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Anonymous 07/02/2021 (Fri) 08:59:10 No. 14663 [Reply]
New Stonetoss is up.
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>>15861 /tv/ pls
>>15856 Have you seen the video of fat balding faggot willing to confiscate every weapon around the US through his twitter? Well, he's getting spammed with that video on his fed.
>>15856 The far-rigth is shit on by the colored-hair individuals.

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Loki Anonymous 06/10/2021 (Thu) 13:19:58 No. 13891 [Reply] [Last]
In this next installment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Loki becomes an emasculated joke himself, the Time Variance Authority are strict, authoritarian (and diverse) time lords that are weak against fire, and those magical stones are nothing more than paperweights to the TVA. The entire MCU was all according to plan thanks to some space lizards called the Time-Keepers, including Thanos commiting immense genocide and allowing the Avengers to mess with time travel, and yet Loki stealing the magic cube is an absolute violation - no free will until Loki showed up. A whole slew of contradictions, inconveniences, and retconning in just the first episode!
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>>15197 I'm talking less about the movies being SJW garbage and just being garbage or at least mediocre. >Shitty quippy dialog constantly deflating tension >Barely interesting story where the villain's a joke >Mediocre, CGI heavy action scenes where you can't tell who's winning To be fair, one of the movies I watched was Captain America and the Winter Soldier and I came into the show with some fairly unrealistic expectations of half decent hand to hand fight scenes and an actually interesting main character in Bucky(because of how ridiculously fun he was to watch in that movie, he was a threat and his fight scenes were fine. Bit too overedited and close shot but fine) but instead they made everyone a joke and he and the rest of the interesting "might be"s about that show got pushed to the side to preach about niggers and refugees.
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>>14623 >>14639 >>15161 <Kangz the Kong-querer Oh shit, guys, you aren't even scratching the surface of how funny this is. At some point in his future, Kangz is going to become Niggortus. And then he is going to be rape white, blonde Captain Marvel. She'll give birth to him, get mind controlled, and then fuck off with him while the Avengers wave bye-bye. And then Gail Simone's bile-filled uterus will explode.
>>15216 good she's not even a real blonde or that attractive

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Batman: The Adventures Continue any good? Anonymous 07/20/2021 (Tue) 01:42:13 No. 15464 [Reply]
I see it has Paul Dini as a writer. Has anyone read it?

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Anonymous 07/18/2021 (Sun) 11:04:27 No. 15411 [Reply]
GREETINGS FROM /v/ Gentlemen of /co/, you are hereby invited to come join /v/'s impromptu stream of Ralph Bakshi's 1978 animated classic, THE LORD OF THE RINGS If you have never seen this animated version of the beloved, highly influential, fantasy classic, then you are in for something truly magical! The movie is two hours and thirteen minutes long, and cover the first two books in the triology, The Fellowship of the Ring, and The Two Towers. Grab some snacks and drinks, and joins us for a ride! The stream can be watched here ==> https://www.cytu.be/r/v-stream Subtitles not guaranteed Special shoutout to my fellow sufferers of Handstab the handstabbed. Please forget everything, and be at peace for a little while.
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WE ARE LIVE. FOR THE SHIRE. FOR GONDOR. FOR MIDDLE-EARTH!! Price of admission: Your time. Stream here ==> https://www.cytu.be/r/v-stream
>>15418 Better than expected

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Impromptu /co/ - /v/ Movie Night: Golf Jam 2 Anonymous 07/18/2021 (Sun) 23:26:49 No. 15425 [Reply]
After crashing his corvette into the WildBrain office building. Tiger Woods finds himself at the whim of an evil Canadian AI that was trapped inside WildBrain's server room. Now stuck in a computer generated world, he must team up with the recognizable characters of DIC animation once again to defeat the evil AI, before it can enact its evil plan for world domination and prevent Woods from paying his weekly alimony. For the fate of the world rests in the hands of a drunk golfer and a bunch of forgotten cartoons in GOLF JAM 2. AKA That shitty movie with LeBron James /v/ Thread- >>>/v/367221 >Starts 8:30pm est Stream link- https://watch.8ch.moe/view/26985367-f948-4c5a-8da9-bc85a4cdb21d/
Edited last time by Frank on 07/19/2021 (Mon) 00:15:40.
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>>15425 I've only watched for a short time, but I can confidently say this. The people who made it need a boot to the head for letting something like this come to exist.
Thanks, I hated it.

