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Amateur Game Development General: Be Kind To Beginners Edition Anonymous 09/02/2024 (Mon) 23:41:26 Id: 67de55 No. 1008893
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>>1018282 At least you have an engine you're using (Unity? from the looks of it) I have to do shit like picrel for my animations.
>>1018577 i wish to get to your level
>>1018578 I'm not sure whether that's encouraging or not, haha. I'm stuck on Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2010 is locked to C#4.5, which means I can't use things like NuGet or other distro methods. Besides that, my hardware is ancient and Godot and Unity are quite slow to load, if at all (eg, editors churn 25% cpu just trying to load shit) Honestly, a decent rig and even visual editors will go a long way, slogging through code and trying to set up basic shit that works out of the box is barely productive
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>>1017618 Spent a few hours just kinda tweaking things to make it look more presentable. The explosions are from Kirby and the boots are from Zelda, but the door animations were my own. Have to spend a good day or two reviewing how my interaction/signal system works so things behave the way they should (moving objects cannot trigger events, but this also means bombs don't explode correctly, and things like boxes do not trigger when they enter tiles if they were pushed)
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>>1018577 Dumped Unity in 2018. We use Godot. But the sprite selection doesn't use any built-in animator and is done from code. We'll have so many sprite sheets for the field that if we had to manually create animators for every single one, it would clutter the filesystem and make adding new sprites really slow. Instead, I just wrote my own sprite "charset" system which can automatically calculate how many sprites per direction and whether it's two-directions + mirror or four. I also use StringName (interned strings) as symbols so I can pass and allocate arbitrary sprites (such as emotional reactions) that may not go into the base walking sprites. So while I do use an engine, I tend to code my own features instead of using built-in ones if I feel the disadvantages of the preexisting tools or plugins outweigh advantages. It's why I use a custom menuing system and textbox, rather than asset store plugins. >>1018586 Linux will make old laptops not die, although I don't know if Godot 4.x would run well in compatibility mode.
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In other news, I ended up integrating the animation infrastructure in place. It's just the building blocks mostly, though. That and the game tends to crash after one or two attacks finish after adding the attack animation part. One day I'll fix it, probably.
>>1018801 Not bad.
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More animation testing. Fixed the crash and added a few variations. All players are using placeholder items, though third party member has two weapons equipped so they get two attack animations and strikes. (I wanted the options of dual-wielding for extra build customization.) Also realized it's way more interesting having more enemies on screen and I can catch multi-target issues quicker if I'm testing that way. Might throw in target selection tomorrow just to make sure that works. It's just random based on the teams at the moment.
>>1019268 I assume you aren't going to have limb-based combat like F&H
>>1019493 I don't know F&H, but I did set things up so I could in theory constrain equipment slots based on tags. Partially so I could make CnC3 have recruitable monsters akin to DQ5/Monsters. I want to save that as a possibility for 3 because we'd have to make field sprites for all recruitable creatures, and we already have a large asset count to fill for 2.
https://archive.vn/HaTP0 So what are the next best game engines?
>>1019609 No difference, Godot Engine is open source.
>>1019609 Still Godot
>>1019609 A fork of Godot, which is exactly the same except swaps all the logos with windmills of friendship
>>1019662 So true ally. Godot is almost as valid as Rust, I program pride flags in Wokot while dilating my neovagina. Love from Israel.
>>1019719 Rust is called rust because when trannies don't dilate they rust shut
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Internal refactoring to expand skills, improve some handling of stuff. Then on top of that comes combatant targeting menus, enemy AI, indicators when enemies attack, hit-crit distinguished animations, and probably a few other minor things. Foundation slowly coming together. Stop calling me Dave, board. I have no idea who that is.
>>1019774 >Stop calling me Dave, board. Agreed, this shit's stupid and pushes threads like this off subject, and if it stops but isn't reversed, after the fact it seems like one person namefagging.
>>1019782 Oh I didn't know some Dave meme existed these days. I thought I was somehow getting weirdness from someone using my VPN.
