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Ourobooru Rescue Anonymous 11/01/2022 (Tue) 00:14:12 Id: 3e9b8b No. 724311
it seems the booru project is seeking to get rid of ourobooru, help archiving the booru would be welcome https://ourobooru.booru.org/index.php and so would help in migrating its contents, perhaps something like this https://code.shishnet.org/shimmie2/ ? does anyone know if acid has been looking into booru alternatives for if the situation arises?(which apparently it did)
>>860573 Also, rule34.xxx bans loli/shota, but has 4000+ files tagged as cub.
>>859830 I can still login and keep jannying.
>>860609 If you want to help shoot me an e-mail at codexx (at) cock (dot) li or pop into #8ksux on Rizon and ask for me. I am usually around in the evening in burgerland. Even if you can't help with the booru, having more hands elsewhere frees up my time.
>>860609 Yeah, you can go kill yourself.
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>>883123 Goodbye
Any updates?
>>899370 What's an update?
>>899370 I don't think there's going to be any. It's better just to use the original ourobooru anyways since it works.
Wish the multiple image uploader worked so I can dump the Rad Dude edits into the booru more easily. I'll try doing it one by one later.
If the artist of a picture is miss-attributed, how do I correct it? https://ourobooru.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=25241 This is the actual artist https://twosipsofbleach.newgrounds.com/art/ https://twitter.com/twosipsofbleach
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>>899794 Thank you!!
>Still no updates
Reminder this was started entirely because of boogeyman shit, and pretty much everybody is back to using ourobooru. >b-b-but It's been over a year, shut the fuck up you don't get a say anymore. You were wrong.
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>>914016 Preparing backups and safety measures is never a bad idea, faggot.
>>914016 >Muh boogeyman Read the fucking thread, faggot >>860227
>>914015 What's an update?
>>914062 I don't think I trust a guy who can't spell "ad".
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>>860227 The links and archives are there, you can check them by yourself. The Booru Project terms of services are also there, read, nigger: https://booru.org/tos >NOTICE: IF YOUR ACCOUNT IS FOUND TO CONTAIN ILLEGAL ACTIVITY, OR ANY ILLEGAL FILES, YOUR ACCOUNT WILL BE TERMINATED IMMEDIATELY, WITHOUT NOTICE. ADDITIONALLY, Booru Project WILL NOTIFY THE PROPER AUTHORITIES OF YOUR ACTIONS. > * Loli or Toddlercon: Any form of loli or toddlercon (very young drawn childeren) It's actually a miracle ourobooru went this far without getting axed, specially considering how many people hate this place, I could even report it to booru project admins just to shit on your for saying "it's a boogeyman"
>>914208 Why would he need to read that link? He just explained what the link means in the very post you replied to.
>>914214 I missquoted, lmao. this >>914208 was for >>914138
>>914231 Well then. I don't think I trust a site linked by someone who repeatedly failed to spell "ads". :^)
What is wrong with ourobooru? Everytime I try to use it, it has a warning page.
>>927038 SSL certificate expired
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Have the new booru project & content migration been abandoned entirely? The old booru's latest post is from today. The new booru's latest post is from 5 months ago.
>>938353 I might just scrub it all and archive it locally
>>938353 No, I backburnered it over the summer, made some progress in the fall, and winter has just been excessively shit. Site update is wrapping up so I will have free time for it.
Rise from your graves and give us the damn sitrep
>>956665 HRT is progressing nicely, today I was able to talk to a cashier without him vomiting. I'll be a real woman soon.
If there is no update right now I will spam both boorus with vantablack niggerhell soyjaks
>>957510 It's dead Jimbo Thotkins.
>>956665 booru.org has basically been soft abandoned and it slowly falling apart. anyone smart is making plans to jump ship or already have it was a good run
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