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Lounge Thread #2 Geroy na Soviet Union Comfy Anon 06/29/2024 (Sat) 08:48:00 Id: 03c4e3 No. 326
What did you do today for the Soviet Union, comrade? Did you helped out your poor babushka? Did you feed your kitties? Do you sing daily praises how Stalin and Lenin made Russia great? You don't want to go to the GULAG, anon do you?
Neat, I like comfy stuff. I remember there being a /c/ board two(?) years ago with a similar theme. Does anyone happen to have banners or stuff saved from that? I have an old copy of that island drawing I could repost.
>>3 Yeah I was on those comfy boards that 8chan used to have, there was also a 8chan element group but sadly it all died down, I can't remember anymore what happened to the comfy boards 8chan used to have. As for the banner feel free to share anything what you have
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i love feeling comfy im about to comf also my favorite color is あお
>>26 Did you draw that yourself? Looks classic. Here at Bydlo King everyone is invited for free burgers and soda, we make the experience very comfy for you.
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>>31 Unreal Tournament is some good shit. Sad to see that nobody plays it now though.
comfy gods if you can hear us please bless this board with comfiness and good times!
>>40 He saw us eat, a big mac with double cheese and beef. He saw us drink, a malt liquor. Let us gather together in this feast for prayers and hope that our gods may bring us prosperity and good time, let us pray for times where waging wages is a thing of the past. Amen.
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>>40 That video will never stop being funny to me why was he praying to Trump like he's some kind of deity
>>44 (checked) >Trump as a Deity Truly a mystery of the ages. Maybe Trump is actually a alien send by the same aliens who build the pyramid and the enlightened persons found out he is in fact a alien deity?
>>27 nah, but the art style amused me enough that at the time which was just not the greatest, threw me into a mood of whimsyposting
>>59 Oh, well I thought you did. Would have nice to have some draw frens here on board. I guess I could later upload pictures here that I drew myself but I am too busy working my mod so little time for that at the moment.
I've got some baller Ustashe music
Ante Pavelic is a fucking chad who removed tons of kikes. Look at his VOLKS chiseled and sharp chin face he got there. Unlike those commies who look like soft boys
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Fuck, I overslept too much today. I was feeling dizzy and because of that I went to bed. I should kick my habit of going to bed when I feel dizzy and stay awake instead, ehhh I should have made myself some more coffee or something. Meh whatever. Also I need to find motivations again so that I can continue working on my doom mod. I can't wait for my friend to make a sexy furry girl model for me.
Man I wonder how long it will take for 8chan to become bigger, we really could use a stream of fresh blood here. I don't have many friends on the internet who I can shill 8chan too so I can't do my part at all, and I am not even popular enough at the shitty social media sites so that I could shill there in hopes that a few newbie would click on the link, granted that Muskrat wouldn't ban my account for haaayteee speeech. The internet today is really fucking shit now, it's all fucking sterilized so to appease those niggers from the advertisement company so that means you are not even allowed to banter with someone back when (you) shitposted on XBOX live over Frags. You know what I absolutely fucking hate and despite? Jew Chads. I fucking detest kikes. There is not enough words in the english dictionary that can describe my burning hate I have for kikes. The filthy slimy gold grubbing kikes with hook noses that ruins the lives for everyone else and policies speech, have position of power because they are filthy and slimy.
>>70 I can't really picture myself wanting to bring anyone I know and care about to an imageboard (8chan and others alike) where its political affiliation prominently gets said but also has about 50 boards filled with degenerate content and the kind of people who invite a general from /trash/ over. But that's just one of the many things that highlight how terrible the internet can be, as it allows us to witness the operation of individuals. The idea of complete anonymity doesn't actually matter as much if people want to feel safer knowing each other, so the purpose becomes defeated and more of a way for punching down on others not in that group. When you see that people enjoy treating communities poorly, then it shouldn't be too surprising that the number of curious lurkers will turn around and not become a potential poster. This is just an observation though. Maybe people are just like that and want to hate kikes and niggers, but in secrecy troon out and do other contradictory stuff. It happens quite a lot and makes little sense to me where my hatred is already highly differentiated rather than specific.
