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Domme Recomendations Anonymous 02/16/2023 (Thu) 05:43:19 No. 577 [Reply]
I love hearing 丂卄丨乃乃ㄚ and liked 丨丂卂乃乇ㄥㄥ卂 ᐯ卂ㄥ乇几ㄒ丨几乇, 乇丂ㄩ匚匚ㄩ乃ㄩ丂 and 乙乇几ㄖᐯ卂. Others you would recommend and which of their files you consider the best, anything goes.
A newly discovered hypnodomme who makes great files is 0nlyhypnosis (spelled with a Zero, not the letter O at the beginning). She's an Aussie with a great voice and hypnosis skills. She frankly sells her work at way too low of a price and you can get nearly all her work by just subscribing to her patreon for a modest monthly fee. She's not in it to squeeze you for money through everything she does, she seems to enjoy her work and is very likeable.
>>586 I can't seem to find her pattern. Would you mind sharing the link? She seems interesting

Are there actual hypno videos without sissy content Anonymous 03/02/2023 (Thu) 00:16:48 No. 611 [Reply]
all i can find is RP or sissy stuff on hypnotube
That's cuz the entire genre of hypno porn is run by the dirty jewz. If you want something better then make your own. Or if you want strickly femdom check out femdom-pov.me. N1kk1 is pretty good for mostly non-$1$$y content but I don't know that any hypno videos have ever been made of her stuff.
Because only sissies pay for hypno, and nobody pays for non-sissy stuff. Simple...

IV "H0rny Weather G1rl" Anonymous 02/22/2023 (Wed) 02:22:16 No. 590 [Reply]
Sorry for the random ask, but does any1 have this file? https://bit.ly/3EuhL4v There's a torrent out there but this particular file wont download, and a few links elsewhere but they're all premium. Thanks!

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J3"zz"(^>)y :D3"W"(^>v)1L0 - $y55y F1L3$ Anonymous 12/04/2022 (Sun) 23:27:32 No. 260 [Reply]
Looking for an archive of her files and specifically Lowly Beta Male Affirmations. Anyone got anything?
4 posts omitted.
Nah that's crap...
Wow the captchas on this website are insanely difficult to decipher. Admin better fix that or you're not gonna have too many posters make it through. I had to try almost 10 times before I could finally make out the code. It's too twisted and out of focus and in black and white it makes it even harder.
Nobody ever has these. JD/\/\ uses some kind of technology to embed the sales number of the person who purchased the file to attempt to sue them if its gets posted on some public forums to try and skeer anyone who might think about sharing. Plus all her files are high dollar so none of the newfags wanna shell out the cash to get them. Hence no free files floating around. I think we need to find a way around this. That beotch needs to get floored. Some newfags need to collaborate with some dummy emails and some burner cards to sponge out all her shit and post it all up here so she has no recourse but to just be miffed and go fuck herself. Dirty jew whore cunt... :P

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Somina Sonica Patreon Anonymous 01/29/2023 (Sun) 21:48:05 No. 521 [Reply]
So somina Sonica, creator of the "dreamgasm" series now has a Patreon with some new files. I've checked the kemomi site but it only has some announcements and whatnot. I'm most interested in the dreamgasm 1 remaster. https://www.patreon.com/somnisonica
3 posts omitted.
It's not actually gay incest you just take the role of a diffrent family member each file
Also interested in these, the original Dreamgasm series were pretty good. £30-120 per month is just crazy though.
They seem to have added a few 10-15 minute previews at https://www.pornhub.com/model/somnisonica Not the full files, but better than nothing I guess.

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M0n@ b1u3 Anonymous 12/10/2022 (Sat) 18:32:10 No. 281 [Reply]
Someone from the vintage site wanted this file. But, the vintage site is still broken and I can't post there. So if that soul ever get here, to the site that actually works, below is $3duct10n of J... aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9UdjZrWFc= PS: Listening now, nice file.
20 posts omitted.
They're uploaded, that's all of what I have - some (what I think are) modified files in there too, I think someone uploaded these on the old version of this board, hope they don't mind me re-uploading, they seem good. For any anons that need self-improvement hypnosis, there's some of that as well.
What are some good introductory files to listen to?
There used to be a bunch of M0N4 8LU files over on $@FF but they all got taken down/deleted. But my browser still has them bookmarked. I thought I downloaded them all at some point but when I just recently went to check my library they're mostly all gone as if some mysterious force sucked them out and erased them! But if so it was not me! I actually never even listened to many of them but that's because I just have too much stuff. But I just listened to one today and it sounded real good. $4FF used to have eight (8) M0N4 BL.U "collection packs" but now they're all gone. I swear at some point in the past I downloaded them all but now it's like there's no trace of them on my machine. WTF? Did anybody else ever grab and archive all of them? I swear there must have been 300+ files. Just trying to restock my library from what seems to have vanished suddenly in some spooky fashion. Anybody else ever grab those? They were called the M0N4 BL.U Collection packs 1 - 8 and they came with cover pictures. One looked like a vampress with sharp teeth surrounded by purple.

