meh looks like I missed it, welp.
>how goes it
I feel bored, stuck with no internet because my sister thinks she has to rule over me just because I am not doing enough chores despite the past several days I wasn't hanging out so much on my computer because I was spending a lot of time doing chores and going to the daycare now, it's fucking sucks so bad having no internet because it also means I cannot get enough materials and references when I am doing modelling and coding work. I am not even playing that much games now because those games doesn't give me fun anymore, not even my own work and mods gives me any joy now.
I didn't visited 8chan in a while either despite I could still lurk there with my jewish data plan. I am getting sick of anons getting mad over me all the time just because I did not adhere to the 8chan culture board standard, despite I lurked imageboards since late 4chon era and then during blobwheels era and now to acid man era, so I am not exactly a newfag when it comes to imageboard.
This whole newfag vs oldfag shit is stupid anyway, why should it matter that much now? I mean virtually all of 8chan anons don't like halfchan anyway now and even mocks 4chan users when they dare to visit 8chan for bringing bad memes and the like, but yet they think there is something to be proud of being a 4chan oldfag from WW2 times.
I just want to moderate a comfy board, do some productivity stuff and playing mods and games instead of being constantly involved in fucking dramas because people have nothing better to do.