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inchamars are NOT welcome here make indiachan great again

/pol/ 2.0 मित्र 12/03/2023 (Sun) 06:33:27 Id: 138543 No. 4031
This is the containment thread for all /pol/ related stuff. Use it as a dumping ground for your news, views and opinions. the previous thread ( >>582 ) hit the bump limit
>>4031 https://satyaagrah.com/india/india-science/752-isro-mum-on-684-staff-dead-197-suicides-and-1,733-deaths-at-india-s-nuclear-establishments-in-last-15-yrs https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/11-indian-nuclear-scientists-died-unnatural-deaths-in-4-years-1229793 https://www.livemint.com/news/india/top-isro-scientist-claims-he-was-poisoned-three-years-ago-11609892961521.html JUNE 8, 2009: L. Mahalingam, a 47-year-old senior scientific officer at the Kaiga Atomic Power Station in Karwar, Karnataka, went on a morning walk and never returned. Five days later, his highly decomposed body was fished out from the Kali river. His family did not believe it was him, until a DNA test confirmed the identity. NOV. 24,2009: 90 workers at the Kaiga Atomic Power Station fell ill after drinking tritium-laced water (how did tritium come into their water supply from nowhere?). DEC. 30. 2009: Two young researchers, Umang Singh and Partha Pratim Bag, were burnt to death in a mysterious fire in the modular lab of the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre's (BARC) radiation and photochemistry department. The third-floor lab, situated in the high-security BARC complex in Trombay, was one kilometre away from the nuclear reactors. Neither Singh nor Bag was dealing with inflammable material. FEB. 22, 2010: Mahadevan Padmanabhan Iyer, a 48-year-old mechanical engineer at the BARC reaction group, was found dead in his staff quarters in Anand Bhavan in south Mumbai. At first, it seemed that Iyer had suffered a heart attack. The police presumed suicide, but the autopsy confirmed murder. April 8, 2010: Cobalt-60, a radioactive element, reached Mayapuri scrap market, New Delhi. A scrap dealer was killed by the radiation and many others were exposed to severe radiation. Nuclear investigators traced the material to Delhi University's chemistry department. There are almost 2500 scientists in isro who died within a span of few years and all of their deaths were never talked about, some hanged themselves, some jumped in the river, some ate poison.
>>4032 Lets name the targets. BARC ISRO Assassination is only one tool. Money, honey trapping, kidnapping kids from foreign Universities etc. As a nation, we don't care about our thinkers. We don't even understand how to use paid thinkers. Brahminism and Kashtriyata is lost.
USA is a 2nd world shithole now. No rule of law and practically one party state. Fall of the empire coming in full circle
From people who visit it, I hear things about collapses. They say morale is down Consumption internally is down and investment is dead. But are there any non glowie sources out there on China that are any good ?
>>4032 >>4032 >There are almost 2500 scientists in isro who died within a span of few years and all of their deaths were never talked about, some hanged themselves, some jumped in the river, some ate poison. who do you think were responsible for this ?
Every time I hear an Indian commie/lefty talk, they come up with a take that is - Factually wrong - Analytically stupid If their advice is to be followed, it would lead to nothing but waste and poverty, which explains our past. I met a bong person, with whom I had a lot in common. Given that I am recovering, he did most of the talking. He is sadly in a position of power in WB and most of his beliefs and ideas, are so disconnected from reality. But due to patronage from state govt, he is isolated from the consequences of his decisions. Given how bongs are vicious towards losers, if TMC is to lose power, this man will lose his life and his family will not be spared too. 0 sympathy.
Culture, as Loren Eiseley said, is stand-in Nature; a human substitute to the laws of Nature which broke down when man discovered technology, came out of the food chain and broke the natural order. Culture through its laws and conventions tries to mimic and safeguard natural laws, and at the same time, in a society like Bhāratavarṣa, tries to spiritually elevate man while respecting natural physical constraints.
>>4051 Majority of these people have no intellectual weight or any real life skills. They practice straw manning wholesale, to overcome these limitations. Indian public , which is easily swayed by emotions, buys into their simplistic bullshit.
>>4047 CIA.
https://youtu.be/tVaDmeC84KM?si=vD0lXfCyRwgfwmOJ Really good video, I highly recommend everyone give it a watch. Says many of the same things I have been saying, except looking at it from a point of decline rather than lost growth (my approach to India) Again, highly recommended.
Success is the most dangerous thing for the BJP. I have a long post planned expanding my thoughts on this, but I am losing faith in the ability of the BJP to keep India competitive.
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>>4078 Sounds good to me man. Honestly, it is an improvement. >>4079 BJP will breakup in 20 years or so. Not a bad thing honestly if it manages to destroy AAP , CONGRESS and others first.
>>4078 It is not that rich people become rich by investing in education or wearing good suits. Instead these are things people rich people after becoming rich. Similarly, countries get rich first, then do things like investing in R&D , social welfare etc. Not that doing these makes them rich. This analysis is typical example of midwit people who have access to good data. This essay is a great collection of data and its first order effects. It gets everything else wrong. This is not an endorsement of BJP, they do plenty of things slow and plenty more wrong. But India is successful not because of what it does right but what others do wrong. It is exhausting now, to see this repeated so often as if it is some kind of deep analysis or original take. When it is lazy at best. Youtubers who have upload quota's will not produce good works of intellect. Stop consuming Youtube trash, use your time better.
>>4078 >>4086 >>4087 The depopulation part makes embrace my inner Alex jones.
>>4106 fuck muslims they canc34 for india.
Bloody Hell!: Male Soldiers To Get Tampons All men's bathrooms in the Canadian forces will provide menstruation products "starting December 15, 2023, as per the Canada Labour Code" which states "all federally managed washrooms will be required to provide menstrual products to all employees," Major Soomin Kim from the Department of National Defence confirmed.
>>4119 The process is ongoing at a governmental level. At a cultural level too it is necessary. This was a big arrest.
Union Government Revokes Church Of North India's FCRA Licence, Will Put An End To Funding From US And Europe https://swarajyamag.com/news-brief/union-government-revokes-church-of-north-indias-fcra-licence-will-put-an-end-to-funding-from-us-and-europe
yaaro why isn't someone creating a new indiachan site ,I am finding it hard to cope yaar
no offtopic derailment pls :D
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>>4125 >he doesn't know >no offtopic derailment pls :D butthurt janny
>>4125 indiachan.net somethin is cookin.
>>4123 fuckin sellouts, fags sold their soul for a bag o rice
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>>4031 Shills of CPIM like to claim that CPIM was the only party, correctly opposing the US - Indo nuclear deal. I am strictly opposed to India making a deal with USA, being an ally of USA is worst than being its enemy. That USA has a hand in the killing of Indian scientists, I also have no doubts. But CPIM is simply paid by the Democratic wing of USA (has been for a long time). They opposed it because republicans wanted to shift their pro Pak policy to a pro India policy. The whole of CPIM is just full of paid shills, political unrest for rent. Kerala Congress, for all its faults, still has some actual nationalists (for now, not for long)
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>>4125 Do you miss the Caste North/South Cheap coomer Bait threads anon ?
>>4151 nah I miss the daily ranting and anons there feel like long lost friends
>>4128 the new inch will be truly mainstream >>4151 those posts made me sick so i stopped going there >>4159 >long lost friends go to any Allen classes branch at about the time they dismiss and find the most faggy and annoying group. There, those are long lost friends you long for.
>>4160 the chan boards would not be mainstream i htink reddit has killed imageboards and retards would not leave it, (proven by the whole reddit drama), moreover most normie fags are mentally retarded . they wouldn't know how to use or lurk on image boards, and if combined with non faggoted jannies i think it can be a pretty refreshing thing.
>>4165 4chan is essentially mainstream now. Filled with newfags parodying what msm and normies think 4chan is/was. That and paid shills, as well as bots. >>4159 Yeah we lost a lot of good posters sadly.
>>4166 >4chan is essentially mainstream now. Anon... even some kamlachoda normie BD influencers started memeing with pepes, some redditnigger highnosed motherfuckers have also brought in 4chanism and greentext culture into the BD normie Abdul sphere. There is literally a waaj happening near my area where a couple of imams are discussing transgenderism.
>>4175 To be fair immams are the most perverted ones usually. But alarming how far reaching GAE is
>>4166 Its fine. They are all on twatter. Thinking their secret hashtags keep them secret. Its very easy to write bots that can crawl topics and find posters fitting a given profile.
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>>4182 You didn't hear ? A transgender recently enrolled in a local university and students protested her off of the university. Name is Hochemin Islam, in North South University (NSU). Look it up on Facebook. The waaj was done in response to the recent controversy.
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>>4185 I stopped following the micro man. You could say I am on a /pol break of sorts. Only reading essentials. Ironic, since 2024 is world changing and things are being setup for world changing stuff. But my personal life needs me more. I already did, more than part to support the causes that I want now.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khuKsnRMXho Russian foreign minister has repeatedly warned BD that the USA might impose heavy trade tariffs/restrictions on BD and bring an "Arab Spring upon Bangladesh". The main industries of BD will probably be the primary target, and high-ranking BD officials might also get restricted/sanctioned without or with minimal cause.
>>4222 If the US does this they have annihilated their influence in South Asia. China or India are likely going to make up for the drop in exports and the US is flushing their reputation down the toilet. tbf, it is the Russians saying this, which is more or less what they need to say. Scare a pre-emptive move by BD closer to China or India.
>>4225 China is in a Bad place right now economically. India is rising not for its successes but because others are failing faster. Consumption in China is properly in the slump.
>>4225 >>4228 I just translated what the news presenter said. idk if it's a bluff or something serious, so take it with a grain of salt.
>>4222 Let go of pol stuff. Read it. But don't process it. You are young now, so observe the passage of time. It will teach you a lot. >>4225 Russian's are the most scared of a strong China. Their nukes are still pointed at China more than Europe.
>>4228 They are still competent and dangerous with a large war chest. They are going to peak in the next few years before a long painful decline. I am aware the decline has already started but there is a grace period where their military production etc. remains relevant. >>4240 Russia is leaning on China out of necessity, not out of any sort of friendship. Russia would much prefer a powerful India to a powerful China.
>>4246 Dangerous Yes Large war chest and competitive Not really. They do have numbers. But even their internal assesments conclude that their actual effectiveness is much lesser, due to faulty training and worst weapons. Under Xi, the quality of the forces has fallen heavily. Apart from missiles, they are not that dangerous now. >Russia would much prefer a powerful India to a powerful China. Before Ukraine, our relations with Russia were going quiet badly. Lavarov is quiet the Islamist, just like Biden.
Saw an old picture of a temple from my local village, with the murti defaced. Thats all the motivation I need. Idol breakers will be buck broken.
>>4247 Just referring to mainly to liquid assets, like USD, Euros etc. In the event of a bailout or buyout of Bangladesh. Also whats this about Lavrov? I have no real opinions on him.
>>4249 That's the thing. USD and Euro's are not really good assets when they are pegged on Chinese debt. China has lot of hidden debt that is refusing to stay hidden now. Having "assets" pegged to your debt, which is out control, makes them less of assets. Much of these assets have already been paid out for other things. I respect China on a lot of things. Financial honesty is not one of them. Data that China releases is such garbage, that they themselves don't use it. This gives me real genuine fear. With the west staring at a crash so bad, I need to have a backup in India. There will be at least in Europe, a huge right wing resurgence. And unlike what people online think of as right wing being hugo boss wearing competent Nazi's, most of them are absolute dumb fucks.
>>4249 https://anniejacobsen.com/pentagons-brain/ Check this out. > Also whats this about Lavrov? Someone close to him is married to some Paki generals daughter. So he thinks they are more reliable allies than India. India hates dealing with Russian's because they don't deliver on time, in quality and are curropt. That said, still better than USA as a partner and Russian arms are still more suited Indian armed forces way of working.
https://www.dawn.com/news/1704822/what-went-wrong-in-1971 Both BD's and Porki's always tend to leave out what they did to Hnidu's. Bangladeshi's now deny the religious angle, targetted rapes and the role of the local population in the pogroms. I have seen this before and I have seen the backlash too. Time doesn't spare anyone. Denial doesn't protect one from consequences. What is sad is, this keeps the whole subcontinent backwards.
>>4266 >Bangladeshi's now deny the religious angle, targetted rapes and the role of the local population in the pogroms. We literally have a specific term for racetraitors, Rajakar.
>>4269 Hindus during 71 are given similar levels of recognition as Jews had during the Holocaust. Only issue is that it became so overused during talkshows and discourse that a counterculture alt-right movement formed against Hindus (fueled by zoomers) alongside the OG porki sympathizers and anti-govt mullah orgs..
>>4269 >>4270 Kek. India gained a lot from it. A lot of talented families left. Ofcourse, many moved to the US, but many others shifted businesses or practices to India and are doing really really well atm. Bangladesh does not lose any opportunity to lose talented people. It is ironic, that a country formed on differences of culture, cannot come to accept people from different religion but same culture. BD will do well long term, if it can fix its identity issues. That IF is a big IF, you can argue that American money and ISI have big roles in the issues. But a dumb population, prone to cheap propaganda doesn't help.
>>4273 We still donot deny the fact that there was a huge hindu holocaust/exodus in BD. Religious angle or otherwise. Although regrettebly, Hindus in top positions of the govt. getting exposed in scandals and corruption charges isn't helping their legacy.
>>4277 Curroption in BD isn't religious. It is a free for all. But yeah, maybe I met the Islamist types. BD's simping for Pakis is peak cuck behaviour.
>>4277 I take my words back. Accusing families of curroption, then evicting them from land. This has been a tale as old as time. Kek. Pakistan lost lot of foreign investment over this. BD will have to as well
>>4282 >Curroption in BD isn't religious I didn't say that, maybe you misunderstood. >BD's simping for Pakis is peak cuck behaviour. Yeah, It's depressing to see, although most of paki simps are edgy 14yos online and people abroad. >>4283 >I take my words back. Accusing families of curroption, then evicting them from land TF no, they weren't accusations, they literally got caught redhanded by the media.
>>4287 Since I don't go out hounding ethnicities and compiling evidence/sources against them, here are the two recent major ones. OC Prodip scandal https://bdnews24.com/bangladesh/former-oc-pradip-liakat-ali-sentenced-to-death-over-major-sinha-murder Narayan Chandra, some education minister, doing some shady shit to get his son's grades up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFhfAudUj4M
>>4288 Adoitto Kumar Roy, some education board higher-up, caught as one of the highest head of a syndicate who increased student's grades in exchange for money, although it is somewhat older https://youtu.be/w1RyrcLToJY?si=fmhdSQi8l6CS8S_s&t=1546
>>4288 >>4289 So why I wrote >>4283 was I read the data. 150 families accused of blasphemy. Many more thrown out of their land or business or flimsy grounds. BD is going the Pakistan way. Lets say a Hindu/Christian/Aetheist wants to invest. He sees the state of Blasphemy laws and law and order. He won't. Worst. Since local mullah's know they can get out of poverty by accusing Hindu's and taking over (Raubwirthschaft) their business, land, women etc. It discourages business and makes the population feral and useless. Pakistan is a shining example. BD is running along the same path. all external policies aside, such a population will only kill the land.
>>4288 >>4289 >>4296 On a purely data basis, its the Muslims who are corrupt in BD.
>>4296 My bad. 572 families evicted in 2022 (mostly hindu's, some Christians).
>>4296 >>4297 >>4298 I don't deny any of it, and yes I have read/heard some of the news myself and from various hindu/progressive circles. I was just clarifying that, >>4266 >Bangladeshi's now deny the religious angle We recognize the issue, but do very little to solve it. >>4283 >Accusing families of curroption I thought you said it from the pov of the hindu govt. employees and police getting busted, it is a common talking point of mullahs here when you ask them why Hindus are bad in BD. In reality, alot of the time mullahs don't need to to falsely accuse Hindus, they simply boycott Hindu families until they are forced out of business, or apply bureaucratic soft power to make their life harder. As for taking their women, Alot of hindu women don't mind dating/marrying muslim men, It is consensual in alot of cases. I have seen inter-faith couples irl in both cities and villages. Can't comment on targeted rapes. People get fucked, regardless of religion. Now that non-muslim pop. is <5%, muslims are cannibalizing eachother.
>Lets say a Hindu/Christian/Aetheist wants to invest. He sees the state of Blasphemy laws and law and order. >>4296 >Since local mullah's know they can get out of poverty by accusing Hindu's and taking over (Raubwirthschaft) their business, land, women etc. It discourages business and makes the population feral and useless. You are half-right, I will elaborate on this after fact-checking some things. Most of them will be anecdotal experiences.
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>>4301 There is no hindu govt. But it is on the way here. Mullah's are giving us all the justification. Nepal is already doing it. > Now that non-muslim pop. is <5%, muslims are cannibalizing eachother. As old as Islam. > Can't comment on targeted rapes. Massive issue. What you said is only true for cities and the rich parts. The way Islam treats women is a big reason why it will never sustain itself. You will see Islam destroyed from within right from its birthplace in the coming years itself.
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>>4301 >People get fucked, regardless of religion. In principle yes. But the data is very clear. After adjusting to per capita, Muslims love exploiting the kafirs, which is not a surprise considering what their book says. It is also why, they are the least productive population in terms of contribution to humanity. The people who follow it, only see the short term gain. But in 20-40 years, they have doomed themselves. Chinese face a similar issue. Outside of Shenzen, no one wants to work with them (transparency problem,low trust, contract enforcement is upto the govt). There are hardly any organic businesses, which is why China is stuck on the wests tit and outside of sabre rattling, it cannot be a serious enemy. It is sad. The Chinese people worked hard, trusting their govt. Their govt hedged the lives of people for short term gain and long term doom.
>>4307 All the good Chinese fled or were murdered. They're left with the most servile and obsequious survivors that have no connection to Chinese history and worship money. No pity from me at all.