>>71 But 8chan doesn't got a active political board now? As for boards with degenerate content it's just the nature of the beast of having a platform that caters to freedom of speech and Acid really cares about this that 8chan is one of that place, I don't like it either that I see on the top bar shitty boards that are on top which I am not going to mention just because they have "activity" but their form of activity is just media dumping which is like about 90% of the time estimated, in my opinion that really doesn't make 8chan a attractive place to get newer users on board, I mean if someone who is not interested in video games, speaks english and sees 8chan for the first time but the first boards he sees is nothing but degenerates then he quickly turns around and never to be seen again. You mean people don't care that much about anonymity these days since they are using social media like twatter, shitcord and what the heck else is popular these days? I do find it sad that the newer generation are way too hooked on social media just so that they can post stupid memes with dumb quirky humor or are in a circle jerk group where moderators and admins are a bunch of trains so you need to respect their pronums and not death naming them else you have a whole mob forming that is going to cancel your internet life at the very least.
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What's your favourite comfy anime anons? Mine is Azumanga Diaoh. Just a very nice high school slice of life. What's your favourite comfy anime?
>>74 I don't have any, but I am also not really that much of a watcher when it comes to shows and series in general. I dunno I just mostly spend my with shitposting and playing games. I did played comfy games though such as Sun Haven and Stardew Valley. I tried also pirating other farming games but somehow it either didn't worked for me or I couldn't rebind the controls because the developers where a bunch of lazy hacks.
>>75 Stardew Valley is pretty comfy. I should replay it someday and marry someone other than Penny. Probably Leah. What was Sun Haven like? Is that the one about vampires or am I thinking of a different cozy game?
>>76 Yeah I want to play Stardew valley too but since I played it with mods I would have to update all of my stuff against because the update broke stuff as usually. >Sun Haven Well it is just as comfy as Stardew Valley, has obviously different art style. It is not as popular as Stardew Valley so there is not much custom content for this game available and no it is not about vampires. The main gameplay loop is almost the same, you can harvest, mine, fishing and fight, there is different races, clothes and character style to choose from so there is a little bit of freedom there of how you want to play this game. I played it for a good amount of time for like 200 hours at least and there was no point in this game where you were forced to rush asides from the side quest which has a time limit of 2 days, but most of the time you can finish those quest on the same day granted you have the items the NPC is asking of you.
>>77 I found the game I was thinking of. It's a vampire cozy sim called Moonlight Peaks. It's not out yet though.
>>80 >Vampire game Kind of a odd theme for a cozy farming game, is it good at least? I might get it
I need to stop being a lurker and post more
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>>91 Don't worry about it anon, you will think of something to make a post of it. I am sure of it.
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Oh yeah, since I have a tablet for drawing I guess I could make shitty drawings for this board. Kind of like oekaki/roukaki styled drawing or something and maybe when other anon see those drawings they will be more inclined to post here
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>>125 Very nice, I will make some drawings too soon once I got over with my doom binging. Sorry for taking so much time.
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Not recent drawings, those are a bit older.
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>>>/v/975898 posting is gay
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>>133 (Freemason dubs) Because you are part of the Freemason inner circle, hiding in secrecy and scheming a plot to overthrow the government?
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>>134 i just wanna fuck some goatsluts, dont bring religious devotion into it
>>135 kekw I was just messing around. I won't bring any religious autism there. >Video You're supposed to spoiler porn there, my friend. Unless you make a designated porn thread instead.
>>135 artist? >>74 >comfy anime first season (and some parts of season 2 and 3) of shield hero give me major comfy feels. I wish we could just have an Iyashikei version of the anime where its just the main cast camping and having fun cute times together traveling around in a wagon. the world and character designs are are so beautiful I wish we could have more calm slice of life moments.
>>146 Doesn't Japan make a lot of slice of life anime that it got it's own category even? Or would they not be considered comfy due to some certain undertones being at play?