Godd3$$ C4thy V3nu$ Anonymous 10/27/2022 (Thu) 17:28:04 No. 63 [Reply]
howdy guys. I'm hoping that some kind fellow may have the full series of "studies" by C4thy V3nu$ to share. Thanks in advance
Yes... :P

Anonymous 11/25/2022 (Fri) 02:05:22 No. 249 [Reply]
how do i use these? aHR0cHM6Ly91ZmlsZS5pby9objlvb3d3aQ== bc i keep seeing these but i dont know how to use them and i got this link https://defuse.ca/b/pKd3fc73KIcIxnv0XmqxEN but idk how to use these either
>>249 The random code is Base64 encoded url the link is just a file list. Not DL links
Not rocket science gurl... https://www.base64decode.org/

TheLibrarian Anonymous 01/01/2023 (Sun) 14:06:18 No. 370 [Reply]
any new current files?

M1sstress $urrender 02/10/2023 (Fri) 03:49:11 No. 558 [Reply]
Finding M1sstress $urrender find full pack did Anyone have?

Looking for Hypnoslumber file "Constantly Increasing Blood Swollen Cock" Anonymous 02/07/2023 (Tue) 10:43:10 No. 549 [Reply]
Does anyone have a link to this file from WarpMyMind? it's a paid file for 20 dollars which i really rather not have to spend on to even find out if i like it or not so if anyone has a link they can share i would really appreciate it.

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HFO advice Anonymous 11/08/2022 (Tue) 15:49:58 No. 181 [Reply]
So im pretty new to this audio hypno stuff and just wondering if any of you lot had any tips, I know to just enjoy the ride and not chase the dragon but any advice would be welcome, especially if some one here can HFO pretty consistent. Also name of files/tists that did it for you or got you closest.
11 posts and 1 image omitted.
>>513 it is hfo for you. if you download index.html the js file you can search for all the filenames and tags.
>>514 Thank you for the info.
>>181 If you listen to Órgasmic Preparation' by Sh1bby before listening to your hfo file the clench commands set you up well.

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Silken Treasure For Silk Fetish Lovers. Anyone have this file? Anonymous 01/29/2023 (Sun) 15:30:42 No. 519 [Reply]
>>519 aHR0cHM6Ly9maWxlY2hhbi5vcmcvZDd2ZlRmVWZ5Ny9BdmFfTG9uZ2hhcmRfLV9TaWxrZW5fVHJlYXN1cmVfbXAz

Pee/wetting hypnosis Anonymous 11/26/2022 (Sat) 19:30:05 No. 251 [Reply]
Anyone has hypnosis files related to peeing yourself while in trance? Looking for new files. VmpGYVYySXhWWGROVldoVllUSjRWbFpyV25kVWJIQlhWVzVPVGxKdFVucFhhMlF3WVVaS1dXRkVRbFZpUmtwb1ZrWlZlR015VGtWVGJIQm9UV3hLVlZkWGRHdFVNazVHVDFaYWFWSXdXazlXYWs1dlYxWmtXRTFVVWxSTlYzaFlWVEowVTFaWFNuTmpSbEphWVRGd2FGWlZXbXRrUlRGWldrVTFhVkpzV1hwV1ZFbDRZakZaZUZOWWFGZFhSM2hXV1d4b1VtUXhWbkphUldScVZtNUNTVlJzV25kVWF6RkZWV3BaUFE9PQ==
>>251 Loads of links to wetting hypnosis resources over on this thread on /abdl/: https://8chan.moe/abdl/res/559.html Also loads of files here: VmpGYVYySXhWWGROVldoVllUSjRWbFpyV25kVWJIQlhWVzVPYVUxWGREVlVWbFUxWVZVeGNsZHNjRmROYWtVd1ZrWmtTMVpYU2tWV2JHaHBZbGhOZUZkV1VrZGtNV1JYVm01U2FGSXlhRmhVVkVwdVRXeGFSbFZyVGxOTlZWWTBWVEowWVdFd01IaFRiRlpXVFVkUk1GUlVSbk5rUlRGRlZtMTRhVlpXY0dGV2ExcHZXVlpXYzFkc1dtcFNWbkJZVld4Vk1HUXhXbFZTYm1SWVVteEtNVll5TVhkaFZscHlZMFJPV0ZaNlFqUlpWRXBYWTIxV1JWUnNSbGRTUlVVMQ== Decode same number of times as your link.
Any new files?

f3md0m-p0v.m3: am I missing something? Anonymous 01/14/2023 (Sat) 11:22:43 No. 449 [Reply]
I have never figured out how to use this website. Is everyone using the slow-ass downloads that take hours? They say you can watch online, but there's nothing on the page. Do you have to pay for premium for fast download? What am I missing with this site? Is there an easy way to get the many, many files that I just can't figure out? I would love to be proven stupid on this
3 posts omitted.
>>449 You can just use JDownloader, run the downloads in the background and solve a captcha whenever JDownloader transitioned to a new file. If you want things for free, that's just the way it is.
>>449 Yeah, I just slow download them.
JDownloader is ur best bet i heavily rely on it......

Anonymous 01/25/2023 (Wed) 16:47:13 No. 503 [Reply]
Where else can I torrent files from?

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