>>1019789 Some fag in the meta thread apparently made a retarded post about an average anon being named "Dave" in some autism post, and presumably cake kike thought it was funny and now the board is shit for a day, assuming he'll change it back by then ofc
>>1019798 Nothing retarded about that post: >The average user of /v/ (let's name him Dave), or anywhere with gaming discussion, comes for a good time discussing video games. How successful fomenters kill /v/, then, is making sure Dave has a bad time discussing video games. GCfag hounds Daves 24/7 to make sure they have a bad time discussing video games. Others hound Daves for less time. >Dave likes anything related to video games or posts anything at all? Ridicule it. Ridicule Dave for liking it so Dave won't discuss it. Ridicule others who like it so they won't discuss it. Ridicule it for many posts. Ridicule it now. Keep ridiculing it later. Ridicule it in various threads. Derail many video game discussions so they're not video games so video gamers won't like them. Bait Dave to have wearisome arguments that don't end. Wear Dave down with them. Frustrate Dave by lying about him, what he said, and what happened. Concede nothing. Defame Dave. Turn people against Dave. If you can't, pose as these people and agree Dave's awful and what Dave said is awful, so Dave feels isolated, outnumbered, and alone. Tell Dave that Dave is doing what you're doing. Make Dave have a bad time discussing video games. >Dave will have a worse time discussing gaming, on "/v/ - Video Games," than Dave would on places not for video games. Dave came to discuss video games, not for 5 hours of mental warfare. Dave won't stay to improve /v/, that's 1-sided, /v/ benefits but Dave doesn't. Dave probably won't complain here either. Dave will leave, then have a good time discussing gaming somewhere else. The hounds, more eager to foment destruction than Daves are to stop it, then attack Dave after Dave until no Dave remains. >Most Daves left. /v/ is these hounds now. GCfag hounds the most, and others hound too. When hounds make more posts than Daves, hounds run the board de facto, take over discussion, peddle fake history to conceal their wrongdoing, and fomenters gloat over /v/'s decline. You sound like the guy it's talking about. Anyway this is what I mean by "this shit's stupid and pushes threads like this off subject," Amateur Game Development General now has meta shit where it shouldn't be.
>>1019807 Ok Dave.
>>1019807 I literally do not give a shit about the post itself, autist. You literally quoted the wall of text when you could have just had a reply to the post for whatever retard actually wants to waste their time reading that shit, then you complain that the thread is going further off-topic after furthering said derail.
>>1019811 You gave enough of a shit to lie about it and you give enough of a shit now to try to stop people from reading it by telling them it's a waste of time for retards. You sound like the guy it's talking about. The thread was already derailed when I came and the derail was over before you started it again.
>>1019813 >having an opinion is now lying Nah, you have the 'tism.
>>1019827 Pretending >>1019807's a retarded autism post when it's simply explaining how forums are subverted is lying. You're doing the very derailment and shit stirring it's talking about.
>>1019609 This looks like this part: >Ridicule it. Ridicule Dave for liking it so Dave won't discuss it. Ridicule others who like it so they won't discuss it. Ridicule it for many posts. Ridicule it now. Keep ridiculing it later. Godot isn't bad because Godot's Twitter manager is bad.
>>1019835 Yeah, yeah. You're an original Dave and your shit doesn't stink. We get it.
>>1019719 This post also follows the ridicule of Godot with more ridicule. Woke managers of Twitter accounts aren't problems with Godot or Godot's developers.
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>>1019515 Fear & Hunger! It's basically a survival/horror/dark fantasy themed game in RPG Maker. Unfortunately, it's gotten popular among the gender community >>1019609 Reminds me, I saw this today
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Oh yeah and here's a bit of progress for today
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Does anyone have any links to (free) game source code so a retard like me can understand its basic functionality? I mean even simple shit like 2D platformer will work as long as its easy to understand.
>>1019964 I recommend against looking at the code of completed games/software, as it's generally extremely hard to figure out and debug code that it's hundreds if not thousands of lines of code long. You are better off searching on Jewtube something like "2D platformer Godot" as that way you get to see how it's made step by step plus receiving an explanation, as opposed to searching through functions upon functions to figure out what this function that is 10 layers deep in the call hierarchy does.
>>1019964 I'd recommend looking at some fantasy console shareware like PICO-8. Just go to the website, browse for an interesting game, and then load it up with the development tools and look at how it was put together. https://www.lexaloffle.com/pico-8.php
>>1019964 It's fairly easy to find Terraria's decompiled source code, but the problem is like >>1019966 said: it's a decade old, fairly complex, and being decompiled has generic symbol names from the compiler (eg var1, var2, var3, etc)
>>1019964 It won't ever be easy to understand completed game source code of 2D platformers.

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