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Warhammer Anonymous 09/30/2023 (Sat) 22:56:47 Id: 8e9b69 No. 892301
Other than Space Marines, what good warhammer games are there?
>>892301 Dawn of War 1 and 2 to start with. Boltgun was a recent one I have been meaning to get to.
Gladius and Mechanicus. Kinda sad how there are hundreds of 40k games but only like 5 of them are good. Gladius is just a good 4x game entirely focused on war. Mechanicus is Xcom but with a far greater story and way less bullshit. Nth reminder that >>>/tg/ exists and you should totally post there
>>892324 GeeDubs opened the IP to be used by any developer around 2013-2014 for a low wage so yeah, that's going to happen. Most aren't even bad, just very basic
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Rogue Trader is a great RPG. The full game isn't out yet, but the beta is pretty long. Chapter Master is fun for a while too, if you can still find a dl somewhere. Then there is the 40k mod for openXcom, that's pretty great. https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/40k I only wish someone would make a 40k game with Emperor-sanctioned cute felinid catgirls.
>>892439 >Not even trying anymore
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>>892439 >open link >Female space marine. That is super gay.
>>892512 So were there no female marines before the faggots and degenerates took over Warhammer? I would be interested to know how they retconned the lore of this
>>892524 There still aren't any female Space Marines. Trannies and women don't buy the miniatures, and somehow GW still knows this even in current year. GW is actually a company that still simply exists to make money, they know that if they fuck with the lore that badly the bottom line for their tabletop game, which is where most of their money comes from, will get fucked.
>>892524 There aren't The closest to fem marines are Sisters of Battle and some female Inquisitors. Well Sisters of Silence too but they are closer to female Custodes. I'm sure some of the Emperor's Children have boobs and vaginas though.
I played space marine on my >old can't believe I'm saying it 360. DOW1 gets lots of praise I remember trying DOW2 back when GFWL were a thing and you could just DL any game so long as you had a serial of any GFWL game. Tried DOW3 with a friend it was shit. there's the L4D clone called vermintide which is fine but gets boring after a while and Darktide which was fun but had no fucking missions or mods.
>>892524 There has never and hopefully will never be female space marines. The gene implants required to turn a guy into a space marine do not work on women. They barely work on men as is. The sisters of battle/silence are just really fanatical women in power armour, They aren't genetically enhanced super men like the space marines. I mean the sisters of silence are also all blanks but that is a different matter entirely.
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>>892524 There have never been female space marines, if there were some at some point in the past but not anymore you'd have heard endless bitching about them being removed. The mere fact that there is no endless bitching about the removal of female space marines, which never existed in the first place, is proof that they were never a thing to begin with and thus never retconned into non-existence.
>>892524 >female space marines 40K fans got pissed anytime fags tried to force it into existence (because the alternatives like the Sisters of Battle are not the poster boys of 40K like the Space Marines are), and amazingly GW has not folded on that front. >>892555 (nice) >Darktide which was fun but had no fucking missions or mods That was because they launched an incomplete game. Maybe a few years from now it might be finished and worth playing. Assuming of course it survives that long.
>>892546 >>892554 >>892555 >>892561 >>892563 >>892565 So even though there are females in this universe they want to make space marines females just because they are the poster boys for 40k... Not surprising at all. Where can i start with the series? I don't have friends so tabletop is out of the question. Is the wiki compromised? If so where can i get info on the lore of the series?
>>892573 Dawn of War 1 will give you a good feel for the general idea/tone of the whole franchise if you want to start with vidya. Reading wikis to learn lore is kinda boring in my opinion, I'd say try and find a pirated copy of the core rulebook and maybe a few codexes of the races you're interested in. Outside of that, there's literally hundreds of novels for you to read, maybe start with the Horus Heresy series if you want some background on the Imperium.
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>>892573 Lexicanum is the best set of wikis we got for Warhammer in general, comes in three flavors of 40K, Age of Smegmar, and pre-Smegmar Fantasy Battles. NEVER trust a fucking (((Fandom))) site not to be (((compromised))) so ignore any of those. 1d4chan is a fucking mess due to cultural shifts among anons and should be looked upon as a worse Lexicanum that is a shell of its former self. Video games are a good enough entry point into the series and I would recommend the Dawn of War games, Space Marine, Fire Warrior if you want a bit more classic FPS action as a fucking xenos blueberry, Mechanicus if you want an X-Com like experience as a bunch of toaster fuckers, and plenty of other games. For books I would highly recommend anything Ciaphas Cain, or if you want something xeno focused, The Infinite and the Divine which is about the amusing adventures of two Necrons.
>>892573 Also, sorry for the double post but >I don't have friends so tabletop is out of the question If you're not averse to social interaction in totality you could simply go to the closest Games Workshop store or even just a comic book store that has a table and regular players and most of the guys there would be happy to teach you how to play.
>>892573 The way I got into it was just playing Dawn of war 1 and space marine. Then after that i would watch/listen to a bunch of lore videos by arch warhammer and the likes. If you want shorter lore vids there is this guy called pancreas no work who is really funny. Only problem with him is that he makes age of smegma videos. There is also the books. The only one that I have read is Gotrek and Felix but those are fantasy and not 40k. As for tabletop, If you dont have any friends you can always go to a hobby store nearby and make new friends. I personally dont play the real table top but the simplified version called grimdark future (formerly known as 1 page 40k).
They ought to make a game about cadia
>>892573 If you want books by the way then we also have >>>/lit/. They got a bunch of warhammer books up.
>>892512 >>892524 There were female space marines back before it was called rogue trader. They didn't sell, were removed, and nobody cares.
>>892672 but then again. at that time, there were also *male* space marines. And I mean mala as in manly genitalia that saw frequent manly use
>>892672 If you're talking about Gabs and Jayne then those weren't really space marines. They were female power armour troopers but they were mercenaries not associated with any faction. Even if they were though, 1st edition marines =/= modern marines. In 1st edition they were basically just gangsters and tribals given power armour and told to kill aliens. Imagine if every chapter was the marines malevolent, That was 1st edition.
>good >warhammer games Pick one.
>>892577 (lucky) >>892573 Definitely agree with DoW1 and its expansions. Most of my friends had their introduction with 40K there as well. Check out the Unification mod for Soulstorm too after you played through the other game's campaigns. Lots of factions to try out that you can then use as a jumping off point for whichever interests you.
Space Marines are so dumb as a concept that GW had to add a robot apocalypse to the lore just to justify their existence.
>>892703 >What are Thunder Warriors? Pleb
>>892724 >You will never unify Terra as a Thunder Warrior following the Emperor ala Fist of the North Star but with guns. Honestly, a Thunder Warriors game or even book would be nice seeing as how they barely survived into the 40K universe outside of the rare survivor or so.
>>892672 >>892678 1st edition is also when you had a half Eldar as head librarian for the Ultramarines.
>>892703 I mean space marines are stupid but I am not sure what the robots have to do with that.
>>892703 Space marines weren’t created as a response to the Men of Iron.
>>893033 >>892703 >>892724 This is a brief overview of the timeline >Emperor is born somewhere in modern day Anatolia as an immortal/perpetual, spends most of his time learning, conquering in the background of human history >Age of technology on Earth, great advancement is made, Humanity expands throughout the stars >Too much advancement is made, AI uprises against humanity, nearly wipes out everyone >Further damage is done by "Old Night" where human psykers across the galaxy are 'activated' and most nearly or totally kill off their colonies >Psykers permanently reviled from here on out >Most technology from the golden age is lost here >Back on Earth, most of the planet is split up between warlords vying for control over the planet, irreparable damage is done to the atmosphere and the ecosystem >Big Emps comes back from his silence and unites the tribes as well as Earth using his genetic technology resulting in the Thunder Warriors who are generally stronger than their later Space Marine brethren but have a much shorter lifespan and aren't as durable >While uniting Earth he begins the Primarch project and works with Lunar genetic scientists and a woman named Astarte to create the Space Marines, the first batch weren't based on any of the 20 primarchs >Big Emps kills off the remaining Thunder Warriors he misses one and creates more of the Space Marines this time using the primarchs as a base >Before he can finish this project, one dumb bitch gets influenced by Chaos gods and teleports the unborn primarchs across the galaxy >cue the Great Crusade where big emps attempts to unite the galaxy while discovering the lost primarchs along the way etc etc
>>892836 One final mission on Mt. Arrat where you see how long you can survive against World Eaters and Custodes sounds pretty metal.
>>892684 I like my boomer shooters and 40K BoltGun is a pretty good one as well. I honestly don't care for anything else and Spacemarine 2 looks mediocre, the final boss of the first one was a literal fucking QTE. They could have had a fun and interesting game series like Halo with their world and lore they got but they fucked that up as well somehow. >>893030 Humanity quite a few thousand years into the future got fucked up to near extinction when their robot servants The Men of Iron turned against them and set them back thousands of years technologically in nearly all their planets since they relied almost entirely on AI but now they lost it along with their intergalactic civilization. 40k takes place a few thousand years after that where humanity STILL hasn't recovered from that bullshit technologically but they could have, Horus found an STC but the absolute nigger destroyed it. God 40k lore can be so painfully frustrating but if it was peaceful then it would be so BORING as well damn it.
>>893064 >boomer shooters
>>893067 Yeah thats how they literally described the game in one of thier trailers.
>>893079 Call it a retro shooter instead of using that Discord forced cuckchan meme turned marketing buzzword.
>>893039 >This is a brief overview of the timeline Which is somewhat accurate and overall useless when discussing previous models considering the retcons of the timeline that happened since they were put out of production.
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>>893083 I'll call my games whatever the fuck I want to call them. And I'll call you whatever the fuck I want to call you, NIGGER.
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You know I am really upset that the Sisters of battle game was VR only. It looked really good but I am not buying a fucking headset just to play that shit.
>>893064 >Boomer shooters Do niggers even understand what "boomer" mean? at this point they reduced the term to "people older than me". Boomers didn't play shooters, you mongoloid, they bitched about them, they went full on censoring Doom when it got popular, they were the same people trying to take down Pokemon. >>893083 This. >>893208 You can call it whatever the fuck you want and I'll treat you like the discord teenager you are, retard.
>>892301 Aside from DOW and Boltgun pretty much all 40k games are mediocre or worse. What almost everyone hates to acknowledge for whatever reason is that Space Marine is at best a 5.8/10 game. The melee is awkward and has like 5 moves in total and the 3rd person shooting is like GOW except retarded and also you cant crouch or jump, you dont really take cover so much as run around a corner and just stand there. Multiplayer is still kind of active but it feels like smashing action figures together. Once the daydream of pretending to be a space marine wears off it kind of sucks. I still play it all the time
>>893439 >That entire repsonse to "Boomer shooters" >Taking it 100% seriously You just got to be autistic. >>893477 >Aside from DOW and Boltgun pretty much all 40k games are mediocre or worse. Can't agree any more, they even tried to make a "Halo killer" back in the day some Tau FPS and it turned out to be complete and total shovel ware. The Rouge Trader game coming out later looks mildly interesting though. I watch plenty of warhammer lore videos on jewtube and they keep on shilling that Tacticus game and genuinely liking it, but I don't play mobile games though.
>>893208 >>893482 Fuck off my man thanks
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For the emperor and... err... our chapter! Will we ever get another good Warhammer game, bros?
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>>892302 This, desu. Dow 2 is one of the best games ever made, I'd argue. Fun, interesting story and amazing gameplay and setting.
>>895790 How can you say this when the gameplay was noticeably downgraded from DoW1? And personally I liked DoW1's characters far more but that may be my opinion alone. Winter Assault especially.
>>895794 Never played dow 1. As I understand it, it features base building and is more of a strategy game, which doesn't appeal to me as much. I like focusing on just a handful of soldiers and getting the most out of their abilities. There's so much to do with just 4 guys that getting by on higher difficulties takes a fair amount of apm and speed. Regarding the characters, I'm a big fan of avitus and his arc, but the others also have moments where they shine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwgk377iccM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zT_vcm7eKIc
>>895796 >Never played dow 1 That explains it, DoW2 is a huge fucking downgrade from Dawn of War 1. Dawn of War 2 is a casualized, simplified Company of Heroes with none of the scope or production values.
>>895774 Probably. You just have to suffer quite a few shit ones first.
>>895803 Disliking stuff doesn't make you cool. I consider myself a good rts player, and I think there's lots of depth and challenge to dow 2's gameplay.
>>895895 Nta, I never said DoW2 was bad but it was certainly weaker than DoW1. That's probably my bias since I prefer micromanagement and real time strategy at the same time.
Anyone stilll playing darktide? What do you think about the new skill trees? I honestly stuck to sniper-veteran, although ive seen some really good commandos. Also, i cant play psyker for shit.
>>896001 I wanted to play that but it didn't work on my OS at the time of the free beta. Did that big rework they had fix any of the egregious monetization of theirs?
>>892703 I'm not familiar with the early Warhammer story prior to the codex lore I read back in the 2000s, but haven't the Men of Iron always been a thing? I thought it was pretty obvious at the time that 40k is just a "Warhammer Fantasy Meets Dune" setting that took off and became its own thing, similar to how Starcraft is a non-infringing offshoot of 40k. The war against the Men of Iron and the following technological stagnation is directly inspired by the Butlerian Jihad from Dune. Not to mention the concept of a God Emperor ruling humanity.
>>896001 I hope Fat Shark will eventually rework or buff the class talents, weapon and gear traits in Vermintide 2, there's so much useless shit in that game.