>>4312 Yes I don't relate to them. But I do feel bad seeing how bad it has gotten for them. Imagine feeling such utter doom that you give up everything. China could have been a serious world power. Well they will rise again. But for now things look gloomy for a few years.
>>4305 > What you said is only true for cities and the rich parts. Which makes up 70-80% of the entire country's pop. ? It's not exclusive to big cities and rich parts alone too. I have personally seen interfaith-couples irl regardless of the location. >>4307 >In principle yes. But the data is very clear. After adjusting to per capita, Muslims love exploiting the kafirs, which is not a surprise considering what their book says. I see people being exploited regardless of religion, even adjusting for per capita. When a muslim family gets evicted, the news headline becomes "Family evicted by local goons, POLICE SAY THEY ARE LOOKING INTO IT." When a hindu family gets evicted, the news headline becomes "A HINDU family was evicted, CREATING CONCERNS FOR THE STATUS OF MINORITIES IN BANGLADESH, FOLLOWING THIS, THE POLICE HAVE ARRESTED 3 LOCAL MULLAHS AND GOVT. OFFICIALS RESPOSINBLE FOR THE EVICTIONS. Not to be rude, but are you sure you haven't fallen for confirmation bias ?
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>>4031 They are including troons into the third-gender quota that was previously for intersex people. Students are organizing a protest.
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>>4314 The official urbanisation numbers and definitions are little unreliable. I use night time luminosity, create a mask from it and apply. This helps define urbanisation more accurately. > Not to be rude, but are you sure you haven't fallen for confirmation bias ? I am very prone to. So I corelated with initial crimes, lot of arson. But that is not religion dependent. Attacks against temples are. Police did not record them as complaints, but as incidents. Had to activate an OCR based search , which takes time. Increased the time from just 2022, to within 5 years. So far its significant amount of crime against Hindu's. But lets see. My own organisation of this data is much better than Dhaka. > When a hindu family gets evicted, the news headline becomes "A HINDU family was evicted, CREATING CONCERNS FOR THE STATUS OF MINORITIES IN BANGLADESH, FOLLOWING THIS, THE POLICE HAVE ARRESTED 3 LOCAL MULLAHS AND GOVT. OFFICIALS RESPOSINBLE FOR THE EVICTIONS. > Mah poor minorities bias As annoying as it is, often inaccurate, there is statistically higher crime in Bangladesh against Hindu's. Or one could just look at the Hindu population going down and it would tell you the same, without the un necessary number crunching. Off to sleep now.
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What will be effect of all of us required to provide our ID to use the internet ? Will we be looking for imageboards on I2P or Tor or something ? I hate CP fags. They ruined tor posting. >>4338 I get obsessed with topics, in hindsight, none of this was necessary.
>>4383 >What will be effect of all of us required to provide our ID to use the internet ? We already do. Need irl info for ISP to give an internet line or a telecom to give you a Sim card. >>4383 >Will we be looking for imageboards on I2P or Tor or something ? Tor is just a CIA spy network for people stuck in hostile states. I2P is, what I understand, like torrents. You send your data through someone else's computer and vice versa, so if for some reason the other person sends something shady, you'll get busted instead of him. Besides that, you do realize people even having the TOR browser or I2P daemon in their PCs get automatically flagged by both MS and Apple on macOS and Windows ? TBH it will be good in a way, I have had this theory in mind regarding the internet, social media and it's impact on grassroots movements.
>>4393 Also to wrap up the question, we'll probably be going back to the stone age of computing, IRC and mailing lists with encryption and cryptographical verification
>>4393 The internet, social media and it's impact on grassroots movements. The internet has been a double-edged sword for local communities and unity. People have an unquenchable thirst for social interaction and stimuli, before the internet, the way to quench that thirst was via local groups and communities where one could meet up with likeminded people. IRL groups and communities strengthen social bonds and trust within people, and make it so that people can have an actual impact on eachothers lives. This made grassroots movements stronger and more impactful. After the internet, a person could socially interact with a larger array of people in places geographically close and far, with this, came the issue of social bonds and trust, on top of that being geographically disorganized made grassroot movements less focused and impactful. For example take the Atheist vs. Islamic movement in BD. Islamists have tightly-knit local communities who can help eachother with jobs, resources, money, soft power etc. They can monopolize different businesses in an area with their focused and concise plans and numbers. Meanwhile, Atheists are distant and disorganized. Outside of University circles there are no tightly-knit communities. An atheist in Dhaka cannot help an atheist in Khulna with soft-power or resources, and will be less willing to offer financial aid if they only met via the internet. The internet spreads ideas, but destroys organization and unity. I feel like after a certain threshold has been crossed regarding online censorship, we will return back to local groups and communities again, and idea will start having impact, instead of being hollow echoes on the information superhighway.
>>4395 Key point here is soft-power. Organization brings with it soft-power, it is probably the single most important thing in human society. With the internet, organization, and by extension, soft-power, is non-existent.
>>4395 I feel like this post was too vague and "uncooked" I'll see if i can word it better later
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>>4393 Bangladesh lacks the necessary tools to use surveillance outside of maintaing power. More likely that the data is being used by India/Bangladesh and others to train some kind of AI to rule us. Owned and run by the Lizard people. > Tor and I2P Possible to use them with relative privacy. If though, CIA is after you and not some kind of dragnet, then TOR is the least of your issues. > Flagged by MS and Apple People who use those, have no hope. The matrix has them. >>4394 Sounds very comfy. I doubt it though. But I would like something like this. >>4395 Islam has skin in the game. Islam has a price to pay. Aetheism in its current form is just lack of belief. It is only a rejection of a belief, but it doesn't replace it with anything substantial. It doesn't provide answers to the meta questions of life. Islam for all it flaws, does provide structure and heirarchy. > Mah Sam Harris faggotry Lightweight Buddhism, minus its roots. Fucking stupid westerners ruin everything.
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>>4400 I am genuinely scared of the world we are building.
In case you've been living under a rock, I'm here to tell you they're shilling for COVID again. At least in India. Kerala has some 800 cases I think. Now they're going to start drama again. People have wised up and won't fall for it too easily but they will find something new. It's amazing how vague fear kept everyone in control for so long. fatt ke haath me aa gayi thi sabki. everyone followed everything the TV told them with no questions asked. The inflation/price rise of all goods that found its footing in 2020 lockdowns have not reversed but have continued rising. Even things I buy nearly every day, I ask the shopkeeper before paying because there is a good chance the prices increased overnight. What could be their motives? I just read yesterday that all those vax companies who earned billions at the expense of the people of their respective countries, their stocks have hit multi year lows. Wonder if that has something do to with this.
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>>4439 Commodity prices are tied to US$, we are essentially paying more for American inflation. Vax companies are now selling meds for heart issues and fibrosis. They invent the disease then sell us the cure. AS per a survey, atleast 1/5 in Germany are not going to take another Vax. In India , people are more trusting. But there is a minority which avoids it, last time they got fake certs made.
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>>4439 It will get much worst before it gets better. Until then,we will just have to suffer through this. I hate it man. The amount of food I can get for the same price is less than half now. Not that I need more food. I am a fat fuck as it is.
https://youtu.be/VnhIqTErHRg If caste anon is here, this is how they faked caste repression in India. In reality, untouchables are only 2-5% in India.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0Yy7kQA2KE I don't know much about indian politics, is he correct ?
>>4621 modi does rely on communalism heavily to consolidate bunch of different caste/class vote banks into one vote group kinda that said, the boomer is a self described naxal
>>4621 >>4632 I am not going to listen to the whole thing. > Main aam aadmi ki taraf se bolta hoon No one elected this dumb fuck. > Unpredictable economic climate Most of what Modi did, was announced in BJP manifesto. Instead of arguing on his points, lets look at what is happening in India. > electorally most people endorse modi, confirmed by polls and surveys too. > Macro economic indicators are doing well > Consumption and micro economic indicators such as small loans, startups and patents are doing well. So urban naxal uncle is wrong. He sprinkles a little truth, coats it with piles of lies.
>>4632 > the boomer is a self described naxal I dropped his last video then and there.
>>4696 धन्यवाद
>>4707 offtopic, but been learning the hindi lexicon for the past 2 months, could read what you said without extra help, feels good.
>>4709 Yeah, your Hindi understanding is pretty good. It will be useful in future.
Canada is getting pretty bad. Brain fog and busyness has kept me from updating, but a few things I have noticed: >politician class is getting progressively worse, I think we have reached a third world level of corruption at this point. Quality of people entering politics is really low >solution to economic downturn is higher government investment crowding out the private sector and resulting in higher taxes, more borrowing. This is a recipe for failure, and Canada will continue to limp along. I suspect inflation is going to remain quite bad. >kneejerk solutions - this is a longer topic, but people are now blaming immigration (both left wing retards and the right) for basically every problem. Immigration is bad but the whole structure of the country is rotten. Housing will remain shit even if we let in no more immigrants, problems with healthcare started with covid when immigration tanked, the economy is shit and will remain shit. I unironically think immigration might actually be delaying the damage of terrible policies - right now they are brining in billions just to move here and working jobs (this is one thing the right are objectively wrong about, immigration hasn't massively altered employment rates) I mentioned in a previous post the plurality of these immigrants is Indian and people are actively proposing country based restrictions. This essentially means for blacks, Arabs, Hispanics etc. I won't go into the objectively worse outcomes for all of these immigrant groups. >Regional schism - Quebec is going to suck Canada dry. I can post more but its not all that relevant because frogs have been doing this for decades and it gets worse every election. >Indians - India has taken a big hit here. Not important to India but it is making me irritated here.
>>4868 I also think a conservative government isn't going to change any of this based on the incentives already in place - Tyranny of the Status Quo and Vision of the Anointed?? both go into this more. On top of that, Canada is very risk averse policy wise with the conservatives even more so. You can compare the deregulation spree in the Anglosphere to Canadas and see the remarkable difference - Conservatives do not like change, even if it is for the better. Even if all the economic problems are solved somehow, socially this country is a shithole now. I don't like the people here, in only a few years the culture has shifted entirely and I feel we are now just a vestigial organ of the states without the freedom or money of our southern neighbour. >next gen People act like native births are going to change the trajectory but the reality is Gen Z and Alpha are dumber and more violent than the last. Canada is in a situation where it needs massive immigration to sustain growth but it's too late to assimilate them, it needs more native births but no one wants kids and the ones that are born fall short of the previous generations standard. All immigrant groups are sticking to themselves now, not just Indians or Muslims. Slavs speak their own language, so do Hispanics, Chinese, Arabs etc. Joke country.
>>4868 >>4869 Finish your degree. Get out. Things will get worst for Indians in all anglosphere in coming times.
>>4869 Got told about anti Indian radicalization in police in Canada and USA. Not good times ahead for Indian origin people.
>>4869 Indian-origin worker in Canada forced to quit job after unwarranted search by Police and deportation threats, lawsuit filed This will get very common now
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>>4896 Yep, this country is going to go down the shitter. a good example of Democracy in crisis, just sliding into mediocrity. Most people can't/won't even mention the problems and rely on scapegoats (both sides of the aisle) For the Left there is not enough govt control of the economy. For the Right there are too many immigrants. Both have been sidelined by the culture war which is so convenient to do. It's a tool by politicians to remove any objective measure of success and set goals that are completely immeasurable, as opposed to employment numbers, GDP etc. This isn't to say it doesn't matter but most social issues have grown out of government interference. The trans issue is grown out of Universities and subsidized by the medical industry, it's legitimized by politicians. Biggest issue I see is the aging population which all parties will offset with immigration. This is a bad combo in a welfare state like Canada. Healthcare and Pensions are going to swallow up Canadian finances and increased regulation is going to destroy the tax base. The effects are already happening now and no one cares and no one has solutions. Roughly half the budget is to service debt and then pay off the elderly, unemployed and children. Obviously fixing any of these issues is larger than just moving around numbers but it shows how short sighted Canadian policy makers are. The healthcare system is the boondoggle. People attribute every positive outcome to the system and cannot think about an alternate world with a better system. Any good result must be exclusively a result of the system. Classic out step thinking. The vote should at the minimum be restricted - 25 years old and capital or property requirements. The transfer system in Canada is also very shady. Provincial transfers are essentially just vote buying but I suspect there is a ton of grift behind these other transfers.
>>4919 So many problems can be solved by competent economic policy. Yet, this seems to elude every country on Earth save a select few.
>>4919 Also, most provincial responses to a shortfall or a decrease in service is to offload responsibility onto the Feds by asking for more money - either taxing its own constituents without having any of the blowback or worse taxing people in other provinces who have no benefit from spending. Ontario and BC are two provinces in very deep shit, they are also two of the most productive. The maritimes are complete shit and lag behind their counterparts in the states in most economic measurements. tl;dr the canadian government is decaying at every level and the delegation of authority promotes indecision and incompetence. Bad incentives lead to bad policy outcomes, and the voter base is too stupid to do anything.
>>4031 I feel like the ONLY way BD is going to survive the next 3 decades without everyone speaking arabic/urdu is if india annexes it
>>4930 If wahabi money fails then deradicaliuation will be automatic. India needs to clean WB first and get its house in order. That is happening right now in India. That said. The mullah issue is a very serious one. Islam only disconnects the natives from their lsnd and roots. Temple sttacks in the shakti peeth are attacking your own roots and history and culture. It shows the crazed mindset of the mullah.
>>4930 >>4930 Read and write in Bangla. Make content in it. Make it pure. Ridicule those who dont speak it pure. Offense is the only defense.
>>4931 "Bursting crackers" sounds very artificial, directly translated from Hindi (patakhe phodna) what's the actual phrase for this in English? Otoh i like it because it could also mean you're making white people explode.
>>4953 Lighting fireworks Never thought of it as exploding white people. That is a cool phrase.
Trump is probably the best indicator for the state of the American right. Shilling him as economically responsible is pretty funny. His covid response was the exact same as everyone else. Whatever. No matter who wins the white house I think American decline continues.
>>5028 I still like Trump. At least he is entertaining. Pedo Joe is even more illiterate than Trump but also not entertaining and just creepy. > I think American decline continues. YEP. They are making enemies of everyone. There was news today that USA has resumed buying Russian oil, pretending that they were mistaken. Idk if Europeans have the balls to abandon USA, but USA sure is dumping them like a used condom.
Strikes by Iran within Pak right after Jaishankar visit. As well as Iran finally opening its ports. Iran must be desperate. They hate pakis for sure but consider themselves superior to Indians.
>>5112 not a good look while iran backed militias are bombing american allies
>>5127 https://swarajyamag.com/world/explainer-jaish-al-adl-the-terror-group-that-kidnapped-kulbushan-jadhav-against-which-iran-conducted-missile-strikes-in-pakistan Pak is an NATO ally still and long range missiles were used. Pak's defences that use lot of American components are useless.
>>4031 Lefties are based as fuck. Their attacks against us, gives us all the material we need, without us needing to work to make it. https://www.economist.com/leaders/2024/01/18/narendra-modis-illiberalism-may-imperil-indias-economic-progress
>>5156 GAE simultaneously begs India while also doing everything to degrade it. Actual retards. Iran attacking Pak is very good news for India. Iran-Russia-India alliance would be second only to NATO in terms of military power BUT would be nearly self-reliant. Only real issue is computing power, which India is trying to catch up on. I have a long post idea on Indian foreign policy in the works for like months - will try to get a smaller one done soonish. Basic thoughts - prioritize trade with Brazil and SEA, work towards better relations with Iran. Obviously more detail, but even these points are worth thinking through.
>>5161 Projections for GDP in the next three decades are laughable. China is going to stagnate only slightly larger than it is now, with no prospect of growing to it's potential. Xi's economic and political reforms are going to tank growth and recreate the Maoist and Imperial levels of incompetence Xiaoping tried to eradicate. Best way to sink a civilization (economically) is to go after academics and producers, Xi is doing both. Best way socially is to destroy the family (already done). >>5128 Hope Iran doesn't blow it and invest too heavily in the conflict, dragging in American support for Pak just as India is about to invalidate them. Although, it could be helpful, maybe stop the Indian delusions of American-Hindu bhai bhai.
>>5161 GOI seems to have accepted USA as its enemy no 1, made efforts to counter USA in middle east and other regions, even making temporary peace with China. I am happy anout this. > which India is trying to catch up on Its a question of money. India has already successfully bid and won an upcoming powerful supercomputer. Rumour is that it will be used to do missile defence simulations (those who know, will know). > but even these points are worth thinking through Already under way. GOI has some useful people after all.
>>5167 I am happy about a slow, low debt growth system that the endless debt money printing system that we live in currently.
>>5167 Chinese stagnation will be steep if things go on as they are. 1/6th drop in evaluation even if gold pegged, that is why Yuan will not be BRICS currency. Interesting times ahead. Lets see who reveals hidden wealth and who reveals hidden debt.
>>4031 Canadian media seething over the opening of Ram Mandir, essentially just lying by omission. >no mention of it being one of the holiest sites in Hinduism >no mention of the mosque being built on and out of destroyed temples >interviewed Pakistani officials, not Indian ones >correspondents are Muslims and Sikhs Wish I was joking.
>>5267 The temple attacks and attacks on browns will increase in Anglo world. > mleech seething Nice.
America in all previous wars has used propaganda to increase American opinion of their allies. America wants India as an ally against China, but has stepped up propaganda against it. We are entering a truly baffling age of American diplomacy. Foreign policy in the states has become entirely partisan.
>>5552 American democrats and Chinese are allies. All the American democrat moves "against China" have been pro China in practice and anti India in practice. GAE is our biggest enemy. Period.
Have a lot more to say on this, but Chinese rapid decline has started. Decades of deflation incoming. Hope this shuts up Indians pushing for a one child policy.
