/u/ - Yuri

many variants of yuris

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if you see "failed to connect" message, it means server is experiencing a problem now. it is not because of your cookie 1 May 2023 If you see "bypass denied" message, the website is having a problem. It is not that you can't solve the captcha. you can try again in few days "Connection failed." probably mean server problem. clearing cookie won't solve anything (i tried) July 2024 updated board rules+ explanation

Rules/guideline Anonymous Board owner 07/02/2024 (Tue) 14:54:29 No. 2436 [Reply]
and compilation of restricted contents
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This is a futayuri board, not futanari: we are still yuri at core. Not saying solo futa can’t be posted. I can’t define it exactly, but futanari in futayuri works are way for creators to give way for girl to ___ their loved one. (or sexfriends. or slutes.). It doesnt necessary to be intimate/ softcore like >>864, Gedou Danshaku arguably isn't intimate but you can feel futayuri from it. Negative example: futa x female artist like RADIOHEAD or yassy, just write/draw normal futa story
Do not post stuff from artist whos work are mainly hetero, yuri-less ecchi or worse. In case I need to spell it out, people living their het fantasy of lesbian character I don’t want to make this into hard rule and try to find compromise, but this is how we end up with people cluelessly post something like this (NSFW hetero warning) https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/108903434 If you find art in pixiv, it is not hard to hover into their profile and peek their latest drawing. If your main source is booru this might be a good time to raise your awareness and check artist’s SNS.
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I respect how artist making a creative work. If artist said/draw a female character as male then said art is treated as such. eg Houseki no Kuni are males but mostly aren’t het they can be posted, in GLA for example. If you are not sure, ask in >>1179 If you like an art so much that you think you want to share it to people, surely you can spare some time to reach where they post, drop a like and read the context of said pic.

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Interracial Anonymous 03/02/2022 (Wed) 04:55:36 No. 639 [Reply]
http://caroleandtuesday.com pass through cultural barriers
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Board discussion Anonymous 04/02/2021 (Fri) 17:20:40 No. 174 [Reply] [Last]
/Meta thread
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Board Owner here >>2302 Card Game thread is locked into sage-only post and i dont know why. This is the 2nd time this happen and i try manually un-anchor the thread but it revert back.
Yo the other person. I accidentally delete your post (like, in the past 1 week) instead the other guy's post. I will try to restore it.
Restore some images. Except the one without yuri on it, or was posted before,or the one which thumbnail won’t load. Gonna make new thread tomorrow explaining every rules so people won’t even think of posting that again in /u/ I remember the sailor moon you posted but I guess it is pretty deep down there (Told you our server is slow)

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Hifuu Club Anonymous 02/23/2021 (Tue) 08:39:36 No. 117 [Reply]
Our favorite college lesbian
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closeness. the trust that they can talk about their own major and occult >>970
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When you just want to read college girls snuggling allover place but Renko start talking about gravity and mass = existance https://e-hentai.org/g/607380/1ab16ff0e7/ one of my favorite, I read this before quarantine. 2 more notes, Mari sing that nursery rhyme throughout this doujinshi, read the Japanese text, it is cute. When you reach the falling down scene ,play this https://youtu.be/tzvL7NdHwD0?t=134 also this is something I didn't realize before the ending. The lamb in the rhyme is Renko . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58CBnU84RYs Finally about those gossiping girls, when people try to hurt you with lies, it is not true so it hold no value
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comfy resting

Genderbender/GB ruling Anonymous Board owner 06/27/2024 (Thu) 03:28:13 No. 2392 [Reply]
most of MtF are forbidden. read if you wanna plead your case
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If futa is allowed, I see no reason why genderbending shouldn't. It's objectively more yuri than futa because the body is fully female. I think that, since imageboard are centered around pictures, only what can be seen in the picture should be taken into account, not the context or metaphysical stuff like the soul, that's way too subjective. >>2399 If Tanya is allowed, Mahiro should be too. They have about the same acceptance of being female. >>2398 I also don't think that female-to-male genderbending should be allowed if the body is now entirely male (although in Kobayashi's case it's hard to tell the difference since she's already so boyish and flat-chested).
>>2401 >not the context or metaphysical stuff like the soul, that's way too subjective. I want to say “check your food before sharing it with other”. At least from booru sites it is understandable, search “2 girls –hetero” then post result here because people there don’t upload everything from artist various sites. Then I check that the recent post Saki is from artist whos half of their work is Sakis hetero and the other half is ecchi. You can see it coming miles away from the art. filename show it was saved from pixiv,meaning some people went out their way to pixiv,still look at heterocrap and think “I can post this in yuri imageboard because it isn’t explicitly hetero” > only what can be seen in the picture should be taken into account, 4/u/ let a picture of girl masturbating to futanari. And no one complain about it not because the body is fully female but apparently no one can read kana for futanari. I point it out and mod delete it. So context matter >only what can be seen in the picture should be taken into account, Just like that imagedump in Saki, semantic like this is how halfchan/u/ post craps like -Aya Shacho art of 2 girls pregnant. considering the artist history with said character,the implication isn’t nice -the Russian lesbian from GuP in bed,dark room hugging each other looking scared. Yeah it is cover of a straight hentai. why go to yuri board to just post that? There is section for ecchi stuff if one’s definition of yuri is “no male”
>>2403 The pregnant RenMari pic was drawn for a yuri novel. https://www.pixiv.net/novel/show.php?id=3660991

