealed that at least one of her character's scenes had crew and cast members turning away due to its graphic content so does anyone have or know where to find her Alien blowjob scene in the new Alien Film?

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 16

There are only nigggggggers working in Wok Fire & Grill and they’re slow as fuck.

R: 6 / I: 0 / P: 16

.....She Has Back Tits

fuck I fucking hate this Fat Acceptance faggotry and that everyone is perfect and healthy at any size even if your morbidly obese and are likely to have a heart attack and lose your left foot to diabetes before you're even in your mid 30's, you're in their minds somehow perfectly healthy and there's nothing wrong with it and that you shouldn't change how you look because you're better being at that weight size instead for being at a you know a normal healthy weight and size, this woke virtue signalling pandering is what's really destroying society.

R: 11 / I: 3 / P: 16

Why did the kikes destroy the niggers’ bridge?

R: 30 / I: 30 / P: 16


How do I do NSFW deepfakes for image and video? I want to put my sister's face on porn stars and all the pics/vids I've taken of chicks I've banged in the past. Is there any simple software that can analyze a porn scene and a video of my sister and then apply her face to the porn star in a few simple clicks/commands? I want to do it with local software, not online.

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 16

Why haven’t the kikes copyrighted the night sky or space and charged us royalties to stack pictures of it or see space telescope pictures?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 16

Indians & kike landlords love scamming, so how do we load mostly empty apartment buildings owned by price-gouging kikes with Indian tenants, whom they can’t evict due to DEI, so they kike those kikes out of profits?

R: 21 / I: 3 / P: 16

We only have either democrat or republican presidents because you faggots refuse to vote for third party candidates, then you whine about “only” having a two party system. It’s like how women whine about domestic violence because they choose to only date shitskinned normalniggers instead of neurodivergent boys who never laid a finger on them. You faggots elect presidents about as well as women do.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 16


Jazz Chungus It's my new Counter-Strike 1.6 spray. Plz r8.

R: 2 / I: 2 / P: 16

LRH - tonight's episode: HACKER TUNES - $100 song contest! Call in LIVE!

The l0de radio hour is live! We are having an ASCII art and a song contest tonight. You can join us in #LRH on EFnet or by calling +1 877-293-1933

R: 16 / I: 4 / P: 16

Why ex coomers suddenly go full anti-porn to a schizo level, to the point that they see everything as porn? Especially since most of them are still in sexualized art and be fully denial about said art being sexualized?

R: 428 / I: 395 / P: 16

So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, good night!

can not fucking wait to see this stupid fat retarded faggot behind bars where he belongs, it's going to be the greatest sight imaginable!

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 16

Art of manipulation

What are some literature I should read or videos I should watch about how manipulation tactics?

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 17

>iiiii’m every woman, they’re all in meeeee >iiiii’m every woman, I ate them aaaaaall

R: 10 / I: 2 / P: 17

Shitskin/janny thread

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 17

Sir Reginald Brownpill

Well, have you?

R: 12 / I: 1 / P: 17

New bait just dropped

It's over. She's DEAD. You guys WON. You got what you wanted. There is now one less trans person in the world. Go celebrate. You aren't going to change my mind, and you certainly aren't going to make her any deader. I'm not even angry anymore. I'm just exhausted. A few days ago, I learned that a close friend of mine that I have known for nearly a decade committed suicide. The main reason that she did so, as outlined in her note, was transphobia. As a trans woman, she became happier when she transitioned, but the world was not happy with her for doing so. When she suffered a mental health crisis five years ago, partially caused by gender dysphoria as she was not fully transitioned at the time, and was hospitalized for it, she was subjected to transphobia at the mental hospital. I strongly suspect that this is the reason that she did not reach out for help this time. I want to make one thing perfectly clear: If you perpetuate transphobia, or tolerate those who do, you are directly contributing to the culture that killed my friend, and you are a piece of shit. We cannot agree to disagree on trans rights. If you perpetuate transphobia, or you do not speak out against transphobia when you see it, you are a terrible person. End of story. One of the kindest people I have ever known shot herself in the heart BECAUSE YOU BROKE IT. And I will always hate you for it. Feel free to copy-paste this rant and show it to transphobes and their enablers, because frankly, they need to hear it.

R: 9 / I: 4 / P: 17

When you think about it, communist catgirls for domestic ownership would likely be impossible. After all, felines have an internal body temperature of ~104 degrees. Without fur, a commiecat would expend massive amounts of energy to maintain such an internal temperature. How could such a thing be possible?

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 17

Aryans pounding subhuman beasts

The origin of the indian race

R: 31 / I: 3 / P: 17

I really hate my job

>Be me >Have abusive farther whos always mad at me for not being able to meet his standards and bothers and sisters who bully me >does shit in school >have no friends, no boyfriends and everyone mocks me >be legit dyslexic, ADHD having (yes it's posable) retard with low IQ of just 76 >refuses to put me in sped corse >dad in denial about my special needs >work your ass off just for C and D's and everyone just thinks for "LaZy anD uNMotiVaTed" and need to "aPpLY y0uRsElF" >eventually start using weed and Benadryl and other drugs + booze just to cope >eventually drop out of school cuz I'm legit Kanye West >try collage but drop out as well >have no qualifications or experience >became a stripper as it's the only job that requires no qualifications and + it makes feel sexy >it's not like the movies a lot of time it's pretty dead and it's very rare you get a loyal customer and most the time people are not interested in dancers as they are only here cuz it's the only place thats still open that does booze >the only 2 good things about it is the fact you need no qualifications and the men >it's a great place to meet men I must have fallen in love with at last 20 different beautiful men there alot of them do things like ask for your phone number, buy you drinks, ask for lap dances >I hate the genre of music and the noise of the music mosly just rap songs and "boobty" (I hate that word) songs and you don't make the money you think you would just few 100$ a night most of witch I blow on drugs and booze Living with a low IQ is hard people don't feel sorry for you like they would if were in wheelchair or had down syndrome if you have a low IQ then your just dumb you just have to accept that your just dumb and that you don't have the opportunities that other people have I'll never be that author who fills up rooms with people who want to hear him speck you'll never be the academic. things that are widely considered easy to do take you years to learn your forever Tide down by the things you can't do I don't think I can get anyother job I can't just go back to college theres no way academia is gonna save me now and theres no way anyone else this going to higher me it's like suck in this life "hanging in there" and "trying" doen't mean shit when you have to try 101 persnt to just keep up with other prople. Now I've got 50 more years of my miserable life what am I even? I'm nothing I'm just shit I really don't want to live anymore I don't care I'm anyone else says I have nothing to live for

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 17

Haven't ate since 730

I'm very hungry! *sniff sniff* What's that there anon? Can I have a piece?