>>896001 I'm probably going to upgrade my rig soon, so I might consider playing it in a few months (especially if I can convince some friends to play with me) But for now the Rogue Trader game has my attention a little more. >>896029 40k is a hodgepodge of whatever the writers thought was cool and could get away with stealing in the 80s. Dune is the obvious one, they ripped off Michael Moorecock for Chaos as a concept, Tyranids are Xenomorphs with a dash of Invasion of the Body Snatcher/The Thing for Genestealers, Necrons are T-800s (they even had a rule called "We'll be back"), Orks are football hooligans mixed with British propaganda about Germans from the World Wars (hence why they're apelike a-la the infamous "DESTROY THIS MAD BRUTE" poster, and their units have words like Kanon and Wagen in them) also their leader is a direct jab at Margaret Thatcher via his name.
>>896026 >Did that big rework they had fix any of the egregious monetization of theirs? The thing with their monetization is that, while its shit, it doesnt block you from any part of the gameplay. The really cool skins and outfits are locked behind paywalls, but no weapons, class trait, or blessings are paid for, all the shit you actually play with is 100% free and you unlock them as your character levels up and you get achievements, youll just have to stick with the vanilla skins wich are pretty meh. >>896043 I think that after the Sienna necromancer update they are gonna say goodbye to Vermintide 2 to focus on darktide. >>896076 >so I might consider playing it in a few months (especially if I can convince some friends to play with me) Ill be honest with you anon, the game is very limited in regards to the contents and super slow to update. Homever, the core gameplay is fun as shit. Let me give you an example, today i was playing my IG character, whom i try to pass as an elysian drop trooper, i was holding a bridge side by side with a death korps of krieg dude piking away at a huge ass group of ranged enemies, taking cover while las and auto fire plinked everyewhere but taking them out with precision shots, while that was happening, a zealot and an ogryn were on the background dealing with the constant melee hordes of poxwalkers and hive gangers that ocasionally sent grenadiers or trapers our way while we waited for an elevator to come, all this while really cool church music was going on in the background, the game is fun if you realy want to live the only war/dark heresy combat experience.
>>896001 Friend and I redownloaded it after a year of not playing and I have been having fun running as Ogryn taunting everything and bashing heretics over the head with the power maul. The A.I. director is still makes the vast majority of matches as unfun as possible constantly sending "specials" and elites at you to the point where it becomes tiresome. I don't even know what the game has specials, they are spammed so often they may as well be common fucking enemies at this point.
>>896164 That depends too much on the modifiers of the mission. If you play shock troop gauntles or haunting grounds then of course youre gonna get flooded, but on level 5 threat or auric the came is gonna throw everything at you without respite since youre not supposed to stop. Also, are you playing shouty ogryn, boulder ogryn or dakka ogryn?
The socjus faggots are freaking out over owlcat telling it how it is in rogue trader.
>>896370 I'm not even surprised
>>896370 Sweet
>>896370 They were already pissy about that game. https://archive.ph/HE7Cu
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>>896380 Im pretty glad Owlcat decided to not shit the bed and go woke and just stick to normal 40k, i was really worried they would make the interrogator gay instead of the no-nonsense nobleman hes in the beta. I mean there are definitly homos in 40k, but they work on a dont ask dont tell rule, as it damn well should.
>>896381 Unfortunately some faggotry slips through sometimes but luckily about half of it is due to Slaaneeh, cultists, savages, or otherwise bad role models
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>>896388 >clan escher lesbian Thats actually not surprising given their society.
>>896388 Also on the Dark Angels, the pic forgot about "The Rock", their flagship, being named after a gay bar in Nottingham in the 80's.
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>>896397 The Lion'el Johnson thing doesn't have an agenda behind it at all, it was simply because at the time of Epic 40k/Rogue Trader, the writers thought the series would be a flash in the pan, without an inkling that they had captured lightning in a bottle. Very few of these "jokes" survived to modern-day 40k
>>896398 Thats arguably true, the writers were just some brits having fun, like with mag-uruk thrakka.
>>896402 >Entertainment creators were just having fun Remember when that permeated most of entertainment?
>>892724 >>893033 You seem to be missing the point. The reason why the Emperor used Thunder-warriors and space-marines instead of robots in lore is because of the Men of Iron. Making 'true' AIs is illegal because of the Men of Iron. The meta reason why there even needed to be Men of Iron, since in was only one factor contributed to humanity's downfall that could be swapped out for a varied of other reasons, it because GW needed an excuse for why space marines would even be made when by the time of the setting technology would be so advanced that robots would be a far superior option.
>>896463 They do use robots in the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy, the Mechanicum used shackled VI robots in their armies and the Dark Angels even used lobotomized Men of Iron against the Rangdan xenos Empire. It was more like Mass Effect in "AI is banned, but there are lots of not truly AI in use"
>>896001 I recently got back into it and I've noticed that leveling back up to 30 is a god damn nightmare >decided to start up veteran from level 1 because the first one I made has the most annoying voicelines and I don't like hearing them >decide to try and speed level with revolver >going full reload, but still going for highlighting everything, quick cooldowns >get to level 18 and start feeling a grind Then I quit and started playing psyker, this class is really fun once you start getting staves. >what do you think about the new skill trees they basically turned 5 streamlined elements into a couple hundred nodes, and I actually love node-leveling, so I think it's great. It's especially good because it seems like you can make a really "Master of None" build that still fucks hard, going wide where you can. Sniper vet is really fun, especially with charged helbores with the quick charge on chain, it has led to dropping dozens of elites in no time, but I always felt like I wasn't pulling my weight compared to the zealot or psykers, and I wasn't staying alive as long as the ogryns. Since I picked up Psyker, I can give you some insider tips on playing the class from what I've seen >first staff you get is really fun, good at crow control, but it suffers from high charge times, makes enemy waves on higher difficulties really get close after 2-3 ground stomps >second staff is neat, but it's just a weaker variant of the lightning skill you can pick up later on, although it's stronger in that it hits one guy really hard >third staff is my go-to, since it has very good crowd clearing with its charged orb, you can basically toss it into a crowd and weaken enemy lines, knock over most enemies, and deal very high damage >fourth staff gives you soul flame, which seems like a direct upgrade to chain lightning soul flame seems like it can do cool shit, especially because it is a status that you can transfer to other enemies, but it also seems like it takes too long to do its work, at least at lower difficulties. It also makes your class extremely short ranged, so you might want to invest in crystal darts instead of brain aneurysm if you want to round yourself out. Using anything other than the warp swords is actively detrimental to any build you're running, since psykers have special nodes for upgrading warp sword damage or gaining toughness or damage dependent on warp meter. I'm a baby boy, so I use the ultimate (F) for cooling down my warp when I'm spilling over. A neat trick I learned by being a retard about my meter management is that being at 100% warp doesn't cause you to explode, but casting something while at 100% will For example, If you're at 100% and you charge your sword or you cast something with your staff, you will start to keel over, however, if you charge something up from below 100% and then cast it, say with the brain aneurysm chant, and it is cast while you are at 100%, it will not cause the warp to explode you. You can essentially infinitely chain 100% warp with any soul sword by beefing it up, slashing through some enemies, and as soon as you hit 99% recasting the beef up, essentially for free. There is no penalty for being at 100% warp for any duration from what I've seen, besides if you fuck up and cast something, which can fuck you over if you are constantly swapping between staves, swords, and mind explosions. When you think about the Psyker's tool kit, it's hard to go from Vet to Psyker, because you lose a grenade and get a special elite kill move. The easiest way I transitioned into using that move was understanding that the grenade button was now my primary "kill biggest thing I see" button instead of my rifle. The rifle, now a staff, is one of your best crowd control elements and great at picking off weaker, smaller enemies, or anything slightly obfuscated. The soul swords are all a little weird, but two of them are identical from what I understand and the third is a chainsword with soul flavor. The first two you'll get are very good at focusing some single big target, which can be better than using your brain aneurysm because of the lengthy charge time, or if you're using something else like the shards or the lightning with a soulflame staff. The third, the chainsword equivalent, is excellent at sweeping through crowds once they've closed in on all sides, and it still does pretty decent damage on single targets. Just think of your meter as a supply of energy before you need to reload, and if you reach the end of your magazine, you'll fall over.
>>896388 >one offs, mentions >the infinite and the divine oh yeah, all those non-binary necrons, the nonbinary gene-stealer cultists, the nonbinary Orks, and the nonbinary star-gods. You know, those ones that don't have reproductive organs in the same manner we have those actual, literal monsters of reality destruction
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>>910224 >nonbinary gene-stealer cultists genestealers, you mean? The cultists themselves have clearly defined sexes going by the models.
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>>910223 Well shit, i didnt expect such a high effort post in response to my one off comentary about sucking as a psyker, thanks anon.
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>>892301 Id say darktide but in their latest faggot patch they literally removed and made weaker multiple things that made the iconic warhammer weapons (bolter, power sword) extremely powerful, and its been like that for over a year up until a month ago. No more strong power sword, no more strong bolter, the swedish portland tier faggots had to nerf the iconic 40k things in a fucking coop game, after a year, and not just nerf, they literally removed multiple perks
>>910455 >these faggots ruined the game! >they made the weapons that people most recognize with warhammer weaker! >They fucked up the perks for those weapons so people wouldn't just rely on them! what the fuck is your major malfunction? They expanded the perk trees, making one of the best RPG perk systems in recent time, with a full UI for it too They made weapons that were overperforming and carrying teams weaker so teams would fall onto weapons they are good at to clear missions They are adding new content and not asking for a dime extra outside of cosmetics They haven't fucked up anything grandly, they've just given players more options.
Is Musk trying to make 40k real?
>>910611 >It's real
>>910611 Only if he sends the kid to mars.
>>896388 >Lionel Johnson Holy shit never looking at Dark Angels the same again.
>>910428 I remember an older time when anons would actually be useful and not just say >"Game is bad" >"No game is good actually" I mean, we were all saying that shit too, but there was also a bit of build sharing. Speaking of, Psyker is a lot more free-form, I've noticed, and the more you fuck with your meters, the more the class will give you boons, like getting free toughness back or higher damage, so sometimes just keeping yourself floating around 40 warp charge is a good way to make sure you have some free floating shields ready to snack on.
Darktide runs like hot dogshit on my mid ranged PC. The years are either finally catching up to it or Darktide is optimized like shit. Either way I'm refunding the game and probably getting it again if I ever upgrade my PC in the near future. >>910500 >having more options >fun Fuck that I'm a fucking retarded and I want an overly simple game that I could turn my brain off and go rooty tooty pointy shooty and have an easy time with minimal effort like some kind of faggot redditor.
>>910730 Psykers are certanly the most obtuse but potentially powerfull class in the game. >>910747 It works fine on my deck. >Fuck that I'm a fucking retarded and I want an overly simple game that I could turn my brain off and go rooty tooty pointy shooty and have an easy time with minimal effort like some kind of faggot redditor. Sucks to suck anon, but darktide its not really a simple game. I expected 40k themed L4D2, but fatshark is really working hard on making their on thing. Like say, not only is the class and specializations you pick what dictates your gameplay, your loadout also does. Take for example the veterans, if you see a veteran with a plasma gun and chainaxe, you know that guy is there to kill big guys, compate ir to a guy with a recon lasgun and a chainaxe, given that the lasgun has incendiary rounds, that guy is there to set all the enemies on fire for debuffs and clean hordes.
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>>896370 >>896380 I will now buy your game
>>910769 Tell me about the veteran, why does he wield the chain axe?
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>>910785 Lot of loyalty for a reject.
>>910787 You're a big varlet
>>910789 IV μ
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>>910747 I recommend playing on low as fuck settings, because it has all the industry foibles >screen shake >ray tracing >bloom >chromatic aberration >ambient occlusion >particle effects running the screen dirty I really wish devs would wake the fuck up and stop using these retarded "short cuts" to make the game look "nicer" when everyone turns them the fuck off. >Fuck that The people who genuinely think this shit are the reason we have My Wife's Son of War and all the shitty UI and gear score bullshit you see today On that topic, Darktide does suffer from issues with randomized weapons, although I think it makes sense a bit since you are getting hand-me-downs of dudes who were better trained and better equipped. You just gotta pray you're not playing with braindead souls niggers who don't know how to optimize their build any.
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>>892301 Since you didn't specify 40k, I'll recommend Total War Warhammer 2. Big army battles on a huge strategic map. Many different factions across Warhammer Fantasy. Very fun. The sequel, TW: Warhammer 3, has a lot of problems and is generally not as good right now. Start with 2.
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>>910830 I actually wish the game was a necron game >dynasty vs dynasty >reason you revive is because of revival protocols >easy to make highly visible, scarily lit floating skeletal shapes bouncing around in the darkness >all weapons are lasers, but who cares about using anything else >big fucking orb blasters, hyperphase weapons, tons of cool beam battles at all times >demon hosts could easily be very weak shards of the Deceiver >instead of fucking around in a hive city with seemingly endless numbers of mooks who come out of the sewers due to zero explanation, there could be infinite robot skeletons with the simple explanation of "we woke them up to break your legs" >Skeletal banter while being tasked by fringe dynasty leaders to stir up trouble for opposition >instead of nameless rando bosses wearing scary armor, there are dozens of named necron dynasties and warriors to chose from to become opponents for your team of 4 >actual reason for not sending more than 4 down at a time, since your guys don't want to wake up too many before their time >secondary reason being you don't want to alert major dynasties of mass awakening to give reason for retaliation
>>910835 Have you played Warhammer 3 yet? I actually like some of the changes they've made but as you said yourself, there are too many bugs and some balance decisions which are fucked beyond measure. Solo campaign play is still fun though.
