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(72.85 KB 1820x1500 gondola_captain.jpg)

(3.54 MB 2500x1400 gondola.png)

(60.45 KB 950x750 gondolamedjed.png)

(3.81 MB 982x720 gondo la.webm)

(2.15 MB 1920x1440 Gondola Venture.jpg)

Gondola Thread Anonymous 05/27/2024 (Mon) 18:43:34 No. 6
Post Gondola's
I don't have many gondolas saved.
>>8 neither do I sadly.
>>24 >>23 >>22 That's a lot of gondolas you have saved.
>>32 You have some impressive collection, nice.
>>39 It's good you are dumping files in a separate thread, this board could always use more content.
>>64 You're welcome, figured to add a gondola flag for you.
>>90 >>89 >>88 (checked) Keep 'em coming
Just found out some of the gondola videos are corrupted which sucks, I'll try to fix what I can and upload them later
(81.88 KB 736x847 serveimage.jpeg)

>>110 That sucks. I hope you get them fixed. >/int/ video >tfw I never went into /int/ haydays to experience first hand prime finnish shitposting art It's all gone like tears in rain
(8.49 MB 1280x720 gondolathe13th.webm)

>>111 (checked) In the mean time have something fresh from the oven
(354.69 KB 1440x1080 gondola night.png)

Here's a speedpaint to commemorate the launch of the board.
>>115 Very nice work there anon, I like the theme of this drawing. and thanks for making one specially for this board.
>>128 >1st image That image gave me GRIDS.
>>142 Here's the other one that didn't post for some reason
>>212 Gwyndola is perhaps the most unexpected thing I've seen all year.
(27.28 KB 717x714 74946 - SoyBooru.png)

>tfw Gondola and Spurdo is the finnish last swan song it's so over bros
>>115 betty nice :DDDDDDDDDDD

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