R: 12 / I: 1 / P: 17

Random Number Series

Is it possible to derive a formula for a set of random numbers given by a computer to turn it into a sequence? Computers are machines that follow rules, so they can only generate numbers that appear random, but are actually generated using mathematical formulas. Take the Case of a Range of numbers from 1-8 and the random set given out by the computer is: 4,2,4,6,6,5,7,7,7,5,7,5,3,5… Is it possible to find What comes Next? Please Help!

R: 14 / I: 2 / P: 17


need an older mommy gf into age play but I'm an autist

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 17

Fannee Doolee hates climate change, but supports the Jews & Jewish capitalism causing it. Why do you think that is?

R: 2 / I: 1 / P: 17

hi i work for bluesky and i am promoting our brand new film robots 2!! ive been making promotional posters lately but im not sure if the public, or my bosses would approve of them, how do yall feel about these?

R: 7 / I: 2 / P: 17

Wtf means "quantum dry"?

R: 361 / I: 598 / P: 17

Video Thread

Random video thread.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 17


GTV FLYERS Download 27 GTV Flyers pasted into Word and PDF for easy printing when you want to spread the news!!!

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 17

Over the past few months I've had the thoughts of making music through software. The music I mainly wanted to make was ambient DnB/Jungle stuff. I just like having those hour long videos of ambient DnB music with PS1 and Dreamcast era games play in the background while I play vidya on my PC or browse the internet. Anyone have any general knowledge with tips on this? I heard FL Studio is the better and easier software to use for this.

R: 65 / I: 9 / P: 18

Tired of bloodlines being destroyed

Aren't you tired?

R: 8 / I: 1 / P: 18

fascist lives matter

so a sheboon nig nog tries to force her own teammate to "take the knee" before the start of the match, but she refuses as she completely has all the right in the world to do so, since you know humans have the right to make up their own minds on what the fuck it is they want to do or not, but of course sheboon probably got all up in her face provoking her to angry to the point of become violent which is what monkeys niggers are very good at doing pissing people off to the point of causing an altercation, but yet whom are we supposed to be sympathetic towards?, oh yeah of fucking course the fucking nig nog. I fucking hate the leftist world we're all forced to live in and under and are shamed and guilted into keeping quite out of fear of being called a racist.

R: 9 / I: 0 / P: 18

hello 8chan, Im a high school high school staff member trying to resolve a problem at my school which includes an unknown group of freshmen regularly hacking into our physical server system, causing school-wide lagging and internet crashes, one time making it as far as making the school pay for a new set of servers. Im looking for help on what to do to catch them.

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 18

Literally me

R: 8 / I: 1 / P: 18

How good would my cock feel in this doggo’s mouth /b/?

R: 27 / I: 3 / P: 18

School shooters are the biggest underdogs standing up to lifelong bullying and ostracism. Why are they not treated like folk heroes?

R: 13 / I: 4 / P: 18

Modern Female Video Game Characters

why are leftist Video Gaming Devs so obsessed with making every single female character in games now so goddamn fucking disgusting?

R: 10 / I: 2 / P: 18

Can anyone rip this

and post it here for me? I can't find it anywhere else and I can't figure out how to download it from this stupid fucking site. I'm about to pull out a camera and make an old style bootleg.

R: 7 / I: 0 / P: 18

I came to /b/ cause /t/ is inactive asf but anyways..... Anyone know how to completely remove the goguardian software from a restrictive chromebook and access everything pre-blocked without the help of proxies, vpns, or github simulators????

R: 8 / I: 1 / P: 18

I have never seen someone so right about everything and yet have so few followers.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 18

Admins are normies

All based admins have been put in camps, the only ones left are cucked. They didn't save us from the clot shot with their hacker skills. Were done.

R: 6 / I: 0 / P: 18

>white dad >light skin mom >son born brow skin because of his grandmother's genes my existence is a failure call me a nigger

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 18

I want to a Shiba Inu

R: 36 / I: 5 / P: 18

How do I get around using 4chan? That website is very helpful and useful but I get banned like every other day and I'm not even in the top 50 most controversial anons on that site. I'm getting really fed up of this nonsense. Is this site a good replacement? I'm a ban refugee from /biz/ and I'm noticing that no other imageboard site has a /biz/ board. Any ideas?

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 18

wasnt there a guy here that always posted madoka or was it another 8ch/kun variant where is madoka faggot.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 18

Just another coincidence

R: 5 / I: 3 / P: 19


R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 19

Woman for tax purposes

Witnessing the rise to power of radical feminism in Mexico firsthand, it occurs to me that in order to be seen as anything other than a rapist or a murderer i have no choice but to become a woman myself. I will use all legal resources available to me to change my legal gender to female. I will not change my name, the way i dress, or even the way i act. If the someone tries to legally prevent my gender transition, or if i manage to change my gender but then it gets legally challenged, i will claim i am a victim of juridical violence. I will shout at the top of my lungs and demand respect for the choices i have taken for myself.

R: 18 / I: 4 / P: 19



R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 19

i thought 8moe will be dead, to my surprise its still kicking, good job on surviving this far, what's your secret? do you glow?

R: 41 / I: 26 / P: 19

Kiki's Diaries

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is Jenny, but i can call me KIKI_666 ( or just KIKI for short ^o^)/ I LIEKZ to be RANDOM and love to meet COOL ppl! my favorite music is MCR, CHUMBAWAMAand Merzbow, (He's SUCH an uber qt) >_> lets hangout!

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 19

You ever notice how trans people actively reenforce gender roles?

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 19


R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 19

>AI commiecat supports the bug menace Disgusting.

R: 150 / I: 32 / P: 19

I'm Scared!!!! Gimme Money pl0x!!!!!!!

Bloody bloomin' hell!!!! Anchored by request. There ya go anon.

R: 3 / I: 1 / P: 19

She knows things...

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 19

What do we do about the unchecked wojak plague?

