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M@ad am Y anonymouse 01/23/2023 (Mon) 15:52:21 No. 493 [Reply]
Anyone have m@dam Y pr0j3ct wh1t3 c@ps, the CEI? I've lost it in my collection
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can anyone upload all of madame ys stuff on mega nz or gofile or kemono su
Anyone have a functional link?

Is AI going to kill hypno? Anonymous 03/06/2023 (Mon) 11:26:35 No. 619 [Reply]
I've made my own scripts and used murf.ai for hypnosis that personally tickles my fancy and its been good. And you have chatgpt, novelai, etc to help scripting. Now with ElevenLabs and other AI that allow you to take voice samples, you can make your own hypnodomme from a youtube clip. I tried this with one sample and it generated a decent recording within 5 minutes. Obviously it isn't perfect but as it progresses it will improve. Where is this going to lead to? How is it going to affect artists? Will we have a great exchange of custom recordings for free?
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Interesting topic. I tried to get chatgpt to write me an evil findom addiction script (for my personal enjoyment) but none of the jailbreak techniques I used seemed to work. Can someone help me out? Btw I use naturalvoices(.com?) to voice my scripts.
>>1059 Sorry for the duplicate post. Was not intentional
>>997 why the fuck would you use a timed deletion file service for sharing your own work

Videos Hypnotic Anonymous 01/01/2023 (Sun) 17:57:43 No. 371 [Reply]
Starting a discussion about who produced / is producing hypno videos either as primary content or frequent content. Please chime in with names I may have missed as well as your experience with them (not intended to be a file sharing thread per se). I believe audio only is still superior (maybe less so if you have been doing this for a while) but ladies like V10L37, D14N4, 6R4C3 and 241D4 showed video can be quite effective when done right. # / 10 is my rating and not yours. Currently creating new content M4D4M V10L37 - love or hate her attitude; I think she has single handedly kept this genre alive by pumping out content non stop. 8 / 10 L4DY M35M47R1X - me no enjoy, but appreciate longevity. 3 / 10 4NN483L 6R4C3 / M5 6R4C3 - beautiful, good voice. seems to have changed styles along with the name change. 7 / 10 60DD355 23N0V4 - hardly ever works on me. 3 / 10 M4D4M J4D3 P4R15 - hardly ever works on me. 3 / 10 C0UN7355 J323837H - haven't seen too much of her content yet, but am optimistic. 6 / 10 4L3X4NDR4 5N0W - find it hard to trance to her stuff. 5 / 10 L0ND0N L1X - would be an 8 but she doesn't produce this type of stuff frequently. 6 / 10 3M1LY V4L3N71N4 - she's good, but her stuff seems to get repetitive sooner than that of others. 6 / 10 83LL4 4UR0R4 / 60DD355 747Y4N4 - she used to be beautiful, now just cute. Quite talented too. 7 / 10 M155 RU8Y 6R3Y - haven't seen too much of her content yet, but am optimistic. 6 / 10

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>>404 >>403 Her early audios (before she got into straight-up porn videos) were pretty good. At least, they worked damn well on me...
>>371 guys - for mv to work on you, you have to have good conditioning done with her older brainwash files. audios and videos. these days she just uses those old triggers - like the snap does wonders for me. after you have all the triggers set in your head - you can try her apex predator or like a virgin to test if her conditioning has worked on you.
If hypnosis is main focus instead of swinging tits and ass all over screen then check out 4nunn4h3aling. Found her stuff randomly on kemono and its easily some top tier hypnosis with most of the sessions aiming for hfo

series that build powerfully Anonymous 01/23/2024 (Tue) 19:18:25 No. 1081 [Reply]
I'm interested in series of files that build on each other in power AND demonstrate that power to you as they do, ideally with sexually gratifying effects experienced during the session. Here are the ones I already know about : Bambi (all) Samanthasez (Compliance) Nikki (Because/Control) What are your favourites? Where can we get them?
Amethyst Eruption
The POP series (premature/hfo) Shibby's free HFO series JustMocha's free stuff (but it's also standalone) Everything by Lilithunleashed (sounds effect triggers) But I'd also like to know some specific series too OP

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S4manth4 S3z new files Jacky 10/28/2022 (Fri) 00:30:22 No. 65 [Reply]
Anyone have any new files from the last year or so? P1nk Ecst4sy, H1gh H33l Br4inwashing, Bus1n3s Tr1p...
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They publish old files here every day now: https://www.likera.com/forum/mybb/showthread.php?tid=2334
>>1049 >Does anyone have Irresistible 2? Looks like it's on Retroshare
>>1051 Can anyone mirror? Not everyone can use retroshare but it's a highly requested file

1s4b4ll4 V4l3nt1n3 video's 1s4b4ll4 V4l3nt1n3 05/14/2023 (Sun) 15:46:45 No. 731 [Reply]
Does anyone have her BBW stripper siren and Curvy goodness videos ? Cannot find it anywhere anymore Willing to trade or even pay Thanks !
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Anyone willing to share ?
there's several on sp@nkb@ng
Can' t find the thick curvy goodness video's I have only one in my collection.

