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sleepyhead club Anonymous 02/06/2023 (Mon) 06:41:59 No. 548 [Reply]
https://kemono.party/patreon/user/77591095 these files are really good. anyone willing to share the stuff not on kemeno?
25 posts omitted.
>>764 >you linked just the audio https://gofile.io/d/qW0koF Good Girls Don't Think - Pink Version.mp4 can not be downloaded - it's always 0 in size.
Hopefully she comes back. Her videos are superior to every other trance/hypno videos. Any comments on the audio files? AI voice bugs me if it's just an audio file
>>891 the audio files are well made but kinda just feel like a more boring b@mbi also a bit too short, I like my sessions to be ~ 1 - 1.5 hours the videos are good too, as you said

New and Interesting tismists Anonymous 01/31/2023 (Tue) 05:28:29 No. 531 [Reply]
Sp0ken By 31swyth
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Dr St3phani3.
G0dde55 Hypn0tic4
0nlyhypno$i$, $ultrytouch, 81ackWidowLaveau, TheDeviantD0mm5 --- All on NF and all very making hot files.

Bimbo University files 07/08/2023 (Sat) 01:58:39 No. 825 [Reply]
3 posts omitted.
"data issues" and now only two files remain, can you upload them again ? 3:
reup please

Looking for specific Goddess Athalia File Goddess Athalia new file 08/11/2023 (Fri) 20:13:50 No. 896 [Reply]
If anyone has T#E CA$€ 0f $ഡELL!NG B0N€® i would really appreciate it, i been looking for this one for a month now. https://iwantclips.com/store/110428/Goddess-Athalia-Trance-Treats/4001895/The-Case-of-the-Swelling-Boner

anyone have downloads from HyPn05i5D0Wnl04Dz.K0m/unC0mM0n kn0Wl3d93 Eixan 08/04/2023 (Fri) 05:36:00 No. 885 [Reply]
I don't have a PC to use that p2p app you'all were using years ago. There's probably an android but I forget the names. I'm tired and I'm desperate could someone just get me the file called "How to Stay Calm with THAT Person"

3||3ch3my 10/25/2022 (Tue) 18:35:18 No. 54 [Reply]
Does anyone have files from 3||3ch3my? Specifically looking for 5ubtr4ct10n Br34k1ng Y0ur Br41n Gu1lty Pl345ur35 D33p M1nd 1ntru510n5 5tr0b3 F0r3v3r 5h1ny N3w T0y M3l4ng3 L0v35truck P0w3r5truck 5l4v3 M4ch1in3 1ntr0mi5510n
Also looking for files. Just getting into her I only have some the rapidgator from the previous thread. Looking specifically for wk and slty

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M!$$ M@RY Anonymous 11/02/2022 (Wed) 01:48:45 No. 100 [Reply]
Looking for all her content if possible, listened to the dejaVu series and need more!
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decode 2x YUhSMGNITTZMeTloY21Ob2FYWmxMbTl5Wnk5a1pYUmhhV3h6TDJKc1lXTnJMWEp2YzJWZk1qQXlNekEy as always, the attitude around these files must be rhizomatic. host in multiple places. the internet is very fragile.
>>100 I really wanted To know what her file black rose do ! It’s very weird file like I feel very aroused and about to cum but not coming I feel like writing her name on my arm but I don’t know !!! It’s just weird! What’s your experience with that file
I think Bl@ckRos3 is supposed to be an HFO after going a long time without cumming (locked and @ roused the preceeding session). She mixed some subliminals in her sessions, and those are really difficult to understand. Her main, multi-voice tracks are the best I've ever heard in the 25 years of listening to hypno. The way she uses metaphors and NLP gets you to think about what is really meant, and that imagination makes it so much more effective. But the subliminals are maybe too 'subliminal' in that I have no idea what she wanted me to do. By listening over and over to all her sessions, there is a common theme of only masturbating to her voice, on your knees, and eating your load. Yet, she never really says it. It's just implied. A truly incredible hypnotist. I wish there was someone else to pick up where she left off.

