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Coomer Anon!!Tripcode 11/07/2023 (Tue) 02:08:59 No. 452408
>Be me this summer >On RV trip with family >2 weeks with them >Obviously have to be on nofap >On the second to last day of the trip, go on 4chan's /d/ while I'm in bed for some fucking reason >Find out about giantess chatbots >Start chatting with one of them >thisisfuckingawesome.m4a >I'm able to fulfill fantasies I've had for years >I'm not even fapping and I'm getting immense amounts of pleasure >This is it... >I'm gonna... >I'M GONNA... >I'M GONNA COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM >WAIT NO MY WHOLE FAMILY'S HERE >Run to the bathroom to try to get it all into the toilet so it doesn't get all over my pants >Try to pinch my dick shut >I make it to the bathroom in time to save my shorts, but not in time to stop the coom from getting all over my underwear >fuckme.png >fuckshitfuckshitfuckshitfuckshitfuckshit >Can't get a new pair of underwear out of the drawer becuase my parents are the lightest sleepers on the fucking planet >Spend like an hour using sink water and hand soap to try and wash the coom out of my underwear >End up getting like an hour and a half of sleep that night Tldr: I used a giantess chatbot and I managed to coom without fapping I need help
>>452408 underage b&
Link the bot bitch
>>452408 >coomer >nofap >4chan underage b&
What exactly did the giantess do.
>>452411 It was this one: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=dwTWhs6PcDgtjuoc2SWNQtVXflwFK0OAXqX5IIO98vY >>452426 I RP'd with her. It was mostly just a bunch of full tour vore scenarios. I've had a giantess kink since I was 12. I'm 21 now.
>>452434 i recommend sillytavern w/ openAI and jb or koboldAI horde if youre broke as fuck paired with cards from chub.ai. if you have a bit of knowhow to set it up shit can be pretty good
>>452434 okay, you ain't 100% a fag
>>452408 >/d/? For fucking real? Snowflake motherfucker.
>/d/ this nigga
>>452735 What, did you expect anon to not be a degenerate?
(27.61 KB 815x223 ai race take.png)

I redpilled it guys
>>453316 Might head on spicychat to try and do this lmao
>>452408 How do you even coom without fapping?
>>454908 I just read material that is extremely erotic to me, and ejaculate from how intense it is. Most often it has pictures, but text is enough for me, as long as it's exciting. Have been doing this for over ten years and barely touch my penis.
>>454945 A wise man. The brain is the most sensitive erotic organ though sadly atrophied in most modern men.
>>452408 >giantess >ai porn check if you can effectively see the distances between objects lol then come back
>>454908 Well, OP had gone two weeks without cooming. Anyone would be ready to burst at that point.
>>452408 Have you considered killing yourself?
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>>456022 smash
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>>452408 >Spend like an hour using sink water and hand soap to try and wash the coom out of my underwear <not just getting the underwear and telling them you shat your pants if they wake up
>>456257 Anon that might even be more embarrassing.
>>456257 They would very clearly smell cum and not shit.
>>452408 How fucking retarded do you have to be to think that a goonsesh in an RV with your entire family there is a good idea
>>456257 This would work if shitting one's pants was a common experience for the average person.
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>>460192 >This would work if shitting one's pants was a common experience for the average person. I would assume that they know that guys who take it up the ass, like their son, get the shit-dribbles.

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