/u/ - Yuri

many variants of yuris

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8chan.moe is a hobby project with no affiliation whatsoever to the administration of any other "8chan" site, past or present.

if you see "failed to connect" message, it means server is experiencing a problem now. it is not because of your cookie 1 May 2023 If you see "bypass denied" message, the website is having a problem. It is not that you can't solve the captcha. you can try again in few days "Connection failed." probably mean server problem. clearing cookie won't solve anything (i tried) July 2024 updated board rules+ explanation

Aikats/u/ アイカツ Anonymous 06/21/2022 (Tue) 20:43:36 No. 877 [Reply]
Mined from cave in Doujinshi.org, it shines brightest where no one is looking
4 posts and 15 images omitted.
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Institutionalized yuri, constant ntr and a useless ai. a pedophile senpai, a boke character who double as a baka, awkward girlfriend #2
the moment Karen think "take me as your wife" Karen is more like Chisato rather than Hime
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og fluff

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Idol General Anonymous 03/16/2021 (Tue) 14:51:15 No. 143 [Reply]
Girls who sing, dance to cheer you up, make you happy and give you strength Winter Idoly Pride, Gekidol, Idolls!, Luminous Witches Spring Zombieland Saga Revenge, Revue Starlight Movie Summer Love Live! Superstar
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For realsis the date modified in the folder I put these 2 pics in was March last year. I forget them so long, someone made an Aikatsu thread >>877
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Unchanging for you
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Western test thread Anonymous 10/31/2022 (Mon) 23:08:41 No. 1295 [Reply]
animation and games
I will make a thread for Western 2D general, this is a test thread. If you got idea on how to describe this thread, or pictures to put as openers post it. Game thread >>76 cover both Japan and english games so Splatoon goes there Series that is pornographic by nature goes to NSFW thread? (I am thinking of stuff like Aya Yanagisawa)
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1:2 ratio. 3 panels take too much space
Maybe because I tend to our yuri garden but I recommend watching Wakanda Forever. The themes are: forgiveness, grudge, accepting what one’s want, giving up even worthy things and think for people’s future. The main character grows and become stronger due to people’s help, interference. She become mature not only because what she lost but how she let people help her.

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Welcoming thread+ Posting Guide Anonymous Board owner 04/07/2022 (Thu) 00:07:46 No. 686 [Reply]
Welcome to 8chan Yuri. A community for people to share their thought, pictures or stories about female on female stuff. We allow wide range of stuff from tv series or novel, Asian or Western origin, 2D to real person, furry to monster girls, soft or extreme fetishes and lesbian general. If you see around and doesnt lost interest yet, the posting guide can be found in here click on either that No. 686 on top right or [Reply] button in corner to open this thread poll regarding when you find this board (you can fill this is you decide to stick around) https://survey.zohopublic.com/zs/3oCNtP
Edited last time by 0nee_sama on 06/20/2022 (Mon) 03:24:40.
8chan? Imageboards?' If this is your first time, Imageboard Sites is a style of forum that allows easier image upload. You don’t need to register to post here so you can either post as a stranger or using whatever name you want. What do you do here? Our focus is about sharing thoughts and post about yuri or futayuri (although I said focus we are pretty laid-back). This was specifically built to be a stress-free environment for talking with strangers. How to post For the first time you attempt to post here, you will see a captcha box saying “You need a block bypass to post”. Finish the captcha and that sentence will change into "Please wait for validation" Leave your computer (or phone) for about 30 sec -2 minutes* and the system should accept your post Validation should only required once as long as you don’t clear the cookie. Finishing the captcha (block bypass) will allow you to post for 1 day (GMT). This is just this site’s anti-spam measurement -If you are stuck in validation screen, refresh and wait for about 4 minutes. If it fail clear your cookies, (the one named captchaaid). -If you click Reply/Post button and doesn't get message immediately*, delete a cookie named bypass *If you use Chrome, closing the window while validation is in process might get you stuck

