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Artificial sweeteners: hunger and insulin resistance /fit/izen 09/22/2021 (Wed) 12:21:44 Id: 000000 No. 84 [Reply]
Are artificial sweeteners bad for your health? And to be more concise, by that I don't mean stuff like Aspartame being bad for teeth, I mean endocrinology bad Personally, I frecuently take coffee, and sometimes soda, before or immediately after a workout. One of the main points of the detractors of artificial sweeteners is that they raise hunger levels and fools your body into expecting a rush of insulin which may lead to Diabetes type 2. TL;DR: Do artificial sweeteners raise hunger levels and increase insulin resistance potentially leading to Diabetes?
Some of them might. Stevia apparently doesn't. It probably does. Just get foods without any.

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Help me plan my exercise routine /fit/izen 03/19/2021 (Fri) 15:25:58 Id: cffa89 No. 56 [Reply]
So, long story short, I want some advice on planning my exercise routine on Wii Fit U. Pretty much what I have been doing is spending the first hour, every morning doing 10 minutes of "aerobics" (Usually playing a regular Wii game that requires motion controls), then 20-30 minutes of actual exercising (In Wii Fit U), then another 10-20 minutes of "aerobics" (Again, in a regular Wii game). Reason I've followed this routine is because one of the fitness instructors at the gym I used to go to recommended it as the "best" way to get a workout. Another thing they recommended is that I don't do the same exercises every day, otherwise my body starts building an endurance against those specific exercises. So, the routine I've been following for the past few months is just selecting randoms exercises in WFU, five days a week, with Satudays spent going hiking/jogging for an hour (Plan on increasing that time as the days get warmer). Outside of that, I currently work at a fabrication facility, so I spend most of my days walking and lifting (Though, it looks like I'll be let go within the next few weeks). <So, here is my dilemma, what exercises routines would be best recommended in order for me to receive the most benefits? As far as my body's circumstance, I'm currently 5'11", average around 205 lbs. The only real "goal" that I have is that I want to reduce my waist size. Outside of that, I just want to build up the rest of my body, especially when it feels like I spend too much time building up my legs because of everything else I do (Apparently I average around 8000-10,000 steps each day). Also, I only have the chance to set up two routines because the first slot is already filled with activities that do not require the Fit board because, in the past, it seems to become very finicky whenever I change the batteries and it refused to connect or turn on. So, what are your recommendations?
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>>87 >What advice can you guys provide on how I should specifically be working out Personally I shoot for a 3 day (monday, wed, friday) a week workout routine (which is easy to fit into my schedule) with a focus on different areas of the body each time so you have time to rest those muscles and recover. Only things I do daily are some push ups/pull ups, stretching, and cardio. On that note, be careful not to neglect/over develop certain areas or you may create muscular imbalances that can cause issues. Since you have access to a gym membership though, I would start there and ask for advice from people/staff since they can likely better assess where and what you need to currently work on to get where you want to be. Finally, you are going to want to look at your diet if you haven't already. Not saying you have to be number crunching levels of shit, but you should be mindful of what and just how much of what you are consuming. >>88 (checked) >Do stuff that actually requires moving and sweating a lot Biking and jump rope are always fun forms of cardio for me. I never liked jump rope as a kid, but as an adult I have grown to genuinely enjoy it.
>>89 Oh yeah, one of the gyms I went to had ropes you could use to get things going before actually moving on to the machines and lifting weights. It's a lot of fun once you get the hang of it and there are several tricks you can do which make it more fun too. It also had a speed bag which is similarly a lot of fun once you get the hang of it. Though I don't think these activities burn the same amount of calories as running or biking a few miles.
>>88 >Do stuff that actually requires moving and sweating a lot. >What you're doing sounds like granny workout, i.e. low intensity stuff that works a little bit of every part of the body to promote flexibility and improve joints, but it doesn't sound like that's what you want. It is all around, but I don't really think it's considered "low intensity". Whenever I go to the gym, I regularly have to set the weight machines up to about 50-60 lbs. whenever doing my upper body, and around 80-90 when working my legs. >I think it's also a good idea to let your body rest between workout sessions I take about 15-30 seconds breathers between 12 reps whenever I do the machines just to catch my breath. >but ultimately if you're 210lb and somehow not losing weight I'm not sure if that applies. I know that particular part has to do more with my diet as I managed to maintain a weight of around 199 just before the Holidays, have been splurging on food for the past couple of months. >>89 >On that note, be careful not to neglect/over develop certain areas or you may create muscular imbalances that can cause issues. That's one of the reasons why I'm asking for advise on trying to figure out what exercises to do on what days with the resources I have. From a brief test I did a couple years ago, my leg muscles are apparently more developed than the rest of my body due to hiking around the different parts of town more often. >Since you have access to a gym membership though, I would start there and ask for advice from people/staff since they can likely better assess where and what you need to currently work on to get where you want to be. At the gym I go to, you have to pay for personal instructors or sign up for generic classes. Though, I could see about asking what advice they can give because I remember them doing the assessment when when I first got my membership.

