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Man jailed for raping 15-year-old girl Anonymous 07/14/2023 (Fri) 17:46:00 No. 446417
>A man who raped a teenage girl has been jailed for eight years. >The 15-year-old victim was with a friend in Manchester in the early hours of 14 July 2022. of course he was black because of course he was https://www.cps.gov.uk/north-west/news/man-jailed-raping-15-year-old-girl https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/man-isolated-young-girl-friend-26036067
There was a guy from I think the Netherlands years ago, used to run a website called best-teens.com. 50+ year old white guy, saggy ass, he was fucking all these teen age chicks in the EU and Africa and then posting his videos on his website. I think in the Netherlands he was fucking these 16 year old Dutch girls because there the age of consent is 16. But then he had to go to Africa and fuck all these under 15 year old black girls. I think they went after him for obvious pedophilia and posting those videos of his teen aged conquests. Whatever happened to that guy. I was thinking the guy was heading for a scorching case of AIDS from those young African girls. Knowing the way race plays in the majority white nation justice systems, I bet best-teens.com guy never spent a day in jail for all the CIA agents he fucked. Such is justice in the majority white nations. Keep up the good work!
>>446836 >implying majority white nations aren't cucked and wouldn't prosecute him harder for being white
>>446417 Eight years? Is that it???? Fuck that shit. Sentence him to life in prison and cut his dick off
>>447035 Sell him as an eunuch into the life-long slavery where most of that shit-colored-monkeys belong to (quarry).
>>447035 He'll be out after one, maybe 6 months. "Above criticism, beneath agency" as someone put it.
>>447071 this it is part of woke people being in charge it will return us to the med-evil levels of crime, and I, for one, will enjoy the wheel being a thing again
>>446417 Holy based
back2africa he goes why waste money jailing the niggers? sedate them, put them on boat steered remotely that shuts down when it arrives at its destination. Time locked caches of glocks with ammunition. Them when the ship gets to africa's beaches, the niggers wake up, their weapons cache unlocks, and niggers become niggers' problem instead of ours
>>448060 based and also very humane as the niggers are gifted access to god-given human rights when the cache unlocks
>>448060 Too much trouble. Just burn it alive in the public square.
>>450199 Fuck your "god-given human rights" niggers were, are, and will be animals. Human rights is jewish nonsense created to undermine authority and highness of white race.
>>450199 God-given rights are for whites only. Maybe asians too if He's feeling nice
>>446417 dont pretend like the average /b/tard wouldnt
>>450425 Wouldn't hang this baboon from the nearest tree? Then rape and behead his nearest female relatives? Why of course we would.
>>450442 why don't people want to crucify people no more or have an iron bull for personal stuff it is always something that don't inflict pain with you monkeys if a nigger thinks about raping your very rapeable white baby girl, he should also think about his nigger flesh melting in oil
>>450445 Because lex luthor took my powers from me, I tried to save you all but you wouldn't let me, you helped him take my powers and now you're all fucked.
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>>446417 I've been bingeing the Saw movies. It's very hard not to sympathize with Jigsaw after a certain point. >"LEMME OUTTA HERE!" >"Hello, Mr. Andes. I would like to play a game. You thought that you deserved to just pluck a child from the street because your kind has very little to none impulse control. You saw her, you wanted her, you took her. Simple as that. But it is NOT that simple, Girmay. On the table you will find a very sharp knife. As you took what you wanted, so you shall GIVE what you possess. The bomb collar around your neck can only be opened by using your deformed little penis as a key. You have one minute. Time to choose: live or die." >"You wan' me to cut off muh DICK?!" >"50 seconds"
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>>450445 >it is always something that don't inflict pain with you monkeys Why should we tarnish our souls or stain our floors by torturing some dumb animal? Quick and easy, no mess.
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>>450618 it buffs your soul to watch the sinful punished, only those who want to sin would not get catharsis from it
>>450677 >it buffs your soul to watch the sinful punished, only those who want to sin would not get catharsis from it Niggers love seeing other niggers suffer. It's why they put burning tires around eachothers' necks.
>>450682 Roast each other over open fires.
>>450701 Yes, they do that.
>>450682 whites are more extreme in their cap for love and hate that they feel we have the biggest range of genes we could have of any ethnic group so when whites have a life they are happy with, the plastic parts of their genome will be geared to love. Might be your problem and as I hate it whites are niggers + so while we work better together, and are more willing to live and let live, the nature that lets niggers improve fitness has never and will never be selected against
>>450617 >Saw but he kills hood niggers instead >the traps are rigged so they never escape >he televises it I just realized I described The Running Man (minus the hood niggers).

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