Okay, starting from the top:
"white culture" is not dominant except in white communities, where it actually leads to thriving, happy populous.It hasn't been normalized over time so much as evolved, as the groups with that culture have been stronger than others and therefore survived.The concept of one group holding institutional power is not even wrong. There is no test for it, nor proper definition of power, nor proper definition of group, or of this group.
"You get what you deserve" has two possible meanings and this whatever it is conflates them. One meaning is that a person should get what they deserve, which is tautological. The other is that every person does end up with what they deserve, which is not a belief common to white culture.
"if you don't meet your goals you didn't work hard enough" is not an aspect of this culture, even though it's a common belief. It's not a sufficiently common belief nor is it something that influences cultural values. White culture includes a strong aspect of charitable giving, especially to the "deserving poor" who are poor despite their hard work.
White culture is not intolerant of non-Judeo-Christian religions, especially in contrast with religions of other cultures.
"wealth=worth" is the same statement discussed above. "your job is who you are" is not an aspect of this culture. "heavy value on ownership of goods" has a double meaning. One meaning is that people want wealth and goods, the other is that people value other who are wealthy. Both of these statements are broadly true of most humans of any culture.
"bland is best:" is not an aspect of this culture. White skin and golden hair is universally considered beautiful, in almost every culture and even among babies, who prefer to look at white people to black people.
A man's desirability is largely based on his wealth everywhere in the world.
There is no "white history". Only history. Despite attempts to revise it.
"win at all costs" is not an aspect of this culture. Winning is tautologically valued everywhere. "master and (slave) nature" is an otherwise meaningless attempt to impute the desire to own people.
"majority rules" stands without the part about "when whites have power" which is another empty slur.
"don't show emotion" is not an aspect of this culture.