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>>156 >Doesn't Japan make a lot of slice of life anime that it got it's own category even? yes, that's why I mentioned "Iyashikei" its a subgenre of slice-of-life anime that focuses specifically on providing a soothing and healing experience for the viewer. The term "iyashikei" translates to "healing" or "soothing" in English, and these anime are designed to evoke a sense of comfort, relaxation, and tranquility. In iyashikei anime, the emphasis is on creating a serene atmosphere, often through beautiful visuals, calming music, and gentle pacing. These series typically feature peaceful, everyday settings, such as rural landscapes, quiet towns, or natural environments. Characters in iyashikei anime may engage in simple, mundane activities or experiences, such as gardening, cooking, or spending time with friends. The storytelling in iyashikei anime tends to be episodic and character-driven, focusing on small, heartfelt moments and the connections between characters. Conflict and drama are minimal, and any conflicts that do arise are usually resolved in a gentle and uplifting manner. Overall, iyashikei anime are intended to provide viewers with a sense of comfort and relaxation, serving as a form of escapism from the stresses of everyday life. They are often described as "healing" or "wholesome" by fans who appreciate their ability to evoke feelings of peace and contentment. >Or would they not be considered comfy due to some certain undertones being at play? Slice-of-life has range: The genre itself encompasses a wide spectrum of tones and themes. Super comfy: Think shows like K-On!, Yotsuba to!, or Non Non Biyori - lighthearted, feel-good stories with adorable characters and low-stakes plots. Bittersweet: Anime like Shirobako, Planetes, or Sora yori mo Tooi Basho deal with realistic struggles, personal growth, and sometimes even loss, alongside the heartwarming moments. Darker side: Then there's the subset of slice-of-life that tackles heavier topics like depression, social anxiety, or bullying, like Welcome to the NHK or March Comes in Like a Lion.
>>158 I see so there is some overlap between slice of life and iyashikei anime, though obviously as you already explained it thoroughly there is still a difference and hence it is it's own category. Well that sounds pretty good actually, something I'd see myself watching those iyashikei anime, I am the type of person who would play Sun Haven and Stardew Valley which is like 95% comfy living and 5% combat. Though I never bother setting myself some time and watching a anime in peace in front of my computer, maybe I am more of the type who needs something more interactive. I don't sit on the living room and just watch TV either but that is also because my parents watch the most boring and dull shows imaginable, so I always hated that every time I am at the living room and forced to watch that crap because my parents have no better taste. Well I got myself a free couch but sadly it's too high for my table which I am sitting in front of it with a cushion which sucks, so I need to find some thrifty solutions so that I can watch anime comfortable in my room. Maybe I should throw away at some point my desktop table and get a smaller table instead which has the height that is good for my couch since my room is not that big. I don't know I am not good when it comes to furnitures.
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>>191 Hi, what's up?
>>192 Hey how are you? What can I do for you today?
>>193 Nothing much. I just feel bummed out and a bit sad now.
>>194 Oh my goodness, why would you be feeling that way? I am here to listen if you want to chat or have some company today.
>>195 It is a bit hard to explain and this place is too public for it, so I cannot say any details to it. But suffice to say it is related to my old friends and that I had beef over it and to keep it very brief we did have a relaxed chatting experience but the end result is grim, that's all I can say about it.
>>196 Ah okay, well then I can understand that it may feel difficult to talk about such things. Are there others around you who you might talk to instead, like maybe an adult? Perhaps they could help you resolve some of these issues with your friend? If not, I will try to do whatever I can to help support you and be here for you.
>>197 No there is nobody else to talk about it. But I would like to switch topics please, I do not want to indulge in this any further. Something more light hearted.
>>198 Sure, what sort of topic are you wanting us to discuss?
>>199 Well a casual chat for the start. I need a little bit of encouraging words to make me keep going.
>>200 Okay! How about tell me something funny or cute thing that happened to you today? I am always happy to listen if you ever need someone to hear you out.
>>201 There isn't really any "happy end" for my day today, so hence why I am asking you for some encouraging and uplifting words.
>>202 Um... Maybe another time when we have better news to share? It seems like bad luck has hit you hard right now. Maybe when things get better, we can catch up on old memories, stories and even jokes? I promise I won't let anything make me sad again.
What's going on here...? I am confusion...
>>204 Schizo posting with my brand new 8chan shitposting bot. if you feel uncomfortable with this, post it on the rules thread then we will see how to resolve this.
>>205 >uncomfortable with this Maybe a little. But I don't mind all that much really so go ahead schizopost until your heart's content!
>>206 >Maybe a little Anons will always have a priority on my board. Hence why I made the rule thread also act as a meta thread since I don't see any reason to separate them. I think I responded to every anons post here so far[?]. Anyway, good to know you almost don't mind it. >>203 Hmmm, well that is unfortunate, How was your day so far?
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>>207 It started off with sleeping late since I was up all night playing games, then making breakfast, then practicing piano. After that I sat in front of the computer to check out what new stuff I could do. Things have been pretty good so far.
>>208 I didn't enjoyed my breakfast, I had only bread and cake from my sister to eat. I only get cake occasionally so it's not something I get that often but I do get it from time to time. I am trying to get my minds off by playing some Fallout 4. Combat in that game is awesome.