>>5592 News is mostly sparse. Data unreliable. Whatever signals there are like forex, foreign investment, companies leaving etc signals very deep doom. One child also affects the army. No parent wants to lose their only son and therefore the only genetic carrier.
What are Indian views on Homosexuality? I don't trust polls as they are biased towards the urban middle class.
>>5601 As with most things, unless you flaunt it in public, people don't care. Everyone is busy with their own grind and couldn't care less unless it is very loud or in your face.
Saurabh Rudani (31 yrs.) Niagara Falls - Indian Allan Choi (51 yrs.) Niagara Falls - Korean Edmar Caraang (52 yrs.) St. Catharines - Filipino Jeet Patel (25 yrs.) Thorold - Indian Sivayogan Thanagnanam (50 yrs.) Thorold - Sri Lankan or South Indian Nurdin Gulled (23 yrs.) Welland - generic Muslim name Ahan Shukla (22 yrs.) St. Catharines - Indian Kyle Marsh (33 yrs.) Windsor - White Marc Doucet (44 yrs.) St. Catharines - White Feroz Khan (37 yrs.) Niagara Falls - Pakistani or Indian Jamten Jamyangling (27 yrs.) Niagara Falls - South-East Asian https://www.iheartradio.ca/610cktb/news/13-men-arrested-in-sting-human-trafficking-operation-at-niagara-falls-hotel-11-names-released-1.21721095 Looking bad tbh.
Seeing Germany sink daily is depressing. But Europeans are only paying the price for their actions and beliefs now. It is over for Europe. Future is bleak here. I am thinking of parking more of my sayings in my Indian account now. >>5691 It is a random episode. Honestly don't see the point. You miss the obvious, Canadian data points to Sikhs and "South Asians" disproportionately represented in crime. Is this due to people of this region being more criminal on average ? Or state policies rewarding some people for committing crime ? Either way. Canada can keep sinking. I will only enjoy it.
>>5707 >Canadian data points to Sikhs and "South Asians" disproportionately represented in crime. I don't even think that's the case. I looked over the data and South Asians (including Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, etc.) have a crime rate roughly on par with whites. Only posted because its interesting. not sure why Indians are over-represented here as I don't think they are over-represented in sex crimes in general.
>>5752 When lefties are writing about it...
Vidrel is failed nuke test in UK. UK is a joke. >>5708 Last I checked sikhs are tho. Compare to USA where Indians are less than 1%. >>5752 This is very serious esp with foreign money flowing in.
>>5773 They don't account for religion in the stats so I'm not sure. Organized crime in BC has the Sikh gangs in third in terms of danger (after biker gangs and Chinese triads) so I'm not entirely sure. There have been a few Hindu gangsters here now in the last year. I talk about this in my long post, but foreign money specifically encourages women entering the workforce which will annihilate the birthrate. It's already dropped off faster than I thought it would. Government has to do a 180 in the next two decades or India will be absolutely fucked past 2060.
>>4031 https://archive.is/FnPKG >Asia's third largest economy grew 8.4% in the October-December quarter, much faster than the 6.6% estimated by economists polled by Reuters and higher than the 7.6% recorded in the previous three months. Crazy how quickly things shifted. https://archive.is/aBr3A >(Chinese) GDP might have contracted more than 3% in nominal terms. Since the inflation rate was minus less than 1%, 2023's real GDP change can be estimated as a contraction of more than 2%. https://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/3236833/imf-likely-overestimating-chinas-economic-growth-prospects-us-analyst-says (paywalled, don't know how to link a proxy) https://rhg.com/research/through-the-looking-glass-chinas-2023-gdp-and-the-year-ahead/ >The realities of a still-shrinking property sector, limited consumer spending, falling trade surplus, and battered local government finances mean that actual growth in 2023 was more like 1.5%. Looks like growth has completely shifted to India, and so rapidly I find it almost unbelievable.
Russian foreign ministry has refuted media reports claiming India and Germany were secretly negotiating ammo supplies to Ukraine A report from the German outlet 'Der Spiegel' earlier claimed that such talks were allegedly conducted because Europe is running out of time to supply ammunition to Kiev. Berlin reportedly wanted to initiate to purchase ammo from India and further transfer it to the Ukrainian armed forces. The report also claimed India was unwilling to to its friendly ties with Russia. >>5884 Its not rapid at all. I feel like I saw this in painful slow motion. I am still shifting my savings and looking into shifting to India. West is headed for socialism
>>5884 China and the west are allies with markets linked and dependent on each other. Once you understand that, the analysis becomes so much easier.
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>>5884 I think my unique skill as a thinker is to ignore existing wisdom and trends and concentrate on hard numbers and measure metrics in a soulless way. I don't make predictions like many youtube analysts do, because there is way too much that I don't know. Which I see in action too. I have seen China and west pull out so many tricks that delay or reduce their doom. I am convinced that COVID and Ukraine are just that, as is Israel-Gaza bs. Someday, I will find a way of removing the watermarks and share my analysis here.
>>5885 I thought China was headed for a slow and painful decline and India was going to have a long, drawn out rise. Seems Western capital jumped ship almost immediately, or Chinese books have been far worse than even pessimistic projections. It is fairly rapid as well, the only mainstream warnings about China's collapse started sometime in September. I don't think the property crash is to blame, literally dozens of countries recovered from property crashes before. The main issue for China now is the deflation cycle which, as far as I'm aware, no one has recovered from with the same demographics as China. Chinese military is fairly scary now, however. I'm convinced the "water in missiles," is complete Western copium at this point. China is fairly screwed though, as the only viable military annexation target is an American stooge so the large military is for the most part useless.
>>5884 I do not see the effects of the "fastest growing economy" permeate into real life the infrastructure is still shit, the country is still corrupt, the taxes are higher than ever, the inflation is high, the people still have no civic sense and sri lanka has 2x our per capita income can anyone explain the real life effects/benefits of a good economy?
>>5893 8% of a small number is still a small number. GDP is only a snapshot and is just a general stat to determine the health of an economy. The best analogy is taking a photo of a storm from outer space, you can tell roughly how large it is, the general direction, etc. but very little about things on the ground, or weather predictions in specific areas. India still has a lot of issues, but the general benefit is just having more. A high GDP doesn't guarantee fixing the things you mentioned, but a low GDP guarantees they won't be fixed at all. Also, Sri Lanka is no longer going to have double the Indian GDP per capita. SLs is falling and India's is rising, so there's that.
>>5893 > "the infrastructure is still shit" Compared to what ? Compared to 10 years ago, it is objectively better. Be it the statistics for roads and highway construction or night time electrification. Ofcourse, there is a LONG WAY to go. We have a very low standard. > The country is still corrupt Again, compared to what ? Compared to 10 years ago, your statement is a blatant lie. > The tax's are higher than ever No. Factually wrong. > The Inflation is high Compared to what ? Compared to USA ? Compared to Germany ? Compared to China ? > Mah per capita in Sri Lanka Even Bangladesh has higher per capita. What does that mean ? > can anyone explain the real life effects/benefits of a good economy? Your post seems written in bad faith. Plus leaf anon did a wonderful job explaining the basics. I will make another point. A man plants a tree for his grandkids to enjoy the shade. American's post war did not have what you would call "great infrastructure". They built it all which the generations later enjoyed. Similar is the case for India. We might get to see way more tangible benefits in 15-20 years as systems change, generations change and system of systems are created that are pro India. That said, if you are only interested in flinging shit, making meaningless statements without thinking and low quality shit posting, please fuck off back to Indiachan and post your bbc porn there.
>>5894 There is a hint of truth in his post that, our economic growth is consumption driven. Indians still hate merit, intellect and meritocracy, satisfied to be flown away by emotion. We might go woke before we grow culturally. Increased FDI can easily amplify the worst in us. This is one of my main fears
https://youtu.be/NSb6m8TzhCI Firstly, what a pleasure to listen to something that is not Hinglish or the mish mash that Indians especially young ones consider a language. Secondly, he presents his points so systematically, it is beautiful.
>>5901 infra development and push for manufacturing in major sectors with growth has been good in this goverment. one of the things that i can literally see is new infra.
>>5901 >Compared to what ? Compared to 10 years ago, it is objectively better. that is true, but going from sub saharan tier to 3rd world tier is not exactly a huge improvement. I still see open drains, very poor roads, garbage etc. wherever I go, even in posh areas. >Compared to 10 years ago, your statement is a blatant lie not really. the level of corruption is more or less the same. let me give you a small example: one of my friends owns a school in northern india. he has built it in an illegal structure, and the school does not follow any guidelines or precautions at all. how is it running? because he paid 1.5L to the 5 people who are incharge of issuing school licenses to the whole district. there are 7k+ schools in the district, and a whopping 23 follow the government mandated guidelines. most kids do not have a decent 10x10 classroom to sit in. the district office guys earn around 5CR an year through bribes, even though their official salary is supposed to be like 50kpm. this is just 1 niche sector of the society, and it is extremely corrupt, just like other parts of the Indian society. I think it wouldn't be a stretch to claim that India is the most corrupt democratic country in the world. >taxes are higher than ever https://www.businesstoday.in/latest/economy/story/exploring-the-factors-behind-indias-decadal-high-tax-revenue-collections-415553-2024-01-31 only a small %age pays taxes, and the jump in tax collection revenue clearly indicates that they have paid a lot more, since the %age of people who pay taxes is more or less the same. >inflation is high it is, and pretending otherwise is just retarded. petrol is unaffordable for the lower middle class, milk is a luxury that costs 10kpm for a family, prices for everything have shot up etc. >Even Bangladesh has higher per capita. What does that mean ? that means that their average income is higher than ours, according to the metric that is GDP per capita >Your post seems written in bad faith it is not, I'm economically illiterate and am posting my own observations here. I asked for an explanation and got one, but I am still not satisfied with it. I will have to read more on basic economics to be able to comment further. thanks for the replies
>>5906 >that is true Feel like I already responded to that. Change is slow. >Compared to 10 years ago, your statement is a blatant lie Objectively it is better, it has just gone from terrible to very bad. Government downsizing and privatization will fix that problem. >taxes and inflation Yes sadly. Inflation fuels higher taxes as well. I hope the Modi government fixes this. The main issue is tax avoidance which puts the tax burden on people who actually pay. I've suggested a lowering taxes all around to incentivize paying. (You won't spend 25% to save 15%) >I am still not satisfied with it Answers given are pretty standard. You're looking for sweeping changes after only a few years of growth. It took Europe literally centuries to reach their current standard of living. Even in East Asia it took billions of American dollars and decades of careful development. The reality is the global environment has shifted. The Cold War is over and America has no interest in propping up allies with massive loans (nor is that even desirable) and globalization is dying. Western markets (save the USA) are shrinking and there is a shrinking market for Indian goods. Combine that with more competition from the developing world (such as Vietnam, Philippines, Mexico etc.) India is going to grow slower than China, Japan, South Korea did when going through their growth spurt. Over the last ten years, Indian GDP grew an average of 7.5% China's last 10 years (not peak) were 7.9%. Even if you think these numbers are forged (which is likely) this line from wikipedia illustrates how massive their growth was - >From 1979 until 2010, China's average annual GDP growth was 9.91%, reaching a historical high of 15.2% in 1984 and a record low of 3.8% in 1990. Based on the current price, the country's average annual GDP growth in these 32 years was 15.8%, reaching an historical high of 36.41% in 1994 and a record low of 6.25% in 1999. Faking stats didn't become prevalent until Jiang Zemin in '93. In summary, you're looking for rapid changes when economic development is painfully slow.
>>5907 If you're interested in other historical growth rates - Singapore >The beginning of Lee's tenure was marked with success and from 1965–1973, annual growth of real GDP was 12.7%. South Korea >South Korea's real GDP expanded by an average of more than 8 percent per year, from US$2.7 billion in 1962 to US$230 billion in 1989 Hong Kong >Hong Kong's gross domestic product had grown 180 times between 1961 and 1997. Also, the GDP per capita rose by 87 times within the same time frame. (Sorry I can't find the average numbers, I have them in a book somewhere but it's early and I'm just using wikipedia) For reference, for Indian GDP to double if it maintains its average of 7.5% it will take about 9 years, so to grow 180 times in around 30 years is massive. Taiwan >Between 1952 and 1961, the economy grew by an average of 9.21% each year. Taiwan also continued to have a high growth rate for decades after. All of this reinforces my point - it takes a long time for economies to grow, and India isn't, and likely won't, grow as fast as East Asian countries in the Cold War.
>>5906 I also have to say, a uniquely Indian issue is the tendency to bemoan and complain about issues that are already being solved. Two other problems are the tendency to confuse cause and effect and misattribute the cause of problems. The last two aren't unique to India but I definitely see it more often in Indians. I honestly think democracy was a mistake without first instilling economic/political individualism, a sense of civic duty, or having halfway decent public education. Indians would rather all be in poverty than see their neighbour do marginally better, and would rather kang over their Jati/ideology/religion to have some sense of superiority and accept living in shit than acknowledge problems and improve. It makes me think of this, although it's originally Russians and I don't remember the exact joke - A peasant is in his field when suddenly a lightning bolt strikes his cow, killing it. God comes down, apologizing for ruining the farmers livelihood. He says he will give the peasant one free wish. The peasant looks at God and says, "I want my neighbours Cow to die too,"
>>5911 Lundians think things change overnight. People think it's easy to modify unplanned shithole cities with drainage system and sidewalks but in reality there's no hope for those cities except what we can do is build new cities.
>>5906 anecdotal incidents are not proof or indicators of anything. There are ways to measure corruption. But I worked through the 2000's and 2010's. The level of corruption is magnitudes lower in my field. Statistics confirm as much. >>5904 YES. Seeing semi conductor fabs come up, factories, new means of transport, some hope in tourism, fintech etc is so good to read. It will reap rewards in 10 years or so, but still so good to read about these things. >>5911 >>5915 The only solution is to ignore these people. They are a waste and drag on everyone's time and efforts. More often than not their understanding of basics is wrong and they are just looking to confirm their own bias's.
>>5915 Man. On a related note, what would I not give to see sane and well planned cities built in India with well thought transport systems. I have seen Bangalore become Bhangilore and I have seen how Bombay never left the 70's.
>>5911 >>5915 >>5917 I should also say I wasn't singling out the anon who asked the question, it's more a general thing I've noticed, especially within the diaspora. It's late now and I'm sleepy, hopefully I can remember the specific examples better tomorrow. The Indian political structure has to be completely reformed.
>>5929 Very impressive. The stats on open defecation are also pretty good now, although the BJP somewhat exaggerates them. >>5930 khangress and raitas be like, "ONE CHILD POLICY NOW!"
Tens of billions (perhaps hundreds) in Arab Oil money is going to flood India in the coming decade. Hope the BJP greets them as well as they have earned. Defective male population, incompetent female population, and the inevitable decline in oil demand means the Middle East is in for a rough few decades. Can't say I'm unhappy about it.
Tired of Indians saying India sucks at defending foreign invasion. Only counting invaders that established long lasting, dominate kingdoms this is the invasion record for other countries - Spain - Romans, Visigoths, Moors England - Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings, Normans China - Mongols, Manchus, arguably European colonizers established dominant rule over China Iran - Greece, Arabs (this had such a profound effect it's hard to overstate), Turks, Mongols, Timurids, not counting the multiple times it was again ruled by Turks. India - Turks, Mughals, British Arabs (being extremely conservative) - Persians, Turks, Mongols, British Excluding more superficial empires (ones that never penetrated past the borders of Pakistan and ones that lasted briefly which I applied to the other countries)
https://archive.is/AGBA1 >A more representative figure of economic activity that strips out those one-off items rose by 6.5%, growth that was more in line with expectations and showed a slowdown from the previous quarter. India's attempting to increase tax compliance through enforcement and punishment when it should be through incentivizing paying. Both are needed but focusing on punitive measures while increasing taxes is just going to penalize the middle class and incentivize companies and the upper class to hide assets and evade taxes. Higher income taxes will lower domestic consumption imo and make India more dependent on foreign exports, among other things. It also reenforces a dystopian Keynesian state structure, where the state is the driver of economic growth and said growth is sluggish and bent towards the personal interests of bureaucrats, and is one step away from socialism. Keynesian state architecture also allows for widespread social programming a la the garbage social policies seen in the West, and a state desperately clutching onto and gobbling up any and all power, institutions etc. Modiji PLEASE LOWER TAXES
>>5933 >>5932 > Although BJP exxaggerates them. Not at all. They have pretty robust reporting. With the usual 1-2% errors which are industry standard. BJP did improve our internal statistics a lot. Under MMS it was pure lies in the name of data. >>5927 Wasted too much time on too many retards, which is why my suspicion rate is high. >>5933 https://youtu.be/ssx5POFJggY The attack on Indian females continues. They will only be happy to lap up the bullshit. >>5934 >>5934 The fact that we are the only unconverted last polytheist stronghold, while the ones who converted pretend they are winners. The propoganda from west exists to keep us suppressed.
>>5939 BJP uses different criteria to evaluate open defecation which is why most orgs put the number a few times higher. Even by their definition India has improved greatly but there is still a lot to be done, and once open defecation is eliminated the quality of sanitation still needs to be improved. >Under MMS it was pure lies in the name of data Yeah, and actually attempting to solve problems makes the BJP leagues better than Congress. >The attack on Indian females continues. They will only be happy to lap up the bullshit. For some reason I am optimistic about this. I don't think India is going to be nearly as bad socially as some blackpillers say. >>5915 I'm generally against urban planning. Most European cities (yes, ones that weren't destroyed by WW2) managed to implement changes without compromising the character of the city or massive redesigns. They're not perfect but I don't think the problem is as large as some people think. Cities will naturally change as markets develop, it's not something the government needs to control so much as gently guide.