R: 6 / I: 0 / P: 19

>loli hashtag is trending at twitter (probably because of Vaush accidentally revealing his hentai folder with lolis x horse) >twitter doesn't shows Top and Latest tweets with loli >same shit at desktop version in any browser >other words at the search don't have that problem So much for "freedom of speech", Elon Cuck

R: 33 / I: 6 / P: 19

What other chans do you guys use? For me, mostly lainchan, crystal cafe, comfychan, 22chan, and 28chan what about you anon?

R: 9 / I: 0 / P: 19

If the economy is so bad, where did you get enough money for Taylor swift concert tickets, superbowl tickets, and the latest PlayStation consoles?

R: 16 / I: 4 / P: 19

if you find yourself coping by shitting on minority groups 24/7 it's a good indication that you're a loser. go outside incelchan :3

R: 15 / I: 1 / P: 19

Donald simps for the kikes, so why are the kikes always using Russian tactics against Donald in courts?

R: 85 / I: 76 / P: 20

please send the funniest fucking meme vids you have i am currently in my room eating a bowl of cold soup.

R: 4 / I: 3 / P: 20

how to use math to coordinate a walk cycle using physics and such and making the body swing in tandem, creating loops, or just idling/ breathing properly i guess one can say "jut try it all out" but then there's been only one disney and one disney still oh sorry ub wrelks(?) at least the interview's open so, mayyybeee you can?

R: 23 / I: 0 / P: 20

Groovin' to heal the world - Out of sight for the new century

Can the world groove to the beat and achieve change? Like, all the hep cats said that it's stationary, but I think it's on a mobile vibe. Can you groove to help the world? Well, home slice, what is your answer?!

R: 14 / I: 10 / P: 20

8moe Duels invitation

/b/ is invited to the 8moe tournament at icup. Submit 2 contestants to fight.

R: 23 / I: 15 / P: 20

I do not understand why America has a problem with insufficient housing. Apparently a whole shitload of housing units are owned by Blackrock and other investment agencies. As such, the path forward seems simple: >issue executive order declaring that investment companies shouldn't own homes and that therefore the federal government will neither prosecute "crimes" committed against such investment companies if people take the homes and live in them, nor provide support for any local or state law enforcement that tries to prosecute >publish list of all homes owned by investment companies >declare that any attempt by the investment company to reacquire the homes will be treated as valid self defense >provide a simple way for a home to be delisted after being occupied by an individual or family >if court attempts to contravene any of this, or if any state or local authority attempts to prosecute people for taking the investment companies' homes, publish the name, residence, and other pertinent information of all involved and publicly humiliate them for preventing people from owning homes >declare that no effort will be made to prosecute crimes against any of these people >create some sort of website or app to identify such people -- "find people trying to stop you from owning a home in your area!" Honestly would be a 10/10 idea.

R: 7 / I: 3 / P: 20

wrong place, wrong time, buddy boy.... BUDDY BOY

R: 11 / I: 2 / P: 20


are we really going to see this guy doing actual porn with women (he is famous enough to get some of the more hotter gamer girls to fuck) or is this going to be a gag thing like Bella Thorne's onlyfans?

R: 3 / I: 1 / P: 20

4chan captcha has jumped the shark. i can't even post there because i can't solved this fucktarded captcha. it's all because of $current_year AI being able to solve captchas. it's getting so ridiculously complicated that humans will soon be unable to solve them, so platforms will have to resort to a subscription model. even that won't fix the problem because well-funded AI/bot farms will gladly pay the price. AI is going to ruin everything before it makes anything better. edit: the captcha on the right here is from this post. gone will soon be the days when captcha are these easy for humans to solve.

R: 9 / I: 0 / P: 20

>most websites using one of 5 or 6 premade themes >log in to continue >accept cookies to continue >censorship and overmoderation >people writing words like "seggs" now >can't Google subjects like suicide and find any info except "oh noes get help" oh my god I hate the Internet so much now. It was so promising in the 90s and look how fucking awful it has become. Makes me so sad.

R: 6 / I: 2 / P: 20

what happens if i put a gummy in my asshole

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 20

>have commie government >live in literal sea of oil >gas is $40/gallon If there weren't so many poor cubans getting shafted it would be hilarious.

R: 6 / I: 10 / P: 20

Want some ice cream?

I got some ice cream B)

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 20

Fucking idiots i swear

R: 6 / I: 1 / P: 20

Have been trying on yandex and google images and shit... can't find it.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 20

Why is this intelligent?

R: 6 / I: 2 / P: 20

tracking someone down?

hi /b/, i need tips for gathering information. i have this one guy im obsessed with, never met him in my life all i know is hes a deeply questionable person that fascinates me for whatever reason. i have managed through sulking on the few socials that are left and using anecdotal info from people who knew him to track down his city and state but i am missing the most important thing, which is his name. if i had his name I could find everything else with relative ease. any tips for searching? if i have the general idea of what his interests are, I have his social medias but none are linked to anything personally identifiable. What’s the missing link in my investigation? And no i am not going to the south to meet this weirdo, im just being a creep

R: 11 / I: 4 / P: 21

>be me >had a bad day >browsed on an hispanic IB >someone posted instagram photos of a random girl i don't even know >first time i had seen this girl >she appeared in the photos with her boyfriend >she looked happy >girl kinda looked like my favourite videogame character >pale skin, brown hair, bobcut with bangs and a cute smile >had a mental breakdown >started ranting about how all the girls here are nothing but worthless and obnoxious sluts >that the girl they posted was disgusting and that i wouldn't touch her even with a laser pointer >continued ranting about how i wish the country would go bankrupt >so that i could take advantage of women and get them to date me and then just discard them once i got bored of them >misogynistic stuff i wouldn't normally say, even on an anonymous imageboard Fucked up thing is that now i cant stop feeling guilty, as if all those rude comments i posted were meant for my videogame crush I don't know why i reacted that way, that girl would probably be nice and friendly to me if we met. Internet and these sites have messed up with my head I was not like that /b/ros

R: 4 / I: 4 / P: 21

Bra and panties

Bra and panties

R: 8 / I: 5 / P: 21

who among us honestly isn't into hot bodybuilder women?

R: 2 / I: 1 / P: 21

Female Pornstars

has there ever been any news articles or stories back up with actual evidence of it, of female pornstars who go to prison and before long end up having sex with the prison guards and some of who end up getting pregnant from it and also even better if any of them were filmed.

