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Hentai/Porn games (especially local multiplayer action) Anonymous 04/28/2023 (Fri) 16:14:25 Id: 1592a9 No. 819339
I'm a novice to the genre, but it seems most of what I find when I look is just VNs and (mostly turn based) RPGs, as well as nude mods for regular games. Are there any good action based porn games? I've found Project X: Love Potion Disaster - Mod Edition (apparently someone else continuing development after the original dev abandoned it, but they call it a mod out of honor among degenerates or something). It's a pretty decent beat em up, honestly. Quite simple gameplay, not the best of the genre, but like other beat em ups, local multiplayer helps immensely. I am now in desperate need of other action-based games with local multiplayer. They don't have to be beat em ups, but taking turns somewhat defeats the point of getting your heart pumping. Are there any fighting game porn games? Making attacks sexy and rapey seems like something that would fit easily into that genre, and it's a genre where one of two players is always getting hit all the time, so getting hit to see the porn doesn't feel like a lose condition (it just means the other player is doing well) and it can be mixed in with the gameplay and not just between matches. I did find one or two fighting hentai games from the '90s or something, but it looks like the porn was all between matches. Someone needs to make one where it's the same genre but the attacks are raping instead of (just) punching. But I'll take recommendations in any genre. The more explicit (ie: not just nude mods where no fucking takes place), the better. More detailed/not pixel art seems obviously better. I see a lot that are pixel art, including the one I mentioned, but I don't get the appeal of pixelated pussy. Wouldn't you want to see more detail and not less? And also important, the more the porn is actually tied to the gameplay (the less it is like just cutscenes between normal gameplay sections), the better. Do any good porn games exist where the porn isn't just effectively a cutscene attached to a lose condition? Even Love Potion Disaster, which I just complimented, basically saves the porn for when you get hit, essentially making it a bunch of short cutscenes activated by small losses, but that's better than cutscenes between levels or turns, at least. It gets closer to integrating it with action gameplay than anything else I've found with a little bit of looking. But you people might know something better. Honestly I was surprised to find any porn games with local multiplayer, on account of how it really seems like a genre that would mostly be played in private. However, this one game with local multiplayer has really worked out for me, so I need more local multiplayer. No, it's not gay. Nobody here should believe me, but it was my gf that found this one game and wanted to try it together while she sits/bounces on my lap. It's my new fetish and I need as many games as possible that will facilitate this, so I can keep it going before she gets bored of the one game we have for it so far. Pic 2 is sort of the position but she is leaning forward and playing too. Of course feel free to mention any games beyond what I am more specifically looking for. Any recommendations are helpful, including good nude mods (most give you nude characters but games rarely give camera angles to actually let you enjoy the goods), or good turn based ones. But I can find plenty of turn based ones and few that really stand out. Even ones that aren't multiplayer, especially if they make for good "pass the controller" arcade style action. But local multiplayer action is what I'm really looking for. But whatever. Hentai Games General, I guess. Even though generals are cancer.
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Path of the Pixie is cute and lewd, and it's fun to simply run around under the grass and flowers. I've only played it for a few minutes but I'll recommend it. https://omegavortex64.itch.io/path-of-the-pixie
>>944755 Neat. I'm a sucker for fairies, pixies, minigirls, etc. So this should be right up my alley. But, why does it have an installer instead of just being all the files? How the fuck did you find this game with all of two reviews anyhow? And you could at least post something that's not just an image from the game's dev page.
>>945157 >How the fuck did you find this game with all of two reviews anyhow? Searching Itch.io for more porn until something new came up. I have a feeling that OmegaVortex repackages shit from elsewhere since his three games are in three different art styles. Path of the Pixie's dev is BadSorries.
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>>944776 Red also deserves her doggy dicking.
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Thanks guide, totally like walking into traps and only finding out afterwards. Good thing I had a save before and killed Bill over it.
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>>946842 >killed Bill Enjoying the snakes?
>>946842 >totally like walking into traps and only finding out afterwards. Nigger are you blind? First time you meet the queer you look up his skirt and see his bulge.
>>946929 Which I didn't do, obviously.
>>946973 If you don't look up the skirt of a what you believed to be a cute girl, you're gay.
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>>933409 >H-Kirby
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>>933030 While not a full-on conversion where you fuck the monsters or anything, there's more h-mods for The Binding of Isaac than I would have expected. Sprite sheets for Satan from The Lewding of Isaac, Bestia (beast replacement mod), and Mom and Megasatan from The Lusting of Isaac. I've, naturally, installed as many as I can to render my game completely unplayable around others.
>Get all the endings. >Sweet. Find out about Ending H, the DLC3 area. >Go there, get one shotted by a Winter Knight. >Few runs through the boss rush area, can reliably oneshot them. >The bosses for this DLC though. >Nurse that One-Shots you. But had regen so I'm good. >Florence that nerfs your attack and magic. Have to use HP% to even kill her. >Fucking Uni though. Her two unicorns do 170k to 550k with their charge attack. They stun, they have about a million HP each. >The battle starts with an aura that prevents buffing or damage from abilities like the Moonlight Greatsword. >She herself have bullshit buffing and like 80% evasion and physical attacks don't seem to hurt her. >Then her phase two starts and she turns into 4 illusions. I still have no idea which one is the real one, I've tried throwing scapales, dung and other status effects and it does nothing. I've targeted each one individually with mosquito ring for poison but 8 turns in they super buff themselves and hit you for around 250K damage each. >Go chase the lion instead. >Going through the snowfield, her tigers have a new bleed effect, laceration. >The basic enemies include a snowdrift programmed to take off 1/3rd of your health on death, a bunch of orks that can disable your AP bar as long as they hit you and simple trees that can hollow you with every attack. my 800k HP goes straight down to 40k instead. Oh yeah, having so much fun with speedbumps like these... This song when facing Alice, I think it's Miku muffled back there.
