/u/ - Yuri

many variants of yuris

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if you see "failed to connect" message, it means server is experiencing a problem now. it is not because of your cookie 1 May 2023 If you see "bypass denied" message, the website is having a problem. It is not that you can't solve the captcha. you can try again in few days "Connection failed." probably mean server problem. clearing cookie won't solve anything (i tried) July 2024 updated board rules+ explanation

Katawa Shoujo Anonymous 01/04/2022 (Tue) 11:28:51 No. 526 [Reply]
disability general
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>, it was also found that screen readers used by blind users speak over playing audio CAPTCHAs. As users navigate to the answer box, the accessibility software continue reading out the interface while talking over the playing audio challenge. A playing audio challenge does not pause for users as they type their answer. Reviewing an audio CAPTCHA is cumbersome, often requiring the user to start again from the beginning > screen readers used by blind Didn't know this exist. Lily overdrive!
In Vienna now. While crossing Salzach river i saw someone with legs bent inward.
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Card game Anonymous 04/09/2021 (Fri) 21:52:34 No. 181 [Reply] [Last]
Hinalogic, Yugioh, MTG, Vanguard, Wixoss
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>>2277 >mutsuki face
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Pokegirl Anonymous 03/03/2021 (Wed) 20:29:13 No. 124 [Reply] [Last]
Date (This thread is for human character only. Interaction with pokemons goes to furry thread)
Edited last time by 0nee_sama on 05/04/2021 (Tue) 00:13:22.
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And that's all, 147 pics, mostly from microSD
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Yuri-focused series Anonymous 10/06/2021 (Wed) 19:26:59 No. 442 [Reply]
overlap with Shoujo AI
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I did speak about webtoon but I only aware of 3-4 titles and only read 1 chapter each.
is it gay thinking about walking in town? asking for friend
>>2056 Depends on how many fingers she has in you,

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NSFW general Anonymous 03/22/2021 (Mon) 15:12:48 No. 162 [Reply]
If you want to share random themeless NSFW images, or sex galleries. If it was uploaded to sadpanda, post in its thread instead >>160
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Cohabitation, NEET Anonymous 12/24/2022 (Sat) 20:27:19 No. 1390 [Reply]
cohabition, roomshare and I suppose sleepover or visit
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God invented cohabitation. The devil invented marriage
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It get lively here
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I love imagining the Watamote cohabitation system. Yuri, Nemo, Ucchi, and Asuka probably have to share Tomoko by passing her around every night, while Mako and Masaki just make love together away from that madhouse.

Banner Suggestion Anonymous 04/23/2022 (Sat) 11:16:10 No. 749 [Reply]
Post things you want to put in banner. You may put watermark on it (see follow up post for details).
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>>1246 Glorious >>1253 > this better? aah I should've compare it before deleting the previous one
Trying to post here
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caption Sorry boys, she's taken.

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funny thread Anonymous 10/20/2022 (Thu) 00:37:48 No. 1198 [Reply]
pictures, humor, memes, Something light to let you smile
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>>1214 omo i just realize the 4th one is lycoris opening reference. Thank goodness I watched it
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"Pull both strap to inflate lifejacket"
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>she is alone but it is not as if she is lonely >gay gay homosexual gay

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general yuri gaming thread Anonymous 01/21/2021 (Thu) 23:18:52 No. 76 [Reply]
There isn't a gaming thread here, lets change that! Lets keep it nice and broad. All kinds of yuri games are welcome. If you want to share a yuri moment in a otherwise het game, this is also appreciated. Please give a warning if a yuri focused game you want to recommend has het or futa content.
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>>1565 Wait a sec
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Kemonomimi Thread Anonymous 08/02/2020 (Sun) 02:22:51 No. 40 [Reply]
Because animals are nice
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>>1663 Diamond, McQueen (you see the pattern) I don't even have time to watch akuyaku Reijo
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OneLoli Anonymous 07/05/2021 (Mon) 21:28:22 No. 296 [Reply]
Also known as Age Gap. Might overlap with Age Progression
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Blesbian Anonymous 04/17/2022 (Sun) 17:33:09 No. 727 [Reply]
Nun, angel, church girl, priestess, oracle, saint, holy woman Also apply for image/context surrounding/related to them (stained glass, religious school)
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walk the cross. it is about remembering the suffering of those before us. Carry their pain to become better person
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praying for 20 years get a (royal) (holy) dragon mommy
"In holy place, unholy mouth"

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Lesbian School Anonymous 05/24/2021 (Mon) 17:08:34 No. 261 [Reply]
Welcome to Yuri Gakuen. Where you can start discovering yourself in this world and learns Her teachings. Little Sours will partner up with an Onee-sama to assist you in your journey until someday you find your special person Series: Maria-sama, Valkyrie Drive, Kindred Spirit on the Roof, Aikatsu Friends
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Same vibe?
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guirella school lunch. you don't know where you will end up staying or do. Maybe get inspired making oc and before you know it, celebrating their birthday

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MOBA general Anonymous 06/12/2021 (Sat) 14:17:14 No. 279 [Reply]
Lol, Overwatch, Dota and other
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speaking about big breast and 2 other girls
Exhibition match, 1 ladies in each side. The lady in Dire is their carry and pull a last minute base defense. 3 died from Radiant and the remaining 2 pull back. Dire have to end the game because of the main stage schedule but after the interview the Radiant lady must be wet for their opposing carry
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ah forgot it was white day

DragonMaid Anonymous 04/25/2021 (Sun) 22:52:41 No. 220 [Reply]
For another 100 chapters
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taking break with Tohru's genderbender magic https://exhentai.org/g/1101753/64f14c9259/
Unexpected treasure. Something to be keep till end
just Tohru being pervert

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Content Helpdesk Thread Anonymous 10/16/2022 (Sun) 03:16:38 No. 1179 [Reply]
-ask what series goes to where, content etc -allowed content and discussion about it -Plan for new thread
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>>1179 Futa may or may not be considered het. Depending on how it's done. I will argue the case that MTF futa is het, but that not all futa involves MTF transgenderism. Also, one of the best cited shoujo-ai romances; kashimashi girl meets girl; was a initiated with a genderbend (transgender) plot.
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>>1635 Advertising each other is in yuri nature but when you notice you posted wrong link you should remove it yourself
>>1636 well homo males isn't het but you aren't even going to warn people about it?

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