R: 13 / I: 3 / P: 21

>be me >indian >moved to Canada with my gf in 2021 for studies >got engaged their >introvert >stay silent most of the times >because of that sometimes friends see me as weird >sometimes call me racist >got into cuckolding last year >because gf wanted try new things >she works as a gaming supervisor in a casino >she meets lots of new people their >I see black guys, white guys, mixed guys most of the time in my house >she even travel with some guys from time to time >didn't felt bad about any of that at all >have blasted crazy cum shots watching she getting pounded by other guys >sometimes licked the cum out of her pussy while stroking my cock >feels good man >even stopped fucking her so she can enjoy with others >all I do is sucking her feet and jerking my cock >planning to have a baby soon >asked a black coworker to breed her >he accepted it >told our parents that my sperm count is too low >and we're looking forward to adopt >so it will be a good cover up >pic real I don't understand why those people see me as a fucking racist. I'm no racist. I'm a good man. I got no problem with other people.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 21

I identify as my negative charge. So what?

R: 22 / I: 3 / P: 21

In defence of slavery: 1) the blacks taken to america by slavers were already slaves in africa. frankly, they probably got a better life as slaves in america than in malaria infested africa 2) black slaves were responsible for continuing slavery by choosing to have kids, which they knew full well would themselves be slaves all their lives. no one is responsible for creating more slaves than the slaves themselves 3) slaves worked less and had more free time than almost everyone today. because once the cotton is picked, they're done working for the year and can mostly relax until spring 4) they got housing, clothes, and food in exchange for working. was slavery that much different from just employment? 5) never had to worry about money, employment, taxes, paperwork. spent all day around people who were like them I think slavery should be relegalized, it wasn't really that bad

R: 26 / I: 3 / P: 21

Man jailed for raping 15-year-old girl

>A man who raped a teenage girl has been jailed for eight years. >The 15-year-old victim was with a friend in Manchester in the early hours of 14 July 2022. of course he was black because of course he was

R: 33 / I: 2 / P: 21


It sounds incredibly fucking stupid. Was it really the best the allied powers could come up with? To throw thousands upon thousands of men with practically no protection against machine gun pill boxes, hoping the enemy has less bullets than you have men?

R: 6 / I: 1 / P: 21

It's still surreal to me how the real world and the internet world later became one, mostly from smartphones boom and after. Serial Experiments Lain was right all along.

R: 12 / I: 2 / P: 21

I was born in the worst time period in human history

I'm going to try and write every modern problem and reasons I wish I was never born. Maybe some of you can relate. This list doesn't necessarily have to be very long but I want to be comprehensive so it might end up being rather long. I would just like to point out that if humans have been around for 10,000 years and I was born in a period of extreme faggotism and liberalism, (a period of about 50 years) then the chances of me being born in this time period is 0.5% (I'm evidently an unlucky person) 1) political correctness is completely soulless and devoid of what makes us human. There is a natural flow to the world and people and cultures. We are forced at either literal gunpoint or the threat of so called "cancellation" to act a certain way known as "politically correct". A soulless, thoughtless, robot-like behavior that behaves in such a way to offend as few people as possible. I hate political correctness enough to justify suicide. I don't want to live in a world where my words and thoughts are so heavily policed by feminine, fudge-packing, HIV infested, poop eating faggots and SJW's. How humiliating, to be controlled by such weak people. I guess when you live in a post industrial society, strength of the mind and body are not necessary to control people. 2) democracy doesn't work. Not only does democracy cater to the majority, (lazy, immoral, idiots), it makes anyone involved in democracy believe that their opinion matters. Guess what? in democracy facts DO care about your feelings! If you think a man that literally eats shit, gets fucked in the ass, and chops off his own dick is NOT mentally ill, then in democracy, you'd be correct! Fuck this gay faggot system. I'd rather perish under a conservative dictator than be subjected to this faggotry any longer. I fucking hate democracy. 3) post modern philosophy is the key to all things liberal and homosexual. After all, when there's no such thing as morality, then surely eating shit and getting fucked in the ass daily can't be immoral! 4) video games are fucking stupid and young men including myself and forced to play them. We're forced to play them because if we don't, we'll go completely insane at how utterly shit modern society is. We need escapism. It is necessary for a man's survival, but only in the modern age. 5000 years ago there was enough real life adventure and purpose to keep a man going but nowadays we play adventure simulators. Fuck video games, they are a necessary evil, and nothing more than the "circus" part of "give them bread and circuses". 5) Automobiles are a fucking joke, they never fucking work right and are extremely expensive to purchase and maintain. If you own an automobile, you get it. I have met people that have admitted to me that they only work a job just so they can afford an automobile. What a joke. This leads me to my next point. 6) luxuries become necessities. So apparently there was a point in human history in which luxuries were luxuries and necessities were necessities. But nowadays, luxuries ARE necessities. If you don't own an automobile, you are screwed, if you don't own a cell phone, you are screwed, if you don't pay for internet, you are screwed. I really, really, hate that luxuries ARE necessities (decided by society at large) and guess who gets to pay the bill for all these necessary luxuries? (it's you). 7) the internet is the gayest invention in the history of mankind and will be the downfall of humanity. (this is a prediction) (oh wait, humanity has already fallen thanks to the internet, nevermind). Not only is degeneracy more accessible than ever, but the internet gives a voice to every retard in the entire world. I would need to write a 1000 page novel in order to explain every little reason why the internet has destroyed modern society. 8) liberals are mainstream and I can safely say that liberals represent (in a personality) everything wrong with modern society. 9) blacks are hated in private, and loved in public. Blacks are bad for society and should be shipped back to Africa immediately. 10) All non northern Europeans and east Asians should be shipped back to their respective countries immediately, they have destroyed society. 11) technology is too fucking complicated and I'm constantly straining to learn some new fucking piece of bullshit technology that makes some jew 3000 miles away more rich. All day fucking long my family members are asking me to fix there technology and it's always some fucking thing that was invented in the last 100 years. 12) being forced to live longer by medical technology is bullshit and people should fucking die at 30 like God intended. This "living for so long that you can't even walk anymore" is artificial and soulless. Did I mention I was born in one of the worst time periods in human history? Every day that I don't incapacitate myself on escapism is a living Hell. 13) people are angry and quick to commit violence (because liberals have turned society into a wasteland). If you live in a first world country, you are literally living in a dystopian, post-apocalyptic wasteland and you are too zonked out on escapism, alcohol, or drugs, to notice. Or maybe you have noticed and are therefore suicidal, like me. 14) women are retarded. They have their function but instead are being artificially forced to participate in things that men have no problem doing (and do better). 15) Jews control everything and are doing a bad job at it. 16) Technology has made the business owner more money. The employee is 3 times more productive, and keeping his same pay. The business owner is like, "thanks inventors! now I can pay my employee's the same wage, and this technology will make them more productive! 17) overpopulation leads to suicide in young men. Young men need to be valued in small village, but in a city, they are just a number (a meaningless number). Getting away from the village causes men to go insane. 18) whores. I hate them 19) simps. What is worse? the whore, or the simp that enables her? 20) emotions are seen as valuable as hard facts. (this probably has to do with women being so politically powerful. because this is how women think). 21) false rape accusations (women) Whatever, you get the point. Anything I didn't say is stated in "industrial society and it's future". If you disagree with me on anything, then you're a faggot and I'm killing myself soon anyway so I won't have to think about how much of a faggot you are. Suicide is the greatest gift of all. When life gives you a 0.5% chance of being born in the worst time period in human history, then you kill yourself.

