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/co/ Pain Thread 7: Nothing new under Hollyweird Anonymous 07/05/2023 (Wed) 21:10:13 No. 35154 [Reply] [Last]
Apologies for the delay. My internet was out for a time. Thankfully the steady pace of this board allows for such waiting periods. We return now to our regular summer of trash. DC announces a new anime project. Suicide Squad Isekai. Wherein Harley Quinn & Joker are isekai'd into a generic Japanese DnD styled fantasy world of dragons, ogres, & rape p'orcs. Directed by Eri Osada & character designs by Naoto Hosoda. The latter known for animation work on a few productions such as The Garden of Words & 5 Centimeters per Second. The Seth Rogen TMNT movie is still on the horizon & clocking it at number 1 for ugliest animated movie of the year. Ruby Gillman was ugly but only for it's human designs. Here? Everyone is hideous. The Flash came & went. Another box office bomb for DC & the chronological end of the Snyderverse. Blue Beetle will be officially part of the new DCU cinematic universe under James Gunn. Another low effort animated movie for their animated movie universe has been pumped out. Then finally we have the recently released Nimona. A half baked movie based on an even more horridly produced comic of the same name. By a woman who was cheated on by her gf with a man, married said gf, then decided to cut off her breasts & now calls herself a man herself. Who wouldn't want a movie of a comic no one read by a lesbian with penis envy?!
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>>38739 >Reed turns to Latinx He is more closer to average europeans than hispanic people (culturally).
Baking new thread.

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Kiff Anonymous 06/11/2023 (Sun) 03:44:45 No. 34685 [Reply] [Last]
It just came out and it honestly needs TONS of love and support ASAP: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiff_(TV_series) https://disneynow.com/shows/kiff https://t.me/s/kiffbarry https://kimcartoon.li/Cartoon/Kiff If we could all work together by making "Kiff" go uphill (in other words, prove that Kiff truly is King) by boosting "Kiff"'s steaming numbers over on Disney+ (Because there's absolutely no way in hell I'm letting "Kiff" lose to preschool-shit, star-shit, cape-shit, and that hideously ugly Oceanside human skank that is Hailey Banks), and get "Kiff" TRULY trending/sweeping over on Social Media by making "Kifftwt (Kiff Twitter)" a reality, and drawing tons of lewds of (or commission tons of R34 artists to draw lewds of) Kiff Chatterley, Beryl Chatterley, Terri Buns, Mary Buns, Candle Fox, Renée, Miss Deer Teacher, Miss Tulane, Miss Moufflé, Principal Swan, Kim Popularé, and Marlina Deena Turina, that would be hella great! Also, just a daily reminder: #KiffbrosRiseUp #KiffGang #KiffGangRiseUp
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>>37570 OP is that you?
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A sneak peek of S2 of "Kiff":

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Ramona Fradon RIP Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 16:14:57 No. 38793 [Reply]
>Ramona Fradon, Classic Aquaman Artist and Co-Creator of Metamorpho, Dead at 97 >she made her debut in 1949 with the DC title “Gang Busters,” a series based on the true crime radio program of the same name. >She was assigned Aquaman’s adventures in “Adventure Comics,” which she would pencil for a whole decade from 1951 to 1961. Over the course of her run, Aquaman’s origin story was revamped, establishing his real name as Arthur Curry, while characters like his parents Tom and Atlanna, the octopus sidekick Topo, and the original Aqualad (Garth) were introduced. She would continue to draw Arthur’s series, which moved to the pages of “World’s Finest Comics,” >She and Bob Haney introduced Metamorpho (Rex Mason), the Element Man, in 1965’s “The Brave and the Bold” #57. The character, who was conceived as a self-parody of DC’s more bizarre characters, proved popular enough to gain his own series. >She was recognized during her lifetime with an Inkpot Award in 1995, and an induction into the Eisner Awards’ Hall of Fame in 2006. Her passing has prompted much mourning on social media, with Gail Simone, Ron Marz, Jerry Ordway, Jimmy Palmiotti, Jeff Parker, Brittany Holzherr, Chris Ryall, Joe Illidge, Francesco Francavilla, Zack Davisson, and Zach Rabiroff among those paying tribute to her. https://archive.md/Wg6jC
>>38793 F 97 is a pretty long life though.
Damn, that's quite a career. RIP