Transformation suit general Anonymous 03/10/2021 (Wed) 17:13:10 No. 133 [Reply]
Mecha (Cross Ange, Granbelm) and Plugsuit (Neptunia >>137, Symphogear) or other combat cute suits (Vividred Operation) Nanoha? Valkyrie Drive?
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so what's the verdict on Mercury?
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consider Maria got part in Revue Starlight collab theater she can act her part
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past gen and current gen

Furry thread Anonymous 03/26/2024 (Tue) 14:53:54 No. 1706 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for the fluffiest girls.
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Porn Professional Anonymous 03/05/2024 (Tue) 00:00:10 No. 1640 [Reply]
Professionally made porn studio western, JAV or anywhere. (can't wait to reverse-search each of porn before posting it) Homemade may be posted both here and non-professional
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Watching this porn https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5cace83846153 trying to find more from this producer. Find the vid,Login in pornhub because why not. Ph update their pass policy,pass need to be updated now >Password too weak. Try a mix of letters, numbers symbols. The porn play in background >Password too weak. Try a mix of letters, numbers symbols. Open my file of sites passwords, they start speaking >keep failing It has been a while since I use passwords that need symbols. Finally found it >have to be 8 letter or more I got long passwords with letter,I got short password with symbol. Why they require so much security for porn site? I just want to porn for fucks sake

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Saki Anonymous 07/26/2021 (Mon) 03:48:50 No. 327 [Reply] [Last]
National, Achiga, Toki Siscons
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Not exactly what i had in mind but I saw Saki yuri pic yesterday
>>2362 >Most of his stuff has never been posted outside Geez maybe because western part of internet like Saki because of yuri and,I don’t know, HALF of that artist art is het? >>2363 Look at pic5 and you can see het implication. Not practicing aversion to het is bisexuality
>>2378 >because pregnant sakis are hot. This is the kind of mindset /a/ have. This is /u/, not "/a/ but you couldn't post males".

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Doomsday/barren world Anonymous 05/14/2021 (Fri) 17:27:20 No. 247 [Reply]
Girls Last Tour (shukumatsu), Humanity Has Declined (Jinrui), gakkou gurashi, Yuru Camp
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earth day 26th march.l i'm thinking of reducing emission for Mother Earth
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Even if civilization is ruined as long as there is lesbian who fight for us, life is worth fighting

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#test Shakaijin thread Anonymous 11/14/2022 (Mon) 22:05:14 No. 1336 [Reply]
This is a “test drive” thread for following topics* - female who work/workplace romance/ women in working society (shakaijin) - mature yuri (women over the age of 24(?) or pass college) - yuri industry, both adult and non-adult character
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[Amano Shuninta] Sweet Guilty Love Bites shared here because I'm not sure if I have enough material for "yuri industry"
"yuri industry" could be the literal industry of creating yuri fiction, but "yuri" taken as a euphemism for lesbianism in general. So could we also talk about sex work? Like pornography or prostitution that involve women having sex with other women. Remember how Lily Cade got cancelled for refusing to have sex with a futa? Bad idea considering they had previously been trying to get her to do a scene with a man and she repeatedly refused them. Or how they couldn't get her on transphobia because there were enough other sex workers in the industry who supported her right to choose her co-stars, so they treated her like a man and got some "transpositive" women in the industry to accuse her of sexual harassment and even sexual assault. Charges that are notoriously difficult to prove outside of sex working communities, let alone within it, so I guess we just have to listen and believe especially when the person being accused is someone with opinions the establishment dislikes. I'd also like to discuss the lesbian dating industry, if that's a viable subject here, every time a dating service for women=seeking-women gets started they either allow transgenders in off the bat, or they eventually succumb to the pressures placed upon them to include transwomen.
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Not sure how many topic exist for sport yuri

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Social game Anonymous 12/28/2022 (Wed) 17:29:45 No. 1395 [Reply]
Arknight, Honkai, Genshin, FGO, /U/MA
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ugh want to play this just for himejoshi club. the event title is romantic
I think this was my first contact with Honkai.

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