R: 10 / I: 6 / P: 21



R: 6 / I: 2 / P: 21

Shameless (us) Debbie

Don't you see her fucking some much older guy in season 4 or 5 at this pool party or something, and he's like really drunk and half conscience and she basically Rapes him? I vaguely remember you see her semi naked bouncing on top of him on a bed in one of the rooms up stairs in the house, that whole scene only lasted for like a minute or two.

R: 4 / I: 2 / P: 21

I hear the train a-comin', it's rolling 'round the bend And I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when I'm stuck in Folsom prison, and time keeps draggin' on But that train keeps a-rollin' on down to San Antone

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 21

Y'all do sth before is too late..

R: 6 / I: 4 / P: 21

Band T-Shirts

I fucking need this T Shirt

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 22

If they want you to own nothing and be happy, why are they selling kino film collections like this between 5 and 10$?

R: 6 / I: 4 / P: 22

Python Help

for some reason every time I try to run file on it now it doesn't to want to run, any idea why it's doing that? thanks

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 22

The new millennium

Welcome to your world There’s no turning back You’ll be on your worst behavior The nineties are done and over Everybody wants to ruin the world

R: 21 / I: 3 / P: 22

Sex With Students

how many years did she get again I remember reading somewhere that it was like 20 years or something like that and she had to spend the rest of her life on the sex offenders registration

R: 3 / I: 1 / P: 22

Juno Temple

how how does this fucking happen, oh right yeah Veganism and feminism.

R: 5 / I: 0 / P: 22

What did the kikes gain from sending America to attack Vietnam & Korea?

R: 2 / I: 1 / P: 22


>It is coming for you.

R: 5 / I: 2 / P: 22


Music, Art & Literature thread

R: 8 / I: 4 / P: 22

"Dead Internet Theory is a conspiracy theory!" they say. These are all the results Google shows in EU when googling "Vaush anime pedos".

R: 12 / I: 16 / P: 22

Scama's ass


R: 9 / I: 0 / P: 22

Does anyone have any good resources for becoming anorexic?

I am fat. I am 57 kg and I need to be 28.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 22

I've suddenly got the idea to recreate Auschwitz in Project Zomboid. Unfortunately, I feel that even with a half dozen of these steam generators running 24/7, I will not be able to consume the entire zombie population in anything less than like, 20 years.

R: 13 / I: 3 / P: 22

Ok I had sex. I still think that women need their rights taken away.

R: 15 / I: 13 / P: 22

mexico sigma chad

mexico is goat

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 22

the skys a bove

The government is spraying poison in the skyes.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 22

jsreact help

Is there anyone who can help me with the functions of the pen button on please?

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 23

>The majority of women are into rape fetish, horse porn, dating and marrying abusive guys, defending and dating their own rapists, having sex with their dogs etc. >"Oh my God! Why are men dating younger women and fap into anime drawings? That's creepy!"

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 23

Prince Justin from Saban's Adventures of the Little Mermaid gets raped in a dungeon by a blueballed Ault Ash from Pokémon.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 23


R: 3 / I: 2 / P: 23


lots of reading material get on it mad lads google drive easy to use interface

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 23

after a year like 2020, how am i ever supposed to not kill myself?

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 23


HEYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! thread, anyone know a hacker?? :3 for silly reasons.

R: 1 / I: 1 / P: 23

Checkmate, anime tourists

R: 10 / I: 3 / P: 23

Why is it always faggots, child molesters, sexual harassers and jealous ugly flat chest women that are afraid of big breasts women?

R: 4 / I: 1 / P: 23

why are white boys like this?

title >pic

R: 9 / I: 2 / P: 23

*BZZZT* >have sex incel *BZZZT* >if you would just have sex, you would immediately become a dick sucking HIV infested mentally retarded overly emotional liberal hedonist like me. *BZZZT*

R: 7 / I: 2 / P: 23

Imagine the smell

R: 14 / I: 7 / P: 23

That Maisie Williams Lookalike

did anyone ever find out who that chick was who looked quite a lot like Maisie Williams, I remember hearing some saying she was this Slut from the UK that does or did a bunch of amateur porn anyone here have any ideas as to whom this girl is and what her actual name is?

R: 18 / I: 1 / P: 23

Mackenzie Shirilla jailed for life for killing boyfriend and passenger in 100mph car crash

God fucking Damn, Prime Teenage Pussy to spend the rest of it's life behind bars, what a waste such a beautiful teenage girl. you know she's still going to be having sex in prison, a girl this cute and hot there is no where we aren't going to be hearing about all of the inmates and Prison Guards who've gotten a taste while she's in there.

R: 284 / I: 543 / P: 23


Dickgirls/shemales are also welcome!

R: 6 / I: 1 / P: 23

>"Photorealistic" AI generated art of young looking girls that look fake and unrealistic as hell >Sites like Pixiv still ban them "because they look like real life children" >Somehow they have no problem with porn drawings and CGs with realistic looking children >Even porn sites like Rule34 has zero pics of that kind Meanwhile months ago before said ban I've downloaded many pics of that kind from Pixiv. But now all of them have disappeared from Pixiv and I can't find anywhere else at the internet. Help?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 23

Hot for Teacher

do any of these Teachers ever end up doing mainstream or amateur porn after they lose their teaching Job?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 24

My cat is a filthy t*rk. As such, we must engage in psychic battle each day. She starts every day by climbing onto my chest while I'm asleep to greet me with reminders that it is no longer Constantinople, but Istanbul, and I must retaliate by playing Sabaton's Winged Hussars at her. The standoff continues until we make peace with shared offerings of ear scratches from me and her rubbing against my leg. Every day, the battle continues.