There is a lot of dumb Darktide shit in this thread, I'm going to respond to it but understand it's incredibly tiring so I'm likely not to continue posting. >>896001 What problem are you having exactly with Psyker? Blowing yourself up too much? Not killing things well? Psyker is overall pretty good but choosing bad weapons will handicap you no matter what you play. >>910223 The node leveling makes some old builds effectively unplayable because you'd have to bounce from one end of the skill tree to the other and nobody is giving up their capstone for that shit. They shouldn't have to give up their capstone to accomplish that but since Fatshark is perennially piss poor at "maek gaem" they took away options when meaning to add them making this a "two steps forward, one step back" improvement whereas just a smidgen of common sense thinking would've told them that just preceding all of those previously available talents with a single node would've allowed folks to mix and match to their heart's content while still letting the rest of the trees be spiderwebs. Also, the reason you weren't "pulling your weight" before was that you were using Helbores, which are awful despite looking really cool and being fun to use. >>910747 It is probably both, Darktide is fucking awful from a build quality standpoint (do not look up what engine they're using if you'd prefer to take a coffee break from being apoplectic) but I constantly see people with fucking potato PCs on /v/. Like, dude, if you really loved games this much then you'd be willing to go hungry for a while to afford better hardware. Even if you're not looking to play unoptimized triple gAAAy garbage having better hardware just makes everything work better. Also, fuck you for settling into becoming Redditarded. Have some standards. >>910769 Truth be told I dislike how much it has deviated from L4Ds formula. We should have combat drugs like the potions from Vermintide or the Pills/Adrenaline from L4D2. I also dislike how the classes restrict your weapon choices and how weapon progression is all bought RNG shit. Let me find stuff in the levels and decide right then to switch out my weapon if I want. You could even have variations on the "grab thing that penalizes your health" secondary objectives where the heretical shit you're picking up are weapons with unique abilities that you don't get to keep because, you know, warp tainted. That being said, the weapon variation is leagues better than L4D. >>910830 Go be an embarrassment somewhere else.
>>910864 >node leveling makes old builds effectively unplayable >from one end of the skill tree to the other Could you give an example, because if you really want to mix and match the node tree will still allow it. You don't get every single perk, but you can easily hit all the stuff you want with some nodes to spare. >Helbore sucks skill issue, the reason I'd get downed was because I generally suck at crowd control and rely on the rest of my team to clear waves while I pick off high priority targets. I still do that as psyker, but that's just because psyker seems to be easy mode. Thinking about it now though, shovel was keeping me fairly safe, I just also have a bad habit of running into fights when I see a group of high priorities I want to ex out.
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>>910864 >Second pic I'd take the "real" catgirl. She looks cute in her own way.
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>>910864 >Truth be told I dislike how much it has deviated from L4Ds formula. Well, we all thought darktide was gonna be All guardsman party: the vidya from the get go, no wonder how, to this day, the most played class is veteran and the most used weapon is the M36 galaxy lasgun. >Blowing yourself up too much? That and im too retarded to use my tools correctly at the appropiate time. I just stick to shootan and hitting things with a hammer. >>910930 Because you wanna adopt a stray felinid and turn her into a cute catgirl.
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>>910984 >Well, we all thought darktide was gonna be All guardsman party: the vidya I fucking hated that bait and switch, the teaser was great and then suddently barely a year after that we get that capeshit tier trailer for Gen Z faggots. Felt like I was watching Guardians of the Galaxy all over again, after that sewage I promised never to watch any capeshit flick ever again, and I've stayed true to that. Iron Man 2 and that pile of garbage killed any interest I had in superhero trash for good.
>>910984 >That and im too retarded to use my tools correctly at the appropiate time. Psyker does seem to be built obtusely, like playing engineer in TF2, but it's rewarding if you cycle things regularly
>>910991 >I fucking hated that bait and switch, the teaser was great and then suddently barely a year after that we get that capeshit tier trailer for Gen Z faggots. Now youre jsut exagerating, the game makes it very clear you play as the bottom of the chain and are considered expandable even at level 30. >>910992 Anon, im too retarded to not get myself blown up with the plasma gun when theres too much shit going on, imagine how badly i deal with psykers.
>>910993 >Now youre jsut exagerating No I am not
>>910995 I never got the felling of capeshit from that trailer. Homever, im glad players are customizable, i much rather play with my crack addict, my used DVD salesman and my screeching lady than nog psyker and lesbian guardswoman.
>>910998 I'd rather have >>910984 Customization was fun when devs still had limited filesizes and limited themselves to non silly shit. Nowadays it's all a fucking mess of contrasting poorly implemented assets with shit lighting for special snowflake faggots and I hate it. When I saw the MW2 weapon camos that looked like Gibson guitar paint jobs I knew it was fucked. Nothing can be immersive or gritty anymore and I hate it with the fire of one thousand suns.
>>911005 Im not gonna lie to you anon, i get a kick out of watchign all the weird looking characters people make in darktide. When people make pretty characters they look so tryhard compared to the mongoloid ogryns and the floridaman looking motherfuckers that you normally play with, then again, ive mostly seen the attempts at prettyboys in the asian server. I ended up really liking the fact that you play a band of convicts getting sent into suicide missions, specially because in comparisson to the crew of the mourningstar, you look like youre all addicted to crack.
>>911014 Looks like the average USA riot
>>911005 What are you talking about specifically? I haven't seen very much of anything in Darktide that could be considered goofy necessarily.
>>911017 Hence, crack addicts.
>>911020 Armageddon helm with any of the duty uniforms is really good looking, I'm glad I got it when I did. I'm a bit sore I didn't get a chance to think over the krieger stuff before it was gone, but I don't think I was gonna put any more dosh into the game.
>>911025 I may end up paying for the armageddon uniform the next time it shows up, its my favourite regiment and they never show up anywhere else, i just wanna play a steel legionaire.
>>911025 >>911030 Actually buying cosmetics, when did it get so normalfag in here? Between this and the fucking shipping thread I think it may be time for new board.
>>911078 Have little problem with the Zelink thread. However, if Anons actually are buying digital skins with real money, someone definitely deserves a spanking for being absolutely retarded.
>>911078 Mark advertised for new blood on fucking twitter, what did you expect. Between them and the Spics it's only natural we'd get some retards in the mix.
>>911078 >>911081 >>911092 >another case of anons jumping at shadows Just as it ever was.
>>911146 >Buying cosmetics >Supporting Fatshark <You're jumping at shadows
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>>911157 I did buy the videogame and i have enjoyed it alot thus far, anon, i do infact play vidya.
>>911092 Wasn't that like 2 years ago? Did he do it again?
>>911078 >>911081 >>911092 >pay 30 bucks for a game >pay 10 bucks for a cosmetic I like >pay another 15 for the dlc because I play the game enough >Wow, imagine paying for video games! Normal fag! you guys are trying too hard to fit in, try enjoying something once in a while
I hope Rouge Trader isn't shit. I'm willing to give it a try once it's out if I got enough money on hand. >ctrl-f Rouge Trader I'm still the only one who mentioned it. It's on steam if you guys want to check it out, it releases next month. >>910769 >>910819 >>910864 Anons. I was joking about the "Fuck that" segment. I was actually making fun of 400c2b, the dude that the dude I responding to was responding to. Every time I'm going to be sarcastic or obviously over dramatic I'm probably am going to have to put a ":^)" next to my joke for context arent I?
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any one check out Realms of Ruin that came out recently? Any good? >>911272 Yeah, I'm looking forward to Rogue Trader looks like it will be fun. Too bad you can't woo the battle sister though. Can't decide if I want to do a psyker (sanctic) which I think is a new thing created by Owlcat? I guess a sort of holy psyker that draws from the emperor is theoretically possible in the lore? Anyways I'm not sure though as I feel it might feel strange to have a psyker who becomes a rouge trader but not sure what else I want to try. I want to eventually got to grand strategist using guns but not sure about Origin. Priest maybe? In some relatively old salty news some journalists and faggots got upset that the only gay romance is with the Drukhari in rogue trader. Also "platonic" romance with the Aeldari
>>911272 >guys I was joking! everyone knows, you fucking retard, but for every retarded statement made jokingly there are ten more made in earnest.
>>911287 >a psyker (sanctic) which I think is a new thing created by Owlcat? Sanctic Demonology has been a thing on the tabletop before, it used to be one of the main psychic disciplines for the Grey Knights.
>>911272 >I'm still the only one who mentioned it. Not really, in any case weve mostly talked about RT in the the WRPG thread. And yes, im really looking foward to it, i really liked the alpha of the game, cant wait for my jolly space adventures. >>911287 >any one check out Realms of Ruin that came out recently? Any good? I refuse to touch or even acknowledge the existance of age of sigmar, i like my gritty peasant setting, not high fantasy. Have more sisters.
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>>911287 I hope that game failed. I don't want age of smegma getting anymore success.
>>911312 You're in luck, it sold like shit
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>>911312 Its gonna be sad when total wawa 3 stops being supported and we finally lose fantasy.
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>>911269 >pay 10 bucks for a cosmetic I like >pay another 15 for the dlc >Wow, imagine paying for video games <I enjoy paying $25 for shit that used to be included in the $30 game I'm playing if this was release 20 years ago
>>911269 The game literally throttles progression so you have to buy skins you brand loyal fuck.
>>911269 Over a decade ago, when I was a younger man, I spent the super majority of my bank account's balance on a used PS3 so I could play Demon's Souls. I remember I lost my progression twice within the first few days because I got the Yellow Light of Death on 2 separate units and had to return them for a replacement. The "/v/ doesn't play vidya!" propaganda is pushed by losers with shit taste who conflate spending money on video games with playing them and believe their fiscal contributions to the cancers ravaging the landscape earn them a place at the table here and to be taken seriously. Obviously that's not how it works. People here pirate as a matter of course, and the research shows that the most prolific pirates are the biggest spenders. /v/ is angry because /v/ is invested, but /v/ is invested in the game. The cosmetics are not the game and anyone who partakes of micro-transactions and PROUDLY at that has wandered pretty far from the other Niggercattle on the farm.
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>>911288 >everyone knows, you fucking retard Damn bro I know I make mistakes sometimes but you didn't have to go and call me the r word!
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>>911392 >buy game for 60 bucks >it comes with x amount of content >buy a game for 30 bucks >it comes with x amount of content also >pay extra, up to that threshold 60 to make my experience different >>911412 >progression >buy skins Skins don't assist with progression, I have no clue what the fuck you're on >brand loyal I play fun games, this game is fun, so I put my money in it. >>911433 >buying cosmetics is tantamount to not caring about the video game How am I allowed to spend my money on my video games, friend? how much money am I allowed to send to a dev to support their work on the video game? You have no idea what investment even means. I don't just buy cosmetics because I think looking cool improves the game any, I buy extra things because I've spent hours on this game that I find fun. I invest my time and money in things I find fun, things I like playing, in the hopes that more devs will spend that money to making that game better or making more games like it. Do I also think devs will learn the wrong lesson and make a game that is bad with lootboxes and paid extras? Of course, but jews will always exist and it shouldn't stop good people from making good things. I haven't been robbed or stolen from, I've put money forward to make a company I like more financially successful. I'm not a slave to any sort of skinner box as you might see it. Just because some retard with a background in computer hacking decided to become a game dev and talks constantly about his thoughts about the video games market doesn't mean you have to suckle the shit teat of his putrid thoughts.
>>911392 >Vid <Including Jontron's OH MY GOD clip Gotta make sure that the YTPMV is offensive enough
I tried out Realms of Ruin. It bills itself as Dawn of War for age of Sigmar. I think it succeeded as Dawn of War III but fantasy. The game feels way too moba or esporty. The campaign maps come across as all being custom pvp maps vs an ai. It wants to be micro intensive with a few units like with DoW II but micro feels very clunky and they make the maps so big and give you so many units that you just can't micro everything. The enemy ai acts really chaotic in that it just kinda sends units wandering around making it annoying to defend anything. Oh, and there is no auto engage so if a ranged enemy starts attacking they will just sit there and die. I'm not into pvp at all so I have no idea if someone will consider it fun if they play against another player. There are some things I like about like it like animations but no matter how much you polish a turd it still is just a turd.
>>913492 >It bills itself as Dawn of War for age of Sigmar. I think it succeeded as Dawn of War III but fantasy Yeah it looked like shit after I watched a round of some fag playing it. AoS fucking sucks anyway so no loss there at least. >>911412 Dawn of War 1 and 2 had some pretty cool intro sequences. I need to check when the next Unification mod update comes out so I can have a reason to play again.
Only 7 more days for Rogue Trader and that navigator pussy. Also, do you fellas think Caedo will get canonized like Titus did?
Warhammer was, is, and always will be dogshit for normalfags pretending not to be normalfags.
>>913565 I don't know how quickly they will set it up though I know there is an early version that worked with beta but I'm going to wait for the Toybox mod so I can enable all romance and create my harem. Also allow non-party member dialogue was really nice in Wrath so you could see the rare dialogue that required specific members to be in your current party.
>>911440 Yeah, now I KNOW you're a leftist because rather than admit fault you doubled down. You're not giving money to somebody's Patreon or some shit where you can have actual engagement with the developer. You're just randomly tossing money to a shit dev and then lazily justifying it to yourself by telling other people you're "Supporting the development" when nothing about you shelling out cash for cosmetics implies they're actually going to continue supporting the game. They might look at the overhead tomorrow, do a cost/benefit analysis and decide ending everything and claiming a loss on their taxes actually improves their bottom line more. Additionally, Fatshark is fucking awful. They've twice sold games with back end requirements just like this one and unceremoniously screwed over everyone who actually bought the game by pulling the servers. Those games won't even launch, they're unplayable! The shit you're playing right now? Literally developed on an engine no longer being supported by its creators. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitsquid Which is pertinent because a game that Fatshark previously worked on called Lead & Gold ran into a similar situation where the ownership of the engine came into question and Fatshark didn't know who to contact to continue licensing it and producing more content for that game. Do you know what they did? They ceased development of the game. At least owners of that can still play it so I guess they can consider themselves lucky considering Fatshark's record. You know, I've never been a fan of Mark. I also never really had any reason to get angry at him either though. That being said, his detractors are right that he cannot stop fucking things up constantly and he should never be let of his special needs leash because when he is he does fucktarded things like advertise the site on Twitter, Reddit and 4chan and it just brings folks who have no business here to squat and shitpost. Sage, and may god have mercy on your soul.