>>5935 Linkrel is such poor analysis. That is like saying US numbers are distorted because NVIDIA is doing too well. Let cumskins cope. > when it should be through incentivizing paying They did during DeMo and during GST, I don't know since then. IT in India exists solely to terrorize people whom politicians want to target. But lowering of tax's is part of the plan for BJP as the size of the economy increases. Probably by 2029 flat 14%. That was the rumour before. I haven't kept up. >>5941 I hope you are right on Indian females. Urban planning will need to be a separate thread in itself. I think there is another anon here, who can contribute well to that topic and I would be happy if he replies in this regard.
I wonder the impact of pensions and social security on the birthrate. Subsidizing the most unproductive class of people and disincentivizing the creation of family structures to provide resources in later life is such a backwards system. I understand the intent, but the issue of abandoning parents is a Western invention and Indian extended families have always provided for their elderly. A reversal of the system, i.e. subsidizing young couples and children while clawing back social security and pensions would probably help increase the tfr. Keeping school, food and housing cheap as well as direct benefits to parents would be great. Obviously a cultural shift is needed as well but making child rearing economical would, I believe, drastically shift the tfr, probably to above replacement as 2 or 3 children would be necessary. Most people advocate subsidizing couples, but social security reforms are never discussed. They are essential in reversing the economic incentives, as subsidizing couples with changes to social security would not alter the fundamental economic calculation as well as increase the tax burden on the productive parts of society. There would also have to be larger changes to the decision making structure of countries, mainly democracies, to even get these reforms through.
>>5942 I'm more curious to see if the government keeps subsidies low, hopeful. >>5942 It's been my experience for the most part. Some are whores, but the majority are quite conservative. Even stats on foreign born Indians show them to be more conservative than other groups.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRYSKaS-XtQ Mike Benz interview on censorship. Must listen for all anons.
>>5944 My reply isnlost | will type again tomorrow
>>5943 Boils down to question of political will. Its a serious issue that no one is seeing. Those who don't produce kids have no future. Its as simple as that. Ideally 3 minimum. Sadly that's not very practical unless you marry early. But engineering grinders and academic people rarely shape futures (chanakya were the exception not the rule). Now we have a majority of useless citizens including me. All talk and very little useful action. Well. Let's see.
>>5954 Globohomo wants depopulation to destroy national loyalty with mass migration and to monopolize debt. Mass inflationary period to eliminate savings followed by deflationary period brought about by population decline. Deflation favors the status quo as owned assets and most importantly loans increase in value. Decreasing population and no sense of national identity makes rebellion impossible, and the deflationary spiral which incentivizes pausing spending to wait for lower prices will continue to reinforce the international parasite class status quo. Indian banking needs to prioritize stability and transparency, and disconnect from international banking a la Russia. End the dual mandate and replace it with a GDP growth target, maintain a roughly 4% interest rate, up gold reserves. On the bright side, India is the only country to begin discussions on increasing TFR or mitigating mass aging BEFORE they have entered the twilight of their TFR. Link: https://archive.is/tyAoA
>>5956 More or less agree with you. Cleanup of banks is ongoing. BJP has now managed to solve its talent deficit and hired many many smart people in many fields. Implementation is still a pain, since lot of people with old ideals and old ideologies will continue to block change and reform. With all this money coming into India, globohomo will be directly at war with the Indian non left/Hindutvavadi's etc Chinese situation is really bad right now. Not just for lower classes but it is looking bleak for upper classes too now.
https://youtu.be/slGXGa4pt34?si=WTO_uOaoWuTuWhOY Technopoly is a society that emerges from the ruins of a culture that has replaced its traditional values and customs with the cold logic of technological progress. In this episode of Bookmark, Ashish and Adarsh take a deep dive into Neil Postman's seminal book, 'Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology' and made the ideas of the book more accessible with their commentary. Strongly recommend all anons to listen to this discussion.
The Supreme Court never fails to disappoint. Probably the most incompetent and deleterious Westminster vestigial organ (yes, I know the UK didn't have a supreme court until 2009 but the judicial branch of government is largely derived from the British model so the point still stands). It generally represents the views of the liberal elite and functions more as an unelected activist branch versus a branch to purely interpret the constitution (this is a problem inherent in Supreme courts as evidenced by various other countries) The second issue is that the Indian constitution is so poorly constructed and shaped by the left and colonial powers that even if the supreme functioned as intended it would still operate horribly.
>>5996 >a culture that has replaced its traditional values and customs with the cold logic of technological progress. Isn't that just humanism?
>>6002 You'd have to expand because to me that is anti-Humanism. Doesn't Humanism stress the initiative and inherent value of individuals? The reliance on technology to the point where it shifts decision making and culture away from humans seems to be at odds with humanism. Although >replaced its traditional values and customs Seems similar. I suppose you could make the argument that the logical outcome of humanism is the replacement of human driven culture with technological driven advancement.
>>6004 To be honest with you, I don't know much about humanism aside from the fact that it was popular back in late XIX century when there was a lot of technological and scientific progress. It kinda sounded like what the german flag described.
>>6009 It seems humanism has graduated from an idea to an ideology as up it's own ass as Communism. I think ahistoricism is the most annoying tendency of any ideology. In any case, I think you were right with your initial takeaway. >traditional, i.e. traditional hierarchies are abolished necessarily emphasizing radical individualism or perceiving humans not as parts of a whole but as a whole themselves >encouraging rapid discovery without overarching structures to interpret, moderate, and guide discovery All this would inevitably lead to a culture unable to cope with the rapid advancement of technology. There is however an issue if we we view this from a human standpoint - >traditional values and customs with the cold logic of technological progress You can argue progress is itself a value imparted into a society which focuses on technological progress to the exclusion of everything else.
>>6012 I shilled monarchy on the old InCh and I stand by it. Monarcho-Capitalism is the way of the future.
>>6001 >British The judges and especially the CJI are under pressure to get back in line with the govt,that judges are just another layer of profit making corruption layer is well known. The Judiciary are showing compliance in small steps(see Ram Mandir for example). There are judges who will sway from time to time, but one at a time the collegiate will be bent and then eliminated.
>>6002 Ignore the jargon and listen to the discussion.
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>>6009 >>6012 > You can argue progress is itself a value imparted into a society which focuses on technological progress to the exclusion of everything else. For example, look at the USA of today. It is the root of all new technological progress with other countries acting as tools. But living in a society like that, where 1/10th of all young kids will grow up with their gender confused and many many more mentally diseased. Who calls that progress ? Technological society. It is very important to question these assumptions. >>6013 Indeed. When the rightful king is found, it is indeed beautiful. But what of the kingdoms in other times ?
https://www.hiringlab.org/2024/02/27/educational-requirements-job-postings/ Amid growing support for skills-first hiring practices, employers are becoming less likely to require formal education credentials for jobs.
It really says something that one of the British Empires staunchest defenders is a homosexual neocon shilling for Israel. Reap what you sow.
>>6028 I'll make a longer write up in the future, but the incentives inherent in a monarchy prioritize political stability (which is also economic stability) to maximize the personal benefits of the monarch.
>>6065 Looking forward to it. >>6064 Karma pilled. Though keeping Israel alive in order destabilize the west Asia has always been an Anglo saxon ploy.
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>>6001 Seems there is serious action planned against Judiciary around 2026/2027 depending on how much they push GOI. GOI might push for one nation one election and use this to shakeup the constitution and its structure drastically. über based if true. As usual. My sources are as reliable as my farts.
Whatifalthist is a whining American retard. Does Spengler anon still lurk here?
https://unherd.com/2024/03/the-deception-behind-americas-support-for-ukraine/ Germany does the same using firms like Rheinmetall. It is a time tested strategy for converting tax payer money into money in the hands of private firms. USA spent 2 trillions US$ to fight the Taliban, only for Taliban to take over. Similarly, NATO is spending 100's billions to defeat Russia, only for Russia to win. Make no mistake. If India is not strong, then they do the same to India, or Bangladesh or China.
https://asteriskmag.com/issues/05/the-ruin-of-mumbai Excellent read. City planning anon if he were here would love it.
At Least 3 Sailors Missing, 4 Critically Wounded following Houthi Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile on Barbados-Flagged, US- Owned Cargo Ship - M/V True Confidence - which is Currently Sinking: US Officials
>>4031 Terrorist attack Crocus city concert hall. 40 dead. 100+ injured. picrel for context. GAE has escalated it since they can't win on the battlefield.
>>6182 A lot of people think of me as a nutjob for being.politically hawkish. But I know the enemy is relentless, powerful and ruthless. They use any and every means. What's happening there will happen to us. In other forms and other groups.
>>6182 ISIS Afghanistan branch claimed responsibility, Pakistan and the Taliban are sabre rattling. Wonder how relations are between Iran and Pakistan now. Interesting times for the Muslim world, one thing for certain is that India keeps winning.
>>6190 ISIS Khurasan is a known US proxy. But more importantly, < No hostages < No message < No Shaheed < Tajiks did it for insignificant amount of money < No chatter is ISIS official channels Yeah. Seems to be a clear message from USA, that they can use Islam to slaughter Russians. The response of Russian's was quiet good, they came in quickly, arrested most of them. Compared to Mumbai (26/11) this was quiet good. We have come a long way since 26/11. But this will happen to us as well. Modi's India has a lot more enemies, who are dying to score a win over us. To the Indians abroad, this will happen for sure. They will be attacked, verbally,physically and financially.
Attacks on Hindu's all over India for celebrating Holi. Events recorded on video, so the usual left whining doesn't work. These people don't deserve to live in any civilized nation. They deserve to be throw into Pak. Thank god for partition.
Years of countering lefties, they lie and manipulate so much that it is a waste of time to argue with them. Each time I give them benefit of doubt, they turn out dishonest. They lie, when facts cannot be ignored, they lie by omission. I have no tolerance for such people in my life. Online and offline.
At a closed session of Congress, the son of the American president revealed that he served on the board of directors of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma to "help in the fight" against Moscow. Furthermore, he stated that he was encouraged to do so by former Polish President Alexander Kwasniewski, reports The Washington Times. Hunter Biden was a member of the board of directors of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, receiving $1 million annually to "help in the fight" against the Kremlin. This statement was made by the son of the American president himself while giving testimony to the US House of Representatives as part of the impeachment case, as reported by The Washington Times.
Totalitarian state solution to low birth rates: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decree_770 >Through a combination of Romania's postwar modernization, high participation of women in the workforce, and a low standard of living, the number of births significantly decreased after the 1950s, reaching its lowest recorded level in 1966. Romanian leaders interpreted the decreasing number of births to be a result of the 1957 decree that legalized abortion. >To counter this sharp decline in the birth rate, the Communist Party decided that the country's population should be increased from 20 million to 30 million inhabitants. In October 1966, Decree 770 was personally sanctioned by Ceaușescu. Abortion and contraception[citation needed] were declared illegal Only partially worked, curious to see China's solution to their birthrate crisis. The Uyghur assimilation and Russia's abduction of Ukranian kids are both aimed at increasing the dominant ethnic groups population.
https://archive.is/nJg4Z Some whitepills here. I hope I can get involved in charity work in India at some point. Would like to help restore the environment.
>>6213 I have friends, whose birth is a result of this policy. Its not a good idea, to force unwilling parents to have kids. Unhappy parents, strained marriages and the products thereof don't make good citizens or workers. Top handed heavy communism is as stupid an idea as it ever was. Creating big mistakes and then using tape fix's. Romania now houses the biggest military base in EU. It will be fucked more than it is, just like Germany is. Even in the case that US leaves EU, in that case Romania is fucked even further. Though access to natural resources helps it, a population of retarded alcoholic locals and gypsies who are not productive, or dick sucking Moldovans, none of it helps. >>6214 A lot is happening on this front, spearheaded by some Jains and trads. You will see a lot more good news in years to come.
>>6213 Societal problems cannot be solved with magic policy pills. They take small adjustments over long periods of time. Commies don't understand this. They are a reactive bunch, with no understand of long term effects. They have cool aesthetics and some good ideas, that they use to justify very bad ideas.
>>6215 >>6216 Yes, I agree. The policy is more interesting for China. Also, the Sahel is becoming very interesting. i suspect the next major war will be there. Europe is in for a rough time with a flood of African and Arab refugees.
Baltimore USA
>>6217 I do believe the rumour that Wagner is working in Africa and that the Russian coup was a flase flag to place them in Africa.
>>6220 Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali are looking to create some sort of Confederation which will have close ties to Russia. Coincidentally, ISIS has had its most success in those three countries, essentially carving out it's own state where the three countries meet. I predict a flood of refugees to Europe similar to that of Syria once shit hits the fan. Also, it has been confirmed more or less that both Russian and Ukrainian troops are operating in Africa, with Sudan being confirmed. Kind of hilarious that Ukraine is portrayed as a freedom struggle when it is a blatant great power war.
>>6226 Never forget, Europe is the source of WW1 , WW2 and possible WW3 too as things are going. Europeans when their pretensions and money is removed, are bigots who genuinely believe they are the greatest on this earth and will kill anyone who disagree's. Be it done indirectly i.e. though ISIS/Al qaeda/Laskhar E Taiba etc or through atrocity literature, justify policy level discrmination. > a flood of refugees to Europe similar to that of Syria once shit hits the fan There is a serious rise of right wing in Europe now. And it is as dumb as one would expect. It will not succeed in getting rid of invaders, but it will destroy European uniform law and order. > when it is a blatant great power war Every war of the Global American Empire has just been that. They are the biggest criminals of this century and last. No one on this earth has the power to put them on trial. > Ukrainian troops are operating in Africa They are mercenaries with Ukranian patches. Because African resources are more valuable than Ukranian farm lands for the US, so the mercenaries can go die there. Life like a mercenary is a good future for an incel. > No cellphone - #Techminimalism > No family ties - social freedom > Free world travel > Live anarcho primitive life i.e. kill enemies to survive.
Piketty study on income inequality in India: https://wid.world/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/WorldInequalityLab_WP2024_09_Income-and-Wealth-Inequality-in-India-1922-2023_Final.pdf Responses to the Piketty study some might have seen earlier (use a proxy for these): https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/the-devil-is-in-the-footnote-9235068/ https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/rich-in-drama-poor-in-numbers/articleshow/108798059.cms Brookings study on extreme poverty on India: https://www.brookings.edu/articles/india-eliminates-extreme-poverty/ Ideological charlatans actively try and harm their societies through lies. Pikettys sepoy lackeys are the most nauseating. >>6230 USA is about to achieve almost all of its objectives. All we can hope for is internal decline. >China collapsing, capital shifted and diversified. >Europe declining, all talent flocks to the US >Russians bungling in Ukraine >LATAM being LATAM Election is going to be beautiful though. We can hope the divisions are deeper than appear.
>>6236 Yes. Picketty's intellectual dishonesty laid to rest the little original ideas that he had. Took me lot.of time to see the wisdom in सत्यमेव जयते
>>4031 Thoughts on Abhijit Chavda?
> picrel ISIS K is a smart move to destabilise China and India at the same time. Anglo Saxons are brutal enemies to have >>6242 Good aggregator Sometimes misses some points but better analysis than most Indian commentators. He is also an advisor in the PMO at the moment. I am not into the whole analysis youtube trend. So I don't listen to him regularly. But the ocassional stuff I heard was good
>>6245 Unironically ISIS K helps justify Indian positions in South Asia especially towards Islamic groups, which is why they have been hesitant to act in India so far. There is next to no support within India, and they would be competing with local Kashmiri groups which also have a nationalist foundation if they were to agitate in Kashmir. India has decisively won against Islam within it's borders, the only real issue I see now is birthrates but even that is declining. If ISIS-K were to attempt anything in India, the ensuing reaction by the government would pretty decisively annihilate radical Islam within India, and would garner international support. IMO - Islam in India has no real regional basis aside from Kashmir (under strict control) and Kerala which has so far done very little. Even in Kerala it is still in the minority and in one of the most liberal states where Socialism outweighs the power of Islam. A terrorist attack would allow the government to force through the UCC, CAA, and perhaps other reforms with muted opposition. I guarantee even Congress would have very little to say, or risk destroying what little support they have.
Feeling strangely hopeful about India lately.
>>6246 > Islam and Kerala People in Kerala talk to their Muslim shopkeeper or doctor or someone else, who usually is well integrated. They extrapolate that things are ok. The problem with Islam and ideologues is always the dangerous 1%. Given what we know of PFI raids, closed compounds that don't allow outsiders and operate outside the law, the situation before the NIA raids on PFI compounds was very dire and of national significance. The state was on the verge of being worst than 84. We are winning the battle, but the war is eternal until you eliminate the enemy one way or the other. Meanwhile, one mistake, one misstep and the losses are huge. Tamil Nadu is another tinderbox in the waiting. Kerala is stable, but Vijayan is fully sold to Islamists through and through. Add to that massive state debt and useless politicians used to spending borrowed money. Things are not looking good. But yes. If these few states are kept managed, we are going in a good direction overall. Things are looking up.
I predict Canada in the next decade is only going to be able to attract low quality immigrants and housing, healthcare and crime will all get worse. Don't know if an Indian re-migration will happen, but I do think immigration will slow. https://archive.is/Q0grw Tax revenues and consumption will slow relative to previous growth rates, and I honestly expect a recession to become a defining feature of the Canadian economy. Canada is a good example of how you ruin a country that has been given security, resources and a strong political inheritance.
Mentioned this before, but India should abolish state governments and delegate responsibility to cities and the center. Regional infrastructure to be handled by reformed Zonal Councils like in the North-east. >smaller governments economize more efficeintly >more control over city affairs allows for more competition between cities >state governments are the worst in both corruption and inefficiency, with a poorly defined mandate >State governments also allow strengthening of regional identities, getting rid of them will weaken separatist tendencies Zonal councils would run like private companies, with some sort of input from the center and municipal governments on appointments for a single term. Still need to figure out radical accountability, but these are general ideas.
