>Wait, what? Since when can it do that?
Since Generation 6. This also resulted in a glitch called the "Toxic sure-hit glitch" which was present in X and Y and all the way to Sword and Shield version 1.0 before it got fixed. Also I made an error, since Generation 5 Toxic has 90% accuracy.
Overall, it seems like GameFreak was really interested in making Types immune to things, whether that means being immune to Will-o-Wisp, Intimidate, Dark Void, etc. Maybe this was one of the ways they were trying to slow down the power creep that has been effecting the series for years?
>But they already completely destroyed Dark Void by making it 100% useless, so that's null and… void.
It looks like Dark Void's accuracy was lowered during Gen 7, the generation the list was made for, so it seems like they chose to nerf it that way instead of making it ineffective against Ghost types.
>I also like this, but not as an INNATE ASPECT of the type. Rather, it should be an Ability on just some Pokémon.
It already is. If an opponent has Liquid Ooze as an Ability, any absorbing moves used against it will instead damage the user instead of stealing HP. Only four pokemon have this Ability, though: Swalot, Gulpin, Tentacool, and Tentacruel.
>>Gravity - Will also prevent the use of any priority moves. To reduce the power of Prankster and Gale Wings.
Interesting, this is a lot like Dark Void's situation. Gale Wings was really powerful but was quickly nerfed to the point where it is a decent ability at best. So it seems like at first, they planned to rein in the Ability by making Gravity useful against it, but decided it needed a more direct change. Gen 7 is when they changed Gale Wings so it only activated when the pokemon's HP was full.
>Honestly a good idea. I think Fire should have dual immunity to Burn and Freeze, and Ice should have dual immunity to Burn and Freeze. How the fuck do you "burn" an ice cube? It's already being melted by the fire; just cut the status.
Ice Types no longer getting a speed drop from Icy Wind does seem like a good idea, given how useful and common the move is in competitive. Ice Types are already one of the weakest Types, so they could use an indirect buff like this. Being immune to Freeze would make sense and be very helpful too, even if getting frozen is somewhat rare. And even if most Ice types are Special attackers, not having to worry about Burn damage is really good. Electric types are immune to Paralysis now, which was a thing beginning in Gen 6. So why didn't they go further and make Ice types immune to Freeze at least? Maybe because it opens other possibilities that could make certain types really overpowered. Say Fire types were immune to Burn and Freeze like you said. All those Physical Fire attacks would never get the Attack drop from burn because they never get burned. And while Freeze is rare, if Fire is immune to Freeze there is never a chance of them being stopped by it if they are just rolling through the enemy team.
And Water types, they shouldn't be able to get Burned either, logically. Or Steel types, they shouldn't get Burned either because iron and steel melt under normal circumstances. Before you know it, Burn and Freeze become nearly useless.