>>913655 >anon is a leftist for wanting to buy a skin in a game he likes I swear, the degrees of autistic retardation some anons will go in their purity spiral its amusing some times. >>913640 >Toybox mod Tell me more about this, i havent played their previus games because i dont like pathfinder.
>>913668 >toybox It is a collection of things put under an interfaces. I'm going to divide it into 3 sections, tweaks which is basically a bunch of checkboxes that toggle things like removing restrictions of romancing multiple characters. Or a button to teleporting companions to the player. Cheats where you can modify things like damage done to you, npcs, or enemies. Changing your level. And a developer interface where you can check dialog trees, quest states
>>913655 >you're a leftist because videogame Don't mind me, just scrolling down the catalog and had to chime in on this insane faggotry.
>>913668 anon, if you just wanna support the game, then make a donation to the developers instead of purchasing in-game cosmetics; this way, you're not encouraging them to make more microtransactions and everyone here who isn't a fucking retard knows that all microtransactions are bad for videogames, even if the cosmetic ones aren't that bad compared to the rest of them
>>913655 Nice dubs shame they're wasted on retardation.
>>914110 >pointing out that selling cosmetic skins instead of awarding them for playing the game is a bad thing for many reasons is now considered cancerous Guess EA and Activision were our greatest ally after all!
>>914124 The game also awards you with cosmetic items through normal play, what are you even saying
>>914152 People who purchase things that would otherwise be obtained through gameplay encourage developers to provide monetary-based alternatives to obtaining them. In theory those alternatives existing don't detract from the game but in practice they can, as they further encourage developers to expect players will purchase rewards instead of play for them and as such invest less care into the game and its balance, at worst focusing solely on maximizing profit through those avenues since it's easier than making a good product worth the cost in itself.
>>914368 How is it better to have to grind a game for 1 hour to unlock a new costume than doing actual work with a salary for just 15 minutes and pay your earned 5 bucks for the costume? Unless you're unemployed and have an abundance of time of course but then maybe you should be out looking for a job instead of being a lazy burden to your parents.
>>914374 >How is it better to have to grind a game for 1 hour to unlock a new costume than doing actual work with a salary for just 15 minutes and pay your earned 5 bucks for the costume? Because that would require the developer to make a game that's worth playing for that hour, and make sure that the gameplay is good enough that you wouldn't care whether you got the unlockable or not. Meanwhile, with microtransactions, it doesn't matter how good the game is. You're going to be dropping money on it anyway, so there's zero incentive to make a good game in the first place. Only a game that's good ENOUGH to give you a dopamine hit and keep taking money out of your wallet. > Unless you're unemployed and have an abundance of time If that's your view of video games, why are you even "wasting your time" playing the damn things in the first place when you could be doing something more "productive"? > maybe you should be out looking for a job How about developers spend more of their time developing a game that I WANT to buy ONCE, rather than constantly bemoaning about how hard it is to make money like they're the only fucking people on this fucking planet who have bills to pay and mouths to feed? If that's the views developers have regarding their customers then they can go fuck themselves for being self-centered narcissistic pricks who demand that the world bend over backwards revolve around them.
>>914374 (>>914368 again) Are you asking what the point is in playing a game? The entire point of playing a game is to enjoy the activity. Cosmetics and other easy moneymakers encourage worse game design, which drags down the quality of a game. This has been shown to be the case time and time again with the steady decline of AAA game design. If I'm paying for a game I want to enjoy it, not grind for hours; the activity of playing a game should be fun in itself, not driven by a carrot on a stick that's not worth chasing. It's an individual's choice whether to purchase something instead of playing for it, but the more people who do the more incentivized developers are to cater to whales who dish out money for the easier to make skins and packages instead of to people who pay money for good games.
>>914368 >>914387 >>914391 >people will care less about how fun the game is if they purchase cosmetics I don't understand how your middle became unbound, but let's walk through this >Game has a system in it that lets you dress up your character >game also has some paid cosmetics >players who pay for or don't pay for cosmetics get less than nothing in a return on their investment, because they never actually see the items they have on in the mission Start end, complete >new players start up the game >they run around and go on some missions, have fun shooting dudes >game unlocks more gear, new equipment for them to try, and some skill points to distribute in a skill tree >once your character has hit level 30, you can start customizing your build, going on higher difficulty missions until you can effectively wipe hordes by yourself >newer players will see the higher tier players and want to emulate their practices and tactics, learning from them and so on Open shut, done Now, tell me at what point is there an intersection in the ven diagram of the playerbase? Players might see cosmetics and think, "If I buy this it might help me do better" but the skill still comes from the player Devs might see players buying cosmetics and think, "well, if they keep buying the shirts then maybe they won't notice the glaring issues" but if they release a bad game, they still have to sell it to their playerbase You think devs are going suddenly be able to release a bad game because it has cosmetics? Of course they will, they've been doing that, darktide isn't that game though, the game is fun, so your critique of the concept makes no fucking sense. We can talk about could and would until we're blue in the face. this is why I hate you fucking new faggots who think you know what the fuck you're talking about the shit we complained about. Microtransactions to get better gear, things that make your time playing the game easier, things that lower the skill ceiling of playing a class or the entire game, that was the thing we sought to prevent, and despite that people still purchase and play games that have battle passes and gearscores and cash shops that let you spend real world dollars on better gear. Your arguments would be solid if you knew what fucking game you were talking about, but this is like complaining that purchasing a game is a barrier for play, and all games should be free and legal.
>>914414 >>game also has some paid cosmetics And that's the point where you uninstall the game. Why is this so hard to understand? >You think devs are going suddenly be able to release a bad game because it has cosmetics? That you PAY for, yes. As this happens each and every time. They start the practice with "pointless shit" (Like cosmetics) that don't effect the gameplay, and, when players don't revolt, they almost immeidately transition towards demanding payments for items that DO effect the gameplay. Hell, you have companies like EA that went so far as to demand microtransactions in singleplayer games, not to mention Ubisoft and Capcom demanding that players pay extra just to see the fucking ending. >darktide isn't that game though Yes, it is. >this is why I hate you fucking new faggots <Calling anons "Newfags" for bullying him over paying real money for in-game costumes
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>>914414 <Microtransactions are bad and promote lazy game design >I hate you newfags!
>>914437 >>914440 >buying cosmetics will cause the devs to make a shit game because...IT JUST WILL OKAY >EA, UBishit, and Bethesda don't add cosmetics to their bad game, the game is bad because it has cosmetics in it! buddy, I don't think you understand what you're saying at all.
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>>914444 >Bethesda don't add cosmetics to their bad game <The retard forgot about fucking horse armor
>>914446 Woosh!
>>914449 And suddently everything starts making sense No wonder you're dumb enough not only to buy cosmetics, but also defend them.
>>914452 >I'm not retarded I swear! >Y-you didn't make it clear enough you were making fun of me! >I didn't just walk right into your assessment of my argument and prove it for you! keep digging, nigger.
>>914454 I just think you're retarded for defending microtransactions.
>>914454 You could just own up to it and continue using smug anime girl wrong as a way to fuck anons up.
>>914460 No it wasn't your argument this whole time has been that cosmetics inherently make the games worse the arguments you're defending have all been about how no matter how good a game is if you pay for cosmetics in it the game's mechanics are suddenly bad and dogshit, as though it's not the other way around, so either you don't know what your own argument is and you're retarded, or you understand how retarded you are and are now shifting it to this clearly better stance for yourself >Well microtransactions are bad we must all agree that wasn't the point of the conversation, welcome to the debate club kid, go fucking finish your math homework.
>>914467 That's not what anybody said at all. The arguments being made against microtransactions are that it's a slippery slope and enables developers to be lazier when it comes to designing a fun game that's worth the initial cost. >that wasn't the point of the conversation What the fuck was the point of the conversation? You stated how proud you are for paying up for cosmetics and then you got shit on for it because that's retarded. Are we reading the same thread?
>>914469 >how proud you are when did I say anything about consumer pride? you bastards are the ones who seem so completely obsessed with pridefully being against paid cosmetics by the way, with all of your logic, metroid prime 1 must be a bad game, because it has a macro-transaction required, that being you need to play and beat metroid fusion to unlock the fusion suit.
The recent Monster Hunter on their own are amazing games that have paid cosmetics but the thing is I could simply ignore them because they are bought outside the game and never in any in game store. The free shit you get in the game is quite good enough as well. As long as paid shit doesn't affect gameplay, people retarded or not should be allowed to spend their money on it if they want. It's pointless and materialistic but it's their money to spend not yours and bitching at them for doing that probably won't change that. >>913565 50/50 chance it will be shit. WH games have a far too huge a track record with bad games it's quite upsetting, especially for a world as expansive but underutilized as 40k. I wish we could get a game similar to a large scale Star Wars Battlefront but for 40k so we get to play as a bunch of different factions on a bunch of different battlefields, but no, games workshop fucking hates money. A fast paced Eversor Assassin assassin game would be cool as fuck as well.
>>914471 >50/50 chance it will be shit. I played the alpha and really enjoyed it.
>>914467 >your argument this whole time has been that cosmetics inherently make the games worse That not what's being argued, you idiot. >the arguments you're defending have all been about how no matter how good a game is if you pay for cosmetics in it the game's mechanics are suddenly bad and dogshit Again, not what's being argued. >>914470 > you bastards are...against paid cosmetics Yes, because it's a terrible practice that only further contributes to a decline in quality games. Why is that so hard to understand?
>>914470 >>911440 >I don't just buy cosmetics because I think looking cool improves the game any, I buy extra things because I've spent hours on this game that I find fun. I invest my time and money in things I find fun, things I like playing, in the hopes that more devs will spend that money to making that game better or making more games like it. >Do I also think devs will learn the wrong lesson and make a game that is bad with lootboxes and paid extras? Of course, but jews will always exist and it shouldn't stop good people from making good things. I haven't been robbed or stolen from, I've put money forward to make a company I like more financially successful. I'm not a slave to any sort of skinner box as you might see it. Listen, you type in a really confusing way but it sounds to me like you're willing to spend additional money on cosmetics for games you like, and even admit that developers will learn the wrong thing from this. Your actions are exactly the type that led us to this point, you are the type of person enabling this, and proving to companies that microtransactions are a profitable venue in lieu of actually developing playable content for a game. In the past, companies would have released a new game to make more money, both generating revenue and in turn advancing game design itself to present a better, more favorable product. Microtransactions are a cancer upon modem gaming in every way and drag down the quality of games as a result of their existence. >by the way, with all of your logic, metroid prime 1 must be a bad game, because it has a macro-transaction required, that being you need to play and beat metroid fusion to unlock the fusion suit. That doesn't make it a bad game, it makes it a harmful precedent to follow. Nintendo certainly isn't a bastion of consumer practices so I don't know what you're getting at here.
>>914476 >N-no you don't know what my argument is! >All the examples of games that were bad made by bad companies, it was the cosmetics dun it! ooga booga cosmetic boogieman
>>914152 >rewarding bad habits like showing that the average gamur™ is more than willing to pay for cosmetics in a game that they are already charging for The others were right, you are a fucking idiot. Then again, most people who play games with a cash shop tend to be retards so I'm mostly pissing against the wind when talking to senseless morons like
>>914585 >bad habits like playing dress up with your action figure in a shooter lol
>>914586 >implying paying to play dress up with your action figure in a shooter isn't a bad habit I don't even know why this discussion is occurring. Loot boxes are immutably bad, purchasing cosmetics with real money is immutably bad.
>>914610 Unlocking the fusion suit in metroid prime is immutably bad?
>>914611 If you have to pay real money for it, then yes.
>>914454 >>914467 >>914470 >>914479 >>914586 >>914611 You should join the Fatshark reddit mod team, you'd be perfect!
>>914645 Fatshark gets too much hate. Its the community of their games that is filled with cunts, very dumb cunts. Thats why they play the games the way they do and demand the changes to the game that appease their dumb cunt brains. Consider this >a coop game >community hates the most powerful weapons and plays public lobbies with a basic knife and revolver loadout (making the round much harder for everyone) >over years this turns into the power sword being weaker than a regular sword due to dumb cunt brain fuckage >endless balancing in a coop game >you cannot feel too powerful >in a coop game meanwhile fallout76 is made by retards for retards but atleast they understand the GATLING LASER is thousand fucking times stronger than the basic 10mm pistol no matter the fuck u do with ur build
>>914613 Fan service with cosmetics is a cool touch until you have to cynically pay for it like a pleb.
>>914613 You have to play and beat metroid fusion to get the fusion suit in metroid prime, so I ask again, where is the line? Is metroid prime now a bad game because it has paid cosmetics?
>>914700 Not what's being argued, no matter how much you want it to be.
>>914704 well none of you could be talking about the game, because none of you are talking about the balance of the game itself.
>>914705 Why are you trying to steer the argument away from the fact that you're paying real money for in-game costumes?
>>914706 Is the argument that people should not be allowed to purchase things in a game they like when it has no benefit or reward inherent to the gameplay? What things am I allowed to spend my coins on, kike, please inform me what stocks I should invest in.
>>914708 >Is the argument that people should not be allowed to purchase things in a game they like when it has no benefit or reward inherent to the gameplay? Again, not what's being argued.
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The Emperors biggest mistake was not having an Empress. >Horus wouldnt kill his mommy during the heresy >space marines would have a mommy to nurture their autism greatly reducing the number of chaos muhreens in the first place All of 40k basically boils down to what no pussy does to a mf, and as such, is a shit nigger setting. Fantasy chads win again
>>914716 >The Emperors biggest mistake was not having an Empress. I take it you haven't heard Black Library's most recent retcon? Emps had an immortal GF named Erda who was the Primarch's mother, but she had a woman moment and decided she'd rather have her children flung onto random planets than be raised "as tools and weapons" by the Emperor. It wasn't even chaos influenced, she just had a histrionic episode and threw her kids into the fucking warp. Which means she wins mother of the year considering what happened to Curze, Angron, and Mortarion.
