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Another MMO Thread Anonymous 10/16/2023 (Mon) 07:00:36 Id: a1e7db No. 897003
The last one is sinking off the board, and the previous attempt at a new thread was done by a faggot who could not contain his shitposting. What the fuck have you been playing lately?
>>975568 Even named the same, the crossposting has gotten out of hand.
>>976352 That's what happens when you constantly bleed users due to lazy and incompetent BO's and administrators. This board moves at a fucking crawl compared to a few years ago.
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>>976351 I should grab one someday.
>>976352 We probably couldn't get the same number of people we had a few years ago if this was started here again. The highest amount of people we had was when we played SMT Imagine, which was like 20 people. And those people were gathered over time.
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Current STO plotline is definitely fun, I do not trust the new aliens even though I want those thighs around my neck, Mirror Borg are fucking brutal and can adapt to physical attacks which Prime Borg are still unable to do.
We have until Saturday then we're done playing RF. The next game is likely going to be RaiderZ if anyone's interested in that.
Got Rank 1 Windmill on my Elf. The Smug ancestors are smiling from the heavens. Also, the book server was messed up for weeks so book quests are impossible. I wish Old Republic gameplay was engaging.

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>>979494 >swtor I too tried that game for about a week early this month. Sucked ass. I liked the Sith Warrior lightside story, but the rest of the game was utter shit. Graphics and story, and thats about it. Class design is horrible, dungeon design is almost mindless, everyone treats it like a skinnerbox because it is a skinnerbox, one that's under EA. Dromund Kaas chat best chat. I think the jannies who might actually do it for rates approaching free don't bother to moderate that chat, and its better for it. I had to compare it with FFXIV. There's a lot that annoys me about it at the moment, but compare it with SWTOR and its fucking night and day. Everything being voiced and plenty of player dialogue choices (which don't ultimately matter at all) was nice, but quickly does it break down when you look past that. Vette a cute and I immediately took her pants off the moment I got her. Jaesa kept her robe, but not for long. Isn't much in the way of art of either.
>>979510 They ass raped that game over the years. Removing basic features like being able to hide your helmet and locking it behind a paywall. They also rug pulled people by having a cute nautolan in the game but having every single face option for the nautolan female look like a retarded pug. And their unironic reason for this was that everyone would just choose the cute face so they decided not to let people choose it.
>>979510 >>979514 >I too tried that game for about a week early this month faggot we could have suffered together. But yeah theres something in SWtor that clearly has signs of greatness Muddled with bad developer choices
>>980002 >faggot we could have suffered together. It's a single player game wearing an MMO skin suit. It's not some sandbox MMO that's fun to explore with other people. Half the game is just solo bioware dialogue scenes.
>>980003 we could have killed 35 mobs together and saved on time.
>>980002 >>980003 >>980006 I actually started playing with my dad. He played a lot of it in its 'hayday' and he really enjoyed it, part of which is because he was (very much past tense here) a star wars fan. He created a Sith Inquisitor, so we tried doing shit together but shit got boring very quickly. I like that when working together on a quest, dialogue is a 'team effort' but you still get points as if the team chose whatever dialogue option you wanted. Past that, working together sucks.
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>>980036 its more about not collecting 100 bear asses alone
>>979027 I've played RaiderZ before and thought it was kind of fun but I'd rather not play with cuckchanners. Also are you retarded? The board is faster than ever it's just that the activity is spread out over several threads (including several halfchan-tier didn't-need-to-exist threads) instead of a small number of threads with dedicated posters. It DOES make organizing things a bitch but unless people start reporting it Rapefugees going to Rapefugee. Anyway, has anyone tried any of the Tera private servers that are out there? I'd like to find one with a couple hundred people playing on it that brings back shops and other mechanics from earlier in the game's development but has all the classes and content.
>>973014 >>975231 I couldn't understand how anything worked in SMT:I, but it was a lot of fun playing with you guys regardless. I miss it. >>975504 Yeah, the first three were PSU, Trickster, and LotRO. I missed PSU both times, reeee >>979494 What serb? Someone posted about MabiPro last year and I tried it for the first time while some old guildies came around for a few weeks. I managed to max out windmill on a character that I planned to build for intelligence, at least. >>980041 There was an attempt made at starting one on Tera Starscape, some time after the MMOventure. It lasted exactly one day.
Now that the book server is back, I was able to complete my Falcon quest and learned the Thunder spell. This should be enough to clear content around my alt level range. I've done an easier version of the quest for a Giant in a different private server before. Got a clear routine set up when logging in. I hope this server's custom content gets preserved somehow for the foreseeable future.
New Dwarf Gollum niggered his friend as they tried to escape Barad-dûr.
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>>984353 >paying $150 a year for a skinnerbox No I don't think I will.