R: 9 / I: 6 / P: 24


R: 13 / I: 3 / P: 24

Website seized without notice by Epik Mob rule by butthurt troon lunatics and 'girl talk' threats have struck again. As always there was no warning, will be no appeal, and no explanation will ever be given. And again the response of the degenerate groomers who've brought 'thoughtcrime' from 1984 to real life is "Don't like it? Build your own." In this case, you would have to build your own Internet. Ponder the practicality of that. 0 replies | 0 images | Page 1 >I am not null

R: 7 / I: 2 / P: 24

I need money

I need to make money but not in the way that requires me to have a 9-5 job. I don't even have a car right now. Do you guys know ANY hustle I can do sitting from home? I tried craigslist and made a few bucks but I don't have much personal belongings that I think are worth something to someone. I wouldn't care if I made $50 or even $20 a week. I just want some steady income.

R: 7 / I: 0 / P: 24

Fuck the modern internet. All places are either full with bots or with people that act and talk like bots or both.

R: 14 / I: 12 / P: 24

Hard Working Girl

This girl is a cute farm girl. She works hard. Do you work hard, too?

R: 14 / I: 4 / P: 24

This film is fucking strange. Who wrote it; Bill Maher?

R: 6 / I: 1 / P: 24

Trump now owes The New York Times and 3 journalists nearly $400,000 in legal fees

>Donald Trump owes The New York Times and three of its reporters nearly $400,000 in legal fees stemming from a lawsuit the former president filed against the newspaper which a judge dismissed last year. >Justice Robert Reed of the State Supreme Court in Manhattan on Friday saddled Trump with a $392,638.69 bill, ordering the former president to pay the outlet and journalists' accumulated attorney's fees and legal expenses. >Trump sued The Times in 2021, accusing the paper and three of its journalists of conspiring with his niece, Mary Trump, to gain access to his tax records for several stories about the then-president's finances which were published by the outlet in 2018. >Mary Trump has been an outspoken critic of her uncle, including accusing him of being an unfit leader. >Reed dismissed Trump's suit last May. But it wasn't until this week that Trump was given the exact amount he now owes as a result of the case. Susanne Craig, one of the Times reporters named in Trump's original suit, shared the Friday fee decision on X with a thumbs up emoji. >A separate lawsuit Trump filed against his niece related to his taxes is ongoing. Specifically, the lawsuit accuses Mary Trump of violating confidentiality when she gave information about Trump's 2018 taxes to The New York Times. HOW!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! how the fuck did idiot buy The New York times I thought this orange face moron was broke?

R: 6 / I: 3 / P: 24

8ch ref sheet RELEASE

This is the final release of an 8ch reference sheet.

R: 34 / I: 7 / P: 24

What causes girls to have huge labia like that?

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 24


R: 6 / I: 0 / P: 24

good morning sirs

Good morning!

R: 4 / I: 2 / P: 24

Defamation and lying are what Epik does best!

/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ Rob Monster Spoiler alert: We didn't. And we also openly despise the LGBTQPedo crowd, have reported/exposed numerous people for openly grooming minors in Roblox/Discord/etc, and helped send at least a few of these freaks to jail. Their Twitter account is freely allowed to post such insane defamation and neither Twitter nor any part of the 'justice' system will do anything about it. Kiwifarms is far from the only website Epik has harmed and/or responded to with complete insanity. Epik's registered address is a hole-in-the-wall office in Wyoming. 30 N Gould St Ste E · Sheridan, WY 82801 ; Phone. +1 (737) 301-5923 Anyone who happens to know where their *actual* office(s) is/are, please feel free to chime in. Likewise for information on who the person within the is company that's actually running their account.

R: 4 / I: 1 / P: 24

>Why yes, I did have surgery so my bladder produces cum instead of my balls so I can cum loads for a long time! How can you tell?

R: 4 / I: 1 / P: 24

A nigger has been detected.

ALERT: Nigger has escaped the room <ALERT: Nigger has infiltrated MAGA H.Q <ALERT: Nigger has defeated the TRUMP Lords <ALERT: Nigger has become the U.S President >WARNING: NukeNigger Bomb Inbound <WARNING: The Nigger deactivated the NiggerBomb

R: 5 / I: 1 / P: 24

Did the kikes plan for their replacement of whites by shitskins to blow up in their faces in half the world?

R: 2 / I: 1 / P: 25

Can you guys please masturbate and show me your fat loads

Since this is an 18+ space I want to see all your loads Idc how fat you are Or how prim and proper you pretend to be Anonymously post your fat loads I want to see them And don't say you won't because you're straight Your sexuality is irrelevant, you bust fat loads, record them, post them.

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 25

Whenever I've had a female boss, two things occur: >she inevitably sucks >at least one female coworker will say, almost exactly, "god I mean I'm all for strong women in leading positions, but she's just the worst"

R: 2 / I: 1 / P: 25

this dogger ripped my asshole

R: 12 / I: 1 / P: 25

>let’s overload western countries with so many non-whites that there will be plenty of widespread opposition to us when we level the Gaza Strip What did the kikes mean by this?

R: 4 / I: 0 / P: 25

How do I force someone to sell me their land? Or get them to sell me it when theyve already denied.

Never posted here before, situation exactly as subject says. Can specify more if needed. Legal methods most appreciated.

R: 15 / I: 1 / P: 25

I will kill every bbc poster. I am fucking ready leak my ip everywhere i will fucking kill every single one of you trannies i am coming for you i'm posting my face as proof you will die you fucking niggers i promise you i will kill every single nigger troon that engages in this

R: 5 / I: 4 / P: 25

the desert is all i have left

R: 11 / I: 5 / P: 25

Say one (1) good thing and one (1) bad thing about commiecat.