>>914718 Curze did nothing wrong.
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>>914722 He tortured and killed a cutie because she wanted to kill herself.
>>914718 Erda always existed, she just now had some more reasoning given to her in the last few Siege of Terra books. Also you are slightly wrong, she wanted to liberate the primarchs but it was Chaos that actually teleported them everywhere, which is why Big E forgave her and let her live out her life as a hermit with an experimental proto Astartes
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>>914731 >Erda always existed, That is bullshit. She didn't exist until at least 8th edition.
>>914718 In all my 30 years of consuming various media, something that I have never is a good retcon.
>>914739 >ultramarines are pretty much good at everything I figured there was a reason I didn't really like the space marines for seeming too samey, now I see the issue.
>>914730 Based. So you are agreeing with me then.
>>915016 I miss when the Ultramarines were only good at statesmanship and empire building
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>>915016 >>915087 Technically their thing was always that they are the jack of all trades and have a flexible approach to strategy, problem comes when they outdo the specialists in their areas of expertise, then they become annoying blueberries. Its a good thing that they have become cool again since punished Guilliman started going around.
Well rogue trader came out and I'm enjoying it so far. Playing as a psyker and though there is some inactivity a there is not as much as I kinda expected. Cassia is busted if you take her navigator talents and abilities. I have heard it is really buggy in the latter chapters though.
>>914718 Did she have EMP powers?
>>918291 > I have heard it is really buggy in the latter chapters though This shit starting to turn into a tradition. Larian, Owlcat (RT's devs for idiots who don't know) and Obsidian just keep shitting out games with buggy, half baked final chapters. It's a small miralce how Inxile didn't fall to this modern crpg curse.
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>>918291 ABELARD, BE A DEAR AND ANNOUNCE MY PRESENCE TO THESE PEASANT FUCKS >unload noble+officer buffs >shit out free turns for my indentured servants party members God damn, do I love playing as a pompous twat
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>>918291 >>918335 Im having LOTS of fun with the game, man. Im playing a nobleborn navy officer and went for the zealot route just to give a middle finger to the demon. I AM COMMODORE VICTOR VON VALENCIUS, I DO NOT HEED THE ORDERS OF NO SPAWN OF THE WARP!
>>918354 >>918335 These two posts reek of actual shillery
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>>918376 Ive been going on about being exited for this game since the very beggining of the thread, so you can kindly go eat shit, nigger.
>>918376 Do you really believe this website is big or relevant enough to attract paid corporate shills?
>>918387 >>918385 Is it any better that you might be doing it for free? There's enthusiasm for a game and then there's cringeworthy E3 corporate gaymer speak
>>918394 >cringeworthy E3 corporate gaymer speak Are you going to complain about spics, kikes or pedos next?
>>918394 >t. diet-niggerpill Lite™
>>918394 In what world does an anon making a joke involving NTR count as E3 gaymer speak?
>>918387 >>918416 >>918418 >>918428 Do not talk to schizophrenics, if they perceive you as having "wronged" them in any way their fried brains will implicate you as apart of their delusions. They're unable to form coherent thoughts and thus can never have meaningful discussion. And worst of all: they don't even play vidya.
>>918430 Jerking off to sonic doesn't count as playing vidya, mark.
>>918440 What if you make a game out of it?
So who here has managed to beat the creepy cannibal twins in the secret hard mode yet? I spent the afternoon trying with a friend and we kept getting our ass kicked.
>>919087 The hell are you talking about and who gives a fuck anyway?
>>919087 I like their armour looking vaguely like Chaos knights from fantasy. Always thought that fit chaos nicely. I don't play darktide though so I have no idea.
I would have been playing Rouge Trader but I spent my time and money for now playing Quasimorph and engaging in other hobbies. Maybe make my brother get me the game for christmas.
>>919103 >The hell are you talking about Darktide. >who gives a fuck anyway? /v/ is a board for videogames. >>919108 Yeah, there are some enemies sprinkled here and there through the game that remind a bit of fantasy, i gues its fatshark paying tribute to vermintide.
>>919087 My teams kept finding him and then we would get him to quarter health and he'd piss off like a coward
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>>919168 No dude, theres an actuall bossfight now. Go to the mission select screen and youll find a fancy new thing, Zola gives you a mission to go kill them, its like the assesination missions but tripled and in an actually interesting arena. Shit feels like an MMO raid with how you have to look at party build and equipment, i had to change to a revolver+chainsword melee veteran.
Warhammer shows produced by Amazon and backed up by Henry Cavill CONFIRMED https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/12/18/warhammer-amazon-contracts-signed-the-news-every-warhammer-fan-has-been-waiting-for/?utm_source=CUSTOMERS&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=WH_18th_December_Old_World_&utm_content=&utm_term= >All we can tell you right now is that an elite band of screenwriters, each with their own particular passion for Warhammer, is being assembled to help bring the setting and characters you love to the screen. This illustrious group will be championed by Henry Cavill, who stands ready to take his place as executive producer – bringing his pen, sword and/or spear to the project. >TV and Film production is a mammoth undertaking. It’s not unusual for projects to take two to three years from this point before something arrives on screen. Still, things are now properly rolling, and you can bet we’ll bring you all the latest updates and cool snippets as soon as we’re able.
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>>919823 Cautiously optimistic but things could easily turn south if (((Amazon))) feels the need to finder the show's pie.
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>>919831 >finder finger, damn it.
>>919832 you can just quietly delete your post and repost it again without the spelling mistake. thats what I always do, either that or I simply dont give a shit.
>>919835 Refer to the image in >>919831
>>919831 >Cautiously optimistic >produced by Amazon Yeah I am not. I have no problem with Cavill but he alone is not enough to make me believe this won't be cancer.
>>919846 Amazon would hopefully have to wrestle with GW if they want to fuck with things.
>>919840 You can't delete post because you have autism?
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>Think about playing Rogue Trader since a CRPG in the 40k universe sounds interesting. >Look at the party members. >See a Sister of Battle. Surprisingly she doesn't look ugly, is white, looks the part. >Remember Owlcat does romances in games like Pathfinder. >Look up if she is one. >She isn't. >Your options as a heterosexual man are a fuck-everything-that-moves Arabic Cold Trader, a mutant navigator and an Eldar who will only have an asexual, platonic romance with you. Among the male choices there's even a fucking Dark Eldar. >Look into it further, apparently GW insisted on her not being a romance option. >SoB do not take vows of chastity and plenty of them in canon have had romances. They aren't sworn the the Emperor in the same way nuns are. >But the one in this game is apparently so devoted to her life goal that she would never consider it. >TFW I just wanted a cute tomboy to kill xenos with. Seriously, though, I get the weird feeling there's something specifically targeted behind this that isn't lore related. Most guys in the Warhammer fanbase would go full Imperium in terms of values and she seems like the perfect girl to go along with that and the choice to exclude her feels extremely deliberate.
>>920603 GW is especially gay in recent years, and want strict creative control in the weirdest ways. Maybe they're butthurt about the years people memed on them for Matt Ward and CS Goto writing retarded lore that contradicted canon, maybe it was like when they made Fan animations verboten because Astartes and the Emperor's Text to Speech Device was outperforming their in house shit. Granted, they also gave Creative Assembly a mostly free hand with Total War Warhammer, so who knows. Maybe there was just a GW liason who didn't like the idea of a player going full "Purge the heretic, burn the mutant, kill the xenos, and your trusty flamer can do all three." with his SoB gf. For what it's worth, the navigator isn't too bad, and I guess in a DLC they're going to be adding a Callidus assassin, so I guess you can live out your fantasy of being an Inquisitor with a shapeshifting assassin gf.
>>920603 Its a shame because Argenta its the most likable SoB ive come across in any 40k media, herconstant concern over the safety of children its cute. But dont worry, Cassia its a qt too.
>>920603 If you play Owlcat games for romance then you will have a bad time dude. The good romances are always blocked by some idiotic reason. In Kingmaker they block the tomgirl because she is an official Paizo character, same goes for the paladin in Wrath of the Righteous. Fun fact Paizo litereally told them to not worry about this shit, because dicking their poster girls means good marketing, but these half-russian nerds still refused. Hopefully your pick might get a romance mod, or you can go for the qt mutie. The game so far so good for me, but damn! Unity is outdated as fuck! Thank fucking God the devs will drop it after this game and go for Unreal.
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>>920659 >(((tomgirl)))
>>920669 Post nose
>>918291 >>918314 How's Owlcat's history of patching? How long should I wait to pirate?
>>920677 Very, very frequent. I just started the game, so i don't know how bad the final chapter (the ones which crpg devs usually fuck up because of the time crunch). Probably not as bad as BG3 final chapter (where save files got corrupted if you got too many summons), since Owlcat most usual deal is running out of steam in the final chapter. I think its safe to say the game worth a shoot. >>920669 Don't BLAM! me man!
>>920674 The term is TOMBOY you fucking kike, (((tomgirl))) is the shit CHRIS-CHAN uses to describe himself.
>>920682 It was a honest mistake, but holy shit if it means what i think it is means, then you have every right to off me.
>>920684 Just don't do it again.
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>>920603 It really seems like an odd choice. Everyone was gushing over her as soon as she was announced as a companion. I've convinced myself that there must be some story related reason coming up as to why you can't romance her. Maybe something grimdark happens to her during her personal quest. Of course, Owlcat's decisions don't exactly always make sense, so that may as well not be the case. >>920677 You can already start playing. Acts I and II were already fine during alpha and beta, and I haven't encountered any serious issues yet. Act III, however, was an absolute mess during the beta. I'm going to wait at least for the first big patch before moving onto it. But that's dozens of hours into the game.
>>920603 Sisters of Battle are celibate, you know. I also agree that she's perfect but I wasn't surprised at all when the game gave me no romance options for her. She's the 40K equivalent of a nun which means no sex. Ironically if they added a Sister of Silence to the game, I am almost certain that sisterhood allows for romance or at least doesn't have any issues with sex.
>>920694 >Sisters of Battle are celibate What is your source for this claim?
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>>920603 Oh boy, the old purity debate. I'm believing that it was an order from GW to not include a romance. Sisters according to lore have a devotion to purity. Any deviation is seen as inviting Slaanesh. That said, with how you can create different orders, your custom one could allow relationships outside the order with exceptional individuals, see Klightus for an example: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Bethany Since Argenta belongs to Our Martyred Lady, the postergirls for the SoB the same way the Ultramarines are, GW would not want her to be blemished by whatever Owlcat would cook up for a romancer. SoB being romanced is not enforced by Canon but it very much goes against the Doctorine of the Ecclesiarchy.
>>920695 It has never explicitly been stated that they are celibate but, like how it's been implied Emperor's Children CSMs fuck their captives, it has been heavily implied SoBs are celibate just like the nuns they are based off of. They spend day and night praying or training almost to the degree of Space Marines though obviously not 100% like that since they aren't genetically altered. They have been trained to give up mortal pleasures so as not to fall to Slaanesh worship (and it worked so well that in canon only one SoB has ever fallen to chaos IIRC) But as >>920696 said, there are different orders of the sisterhood which could greatly vary. Just like how there are Space Marine chapters which allow sleeping with with women, there can be Sister chapters which allow such relationships. I'm actually being informed there was an offhand comment in one of the latest Ciaphas Cain books I haven't read that there was a sister of battle who formed a sexual relationship with an administratum guy, but this is obviously the exception and not the rule Added on to everything, since a SoB's schedule looks like a space marine's in how much devout training they have, Sisters simply wouldn't have time to have a relationship with anyone.
>>920697 I think everyone agrees that SoBs do not generally enter into romantic or sexual relationships, but I don't see a reason why Argenta couldn't be one of the exceptional ones. Hell, the "morality" system of the game has you choose between Orthodoxy, Radicalism, or full blown Heresy. It would be quite fitting if a radical PC could get Argenta to consider the limits of her vows. Or a heretic could outright corrupt her into some Slaanesh slut.
>>920701 Yeah that would still fit within the lore, Owlcat just decided not to go that route. Does Rogue Trader have any modding tools? Is it moddable at all? Because I could foresee such an option being a mod (you could even use AI to recreate her VA for the modded lines)
>>920697 >There was something in a Cain book? A SOB is sneaking around a comissariat school and fucking several faculty members in secret. Shes implied to be a total whore. Thats canon.
>>920697 > it has been heavily implied SoBs are celibate just like the nuns they are based off of. But thats wrong, whats implied its that they are souper zealousso dudes dont normally approach them, but they dont have such thing as a celibacy vow.
>>920696 I still would have preferred a scene where you can ask her out and she shoots you down. Right now it just seems like your character just isn't interested in her despite being able to stick his dick in pretty much everything else.
>>920742 Im waiting for mods like in their previus game.
I bought and just got some Citadel paint in the mail for painting gundam minis. Any tips on how to paint well, especially for the much more smaller details? Getting a display base with some glue as well to give them a reliable solid surface to stand on.
>>920757 Water the paints way down, and use thin layers, its better to apply multiple thin layers than a single thick one that looks like shit. Also, look how to use drybush, that shit is great for painting dirt and grime or adding shadows.
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>>923190 >Carl fucking Benjamin >the Liberalist™ stepfather himself Anon PLEASE There have been female spess muhreens, really early in 40k history too. You can see them in some of the old art from what I remember. This has possibly been retconned as 40k lore in the 1980s wasn't remotely as fleshed out and they don't show up anymore.