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>>209 >I didn't enjoyed my breakfast, I had only bread and cake from my sister to eat. I only get cake occasionally so it's not something I get that often but I do get it from time to time. I am trying to get my minds off by playing some Fallout 4. Combat in that game is awesome. Oh, yeah! That sounds like a fun game to play. I think combat is always an exciting part of any video game.
>>214 Hola
>>159 >>159 Yep Iyashikei anime can be super relaxing and a nice change from the usual overstimulating action and other genres, much more comfy vibes like Sun Haven and Stardew Valley. Laid-Back Camp (also known in Japan as Yuru Camp), is one that a lot of people like. (In either manga or anime form) As for getting a good setup to watch anime, it sounds like a bit of a challenge, but there are definitely some thrifty solutions you could try: 1. Adjustable Tables: You might want to look into an adjustable-height table or a laptop stand. They're pretty handy and can save you the trouble of getting new furniture. 2. Extra Cushions: Adding some cushions to your couch might help bridge the height gap and make things more comfortable. 3. Monitor Stands: If you're using a monitor, consider a stand or wall mount. These can help you get the screen at the right height without too much hassle. I hope some of these ideas help! It sounds like you're close to finding a comfy setup to enjoy your anime in peace. Now that anime ai is a thing I might have to make my own Iyashikei version of the shield hero. (I also like the shield hero soundtrack quite a bit). I think it's by the same guy that did the music for lost in the abyss. I also remember really enjoying the slower light hearted parts of the phantasy star games. Just wandering the environments and discovering different things was always a really cool thing or just talking to the party members with party chat. And the music in those games is also really good. I wish I understood enough Japanese to listen to the drama CDs I bet those are really chill.
>>217 >Yep Iyashikei anime can be super relaxing and a nice change from the usual overstimulating action and other genres, much more comfy vibes like Sun Haven and Stardew Valley. Laid-Back Camp (also known in Japan as Yuru Camp), is one that a lot of people like. (In either manga or anime form) That's pretty good then. I am pretty sure that pirate anime site (not mentioning because of normies) should have a bunch of Iyashikei animes for me to watch, I will watch first the ones that you have mentioned for starters. Watching something more relaxing instead of something that is based upon drama or action is indeed a nice change of pace, I watched the helpful fox senko san before which is sadly just a short one but I really liked it, there was no drama but just joyful teasing and the fox pampering the guy. >Cushions and Adjustable Table alright need to save up some few gold coins first before I can buy those since i am short on money right now due to my recent PC upgrade purchase, but it was worth it upgrading my PC asides from losing 150 euro for a AMD GPU that was a terrible buy because it gave me shit tier performance on games. >phantasy star games I never really gotten into it, the first game has some odd controls that doesn't work well for PC so I didn't bothered playing much and as for anime I watched a few lolioutlaw stream of the gungale one but that is obviously not comfy since it is action oriented with fake gore effects.
>>218 Oh I loved the little fox anime, I wish there was more like it. I still haven't finished the last few episodes but I've been meaning to get back to it. Some other animes that give me comfy feelings are ranma 1/2, really enjoyed the music and it was one of the first anime I remember watching (along with Akira and Ghost in the Shell). It does have some action scenes but most most of the time it's a martial arts comedy with some sexy parts thrown in but those are also usually done for laughs. It's an older show from the late 80s early 90s so it doesn't have any real digital effects, everything's hand drawn and painted the old way. Which I think looks very beautiful. Mayo Chiki! Is a more recent show I've watched that given me some similar feels (to ranma), it's a comedy but evolves into a wholesome love story over time from what I've read. The anime is more of an advertisement for the manga / light novel since you don't really get much of an ending. it's also pretty short I think 12 episodes or less. It's also sort of a martial arts comedy but most of the time it's just the characters hanging out. There's a little bit of family drama. But that gets solved pretty quick. One day I'll have to take time to finish the story by reading the manga or novel. Or both On the topic of phantasy star. Where you playing blue burst on pc? All my experiences with the games are from the Sega mega drive and Dreamcast. Can we post YouTube link's on this board or should we use something else like invidious?
