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Vidya Enhacements: Mods, Romhacks, Remasters, Texture Packs, Undubs, ReShade, etc Anonymous 07/19/2023 (Wed) 23:58:07 Id: b26773 No. 860195
Do you like to garnish your vidya experiences? Whenever I play a videogame, I like to see if there are enhanced fan made versions of them, and if there are I will play those instead of anything official, not that official is bad ofc but fans tend to make the better creative decisions. The most common mods are used in BOTW and minecrank, but it should be our duty to share the more obscure or newer mods to give anons a nice feeling of catharsis. That's what I'm doing. Check these two mods out, feel free to share your favorites too! Sonic Free Riders: Controller Patch https://yewtu.be/watch?v=VmK3rCxL4mE Paper Mario: Originality King https://yewtu.be/watch?v=blmnHQnVZTk
Anyone played this? It's a Red Alert 3 mod that makes the game playable by porting over the Generals formulas as much as the game allows it to.
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Not sure what to call a decompilation, but that Links Awakening PC port got a DMCA from Nintendo
>>921458 It doesn't help that journos ALWAYS have to make articles about the fangames, thus drawing Soytendo's attention to them. Always happens without fail. Are they in cahoots?
>>921460 To be fair, if the fangame is being hosted on the clearnet, Nintendo will find it anyways. A victim of its own success. All one can do is mirror the game and hope people find that mirror. That's why it's best for the devs of fangames (Nintendo fangames) to keep their yaps shut on the project until they can release it so that a DMCA can't do much damage. "It's already out there" , that kinda thing, which makes DMCAs powerless
>>912343 >The Dev hasn't posted in awhile, I wonder why? >His home was in Mariupol and got blown up late 2022. https://www.moddb.com/mods/command-and-conquer-generals-evolution
>>921485 Wow at least he survived
>>921485 I have a Ukie friend I met on Vola before it died, he says the destruction in the western parts of the country is indescribable. Entire cities leveled. Mariupol was hit particularly bad, roughly 90% of all homes destroyed. Sure, the Russians captured the city, but there's barely anybody left. I think the last estimate was 25k, meaning the population is down 94% from 425k. There are also reports they've setup an Israeli-style settlement system where they're paying people to move from Russia into the ruins of the captured cities, so who knows how many of that 25k are even from Mariupol. There's a lot of modding and gamedev in Ukraine, the war has disrupted most of it.
>>921492 >western Sorry, I meant eastern.
>>921685 >Christians are mentally ill The fuck are you talking about? How does that relate to anything? >>860331 >What's anon's opinion of "Grounded Commonwealth"? A completely retarded mod made by someone that hasnt played any of the previus games speaking out of his ass. > remove Confirmed Bachelor and Cherchez La Femme from New Vegas. Why though? Its a world where there are prostitutes, rapists, drug addicts and all kind of filth, why wouldnt there be homosexuals here and there?
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https://yewtu.be/watch?v=bvFoFQLLkA0 For the anon who got forces instead of frontiers, a consolation prize to improve your gaming experience. It's a new mod called "Sonic Forces: Overclocked" that improves level layout, design and gameplay.
>>893824 Believe it or not, there was one hosted on the official Cucklefish forums. For some reason, the forum mods allowed it to stay up unlike Nexus. Long as you have/make an account, you should be able to get it.
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Speaking on romhacks, I found some romhacks in a japanese site called 8bitmania (now dead) so I decided to post in here. First, we have a romhack of bomberman (japan) called "Killer queen" with are pic related. https://files.catbox.moe/n1p530.zip there is also a romhack of flappy (japan) called "Fnassy" with apparently its a mascot of the city of Funabashi. https://files.catbox.moe/6f0hwk.zip Last one is a romhack of the game Cocoron (japan) called "Final Cocoron", the romhack is in japanese and is a rpg, so if anyone want to translate be my guest. https://files.catbox.moe/7xk0xm.zip Btw, all the hacks are on ips file, I would patched them myself, but my pc is broken right now. Archives of the site https://web.archive.org/web/20210527042943/https://sites.google.com/site/8bitmania/
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>>927812 Your post reminded me of an NES game my brother had when I was about 5. It was like Bomberman but it wasn't Bomberman, it had boss fights. I can't remember the name of it. I want to say Cybernator but I know that's a completely different SNES game.
>>860195 >romhacks I went through a phase where I played a shitload of Super Metroid romhacks. Three of them were really good. >Hyper Metroid It's just more Super Metroid. A few new areas, a "new" beam type, a new backflip move and some more goodies. Its difficulty balancing is perfect and it's a lot harder than vanilla, but not in the usual romhack bullshit way where it expects you to be able to do a pixel-perfect shinespark on the drop of a hat and instead just throws different or difficult enemy combos at you. The escape sequence is also fucking awesome. >VITALITY Everyone sucked this hack's dick when it came out because muh graffix and it does look awesome, but its spritework is way overdone in a lot of places and it ends up looking messy. That said it was still pretty fun, although the ending sucks. >Oxide It's really short but it's incredibly fun. Just kicks you out the door and tells you to have a good time.