Anonymous 07/16/2023 (Sun) 11:12:24 No. 841 [Reply]
i've got a question for yall, does anyone have this specific full hypnosis on display video?, i've looked everywhere for it and there's no way in hell i'm buying it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmGfNypusLc

Dr St3ph4niE Anonymous 01/09/2023 (Mon) 20:44:02 No. 424 [Reply]
I'm wondering if anybody has her mind control broadcast series that can share. I just discovered her on u tube and would like to explore more. thanks in advance
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>>582 Looks like all the 8kun tracks have timed out.
Also checked out Mind Broadcast 2, I think it's decent, though nothing naughty in it. I enjoy tists who do erotic hypnosis without trying to enslave their audience and to gradually push them towards heavier fetishes. But maybe that doesn't pay the bills, who knows.
>>796 I think the series builds up to something more intense, while learned more heavily into the mind control kink side of the equation. Would love to see the rest of these posted if possible.

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Mind Massage Machine Files Anonymous 07/07/2023 (Fri) 12:44:43 No. 824 [Reply]
Looking to see if anyone has any MMM files. I have searched and just can't find a repository or file share of them anywhere. If you have a good idea of a place to start such a file share (anon) I am all ears. Just trying to avoid linking any emails or anything like that. > I am specifically interested in feminization experiences but that doesn't mean that is the only thing that can be shared on it. HFO or other hypno content would obviously be welcome (to the normal legal extent)

Goddess Athalia questions Anonymous 07/05/2023 (Wed) 18:54:07 No. 822 [Reply]
So question about this particular file of her's "Goo" should you already have experience with her files before hand or can you go in completely blind? i ask this because it's not laid out like a typical hypnosis piece, having no induction or awakener so not sure if it's something i should just listen on spare time at home or at night and during sleep, I have asked her on patreon but she never responded back. so if anyone here has some advice or their own experiences with her work and or had results with her "Goo" file and can lead me in the right direction please let me know.

