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Warhammer Anonymous 09/30/2023 (Sat) 22:56:47 Id: 8e9b69 No. 892301
Other than Space Marines, what good warhammer games are there?
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>>986690 >You werent the only one, a bunch of gay swedes and other eurogays made their entire careers out of making parodies out of dow2, blatantly stealing jokes from /v/, then they went on and made TTS Emperor which was active up until 2 years ago, when GW out of all fucking things shut them down, I say good riddance, fuck swedes, all they do is steal and copy, retarded airheads smart enough to operate machinery but not see the smart picture, replacing them with muslims will barely make a difference except make them less aesthetically pleasing, which is good, because it gives them undeserved arrogance
>>986690 They stole jokes and memes from /v/ and /tg/, hired a bunch of e-celebs (most of which were kool-aid drinking faggots who fully support modern 40gay) and also the main Swede was a clout chaser who was constantly trying to get more e-celebs for his show. (A highlight was one of his streams where he called Joel from Vinesauce and got told, in Swedish, "Who the fuck are you? Fuck off.")
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>>986690 I used to like Text to Speech when it was merely poking fun at the Imperium. The premisce of the Emperor being mad about his empire's state is actually fun to watch. It's when he started to "fix" the setting with fanfiction that it became a problem. Doesn't help Kitten has a faggot voice and plays a faggot in their OC show
>>986890 Makes sense, that's how everyone with imageboard roots makes it big. I do enjoy these little rumours though now that the show has ended and their new project is extremely bad, who even watches that shit, the original fans sure as fuck dont, once you run out of /tg/ memes to copy your content starts to suck dick, huh >>986912 Heh, he's british isn't he, not even surprised
>>987000 like many small project it got too big for them to handle and they decided to make it BIGGER to appeal to the casuals. Still I have a tiny bit of respect for TTS because it introduced me to every tenet of Warhammer : cool setting and shitty memes parroted by ppl that should have been gatekept. At least fantasy doesn't suffer from such mischaracterisation...
>>987245 Till Age of Sigmar.
>>987265 never happened, the Chaos Gods and Mannfred the martyr did a mercy kill on Fantasy to avoid it being tainted.
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>>987269 forgot the pic
>>987245 > At least fantasy doesn't suffer from such mischaracterisation... God I wish that was true. Fucking GW adding female knights to brettonnia.
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>>987290 haha yeah I saw that, I looked forward to Kislev but sadly Russia bad so no good figures. Tho I wished they toned down the BEAR BEAR BEAR BEAR BEAR ICE ICE ICE BEARICE theme. Total War Warhammer 3 has been a letdown on this part... to colorful
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>>987296 >I looked forward to Kislev but sadly Russia bad so no good figures. You know the most retarded thing about that is that Kislev isn't all russia. They could very easily just make models based of the non-russian parts of Kislev. They could have ungols models based of the Zaporozhian Cossacks who lived in central Ukraine. They could have Winged hussars which are already a part of kislev. There is a lot they could do with Kislev that is completely disconnected from the russkie faggots but they will not. The winged hussars would be fantastic. I bet you most warhammer nerds have seen this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxlRJsQ7p2k They would love a winged hussar model. GW fucking loves overly detailed models as well which is perfect since the hussars are flashy as fuck.
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>>987303 there's this unit but they don't build a hero or lord around it. Am curious if their chink pandering had a real effect or not, the siblings were fun and flawed until the dreadful DLC where the administrator is the most perfect and coolest dude ever
>>987307 I was thinking tabletop. I cannot play TW3 because it doesn't work on Linux mint.
>>987309 you aren't missing much mate. The previous title is much better color and siege-wise. Tabletop sounds fun I wish I had other players and a matching schedule
>>987245 Fantasy is cool but I only liked warhammer because of the scifi stuff, there are dozens of other medieval settings to explore but only a few futuristic ones that are good or atleast okay
>>987318 used to be like this but the lizardmen and skavens are unique in fantasy. 40k has a lot of potential but it's more and more becoming marvel shit instead of a proper setting
>>987322 >lizard people >rat people never been a fan
>>987322 Arc Fatalis has ratmen, can't remember if it has lizardmen too. Though it does have big titty snake ladies.
>>987355 >Arc ARX Fatalis, fuck.
>>987355 But do the rats have Nuclear Weapons Powered by Magic Green Chaos Rock?
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>>987353 I remember a twitter (yeah I know) post saying skavens are basically indians : >numerous >somehow patriotic despite living in dung >racist toward the rest just a bit more than among themselves >cast society They lack the innovation tho. >>987358 this one gets-understands it yes-yes
>>987359 That is very true, indians are a bit dumber though >They lack the innovation tho. sorry but thats retarded on both accounts, pajeets have the smallest brains in the world and are the biggest frauds, cheats and scammers in existence, making even the chinese blush, you gotta be retarded if you believe the jewish boomer lie theyre some IT tech savants, and skaven innovate a lot, cmon now
>>987359 >>987436 His point is that the Skaven are innovative whereas pajeets are not. I liken the Skaven more to Jews if anything >backstabbing eachother as much as they backstab other races >consider themselves and their god the only true beings in the universe >constantly undermining/subverting other civilizations >have occasional periods of technological ingenuity even if they are largely primitive in other ways >live in a network of underground tunnels >are greedy even amongst their own clans/castes I mean, does it get any more Jewish than that? If you want to compare pajeets to anything in Warhammer Fantasy, compare them to the beastmen >Shunned by all other races >Are literal beasts, will shit anywhere and not build anything, only inhabit what other races have built or the forests in squalor >Huge reliance on rape in order to breed >Not internally racist but definitely externally racist >Culture reveres animals/animal gods >Flirting with every slice of chaos (pleasure, filth, rage, scheming/scamming) Fits them to a T
>>987444 >Israelis named a gun Jericho >Jericho is in Palestine
>>987353 Lizards are more halfchan /pol/ circa 2015, they worship frogmen and want to exterminate the Skaven because Kek the Slann will it.
>>987444 >Huge reliance on rape Shouldn’t that be arabs? Or are they related?
>>987566 Arabs rape too, but Indians' rape game is unmatched. They put Africans to shame with how much they rape, actually
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>>987436 as another said, meant the innovation for skavens. But even their kind of innovation is made sustainable by the fact they have so many rats to blow up with their shoddy shit. I know pajeets are the lowest scum of the Earth. >>987444 jews are more like dawis : gold hoarders, giving scrumbs to a larger empire, almost proxxing with them
>>987590 >as another said, meant the innovation for skavens >>987566 >>987585 >Huge reliance on rape >Shouldn’t that be arabs? >Arabs rape too my fucking sides, God bless you guys, finally a good 40k thread, I swear these kind of comparisons were a daily occurance around 2010-2012, then being racism suddenly became not cool
Seeing as how /tg/ here is dead this is basically the only active Warhammer thread on the website
>>987590 >jews are more like dawis Except the Dawi actually have honor, but the eternal grudges do check out.
Frankly, if space marine 2 is not a flop it’s gonna be a powder keg as a fanbase for 40k I feel more so than Dawn of war.
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>>987930 I don't place much hopes for that game, especially when they annonced there wasn't any beta. At least it's not nurgle shit but Tzeench... Darktide has already been a terrible dissapointment, and before you say >fatshark there wasn't a predatory system before.
Space Marine 2 leaked on rutracker, granted it's a dev build with a few placeholders.
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Can someone make a new thread, the Space Marine 2 leaks/spoilers?
>>999342 I would second this since GW and the game company have been falling over themselves saying the leak doesn't reflect the finished product that anything in there was from a different, earlier build, etc.

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