>>6281 A common trend in witnessing massive growth in countries, or at least improvement, is fast centralization to implement changes. The only issue is that no one so far has implemented decentralization afterwards to preserve the changes and ensure decentralized states can pursue their best interests once political stability has been created from centralization. A list of the countries that went from backwards to modernized using this - South Korea China Taiwan Singapore Vietnam Spain Portugal Chile Hong Kong Japan Brazil As far as I'm aware, European countries underwent centralization far slower and far earlier and were therefore enjoyed slower, but more stable growth. Obviously I am going to have to expand on this, but I'll do so later.
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>>6291 Good point, one that worries me too. In India's case, the plan is to make cheap loans available soon as well as policy changes to encourage businesses to grow. One model being marketed is, the small and medium company model of Germany. But what NaMo will decide, who knows.
>>6291 The common knowledge here is that the country is fucked up because of centralization. Only the capital has infrastructure, job opportunities and some kind of functioning healthcare system while everything else either depends on tourism or mining only. In contrast Colombia is way better to us because it's actually decentralized. I suppose the issue is not centralization per se, but the fact that the capital is located in the middle of a desert which is a pain in the ass to develop; I suppose if it was located on the Andine mountain range (like very successful precolombian culture did) then it wouldn't be that bad.
>>6298 I mean more political centralization versus geographical and especially economic centralization, although I suppose there would be overlap anyways as the seat of government would likely just receive disproportionate development. Korea is another good example of political centralization leading to both economic and geographical centralization, despite the government trying to avoid it. I thought Peru was doing relatively well?
Pol rumours - One of the royal family is ded. - Trouble brewing for American colonies in Africa and South Korea.
Its true that Industrialization will bring wealth. Kids born after 2030 will grow up very different from how me and you did, with a different self identity. What worries me, is that like the west, Industrialization will make up choose - Poisoned foods and poisoned soils - Water shortages to make cheap goods for consoom - Women whored out (beyond what is already happening, imagine western Only fans) > Mah right wing BJP/conservative govt Technology shapes populations. Kids will access to porn, choose porn, not more wholesome options. As long as the technology exists, the old ways will die. How will Sanatani's survive their own success ?
>>6302 >Africa 100% Russia and China seem to have won decisively there, only concern is Islamic regimes backed nominally by the US. Although, we know how reliable they are as allies. >South Korea Maybe, I only see the possibility of a rightward shift like in the 70s. I need to read up more but South Korea breaking with the US would surprise me given the interdependence of their economy, politics and military. >>6303 >Poisoned foods and poisoned soils Sadly this will happen, although India already has a decent amount of resistance and Indians are making an effort to preserve their agriculture. I mentioned before my opposition to the farmer laws, this is partly my concern as well, as is - >decline in food self-sufficiency >dependence on foreign markets and distortion of Indian agriculture India needs a reform to promote the free market domestically, but agriculture is an industry that needs to remain shielded internationally. It is so vital to the identity and security of India. >Water shortages to make cheap goods for consoom Yeah, this is 100% correct and while there are efforts to restore and preserve it won't outpace development. >Women whored out Yes and no. Indian randis have already started proliferating, there are more in Western porn (although these are pakis and kanglus) as well as cam sites etc. In terms of dating mentality there are alot of promiscuous Indian women as well, and I've noticed some here too. However, I'm not really blackpilled on this for a few reasons 1 - this is still relatively rare, and Indian girls on the whole tend to be more conservative anyways. 2 - Western women are realizing that celebrating whores is detrimental to them in the long run, while they haven't changed their group behavior (still voting for liberal garbage) individual women are starting to react and I suspect the slut imagery and glorification is going to decline in the next few years. Along with a decline in the West, I think it's also going to decline in India. The vast majority are just parroting Western talking points, and it never really took off to begin with except among city liberals, which are a distinct minority. 3 - the strength of both Indian culture and family structures would prevent this anyways. The feminist movement, and specifically sexual liberation, was only able to take off after the destruction of the family with wage labour, divorce reform, technological advancements, political rights, collapse of the church etc. the Western family has always been weaker than the Indian one 4 - I've already noticed Indian women pushing back on this as it is disrespectful to themselves, Devi, and their family 5 - Demographic trends mean the population will naturally shift to it's more productive elements, randis have below replacement TFR on average, especially in India with limited welfare (and hopefully the BJP keep it this way) The reason for the rise of whores in the west is DEI initiatives giving underqualified women jobs and the welfare state. 6 - prioritizing higher education makes most Indian women sexless Obviously, it's going to get worse before it gets better, and the main instigators are men. If Indian men insist on high quality women, you will suddenly see the rise of high quality women. Aunties killing their daughters has fucked this up, as now women are a hot commodity and standards can dip. > Mah right wing BJP/conservative govt Yes and no. The BJP gets elected which I think suggests a more traditional outlook in India, and the nature of India means people are inclined to preserve their culture. I have also noticed even librandus tend to be more socially conservative. While there are bugmen, a lot still have the same fundamental views as the BJP socially and it just comes down to the economy and Muslims. Also, technology being the death of traditional culture is not something I 100% accept, I think it is skewed from the US being the center of innovation and exporting it globally, and violently destroying any right wing alternatives. India unironically needs a war to force widespread conservatism.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oT0jNiPrOEc A point I made before too, thanks to abuse of AI and increased falsification as well as lowering standards, scientific publications and institutions are losing their authority and trust. At this rate, Independent thinking will never get read and those who own the AI's will decide what is worth reading (or not).
>>6304 It is too early to predict anything. While its true that Africa is leaning towards Eurasia on a ground basis, it is very tough to predict these things because USA has substantial dirt and money, that they often use to bend rules and reality perception in their favour. In case of a currency renegotiation, their influence is pretty much dead outside of North America. On a serious note, plan to get out by 2028 from there. The slow boil has begun and shit will hit the fan.
>>6304 There is a wing of BJP that focus's on this. Stronger side in RSS though. Very interesting years ahead to come. The women who leave India, usually have good families and education. But chicks from broken families in India are the first causalities of globohomo. Same for the men. There seriously needs to be a dating portals only for the non globohomo non lefty crowd. > prioritising education This model is on its way out in the next 15-20 years. Not just in India either. We are some of the last victims of this stupidity. > Western wymen Its mostly hopeless. Things are pretty bad in Europe as far as women go. Its true that they are pushing against leftism. But the issue is, what do they replace it with ? The new right is a fucking joke.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZVUssQHHhE What a gem of an interview. Tells me very little that's new, but still a lot to learn here.
https://archive.is/EqGaw Good article by Bloomberg
>>6324 It is better by bloombergs standards and a dangerous article. It's basic premise basically boils down to > How can Indians be labour for the west, produce cheap goods, work 12 hour shifts for the white man and find the meaning that Chinese did. The Chinese situation is for all to see. Because they did not realise that they traded the best years of their lives, for $'s that have no meaning beyond the printed bullshit of the Anglo's. I have no issues with Indians manufacturing. But an economy oriented towards exports, with $/€ in return is trap.
>>6318 Turns out Chavda is based. Abhijit Iyer Mitra on the other hand, takes the conclusions of others and presents them as his own. He is an aggregator too, but he doesn't do his own analysis, he just talks to lot of smart people and presents their conclusions in their fields as his own. When pressed for details, he can name sources in very few fields. That said, his defence knowledge is solid.
>>6327 It's a pretty clear outline for American intentions in India, and I sadly think the Modi government will follow the majority of the policy prescriptions. I forsee an emphasis on manufacturing that eventually stalls due to wage increases and an inability to transition to a service focus, with India stuck as a middle income country. Hopefully successive governments or a black swan event change this.
>>6334 The important questions are > Who comes to power in the USA ? Democrats or a wild card like Trump ? > Does the currency change happen before election ? or After ? Or in 2027/2030 ? Industrialisation to a limited extent is good for BJP, Industrialisation dilutes the caste faultlines and gives BJP a unified Hindutva-vadi voter base. But BJP itself won't let it go beyond that. A lot of the 2nd and 3rd tier leaders are trained in the old ways and very skeptical of the western style of Industrialisation.
>>6334 India has been consistent in now following the American diktats, one of the few good things of Nehruvian era politicises, have given us a somewhat dysfunctional but independent structure. Seeing Germans simp and justify for Americans, while they destroy their own country is something else.
kek, this is so based
>>6335 >>6336 One of the benefits of how decentralized India is, is the opposition to many policies. Often it's retarded, but I have already seen a few Indian economists critical of a manufacturing export boom. Ideally, India should just focus on domestic consumption and services export. The role of India throughout history has been that of an intermediary between Africa, West Asia, Europe and East and Southeast Asia. Adding a massive domestic market to that, India would be a dominant power. Export oriented growth, especially when the conditions for that model are far worse than during the Cold War or the 90s for China, is idiotic. Indira Gandhi is especially very underrated. If she had been right wing economically she would undoubtedly be India's greatest Prime minister. >annihilated Pakistan >ensured economic independence (although with a left wing implementation this is a mixed bag) >ensured political independence >crushed sikh separatism >sterilized certain groups If only Modi was so Machiavellian
>>6337 It is based because in most people with common sense, it is known that is something to be ashamed of. In India, there has been a system to celebrate what is against the interests of the nation and its people. So this will not work in India. It is only now that this trend is starting to break
>>6338 > Indian decentralization India allows all kinds of ideas, to take their natrual course. People observe and make conclusions. This is the beauty of India culture. > Indira Gandhi is underrated She is Modi's biggest influence. A lot of people in BJP , though imprisoned by her, still love her. https://youtu.be/vnCEswu8CPM Imo, she was better than Nehru. But her successes were the result of very capable people and her listening to them. True that she deserves credit for it. Breaking of Pakistan was based. But it also cost us a lot economically. The bankruptcy in 1990 was a result of this. Then there was the curroption, that we are still undoing. People blame her for Punjab, while she had her part, the roots are very deep. Not to forget, selling INdia to USSR and giving education to commies, harmed us a lot. Modi has done somethings, which will soon start reaping their benefits. I must say, for all my skepticism, I have been whitepilled. Challanges will remain, but in Modi, we got a leader whom we probably don't deserve.
>>6338 My autist analysis aside, who am I to judge her ? She was born to a father who hated her mother, growing up amongst curropt people. Her power was great, her arrogance too. But so was her burden. I have held leadership positions, in much smaller roles. You cannot get a good nights sleep, you get calls at 3 for the smallest detail, things go wrong and it is you who has to answer for it. Regardless of who is at fault. I am sure her pressures are greater at very different orders of magnitude. I like reading , observing pol things. Pol had impact on my life growing up, so I am forever tied to look at it. WE have reasons to judge the policies of these people for sure. Bbut we judge them too harshly as humans
We are close to WW3 boys. Will we see Israeli nuke now ? Were explosions in Tehran a missile attack or foreign agents ? British jets scramble to intercept Iranian drones I don't want to go to sleep. This is too insane. But travel coming up so cannot afford to fuck around
>>6360 Early reports of destroyed iron dome batteries. This is pretty nuts
>>6361 Reports of Israeli nuclear research centre targeted.
>>6361 3 Air Bases destroyed. 1 nuclear powerplant almost destroyed. Israel has called for an Emergency UN Security Council meeting.
>>6363 Thanks anon. People are saying that this was a nothingburger. Could be true. For now, US seems to have restrained Iran. but lets see. BD was formed under similar circumstances. underlying reality is always complicated than what media esp western media sells us. How are things in BD ? As per German reports, western funding for interference has increased towards BD.
>>6363 The narrative in press here is, that Israel did not suffer heavy loss's. this is a lie. Israel suffered very heavy financial loss's in resisting the attack, 4 billion atleast. Secondly and more imoprtantly, they lost lot of Mossad agents, who could pilot the F35's that would deliver a nuke on Iran. so the loss's were very significant. Right now Israel is weak to an attack from Hamas/Hezbollah, let alone Iran. So retreating and licking their wounds makes sense.
https://archive.is/jf4h7 Ukraine will lose the war but it won't concede due to American pressure for another few years I expect, at least until after the election. Very sad, entire country is a wasteland and Russian territories will be resettled with people from the Caucasus. Russia has taken it's eye of its other borders, Armenia is in for a tough fight with Azerbaijan backed by Turkey. Israel has tried to drag the US into a war with Iran but surprisingly it seems the Americans have urged caution. A war with Iran would likely be worse than either Afghanistan or Iraq, terrain is mountainous and Iran has a large supply of nuclear material.
>>6388 Can India Defend Against A Massed Drone Attack From China Like The One Iran Launched On Israel? Can't sleep.so pol reading. Ukrainians here getting letters here to find jobs or fuck off to Ukraine and fight. Ukrainians as a race are over. Most of their males are dead. Only rich useless ones left.
>>6389 Probably, but the Iranian drones aren't all that spectacular and there is no reason to use them versus India. Main advantage was the sheer numbers to overwhelm Israeli defenses, the payload is actually quite tiny ~50kg. Also not sure how China would launch them over the Himalayas, I don't believe the drones are capable of flying over the smallest parts of the Himalayas. China would never be able to wipe India out in a single massive drone strike so it would just provoke a massive, possibly nuclear, war. Even though China hates India, their main priority now is Taiwan and securing the Pacific. Main threat would be a cruise missile wave, but I don't see the point. China and India's main frontier in any conflict will be at sea. High altitude fighting is just too high risk for low reward imo, and I think Beijing has realized this. Unironically mass drones benefit India more than China. Hundreds of cheap drones would be able to reach all of Pakistan and completely disable the entire country (all you'd have to hit would be Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad and you would have crippled both the economy and political structure of Pakistan. You could use cruise missiles for higher value targets and the drones for unimportant ones, Pakistan would literally be incapable of intercepting the vast majority of them. According to estimates, one Shaheed drone costs around 20k to manufacture domestically and cut off from world trade. If India could drop that by even 5k, and with a much larger economy, you could see many times more drones. This would effectively cripple Pakistan if done correctly and end any conventional war. Obviously, Pakistan has nuclear weapons, so i doubt this would happen either.
>>4031 New Canadian federal budget revealed. This country is getting really bad, and it won't be fixed. https://web.archive.org/web/20240416212214/https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-federal-budget-2024-a-government-with-no-priorities-no-anchors-and/ >But faced with what is now generally conceded to be a growth crisis – an economy that, in per capita terms, has been shrinking for several quarters, stagnating for several years, and losing ground to other developed economies for several decades – the government has produced yet another budget with no serious proposals to address it.
Moldbug and his consequences have been disastrous for low testosterone males.
>>6407 Explain in detail Plesse
>>6423 Moldbug discourse has monopolized the more economy focused dissident right and a good chunk of them are soy nu males that mimic his mannerisms. Bio-leninism works both ways, the only saviour of the world will be a chad and not grovelling econ nerds that have accomplished nothing. There is a tendency to place themselves among the intellectual elite in the buisness world, like CEOs and tech entrepreneurs, except for the fact that they have accomplished literally nothing of value. They spit out half memorized and completely misunderstood quotes from old books, and their discussions generally devolve to circle jerks and name dropping. Moldbug caused the economic dissident right to fall off the fucking map. There's more, but it's honestly not worth discussing. My points cover 99% of Neo-reactionaries (which are in fact, not reactionaries)
>>6424 Modern right is a mirror image of clown left.
More US bases in Pak
>>4031 https://archive.is/07Ncw Xi Jinping is doubling down on an export based growth model, and as such China will fail. >no domestic market growth >reliance on global trade China is probably going to decline far faster than I thought.
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>USA flooded with Hispanics and commies >European economy stagnating, swamped by millions of migrants >Middle east in ruins, oil slowly becoming an irrelevant industry >Chinese economy in a death spiral, set to lose a war against a tiny island Is this what winning feels like sirs?
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>>6454 We are getting close yes. But we have nor defined our identity well.yet. There is lot of work to be done on thaynfront. Ffs we talk in English
>>6455 Trump is too entertaining. I miss him
Congress is a far left European party with no connection to India...Its defenders are sobdumb. Usuallybopposed to BJP with no actual arguments and just a hate for it Regional parties don't even try to have a vision beyond their local votebank. This doesn't work ploutside their narrow votebank.
>>6462 Odds of the EU losing another major Western European country (either France or Italy)? I suspect the next wave of refugees will raise the odds of leaving.
>>6476 Eternal victimhood is the hallmark of Muslim politics. Unrelenting violence is the only answer. I need sometime to condense some thoughts and make some posts on this topic
>>6477 Seems to be all Abrahamic politics tbh. Conservatives have adopted "the left are the real racists" logic here in the West. Victims are victims for a reason. Christians also fetishize their persecution and ignore the genocide of pagans after Christianity established itself. Islam is a weak ideology to be defending from, it has to expand or it's inconsistencies and hollowness can be exploited. I honestly don't know why Israel didn't level Gaza/Palestine during the 6 day war. Not advocating violence, but it seems a strange decision considering they had routed every Arab army, had Western support and sustained minimal casualties.
>>4031 https://usdod.io//cg748YJi.csv https://www.skynews.com.au/details/_6215946537001 >A major leak containing a register with the details of nearly two million CCP members has occurred, exposing members who are now working all over the world, while also lifting the lid on how the party operates under Xi Jinping. The data was extracted from a Shanghai server by Chinese dissidents, whistleblowers, in April 2016, who have been using it for counter-intelligence purposes."
>>6373 >How are things in BD ? As per German reports, western funding for interference has increased towards BD. 1. I left bd/int /pol/ couple months ago, so I wasn't actively looking at the scene 2. Funnily enough, the media AND the general public have gradually moved over from political debates and/or interest in the past couple of months, media only covers bullshit tiktokers and internet micro-celebrities, general public consoom social media. Most significant event in the past couple of months were the collapse of some small/medium banks of BD, primarily BASIC Bank, which merged with other banks under govt. orders. https://en.prothomalo.com/business/local/np1hefdqw8 https://www.dhakatribune.com/business/275871/bangladesh-bank-seeks-to-salvage-10-weak-banks
>>6379 The truth lies somewhere in the middle, anon. After some more digging it seems like Iran "crippled" Israeli bases instead of destroying them entirely. But yes, Israel took huge financial losses, doesn't really matter as they'll get some 9 trillion subsidy from the USA anyways LMAO.