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Anonymous 01/17/2022 (Mon) 11:06:07 No. 22253 [Reply] [Last]
Why is he so edgy?
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>>22253 Because Frank Castle (introduced 1974) is Mack Bolan (first novel 1969) stolen by Gerry Conway at Marvel from Don Pendleton and put in a world of bulletproof assholes wearing capes. You'd be edgy too. No, seriously. Late 60s, early 70s cheap pulp paper novels about an ex-military gunslinger vigilante waging an endless one-man war on crime. The novels were briefly popular, though never with "respectable" people, and briefly a meme back when Nixon was President. Compare the violent crime rates then to the violent crime rates now, and keep in mind that, fifty years ago, higher violent crime rates in a police precinct meant they got more money. Since around 1990 it has meant they got less instead. Nonetheless the Bronx or the Tenderloin or the south side of Chicago in 1974 looks positively quaint compared to today. Mack Bolan struck a chord with people who had followed the Manson Family trial and seen Charles Manson's death penalty cancelled. Mack Bolan, when you cut through the layers of gun bunny stuff and he-man back alley karate fighting, a guy whose existence, methods, and motivation all say: "This experiment we've been doing for the past couple hundred years, the Enlightenment, has failed. All it's gotten us is Charles Manson, who is himself a symptom of a much deeper rot. No, it's time to abandon all of this and go back to 'Might Makes Right' as the wellspring of authentic political authority." So of course Gerry Conway and Stan Lee had to grab Mack Bolan, change his name slightly--note that even the rhythm of its pronuncation, the number of syllables, is the exact same--and drop him into a world of dumbfuck asshole capes who didn't comprehend cause and effect or think more than ten seconds into the future. The Green Goblin would take hostages in a bank and kill half of them, and ol' Spidey would web-sling his way in there and grab him by the scruff of the neck and hand him over to the cops, and he'd be right back out on the street for the next issue. Obviously he had a good lawyer, or a sympathetic judge, or maybe the DA was just phoning it in from the golf course. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Next issue Spidey is fighting the Rhino but the issue after that, Green Goblin is at it again, riding his flying rocket surfboard or whatever the fuck it was, cackling as he drops grenades into crowded Manhattan streets until Spidey shows up to give him to the cops again, and once again he's back on the street before the ink is dry on his paperwork. The Punisher was introduced in Spider-Man comics and his whole thing was to say "Nah, fuck all that," and give the bad guy a .45 caliber lobotomy. Early appearances looked like the writers were trying, clumsily, to show that superheroes are presented with moral dilemmas every day, and to be a bad example of what it'd be like if the superheroes just started killing people, complete with I'm-a-bad-guy black uniform and skull iconography. But, bad writing or no, the character, like Mack Bolan, struck a chord with some comic book readers, and became popular enough to get his own title. It makes me think of how a somewhat popular American TV sitcom at the time, "All in the Family," had Carroll O'Connor playing the inarticulate Neanderthal Archie Bunker, a grotesque caricature of mid-20th-Century urban working-class white men. The producer, Norman Lear, and O'Connor himself were Redder than a baboon's ass, as were all the directors, screenwriters, and actors. Despite this, Rob Reiner, as the smirking insufferable hippie son-in-law, was so fucking sanctimonious as he mouthed all the 1970s Leftist platitudes that audiences overwhelmingly sided with Archie, to the horror of both Lear and O'Connor. Producers and actors living in the Manhattan/Hollywood bubble were alarmed and perplexed that people in Flyover Country were sick of the bullshit and not cheerfully going along with the program. People in Flyover Country are still sick of the bullshit. And that is why Frank Castle is so edgy.