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>>947778 >She herself have bullshit buffing and like 80% evasion and physical attacks don't seem to hurt her Read the blood messages. apply fear >Then her phase two starts and she turns into 4 illusions. I still have no idea which one is the real one Just hit all 4 then, but if you wanna find the real unis here's a hint: counter >This song when facing Alice, I think it's Miku muffled back there. That's Betrayal Alice, oh and i hope you've found an "old friend", if not, explore castle town.
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>>947778 >Resetting the loop meant I lost Blackwell's Letter, meaning I couldn't get Florence for the final battle. Lame. >Getting Gerda for the final fight also meant going up to the castle and clearing that instead of talking to her in the igloo. Also lame. Final boss is weak to elemental attacks, surprisingly. So Royal Tea meant I swept through stages 4 and 5 like they were nothing. >>947778 Fear works kinda. Mosquito ring, Night Sky Helm, multi hit basic attacks and Windless Wrap with 100% Evasion helped alot, use Guardian Bunker for a weapon and I just waited them out. Yey, finally done. This one took 30 hours. Apparently there's gone to be two spin off games, Dead Red Hood and one featuring the 4 demon princesses from the first game before Black Souls 3. https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/6414 As an actual dark souls clone though, this one is way better than the first game. Glad I finally got around to this.
>>947507 A quick search didn't turn up anything, are there any cheesecake sprite replacements for the player character in Dead Cells or even a porn game of the same ilk? I see some on Steam but they're not quite showy enough for me. Additionally, does anyone know if Parasite in City ever got an update featuring the above assets? The last version I see is the same one I saw years ago, 1.03.
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>>933030 More of a de-censor than a total conversion or anything, but there's a mod for Bullet Girls Phantasia that lets you get rid of the censorship. Apparently the models are originally barbie-dolls, so the mod author went the extra mile to make custom textures. Bullet Girls Phantasia is the worst of the BG series, but it's forgivable since none of the others are officially on PC and there's probably no way they would be in the current climate.
>>948013 The dev of this was Korean I believe. Or the artist was it's unknown where he went.. or what happened to him.
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>>951210 >Korean tried to make a sexy video game >never heard from again RIP gookbro.
I'm a great fan of Black Souls 1/2. Nyong Nyong makes some great art for the Black Souls series. He publishes some of it as easily decensored psd files. But for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to fix these damn layers so that there's no color blobs. Normally this is incredibly simple. What am I doing wrong? I want that damn uncensored eldritch pussy, and also to make an alt or two not seen in the published imageset, 4th pic related.
>>952437 Ah hell, the site doesn't tell you the filetype isn't supported and instead just eats psd files. https://files.catbox.moe/8hit85.psd
>>952438 Almost no site supports psd files, so you should assume a site doesn't by default.
>>952528 I have never attempted to post one before, and 8moe supports many more filetypes that the average site. It even lets you play flash files in-browser. I assume everything works here until I find out it doesn't. Also, the supported filetypes list linked under the posting options is way out of date.
>>952601 The Flash support is because 8moe is hooked up to Ruffle, a browser emulator for Flash Player. It used to be complete shit for swfs produced after 2006 because it lacked most AVM 2 compatibility for ActionScript 3, but has improved a lot and now it's about 3/4 of the way there. A lot of the big Flash sites use it now, and in Ruffle Flash is more secure than it ever was under Adobe or Macromedia.
DLsite 2024 Tag changes for Japanese and English after the Mastercard and Visa credit card incident
>>964885 >fiendish/brutal became "very mean" That's pretty misleading. >gangbang is now "sharing is caring" Okay, that's pretty hilarious.
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>>964885 >[SHOTA] was left unchanged
Anyone else try this generically name VN Fox Princess? I recently got a new PC and was hoping I could finally play it without it overheating, and I can, but only if I turn the graphics down. If I set it to Fantastic, my GPU still manages to overheat. I have a GeForce RTX 3060, and I cut the game off when I felt hot air from the PC and Speccy said the GPU was at 72C. Tried it again while set to Good graphics and never broke 57C, which is when the fan really kicks in.
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>>965012 Probably because Shota is just a name, if you started flagging every transaction with that in the name you'd be blocking a lot of random Japanese men from using their credit cards. An example of somebody famous with the name is Shota Umino, professional wrestler.
>>984206 72C isn't overheating for a rtx 3060, 85C is the max safe temp for that card
>>984240 Yes, but this was after only a short time and it was increasing, so doesn't that mean the cooling wasn't keeping up? I'm not sure I know enough about safe temps, but I think it's not good to stay at high temps near that max safety limit for extended periods time, right?
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>>984206 have you turned on the nvidia driver FPS limit? i always cap it a little bit above my monitor's refresh rate. unless your game has vsync on this may help with your temps.
>>984247 You should be fine leaving it around 80c for several hours, going past that might lower its overall lifespan by a bit
>>984249 >>984248 That seems to have done the trick. Doesn't even break 60C now at max graphics settings. Danke. Unless it came with some sneaky shitcoin miner that isn't detected by anti-virus and only activates some of the time to hide its presence by lulling you into a false sense of security.

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