>>6389 >Can India Defend Against A Massed Drone Attack From China Like The One Iran Launched On Israel? I would say no. >how China needs one (1) missile to hit Mumbai/Delhi for India to crumble. Indian/BD economy is already on a very thin line for millions of lower class people, think panipuri/jhalmuri/ice-cream vendors etc etc. Even slight economic disturbances will result in them turning on the general populance and causing societal disturbance. Not to mention the effect of supply chain disturbances for more than 2 weeks. >inb4 fanfic Similar thing already happened in BD during 1970-1975 famines and 1991 Cyclone.
The cognitive dissonance is reaching critical mass in BD. Normies can no longer follow "true" Islam while also interacting with non-mahram women, or not maintaining pardah, or drinking alcohol, or listening to music, or being friends with non-muslims etc. The polarization in rapidly increasing, Had a heated debate with a normie friend who claims "Islam in the sub-continent is older than the Bangali race, Muslims created the Bangali identity" (common Islamist cope). I then confronted him with the entire history of Bengal incl. the religious evolution of Bangalis, he still, very conveniently ignored all of it for the shitty meme he found online. Islamists are creating memes/articles with bullshit historical facts and logical fallacies, they have started the greatest psyop campaign I have seen in my entire life, and the guilt-tripping normie retards are swallowing it whole.
>>6509 Whom do you think would win ? The only islamists i respect are Mujahids. They live and die by their principles. Instagram using Musalmans are insufferable for me IRL and I tend to stay away from them. Infact I tend to avoid people who moral FAG in General.
>>6508 Read the article. I do believe India would do poorly in such a case but for very different reasons and entirely disagree with your scenario includibg for BD But i am without a laptop right now so will reply later
>>4031 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkM-Eyw4o-w rare piece of excellent modern journalism the GAE is genocidal
Government spending is a drug that politicians get addicted to.
>>6512 >Whom do you think would win ? Islamists have deep ties inside the govt., military, media, banking sector, big businesses, and they are extremely coordinated. They won't win, they have already won.
>>6537 I would believe that, but I've seen islamists getting sold for very very little money.
>>6543 Arabs will cuck out to whichever country has the most money, Muslims on the periphery are the frothing fanatics that comprise human wave attacks against whichever enemy designated by Islam. Ultimately only Gulf states matter, though I am curious about Bangladesh. I think Indian influence in the coming decade will swamp Bangladesh and win. Related - https://archive.is/prZ6k There was massive Muslim seething over this but the Saudis didn't give a fuck. Massive oil market and poised to become a Top 3 economy in the next decade. Also remember Gulf states said nothing about the Uighurs, and are doing next to nothing for Palestine. Islam is a means for them to control the state and exercise global influence.
>>6550 Big question is What are sub con Muslims without wahabi influence ? Bareillvis and tabliqis, let's see how strong they are without petro$
>>6528 One should never trust govts as a matter of principle. Power breeds curroption, sooner if not later. >>6519 Such a rarity that I need to scour rare chatrooms for to get such raw realism
>>6508 Would Chinese drones work via the Himalayan route in low temperates and air with lower density ?
>>6506 This is imp. So Bangladesh is also preparing for currency reset then.
>>6484 Wow. How did I miss this !
>>6558 Their max height is well below even the lowest parts of the mountain range I believe.
>>6561 Also looks like China is planning for a confrontation with the states around 2030, and India will sit in the sidelines. There was a rumored document circulating around the Indian government on India's role in a Sino-American war, but I don't think it's been made public. Likely India is going to sit on the sidelines and back the winning side. It might be enough to dethrone the states.
>>6562 If pedocrats come to power, then it is in India's interest to stay out. Well It is always in India's interest to stay out of unnecessary wars.
>>6575 Is it worth watching ? The title itself is cringe and then its WSJ. I don't want to waste my time.
>>6576 Not really. What is interesting is the general attitude of Anglosphere media towards India now- >Canada - by far the most negative >UK - Middle of the road, but still negative >USA - At some points even appears neutral I don't consume any ANZ media. Interesting to see the Anglosphere shifting. Foreign policy of the UK and Canada have been shit for awhile, with the Uk pretending to still be an empire and Canada thinking they ever were one. USA's stance is more interesting, either they don't believe they need India or they think they have already secured it as an ally. I lean towards the former, I've heard and seen multiple American officials (most lately Karine Jean-Pierre) refer to India as an American ally.
prajwal revanna videos share karna
Modi has started talking about Hindu demographics. Major white pill yaro.
>>6614 Apparently if they cross 400 then lot of whitepills incoming as per the gossip. Polls predict 350+. Let's see what happens. At the same time, lot of challenges in the neighbourhood upcoming. Let's see.
China unveils bailout for real estate. They are really desperate now.
>6678 Didn't want to start mixing threads again. What you said seems true at first, BUT, # What is victory ? If it is control of land, then you need lot of soldiers to control the land, you need propaganda to control population and strategy for further rule. Think of Ukraine-Russia and Israel-Palestine. If it is destabilisation, then just air force bombing the nation, killing the nations leadership, color revolution etc are enough. Think of USA in Iraq, Iran etc. # AI is not comparable to human soldiers For control of population and putting a soft face to an invasion, human soldiers are definitely better. Autonomous robots, that can identify and kill human targets without human approval, were already tested in Yemen and now Ukraine. How well they performed, what tech was used, has not yet been clear to common population like you and me yet. But in terms of potential for endless destruction, these tools are far better than human beings and the future of warfare. My tip to all schizo's, paranoids and preppers like myself, make an EMP at home. Keep your important gadgets in a EMP proof bag (easy to make, google it).
Anyone have insight into the Indian election?
>>6711 the betting dens and other individuals with access are predicting 320-340 for the BJP
>>6712 NDA or BJP?
>>6711 >>6712 Internal BJP guess is that BJP has crossed 370 already. With these things, who really knows. 2019, most of them got the number low.
Tunnels discovered in Gaza, leading to Egypt changes the calculation heavily for Israel. Getting those hostages is now almost impossible without a heavy price. Either way, what will be the consequences of this whole conflict apart from less Palestinians on earth ?
Indian jawans get first delivery of AK203.
>>6715 More Muslims seething online.
>>6713 BJP although that was old data, now it has been revised to around 300 for BJP and 325 for the NDA >Currently, the satta market is offering a rate of 1:1 for BJP securing 300-303 seats, meaning that a bet of Re 1 would yield a profit of Re 1. For Congress, the rate is 1:1 for 50-51 seats, but 1:3 for 60-61 seats.
>>6685 if there's anybody who's reading this it means they should have more children India is grossly overpopulated and so are our cities but on the national level, you will realise the people who have the most kids are also the ones who can barely feed, educate, or teach them. People with enough resources should have more kids for the sake of the country. >>6710 >America says India le bad because muh assassinations n shit Some truth to that article but what she basically said about khalistan shills is that the USA is happy to harbour terrorists and separatists and we are not supposed to do anything about it. America has not been India's ally beyond bait and switch, if that. for as far as I can recall they have favoured Pakistan over India. They were happy to deny GPS data to India during the Kargil war, which I believe was a good thing, we realised how bad it is to be dependent on others. Naavic would not exist otherwise. But America would ask us why we would think about it when open defecation still exists. Alliances keep shifting but in the end India is on its own. Russia is not a reliable ally. China is a very big threat. Europeans are cucked. USA is a fucking snake. Which is why we should really shift away from Microsoft and Google shit. America decides we are doing something that is morally wrong, two kill switches flipped and half the country's IT infrastructure goes down.
>>6721 >India is grossly overpopulated and so are our cities but on the national level Overpopulation is a myth and is just a poor allocation of resources. Govts talk about overpopulation to abdicate responsibility for their own failure. Started with the British starving Indians to death with terrible policies, and then claiming it was because Indians had too many children to sustain themselves (despite Britain extracting more and more taxes and wheat exports)
>>6720 I doubt congress can get 40. 20-25/and they will be lucky. >>6721 > kids I'm trying > USA is barely an ally USA is enemy no 1. USA is the new Britain and we are still India.
>>6723 you are underestimating the southies and the few seats they'll get in the north there's going to be cong domination in karnataka,telangana and some parts of kerala,maharashtra,MP
>>6724 even haryana seems like it will slip away from BJP, jaats don't like modi at all there are some cracks in harit pardesh as well I personally believe that modi will form a government, but with less seats than his 2019 tally. This will also be his last term, he's growing old and the CIA wants a different government
>>6725 I think the farm bill thing did not go down well with people. My farmer friends don't like him either. Government scheme gibs are too little they say. Fertilizers are too expensive they say. Government workers apparently don't like BJP because their salary isn't going up as fast as it used to (a good thing tbh) the one who told me this, his father is a government school teacher. Said increments aren't as good as they used to be. So what? Much of the rest of the country is worse off. Most of the privately employed population has had stagnated wages for years as inflation keeps going up, and there is a lot of unemployment. Don't see what good deeds have government workers done for them to be somehow exempt from this crisis using the tax paid by the rest of us. >>6724 I was just saying this just the other day. The south isn't going to give BJP too many seats. It's obvious from how Karnataka didn't vote for BJP in state elections. UP will be the saving grace. 400+ is a distant dream.
>>6724 > South There is a reason Rahul baba ran away from Kerala. > Haryana Yep. BJP deserves to lose there. Many many mistakes there. >>6726 Even in previous 2 elections, people voted very differently in state and national elections. But yes, lets see. >>6718 LOL >>6721 Honest question. Are educated and resource rich Indians any good for the country? Barring very few exceptions, most of them are wannabe westoids with little invested in India.
>>6722 > just a poor allocation of resources In India's case, yes. Because ours is still a colonizing government. You summed it up quiet well. That said There are hard limits on the limits of human population that can be supported and we are hitting those already. The environment lucky regulates itself. Biology has no mercy. I have the basic equations worked out, but this idea needs more work.
>>6732 Small example > Population of city explodes in several orders of magnitude > Causes heat island effect rising temperatures lead to drop in fertility > Quality of life decreases, acting as a filter on the population number
Seems ambivalence is the main feeling going into the election. Both blocs are weaker than they were in 2019. Modi has to contend with Covid, the Farm Laws and the CAA whereas INDIA is grappling with a big tent alliance that will implode the second they gain any real power, incompetent leadership and an out of touch platform catering to interest groups and urban progressives who are practically irrelevant in Indian elections. One thing that does have me worried is Modi's rhetoric. It almost appears desperate rather than supercharged. He's never had to rely on communalism to secure Hindu votes. Indians I've talked to here skew heavily towards INDIA, although Canada is heavily Punjabi so I can't read too much into it. If INDIA wins India deserves it's fate. I will consign it to the dustbin of history. To fuck up now will ensure India will achieve absolutely nothing. India is too big for global power to ignore and too weak for the central government to be incompetent. >>6726 This is one of the main issues. BJP passed half measures to try and assuage public outcry, but the end result was outcry without achieving policy objectives. Backtracking on the farm laws made them appear weak to their base and showed the opposition that with enough protests the BJP can be cowed. If both the Farm Laws and CAA had been implemented fully I can guarantee the political turmoil would be the exact same but India would be in a better position. Half measures are totally pointless politically. When you have the strength, go all in. If you don't, wait until you do. BJPs economic performance has also been disappointing to me. We need a schizolibertarian government in India to undo seven decades of Congress milquetoast socialism. Privatization and cutting government spending to fund tax cuts and debt payments, widespread deregulation, and easing of tariffs. Specifically target government subsidies. Central bank reform to stabilize inflation. Just basic reforms would have India growing at 10%+ per year. Instead the BJP parades 7% growth as an accomplishment. I've already posted on the historic growth rates of countries that India is hoping to mimic, all of them had decades of growing at over 10% yearly. By the BJPs own metric of assessing their success, India is already falling short. Reaching developed status by 2047 requires far greater GDP growth, and a lot of India's success now is due to Chinese incompetence rather than Indian brilliance. Focusing on industrial development and an export model like China's trades long term stable growth for short term explosive growth. India hasn't seen the short term growth but is trading away their long term growth. Overall, I'm hopeful but not ecstatic. BJP is better than Congress but there are so many missteps that Modi needs to address which I don't think will happen. Politicians tend to deradicalize overtime, especially economically. If BJP insists on religious kanging as opposed to economic innovation, the future of India will be quite bleak.
Anyone who thinks that anyone except bhajpa is going to get majority in this election is delusional and living under a rock.
>>6736 I agree with this. Outside urban virtue signallers and the worst of Muslims, every one else is voting modi or not voting.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b238Zi1pARI All podcasts with this guest are excellent but this one in particular was very informative for me.
https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/bangladesh-mp-anwarul-azim-anar-murder-suspect-arrested-mumbai-bengal-cid-2543120-2024-05-24 What to do about Bengal ? It is still loving in 1960s compared to rest.of the country.
>>6740 It should have been placed under Presidents rule in 2021. I have very little hope for the state now, demographics will dictate Muslims kanging for decades unless larger intervention. It was 30% Muslim in 2011, I can only imagine what it's at now.
USA has more than 1 satellite pointed towards India. Some of these are spy satellites and others are millitary spy satellites, tuned to detect only the fumes of a rocket launch. That we have succeeded despite so many enemies, is really beautiful. >>6755 Ground situation is much worst in many areas. Massive brain drain, most people worth anything have left and sold off the lands for peanuts. I can only hope we see some change there.
https://www.wired.com/story/indian-elections-ai-deepfakes/ They are really trying hard now. Not that it will make any difference to the Indian voter.
MP Anar mercilessly killed Islamists and other anti-govt. people. Now, the Islamists have taken their revenge. https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/crime/347225/missing-for-2-weeks-mp-anar-believed-murdered-in
>>6780 >Officials said that behind the brutal killing of MP Anwarul Azim, is a dispute over the sharing of gold smuggling money. Aktaruzzaman Shaheen himself is a gold smuggler. MP Anwarul Azim is also accused of gold smuggling. Plausible, but mostly Islamists are rejoicing, the circumstances are still unclear.
>>6781 Islamists and lefties always end up being servants of Americans. Literally no shame. Absolute haram This killing has other BNP angles. But whatever. Hopefully the unknown gunmen season will start for them after Pak.
Diesel generators were found inside Scottish wind turbines. According to the British Sunday Mail, more than 70 wind turbines at the Scottish company Scottish Power were being powered by diesel generators. The company's own employee reported this "environmental" deception to the media. The company stated that they had to use diesel power to operate the turbines due to a "grid fault," without specifying how often and to what extent their wind turbines are powered by diesel. The company has already been accused of concealing environmental violations.
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>>4031 OpenAI has actively disrupted five covert influence operations in the past three months. These operations aimed to manipulate public opinion using AI-generated content. **An Israel based entity, STOIC, was caught spreading Anti-BJP Pro-congress comments and hate on social media, alongside anti-muslim and pro-israel rhetoric.*
>>6799 >>6799 Good post. "In early May, it began targeting audiences in India with English-language content" Already too late. "In May, we disrupted some activity focused on the Indian elections less than 24 hours after it began." OpenAI's dedication to protecting Indian election is very sus. "Zero Zeno’s activity appears to have attracted little if any engagement, other than from its own inauthentic accounts. (Many accounts have already been disabled by Meta and X, so current engagement figures may not present the complete picture.)" I have thought about this a lot. The Rajiv Malhotra complaint, that in short, AI models trained on Alt News kind of fact checks and leftie journals, will be used to undermine factual reportage in India or crimes against Hindu's and Indians. This is already being used in my opinion and is as relevant to Indians as Rahul Gandhi or Tejasvi Yadav i.e. outside their little clique, nobody gives a flying fuck. More importantly, from an election point of view - Majority of voters are not the perennially online kind, so campaigns like this are useless. - English content campaigns affect negligible number of Indians. - BJP approach of Karyakarta's visiting peoples houses simply slays social media campaigns, so for now the AI attacks are useless. -------------------------------------------------------------------- As Indians get more Internet reliant, this kind of attack may have some relevance in the future. But if we are to be a serious country, we should ban Facebook/Shitter all together or at the very least, have our own serious alternatives and incentivize their use.
>>6736 My sources are bias'd but it is looking good for BJP so far. 4 more days to go.
>>6711 What I heard as of now, is that AAP and Congress in many parts have just given up on the ground. in other parts, BJP seems to be over estimating their popularity. Overall, it is still looking good for BJP.
>>6803 Everything I've read indicates the BJP winning roughly the same amount of seats and the INC losing around 10. BJP will def form government, but the shortfall (especially from 400) is going to be a bit painful politically. I hope we don't get an even more timid BJP as a result. Been thinking alot about India easing internal migration barriers. I had a few studies saved on it but they're all on my old PC. idk if it's worth digging out. Also, a welfare state creates an entitlement among it's citizens. Alot of the resentment towards Indians in Canada is from Canadians complaining about their housing and jobs being "taken" while they themselves are net drains on Canadian finances and benefit from a restricted labour pool which makes their limited skillset more competitve. Some of these people posting online straight up admit to being homeless, ex-felons, etc. Canada does not have a work culture like the states. The government is always expected to help out to some degree, and as such both main parties advocate a welfare state. Idiotic finances. People are calling for violence, expect far more anti-Indian violence in the coming years. Whatever, Canadians get what they voted for. This vision of Canada, with a bloated state and inefficient economy, a destroyed housing market and a facade propped up vacuuming immigrant capital has been on the ballot since the 90s, perhaps earlier, and Canadians voted for it every. Single. Time.
>>6811 This reads like a fanfic. Only solution for Pak and Afghanistan is destruction. Russia will need to support India or will atrophy without any allies.