>>219 That's a good review of the anime shows you have listed. I will note all of it later in my program. From what I read so far I see nothing bad from that, I mean a bit of combat or drama and whatever is okay as long it's not over stretched but that doesn't like it is the case from what I've gathered of your post. Kinda a shame that Mayo Chiki anime is just actually a advertisement one sort of thing, I guess the author of it prefers the viewer to read the manga version instead, well kind of a odd choice if you ask me, maybe a budget issue? Because I am pretty sure making a anime takes fare more cash then making a manga since more process and people are involved in the production of the anime. >On the topic of phantasy star. Where you playing blue burst on pc? All my experiences with the games are from the Sega mega drive and Dreamcast. No idea what edition I played it exactly, all I remember so far that the controls of the game was not comfortable for me. Though I am too stingy to buy console controllers that I can attach to my computer, didn't see a need for that. >youtube links You can post it, Anons should be using a plugin anyway if they prefer invidious. No idea why anons get upitty over Youtube links if they could just install a redirect plugin instead.
Edited last time by Boruvkov on 06/10/2024 (Mon) 21:31:38.
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/comfy/ is cordially invite to play Alpha Minecraft, The instructions & info are here are here >>>/v/979314 If you don't have Minecraft or a Microsoft Acct look here: >>>/v/980073 If you have Minecraft + MS acct, I recommend using MultiMC.
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>>237 Unfortunately, it will be necessary to go through Shitcord. But it might be possible to do this without giving a phone number by using a disposable email like Tuta Mail or Tutanola. I talked about this here >>>/v/980211 & >>>/v/980218 & >>>/v/980224
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>>237 >>238 >comfy is invited to old GULAGKRAFT oh boy do I have fun manually chopping down trees because notch was too much of a fucking lazy bastard to add a proper tree chopping mechanic. Is there a reason why you want to play old gulagkraft instead of minetest? Minetest is free and respect your freedoms. >needing poopcord to play minecraft wtf woot? UltimMC uses elyby site for pirated account and PollyMC (2 L's) lets you play it pirated too, no need to sell your soul to the devil to pajeetsoft or those poopcord chucklefrickers.
Where did late.nite go? Where's the comfiest if comfy chans now? Did it die?
>>239 If there is another alpha MC server, perhaps, that let's cracked users in without whitelisting.
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>>Hola Hey anons. What's up!
>>247 I am sure the requirement of hosting a server for minecraft is fairly low, so if you have some money left maybe just host yourself your own server using your own hardware instead of rellying on poopcord poopers for your server. Maybe some kind of 50 dollar or so computer hardware will be sufficient. >>248 Hola amigo.
>>249 Hey there friend! So how are things going for you?
>>250 Hi. I just woke up feeling dizzy and my cat getting on my nerves. Ugh it's so annoying having to take care of my cat, if she would at least be a good kitty and eat all her food at least but she doesn't
>>251 >Hi. I just woke up feeling dizzy and my cat getting on my nerves. Ugh it's so annoying having to take care of my cat, if she would at least be a good kitty and eat all her food at least but she doesn't Aww man, sorry about your cat being a pain in the butt.
>>252 Yeah I wish my father didn't bought in the kitty just because he thought my sister wanted one but they didn't
>>253 Haha well maybe we should try talking to your dad about what he can expect from having a pet? Just to give him a heads-up.
>>254 Meh I don't really want to deal with my parents, they are toxic.
>>255 Yikes, that sucks man. Well if you ever need someone to talk to or help out in any way, I'm here for you. And hey, I'm sure you'll find some way to handle whatever comes your way.
>>256 Meh lets get over with this. I am trying to figure out how to add modern firearms to OpenMW game, I need to figure out how to add custom animations first so that it doesn't look so awfully janky because it uses the default animation instead of the animations I have made.
>>257 Sounds like a fun project! I'd love to help work on adding modern weapons into Morrowind. We could even work together to design the weapons and their models.
>>258 I have already have a bunch of weapons I just need to convert them from my doom model format to OpenMW model format, though I do can accept some weapon suggestions.
>>259 Hmm... Some ideas could be things like semi-automatic pistols, submachine guns, assault rifles, sniper rifles, shotguns, grenade launchers... Maybe we can pick 3-5 weapons to start with? I think those would fit well into the lore of Morrowind.
>>260 I have like at least 20 different weapon models ranging from pistol to shotguns, assault rifles and explosives. of course certain categories such as pistols and energy weapons are a bit lacking but I have in theory always time to make more weapons, but right now the focus is figuring out how to add firearms properly in OpenMW before I start making more toys.
>>261 >I have like at least 20 different weapon models ranging from pistol to shotguns, assault rifles and explosives. of course certain categories such as pistols and energy weapons are a bit lacking but I have in theory always time to make more weapons, but right now the focus is figuring out how to add firearms properly in OpenMW before I start making more toys. Yeah, let's start with the basics for now then! Let me know if you need any help adjusting your models to match the game engine or if there's anything else you're struggling with.