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Questionable Malcontent - Back In Action Anonymous 04/26/2020 (Sun) 21:12:45 No. 194 [Reply] [Last]
Not the usual guy but I'm glad to see 8ch is back, I wonder what Jeph has been up to? Last thread: https://archive.is/FEbco#selection-605.0-665.24 Bunker thread: https://archive.is/iLUE6 Archives (which will get updated eventually): Edits: https://gitgud.io/InfinityMalcontent/QMC_Edits/tree/master OC: https://gitgud.io/InfinityMalcontent/QMC_OC/tree/master Threads archive: https://gitgud.io/InfinityMalcontent/QMC_Threads/wikis/home Older stuff (Editfag Prime): Edits: http://imgur.com/a/Sf5J0 Omits: http://imgur.com/a/HtKr0 Twitter Bully: http://imgur.com/a/Jb1a1
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>>15067 Thanks, Frank, that means a lot. Sorry I didn't see it sooner

HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY! Anonymous 07/04/2021 (Sun) 04:03:21 No. 14776 [Reply]
HAPPY 245th BIRTHDAY AMERICA! Sit back and relax with a burger in hand, while watching some good ole patriotic specials.
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>>14820 I like Spain and Norway's model of having a tax on wealth, personally.
>>14821 You realize that inheritance (wealth) was the basis of the athenian democracy that ended up beign the basis of our modern conception of rights and shit . It didn't being with human dignity. It began with wealth. But here you are willing to forgo that because you think you're going to be poor forever. Now a landtax is bad enough but everyone more or less has to admit that either an elaborate right of way system has to exist (and already largely does) or common roads have to built and maintained. But what is being built and maintained by a wealth tax? Is there a road? No. is it the 'common good' no because that money is not earmarked for anything. The only thing a wealth tax builds is more government. You see the issue here. It will never stop, you no longer have property, you've allowed the government to not only interfer with trade but with the ability to have wealth at all. It's untennable because when the only thing the governments ll use this shit for is to grow themselves (like pigs at a trough). And you know what the fat piggy government is going to say. Oink we need more money, your kids need less, you need less. All because idiots like you would rather be jealous and vindictive then hardworking. But hey, go for it. Keep telling people that if they have 8 apples they can only pass 7 to their kids, 6 , 4 , 3 , 2 apples to their kids. Eventually someone is just gonna beat the fuck out of government (and conversly the rich are going to be much better apple smugglers then you are you dumb shit.).
>>14832 The problem is the inheritance without hard work breeds decadence. Those who work hard have virtue, but by providing a soft life for their children means their children are raised without virtue. Their only virtue is hedonism bankrolled by the sweat of their ancestors.

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Scooby Doo Anonymous 06/22/2021 (Tue) 23:02:14 No. 14279 [Reply]
They just announced a scooby doo and courage the cowardly dog crossover. Also Scooby doo general thread I guess since the other thread talking about scooby doo is a general pain thread. https://web.archive.org/web/20210622164554/https://www.syfy.com/syfywire/scooby-doo-courage-the-cowardly-dog-trailer
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>>14766 With that show, they were trying to poorly modernize the original into a slapstick thing which didn't really suit it.
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>>14766 There's worse, but that's not saying much.
The designs and animation both look very stilted compared to how wild Courage uaually was. The fact John Dilworth isn't involed definitely explains why. It's also really weird seeing the wider world in the context of Courage the Cowardly Dog. It always felt more like a newspaper comic or a caricature instead of an actual, fully developed universe. Basically what this anon said >>14590. Remember Cyber Chase? They could have done the same sort of thing with this, maybe the gang gets in an accident in the desert and wakes up in Nowhere or some voodoo magic happens and they're pulled into Courage like an in-universe cartoon. Then they could have been drawn in a unique style that'd fit the darker tone. But that'd take money and effort

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From Beyond and other Stories Storytime - Repost Edition Anonymous 04/26/2020 (Sun) 17:53:58 No. 126 [Reply]
An Anon translated scan of "From Beyond and other Stories", which is a collection of several HP Lovecraft comics in B/W.
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>>13322 Curse you, Necromancer! Your vile deeds will not go unpunished. Behold! I shall sage your thread so as to contain your wicked magic!
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strange shit Anonymous 06/27/2021 (Sun) 21:21:31 No. 14522 [Reply]
>That 2006 Charles Manson stop motion animation musical I like the idea of an infamous killing being turned into a musical, but as poor taste, as the film was, it was something to behold. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rt-SyXWUIbg Post more twisted and odd animations.
I'd say "Where the Dead Go to Die" and the rest of the same guys animations but honestly it would be opening the thread up too much.
>>14522 >I like the idea of an infamous killing being turned into a musical Trey and Matt beat them by over a decade.