>>928457 Anon you don't need to bump threads like this please stop being such a newfag FUCK
Due to retarded licensing costs for sound libraries, the recent RoboCop: Rogue City game couldn't feature some of the signature sound effects from RoboCop, like the Auto 9's firing sound, RoboCop's holster, and his footsteps. Mods restoring these effects (and tweaking animations to match the sounds) have done an excellent job of improving the game a great deal, in spite of the usual UE5/DX12 horseshit making it crash harder than a troon in a house of mirrors. Finished KoTOR 2 with the restored content mod, plus widescreen and other visual enhancements. Practically a remaster, and it's only a shame I didn't mod the fuck out of KoTOR 1. I was tempted to make another run through Republic Commando, but I am not super big on squad controls. Kind of a tangent: I was looking through a few "New homebrew games for the [GAME SYSTEM/COMPUTER] in 2023" videos, and the trend that I keep finding is HORRIBLE visuals, and needlessly so. I was reminded of a livestream interview with the developers of FX Unit Yuki (how very nineties weeb), in which the autists making the game ignored questions and suggestions, after stating that they were looking for feedback, and let the bland and boring garbage that was in their early demo carry on into the final physical release. What the shit, I hate autists. Sure, you can code, but at least see that you should subcontract art and music/sound work.
>>930368 >KoTOR 2 with the restored content mod, plus widescreen and oth It's been ages since I played kotor2, gonna give this a shot
>>930458 If you play it on Steam, you can install most of the mods via the workshop, which handles it automatically, with no need to go through the fag parade that is Nexus.
>>930368 >making it crash harder than a troon in a house of mirrors
Anyone have Fallout 4's cwss redux (Craftable Working Showers Sinks)? Author pulled it after some drama and it's therefore duty to distribute it elsewhere.
Saw this done by one of the guys behind the Tomb Raider HD remasters: https://www.sr1hdremaster.com/download
Pacific Drive has a fun gameplay loop but comes with alphabet flags as free decals for your car. Does anyone know how to mod those to change them?
>>939809 Also looking for this. Annoying as fuck having to scroll through a billion rainbow flags when you just wanna slap a cute puppy on your trunk.
>>939809 >>939819 Just play good games. Removing the flags doesn't mean it wasn't made by SJWs that hate you for not liking to suck cock. There are millions of good games you could be playing instead. Why flagellate yourself like this?
If you download Non-Newtonian Creatures for Dwarf Fortress from BasedMods and want to make it work with the Steam version, you have to copy an info.txt file from another mod, paste it in the Non-Newtonian Creatures folder next to the objects folder, and change the relevant variables so they won't conflict with the mod you grabbed the text file from. The mod won't load into DF's mod manager otherwise.
>>945951 I've tested this now. While it does register the mod, the object files that come with it don't register for some reason.
In the wake of the Fallout TV show, Nova Arizona just released. What does anon think of it? To me, it looks promising, but I'm wary of it taking inspiration from HOIV's Old World Blues. However, I'm glad that someone took up the mantle after TheGreatBahn schizo'd out. The team has ideas to make DLC-like areas. What would you want to see? I'd like to see the Flagstaff-Phoenix-Two Sun area, Sonora or Texas, and the Twin Mothers-Denver area. The mod makes me wish someone would do something similar for the NCR, like remake The Long 15 Reborn. It's too bad that no one can add anything past Jacobstown because it would inherently conflict with Lonesome Road. There's loads of unused space, but it's more than likely that Ashton and Hopeville are where Pahrump would have been, given where the Canyon Wreckage points to. If I were to write lore for the area, I'd contextualize the Bitter Springs Massacre and the relationship between the Khans and Legion by writing it as an excuse by Moore and Oliver to wipe the Khans after they overstepped their boundaries and burned Pahrump to the ground, themselves doing it under the pretense of vengeance for the tribals who previously lived in the area and later made the Tribal Village.
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https://gamebanana.com/mods/515693 This Mod has been trashed for a rule violation. >Trash Date 6d Rule Violation >Content may be withheld or trashed and members gagged or banned at the sole discretion of top level site admins. This rule is used in specific cases where when no other rule is appropriate. Additional Details >Given the creator signed up just to submit this, and has no other submissions or history on the site, the admins believe this was created and shared in part to cause controversy.
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>>975531 What a bunch of faggots. >Given the creator signed up just to submit this, and has no other submissions or history on the site So what? What does that have to do with the mod? Everyone who uploads mods already need to have a history of uploading mods? >the admins believe this was created and shared in part to cause controversy. That's your assumption and really just an excuse. Fuck these cunts. Why did gamebanana start cucking out in recent years?
>>975676 Transgender tails mod changed that website.
>>975720 *ruined a whole generation of mods
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>>939809 https://moddinghaven.com/mediawiki/index.php/Pacific_Drive_mods/Stickers_Remover >>860596 Love this post but how do you feel about mods like this? (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7159/) Technically a QoL upgrade for Road Rash 2 but it does affect the gameplay. I'm still unsure about it. I'm assuming the developers took into account the low FPS so this feels "unnatural".
>>978761 sage for double posting like a nigger, link doesn't work it's a frame rate increase for road rash 2

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