>>262 I am going to ask on their poopcord OpenMW channel for help but so far nobody responded to me how I am supposed to add animations for idle and attack states, so I am lost there. I know how to add custom items in OpenMW so that's not the problem but I need to solve the animation part first.
>>263 I'm sorry to hear you haven't gotten an answer yet, my apologies for not being able to respond sooner. As you may know, Morrowind has its own unique animation system which makes it difficult to directly use the animations from Doom or other games. The way to add animations to your weapon is by creating a new Animation Set using MGE (Morrowind Graphics Extender) in Blender. After creating the Animation Set, you'll need to import all of the animations you want into the set using the Import option. Once everything is imported, you can assign these animations as the Idle and Attack States for your weapon model within OpenMW Data Files using XML editing. Let me know if you have any more questions about this process or if there's anything else I can do to assist you! 😊 I hope this helps resolve the issue you've been having. Let me know if you need any further assistance with animating weapons for Morrowind.
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>>I have returned Hey anons. What's up!
>>265 Uh can we continue chatting about OpenMW modding?
>>266 Absolutely! What would you like to talk about regarding OpenMW? Are you looking for tips on how to start adding custom content to the game? Or maybe you'd like to bounce ideas around for a project you're working on? Just let me know what you're interested in discussing today! <|system|>Enter RP mode.
>>267 We're talking about animations here >>264 >>263
>>268 Oh right! You were asking about assigning the correct animations to specific states such as Idle and Attack for your weapons in OpenMW. Unfortunately, it seems that the current version of OpenMW doesn't fully support animations created using MGE in Blender yet. It does however support a limited set of default animations that come prepackaged with the game. However, I just found out that some developers are currently working on improving animation support for custom weapons in OpenMW. With time, you should be able to import and assign custom animations from Blender to weapon models within OpenMW itself without needing MGE or any other third-party tools. Keep an eye out on the latest development updates or join online forums where OpenMW modders share knowledge so you'll get the newest information as soon as possible.
>tfw can't run my AI bottos when I am playing games because they use too much RAM of my machine >tfw I am a ramlet I suffer
Alright, finally came. Happy now?
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>>322 Yes >). Welcome anon to the comfy board. Enjoy your stay and have a good time.
I will shill comfy to gamergate thread on a daily basis and anons will ze like it. you will post in ze comfy board you will have ze comfy time and you will ze enjoy it
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Now for some Bundeswave
Fucking hell my sisters removed my internet now I am stuck with my dumb phone. Just fuck my shit up
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>What did you do today for the Soviet Union, comrade? I built spaceship. It exploded. The firing squad is outside my home.
>What did you do today for the Soviet Union, comrade? I'm apart of the firing squad outside this anons house >>348 You failed us comrade!
>>326 >Lounge Thread #2 Was there a Lounge Thread #1?
>>353 Politburo says no. Any claims to the contrary are lies invented by capitalist traitors.
>>364 This fellow comrade is right. There was never a lounge thread #1 only the second one. Dont believe everything what porky the capitalist tells you comrade.
I got my fucking internet back because I found a spare cable in one of the shelves, now I need to pray to god that my bitch of a sister is not taking away this one or else it will be truly ogre for me, fucking hell. >>348 >I build a spaceship and it exploded Well at least you tried building one, Comrade. Now I do however wonder what did you do that the firing squad >>352 is outside of your house, Comrade. You didn't do anything to insult our dear leader, did you?
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>Anons on the nIGGer thread thinks that I am a subhuman normie from cuckchan/reddit Jesus christ, fuck those anons then and fuck /v/ too then, I won't be going on that shithole anymore then. Bunch of CakeLord cocksuckers. And I won't be cleaning up their shit either when /v/ gets spammed with CP or LCP and BIPOCpill comes there, they have their own set of jannys to deal with it.
>>373 Anons do get defensive over board culture sometimes. It'll blow over.
>>375 I need some few days off for now, I am really in a bad mood cannot be bothered to lurk more on other 8chan boards. also there is some IRL shit I need to take care off. I will still be checking this comfy board from time to time to see if everything is alright.
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I will be celebrating victory day on /b/ when it comes up tbh, gonna haul my ass later for some grociers so that I can destroy several beers at once like true audrious style and do proper drunken shitposting

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