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Tired of bloodlines being destroyed Anon 08/14/2023 (Mon) 03:16:33 No. 448551
Aren't you tired?
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I think that was that fuck that got boner at the stat of like 70% of an heroing is white guys, all that would do is help the mental health of the population, probably not tho because a lots of those dudes had children, and probably killed themselves because of something to do with their children
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>>448551 white women are mentally retarded
another reason I am have the view I do is because when you die, I think it would be the funniest shit to watch people who hold anti-racism as a good get told by God that the extended phenotype is real, and it was part of that multiplying command, and that their anti-racism was them worshiping how good of a person they thought they were, then hell forever
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>>448636 99% of children making it adulthood is the problem, but again more then happy to matrix them, their freedom or input have no value, their value in in their biology and I ain't talking about their brains
>>448638 they are so proud of their niglet until it gets in the way of money >>448641 shouldn't reply to gay mantras the bug thing isn't going happen, humans need fats over everything else, bugs don't have fat
>>448646 motherfucker, my goal isn't to preserve the current iteration of white people, or stop the stalling of this civilization, nothing in my 'plan' is about those things, thus nothing is over for me until I am dead
>>448662 >line of >genetics don't matter well that just makes sense also I don't want to be in the elite, I want to be a genestealer
>>448665 they are running out of ideas because they are too stupid to come up with new ones, I am willing to submit to God's creation, not whatever gay shit you have your little unhealthy brain >>448666 I think it is funny when they kill the niglet and then won't stop telling the cops it was white
>>448669 yeah, again unhealthy brain but It is easier to pick them out when they are proud of it I guess
>>448675 yea I did, and yes you exist for yourself, narcissistic cuckold humans are insane chimpanzees so it would weird if we were sane
>>448678 oh god, I don't want to decipher the first part, and my white women will not be capable of consciousness, so if they are getting fucked by niggers, my biggest concern will be how they got in the lab
oh yea, I think Jesus was a real fucked up thing that represented what humans had to evolve into if they are permanently get out of the cycle of civilization and it would also solve shit like male disposability, so you quoting general shit from the bible doesn't mean much to me >>448683 fuck you, I'll go on as much as I want
>>448689 the point of life is to die, and the world is too unhealthy now have groups with that level organization, maybe the coming Arab Empire, but unhealthiness brings division, and I don't think the Jews have the biology or might to keep things together
>>448691 nah, you're posting cuck shit, so I am not going to thing about doing anything suggest >boring you keep copy and pasting the same shit, and posting nigger shit women's preferences only matter to stupid people
I don't even understand you why you posted nigger shit, probably like you can't stop me kind of thing yes, I know many white women have shit genes, I don't care about them, I mean I hope they get raped and murdered by their pet niggers, but as far as caring nah Like at work, there was this whore, that got real mad, that I told her fuck off after it came out she was a coal burner, and she got one of her pet niggers too kiss where I could see, and all I could laugh and shrug, nasty whore started crying was real nice, anyway, it means nothing, what she did, or what you're posting, other then your genes aren't healthy in particular way >>448694 Heavens forbid you're not stimulated to the point of titillation at all times do drugs fag
>>448696 standing desk
>>448697 I have faith that his sacrifice was to illustrate the capability of what prefect human physiology can take before dying is that enough?
I have to bomb my room for bedbugs, so I'm leaving, but you're not right, and I will continue to make women know it isn't a good idea to look into my eyes
>>448621 This bitch is going to get cunts raped. Some incel is going to see one too many of these, snap, and literally go out hunting for women to rape every full moon or some shit.
>>448712 Same with niggers btw. The niggers making bbc porn are literally going to get their fellow niggers cocks chopped off if they don't cool it, at last that's my take.
The negeo can not, and will not, penetrate your anus, always remember that you are protected from nigger penises by God, pray god keeps protecting you, and pray for the nigger penises to fall off.