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Edited last time by 0nee_sama on 07/02/2024 (Tue) 13:57:56.
Suggestions 1. Although we are located within 8chan, if you are here just for yuri, it is not recommend to click on any buttons on top left of the site 2. When starting a thread, try to not post more than 1000 characters (including spaces) in the opening message. too much words will clog up search result in catalog so consider putting less important infos in followup posts. 3. When picking the first picture for new thread I recommend using a box picture (1 width :1 tall) as the first picture. If not box use a tall picture not slimmer than 4:5, as it might clog up thread description (if your thread description is over 3 lines). landscape picture as opening is suitable if you got a lot to say in opening post as they leave a lot of spaces, but the nature of thumbnail might make the actual picture get less exposure. 4. DSA = don't search artist. I add this as prefix in pics by artist who mostly make het stuff/ stuff that might make you regret clicking it. Think of it as forewarning Per July 2024 it is forbidden to post stuff from such artist Our rules are in place to protect the decency of our boards. If someone doing anything detrimental to overall health of the board or create an air of hostility, either ignore or report of them to meta thread
Edited last time by 0nee_sama on 07/02/2024 (Tue) 13:50:10.
Tips 1. For people who use Imageboard for the first time: using this sign " >" in front of sentence functions as quote. Example >what do you mean? typing like that indicate you are quoting someone else's post, comment, picture, or something inside a link they posted 2. Have a question or 2 regarding how this board work? Feel free to ask in meta thread >>174 Or want to ask if something can be posted? >>1179 Got a nice picture you want to be featured on top of board? Post it in banner thread >>749 bottom line. This is a place to have your voice heard. People who post to drown out other posters voice (or their yuri) aren’t welcomed here.

How to disable that Global Rule/disclaimer popup Anonymous Board owner 10/10/2022 (Mon) 22:25:52 No. 1156 [Reply]
(things are changing as I write this, please bear with me if you frequently visit this site for the next few days)
New site update make that popup appear every time you enter this site and will appear again after you close your browser. The problem is that you get redirected to frontpage. It is really annoying. I chose to use this site to build a community because I love using the design and there is no annoying popup everytime I visit. This is a guide on how to only need to do it once and prevent it from appearing again >>1153 done. I've been trying to reach site's administration regarding this for like 40 minutes now. I find it funny that I spend so long that I didn't notice someone were posting
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(things are changing as I write this, please bear with me if you frequently visit this site for the next few days) 1 First, position yourself in Index Page https://8chan.moe/u/ 2 Access console (Ctrl + Shift + K) for firefox etc or (Ctrl + Shift + J) for chrome etc. You will see Pic 1 3 Go to Application tab you will see Pic 2 (tip: if you don’t know much about cookie, erase the Value column if you want to share screenshot. People can do some stuff if they copy yours) Find Storage heading (there are other items named Storage, see pic for better view), expand Cookies and click 8chan.moe 4 Under Name there is a row named “splash”. We want to change the expiration date. Now you can copy other date information that say 2023 in “Expires/Max-Age” column (not splash). 5 Right-click on the date, click Edit (Pic 3). Paste what you copy into “Expires/Max-Age” in same row as “splash”, don’t click enter yet. Change 2023 into 2024 then hit Enter. While trying this in Brave browser the splash disappear so I guess this doesn’t work there. This is tested in Google Chrome desktop. I can guide you if you use other