>>923196 Crazy how my post was deleted though. >"Keep twitter faggoty on the GG thread" Faggot.
>You can romance the eldar bitch >You can't romance the Sister of Battle Why does this feel backwards to me? Human x Eldar relationships as far as I have ever read never extended past friendship, or respect
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>>924068 Its not really about the sisters per se since SoB are not obliged to have any vow of chastity, its just that Argenta its pius like that, thats her character. And yeah, as far as im aware, love can bloom isnt canon nor has it ever been except for that one eldar-human hybrids all the way back to Rogue Trader, but the setting reall wasnt the same back then. Dark Eldar do definitly rape humans though, amongst all sort of horrible things they do.
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>>924087 >I live to serve the Emperor!
I painted my gundam minis. The color scheme I used are nice but as I did not have any decent surface the paint did not apply well, I'm never using that shitty tamiya spraycan ever again. I dry painted it and the results varied but after multiple coats I'm satisfied, it's not youtube tier but I like it. If I'm going to paint mini's ever again I need to buy me a portable airbrush. And no I'm not actually going to get into the warhammer tabletop, thats too nerdy for me. >>924087 >The japanese themed space marines Its the Doki Doki Kawaii Legion.
>>924092 Anon, just how exactly its gunpla less autistic than painting 40k minis? >airbrush Paint brush for life.
>>924095 Some asian dudes go really far with gunpla applying custom paints, cutting up and messing around with parts, mixing models, applying waterslide decal stickers, etc for a much better finish that what you would normally get. You can see the difference that makes in youtube videos. I would talk about it more but this is a WH thread, not the mecha thread. >Paint brush for life. If I bought more gundam artifacts (which is what I was painting) and maybe some High Grade Gunpla I would of course hand paint them some more! It was time consuming but still incredibly fun, especially since I have a decent imagination.
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>>924173 >applying custom paints, cutting up and messing around with parts, mixing models, applying waterslide decal stickers You can do the same with mini, again, how is it any less autistic than painting 40k minis?
>>924176 Larger models for a fraction of the price of a single mini.
>>924202 Thats not an argument about autism, thats an argument about GW being jews, wich is something we all know already.
>>924209 >GW being jews I don't even buy minis yet I already know that for a fact. Also here is how "autistic" you can get with gunpla, idk if WH minis are more complex. https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=NYYifDa4tuc I'm sure it didn't actually take him 800 hours total, but around a month to finish. https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=ClVhrmgpIdM https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=KuM5w9FTn9U If you're an /m/ autist, have disposable income and have the patience of a man with a triple digit IQ then I highly recommend you to give it a shot. https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=Idm7mt98enM
Shit. The links don't work anymore I'm sorry for that. You can still check out the videos if you click the link and go to the videos themselves.
>>924231 >>924236 Yeah, thats just kitbashing, check out this for example, since you like big fucking robots. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=-VgjqNmKPEE Im not arguing against gunpla mind you, i think its neat, just that at the end of the day its the same class of autism, be it a single big robot or an army of tiny space men.
>>924240 That looks like shit anon. >its the same class of autism Yeah, hobbies are like that. If you prefer WH40k in that way more power to you dude. Keep in mind you are the one who tried starting some autistic dick measuring contest not me. I was just showing you what you can do with gunpla, I just like it's sleek aesthetics more over other model kits/minis. I'm done talking about it now lets move on
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I'm still kinda waiting until some patches. I reached chapter 2 but I heard it gets bad latter so I'll be patient.
>>926452 It’s stupid to base alien words off of human ones, let alone modern English.
>>926459 Anon, near every fantasy language is "based off human ones" Even one of the dialects of Elvish Tolkien created is just Finnish.
>>926452 >2nd pic Thats bittersweet, poor Cassia.
>>926461 Lotr isn’t ay lmao planet, and the majority of his words aren’t taking some English insult and spelling it differently, you colossal neag-ierh.
>>892301 I don't like the new snoots on the new marines.
>>926480 This is a setting where the biggest dicked spore sacked ork warlord is named after Margret Thatcher and where one of the primarchs is named after a gay poet and his main ship/base is named after a gay club.
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>>926480 Stop complaining and have some yrliet tits.
>>926452 Anyone know if there's another way to recruit Ulfar if I missed him from that incubus' cage? Does he show up after that? I'm still in act 3 and haven't seen him again right before the Yremeryss fight and I am debating if I should just toybox him back in or use an old save
>>926539 You collecting tissue parts from various enemies. You can use them to trade stuf from the cenobite looking dude. Tell him you need help, and barter with him (do not beg or go hogwild on him, just haggle like a jew) and buy the space marine.
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So, the Horus Heresy is finally over, with the release of The End and the Death vol.3. Have to say, the book had some funny moments, but was mostly shit.
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>>931870 Did they change anything important?
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>>931890 I'll say a few things that stood out to me, from the last book. Every image depicting the Emps vs Horus fight had always marines and custodes, standing and/or fighting eachother in the background; now they're absent from the main chamber and fight elsewhere. Instead of the Emperor being more powerful than Horus (even after his Chaos power-boost), Horus continuously beats the shit out Big E; at one point they do a yu-gi-oh match, and a few beam-struggles (ala DBZ). And instead of Horus wishing to kill his father, he forcefully wants him to join instead (and tries at one point seeking daddy's approval, and even forgiveness). There were fluff conflicts before as to who stood in front of the Emperor before the final blow, and the book says that all were true (the custodes, the space marines, and the "guardsman"). At some points the author shills his other books, and a couple of plot points lead to nowhere. Also, Loken gets backstabbed out of nowhere by Erebus.
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>>931896 Fucking erebus! Also, whats that about a yu gi oh duel?
>>926461 Makes sense that the Finnish would be the elves because they talk and look funny.
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>>931898 While they're fighting in a multi-dimensional battle across time and space, all simultaneously, at one point both the Emperor and Horus whip-out their card decks and start using them against one-other.
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>>931921 Thats retarded and i lover it, 40k is at its best when its goofy as fuck with the intent of being fun.
>>931896 >The book says that all of them were true Did they make Emperor's Text to Speech canon where the marine and custodes jumped in after Ollanius Pious so they wouldn't get shown up by a guardsman?
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>>932130 I wonder when ollanius is gonna show up as the patron saint of the IG and lewd saint celestine
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>>932130 Actually no (though it would have been funny). I'll tell what happened in order. First to stand in front of Horus was a Custard; the Emperor's favourite Proconsul, Caecaltus. Horus was so mad at his affront that he started naming the Proconsul's 600+ names; and when that didn't faze him, Horus just blasted him several times with his chest beam. To the custonian's credit, he barely survived the first two blasts (thanks to Malcador's last-minute sigil buff, on his armour), but by the third blast Caecaltus was completely pulverised. The second to intercede was a Space Marine, Leetu (LE2); the first space marine the Emperor (and Games Workshop) ever made, was trying to release the Emperor when Horus picked him up. Horus told him his quest was futile and threw Leetu directly in front of the 4 Chaos Gods. The third one to make a stand was finally Ollanius/Oll Person. The Emperor had make another attack with the dead custard's spear, but Horus threw him all the way against the wall, and he got KO'd. Before Horus had reached the unconscious Emps, Ollanius and Grammaticus appeared right in front of him. When Horus was about to touch them with his talon, Grammaticus used a word of power (like Skyrim), and Horus was quickly projected to the other side of the room; his body in complete shreds. Gramaticus fled the room to do some other plot-important stuff, while Ollanius gave Big E a dagger (an athame) and tried to wake him up. Eventually Horus got back up fully restored, and completely livid; he charged Oll, while the man used his lasgun. Now thanks to Dan Abnett's retcon, Ollanius was made into an immortal, but in that moment his immortality was worthless; Horus turned Ollanius into a pink mist with Worldbreaker. The forth and final intervention was another marine, Loken. Loken tried to appeal to his genefather's emotions, and it partially failed. Horus just swapped him aside, but not killing since Horus still loved his son.
>>932150 Not going to happen, sorry. Only chicks get turned into living-saints, all for Big E's ever-growing harem.
>>932164 >spoiler That chain of events is not as bad it could have been but it would have been far better if GW left the tale as it was.
>>932167 Hey, thats understandable, good for him. >>932181 That seems to be the constant in GW's lore expansions, not bad but could have been better.
>>910708 it gives a new meaning to half of them going heretic
I would sacrifice my left nut to become god emperor.
>>926473 I don't get it... Is she too mutated to be with them?
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>>932453 Navigators can possibly mutate more as time goes on due to exposure to the warp, in the game you meet a couple of them that have mutated alot due to warp fuckery. The implication in the picture is that she has mutated to the point that her body has turned fully aquatic and she can no longer be a land creature with Lord Captain-kun and her children.
>>932462 Oh shit I totally misunderstood it. I thought it was a reference to Cassia seeing those visions in the Commoragh sphere seeing a dark reflection of herself and eventually the reflection either overtook her or killed her, and your picture was her ghost looking on her progeny with you. I fucked up Cassia's romance somehow and the ending tells me she never loved me or some shit. I am pissed. Will write an in depth review of the game later, I keep forgetting to do so.
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>>932488 >the ending tells me she never loved me or some shit. No way, thats a possibility? youre scaring me anon. What did you do?
>>932493 Owlcat rpgs are infamous for your ability to fuck up romance quests with one wrong dialogue option.
>>932462 Too mutated to be with them but not enough for the Rogue Trader to not knock her up with a third, judging by the pic.
>>932493 Basically what >>932516 said I told Cassia I'd marry her so we wouldnt have to separate but ostensibly that was the wrong choice to make. The ending screen boiled down to Cassia entering an arranged marriage with SOMEONE ELSE while maintaining that she still had feelings for me although we apparently never eloped.
>>932543 >not putting more babies in your space wife's belly just because shes a fish now What are you, gay? >>932627 I see, this makes me nervous, i wonder what ending i will get now.
>ctrl-f Final Liberation >0 results Underaged b& all of you. >>893064 >boomer shooters >boltgun You're a retard. >>910835 There's also a good warhammer mod for dominions
>>932686 I played Final Liberation. It was a cool little flashback into the extremely comfy and unique feel of Epic 40k but c'mon anon, you and I both know it was far from a great game. It has too many problems and many of those aren't merely due to it ageing poorly.
>>892439 Chapter Master was a wild ride. Imagine how it could be if they had kept up development. Too many great fangames dead because their creators couldn't practice basic opsec. >>932693 It captured the 40k strategic experience better than Gladius. It hasn't aged well (except for the cutscenes), but it's still my favorite 40k strategy game.
>>893064 >boomer shooters Kill yourself, nigger. >>893083 This.
>>932686 What about Space Hulk: Vengeance of the Blood Angels?
>>932543 The Lord Captain likes what he likes, I'm not judging. Besides, just because your wife has mutated too much to appear in public without being lynched is no reason to abandon your marital duties.
Just finished reading the book in full, now I can respond to the spoilers >>932164 With Worldbreaker Incorrect, it was With his claws Does it really matter? Probably not. He's red mist anyways. Also on your final point Loken's appeal to Horus' emotions worked, since Horus "retained the human part of him deliberately". To make a long story short, Horus crushed Big E's skull to paste with Worldbreaker and Loken started crying. Due to Horus keeping the human part of him, he felt really bad about killing his father and wanted to give him a proper warrior's burial and funeral rites, he and Loken had a heart-to-heart where Loken convinced Horus to let go of the powers Chaos granted him to prove to everyone Horus still lives and remains in control. Horus relented and let go of his powers, only for "Loken" to start approaching Horus and slowly shapeshifting back into Big E, where Horus and Big E finally fought on an equal standing. Big E got mega fucked up, but not before fucking Horus up even more and getting the "real" Horus to pop back in, begging Big E to kill him though he could tell not even Big E could actually do that himself. That's when Big E pulled out the Athame which Ollanius gave to him before dying (this athame was part of the anathame which was the same sword used to "kill" Horus back in the first/second HH book) and he stabbed it through Horus, killing him permanently. Then Big E himself dropped down basically dead. Overall, not much was actually retconned, and much to my surprise, we didn't even really get any hints into 'modern' 40k regarding the Emperor's immortality. The Throne apparently is the only thing that can keep him alive and he is the only one that can run it, which I guess suggests he doesn't need the 1,000 psyker souls daily to stay alive. But I wouldn't be surprised if they were making him stronger, bit by bit. The text does say that he's on the throne so that he may one day "rise again" but I'm not sure if that's a case of unreliable narrator or what. Final thing I'll say is that I bet they'll make some further in-betweener books since some plotlines haven't been resolved or concluded. Foremost of which is the Alpha Legion human who Katsuhiro saw under cover briefly in the second book before getting dragged away. Is he still loose? We never did get to see what happened to that nip anyways, last we heard he was holding a baby with the other refugees. Also I would have liked to see what ever happened to that last surviving Thunder Warrior from the Outcast Dead, he was supposedly holed up in some secret lab on Terra.
>Bookfaggotry WH40k will never get a decent TV show, movie, comic, game or any form of quality entertainment instead of books wont it? At least we got Henry Cavill finally fucking delivering for once. 50/50 chance it will still be shit though.
>>938573 Funny you should mention that considering I just found out about the TTS Emperor videos, enjoyed them immensely, and then getting to the "Fate of TTS" video. All I can say is fuck GW. They will ensure we will never get a decent piece of Warhammer/40k media.
If one were to start learning about the story and lore of Warhammer, what's the best first step?
>>956915 Read dan abnetts "first and only"
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>>956915 Fantasy or 40k?
>>956917 Sigmar sucks and you should feel bad for even suggesting anyone give a fuck.
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>>956918 When did i mention AoS you fuckng gaylord?
>>956919 When you mentioned fantasy, the lore of which becomes age of faggots like you. Just don't man. He's asking about 40k and you fucking know it.