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>>6813 >>6813 Opposition planning big protests and court cases to make election results seem fake and wrong. Modi planning crackdown in response. TMC planning violence against cadre BJP is heading for a impactful 3.0 with lot of offensive. AS long AS BJP cross 272 they are fine. It is time to turn the pressure on infernal enemies. Coming 2 Years will be hard. >>6814 In a de dollarized world Russia will be King. Secret deals being penmed between Russia and India
>>6813 A concensus of opinions is not necessarily accurate. We saw that in 2019. Most opinions on election results are just guesswork with opinions weaved around them. Very interesting this year is turning
>At its peak, the USSR was at par with the USA in technological prowess. China is not even close right now >During its time as a superpower, the Soviet Union possessed a military that could directly contest the US/NATO, was able to project hard power globally, maintained a worldwide system of diplomatic alliances/puppet states, and represented a system that was wholly in opposition to the liberal world order championed by the US. On the other hand, China has a military whose reach is regional at best, lacks significant international alliances, and has built its growth within the American-led global framework instead of by opposing it. >The USSR had 40k nukes that covered all of Europe/USA, and some of them were stationed right outside the USA's backyard in Cuba(something that will likely not be seen again in this century). This assured mutual destruction in case of a war. China is not even close, as it is estimated to have ~300 warheads. >The ability to quickly move troops in and dominate any part of the world within a few days is what makes a military superpower. The USSR had global military power projection while China is severely lacking here. >The USSR had an ideology to sell(Marxism-Leninism), and a lot of recently decolonized/freed countries to sell them to. This gave it a global network of allies and proxies. China does not have a single ally that will fight for them, except maybe North Korea, while the USSR controlled the 2nd world. >The USSR controlled puppet states near the USA and Europe. China has American puppet states on its borders(India,S.Korea,Japan,Vietnam etc.). >China, while economically superior to the USSR, does not have a killer intelligence agency like the KGB. There are a few other factors, but I have highlighted the main ones here. I believe that China will collapse soon and there will be no challenges to the GAE in this century.
>>6817 THIS. < Chinese tech growth was always on the back of western tech share. Because of this, its own quality of innovation is very low still. < Chinese wealth is in printed currency i.e. worth very little. USSR is rich in real resources. < Punish your talented people. Disentivize resource efficiency or cost-benefit analysis. < Destroy your own population with totalitarian control.
I told you fags before, 4chan and other chans were semi-mainstream when 16yos on reddit discovered it. now absolute normoids on Facebook are invading this space, soon your fucking grandparent who can barely use his phone will see chan-style greentexts. fags on fb now shitpost in a retarded > chan-style format
>>6820 normie friends have been using 4chan since high school >>6817 >I believe that China will collapse soon and there will be no challenges to the GAE in this century. I think China will decline and remain relevant for awhile. I also think the goal is multipolarity, not a bipolar world with India being picked apart by foreign interests. >At its peak, the USSR was at par with the USA in technological prowess. China is not even close right now Sort of but not really. The American technical edge is not nearly as impressive or relevant as Americans believe. A lot of it is dependent on extensive global supply chains and an American economic advantage in global trade, largely facilitated by the dollar as the reserve currency and the American navy. >The USSR had 40k nukes that covered all of Europe/USA, and some of them were stationed right outside the USA's backyard in Cuba(something that will likely not be seen again in this century). This assured mutual destruction in case of a war. China is not even close, as it is estimated to have ~300 warheads. China has closer to 500 I believe with a global reach and is ramping up production. You need minimum credible deterrence and a few hundred easily meet that. >The USSR controlled puppet states near the USA and Europe. China has American puppet states on its borders(India,S.Korea,Japan,Vietnam etc.). India and Vietnam are not American allies in Asia. SEA is either pro-Chinese or neutral. The US would have to rely on Taiwan, Japan and South Korea in a global conflict. Western Europe is on the decline. LATAM is also on the decline and being picked clean by American brain drain. Israel is going to decline following the war in Gaza, it's international prestige is gone and the war accomplishes littl even if 100% successful. Africa is pretty clearly in the hands of Russia and China now. Central Asia is as well. >China, while economically superior to the USSR, does not have a killer intelligence agency like the KGB. Yes, but China has killer soft power and is able to legally subvert Western countries. India can and likely will benefit massively from a Sino-American confrontation. I posted why I think the US is on the decline this century, if I can find it I'll repost it.
Exit polls look very good for the BJP, last election they underestimated BJP gains.
>>6825 https://archive.is/7pvWa >Exit Poll Results 2024 Highlights: After a marathon Lok Sabha elections 2024 - spread over six weeks, the second longest general election since 1951-52 - it's time for Exit Polls. A big win for the ruling BJP-led NDA has been predicted by twelve exit polls - India Today- Axis My India (361-401), News 24-Today's Chanakya (400), ABP News-C Voter (353-383), Republic Bharat- P Marq (359), India News- D-Dyanamics (371), Republic Bharat- Matrize (353-368), Dainik Bhaskar (281-350), News Nation (342-378), TV 9 Bharatvarsh- Polstrat (342), Times Now-ETG (358), India TV- CNX (362-392) and Jan Ki Baat (362-392).
>>6820 >>6822 An era has ended. I do see a lot of 4chan speak on 9gag now. >>6822 Chinese manufacturing will not be replaced in many areas. But very strong chances that it will break as a nation. Vietnam is openly anti Chinese.
>>6781 What is annoying is, how much influence the US still has in the region. Bengal's status as a lawless shithole, makes it a perfect playground for American money.
>>6827 Vietnam is anti-Chinese but not pro-American. Vietnamese diplomacy is some of the best. The CCP is too strong imo, I think they will keep the nation together. It helps being totalitarian and homogenous.
>>6830 Kind of. USA is very happy in dealing with Viets but also keep a distance, due to how fast people get executed there when money exchanges are detected. > CCP is too strong CCP is just collection of local mafia lords, who extract tax's. The biggest source and spending of which is in the real estate sector, which is bound to crash. Chinese are culturally intolerant of failure. They will eat their leaders alive if they see that their sacrifices led to nothing, due to bad leadership. The current lack of jobs has caused lot of unrest in China. > homogenous This is a lie that the Chinese propagate. All said and done, I would wish peace between India and China. That is not possible with the current leadership in China. Hopefully better terms in future.
>>6825 What is your take on BJP's tally in Maharashtra ? Why are they losing seats ? I haven't kept up with Maha politics for quiet a few months.
>>6834 a few parts of maharashtra are full of bhimtas and musalmans, and they are bastions of uddhav's shiv sena. They'll vote uddhav there congress ain't winning a lot though, hardly 2-3 seats if they're lucky. Ajit Pawar will lose a lot, BJP will win almost all the seats it contests, and it will be very tight in the Sena v/s Sena seats with most of them going to Eknath with very low margins
>>6837 MH has been the target of relentless Mullah infiltration. Most of them non Indian, used to pay in black money and buy properties etc. Like Kashmir before, they are targeting the western hemisphere now. Kerala obviously, but lower MH is a huge target particularly. A BJP/Shinde sena victory would be good for the region.
>>4031 https://nitter.poast.org/DisinfoLab/status/1797529988939546707 >EXPOSÉ: Millions of $ funded to impact IndianElection results! excellent OSINT work by @DisinfoLab
>>6847 WORKING NITTER ! EXCELLENT ! Also, Disinfo labs always does amazing work. Loved this thread.
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seeing congress with a 80 lead got me blackpilled on indians as a race, only top 10% are carrying rest just arent industrious, only if india faced a war like ww2 it would have been different i think.
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>>6849 Yeah. Too many Indians take freedom for granted. They swallow congress versions without question. I made a promise before, if Congress wins again (after 2009) I'll selly land in India and my investments etc and take German citizenship.
Markets Crash, Sensex Down 4,300 Points As Votes Are Counted
>>6850 i am leaving india in next 5 years anyhow i will rather be alone in country where progress happens instead of a poophole where everyone just wants caste and reservation
>>6849 >>6850 Damn. Stand by what I said previous. BJP barely scraps by with a win, if even. Democracy caters to retards.
>>6853 Which country would that be bhai? Whole world is going to shit.
Holy shit such shitshow demoralising results Cant fucking believe bjp losing in fucking ayodhya Fuck niggers man. Fuck this shithole UP betraying BJP is absolute shitshow
>>6856 they fully deserve the defeat absolutely garbage planning and seat allocation, mixed with overconfidence and over reliance on modi led to this 2004 repeat let me list some of the factors that caused this >the BSP votebank consolidated with SP because the BJP didn't field enough ahir and jaat candidates in the right places >farmlaws and agniveer were absolutely retarded schemes that alienated some of BJP's core voters in the gangetic plain >they angered the rajputs by not giving them enough representation, and paid the price dearly in north rajasthan and western UP >the gibs worked, all jatav SCs went to congress, and a majority of non jatav SCs went to the SP/Congress as well, even though they voted BJP in 2019 >400 paar was probably the worst tactic in the history of Indian elections, as it convinced most urban BJP supporters to become complacent and not vote in the long queues and 40C+ heat, and convinced the libs and k2as to vote I.N.D.I.A in full numbers(in fear of constitutional reform) Only the UCs voted reliably for the Bhangi Janta Party, despite the party doing nothing for them in its entire tenure. ChorBCs, as usual, switched sides despite being given most of the benefits under BJP
>>6857 rejecting Yogi's list of candidates and fielding their own was absolutely idiotic and came to bite them back in the ass. Yogi is a bigger figure than Modi in some areas of UP
>>6857 >>400 paar was probably the worst tactic in the history of Indian elections, as it convinced most urban BJP supporters to become complacent and not vote in the long queues and 40C+ heat, and convinced the libs and k2as to vote I.N.D.I.A in full numbers(in fear of constitutional reform) True. What lays in store yaar
Its too ealry to start speculating. The results are very fishy. Let's see Very black pilled right now >>6858 Yeah
>>6854 293 is a shit verdict. This is very depressing.
>>6862 >>6860 Results are 100% legit. BJPs election to lose and they tried their fucking hardest.
>>6862 >>6863 BJP threw away this election. 2004 was an unfortunate defeat but this was literally BJP throwing away their election. They snubbed 35 candidates suggested by Adityanath, exactly those 35 were lost by BJP in UP. They did not even try in bengal, could have easily been 30-35 in bengal. They needlessly gave away rajasthan and bihar This could have easily gone 320 for BJP alone, maybe 350
>>6864 >>6863 What are the take aways ? Bad candidates only to blame ? Caste wise voting in UP and Maharashtra ? Yadavs voted for SP again ? People voting for Gandhi's is depressing. Indians learn nothing.
>>6865 >Bad candidates only to blame ? >Caste wise voting in UP and Maharashtra ? >Yadavs voted for SP again ? All 3. But Gandhi promising gibs, caste cencus, takatak takatak money, wealth distribution, private reservations, removing cap on 50% reservations worked. Poojeets are a doomed race. Maybe 4chan was indeed right about us yaar. Fucking 99 seats to INC BJP lost in fucking Ayodhya. Hindus are doomed. Doomed
>>6865 Local issues still matter. Average voter doesn't give a fuck about geopolitics, 8% GDP, or the moon landing if his kids can't find jobs. Modi isn't strong enough to force through bad candidates. >>6866 >INC this one hurts the most yaro >Doomed BJP was always a mainstream political party. They were better than the others but hype got in the way. Hindus deserve much, much better and the BJP was a symptom of complacency. >>6864 >maybe 350 I think so. At least the INDIA coalition is too fucked to accomplish anything and will inevitably fracture if given any amount of power. Overall, I really think Hindus need to actually consider alternatives to the BJP. Their reign was not nearly as impressive as anyone hoped it would be, and they benefit from being okay in a sea of mediocrity. >Maybe 4chan was indeed right about us yaar. These groids elected Joe Biden, and have voted for nothing less than their own annihilation since WW2. Dysfunction is a feature of democracy.
>>6864 Looks like they even lost a seat in Gujarat.
>>6867 >>6866 The fact that some Hindu's voted for congress including in Ayodhya, they deserve exactly that. Hindutva clearly didn't work. There were caste faultlines within Hindu's. Clearly some people want appeasement and caste/religion gibs more. Death to them all. Need to push Hindutva with pure rage. How I fucking wish Modi was the dictator they make him out to be. Time to look for the next candidate in BJP.
>>6866 I have always avoided the term niggers. But man. We sure have lot of niggers. Very blackpilled about Indians right now.
>>6869 >>6870 It is what it is. BJP should have been more forceful. Indians care about their immediate circumstances, I've even talked to a few Gujjus who were thinking about switching to the INC. >>6870 Hopefully the BJP learn from this. Might consider a re-evaluation. On the bright side, it looks like the BJP is the default political party now. >Hindutva clearly didn't work This is the main issue. BJP didn't do enough to unite people on religion so they went back to caste and state kanging. Who cares if we're Muslim as long as we're speaking Malayalam retards.
>>6869 >Need to push Hindutva with pure rage. We need to push Ruthless uncensored Hindutva everywhere >How I fucking wish Modi was the dictator they make him out to be. Time to look for the next candidate in BJP. Hopefully someone like that will come one day and fight for hindus
Absolutely cucked Shiv Sena split and is siding with Congress.
>>6856 >>6866 >>6869 https://swarajyamag.com/politics/what-went-wrong-for-bjp-in-ayodhya BJP prioritizes nation wide projects to the detriment of local constituents.
>>6855 whatever i get, but i think even SEA will be miles better than india.either way we should leave there is plenty money to be made if we devout ourselvers.
>>6878 Well guess we are back to shitty period of alliances, uncertain govt, fractures and no deisions being taken Prepare yourself for 5 years of stagnanacy USA and China both have smelled blood and weakness. A weak india is best thing Jinping could have hoped for. China remains undefeated and India will never catch up
>>6879 Working conditions are inhuman. Even compared to India. Especially in SK and Japan. In the next 2 years, a lot is changing worldwide and what we thought of as good destinations will not be the same. Ironically, Middle east is a safer bet right now. >>6880 USA did. China very much wants Modi in power. For as much as he is a pain in China's ass, he is far less willing to get in bed with the Americans compared to UPA, which is deep in the Soros camp now. The need of the hour is to disconnect Hindutva from needing majority vote. You can either push via popularity (current strategy) or have a core set of dedicated people who push it like |mooja hids| do. A lot of funds being given to BJP are being withdrawn for this now and alternate orgs will be going forward. If Indian public wants to vote for freebies and caste benefits, so be it. >>6870 I meant niggers/poojeets here. Why would Microsoft correct it to niggers, makes no sense to me.
>>6881 Man, you know, I used to think despite all things north india was hindutva bastion. The election proved no one believes in hinditva. Everyone is out for caste gibs Anyways here is a whitepill. Picrel is from "The Modi Effect" released in 2015.
>>6884 Also, a jyotish predicted it all before
So what disturbs me - Hindutva has not won over caste differences - Globohomo strategy to spread lies and false narratives worked. In part, I share the blame. Throwing money and being contend with eating pop corn on the sidelines. I underestimated the effect of social media, being a disconnected chud myself. I would like to do better. >>6884 > North as a Hindutva bastion NOPE. There is a strong minority of Hindu's who do. These are the ones who died for Ram Mandir. They ensured BJP got some seats. But most Indians are disconnected monkeys. I did not like the term nigger, but monkeys who will trade their futures for free gibs are nothing but niggers. Please post more here as well. I know it is just 5 people, but 5 sane people are better than a crowd of brainwashed redditors. I will try to do better as well.
>>6884 I underestimated my enemies brutally. They managed to spread their filth at a ground level and did so beautifully well. I am not very worried about the politics of it. INC and others are incompetent and will fuck up. But globohomo finally found competent people to do their bidding. We were fighting with kid gloves until now. Now is time to get serious.
>>6888 >>6887 I also blame the internet trad/blackpiller/caste kanging movement that rose in 2018 and increased in lockdown. The lehsun pyaaz posters, the kaun jaat kitna safed ,steppe ancestry, we wuzz kangz and shiet faggots for this If you try to bring back harsh casteism hindu dharma is finished And, keep in touch with twitter jyotish. They are saying Modi's mangal mahadasha is going on and that india itself will soon enter mangal mahadasha and that war situation will come soon. Military action is prophecised in Modi's 3rd term, possible war , ww3. And this also aligns with what that bhavishya malika guys were saying
Malpractices/sly tactics by congress https://x.com/AG_knocks/status/1798602515057148016 Dummy candidates to confuse voters
>>6895 Honestly impressive, Congress couldn't have been so smart on its own. Anyway, the trails are out. I hope Modi 3.0 goes all out against internal enemies now. >>6892 Some of them have genuine criticism of BJP. Others are sons/daughters of ex Congress fags or beneficiaries thereof , or sons/daughters of IAS officiers. They are hurt that their means of earning and privilege is gone. Before you could get a job if your family was loyal enough. Now Congress has been out of power for 10 years. Sons/daughters of these people, may get a scholarship in some randumb US university or UK, but they mostly won't get a job in the government. This has hurt lot of people who are pushing back hard. Congress funds are also coming to an end. So the next 5 years they and the INDI alliance will fight back hard. For me, all this changes nothing. - Need to push Hindutva harder with more clarity - Document and punish all those who are against sampurna swarajya of Bharat and Bharatiya's.
Data is out now. BJP lost 60 seats by 10,000 votes. The factors for it are complex. BJP's enemies played well for once, with lot of external help. BJP did not play well. That said, gloves are off and next 5 years are very serious.
>>6896 What to do with the trad/blackpiller movement that has begun All these caste unionists, we wuzz kangz type guys Irrespective of baman, rajput, obc etc these guys need to be dealt with. Causing fractures
>>6896 >Honestly impressive, Congress couldn't have been so smart on its own Clearly foreign interference. Fuck the cia
>>6900 Always insist on the simple truth, that for political rights of Hindu's. Caste is immaterial. Any govt or part y or group that insists that it is, is simply casteist. The rest, industrialisation and jobs will fix . We will have these discussions in a more organized fashsion hopefully. It is sad. Due to idiots, we are always stuck solving problems that have been solved and unable to solve problems to come.