>>38588 >The Green Goblin would take hostages in a bank and kill half of them, and ol' Spidey would web-sling his way in there and grab him by the scruff of the neck and hand him over to the cops, and he'd be right back out on the street for the next issue. Ackshually, since we are on /co/, I feel obligated to point out that the Green Goblin was never arrested. He just plain got away every time he fought Spidey, then he while fighting Spidey. The third Green Goblin, Harry Osborn's psychiatrist, also got killed. I'm pretty sure he was only ever in one arc. Now where you could make an argument is that eventually Peter did find out who the first and second Green Goblins were, and though they kept getting away, he didn't squeal on them, because the Green Goblin was a split personality, and he kept thinking they were "cured," but they kept relapsing. Well he paid for the first one when Norman killed his girlfriend. He kept letting Harry away with it too, until Harry's evil alt personality eventually turned good and he sacrificed himself. Also, I doubt even Stan Lee would give himself any credit for The Punisher. He was long gone from writing Spidey by the time Punisher showed up. Actually, it seems relevant to point out that The Punisher only appeared after The Green Goblin died, and his first story arc stemmed from the repurcussions of that death. He first appeared in the same issue as The Jackal. The Jackal hired him to kill Spider-Man. Later we learn he did this because he blames Spider-Man for the death of Gwen Stacy. After Gwen Stacy and Norman Osborn died, everyone including the cops blamed Spider-Man. This is why The Punisher felt justified in trying to kill Spider-Man. It's also noteworthy that The Punisher didn't get his own solo series for over a decade after his first appearance, and that solo series is really where the character we think of comes from. Before that, he was an occasional Spider-Man and Daredevil antagonist and/or supporting character. He was a hired assassin in his first appearance, though he showed a code of honor and switched sides when he realized his client was actually bad and his target was actually good. You point to the All in the Family comparison, but I don't think it went quite that far under Gerry Conway, though he is a ridiculous SJW now. But Frank's last appearance before his solo series, in Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #81-83, from 1983, written by Bill Mantlo, does have Frank freaking out and killing people for things like littering. (Specifically in issue #82.) That is the one extreme case of what you're talking about. All the other appearances of Punisher up to that point had him as ultimately a hero, even if he was mislead into thinking Spidey was a bad guy, and even if Spidey didn't agree with his methods. But in Spectacular #82, Punisher is shown as just being a more cartoonish caricature than the Jackal who hired him in the first place. However, this ridiculously bad writing did not go unnoticed. The first Punisher miniseries (1986), written by Stephen Grant, was the character's next appearance. The plot is that it turns out Frank was only acting like that in his previous appearance because he was drugged by Jigsaw. The story is then about him fighting Jigsaw. So the point is, he was not intended as the ridiculous political caricature you say, and the one time it happened in his early appearances, they then gave him his own solo series that was all about explaining why that one bad story was bullshit. As for All in the Family, the funny thing about that show is as it went on, the series itself had to acknowledge that Archie was right all along. When Rob Reiner quit, they had to write him out of the show. Meathead leaves Gloria and their son to run off and join a hippie commune. Archie was right about him and by extension all hippies. In the last season or two, once every other cast member had left and they renamed the show to "Archie Bunker's Place," he and Edith adopt Edith's niece (I think), Danielle, but Edith dies (when her actress quit), and then there's basically an MRA episode where the courts try to take her from him because since he's a man they assume he's a molester, and the episode is about how unjust that is. By the end, All in the Family was forced to get redpilled. Also, they 1970 George Jefferson, where the bit is that he was exactly like Archie only he hated white people. Now, I'm not gonna pretend they were ever as hard on George as they were on Archie, but it's a premise they wouldn't use today. Even Norman Lear, the biggest pinko commie in Hollywood for decades, was absolutely based and redpilled compared to modern television. But yes, The Punisher is a ripoff of The Executioner. That's still true. As was the style at the time. Death Wish came out right around then as well (though isn't quite as close as Punisher was, since Kersey isn't supposed to be some highly trained badass, but rather an everyman). People of the era were fucking sick of hippie bullshit, and this all reflects that.
>>38032 >that third page It never ceases to amaze me, the kind of absolute cancerous radioactive sewage comic writers get paid to spew.

