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Anonymous 08/01/2023 (Tue) 20:19:15 No. 447754
Is sex work real work?
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>>447788 >Have sex, person who is involuntarily incapable of sex
>>447789 Hire a prostitute.
>>447791 If you're an incel, even prostitots will refuse sex. That's the definition of the word.
>>447810 Not if you have money.
>>447811 Even then. That's the point of the word "involuntary". There's nothing you can do about it voluntarily, such as spend money or behave differently.
>>447788 yeah, the problem with incels is that they are r type oriented but ain't a chad, so they can't act on their fast life instincts fucking some whore isn't going to fix that
>>447789 >lust provoking image >nigger logic
>>447827 What's wrong with erotic art? How is stating the meaning of the word, nigger logic?
>>447767 > noticed the green-haired ladies out there aren't fighting for the normalization of hairy dudes with utilitarian bodies to pimp themselves out. That's because it's usually girly twink boys, Twunks (muscular twinks), and or dudes who look like lumberjacks are usually the most sought after in the male prostitution world and you can bet the men and woman paying like to get their money's worth. Female prostitutes do indeed have a lot more options, even landwhales. BTW I'm not some incel or anything of that caliber, just wanted to point that out since my post does almost sound like something some butthurt happa would type but I'm just trying to be an objectivist here is all.
>>447754 It is only work for as long as it takes to figure out how to turn it into fast tricks
If sex work is real work, why don't I get paid to jerk my cock?
>>451830 If you were a woman you could get paid for rubbing your pussy.
i would say so yeah. theyre dong services and earning money off it
no what value does it produce? no services work is real work
>>447754 Taking a picture of your tits isn't work.
>>452187 >what value does it produce? >no services work is real work That depends entirely on what you value.
>>452190 We need to start valuing the deaths of niggers and simps.
>>452191 You got more intimate spicy quips?
no, sex work is retard work at best ur not doing anything besides being a pillow princess and getting whored out by a nigger pimp
Sex work should be legal and UNregulated. Keep rape and kidnapping illegal. Problems solved. All of them. No more incels or rioting niggers or any chaos at all. Just normal life. But satanic religutards won't do that because they are mentally ill and must be deposed.
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>>447754 does it look like work?
My respect for there line of work extends to exactly what they are willing to provide for there services and how much. A $20 whore is a $20 whore. A $500 whore better give me a fantastic night of great fucking. A $1000 whore better sucks the color out of my dick while hogtied and suspended upside-down from a chandelier for that price.
>>447754 Just say "prostitution", faggot
>>455778 Nigga why do you care it's the same thing
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>>447754 You provide a service & get paid for it...so....yes.
oh yeah, but hey, its a business doing pleasure with them, so make sure to get what you pay for!
>>455890 and the first video that comes up is a shitskin sticking his bbc into her! lol future Donald Trump affair woman after his current hush money trial is over! lol https://www.naughtyalysha.com/tour/index.php
Are those real fries?
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>>458051 >American ascent into heaven.gif
>>457942 You don't mean to say people aren't allowed to spam this board with images are you?
>>447754 All work is slavery and by extension gay and kosher.
>>458079 >Soyvana
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It's real work, but also dirty work. >real work It takes a lot of effort to build a brand, get the right camera, build up skills, market yourself, budget, deal with self-employment taxes, and do other business stuff. It takes a bit more skill than flipping on eBay, and people consider THAT real work. >dirty work The consent is dubious, as the worker may be financially desperate and not in a healthy place to sell themselves sexually. Additionally, consent may not be communicated properly, and the genuine passion needed for FRIES (freely-given, reversible, informed, enthusiastic, and specific) sex might be there. There's also no ToS in these businesses most of the time. You shouldn't enter a business-client relationship without necessary contracts and all. There may also be tax fraud. Additionally, sex workers are the biggest self-promoters, and it's hard to find legitimate FWBs interactions in a sea of manipulative ass sex workers who pretend to want your cock only to try and sell you something. You also can't avoid them with adblockers, and they rarely ever pay for ads like most others have to do. And even then, it's not like people promoting their music on /mu/ are killing others' content, but sex workers drown out free users with their spammy garbage. Sex workers also often promote in kid-friendly spaces, like under viral tweets about animals, and borderline break obscenity laws. So yes, sex work is a legitimate business, but it's scummy. Like fortune-telling and alternative medicine BS, but even more of a waste to society, and far more of an active nuisance. Sex and porn should be passionate and authentic, not commercial spam brought right to Twitter as opposed to shitty porn sites. It's also hypocritical we say, "Silence, brand", to services that provide actually good stuff, but then defend sex workers with every ounce of our bodies. Sex workers are not your friends. They're not like the small business that feeds their community. They charge hours of hard minimum wage labor for what is usually just sexting or low-quality iPhone photos. Many are also findoms and exploit people with strange addictions for profit. Fuck sex workers. I don't agree they're sluts, but they should either post for free out of a love for exhibitionism or GTFO.
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>>459092 >It takes a lot of effort to build a brand Said the TikTok influencer to the Start-Up >get the right camera, build up skills, market yourself, budget, deal with self-employment taxes, and do other business stuff. All you need is a moderately attractive body. Not only can you outsource everything else, you also have free choice of employers to handle everything for you. >It takes a bit more skill than flipping on eBay No. In addition to everything you listed, except maybe building a brand, you also need to have a catalog of value in your head, as well as the knowledge about what to check for wear and breakage, and possibly how to repair common faults. You need to secure your supply and handle delivery, neither of which is optional. >the worker may be financially desperate and not in a healthy place Yet you will never see a woman working the night shift at the local McFactory. >the genuine passion needed for FRIES >sex work >genuine passion lol, lmao >in these businesses Oh, now everyone's working at a business, what happened to all the self-employed don't-need-no-man whores from earlier? >There may also be tax fraud Who do all their taxes themselves? >sex workers drown out free users with their spammy garbage. Sex workers also often promote in kid-friendly spaces, like under viral tweets about animals, and borderline break obscenity laws. truth > I don't agree they're sluts They're whores with less commitment. Of course they're sluts. >Like fortune-telling and alternative medicine BS, but even more of a waste to society, and far more of an active nuisance. Sex and porn should be passionate and authentic, not commercial spam brought right to Twitter as opposed to shitty porn sites. It's also hypocritical we say, "Silence, brand", to services that provide actually good stuff, but then defend sex workers with every ounce of our bodies. Sex workers are not your friends. They're not like the small business that feeds their community. They charge hours of hard minimum wage labor for what is usually just sexting or low-quality iPhone photos. Many are also findoms and exploit people with strange addictions for profit. I agree >Fuck sex workers. No thanks. I don't want to know where she's been.

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