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Goth/Emo Girls Anonymous 04/02/2024 (Tue) 17:31:56 No. 457298
What's whith the internet's obsession with goth or emo women? I get that they're cute and hot and all and I'd fuck them too if I had the chance, but I don't understand the absolute sallivation and simping that goes on with them. Is it just ironic or are they actually like that and years of porn have fried their coomer brains? I also don't get the "I can fix her" thing. Why would I try to get with a girl who is 100% a bad decision to be with? There's also the one where people say "I don't want to fix her. Whatever that's wrong with her is way hotter." Is this basically the mirror version of women liking 'bad boys'? In other words, are they trying to put in some 'thrill' into their lives?
>>457300 That's a great video an'all, Taylor, an' I'll let yuh finish in a sec, but that dude seriously needs to like, pause. A. Lot. More. Between. Words.
>>457300 I'm not giving you views cuck write it in text

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