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Derek Chauvin's shin is a barbell /fit/izen 05/16/2021 (Sun) 01:25:15 Id: 7e55da No. 81 [Reply]
George Floyd Do you figure this barbell placement is approximately the position of the "neck" that Chauvin's tibial tuberosity was on?

FTDDTIT /fit/izen 10/14/2020 (Wed) 01:37:14 Id: e97623 No. 4 [Reply]
Feels that don't deserve their own thread. >wanted to punch stuff >got a punching bag recently >started watching boxing videos plus some fighting anime >bought hand wraps and learned how to apply them >practiced stance and shadow-boxing >doing bretty gud and it's fun >throw punch at some point >fucked my hand up >it's not broken but hurts like hell No punching for a while I guess.
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>>11 Good punching advice. I used to box as a kid and the tfour biggest things I was taught were >strengthen your wrist, because anything that bends will eventually break >the thumb-inside-the-fist-thing, never ever fucking do that >the 2 or 3 knuckle rule, it's critical for follow-up strikes because you have a consistent "base" and know where your hand is at all times (hard to describe but I liken it to having a consistent picking technique while playing guitar, or learning to type via Home Row) >don't try to punch through your target. Learn the distance and learn to "snap" your punches so you connect at the last possible instant. This is why "getting inside" is so critical in boxing if you're on the defensive; someone who can't fully extend their arm can't fully bring their strength to bear on you
>>4 >>11 Anon you really should use boxing gloves for heavy bag work. Seriously, in the beginning the most important thing is to train consistently and you cant do that if you keep hurting your hands or wrists.
My ankles feel much better after running barefoot in the beach sand, I tried running on the sidewalk but my ankle started hurting again after a few minutes of running with just my socks on. Running shoes cause the same problem, I am gonna try running on the grass more because the beach isn't practical during the weekends.

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Cool Sports /fit/izen 03/12/2021 (Fri) 18:39:47 Id: c7c378 No. 54 [Reply]
Is your physique just for your own ego or is it actually put to use? What sports do you train for? Hopefully not the kind people buy expensive tat for and drink while watching.
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>>54 Preparation for the worst and health, see my boomers parents suffer from all kind of shit that they could have avoided by working out on the regular.
>>54 I don't want end up like >>55 anons parents. What's more, I want to lift boulders.

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Cooking General /fit/izen 10/14/2020 (Wed) 01:45:15 Id: fd93c5 No. 6 [Reply]
Lets post and recipes, feedback and suggestions. /fit/ related cooking of course.
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>>19 >>20 Do you really put so much effort into cooking every day? I eat the same meals almost everyday. That way i know exactly what i need to buy and what the expenses are. It makes it easy to stick to it. I would suggest having an bunch of staple meals that you can eat often and are easy to make. More extravagant meals can be inserted as wanted. Important is a base that you can always fall back to.
>>24 >Do you really put so much effort into cooking every day? Actually, yes I do. You don't want to hear the steps I take to make Ramen, which I have about 3 times a week. Just out of curiosity, what does your diet look like?
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Calisthenics /fit/izen 10/19/2020 (Mon) 12:39:10 Id: 1fc2f9 No. 38 [Reply]
Is it possible to obtain a strong build with merely calisthenics. I've been doing it a year or two and I've gotten a lot buffer and lost a lot of weight, I used to weigh over 14 stone now I'm in the 10 stone region. What I want to know is if I can build my muscles using just calisthenics so I don't have to use any money on buying impractical weights and not waste any money going to the gym. Better to use just your body than things that are completely unnatural imo.
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>>38 I switched to calisthenics, and what I noticed is that I do make gains a lot faster, and in areas that I felt like I'd been neglecting for a while (like lats and pecs) I think they're more efficient for muscle growth, but then after recently lifting weights again I noticed that I get a bigger testosterone boost and development in muscle density when I do things like bicep curls and bench presses. Just do whatever works best for your body.
sort of, I could do one arm pushups, I still look like dyel but still look a lot stronger than what I was a year ago. I probably need to to eat more, I am 140lb 5'9
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Merry Christmas /fit/izen 12/25/2020 (Fri) 19:24:47 Id: 5b4378 No. 50 [Reply]
Merry Christmas from /co/!

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