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Anonymous 06/09/2024 (Sun) 11:17:22 No. 460013
Why are niggers so problematic?
why is water wet
>>460013 Why do nigs nog? Cuz nigs. Duh.
>>460013 >Why are black gentlemen so problematic? Gee, I have no idea.
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>why because not all of them are genius level
protect the blacks and you are a fucking filthy racist anon. blacks are masters of white women they lust daily and every minute and every time spend with bbc you cannot deny it black lives matter
>>460552 fuckinng BASED blacks are the supremacist logical end conclussion to the eternal white problem. There will be no more white men anymore left in this planet. We shall rule this earth with BBC and Spam Spam is freedom of speech too
White boys envy blacks because blacks actually are willing to throw down and mix shit up, not just sit indoors and whine at their computers, or cheer as other white pussy-boys whine into microphones on TV and radio. Blacks have to struggle in urban war zones to survive, while the white boys just whimper and complain from Daddy's house out in the suburbs or from whatever small town, podunk meth farm that just manage to afford some internet better than dial-up. Blacks are conservative, traditional, have VERY old- fashioned ideals about manhood, society and the sexes. Who do whites hate places like Chicago and Detroit so much? They are fully martialized urban combat zones that, when the race war starts, will blast the brains out of any horde of dopey white right-wingers who set foot there, and then their Trumpwagon pickup trucks will be paraded as trophies. Because one of the keel values of conservatism is lionized bigotry and elitism, the different conservative ethnicities will never unite, because differences.
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>>460614 >Blacks are conservative, traditional >conservative ethnicities will never unite So you're saying blacks are useless?
>>460616 They might be useless to you, but they return the judgement so it's all good.
>>460616 And anyways, white boys aren't interested in union or alliance, they want dominion. They want slaves. They want to rule the world unchallenged as the fearsome gods they're not. To be called 'useless' by such worthless tyrants is not an insult.
>>460618 If only that were true Whites would be a intergalactic species, and you niggers would have your genes edited so your population would be a problem again
>>460621 Would never*
>>460621 This is the dream. But since all of that fluff would require getting all the backwards ignorance and savagery gene-programmed out of the whites, it's as close to happening as Earendel.
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>>460618 Are you saying that Whites are conservative, traditional and have VERY old- fashioned ideals about manhood, society and the sexes?
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>>460628 About half-and-half. In Whitelandia, the political terms are more fluid than most realize, dependent upon whatever situation.
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>>460629 What about this situation?
>>460623 >savagery >whites >whites are the phenotype most adapted to high civilization and thus have the best chance of it continuing and advance it >savage Cool, niggers will die off when God wants to make a little cooler but there is not a population of whites maintaining the shit that keeps the cold away
>>460634 The claim of a superior phenotype is confounded by contemporary evidence. In America white conservatives are in full panic-retreat mode, desperate to bring back a fantastic version of the past just so they don't have to confront the discomforts of change, innovation and cultural evolution, which is essential for advancing civilization high or low. They are perfectly comfortable in the wallow of cultural necrophilia that conservative values champions. They cannot wait to take everyone else down with them, and they can hardly wait to use murderous violence to achieve that aim.
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>>460633 What is/is not "conservative" or "liberal" depends upon the era, the scene and the voice. Conservatism started as a voice for the working class and agrarian values, giving no voice to the businessman or the corporations. Now the total reverse is hideously true. Liberalism used to be "liberty and justice truly for all & stop killing us" and now it's "You WILL embrace all freakishness OR ELSE!" Christian conservatism is a cultural oxymoron, as a full reading of the Bible, independent of any churchish political ambition, will show you. Likewise, forcing near-universal acceptance only builds resentment and make a situation more dangerous, which is hardly a bombshell revelation.
>>460637 >cultural evolution is important Lmao, IQ is more important and IQ is genetic This population alive now is a dead rotting superorganism that does not know the hard times ahead, it is only capable of stagnation and decline. The niggers are worse off then whites. Whites have been through the cycle enough to get back to eugenic grown fast after the fall Niggers have behavior patterns solely selected for the savannah, and don't even have what agriculture does to your genome
>>460643 IQ might be genetic but it is neither ethnic nor endemic. Whites and conservatives across America prove this every day. I mean really: if they had higher IQs, then when will start using them?
