/u/ - Yuri

many variants of yuris

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if you see "failed to connect" message, it means server is experiencing a problem now. it is not because of your cookie 1 May 2023 If you see "bypass denied" message, the website is having a problem. It is not that you can't solve the captcha. you can try again in few days "Connection failed." probably mean server problem. clearing cookie won't solve anything (i tried) July 2024 updated board rules+ explanation

Military & Weapon Anonymous 09/12/2022 (Mon) 16:15:10 No. 1096 [Reply]
Intense friendship and outright lust between teammates.
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>>1601 the Brave Liberating this world.
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>>1600 I'm 2 days late
>your love is poison to me but I will drink it all

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Geinoujin Anonymous 11/19/2022 (Sat) 23:39:52 No. 1346 [Reply]
Only got your eyes on me, and I will give you the closest place to spoil me. The world is a stage where we both thrive and push each other but I am jealous at the thought someone else would become the top star. So let me be by your side again
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they replace Bocchi streaming. idk whether they continued it on monday or they don't continue, most likely the former.
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This is a link for online Revue concert last year. Priced at really cheap 2000 yen (concerts in my country double that price) https://stagecrowd.live/s/sc/group/detail/10201?ima=0311

Pixiv Anonymous 02/26/2021 (Fri) 17:34:33 No. 121 [Reply]
Talk about artist, your finding or drawing. Also include Twitter and other SNS
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ai-related plagiarism, this one involve yuri
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@shiroshi. mainly draw girl doing girls activity. This one is nsfw but most of their pics are sfw
things remind me of these

Intimate Futayuri Anonymous 06/19/2022 (Sun) 08:49:04 No. 864 [Reply] [Last]
Thread for futayuri with a focus on intimacy, romance, and wholesomeness. Sex with affection, caressing, holding, kissing and other tender expressions rather than just pure fucking. Preferably no gigantic bananas or huge amounts of fluids.
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>>1676 >>1678 It seems threads cap at 200 posts, so a new one is in fact needed.
>>1811 8chan server aren't the best for opening heavier file. So uploading them doesn't mean much if users can't open them. Opt to resize heavy ones or link to artist source Also I will upload rules regarding genderbend someday
>>1810 >>1743 i went shitting on danbooru for yugoih pic that shizo waifufag forget to tag hetcrap. If I get bad mark, I’m doing it for people who still using that CRAPsite for yuri

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GLA Gay Lesbian Alliance Anonymous Board owner 06/21/2021 (Mon) 00:44:21 No. 284 [Reply]
"We know about the gays, but what about the homosexuals?"
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Trap vs Trap
artist tag it yaoi. but trans x trans is fine here!
Just finished Europe tour. the tour guide is a Protestant from my country who lives in Europe. Woman can’t stop bashing LGBT almost everyday. -Conservatives saying “lesbian are so pretty, pity she is so pretty unbelievable.” what. What with prejudice that people get into lgbt because they are ugly? Also she imply lesbian appearing is worse than homo. Are female not suppose to know they can love fellow females? >Go to Brussel >”first country which. . . lgbt something something” Gurl, stop shoehorning anti-lgbt -End of tour, she tell story and history of her tribe. Stuff like inheritance, wedding fee, name hierarchy. Saying we (christians) break free of tradition You spend 1 week saying how Europe deviate from whatever when From your tribe’s perspective you are who deviate. Conservatives in charge not seeing the log out in their own eye. Need thread for lesbian discussion

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Watamote Anonymous 02/23/2021 (Tue) 08:51:18 No. 118 [Reply] [Last]
Remember when Yuu-chan was the only route?
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hairgate. But i guess that's the quality of mc
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time and time again yuri save me

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Witches Anonymous 02/23/2021 (Tue) 22:40:57 No. 120 [Reply] [Last]
World, Little Witch Academia and other
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You don't see anything
>Arcturus variant You cant make this shit up
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yuri keep me warm during winter

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announcement thread Anonymous Board owner 02/28/2021 (Sun) 00:48:00 No. 122 [Reply]
Welcome to /u/, Yuri the way Japanese internet see it < this is a clunky slogan but idk if it can be improved I don't think there is any important announcement but if there is, I will use this thread announcement will use UTC time and date (not london) https://everytimezone.com/
Edited last time by 0nee_sama on 09/30/2022 (Fri) 03:39:30.
The site will run some server testing on 1-2 October 2022 Sunday and Monday (UTC). Expect brief outages or errors.
8chan central planned for christmast event (and by christmast they mean this week) For more info https://8chan.moe/christmas/res/2.html Noteworthy event is Home Alone2 stream on 6UTC Saturday telling in advance because who knows when my people would come.