Anonymous 01/19/2022 (Wed) 03:27:22 No. 22320 [Reply] [Last]
Now that the dust has settled, can we finally answer the most controversial question to ever grace /co/ boards? Did Scott Pilgrim vs. the World ruin a whole generation of women or were they a lost cause in the first place? Is there anything redeeming about this shitty series?
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>>22334 Scott was a retard, he went for the used goods instead of sticking with the hot freckled redhead. He deserves his future cucking.

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Transformers EarthSpark Anonymous 11/12/2022 (Sat) 16:54:43 No. 30412 [Reply] [Last]
First ten episodes of the newest series came out this weekend. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ffYHUHjZWpCUbcmqEyArKJ2pdl0D6-Xx
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>>35457 You have genuine autism. That's the problem.
>>35458 We're on 8chan's comics and cartoons board and you think calling someone here autistic is an insult. That's the problem.
>>30480 Apparently Japanese translators decided to not give a fuck about Earthspark's they/them nonsense and just made Nightshade referred to as male (specifically using "boku" which technically can be used by masculine women or tomboys, but is usually for men) which has upset the usual woke crowd. Old, but seems relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sg0D1PpgCXs I find it especially funny due to the past year "professional" western localizers/translators getting fired and rejected over increased negative awareness of them injecting western politics into anime and manga. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nl6b7ZT_HsM https://comicbook.com/anime/news/transformers-nightshade-gender-japanese-pronoun/

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Kevin Conroy Dead Anonymous 11/11/2022 (Fri) 16:21:32 No. 30372 [Reply]
>Kevin Conroy, who voiced Batman in multiple shows over the years, has died. He was 66. >Conroy’s death was confirmed by Diane Pershing, the voice of the DC character Poison Ivy. >“Very sad news: our beloved voice of Batman, Kevin Conroy, died yesterday. He’s been ill for a while but he really put in a lot of time at the cons, to the joy of all of his fans. He will be sorely missed not just by the cast of the series but by his legion of fans all over the world,” she shared on Facebook today. >Pershing included multiple photos of Conroy from over the years in her post, where she wrote, “Below are pictures of Kevin with Loren Lester who plays Robin another with me and and Tara Strong who is in the later episodes of Batman cartoons. And then finally, one of Kevin and me in front of the huge audiences we used to get when we did our panels. RIP, friend.😢” >Conroy began his Batman career in 1992’s Batman: The Animated Series, in which he voiced the titular superhero for three years. He reprised his Batman role for 1993’s Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, and went on to voice the character in multiple video games and, TV movies and series throughout the ’90s. Rest in Peace Caped Crusader. https://archive.ph/KlOtm
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So you already knew this, but this is basically Conroy's last recorded lines, save for postmortem cameos.
It’s a real shame that he was a faggot. Almost as big a shame as deleting posts you dislike.

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Dumbing of AIDS - Cutting The Cheese Edition Anonymous 04/26/2020 (Sun) 21:47:10 No. 202 [Reply]
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It somehow gets worse.
>>21962 His fucking comic read like those tumblr posts that you're supposed to take seriously.
>>38659 <16 year old <trans <OCD, depression, anxiety >[leftist circles] are some some of the safest places for me It hurts a bit that that's what he actually believes.

Anonymous 01/11/2023 (Wed) 02:29:58 No. 31405 [Reply]
>They started complaining that my project doesn’t cater enough to boys,” Simpson wrote. “Hollywood has an idea that boys won’t watch shows that center girls, but girls will watch shows that center boys (or, girls just ‘don’t like animation’), so marketing-wise you should only ever make boy shows, possibly with one token girl.” Lets be honest, the show wasn't canceled because of demographics or budget. Someone dug up his old classic and showed it to the execs. Which is a shame because it generally is a good webcomic and deserves a show https://archive.ph/4QJLo#selection-957.185-957.512
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>>31409 >you can't change your biological name!! Smartest transphobe
>>38468 Who are you quoting?
>>38469 No one, it's some attempt at a gacha by straw-manning.

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Anonymous 01/15/2024 (Mon) 21:35:07 No. 38256 [Reply]
Do not escape!