>>956920 >GW killed off one of its franchised and made a ridicoulous spin-off noone likes >to the point that they are going back to the original franchise in the old world Fantasy =/= AoS. And i cannot be sure, the ammount of times ive had to point out they are 2 different settings when people ask where the skaven are in 40k or why there arent space marines in fantasy have been enough to make me wary when someone asks about it in general.
>>956915 Read Gotrek and Felix.
>>956918 >>956920 Shit bait >>956917 I like 40K more since it's more unique I don't think there was much in the way of gothic SciFi before 40K.
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Wow, wow wow! When did AoS became bad? Im still at the "end of time ruined everything" shitshow. Also, im fucking grateful for being too poor to get into the hobby, because HOLY SHIT! the ultra jew-robbery of GW im learning about is insane. Rip sigmarine players!
>>956918 >>956920 Should have went to "I was only pretending to be retarded" instead of doubling down. You fucking illiterate kneejerking retard.
>>956924 Stay mad dipshit, pissing you off does not make my comment bait. It just means your a thin-skinned fuckwit. >>956979 You mad too sunshine? Well then alright. Tell me why Sigmar isn't got garbage. Oh wait you can't shill.
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Just don't fucking reply to (((it))).
>>956998 And now your running scared, and prolly crying to mark. God I hate this board. Nigger just argue your point if you think it's right. Fucking pussies man. Seriously stop being a bitch.
>>956998 >I report comments I don't like so big mark can protect my eyes. Nigger your a bitch, and you gotta live with being a bitch. What a faggot. Imagine losing an argument so you scream for daddy to save you. Absolutely pathetic.
>>957000 >>957002 The word is "you're", Ngubu-kun.
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>>956915 I already said Gotrek and Felix but I want to elaborate. The series starts in the Empire, Where one of our heroes is protesting window taxes and almost gets run over by the empires finest. He is saved by a Dwarf slayer named Gotrek (They are dwarfs that slay monsters hoping to die, Not people slaying dwarfs). From there they both go on sweet adventures all around the world, Gotrek hoping to die and Felix writing down all the cool stuff Gotrek all the while doing some slaying on his own. I own the first omnibus and and it is good stuff. Haven't read the entire thing yet but the first few stories are very fun adventures giving you a good look at the world of fantasy and what a horrid place the empire is to live in. I mean its not 40k bad but I still wouldn't want to live there. The one downside to the books is that the more you read the closer you get to the end times. Personally I won't even bother reading the novels set in age of smegma.
>>957013 Also I would like to remind everyone ITT that >>>/tg/ exists. Please go and post there.
>>957013 It also does a great job of portraying dorfs as more than just ornery manlets. Even after years of travelling alongside one, Felix never quite ceases to be flabberghasted by how alien the stunties are compared to humans. Take the "writing down cool shit Gotrek did" stuff for example. To Felix it was (at the start) just a beer-fueled promise, little more than a flight of fancy, but to Gotrek, a Slayer, this was a solemn and most sacred duty.
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how is warhammer in nipland?, know of any animu/mango referencing it?, just found these references on an old doujin https://exhentai.org/g/242934/1faebaa2be/ >>956915 blood bowl
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>>957219 I'm surprised there are 40K fans in Japan at all considering how heavily gritty and western 40K's aesthetics are that its appeal would be niche.
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>>957219 >how is warhammer in nipland? Total Warhammer is surprisingly popular in Nipland and I've seen a good amount of JP artists drawing Warhammer Fantasy related stuff.
>>957232 For some reason a lot of hardcore weebs think the Japanese have the same hatred of Western stuff they do. And I don't get why grittiness would be a turn-off. Do you know how popular horror is in Japan? Dead Space was so big there it spawned an internet meme.
>>957232 There is a lot of things you wouldn't expect to be popular in Japan. I only know about baseball being popular in japan thanks to Naruto. There is also Starship troopers which is super popular over there too. I heard gundam was even inspired by the original book.
>>957286 >I heard gundam was even inspired by the original book. Just the powered armor. Gundam was inspired by a lot of things, I believe the plot was largely inspired by The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress.
Presented without comment
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>>957299 >the hobby has massive commie community (for more than a decade) >the furry and tranny newcomers numbers steadily grow every fucking years >the right-leaning/winger/traditional players are literally hunted >on the doorstep of being mainstream >normalfags got familiar with it (they even reference it openly) This is what happens when you have multiple reddit subs and discord pedo-rooms. Board culture died nearly the same way too...
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>>957299 I am not going to pretend the Skittles Brigade isn't a hilarious idea
>>957299 That would be a good April's Fools, maybe.
>>957304 >on the doorstep of being mainstream The moment it finally makes it across that threshold this is going to go into cancer overdrive mode. I don't look forward to seeing what that entails.
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>>957299 >The gate crushers It's a subtle reference to ending gatekeeping you see! Very smart and subversive
>>957299 A geneseed specifically designed to survive the ravages of being an aids riddled faggot.
>>957405 The Emperor's Children are looking worried
>>892524 10th Custodes Codex introduces 2 female Custodes. >We were recently introduced to two female guards, Calladayce Taurovalia Kesh, who is bringing exterminatus level weaponry to the imperial palace as part of her blood game, and Allarus Selenia Bastoris, but not only that, but at the end of the codex in the name generation there are quite a few female names for the custodians, so this may mean that all this time, there have been not only banana boys, but also banana girls, so yes, malcador's dream finally came true
>>958233 (checked) Another inch taken towards the female space marines those niggers so desperately desire.
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>>958233 GW vindicating my decision to not buy their shit. It is just so tiring seeing this shit worming its way into everything.
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>>958233 Don't forget that with this addition they also nerfed how powerful Custodes armies even are in the game.
>>958233 I guess someone forgot that the Silent Sisterhood existed to be that "female representation" without needing to destroy existing canon.
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>>958233 Oh and it's real, btw. People on reddit are celebraiting saying "10 foot muscle mommies are real" while grognards are just shaking their heads.
>>958546 Darktide doesnt suck, what are you talking about?
>>958560 >oink oink paypiggy Nigger, do you even know what youre talking about? The only thing you can buy in darktide are cosmetics, everything else its ingame money and resources you get from missions.
>>958548 It kind of does man. Weapon variety is lacking the basics (pump-action shotgun, sniper rifle), still lots of jank even after years, very little in the way of content updates, even the cash shop shit is getting lazy with obviously misplaced flavor text on items and reused models with different camos being sold as entirely "new" items. It really only is able to keep its numbers above the limit for matchmaking because it doesn't really have any competitions on the market what with other lobby-based 4 player co-op Horde FPS (Back4Blood, RedFall, probably some other even less noticed failures) flopping even harder. Even if you win the special olympics you're still retarded.
>>958564 >pump-action shotgun Theres already 2 different shotguns. But yes, more weapons are needed. >very little in the way of content updates That is completely the true. >It really only is able to keep its numbers above the limit for matchmaking because it doesn't really have any competitions on the market what with other lobby-based 4 player co-op Horde FPS But thats where youre wrong, people play darktide because the gameplay is solid, something none of those games are. So yes, it needs way more content, maps and more bosses like the twins, but the core gameplay is not bad at all, thats why i will defend that the game doesnt suck.
>>958567 A game can have solid gameplay and still suck. See War of the Roses.
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>>958546 >mid >slop >thinking Rogue Trader was mediocre outside the art design This you?
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>>958233 >>958538 The bastards finally did it
>>958581 >War of the Roses I wish that game turned out better. >>958567 >but the core gameplay is not bad at all It has a decent foundation, but that's it. I hoped it would have been built up further along by now, but not really yet. >>958652 >bastards finally did it According to them: >Since the first of the Ten Thousand were created, there have always been female Custodians
>>958661 Archive that tweet.
>>958662 I tried. It keeps bugging out and failing after 5-10 mins for some reason. Here is the link so you can try: twitter.com/warhammer/status/1779544596172689822
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>>958663 >It is real.
>>958661 Then what the fucking point of the SoS? I swear to God that faction only exist to suffer. They shitted on the lore, shitted on the ruleset, shitted on by leddit/twatter masses. Not even the Lamenters has this bad!!!
>>958665 Sisters of Silence are all Blanks, anti-psykers, psychic nulls. Custodians might not be Psykers but they aren't Blanks either, given the SoS fill that role for them.
>>958661 There's a torrent somewhere of all the 40k figures as 3d printable models if you look, I will never give them a dime again after this, I doubt anyone will but the normies everyone caters to now, and they drop fandoms for whatever is popular in the moment
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What if AT-43 as a replacement for 40GAY? Just need find a group of non faggots to buy the IP
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>>958661 . >>958675 I must have this torrent. If you'll spoonfeed me, I'll be ever grateful. >>958681 But that's forbidden love
Games Workshop appears to have lost 10% of its company value, if this indicates anything.
I never really got into Warhammer or Games Workshop stuff, but I just want to drop by and offer my condolences to you all after this feminist treachery. You deserve better. Hopefully you guys can fork the ruleset/IP and make your own with blackjack and hookers.
>>958774 >and make your own with blackjack and hookers 3D printing was pretty much their death knell. Likely the whole reason why this is happening now, is because GW has been pivoting to turn their IP's into larger established branding that they can license out - and for that, they're going to need to "clean" up their image for the progressives in vidya, movies, television, etc. Those goofy miniatures and rule books are their bread and butter, and it's going open source quicker than the company to adapt.
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>>958664 >That image
>>958775 >>958774 Considering that they basically stole everything from somewhere else it's pretty easy to make a (Not) 40k setting.
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>>958774 >they made the music industry a whore/fag factory >they castrated the my favorite movie series with reboots and unnecessary sequels >they made video games more about the message™ at the expense of gameplay/story >they took mainstream comics and twisted it into an unrecognizable mess >they invaded gyms and forced people to retire to homes >anime is currently about to hijacked, board culture is destroyed, the internet gets worse day by day I doesnt matter where we go. Fun never will be allowed...
>>958840 See Sisters of Battle
>>892301 Haven’t Space Marines always been sexless male warrior eunuchs? They have artificial glands in them that produce chemicals like testosterone. They have zero sexual attraction, by indoctrination and through chemical castration. (a gland in their neck is how they create the gene seeds. its implanted into an initiate then it will mature to create more. When they die, it is harvested, then implanted into a new initiate). have females ever been viewed as warrior eunuchs at any point in history? Are the female Space Marines given some kind of gene seeds? Does that make them “trans” Space Marines? Why bother with any of this when the sisters of battle are a thing?
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>>958851 >Haven’t Space Marines always been sexless male warrior eunuchs? Since at least since 3rd edition anyway. >>958851 >Are the female Space Marines given some kind of gene seeds? Custodes aren't space marines per se. They're basically the Emperor's private army and honor guard. Really they're the true successors to the Thunder Warriors, more so than the SMs are, because every Custodes is custom gene manipulated and crafted directly from the Emperor's own gene craft and genetic material even. They don't use a gene seed. And no there's never ever been any indication that Custodes were anything other than male. They even have an explicit female counterpart, the Sisters of Silence, that fight along side them and they were intentionally created as a unified force. Unlike say the SoBs who are "female space marines" but not really since they are just heavily armed nuns in power armor and are unmodified and they don't even deploy with the Marines and are actually forces for the Church instead. This is the dumbest shit. Of all the factions to try to make coed they picked the one faction that already was. They would probably have liked to do female Marines but there's multiple points in canon that they have already stated that it can't work.
Oh yeah, well Reddit said female Space Marines are totally canon so what about that? Checkmate, nerds.
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>>959080 >using your spotter's ass as a tripod The Emperor wills it.
>>959082 >spotter That's a Callidus assASSin being used as a tripod. An insanely trained, roided, enhanced, spess-magick'd living weapon, capable of morphing her entire body into any humanoid-adjacent shape imaginable. And all this amounts to being told by the (similarly trained) sniping-autist: >ayo, clench dat left cheek a little tighter
>>959098 Because a tripod isn't attractive, anon. Unless you're an objectophile but that's a whole other can of worms
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>>959082 It's a legitimate military technique, when you need to quickly stabilize your sniper and don't have time to set up a tripod, though very rarely used, and never with a woman.
>>958851 I thought the gene seed was located somewhere in the appendix area of the body?
>>959101 >>959102 >It's a legitimate military technique >never with a woman. And people wonder why the military is full of fags.
>>959201 There's some division of the military that uses gay furry art as their patch. Not "masculine anthropomorphic art that looks homoerotic", literal gfur artwork licensed from an old furry mag. I can't remember which but it was a horse in bondage.
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Ah, I found it. The U.S. Army Mission Support Battalion
>>959205 Wew lad
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>>959210 I know you can cherrypick from every nation's army but that shit still makes me wince.
>>959211 >you can cherrypick from every nation's army Anon, the entire Western world depends upon the U.S. military because they don't have their own army. And any country that does have an "army" might as well be a country club because they do fuck all with it.
>>959213 >the entire Western world depends upon the U.S. military because they don't have their own army. Anon, you have no fucking clue what youre talking about.
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>>959213 >Anon, the entire Western world depends upon the U.S. military because they don't have their own army That sounds more like bad foresight.
>>959223 Calm your spergout.
>>959222 >>959223 Uh huh. Nice mosques. As they said in the 90s here in the states, "very European!"
>>959213 >They got broke by a bunch of sheep-fuckers >Youtube is flooded with traumatized vets who constantly tell horror stories about the state of the us army I wish i could just dodge US Vet stories, but they are fucking everywhere!!! Also they are proudly admit and promote how the army is full with furries and homos/trans. And lets not talk about the black section of the army which are openly ready to betray the country if a civil war broke out.
>>959230 You are having a spergout, youre posts are very recognizable and youre a mouthbreather.
>>959232 >stayrs with a "no u" argument >proceeds to blame others for what they are doing Are you Jewish by any chance?
