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Evil sissygasm file Anonymous 11/02/2022 (Wed) 00:06:43 No. 97 [Reply]
Works for sissygasms but also heavy hypno domination https://www.pervertium.com/videos/11079/forced-sissygasm-brainscramble/
2 posts and 1 image omitted.
The quality, indeed, differs. Check all available versions here: https://www.likera.com/forum/mybb/showthread.php?tid=3451

G0DD3$$ GR4C13 Missing Files Saffi 12/10/2022 (Sat) 18:22:10 No. 280 [Reply]
Current Missing Files: 1. Manhood Eraser - Part 2 2. Resistance Dissolver - Part 2 3. Serenity (New BGM) 4. Sissy Sex Ed (New BGM) 5. Happiness Curse (New BGM) 6. The Logic of Limp: Redux (New BGM) 7. Good Girl Redux (New BGM) 8. Sissy Sparkle - Part 2 (New BGM)

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Ml$tr3$$ C@ndlc3 Pussy Hypno 11/18/2022 (Fri) 16:38:44 No. 237 [Reply]
I'll soon be changing my name to Anonymous. But before then, anyone have "The 0ffic3" by Ml$tr3$$ C@ndlc3? Sounds hot AF, hypnodb.com link far below. PS: It is not in the C@ndlc3 legacy file, Decode 3x WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRseVRXNU5kVmt5VFhaYWJXeHpXbE00TTA5VVZtbGFSRTVvV1hwSk1FMUVUWG89 Which contains these, Decode 1x 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 Link to the 0ffic3 on hypnodb.com Decode 1x aHR0cHM6Ly9oeXBub2RiLmNvbS9NaXN0cmVzcy1DYW5kaWNlL1RoZS1PZmZpY2U=
1 post and 1 image omitted.
>>238 Thank you, appreciate the file & eye candy.
Does anyone have Milked?

T3554 F13LD5 ? Anonymous 11/10/2022 (Thu) 22:49:31 No. 202 [Reply]
Looking for her premature fetish ‘cum too soon’ files. Can’t find them anywhere.
1 post omitted.
>>203 Here: aHR0cHM6Ly91ZmlsZS5pby9objlvb3d3aQ==
>>202 Decode 3x, then Look for the T3554 F13LD5 folder WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsdVlqSmFjR0pIVlhWaFZ6aDJXa001ZDFreWVHdFNSM2M5
>>203 Thank you very much. God bless you!

I am searching files in german language Anonymous 10/31/2022 (Mon) 11:18:45 No. 90 [Reply]
Does anyone share german Hypnofiles?
Die Sachen von Lady Larissa klingen interessant. Abspritzsklave usw. https://www.sensualmistress.com/lady-larissa/
Ein Bild einer deutschen Flagge im ersten Post wär gut gewesen. Die Threads sollen ja wieder verwendet werden. Und mit Bildern ist es viel einfacher, sich zurechtzufinden.
>>92 liest sich interessant

G0dd3$$ Gr@c13 Saffi 10/31/2022 (Mon) 02:02:17 No. 88 [Reply]
G0dd3$$ Gr@c13 has new files does anyone have these new files yet?

mistress 4lexandra Pblock 10/24/2022 (Mon) 06:21:19 No. 51 [Reply]
Does anyone have access to the mega pack or some of her old files? aHR0cHM6Ly9mZW1kb20tcG92Lm1lL21pc3RyZXNzLWFsZXhhbmRyYS1hdWRpby1tZWdhcGFjay05MC1maWxlcy1mZW1kb20tbXAzLw==
also pu55y pl3453r

Rooney Wilder Anonymous 10/30/2022 (Sun) 09:20:00 No. 86 [Reply]
I'm searching for Rooney Wilder Files.

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Any hypno with male dom and female sub? Tired of the gay turn-you-into-a-tranny-for-bbc shit that you all post Notgayhypno 10/19/2022 (Wed) 10:39:04 No. 13 [Reply]
Is there any hypno or mind control stuff out there that's hetero? Tired of the femdom mistresses trying to turn guys into trannies. I want to use them to turn women into submissive sluts like God made them.
6 posts and 1 image omitted.
It's so annoying pretty much all the hypno is trying to make you gay. We should just make a board with only the opposite
>>43 the tranny jannies will make sure that will never happen, but at least they will be doing it all for free
>>81 at least force a tagging system or maybe colour the board

M1str3ss Cl4r1ss4 Anonymous 10/28/2022 (Fri) 17:30:45 No. 67 [Reply]
I am looking for Twisted Shrinking Loser Thx!
Let's keep one thread per tist: https://8chan.moe/hypno/res/24.html

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Fansly-Onlyfans Shura90 10/19/2022 (Wed) 21:39:13 No. 15 [Reply]
Where can I find free uncensored Mai Yagami videos and photos? https://fansly.com/Mai_yagami https://www.instagram.com/maiyagami
>>15 coomer.party is your best bet
read yagami backwards
>>15 also $impcity.su/

D1ddly D0ng3r ASMR Anonymous 10/23/2022 (Sun) 00:31:57 No. 45 [Reply]
It’s D1ddly4SMR’s only fans account. Wondering if anyone has any of her content. I saw a couple of videos that used her files in a premature ejaculation encouragement video - where she’s just telling you to let go and cum from the very beginning of the video. I like her SFW content too (she has loads of full length files on youtube/spotify) - but obviously i’m here for the NSFW stuff. It’s not strictly hypno, but I find her mesmerising.

Hypn b0mb sh311 files? 10/18/2022 (Tue) 21:57:56 No. 10 [Reply]
For some reason I’ve developed a thing for bedwetting files. Not into age regression shit though. She posts samples on youtube but havent been able to find any of her Patreon files on Kemono so far. She’s not very popular as of yet.
a channel called princess fae uploaded a lot of peeing/wetting stuff https://invidious.snopyta.org/channel/UC6laDzVgokrRAxiLP0alILA
Yeah her stuff is great ngl - but I prefer subliminal and supraliminal stuff. I have used her stuff with some success, but it’s not what i’m going for anymore.

M155 Gr4c3 Anonymous 10/19/2022 (Wed) 14:36:37 No. 14 [Reply]
I have recently become obssesed with her. Do you know if there are any torrents around with more files? I listened to the M1ndwrk3r series and I'm happy I let her in.

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