>>6881 >Working conditions are inhuman. Even compared to India. Especially in SK and Japan. what do you suggest? i will either be a developer or in data science.
>>6907 Then don't worry about location right now. Competent ones get to work from home and get international salaries. Middle east is still going to be good Europe is decent for now (Berlin hires lot of analysists and coders after they have a year or two of expirience) Japan over works their employees. Korea is somennext dimension level overwork and lookism as well as racism
Indian voting reform - High School Certificate 25 years old voting age Some sort of fiscal requirement >>6909 >>6909 Europe will probably be the best. Middle East is going to get worse, and so is Japan. Korea fucking sucks if you're not white or Korean passing, and they will treat you like shit regardless. Honestly, if you can work in the US you might as well. The pay is far superior to anything anywhere else. SEA is nice but I wouldn't want to start a family there, it has alot of issues like safety and corruption, you will be targeted by the cops simply for being foreign, and starting a business is a nightmare despite what the ease of doing business ranking says. You will always have a Thai inspector wanting a handout, and any other countries in SEA are pointless imo. >>6892 I don't think they are very relevant. The main issue is the BJP fumbling in key areas (mainly ignoring local concerns) and honestly not performing too well this term. I've said before that they have been very underwhelming. Honestly, this was what I, and I think most Indians, needed. I had become comfortable with the idea that the BJP would solve all India's problems, when in reality party babus can't even begin to describe what they are. It's up to us to affect change.
name one thing bjp did in 2019-24 that coerced common man towards them >scraped agniveer the first resort of a poor to escape clutches of gareebi is by joining defence forces >increased price of petrol and diesel mf I have to give 100 rs for 1 l for my daily commute leaving a big dent on my monthly expenditure >enromous gst on everything from clothes to education maa chud jaye is chodi sarkar ki >no regards for scriptures and shankracharyas ,inaugurating a half build temple >destroyed thousand of homes in uttarpradesh just because a member of extended family was associated in a high profile crime scrapping 370 is the only thing going on for them and why does a common man will care about what goes in kashmir lol ,fucking chewtias bjp deserve what it got aur karo farmers ko tang and that modi is insufferable for a while with his wild and ultra negative iq statements ,a leader is seen relative when he answer questions and face unscripted interviews .
>>6887 I blame the rise of these caste based dehati gawar influenecers who can't see beyond their irrelavant low tier caste due to their insecurities
>>6912 >Flip flopping on Farm Laws >Struggling to push through and enforce CAA >Increasing govt debt >Raising taxes on the middle class There were alot of poor decisions by the BJP, voting for the INC is more of a rejection of the BJP rather than an endorsement of the INC. Modi can easily win people back with a decent performance this term.
>>6914 >>6913 A party is always compared to the alternative and the work they did. BJP mostly lost big in UP and Maharashtra. They did many things wrong. But the comparison is Rahul Gandhi/Akhilesh Yadav/Maha Congress and Uddhavs sena. In comparison the answer is clear. More importantly, all these losers are niether smart nor rich. Yet when you see, the voter was coerced with sophisticated lies. As a small example, since french flag mentioned it. The sankracharya against Ram Mandir was full on fake news. Yet, people to this day believe it. The sankracharya's themselves denied and most media portals refused to put the news. Now you see how people were fooled - Candidates with initials same as BJP candidate - Fake narratives that BJP is going to remove reservation for lower castes etc etc etc Overall, I find the common analysis very weak. BJP still mostly lost by small margins in most seats. The ground game by opposition was precise to a sinister level. Such sophestication is far beyond their capability. Putin did warn Modi publicly that USA is interfering. What is annoying is, how vulnerable we are to external influence. Let's be honest. Joe Biden or whoever backs him, has an iron grip on election systems in US too. So our enemies will be back in power in USA. The coming years will not be easy
>>6914 This is just Hindsight analysis. RaGa has no ground support. All his yatra's are massive flops despite promising people money. In UP his popularity is even lower.
Let us get somethings clear. 2014 and 2019 were BJP governments. 2024 is an NDA government. Partners are corrupt and weak. Congress could disrupt nation and parliament with 44 seats. They just got some lifeblood with 100 seats. On foreign policy front, things will go well in my opinion. From Hasina to MBS and others, the international world is going with Modi's dedollarization plan (yeah I know , big claim, someday might write about this). But domestically, we can look forward to - Useless parliament - No big reforms - Lot more rioting and protesting The Punjab faultline work is already underway with the Kangana bullshit. It is bullshit nothing else, but Indians love flinging mud and shit. A lot more are on the way. We need to think and discuss what we can do, because this very much concerns our future. >>6911 Middle east future is looking bright. > Erased Palestine > Economics closer to Asia and disconnected from USA etc Being in Europe right now, it doesn't look good here. Europe has entered its dark ages.
>>6920 that kangna is a chuddakad raand no 1., eat that slap like a champ and enjoy your babu term but nahi behn ki lawdi ko karna hai randi rona and not backing on the wild claims she made that every farmer is khalistani ,imo she deserved that five finger red dent on her cheeks ,Western uttapradesh ,haryana ,punjab are agrarian lands and bjp was wiped out from these areas this term .
>>6912 >shankracharyas Ghantacharyas are not to be taken seriously. They hold muslims dearer than Shudras Gand me ghused lo apne ghantacharyas
>>6915 >Putin did warn Modi publicly that USA is interfering. Russia is a good friend. Glad we did not interfere in Russia Ukraine war. Ukraine ki maa ki chut
>>6925 >t. Abdul allying with ghantacharya
>>6927 Well you will soon become one if you keep listening to your ghantacharyas, and I am no chamar. Apne ghantacharyas ko sambhal.
Worst thing about Modi losing is the insufferable Indian left wing retards online gloating. >>6922 Can't wait for no farm reforms so Punjab slowly depletes all ground water courtesy fo government subsidies, the zamindars flee to Canada to drive ubers and the Kisans all flood Delhi to work for slave wages. Absolutely brilliant.
>>6892 The war predictions I see coming true seem to be internal more than external. Enemies in India causing greater chaos and other parts fighting back.
>>6930 >>6922 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZL0g2IBXjl0 Even the lefts spokesperson cannot defend Punjab.
>>6930 >insufferable Indian left wing retards online gloating. If anything this election proved left wing will never get a grip in india as to defeat hindutva you need caste politics Left wing will never get a grip
>>6932 shekhar isn't left more like center ,he had given enough blowjobs to your non biological entity
>>6930 le re lund le , panjab isn't going anywhere bhaiye we still are prosperous and will be prosperous
>>6935 nothing in india is prosperous, if 3-4k pci is what you mean by prosperous you can have it.
>>6935 Indians always act like criticism is an insult. I want Punjab to be prosperous, but shortsightedness ensures it won't be. I had to do a research project involving Punjab's agriculture, and prior to the Farm Laws academia was unanimous in calling for the exact reforms Modi implemented. India has some of the most inefficient agriculture in the world that is actively destroying the states that produce it, and the next decade is going to be absolutely devasting to Punjab. The strucutre of the economy now encourages poor farmers to sell to zamindars who monopolize mundis and loan shark to smaller farmers. They use govt. subsidies to 1. rob the rest of the country and 2. slowly destroy the environment with pesticides, crop burning, and ground water depletion, and pay nothing to the kisans they fucking impoverished. Once Punjab is too toxic to grow anything they'll just immigrate to Canada or the UK. It's a fucking joke. But, hey, at least Modi didn't win in Punjab, right? Indians would rather be poor than stop state and caste kanging. You niggas chose your fate.
>>6933 Let's hope Punjab will be the first place ever in human history to function on delusion.
it's brutally over for bjpoo ,attacking the convoy of hindu devotees on eve of oath ceremony lel it's like sending a direct message for what's in the box for bjpoo for next five years ,I was planning a kashmir trip but Kerala will do just fine for me rn
>>6930 > Insufferable left wing retards Let them be happy with RaGa. Fact is, they have disproportionate power when it comes to disruption. But it is allowed, because if we respond, deep state gets the excuse it needs to attack. If we don't, it polarizes the nation against left wing. UP and Maharashtra aside, BJP still won big. So the mandate is still quiet clear. I wish RaGa, Tatti and his kind long time, to keep fuelling Hindutva and giving it easy enemies. >>6933 Yes. Even regarding caste politics, details are coming out about why people voted the way they did. It is still too early to form a conclusion. >>6934 He is one of the OG stooges and a master of propoganda like no other. Newer ones do not have the finesse that he does, whene even in praising BJP he can slip in dangerous lies. Even your points contain debunked points or lies invented by people to attack BJP. Not that it makes a difference to me, but it makes you less credible. >>6935 Leaf anon gave a good reply. I just want to add few points - The crop quality from Punjab is so bad, that its grain is not used for domestic consumption for a long while now. - Its commercial exports have been rejected from EU imports due to impurities and chemicals. In case you don't trust Indian testing. - Few months ago, the same farmers were arguing to get a higher price matching market rate. The same ones who joined farmer protests. - Small drive through Punjab, it is stuck in 60's. Haryana and other surrounding parts have moved so far ahead. Punjabi businessman have mostly all moved to UP now and are closing down their factories. Regardless of who forms govt in state, they are not planning to come back. The only thing keeping Punjab afloat are remittances from abroad. Like lead said, Punjab is a very important part of India culturally, geographically and historically. We want whats best for the state because it is essential for the nation. Drug addled niggerized population, pre Industrial mafia raj and delusions of prosperity are bad for the people. But they also make the people a security risk. IDGAF about Kangana, she is an actress, a performing monkey with tits and ass. But that said, supporting attack on MP's and using that to rile sentiments, it just supports my point further. >>6939 There are many problems in India, but lack of absolute wealth isn't one. It is lack of relative wealth. It is very important to de dollarize to correct that. For all its work, China sacrificed generations only to still earn peanuts, while manufacturing for the rest of the world. We cannot afford to make the same mistake. We must preserve our real wealth and resources. Trading them for $ is like giving away whats ours for nothing. It will be colonization 3.0 >>6941 YoYa faggot wrote the first draft that led to farm laws. Then he joined the protests. These fags are so full of shit. But people are not stupid, they notice these things. They don't have the time or energy to be articulate, but their voting reflects more intelligence than me or you. >>6944 What happened ? post news link
>>6944 Can't find anything. Can suggest north east in case you want a vacation.
>>4031 Islamist Terrorists kill 9 Hindu pilgrims in Reasi of Jammu & Kashmir,33 injured. Bus of pilgrims was on way from Reasi to Katra when terrorists fired. This is the same group of terrorists who are hiding in upper reaches of Rajouri, Poonch and Reasi
>>6946 I hate those cunning slit eye bastards, so Kerala or some other laid back southern state will be just alright for me, feeling pretty bored seeing these northie girls day in and out, a busty south women with specs could make things alright for me anyday.
>>6950 >>6949 - 10th operation of this kind - POK and border areas have cell towers to make independent networks - took place one hour before crowning of Samrat Modi This is a serious failure on our end.
>>6954 We need to impose Nazi like/China like measurez on pisslam.
>>6960 In UP, Dalits have been complaining about love Jihad/rape cases and police covered it up non stop. Yogi govt took the police version and did not take action. Though voting Akhilesh is doubling down on yadav/muslim lawlesness. But Yogi/Modi deserve the flac, given that they promote Hindutva. The point is, we need a stronger state and we need a more answerable state. If we pay tax's then least we deserve is protection. It is the least that we should demand.
>>6949 Terrorism has no religion....atleast when Muslims do it.
Ongoing ----------- Breaking India attempts ongoing with new zeal in Manipur Punjab Maharashtra Tamil Nadu Bengal During the elections, there were a lot of rumours spread on ground, especially in villages. In areas without RSS outreach, these rumours worked without challenge. This is the nature of modern info warfare against India. Not useless gimmicks like Rathee and other urban naxals, but using ex govt officials with actual contacts to spread dangerous rumours. We Indians are the targets of this info war. So it is very important to not react or get emotional and wait to verify facts. >>6971 >>6960 Islamic issues are one thing and that is one topic, but this is a direct attack from Pakistani army. Calling it terrorism , Islamic whatever takes away from the point, These are ex Pak army men. They are trained in Pakistan They use chinese AK copies. The only solution is to break Pakistan.
Rumours of strong action in Kashmir and aginadt China coming in.
>>6986 That's right, Modi's gonna make a very strongly worded post about it on x.com (formerly known as twitter).
>>6989 Modi has done more in Kashmir than any other PM since Indira.
>>6989 Fuck off.
>>4031 https://xcancel.com/changu311/status/1801723116567294025 kekistani gets a taste of his own medicine
>>6993 Kek Also vidrel is the modern khalistani
>>4031 https://libreddit.kavin.rocks/r/india/comments/1dh4p91/one_reason_for_bjps_poor_performance_is_not/ Ignore the randia bias and focus on the graphs and research papers https://digpu.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/SSRN-id4512936.pdf (PIC 1) In 2019, the BJP won a disproportionate amount of "close" seats. The x-axis is %-margin of victory divided by 100 in the seats bjp won or ended up as the runner up. A negative win margin implies BJP lost that seat with that amount of margin whereas a positive win margin implies BJP won that seat. You can arrive at many conclusions for this, but imo, the BJP became very overconfident and didn't push hard enough in the "close" constituencies, which ended up costing it big time against heavy anti-incumbency and opposition consolidation.
>>6989 he will do nothing but hide in george miloni's panties ,fucking coward
Former US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrives in Himachal Pradesh to meet Dalai Lama India is going hard against China. US is going hard in Manipur. China is using Pak to move forces away from sino border.
>>6990 >>6991 well, looks like we're not even getting the twitter post! kek.
>>6997 Great post. I crunched the numbers too though an early version. And I entirely agree with you apart from - 400 par hurt BJP - Opposition consolidation Everything else is over analysis or people choosing whatever they like as a reason. But, there are worrying trends that need further analysis. - Castes voting for SP/BSP , the same castes most hurt by these parties - On ground campaign of lies and deception, that were targeted too well. Perfect geographical and caste based targetting. This is not the work of INDI. >>7005 Your provocation is not unnoticed, though still stupid. - Modi's record on Internal security is better than anyone else. Especially in Kashmir. - The head commander or the organization that took responsibility for the attack was killed by unknown gunmen. I did not see you keking at that. I don't see the point of elaborating further to you. You just want to make your point by filtering out information that doesn't suit you, which is why I told you to fuck off. While you play your online games, real countrymen, die at the hands of our enemies, which is just a point scoring incident for you. So yes, fuck off.
>>7008 Nothing new. Happens each year and each year there is resistance. We need enemies like this, to stay united and polarized.
Nancy Pelosi in india, visited PoK, Tibet Parliament in india War is coming. Sheikh Hasina said christian nation is being attempted to be carved in bangladesh Jyotish said war is coming as India enters Mangal Mahadasha Prepare for 2025 as it comes
https://www.ibtimes.co.in/killing-umar-lone-big-blow-lashkar-network-kashmir-valley-869261 >>7017 External idk. Against internal enemies war is necessary and well due. Don't worry anon. We will be victorious. Dharma requires bloodshed when necessary
>>7020 This is a serious issue. Most families of old wealth, instead of disseminating culture and being people of good standing, instead treat Indians like shit and other Indians learn from this, then act like this when they get money. Work conditions are shit for most Indians. Its not a question of laws. We have more high talking than anywhere else. But why this urge to treat our own people like shit and think they will do good work ?
>>7017 Himachal Pradesh: Protests erupt after Javed instigates Hindus by uploading cow-slaughtering picture on WhatsApp status Odisha Grapples With Communal Violence Brought On By Demographic Change Etc etc etc We are in a low level warfare already. Accelerationism will hopefully shift it one way or the other.
>>7019 There is apparently very heavy Muslim mobilization in parts of India after Bakr-Eid violence. Different state govts have also taken note, some supporting it, some opposing it. Lets see what this will lead to
This Jahangir National University looks based ! Pretty accurate description in the trailer of the insanity we allow in our campus's.
>>4031 Things are looking bad in Pakistan. More and more of its officers are dying really gruesome deaths. no matter how things go forward, Pakistan will lose in every scenario.
BJP funders have resumed pressure on the party to abolish Income Tax. COVID woes are over and govt has plenty of revenue surplus. Personally, I am also in favour of this. Either all Indians pay tax's directly or they don't. But only punishing middle class is wrong.
(1.77 MB 480x640 YcMw0C4y_1uLGcvx.mp4)

yaaron ise spread krdo
Julian Assange's freedom is very sus. He is returning to Australia, an American colony. So most probably he has given up the secrets of his colleagues already. Still, what he did with Wikileaks is unprecedented and one of the most successful attacks on the Global American Empire.
Michelle Obama might also be an entrant.
Delhi T1 roof issue crash is a very serious issue. GOI needs to jail the builders. RaGa's typical stalling tactics in parliament show that he is a dangerous psychopath and not the dumb pappu he is made out to be. He lies more brazenly than Kejriwal makes promises.
>The roof colllapse >ram mandir leaking >5 bridges under construction break in the past few days in bihar >Delhi flooding >IIT delhi flooded and buildings fell down >Nirmala Sitharaman back >Ajit Doval back >Literal separatists and known miscreants elected to parliament >NEET and UGC-NET scams (NTA responsible for the most part. they really should be under CBSE as it was before) Not a good start for bhajipao 3.0
https://www.firstpost.com/explainers/india-three-new-criminal-laws-implementation-how-government-prepared-13788001.html New laws are long due and really necessary. Finally some sane and long due reforms.

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