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Storytime - Mic key Mouse in The Currents of Time Anonymous 01/14/2024 (Sun) 18:15:19 No. 38227 [Reply]
Hello /co/, Since, earlier this month, Steamboat Wilie was finally released into the public domain, I thought sharing this would be appropriate. To give you a little context: This story was released in the Lustiges Taschenbuch #267 ("funny pocket book", a monthly German collection of European Disney comics), the very last issue released in the last millenium. Written by Francesco Artibani and Tito Faraci and drawn by Corrado Mastantuono, it is a sequel/love letter to the original Steamboat Willie cartoon, and one of my favorite Italian Disney comics for a number of reasons. Firstly, it has a certain sentimental or nostalgic vibe, and is one of the funnier Italian comics. Also, the way it's told and composed makes it very cinematic. I totally could see this getting adapted into an animated short. I translated this from the German version. I took a few minor liberties here and there, but tried to keep the overall dialogue intact as best as I could. Now, without further ado, I present you "The Currents of Time", a fun river adventure, in which Mickey Mouse and Peg-Leg Pete raise the famous Steamboat Willie.
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Brutus' appearance is never really explained in-universe and feels forced. There's nothing to indicate he knew Pete intentionally sunk the boat at that location with the ruby on board. Other than that, nice story, especially with that final page ending. Thanks for sharing, OP.
>>38242 I guess that's true. I can't really explain it away, either, maybe it's all one big coincidence. Still, he's a serviceable antagonist, so I'll accept it.

Anonymous 01/12/2024 (Fri) 02:41:49 No. 38142 [Reply]
Do you give into her demands /co/?
Welp, this is going to get deleted sooner or later, so I might as well answer: Yes. After that, I'd tickle her like there's no tomorrow.
>>38142 Would.
I give her the D.

80's Cartoons Anonymous 09/05/2020 (Sat) 03:43:30 No. 4807 [Reply] [Last]
What are you anons currently watching? I've been re-watching The Transformers, TMNT and The Real Ghostbusters.
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>>37043 I guess we could say that Jem is coal
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Jem has as much chance of coming back as /pol/ has of being right. Even Hasbro has conceded & moved on. >officially licensed product
>>38154 So you're saying Jem's coming back then?

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Anonymous 12/29/2023 (Fri) 09:00:54 No. 37979 [Reply]
>Good Smile Company holds pool asking people what toys they want made >Megas XLR actually manages to crack the top ten with western viewers Wew. Hope the gang get into a SRW now that its popularity in the west is established for the elevens.
It would be nice but they could never sell it state side.
>>37981 >paying the localization tax Importing your figures and kits should be mandatory. There are a few companies out there that ship local products worldwide as an intermediary.
>>38123 No i mean they legally can't sell megas related merchandise due to the tax write off.