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Military Anonymous 04/19/2021 (Mon) 03:50:54 No. 214 [Reply] [Last]
Strike Witches, Panzer and their hybrid daughter: Kotobuki Squadron in the Wilderness
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I can't chose between these 4 for opening post I already chose >>1047 3 for toc thread
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New thread >>1096 I should’ve said these before making it: previously I wrote that Tanya is “strictly in military thread”. The way I said it it might came out as restrictive, but the same also applied to most of other series-based threads. Tanya may be posted outside of Military Thread now if you wish for. I will make a thread for Content-related question this week
>>971 Took me almost 1 year and 10 months just to actually play that because I always feel dirty to even check it. Finaly got to today. Thank you for posting

summer Anonymous 06/05/2022 (Sun) 03:55:08 No. 834 [Reply]
Each year I usually play this to herald the coming or middle of Summer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kv8DDUSmtq4
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for summer-themed stuff https://exhentai.org/g/557828/7d9f6fd7cd/ the TeruMoko spend a hot summer day together. https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/880044?q=pool%3A3170
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comicket dawned

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anyone interested to become a Volunteer? Anonymous Board owner 06/21/2022 (Tue) 03:22:47 No. 872 [Reply]
Volunteer is a position given by Board Owner to people that want to help them moderate their board. our board isn’t big enough to warrant unwanted attentions, but just in case I’m not around.. >how does this work? if anyone interested, say you do in this thread. I will post my 8chan email, send email there (this thread will be deleted in 2 days to reduce risk of outsiders applying) Don’t think of it as burden. think of it as ability to be able to clean up if something happen (also you can add up this as in your online CV I guess?)
After reviewing my options I decide to slash the long winded pre-game rule. The summary above is as clean as I could simply while still make it a race On Easy mode at most you will be given 3 short questions. After you answer question 1 there is Waiting Time up-to 8 hours depend on how many other participants in the same route (number) correctly answer the question. We repeat this for 2 more questions.
Edited last time by 0nee_sama on 12/16/2022 (Fri) 22:26:58.

New meta thread: updated rules (please pin this) Anonymous 02/14/2021 (Sun) 23:32:38 No. 93 [Reply]
This board is no longer just for lesbian-related content in comics/manga and cartoons/anime. It's subject matter now includes any and all forms of lesbian-related content, in all mediums and contexts, including "3DPD" porn, and /lesgen/-styled discussions on "Lesbians IRL". This board's subject matter is no longer just restricted to yuri content, but to everything and anything related to sex or love between females. Lesbian bestiality (female humanoid x female non-humanoid, aka pic related) is A-OK as far as the rules go. So if you don't have yuri to post (3D and 2D are both ok), you can post some lesbian porn of real women too, heck, as far as this board's rules go even images of solo females are alright. the only restrictions on content are: - All sexual content must be restricted to biologically and/or anatomically female beings, this is to be determined by whatever first becomes applicable in the following order of assessment: Primary sex characteristics (Chromosomes and Cunts) > Secondary sex characteristics (Boobs and Butts) > Tertiary sex characteristics (Personality and Presentation). Something like an enlarged clitoris being used as a phallus, is something I'm kinda not sure about, for now I'll allow it, but only if it aligns with the rules below regarding tentacles. - loli content is allowed, but all content posted must be legal (think the barest imageboard levels of "legal"), this goes without saying.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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>>1152 Me to, I think we need to advertise. It's not just animated yuri, and not just SFW romance, we will also allow lesbian porn, and we will allow pretty much any kind of content as long as it has to do with female homosexuality.
>>1154 we used to have such good yuri boards, Old 4chan, OG 8chan, etc. Now we have these ones which lack in content, we need to get more users here and get them to bring their content with them. maybe we could get the more popular tangentially related boards like /delicious/ to send us some visitors if we advertise on there?
>>1152 >board not showing on 8chan's board list sorry, my fault. If you need quick response, meta thread is in >>174 as this thread is not bumped >>1154 >, we will also allow lesbian porn, It is allowed for a year now. I just don't have time to start making porn/JAV thread. >../delicious/ to send us some visitors if we advertise on there I'm not sure if it is polite to cross advertise inside, but maybe you can ask them? > pretty much any kind of content as long as it has to do with female homosexuality. 2 threads I remember from old 8chan were Lesbian fact and maybe lesgen
Edited last time by 0nee_sama on 10/16/2022 (Sun) 02:18:53.

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