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/u/ reading corner Anonymous 01/17/2021 (Sun) 17:23:24 No. 68 [Reply]
Here is a yuri story thread. Post your thoughts on yuri related stuff that you like to read or have read. If you have an idea for a story, you can also discus it here. Here is a link to a collection of stories that was recently posted on 4ch's yuri board: http://mgnet.me/.ulit2020 This is a collection of lesbian stories including but not limited to Erotica. These are all epubs that are/where available in places like Amazon/Rakuten
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>Lifeless planet is potentially habitable. - >Supermassive population of sapient female humanoids suddenly arrives all at once. - >They had to turn to cannibalism and vampirism to survive because there is initially no other accessible sources of food or water. - >They acquired access to technology that allows them to be impregnated by themselves, by another woman, or by multiple other women, but only daughters can be conceived by this process. - >They'd have a long history of warfare, and those who were defeated would become a source of sustenance and reproduction for the victors. Even after peace was established the countries would hold deathgame-like wars for these purposes, warlike cultures formed and became prevalent. - >Under heavy pressures from natural selection the traits benefitting lesbianism and obligate cannibalism/vampirism are favored and exaggerated, over successive generations they evolve into a separate species from those who'd first arrived on the planet. - >Over time they terraform the planet just with their presence in such overwhelming numbers, carrying new elements and organisms within their bodies that completely change the planetary environment and atmosphere, other life soon emerges from the changed conditions, developing into multicellular species and forming new ecosystems. - >Over a couple million years later, the space dykes would have new animals and plants to consume, but they would never fully give up their practices of intraspecies predation, be it due to the cultures they developed or their biology, similarly, many species arose with both male and female species, but the colonists were so fargone into being exclusively composed of lesbians that reproduced by technology that none would have genuine sexual interest in a male of any variety except for the few fetishists at the extreme ends of sexual openness (they would have to be zoophiles as well). - >They develop encounter two new species with ties to their pasts: First, an all-male species with a shared origin story - forgotten spaceships of prisoners held in stasis, the product of a tyrannical galactic empire that had died out long ago, they had no staff for they were entirely autonomous and run by AI-directed robotics. Naturally, these two species no longer resembled each other, but both were warlike and technologically advanced enough to become rivals whose feud would burn their regions of the galaxy.

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This is a snapshot of bakarina finding a fellow 'commoner' she can confide with. It makes me happy when I check a writer's profile and see that they write something about character with similar situation as i am. In this place i want to give the feeling of "having fun participating in online group with people who have same interest"
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https://archiveofourown.org/works/13955142 Vert x Blanc doing it in a bookstore good read for winterstorm

Precure/Pretty Cure Anonymous 03/13/2021 (Sat) 18:16:51 No. 141 [Reply] [Last]
present, past, and future
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I didn’t it notice it at first being a horizontal pic, that I have been putting Rikka’s pubic hair on my phone wallpaper for 2 weeks
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thanks for killing adults hope Toei/ bandai . first Mercury now this

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Anonymous 10/28/2022 (Fri) 00:09:24 No. 1277 [Reply]
How many of you are men? How did you get into yuri and lesbianism? What do you want for the future of this board? When will we get more porn on this porn board?
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>>1277 i just remember this thread asking about online female presence. saw some comment from sport incels on Twitter (toxic place, i know) and cant help but disgusted how much they project. At beginning there are equal amount of male and female on given place on internet. It is creeps' attitude that drives them away. when females left, spectics start saying "there are no girls on internet", obvlivous that  they are the one causing it. Other argument is girls go clubbing or partying instead of partake in lengthy online discussion. This reek virgins who make up reason why female arent attracted to them and finger point at  cliche embedded to girls.
>>1469 Pretty sure that the initial audience of sites like 4chan were all guys, and that drew in women to the site, which led to the whole "tits or GTFO" culture of female exclusion, as it was a space they wanted exclusively reserved for men (to discuss anime boobs). At least that's the story I was told.
>>1490 You're forgetting all the "boys" who later figured out they weren't. Probably some of the "girls" going in the opposite direction as well.