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Whatcha Readin? Anonymous 04/26/2020 (Sun) 20:46:32 No. 190 [Reply] [Last]
With the world going to shit, what are you guys reading during quarantine?
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>>10068 Jason Stokoe started a new comicbook, Orphan and the Five Beasts. First issue is pretty good, but short at only 22 pages of story. It's about an orphan taken in and trained in martial arts by a hermit. She is on a quest to fulfill her master's dying wish, of defeating his five former students who betrayed him. The setting is inspired by ancient Tibet. I hope it won't end up stuck in limbo like Orc Stain did.
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>>190 Just catching up with manga and slowly making my way through reading list. I caught up with My Hero Academia, and aside from a bit meandering Endeavor family drama arc, things have been pretty good for a comic in its genre. Last few arcs shook things up quite a bit, and powerup cliches are handled surprisingly well. At the same time I have read Freaks' Squeele. It's another superhero school story, but unlike Manga and most big two offerings, students in this one are college aged. Protagonists are among the worse Comic itself is much goofier and at the same more cynical than manga and American equivalents too, despite being inspired by both. Looks like it was quite popular in France, as there are many spinoffs, some even going into fantasy and others into erotic comic territory. Only mainline four stories have been translate to English and it they are a decent read.
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So I finished off the Turok reboot that Dynamite did a decade ago. The first story arc was cliche as fuck with the whole "Noble savage" narrative, the second story was far better and actually showed the series had some potential, but then the third story arc just dropped straight into "What bullshit am I reading?" territory. To explain something first, Turok is a comic book series that started back in the mid-1950's. The premise for the series is that, in pre-Columbian America, a Mandan Indian named "Turok", along with an apprentice named "Andar", stumble upon an extensive cave network that leads them to a world underground brimming with dinosaurs, cavemen, and other "impossible" discoveries. It's an adventure series that details their exploration of the underground world and eventually their attempts to get back home. All the Turok media since then has played on some variation of this, such as later comics having the "dino world" be a "dimension out of time" or even another planet as was the case with the 2008 vidya reboot. However, in this story, the dinos...just exist without rhyme of reason and brought across the oceans to America by everyone else. The opening for the story is that Turok is an outcast living within the vicinity of another tribe who killed his parents some sixteen years prior because they believed them to be "Witch-doctors" or something along those lines. While Turok is being chased by Andar and his gang who've been bullying him since forever, the tribe is attacked by dinosaurs unleashed by 13th century English crusaders who crossed the Atlantic for the purposes of finding gold. Turok and Andar manage to escape capture, eventually free the rest of their tribe, and retreat into the hills while holding the English general's daughter captive. In response, the English general unleashes a T-Rex for the purposes of hunting down the Indians, not caring about the fate of his daughter due to the fact that she's already been "tainted" for being captured. Turok eventually manages to redivert the T-Rex back to the Crusaders, resulting in them retreating into the hills and hiding in the caves with the Indians. The general attempts to feed the hungry T-Rex by offering up a young boy, but "Here Turok comes to save the day" by knocking the boy out of the generals hands, skewering the general with a sword, and tossing him into the mouth of the T-Rex. After everything is said and done, Turok leaves to return to the land of his family hoping to find peace. Like I said, the first story arc is cliche as fuck about the "evil explorers looking for gold", but it also does it's fair share of making Andar and his tribe out to be realy dicks to Turok for zero reason. Even after he saves their lives. The art is decent, and the action is good. Though, I wish to God that these companies would begin hiring artists who actually draw female-looking characters instead of women who look like buffed-chest men with nigger lips. The second story arc begins with Turok wondering the world and running into a girl named Altani. She's the daughter of Genghis Khan, and he eventually learns that the Khan is at war with his (Turok's) people. Naturally, the desire to seek peace is proposed, until it's revealed that the Chief of Turok's people is a murderous bastard who killed Turok's extended family to gain unopposed power and is holding the village's populace hostage if Turok doesn't help him. As for the Khan's motivation, it's of course conquering land, but he has the extra motivation the village chief slaughtering the Khan's son the year prior. I'm not exactly going to spoil this because it's actually the best story arc of the 12 issues, but you'll catch my drift if I saw that the story is sex-swapped Pocahontas with dinos and the Mongols replacing the English. The art for this arc is vastly improved, but this because the artists is Japanese (Despite being Canadian born). After that point, you can drop the series as the last arc is trash and shouldn't exist. To give you an idea, Turok returns to the stranded English now co-existing with the Andar's tribe, but English want to return home. So, they cross the ocean with Turok and Andar, and Turok becomes Robin Hood. This isn't a joke, and I'm not making that shit up. He literally becomes Robin Hood, with King John, and the Men In Tights. Everything. Even the dino's take a back seat to the point that they could be yanked out of the story and you wouldn't notice. In fact, up to the point, the characters carefully referred to the dinos as "dragons" or "birds", but they drop all pretense halfway through the third arc and just start calling them "dinosaurs". The entire comic is based in 1210 A.D. by the way. Ironically, this also has the best art, too, so hats off to Felipe Cunha and Ruairi Coleman. Overall, I liked it(?), but even that comes with some hesitation. The first arc just starts everything off on the wrong foot, and third arc is just trash and false advertising. I very much liked the second arc, so I'd say only read the first eight issues.

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HAPPY 2024 Anonymous 01/01/2024 (Mon) 05:05:08 No. 38036 [Reply]
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Steamboat Willie is officially in the public domain.
Happy New Year!

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