Low hypnotic susceptibility Anonymous 06/08/2023 (Thu) 12:47:13 No. 788 [Reply]
I'd like to start a thread about experiences with online hypnosis content while having low hypnotic susceptibility. I've been interested in this topic for a few years now, and while this obviously includes the naughty stuff, I also tried vanilla hypnosis content, because I assumed that if hypnosis itself is the selling point, the tists might be more skilled on average - not sure if true though, it's just an assumption. Sadly I don't feel like I'm getting any results, no matter whether I just casually listen to tists I enjoy, or I go full tryhard mode and bombard my brain for weeks with loops which are meant to install triggers or to increase susceptibility. It's kinda annoying to read all these experiences here or on webpages of the tists where everybody writes "oh wow I listened first time to this and I went so deep", or "this tist is the real deal, she dropped me easily", and then trying it only to find that it does nothing - again. When I read this stuff I get the impression that I am disabled, because everybody can do it, except me. That of course isn't the case, I think it's safe to say that the people who struggle with hypnosis aren't the ones that write reviews, because they have nothing to write about. The studies I read about vary about numbers, but the consensous seems to be that about 20% of the population trance easily, while another 20% struggle to do anything at all. For the rest it's somewhere inbetween, so if you trance easily, consider yourself blessed. I'd be interested hearing your stories about how long you had to practice to reach a deep enough level of hypnosis to experience common suggestions, like for example restrictions of movement, drop/sleep triggers, posthypnotic suggestions, amnesia and things like that. Was there a point when "the dam broke", and hypnosis started working for you, and has it been ever since? Do you get bored to death by progressive relaxation inductions, and what type of inductions work best for you? Did you ever encounter the problem that when a given file doesn't deliver, your brain marks it as ineffective, so that the often suggested repeated training with a file is near impossible?
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I can also say from my experience that bodily relaxation is vital! And this is a field of constant improvement. If I accomplish deeper bodily relaxation in a session, it has a retroactive effect on my mind that makes me much more receptible. My routine on my bed is a product of me trying to get myself in a situation like in a floating tank (disclaimer: I never was in such a tank). - I use in-ear Bluetooth earphones. - I use a sleeping mask that, in a room as dark as I can make it, doesn't let me perceive any residual light, even when the eyes adjusted to darkness and I look around. The mask also doesn't touch my eyes. These traits are important to me. I often tend to naturally open my eyes. I also had situations where my unconscious was obviously engrossed in the hypnosis and was frantically using my eyes to search around for any clues. But since it was completely dark for me so that it didn't find clues and my eyes didn't touch the mask, the hypnosis effect was maintained and let me make deep progress. - I bought an inflatable head cushion with a hole in the center and don't pump it up fully to get equal weight distribution on the head. - I use a folded scarf (quite flat) under my lower back. - I use bed shoes stuffed with feathers to not get cold feet (when it's not summer). (Blanket weighing on feet would be bad.) - I use a weighted blanket (in the summer this may be too hot, but then I need a bit of other cloth around my ankles, so my feet don't fall to the sides). - I use two cushions for my arms and hands to get a natural position for them like astronauts on a space station naturally have them hanging/floating around. - Very important is also that I always tape my mouth shut with 3M Micropore tape. (I recommend to fold a tiny bit of one end, in case you ever need to sneeze.) I do this in conjunction with using a nasal spreader to get enough air. On the one hand, the tape prevents drying of my mouth and some of the saliva-related annoying effects when the mouth falls open, or having to pay attention to keeping the mouth closed. On the other hand, it has the retroactive effect of thinking that I'm not allowed to say anything against what is said to me, which makes me more receptible. - In the winter, I also use gloves. - (Otherwise, I'm naked.) And I avoid movements, because it stirs up my mind which destroys the mental state. Over the years, I had it to do with a number of disturbing effects: itching skin, an easily triggered swallowing reflex, and - further down the road - saliva running down the throat while I didn't want to swallow because it's movement. But conditioning myself from session to session to session - sometimes under considerable difficulty - to turn to the things of higher priority, i.e., deepening hypnosis long-term, made it possible for me to achieve a number of breakthroughs. For reference: The last years, I always have sessions with a length of 1.5 to 2 hours, lately always 1.5. At the start, I had to push myself through a bit when the mental chatter was still more intense. Then, my mind got to know the routine. Just like with meditation, the mental chatter still can be there from time to time, though. For this to work smoothly, I adjust the volume of single sessions losslessly with MP3Gain (with a little fidgeting also available for AAC in .m4a) and use the Windows equalizer program Peace with a custom setting that reduces sharp high-frequency noises that works well for different tists including 4t|-|alia. That way, I don't have to move to adjust the volume mid-session when a new file starts.

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>>https://8kun.top/hypno/res/83020.html#83044 >Use the bathroom before you listen I always pour very warm water over the tip of my penis. This makes you empty your bladder completely, even if you otherwise have trouble starting to pee. That way, you're making it less probable that your bladder starts to distract you mid-session.
>>788 Same. I also cant fall into hypnosis. Been trying for years. If i let go, im basically literally fall asleep.

Lingyy 10/27/2022 (Thu) 05:36:37 No. 62 [Reply]
Can someone share ninatemptress files? Thx a lot
Yesss I'm looking for g@y r@p3h0l3 curs3

penis shrinking / limp / impotence files Anonymous 01/03/2023 (Tue) 17:42:04 No. 387 [Reply]
looking for any files around this theme
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>>776 Oh is it? Pity if so, because the 8kun board kept genderbending out of it and said no to sissy cancer.
>>773 I think she wants to say that even trannies have bigger dicks.
> 778 Remarkable how close you came to comprehending that your own identity is as much as a figment as anyone else's.

Porntrance patreon files Anonymous 06/06/2023 (Tue) 10:37:30 No. 780 [Reply]

Past Life Regression/ QHHT D J 04/15/2023 (Sat) 10:42:35 No. 682 [Reply]
can anybody suggest any good past life regression files?
Most likely, you were a dork. Some things don't change...

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