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(317.25 KB 530x796 clown dog.png)

Royal Party Anonymous 04/28/2024 (Sun) 10:51:58 No. 458121
birthday thread
When is this starting?
>>458285 Setting this up right now.
(187.66 KB 644x613 hunger games loadout.jpg)

(72.14 KB 409x200 hunger-games-logo.png)

Here is the loadout.
(64.33 KB 617x582 hunger games p1.jpg)

(41.16 KB 480x607 hunger games p2.jpg)

(58.27 KB 575x597 hunger games p3.jpg)

1st results
(60.29 KB 646x595 hunger games p4.jpg)

(50.99 KB 549x584 hunger games p5.jpg)

(70.37 KB 663x610 hunger games day 1 p6.jpg)

(115.16 KB 745x612 hunger games day 1 p7.jpg)

(27.94 KB 821x256 hunger games day 1 p8.jpg)

(54.78 KB 516x528 hunger games ARENA 1.jpg)

(50.78 KB 506x591 hunger games ARENA 2.jpg)

(67.43 KB 832x602 hunger games ARENA 3.jpg)

(42.73 KB 574x496 hunger games ARENA 4.jpg)

(32.42 KB 415x608 RIP 1.jpg)

(27.79 KB 414x539 RIP 2.jpg)

(29.91 KB 421x549 RIP 3.jpg)

(20.41 KB 406x478 RIP 4.jpg)

(159.47 KB 631x610 survivors.jpg)

(72.14 KB 409x200 hunger-games-logo.png)

Here are the deceased + survivors so far.
>>458334 Im fucking dead. Rage quit.
>>458330 MMM-tan is such a fucking jobber, she always loses before her sister.
(73.29 KB 628x612 hunger games night 1 p1.jpg)

Night 1
(59.09 KB 619x611 hunger games feast 1.jpg)

(60.23 KB 673x580 hunger games feast 2.jpg)

The Feast
>>458342 >roleplay-tan hates vidya-tan
(51.64 KB 773x590 hunger games day 2 p1.jpg)

(66.18 KB 964x486 hunger games day 2 p2.jpg)

Day 2
(16.87 KB 534x237 RIP Lila.png)

RIP /tkr/ Lila
(50.08 KB 717x593 hunger games night 2 p1.jpg)

(67.65 KB 832x576 hunger games night 2 p2.jpg)

Night 2
(54.72 KB 559x595 hunger games day 3 p1.jpg)

(59.99 KB 814x580 hunger games day 3 p2.jpg)

Day 3
(76.45 KB 854x580 hunger games night 3 p1.jpg)

(28.03 KB 684x451 hunger games night 3 p2.jpg)

Night 3
(59.63 KB 618x575 hunger games day 4 p1.jpg)

(52.60 KB 728x546 hunger games day 4 p2.jpg)

Day 4
(10.94 KB 439x287 RIP Avellana.png)

RIP Avellana
(80.06 KB 715x588 hunger games night 4 p1.jpg)

(15.06 KB 688x268 hunger games night 4 p2.jpg)

Night 4
(55.36 KB 614x585 hunger games day 5 p1.jpg)

(47.25 KB 699x450 hunger games day 5 p2.jpg)

Day 5
(19.10 KB 477x239 RIP android shadow.jpg)

RIP android shadow
(75.66 KB 898x584 hunger games night 5 p1.jpg)

Night 5
(21.70 KB 533x321 WINNER virtual hedgehogs.jpg)

=WINNER Virtual Hedgehogs!!!
NEXT MATCH If anyone wants to play, submit a contestant & reply here.
(169.13 KB 630x605 1st match placements.jpg)

Here are the placements from the 1st match.
>>458359 Fuck this winner
>>458366 Is from the sonic fanbase that is what he wants
>>458363 Shits rigged, I call shenanigans!
>>458361 El Hermano De Jiren
Any more people want to join the Hunger Games?
>>458497 /hisrol/ is always up for it

(248.74 KB 300x750 victory_dance.mp4)

>>458380 >>458387 >>458366 cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope
We're moving the Hunger Games thread to: >>>/b/458529 Setting up a match!

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