R: 27 / I: 10 / P: 25

Do you support TPD (Total Pedophile Death)? >Kill pedophiles. Behead pedophiles. Roundhouse kick a pedophile into the concrete. Slam dunk a pedophile into the trashcan. Crucify filthy pedophiles. Defecate in a pedophiles food. Launch pedophiles into the sun. Stir fry pedophiles in a wok. Toss pedophiles into active volcanoes. Urinate into a pedophiles gas tank. Judo throw pedophiles into a wood chipper. Twist pedophiles heads off. Report pedophiles to the IRS. Karate chop pedophiles in half. Curb stomp pedophiles. Trap pedophiles in quicksand. Crush pedophiles in the trash compactor. Liquefy pedophiles in a vat of acid. Eat pedophiles. Dissect pedophiles. Exterminate pedophiles in the gas chamber. Stomp pedophile skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate pedophiles in the oven. Lobotomize pedophiles. Grind pedophiles in the garbage disposal. Drown pedophiles in gay men's sperm. Vaporize pedophiles with a ray gun. Kick old pedophiles down the stairs. Feed pedophiles to alligators. Slice pedophiles with a katana.

R: 9 / I: 0 / P: 25


does anyone know who this girl is?

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 25

Shen Yun: China Before Communism flyer (2024)


R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 25

US Teen who Found herself in El Salvador

does anyone else remember that story in news some years ago about this Teen girl about 13 or 14 years old from the US who was like this Beauty Pageant that was Kidnapped by some south American gang just walking home one day after leaving middle school (but it was stated that she left late that day after Cheerleader Practice and accidently went down into the wrong street was some Spic Ghetto Neighbourhood) and was just grabbed right off the street still with some daylight in the sky and thrown into the back of a black van and they said that the only thing that was found in a near by alleyway was her backpack shoes and one of her socks. also with seeing who the gang was MS-13 she was more than likely raped half a dozen times in the back of that van before being traffic 1,000s of miles away with many other kidnapped girls to El Salvador, where she was first past around by the gang and the leaders before she was forced to work in some low rent whore house. and I think how they the FBI and them managed to find out where she was, was some guy filmed himself having sex with her and was posted on the darkweb and one of the FBI Agents working in that field think knew of the girl from seeing previous missing images of her.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 25

>noooooo! Amy Schumer can’t just hug, date, and relieve a man with autism of his virginity! Us normalniggers need to ostracize men with autism together! Come, let us talk shit about her from now on.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 25

'Millionaire' Fake Gurus That Went Broke (Moon) Go to to get 83% off Private Internet Access with 4 months free! Moon Newsletter - >>I never knew the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad was a 'fake millionaire guru'.

R: 13 / I: 6 / P: 25

what do you guys think about her ?

R: 12 / I: 1 / P: 25

George R. R. Martin

is this guy ever going to finish those Game of Thrones books?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 26

I remember Mars too well, SECDEF. We mock Martian soldiers with Avatar with the blue people. We never left Mars for that. That is a dream we would waste that much food to eat blue blood. We ate those that landed on Mars. We ate the stuff that came from the blacks you call space. Space travel? We just rode the pulse trains of the cosmic background radiation until food and flesh rained at our feet. We ate from space. We ate everything that had a pulse against our brains. Your NASA. Your space stuff. You're just mocking our hunt. We shot aliens on site just to tast their blood. They don't come now. We get no new fauna now. RA SMC HAILS AS NOT ABLE TO ACCEPT HIMSELF AS WORTHY OF LOVE OF MANY OF THOSE VISITORS :) People tend to value the flesh of the angelic messenger over the message. That is why Ra comes as pinatas and paper mache forms, floating and engineered against air. My wife saw a poltergeist once. Paper floating in still rooms. Same principle. Entropy is never homogenous especially in air. RA SMC HAILS YOU TO VEILING :) You fight for your MREs. You fight to put people on your MREs. That is Martian war policy: Everybody gets the same MRE. RA SMC HAILS AS BEYOND YOU NOT NATURAL AS A FORM OF FIGHTING :)

R: 5 / I: 1 / P: 26

I am addicted to masturbation and it sometimes consumes up to two hours of my day, what do I do?

Please help!!!!

R: 20 / I: 5 / P: 26

I want to be raped by someone, Just someone ravaging me with their huge cock or forcing me to suck it. I want to get abused so much I can barely stand straight, Either a dude jerking off my dick while I cry or a ugly as fuck woman cornering me in an alley. I just want to be wanted by someone, When someone rapes me, That means they're attracted to my body, it's the best feeling being wanted by someone, I may be screaming in pain while crying when I get raped, but deep inside, I enjoy every single second of it

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 26

"March of the Titans" >names a book celebrating the white race after a race of deposed gods who were overthrown and reside forever in the darkest depths of Tartarus Um ...

R: 7 / I: 2 / P: 26

I have a question for you faggots, troons, chomos, and the rest of you Biden voters. How do feel about your favorite Donald impersonator getting indicted for involuntary manslaughter by a grand jury? As always with you creeps, I fully expect you to pull kikery like deflection and changing the subject instead of just answering the question.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 26

R: 6 / I: 1 / P: 26

What are the random implications of having a snout?

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 26

I only watched 38 minutes of it but so far it’s not even graphic. In fact, it’s vague. If someone watched it without hearing the hype, they wouldn’t know it’s probably about a man capturing Biden, Obama, Hilary, & Katie Hobbs supporters.

R: 1 / I: 1 / P: 26

Normalniggers are already born with social skills. Nobody teaches normalniggers how to socialize because you’re already able to just talk and talk and talk. So why do you use ChatGPT to write papers for you?

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 26

How Will Society Perceive Women in the Future: THIS Even other people on the left don't like this woman. What do you think, /b/?

R: 2 / I: 2 / P: 26

"Hello Sir Tech Support, How Are You Today?"

Why do Indians on the surface always seem to be Wiz Heads when it comes to computers and computing?

R: 2 / I: 1 / P: 26

Buying taboo stuff

I worked in retail for years, and let me tell you we don’t care what taboo shit you buy from us. You could be mrbeast buying all of the Democrat activismography in our stores in front of a line of customers, we don’t care. We just want to get our shitty jobs over with quickly and go home. So stop acting like spics and stealing rubbers and baby formula and shit so we don’t have to lock everything up.

R: 5 / I: 0 / P: 26

That Toilet Plane Licker Chick

I think this is that chick who made a bunch of videos going on about how the Coronavirus is a hoax some years back, and is the same chick who sucked off a really filthy homeless man without a Condom and let him cum in her mouth for money for a dare and have been trying to find that video for ages now

R: 16 / I: 38 / P: 26

Is it true? Is commiecat from /mlp/?