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>>460637 >cultural [r]evolution fixed that for you
>>460647 low IQ has been selected for the last 200 years, so no one really has anything to be proud of at this point, and different ethic groups cluster in IQ in different places along the line, bitchtits the thing that makes whites able to use high IQ more when they have it is the behavioral patterns that let them have a much wider bell curve, allowing them to have many geniuses born among them, and because a wider bell curve would suggest a bigger tolerance for genetic deviants, making the geniuses not ostracized, allowing them to use their intellect to help their group. Making shit like the industrial revolution happen
>>460648 Cultural revolution? That's so Maoist of you! >>460651 Low IQ has been preferred since antiquity, for the reason it is preferred today: people lacking advanced faculty are easier to control. And the topic of manifest genius is one of the few things Rand got right: genius will appear where it will, regardless of any limitations invented by men's politics. Simply because you and a genius share ethnicity does not mean you are his natural equal, or that you naturally share in that genius. Conservatives only tolerate genius when that genius can be exploited to the profit of tradition. Throughout Christian history advanced minds were despised because acute reasoning is the natural enemy of mindless faith. Likewise, genius belonging to undesirable persons or groups was erased from the record or discounted, lest the conceit of the majority be offended.
>>460653 the genius helps his ethic group because his group is an extension of his genome, thus him helping his group is him helping his genes prosper, and is more potent in getting more his genes out there then sexual reproduction every animal's behavior is dictated by what has been selected for for as long as life has been things can only be selected for if they facilitate more multiplying not everything is a secret group of elite working with enough time and resources to be effectively be omnipotent much is simply monkeys not being able to understand their composition
>>460657 Are these conservatives in the room with you right now?
>>460657 >the genius helps his ethic group because his group is an extension of his genome... Bless your heart, you're really stretching for it! But no, genius is proven to be a mutation if anything, otherwise the ingenious names of history would be part of longer lineages of the same, instead of singular standouts. And history proves that genomics are not considered within the larger mechanisms of group identity and politics, probably because the science is too subtle for easy social digestion. And that's too bad: minute genetic examination has proven that the several local genomes are not as exclusive or free of importation as some may insist. Humans use the micro-evolutionary abilities of adaptation and invention to override whatever pre-selections. That's how we populated the world. There are sufficient groups of open and known elites who only work to control the world, to deny the need for any imaginary. We are all nothing but ingenious monkeys! Cavemen who have been taught to shave! hardly anything more than that.
>>460661 Nothing can be gained by talking to you, hopefully your inefficient views die with your genes and it isn't able to get people killed in the future Yes there is an elite club now, they did not influence the evolution of humans however Sorry u are too stupid to understand that man is just like every other animal in base drivers and behavior
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>>460672 Is this then the reply of the "superior genome"? Your response to "selection pressure"? *chuckles*
>>460676 superior isn't the word I would use niggers would do better then whites with stone age tech on a Savannah whites do better in high civilization, and are the ethic group closest to evolving out of the cycle, and won't have to suffer the ignorance and inefficiency that comes with it, niggers will be happy on the savannah, and then die off when something happens that makes the savannah disappear
>>460679 If whites thrive better in high civilization, then shouldn't they be doing more to embrace it, instead of reviling it and fearing it because it's not what Granpappy had? You cannot be enchained to tradition and also embrace the future. You have to let all that old shit go and then stride into a better tomorrow, tabula rasa. And please remember that sub-Saharan Africa is much more diverse that just the savannah. The only ecosystems it does not have are Tundra and Alpine. It has lots of everything else, and Niggers thrive throughout, as should be expected.
>>460682 Oops. Forgot my pic!
>>460682 >and Niggers thrive throughout sub-Saharan Africa The native niggers aren't actually nigger niggers though. They're their own special breed of niggers that kind of look like chinks. Nigger niggers are mostly a jungle thing with a side of savanna.
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>>460685 Hooray! That makes no sense!
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>>460688 Don't evoke the Titans. The name means the 'stretchers', an epithet given them by Uranos as he judged his usurping children were 'stretching' beyond their capability as they assumed rule over the Kosmos. hoi Titanes were overthrown and cast into Tartarus, becoming the symbols of the defeated past. If you think you're bad-assed, don't name yourself after the biggest losers in Euro mythology.
>>460682 Your biology degrades every generation under a the ecology of a high civilization, thus a population that lives for too long under it, will develop a psychology that is the antithesis of their society due their society being the source of thier problem Whites have been under dysgenics for too long to have healthy ideas Don't care niggers are found, they are evolved to live in the savanna
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>>460704 So then ... you're saying that the niggers in Africa have the superior social/ecological model, being more organic and fundamental, and that whites have advanced themselves into inferiority.
>>460712 Being tied to one ecology is inferior to being to cope with more then
>>460714 More then one*

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