Anonymous 09/05/2023 (Tue) 17:50:47 No. 1522 [Reply]
Exploring your first time
>>1522 There is this non-h about 2 college girls exploring their first time but it is done by circle who make het hentai for a living
>file too large ah, scanned jpeg

What is lesbian sex actually like? Anonymous 11/26/2021 (Fri) 00:57:34 No. 482 [Reply]
Kissless virgin here with a few questions, are there any other actual lesbians here? have any of you had sex with a girl? what did you do? what was it like? how did you meet? are you still together? etc.
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>>947 I once found a Mahjong pastebin that contains a link titled "100 lesbians sex position".
>>950 Any hope on finding it again and posting it here?
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state of the board Anonymous Board owner 04/05/2023 (Wed) 05:13:53 No. 1461 [Reply]
3 things to talk to here: state of the board, new people(?) and my thought about the former and your wishes (waited some days so people don't think this is april fool)
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3) my thoughts on you I was thinking of typing this during last year autumn when people don’t post here. it felt like staring across a chasm when I want to convey these while thinking everyone left. Then someone did post in December that I resume procrastinating it to January, where another posts. Before I know it everyone return. I am grateful that all of you return this season (or at least when I tried to type this back then in December) but I don’t know if (all of) you did because that’s your pace or despite. The picture and the following message should make it clear to who I am speaking to. Please be mindful and try not to read message in spoiler not meant for you
Edited last time by 0nee_sama on 05/06/2023 (Sat) 16:27:36.
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You show wide range of series interest, started our most succesfull thread, recommend the 2 most popular yuri series in their season back-to-back (Lycoris and Mercury) also Accompany me when I start making threads then and now Giving the extent of your range I find it plausible if you burned out, considering you are the one who haven’t post the longest now. I had planned to ask people what date they want as futanari birthday >>1477 took me 1 month to even post that. That’s how bad my scheduling is
by images posted you are the champ I don’t think that 8chan have server issue consider they allow 32mb images in other place. I’m the one who restrict the size of files that can be posted here. my reasoning being lighter images are easier to open and artist can learn some compression. When sharing heavy thing we found from pixiv, we can instead share link to artist page if anyone interested with full resolution. Out of personal spite I don’t think there is many images worth 8mb for and most of videos can be shared by reuploading through porn sites. Bottom line: you didn’t hurt the server. I’m sorry if I accuse you of being so You posted lots of series through intimate thread yet I never see any of corresponding post/discussion in outside thread matching the images you post. More than seeing images maybe other people want to hear your thought in their respective thread. Like when you share that obscure hentai anime ps the Mikanko manga you posted is by artist who, how do I say it. . let’s just say I got plan for a thread for artists whos preference are like him
Edited last time by 0nee_sama on 06/08/2023 (Thu) 22:42:46.

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A Dream of Spring on a Tatami Mat Anonymous 01/27/2022 (Thu) 03:57:12 No. 573 [Reply]
https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/a_dream_of_spring_on_a_tatami_mat I'm really dumb and don't understand what's going on is this. Did the loli spill whiskey or did she stab the taller one? Why did she get so scared about the loli coming to her? Were they actually the same age? Why did the taller one leave? Where was she going? Why did she talk so weird?
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>>573 I think I arrive at that page. The first time it look like the loli crack the bottle then stab her but the next page make it ambiguous. So, maybe (she drink a lot).
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1 year before I see this thread I had downloaded this but only read it recently. similiar theme, similiar artwork, but the onee-san is the one having scars. She teaches her not to by embarrassed by her hobby. Took an older one to save kids from mistake they about to make, so they don't hate their what they love.

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holiday activity Anonymous Board owner 12/10/2022 (Sat) 15:20:56 No. 1372 [Reply]
read this during endyear vacations, so I want to share the experience Let’s have a manga-reading game
This would take 1-3 + 8 hours after you start the game. You can start the game at any time after you receive the link. On Saturday 24 December 5PM 8chan time UTC +0 (that’s 11AM for UTC-7, or 2AM on Sunday for Japan timezone) send an email to me. it can be blank email or whatever. To make sure I don't get random email, first post in this thread with whatever email you will be using. I will send you an email containing random letter, which I will then post here to verify that it is really me.(I don't mind if you use burner email as long as you remember the code). After the game start you can chose a number. When you read the manga you will see what the numbers correspond to. email me the number of your choice and I will give you the first question (short question) just to make sure you don’t randomly chose any numbers. It get messy here I will explain further in rule
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After reviewing my options I decide to slash the long winded pre-game rule. The summary above is as clean as I could simply while still make it a race -On Easy mode at most you will be given 3 short questions. -After you answer question #1 there is Waiting Time of 8 hours depend on how many other participants in the same route (number) correctly answer the question. -We repeat this for 2 more questions. Difficulty selection is done by PM so you won’t see how many people you are competing with
-Normal: Description & duration: at most 3 short questions plus 1 short essay as tie-breaker. Waiting time up-to 4x 4 hours depend on how many other participants correctly answer the questions. Time matters*, it is a race after all *time could be your bane or your boon Reward: small sized wish/online favour (you can discuss your reward beforehand) -Hard: Description & duration: 3 questions. Waiting time up-to 3x 2 hours depend on how many other participants correctly answer the questions. The answer to last question is not in the manga. Reward: medium sized wish/favour (you can discuss your reward beforehand)

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