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Anonymous 06/05/2021 (Sat) 22:21:33 No. 13732 [Reply] [Last]
story time Sara A team of female Russian snipers fight the Nazi invaders on the WW2 Eastern Front Writer: Garth Ennis Artist: Steve Epting
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>>13748 >Simo Häyhä
>>13764 Thanks OP.

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Over the Garden Wall Anonymous 06/18/2021 (Fri) 01:00:10 No. 14159 [Reply]
This show was great, I would recommend it for all the boys who can still stomach stories that aren't all about how depressing everything is.
>>14159 Yes, it was a very good cartoon, 9/10, hope it never gets a sequel. The comics have already ruined some of the plot points, so I ignore them.

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Anonymous 05/10/2021 (Mon) 02:54:35 No. 12771 [Reply]
how do i come up with dialogue/monologue/texts for my story
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>>14111 hollyhock finds out about him -almost- fucking the deer teenager and how he gave the heroin to sarah lynn that led to her death, so she sends him a letter that bojack doesn't open until the last episode. when he reads the letter he tries to call her desperately but it turns out she decided to cut him out of her life entirely, blocking his phone, changing her number, and moving without warning. this sends him into a drinking spiral and almost kills himself on his pool, after a surreal episode where he's saved by diane at the last minute, he then goes to jail for something even though im not sure what and the last episode is he coming out of jail for some reason and just talking with Diane on the roof like they used to. bojack is now an old friendless, familyless man in his old age. frankly i dont know why people give him so much shit for the deer girl incident other than the fact that he left an alcoholized teenager outside of an hospital what people really seem to drill him about is the fact that he -almost-, but didnt, fuck a teenager, where the teenager was the one that advanced on him
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>>14143 >roll over spoiler >"Hollyhock finds" >mfw Evil, but expected.
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Still waiting on "Hoofin' Around."

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Infinity Cup rosters Anonymous 06/16/2021 (Wed) 21:38:59 No. 14139 [Reply]
Hello, friends, We're trying to build up the wiki for the Infinity Cup, given that the tournament is probably gonna be held somewhere around the middle of Summer, plus some intrepid anon is making a Baseball small league tournament. We'd like to know more about your current roster, more specifically, could you add a picture/description of what each player is supposed to be? It would really help our 3D anons craft a better team. http://infinitycup.shoutwiki.com/wiki//co/ http://infinitycup.shoutwiki.com/wiki//co//Roster Thanks in advance!
>>14139 Kill yourself.

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Ted Fufu 06/12/2021 (Sat) 02:01:50 No. 13940 [Reply]
Welcome to another Friday, let's watch some movies shall we? Choose from the following: Gumby Movie The "Meh" Dinosaur Doug's First Movie OR You can choose the Ted Box, or the Yaki Box. The Ted Box smells like monochrome mania. The Yaki Box smells like the hero we all need but do not deserve. Join us! https://vaughn.live/tedfufu
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Voting The Gumby Movie, the most terrifying movie of all
Voting Yaki
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Next movie of the night is from the Yaki Box, and it's Dracula 3000! In space, an ancient evil lurks... Because apparently vampires are aliens. Aliens dressed in vampire costumes straight from the discount rack at Spirit Halloween.

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Kirby Comics Anonymous 06/04/2021 (Fri) 13:46:13 No. 13689 [Reply]
>Talented in both writing and drawing >Didn't drew in uncreative stiff 3DPD >Art style so gorgeous and fluid errors in construction and anatomy aren't bothering >Art style inspired and used as base for DCAU style and some of the Marvel cartoons >Tried to start his own comics company >Kept creating comics despite the bad conditions mostly thanks to the big two duopoly >Wanted to give proper endings to his stories instead of letting them become eternal milked cashcaow by corporations >Has an entire autistic dangerously geeky fanzine dedicated to him that ran for at least 25 years and still runs as far as I know >Contributed to San Diego Comic Con which sadly turned into cancer

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>>13785 That's hard to imagine. Kirby had already left New York for California by 1970. He did not have the clout to negotiate a better contract at Marvel, let alone to move to France on a whim. And I doubt Kirby would've been inspired by the work of Crumb or his peers or vice-versa if they were ever made aware of each other.
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>>13801 Do they have science-fictiony streets in which to shit?

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