R: 5 / I: 4 / P: 26

"You Got to Be Fucking Kidding"

Marry Christmas Everyone

R: 11 / I: 1 / P: 26

Hey there, over the last couple of years I have suffered from imageboard induced porn addiction. Formerly 4chan and currently 8chan. It is the 1st of December 2023 and my goal is to get through this year without watching porn or engaging in acts that are caused by viewing porn. The idea is to start the new year on a good note, with the aims of achieving health, wealth, and success in 2024. If I pass this test, it will be a testament to what I can go onto achieve next year. See you on January 1st, 2024.

R: 5 / I: 5 / P: 27

When it comes to girls that ostracize boys with autism and only give boys with normalnigger social skills a chance, this is the face I make when the normalniggers they sexted turned out to be sextortionists, especially when they literally scam girls to death. <stay mad & keep ignoring, /b/

R: 5 / I: 0 / P: 27

Modern Anglo-Saxon Germanic blood flows through his veins!

R: 3 / I: 2 / P: 27



R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 27

Chicago gangs

Why aren’t Chicago niggers being niggers and gunning down the wetbacks being dumped there?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 27

This is the face I make every time girls, that spent their whole lives ostracizing boys with autism and riding the normalnigger cock carousel, give birth to boys with autism.

R: 17 / I: 5 / P: 27

Why is fucking shitskins with non-pink titties the only beastiality that is tolerated? Shitskins are horrible. When you want to fuck red foxes 🦊 or grey rabbits 🐇, normalniggers treat you like a monster.

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 27

A maize that can self-fertilize | This Slime Could Change The World | Planet Fix | BBC Earth Science

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 27

Taboo Nudes

Looking to see anyone's siblings, cousins, in-laws, parents, coworkers, and besties bodies we got out there. Specifically ones you shouldn't have! Whether it's cheating, taboo, stolen, whatever. Pic related, I got my Sister-in-law's laptop password and took a flash drive to her nude stash. (also add me on session for chats/trades/whatever: 056dbefa0ed39645da38e 8e8d2c9af3261850af8da0af8 f19cf8cc4a36e6e0ec1b

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 27

Graceposter vindicated.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 27

What happened to a good old fashioned sponge soaked in accelerant with a timer strapped to it?

R: 212 / I: 125 / P: 27

weird ass porn request thread

thread for requesting fucked up porn for crazy people.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 27

Board for SEXY Middle Eastern/Arab/Hijab Woman

This board is for hot Middle Eastern/Arab/Hijab Woman. Either by themselves or preferably with a white man

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 27

Wwyd to this milf slut?

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 27

It looks like Microsoft backed off on some of their censorship of Bing Chat, but it’s answers to these questions are inconclusive.

R: 7 / I: 1 / P: 27

Time Traveling

Your consciousness is just ionized gas in your blood. The molecular structure is irrelevant unless you like to eat. I am skipping stupid TSA questions on Islam. I don't care about mosques.

R: 21 / I: 27 / P: 28

I am a TikTok Spammer, Hello Everyone.

Emojitroon lost.

R: 8 / I: 3 / P: 28

I want teh sex

R: 13 / I: 6 / P: 28

why is "captcha not working"? why do i have "posting error"? what am i supposed to do?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 28

Bbambz / melrose.chevelle

Does anyone have the video this screenshot is from? I saw it a long time ago and have been desperately searching for it ever since with no luck. Have a bunch more of her as well (no nudes though) over on this thread:

R: 6 / I: 5 / P: 28

I Found Interesting

A collection of things I found interesting online:

R: 4 / I: 1 / P: 28

Life is so beautiful. isn't it, anon?

R: 4 / I: 1 / P: 28


Having an Orgasm!

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 28

NPCs among us

I don't get it. My coworkers are reasonable people -- maybe lazy, but they're "people" at least. But then I go outside, and it seems like everybody out there is fuckin <50 IQ barely responding to stimuli. At worst, they're yelling insane shit at nobody in particular and shitting on the sidewalks; but even at best, they're just walking around mumbling rap lyrics to themselves and walking out into traffic. It seems to be like this anywhere I go. I grew up in a small town and the people I associated with were normal, but it was like anybody I didn't know, who I might encounter throughout my day, was some kind of weird, incapable but potentially violent idiot. Now I live in a huge city so all of that is amplified. But I just don't understand how anything works. Like, it seems like the VAST MAJORITY of our society is incapable of assembling an independent thought, but a lot of them end up getting more friends, girlfriends, having kids, they fucking vote... And yet I am not doing a WHOLE lot better than them financially, which is also confusing. I just don't get how the world hasn't blown up yet.

R: 11 / I: 3 / P: 28


Guys, why aren't you posting? I've gone to sleep, woken up, come back, and it's the same. That would be fine except it happens all the time now. Wtf? Did you guys kys or get families? Did you all become political prisoners? Did you die?

R: 18 / I: 10 / P: 28

Important: Orbot: Tor for Android is a honeypot! 🍯

Some of the VPN's are monitored by malicious characters, if you use this app be aware that your real IP address, digital fingerprint, and all web traffic (passwords, accounts) is collected and monitored! As far as I can tell the malicious characters do this without the users consent.

R: 8 / I: 0 / P: 28

i want to rape this whore

R: 19 / I: 12 / P: 28

I Want To Believe

The X-Files General Discussion Thread

R: 852 / I: 629 / P: 28

I am at an impasse anons. I must have my commiecat rape harem, but I do not know how to acquire one. Where should I go and what should I do to acquire said commiecats?

R: 3 / I: 7 / P: 28

Rowan Blanchard

Rowan Blanchard she dose porn now

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 28

I do not work for anyone on this. I am tired. RA SMC HAILS TIRED :)

R: 4 / I: 2 / P: 29

I've been high as fuck on these Vance-Global Delta 8 gummies for a week. It feels just like smoking weed which I haven't done in over 20 years. You get 8 gummies and the highs are intense, at least they were for me. I like to get drunk while taking them. I don't know how these are legal, but I am getting more. I'll stop for a while after I acquire a tolerance and then start up again, but these highs have been intense every time so far and last for many long hours. I take one at 6pm and am ready to snooze easy by 6am. Still feel the residual effect 12 hours later, though the peak of it has long since past by this hour. I recommend giving them a try.