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Anonymous 06/21/2024 (Fri) 15:20:24 No. 460299
Why do we get so many of these normalfag threads about random IRL girls? There's >>457042 >>459805 >>459566 >>459333 >>458097 >>457662 >>453363 >>457298 and probably others, I didn't scroll down all the way. This shit is strange, this entire board is strange. It doesn't feel like 8chan at all, it's got massive boomer energy and people making posting faux pas you don't usually see like namefagging, and writing in the subject line outside an OP. Where do these guys even come?
I think people use backwater chans to test out bots now, or there is an unlikely number of deranged people here
>posting faux pas you don't usually see like namefagging Don't forget reddit spacing, one of the biggest newfag giveaways >massive boomer energy >Where do these guys even come? You might have answered your own question. A lot of them are probably confused Qboomers going to Google typing some dementia ridden query like "b random board 8chan.com porn xxx" and finding us. It's also possible they're thirdies judging threads like this >>459918
It cant be from Jewgle because Jewgle and other nigger engines banned our based imageboard site from search index. So my best guess is probably just cuckchanners who still know our 8chan links or maybe one of their friends told them about our site. Though my guess is just very vaguely as I don't fucking know either where the fuck those disgusting 3DPD fuckers come from so there is that. If I had any say on this board matters I'd kick those 3DPD niggers out since there is plenty of normie friendly sites out there that accepts their filthy kin, but I don't so there is nothing I can do about it. If you think this is bad look at kohlchan int board, there is tons of thirsty normie niggers out there aka keinbernds who constantly post sluts and whores all the fucking time and their thread gets even over 300 replies with nothing but horny posting for whores. We need more anons who calls out on this shit, mock them and virtually flagellate them for being a bunch of filthy normies for enabling women to act like the sluttiest whores on the whole planet.
People in >>460321 are complaining about racism on 8chan. I'm not even racist myself but holy fuck, why would you go to any imageboard, let alone one of the most infamous, if you can't handle that?
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>>460362 technically THIS website isnt blacklisted, just the original and/or real 8chan, which is also dead so its a moot point; no idea how much traffic comes from google tho
cuckchan refugees
>>460481 Asiatic Jew

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