>>448729 Hope you don't wake up
think I got banned for saying that Christianity under an ecology that is easy it will select for type r selective life style to help things escalate faster, thus you're going to get more people to breed outside of their group, because you don't care about offspring, it could give it a useful trait despite them being disgusting and likely to kill you, it makes good sense for men but not for women, a women physiology makes her invest in a children so if she is making niglets she thinks she can get someone else to invest in them for not care about them (likely) , and if they doing it means their genes are not salvageable. with that out of the way, that cuckold is right I think for at least 20 or so years, the rich will only invest in policecorp that only protect them and space where they live, , and they are rich so they are under extreme no pressure hella woke(makes them die off faster tho), gangs of niggers will coming looking for food and if you're healthy, reason to kill her, she should have hide better, and if you don't weed out the ones that are are neutral or even like the smell of pheromones secreted by people outside her group, you'll get this females that just exist to lower trust but that won't be forever, it could wipe out whites, it depends on how long it takes our IQ to get 60 as a race he never did explain how his bible quote meant you were to sacrifice whatever you sacrifice when you raise children on some niglet that ain't yours, and the one about the dicks being made for pleasure is saying women like big dicks, but it don't stop with that, that quote did, but there are variations of whore meat that care about the man the longer they have been with them, so there is hope for you fags, an r type person would interpret shit different and by the by the reason it was niggers its because afica selects for r type for so long, niggers are more adaptived to an r type ecology, and that is why he said civilization was bad, eugenics is k type because you care about your kids having good traits that benefit the group thus r type people hate it because eugenics is a type of civilization. white women's rights are a big problem, but being selected to be stupid is the main problem, and we're being selected for r type treats now so bad news
>>448762 another point he made a lot of white women that hate the white race more then other races hate themselves, this is because white are the most adapted to the casts civilization call for in men and women, like if white people have children their boys would be further masculine and females further feminine from each other then if niggers or the eastern people have children, so they are more different from each other then other races is
>>448763 and one more thing a whore only wanting to fuck niggers means she wants to fuck a nigger clone of herself
>>448551 yeah I saw that movie, he gets beat by a Jew, what else is new wasnt very good https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116514/
>>448551 LOL what makes you think you ever had a chance?
>>454959 If you think the whites/chinese are not going to ethnically clense the nigd I've got bad news for you, history repeats itself, and a culture will be unstable until it becomes homogeneous, and I am certainly not waiting until everyone fucks enough niggers that we're all brown, and the chinese aren't waiting either, or the russians, or the jews.
>>448551 I been tired of that shit for the last 7 million years https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZv8VyIQ7YU
>>455492 Oh look another nigger that bumps all the threads that hurt his nigger pride again
>>448551 But you say that you hate women
>>448551 Whoever made this will be hanged in my country or somewhere in the agrobacters. I'm tired of seeing the americans and the europeans.
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>>448551 >Aren't you tired? Only every single day.
>>456261 you don't really have to feel demoralised because it was over before you were even born. no races are pure, we're all mutts. the english breed with irish and cots and french and germans and danes and turks and whoever, so do the french, the germans, the irish, the danes, whoever. scandinavians are, like, forty percent slavic, for example. the germans are only, like, thirty percent germanic. they are almost all elts now. germanic people almost don't exist anymore, due to how much they have procreated with the french. so, at this point, what does it matter if the eurofags fuck sandniggers and niggers? just enjoy your life and try to make it as good as it can bedon't sweat all that genetics shit because we're all mutts, to begin with. no one gives a fuck about their genetic heritage. they never have. people even fucked niggers in the 17th century. and people were way more strict about their genetic heritage then, than they are now.
>>456912 >what does it matter if the eurofags fuck sandniggers and niggers? nationality =! Race They will lose the Behavior patterns of Europeans, mongoloid The behavior that allows high civilization to be obtained quickly and thus allow Humanity time to adapt to the evolutionary mismatch that is high civilization Stop trying to spread your maladaptive view to other people, thanks, people, just like all life, evolved to perpetuate their own genome and thus phenotype via ethnic selection You're wrong, stupid, and you deserve to be a Slave

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