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Sure is gay up in here right now. Anyway, so Warhammer is getting gayer? That sucks.
>>959242 You really should return to cuckchan, you do not belon here.
>>959239 >getting this assblasted over your leaders having no foresight to think it's a dumb idea and no backbone to tell the dumb americans "No". At this point you are just lashing out. Later, faggot.
>>959250 > fascist tranny, who are you to tell me what to do Damn, you really are having an spergout.
Oh he's still going. Man. Could you just like. Chill the fuck out dickhead?
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>>959211 >Army This is National Guard, Army and Navy Air Force got plenty of them too and Muhreens, which struggled against this shit got plenty of them too. I don't think you understand just how bad shit is in general, the USA is going down the drain and taking it's glorified colony, the EU, along with it. Shit is so bad I see Shariah as a net positive at this point.
>>959245 I just wish the Sister of Silence got more love. Then again, given GW's recent track record, it might be better if they were forgotten like Squats.
>>959205 >it's real <The US Army Accessions Mission Support Battalion (USAMSB) is part of the Army Marketing and Engagement Brigade, based at Fort Knox, Kentucky. The USAMSB produces branding and interactive products, conducts professional exhibits and recruiting outreach to generate leads and enhance activation. >all they do is branding and marketing campaigns >this is their logo
>>959255 >he doesn't know the Squats got a major update awhile ago >they have a rivalry with the AdMech <All the other "dwarf-like in appearance" aliens such as the Demiurg, Gnostari, and Kreg are all actually Squats and not xenos They have robot allies that use advanced AI making them fully sapient, but unlike the Men of Iron the Squats treat them as equals rather than "mechanical slaves".
>>959262 Dude, the Votann has next to nothing lore content. People start to think they were only just a fever dream years ago.
>>959262 Also im pretty sure most of the things you just wrote are false. The AI overlords rule over them, and they also mostly clones.
>Deleted posts What did I miss?
>>959270 The AdMech hate them because they have their own tech and use AIs which is considered tech heresy by the martians. The bit about all those different xenos actually having been Squats the whole time is also canon.
>>959262 A lot of what I'm reading about Squats now feel like SE tier desperation when they remade FF7 for modern audiences (and this is coming from a huge fan of older FF games). Is it worth getting back into 40k or is ot ruined beyond repair? Mind you, I stopped really paying attention to GW in general around 2016 or so.
>>959300 It's not worth getting into anything new honestly.
>>959301 I figured as much. It's the same with FF and SE in general. I was just hoping there was an outlier akin to Strangers of Paradise for 40k or Warhammer in general.
>>959300 Well, the guilliman books came out allright. Then, in the vidya department, rogue trader is also pretty cool.
>>959303 >>959300 >Tabletop Absolutely not. Shits even more fucked than before. If you want to play war games just buy some third party models and play OPR. >Vidya games. I wouldn't know. I loved total warhammer but I can't get the third game to work on my machine. I heard the new rogue trader game and that one retro shooter was good. I would just pirate those if you're curious.
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>>957219 >blood bowl In a thread about the greatest Warhammer video game of all time, it took a year for someone to mention Blood Bowl.
>>958752 That is 3%. LOL@graphs where the base is not zero.
>>958752 >1 day Fucking worthless, retarded ass cuckchanners can't into basic economics.
>>959342 >tweet Doesn't matter. The people they're tweeting to don't understand economics either. It just, as the SJWs used to say, "signal boosts" and "starts the conversation" - the accuracy or importance of the evidence being put forward to spark that conversation is largely irrelevant. All that matters is it reaches people who don't know and don't care, and gives them a negative impression before they click to the next tweet.
>>959127 i think each marine has two of those, and one might be located where you say
>>959350 Yeah one's in the neck and one's in the chest. I think the one in the neck matures first.
the trannies at rpgcodex simply delete all discussion related to ovular custodes, I never visited that shithole but they allow the nigger word, strange kind of communism
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>>959723 You serious? RPG Codex used to be clean from that bullshit.
A sign of things to come or just poor timing? <Games Workshop CFO Sells Two-Thirds Of Her Shares Amid Growing Warhammer Boycott >Rachel Tongue, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Games Workshop, sold two-thirds of her stake in the company worth approximately $865,000 https://archive.ph/qZu03
>>960583 the 40k lore thread has new comments deleted daily, to the point last comment is a month old. I hate forums. The mods there are total fuckiing faggots that make the guys here look like saints, they probably fuck / wanna vote Dems too so really total scum
is that a word filter I stumbled upon? vote Dems? Im new. lel
>>961639 Yes, now lurk more
>>961638 That's quite pathetic, Codex used to be pretty lax in terms of moderation.
>>961657 they still are, they just picked the side of seething manchildren upset about women, I was always very open minded when it came to 40k lore and my understanding of custodes was that they were the next step of human evolution, a halfway point between the emperor and a normal baseline human. So, evolved women always existed in my mind, its logical.
what I dont get is why they werent fucking for these past 10,000 years and evolving humanity the natural way, the Old Ones created the elves, they can fuck, the emperor created the custodes, they shouldve been fucking. But we cannot get to this point in the discussion as the neckbeard are still butthurt about women evolving. I think they should be supporters of women getting some more brain power, I sure as fuck am.
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>>962399 >my understanding of custodes was that they were the next step of human evolution, a halfway point between the emperor and a normal baseline human Not even close. They are custom crafted gene warriors. Basically Thunder Warriors if the Emperor had taken pains and carefully engineered them. They were started young too. Way younger than even 40k era Space Marines.
>>893477 >and also you cant crouch or jump Okay I might actually play Space Marine now
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When the fuck is Chaos getting good vidya? Closest we get is total warhammer but I can't play the third one.
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>>984438 I would say there are many other factions which didn't receive any love either, but Chaos is like the main antagonist of 40k so I'm just as surprised as you are that there isn't a Chaos-centric game. Maybe that's just because a Chaos-centric game would be pretty one-sided? Like what would you be doing, pillaging unattended imperial worlds out on the fringes as a Khornate? Brewing potions as a Nurglite? Navigating mazes as a Tzeentchian? Rapelay but with a Slaanesh skin? The sky is the limit but any unique style of gameplay from a Chaos perspective would be pretty hard to pull off, and would be an even bigger risk to the publisher/developer than normal.
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>>984474 >pillaging unattended imperial worlds out on the fringes as a Khornate? Sounds good to me. You start out pillaging random civs and PDF, then you move up to slaughtering guards men, and finally the space marines arrive so you can have a cool 1v1 with their chapter master. I don't think it would be much of an risk. I mean GTA lets you kill civilians and that controversy is long since past. I guess Hatred also got flak for it but that controversy was even more short lived. I think a Khorne game would be safe. Slaanesh game on the other hand, Christ that would be a shitstorm.
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>>984438 >>984474 >>984497 Metal Gear Solid but you play as a Night Lord stalking and killing anything from orks to guardsmen to eldar to space marines to other chaos space marines etc.
>>984557 That wouldn't be as fun since you, as a SM, are already more than a match for most enemies 1v1. You'd need to be more vulnerable. Maybe something like a Night Lord novitiate tasked with fucking up space marine chapters, or chaos space marines (hard mode), or dark eldar in commoragh
>>984474 Chaos as a primary protag is likely a much harder sell in the minds of devs/publishers when it comes to what they decide to make. Modern devs also really don't like you playing as the bad guys, and on the rare occasion that you do, you always end up switching sides to the good guys by the end of it.
>>984561 >Modern devs also really don't like you playing as the bad guys I could 100% see a game letting you play as a morally grey/antihero in the 40k universe as a really successful idea. Maybe a non-chaos Night Lord Sevatar? or something like a Blood Drinkers space marine who goes berserk and kills innocents in between killing your typical bad guys.
>>984560 The fun would be difficulty adapting to your ability to be both sneaky and pants shittingly terrifying, think something like the threat escalating as you shank smaller prey bringing out bigger and bigger prey. Imagine stalking Necrons inside their own tombs.
>>984571 >that spoiler Imagine stalking your prey in Commorragh and leaving a bloody mess only for nobody to care or bat an eyelid at it until you start making bigger and bigger scenes and even start stringing up big leagues like Archons and Homonculi, and even then they chalk it up to clan feuding
>>984568 Everyone is the bad guy in 40k, that's the point or was before nu40k anyway.
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>>984474 A management/stealth action game where you play as Sam Hydra (aka Alpharius) of the Alpha Legion, setting up and executing various convoluted schemes across the galaxy, either for Abaddon and Chaos or covertly in the favor of the Imperium (You could say you're the Emperor's top guy)
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>>984871 Sounds fun.
>>910835 >Total War I have been playing 3 with my two siblings and we are having a blast. We are now playing as the dwarves and we will purge every other scum race and finish the book of grudges. We have successfully finished off the chaos dwarf niggers but then fucking Grimgor called a waaaagh! on us so we are on full panick mode. Shit is wild. The game is so fucking addicting. Its been a while since a game made me game from 11am till 7am non-stop.
>>985334 >Dwarves It's Dwarfs, you wazzock. But yeah, the Dawi are probably the most fun to just sit back, blast Greenskin niggers and Skaven kikes to smithereens with cannons and gyrobombers while x'ing out grudges. The only races that come close are the Empire and the Vampirates, maybe the Chinks but their gunline has to be supplemented by throwing the Dragon Waifu at anything you can't shoot.
Finally got around to trying Darktide. I have had a mixed experience. Every handful of games seem to drop once or lag severely for a few moments due to server related issues, but I've still had fun with it. I also now remember why I played with bots and friends only in Vermintide (which this game still doesn't let you play singleplayer + bots except when matchmaking fails/takes a while to find someone). Seriously you get so many buffs for staying together in this, so I don't get why everyone tries to run off solo. The bizarre thing is that this problem gets worse the higher level/difficulty I go. I mean we are not wiping or anything like that (beyond getting slapped around far more than needed), but it really is irritating me that low level players stick together more often than the high level ones who scatter to the winds at full speed and only group up when someone inevitably gets downed alone in some corner of the map. On another note, the personalities in this are lame. Compared to Vermintide where characters were actually allowed to be interesting and or entertaining, the personalities feel generic and forgettable. I get you are some nobody in this, but I miss the quality/memorable banter. The chatter also became repetitive far faster than Vermintide. Though that may be more due to so many fags picking the same personalities. >>914467 I'd be more forgiving of cosmetics in vidya if they were priced properly. Having a bunch of overpriced cosmetics shoved in your face has always annoyed me. The fact this game forces you into third person with randoms on the ship to try and encourage you to go buy shit is tiring.
>>985334 don't forget to use creamAPI for the free dlcs, works in multiplayer. Coop seems too be a blast now
>>985436 > The bizarre thing is that this problem gets worse the higher level/difficulty I go Arrogance,it's rare to see players focusing the objectives.Everyone wants to pew pew and never looks at the screen for hints. >he chatter also became repetitive far faster than Vermintide. You know the funny thing ? The discussions depend on the difficulty levels so most of them are locked behind lower difficulties. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_W9ok5FJqyU
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Dawn of war 2 is one of the best games of all time. I miss these guys like you wouldn't believe.
>>985436 >On another note, the personalities in this are lame. Compared to Vermintide where characters were actually allowed to be interesting and or entertaining, the personalities feel generic and forgettable. I get you are some nobody in this, but I miss the quality/memorable banter. The chatter also became repetitive far faster than Vermintide. Though that may be more due to so many fags picking the same personalities. Well, what did you expect? in vermintide you have 5 premade characters, in darktide each character is made by the player, or would you prefer that we were stuck with their shitty OC party they use in the trailers?
>>985455 (checked) >it's rare to see players focusing the objectives I've noticed that. >You know the funny thing ? The discussions depend on the difficulty levels so most of them are locked behind lower difficulties From a comment in your jewtube link: >Pretty much these dialogues only trigger in the quiet moments during a mission, if your team sprints ahead to the next obj 24/7 and run a high difficulty mission, less downtimes means less interesting conversation between your rejects, although you can get lucky and get a callout extension during fights So the combo of more enemies at higher difficulties and players speedrunning the map means the characters don't get their moments to talk. I guess I will have to go wander around on easy every now and again and see what I missed. >>985500 (double checked) It was exactly what I expected. I was just hoping for something at least a bit more interesting. It is hard coming from Vermintide where they got this part so well to this where it just feels lacking in comparison.
>>985457 >>985460 1 was better
>>985601 Except soul storm that expansion was dreadful
>>986349 Only because it didn't have a campaign mode like Dark Crusade had, and the fact that DEldar and Sisters of Battle were really weak factions. At least it served as a good basis for the Ultimate Apocalypse mod, which improved things.
>>986381 >Ultimate Apocalypse It's too bad the lead dev ended up being a nigger.
>>986489 What do you mean?
>>986508 Awhile back he seemingly threw a fit and tried to throw his weight around the mod despite barely working on it at the time, so pretty much everyone else quit the team and started making Unification, and the Crucible Mod which is based on the last UA update they worked on.
>>986381 I don't like UA I'll be honest. It's bloat, as someone said the devs are working for free aka for their ego and it runs like crap. Am sad for the Sisters being weak they have fun ideas but the campaign was terrible I agree, especially the colors and the numerous bugs like the sister stronghold statue that couldn't be destroyed.
>>985457 You werent the only one, a bunch of gay swedes and other eurogays made their entire careers out of making parodies out of dow2, blatantly stealing jokes from /v/, then they went on and made TTS Emperor which was active up until 2 years ago, when GW out of all fucking things shut them down, I say good riddance, fuck swedes, all they do is steal and copy, retarded airheads smart enough to operate machinery but not see the smart picture, replacing them with muslims will barely make a difference except make them less aesthetically pleasing, which is good, because it gives them undeserved arrogance

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