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g0d355 gr4c13 thread Anonymous 11/06/2022 (Sun) 01:40:25 No. 143 [Reply]
anyone got her new files? archive here: 🔗: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9laUkyVExJYQ== 🔑: R0JjVGk5cHFUT1BKcXdXYng1Q09xdw==
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looking for sissy sparkle part 1 new bgm sissy euphoria training loop 19 sissy pride new bgm training loop 17 bimbo brain melt new bgm
do anybody have her new files on retroshare
Im new here, how does one encode/decode all these links?

any p3n3l0p3 s1Lk3 Anonymous 11/10/2022 (Thu) 22:13:51 No. 201 [Reply]
Anyone has her files? I could not find them
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>>790 vegan brain rot, no saving her. too bad, she is a tier 1 hypnotist. but she also has a broken mind.

C@r0l Anonymous 12/20/2023 (Wed) 23:49:47 No. 1046 [Reply]
Anyone have mistress C4R0L files? Looking for 0bl1t3r4t3 Thought there was already a thread on here but I can't find it.

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Hypno research and OC thread 12/20/2023 (Wed) 02:56:25 No. 1044 [Reply]
I'm looking for the most legit, hardcore/real Hypno video or file. Preferably something that traps unsuspecting people half way through watching. Psychedelic compatible ones as well, thought loops, geometry, memetic viruses. I want to dive in without only knowing that there may or may not be real long-term effects.

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m0mmys cul7 01/16/2023 (Mon) 09:49:04 No. 458 [Reply]
is there somewhere i can get her more recent work that isnt available on hypnotube?
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>>458 Where the fuck is she
>>959 I alreadh asked here, and no answer ! However, from what I've read in places, the webhost 4 her site booted her off and she's just kind of been completely silent https://hypnotube.com/video/mommys-cult-devotee-48150.html ^ this preview for her next file was uploaded to her twitter a while ago, although I think it was actually a retweet from somewhere else? And people have still been posting on her last patreon upload, if someone here who's subscribed could share all of th comments there thata'd b rll nice!
>>1036 can anyone explain to me how her files (including her asmr releases) function? They're very unique.

M15tress Cl@r1ssa Anonymous 10/20/2022 (Thu) 23:51:24 No. 24 [Reply]
Anyone have either Sissy trigg3rs My p3rf3ct pupp3t My S1utty Pupp3t Hard to come by files it seems
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Looking for more of her new files, anything please:)
can anyone reup any of clarissas loop files shes really growing on me
Anyone has her Premature Ejaculation files?

Dreamgasm 6 by somnisonica 12/05/2023 (Tue) 01:42:32 No. 1031 [Reply]
Sup guys. Im seseching for audio file of somnisonica. Cant find it anywhere. Her patreon is expensive af. My broke ass cant aford it

0NL1H1PN0S1S - Any files? 0NL1H1PN0S1S - Any files? 04/07/2023 (Fri) 19:01:56 No. 674 [Reply]
Hello i discovered this new tist and she is amazing, manybody knows more? or have any file from her? thank you!
(ZERO)nlyhypno515 is one of the best hypnodommes out there. She's a very nice person too. Hannah aka (ZERO)nlyhypno515 sells her files at a very low price and she used to put all her files on patreon for about $10 month-- way too cheap. It appears that all her files are now posted on loyalfans for 0nly $10. aHR0cHM6Ly9hbGxteWxpbmtzLmNvbS8wbmx5aHlwbm9zaXMKaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubG95YWxmYW5zLmNvbS8wbmx5aHlwbm8=
Tried signing up to her Patreon but she won't let me. Oh well

bimbo labs Anonymous 11/26/2023 (Sun) 09:49:33 No. 1017 [Reply]

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esuccubus 11/22/2023 (Wed) 09:35:35 No. 1010 [Reply]
What are the implications of this bitch taking testosterone and making her voice deeper after coming out as 'nonbinary'?
>>1010 Oh is that why? I just assumed it was a guy the whole time and he turned off the voice changer. Either way the "implication" is that all her(?) future files are worthless dogshit.
>>1011 Nah it's the opposite. Born with a vageen but wants to be a dude and now identifies as 'nonbinary', and based on the current voice, I'm assuming it's going past the point of no return by taking testosterone. Assuming it won't be long now before she's sporting a hormone beard and cutting her tits off.

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