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So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, good night! Anonymous 04/04/2023 (Tue) 20:53:38 No. 441963
can not fucking wait to see this stupid fat retarded faggot behind bars where he belongs, it's going to be the greatest sight imaginable!
>>448044 You seem to have confused the subjects of that sentence.
Everyone is entitled to my own opinion.
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>>447502 >upvotes
>>448125 But, you have so many more simps and friends as a professional left-wing victim: also called a Professor of Feminism.
>>448273 And you would be the professor of conspiracy theories.
>>448275 Bishop. It's a religion. Much like your Occult Marxism.
this shit fucking slaps
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Definitely Not A Cult 'Christians'? Not so much. Pastor alarmed after tRump-lovin' congregants deride Jesus' teachings as 'weak'
Breaking news! My house cat just told me Trump shitted and farted in his diaper! What an evil man!
>>441965 Trump is a stupid nigger
Your tears are delicious, loser faggot. Keep huffing that copium and letting those niggers fuck you in the ass
>>448379 Not as much of a stupid nigger as you are. He's a rich stupid nigger. You're just a stupid nigger.
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How the heck did a Reddit thread end up here?
>>449801 Freeze peach
Jan 6 protestors are still getting reported, caught, and sent to prison. I hope they catch every last one of them. The white nationalists that helped Trump plan the insurrection just got sent to federal prison. They need to get the people in congress that helped Trump on Jan 6 too. People that worked for Trump while he was in office and while he campaigned are flipping on him in court for both the Georgia case and the Jan 6 case. He's going to prison boys! Can't wait to see the day.
>>448379 >>449800 kek'ed to both of these lol
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>>449871 >what's that >why does this image turn me on >am i gay <no, it must be those faggots corrupting me with their faggot magic Lefties are insecure as fuck lol
>>441963 is this useless fat faggot in prison yet?
>>449871 kek fucking right wing conservative are the biggest closeted homosexuals on the planet
>>450029 No, that would be the Muslims that fuck little boys. In the west you just get shamed by conservative peers, but in the middle east you get stoned. Clearly one is going to be bigger in the closet. In-between them I think are the Chinese and Africans. Not sure how strict they are on homosexuality. Rightards are the least closeted homos there are that are still in the closet, because the culture/society they're in punishes homos the least. There's even tons of openly homosexual conservitards.
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>>441963 Please, Trump lift weights at his age and bloated condition? but he is heading to jail, the judge in the Federal case will probably undo the gag order against him because she realizes the judge in the New York state trial is about to lock him up for shit talking about his court staff could not happen to a more worthy spoiled silver spoon
>>441963 Somebody slap this poster child. What a cunt.
>>450028 2016 Trumps definitely going to jail this time. 2017 Trumps definitely going to jail this time. 2018 Trumps definitely going to jail this time. 2019 Trumps definitely going to jail this time. 2020 Trumps definitely going to jail this time. 2021 Trumps definitely going to jail this time. 2022 Trumps definitely going to jail this time. 2023 Trumps definitely going to jail this time. GO AHEAD!! READ IT!! Did it happen yrt? Did it? Huh? Did it? Why don't you hold your breath. OKAY? Did you read it yet??? Huh? DID YOU???
>>442073 > Boy Gets Strangled And Assaulted By A nigger Bullying Him On The School Bus.mp4 I'm so glad I didn't grow up and go to school full of niggers, when I was in school there was like two in the whole of school of a few mixed nig nog mutts here and there
>>454102 lucky cunt, I have been to many schools, one had 60% nigs, and they all basically ganged together
this is the beginning of the end for trump #148869420
>>454142 More mixed race people are becoming hardcore racist now. We hate the nigger menace and we hate our nigger fathers who abused and abandoned us to go be niggers and so we would gladly lay our bodies on the front line in the ideological fight against niggerdom
Former President Donald Trump has not been able to get a bond to secure the $464 million fraud judgment against him, his lawyers said in a court filing Monday. Trump and his company need to post a bond for the full amount by next week in order to stop New York Attorney General Letitia James from being able to collect while he appeals. They've asked an appeals court to step in in the meantime and said Monday that they have not had any success getting a bond. "Defendants’ ongoing diligent efforts have proven that a bond in the judgment’s full amount is 'a practical impossibility,'" the filing said. "These diligent efforts have included approaching about 30 surety companies through 4 separate brokers."
Tell me you are a flaming liberal idiot without telling me you are a flaming liberal idiot. Nice work... flaming liberal idiot

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