FFXIV expansion released to mixed reviews. Players seem to be universally hating on the expansion's Main Story Quest, which is apparently about following an incompetent woke bitch as she gets constantly praised by everyone to assuage her lack of self confidence. I've seen the new character called Woke Lamutt, which is hilarious. This expansion was supposed to launch a new 10 year+ story across multiple expansions, but judging how bad the story and characters are getting thrashed, it seems Square Enix is going to have to bring in competent writer to undo the damage that was caused by this disaster. In other news, indie MMO Embers Adrift is pretty much dead. It's down to 10 players on a sunday afternoon US time. Another one bites the dust. Of note was how absolutely blissful its resource system was: every class had Stamina as its secondary resource. And everyone more or less ran out of stam at the same time during group play, which meant that everyone had to rest for 15-20 seconds after combat. It made dungeons and group questing feel So. Fucking. Smooth.
>>984995 As always, teh pozz will tank anything it comes into contact with. If you want to stay solvent, never get pozzed.
>>984995 >Embers Adrift Looks like some soulless unity asset flip.
>>984995 Not like the writing pre-Dawntrail was good anyways, and it already had it's share of liberal preachiness in places, they just went mask off. RIP monk and black mage.
still hate that the Wildstar private servers are not fully functional
>>985028 Last I heard the only ones had malware in them
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>>985028 The Dominion will rise again! Someday
>>985028 >>985078 maaaaan the only person i know what played wildstar was Roholan Dahemo from wushu, is either'a youse guys that guy?
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>Doing a meta event in Guild Wars 2 last night >notice a bunch of people speaking some form of ESL in chat >is a bit spammy with people trying to organize the meta >decide to make just a wee bit of mischief >"So how many ESL speakers would I piss off if I pointed out the fact that Venezuela won 3 games undefeated and knocked Mexico out of the soccer tournament?" >chat noticeably speeds up >can't understand what the fuck anyone is saying but I see the word "futbol" pop up several times from several different people within sentences >allcaps begins to appear >random keysmashing begins to appear The fire rises
>>984995 Mostly finished with DT. Writing this waiting for the last trial queue. It's early morning as a DPS so it's a bit long. In a nutshell, the writing is truly atrocious. There's a lot of kernels of a good plot in there. Probably placed by the better writers trying to salvage something. I know why at the end they put Wuk Lamat at the center of it all. But holy shit, Wuk Lamat is a shit character. I went into the expansion actually liking the character and I was assuming the 6.x writers weren't working on Dawntrail. Well, they weren't, but whoever was, was even fucking worse. JP Wuk Lamat is fine, far more emotion and better line delivery. Still a shit character that no decent writing could save. The main villain being voiced by motherfucking Jotaro Kujo threw me for a loop, especially because he's basically the opposite of that character. Job design is in the shitter and half past decent dungeons don't do the fucking trick. If they expect this is going to keep people for 2 years- well it's square enix. Far from the stupidest shit they thought. Massive negatives aside, everything else seems solid. Should be, since they're doing nothing different from the past 4 expacs. Areas are pretty great. Fight design is really fun so far. I like both cities. OST is decent as expected. Last area of the fucking game is boring as hell, despite being interesting and having a lot of impact for Krile and Erenville. They're gonna do less with that area than even fucking Ultima Thule. Everything's fucking dead in the zone. What's the goddamn point? At least Ultima Thule had the Dynamis beings who didn't know what the fuck they were still existing for. That actually perfectly encapsulates a lot of my Endwalker and onwards writing issues. They keep killing off anything interesting. If it isn't a Scion, it will die within the same patch its introduced. I instantly knew Galool Ja Ja was going to die the moment he started being the most interesting character in Dawntrail. That goes for Sphene too. While I do enjoy the fights and I haven't finished my backlog of the rest of the game, I won't be looking into renewing my sub until probably 7.3 at the earliest. So, about a year or so from now. Maybe it's a Stormblood thing where they panic pivot and make a god-tier post patch sequence. Despite job design being shit, Pictomancer is actually fine. Too strong, but fine.
>>985800 Final trial was very good. Last bit was plotwise shit but again, thats too be expected. I'll try out the extremes. Eventually. As it stands, ARR < DT (barely, many parts of ARR's story was way better.) < Stb ~= EW < Shb < HW I think someone else summarized it neatly. Felt like the Company of Heroes fetch quest the entire expansion but with a really, really annoying sidekick. Who is voiced by a tranny in the eng dub but who the fuck listens to dubs anyways? >no decent writing could save. I'm wrong. They could've made the character more compelling if they explored different faucets of her character past level 91. They did not. It was one single beat. The entire fucking expansion. Surprisingly the sidequests are very good. Need to switch the fucking writers here. Have the sidequests be written by the chucklefucks and vice versa.
>>985800 >>985810 >>984995 Well shjt. I bought the game but not game time. That kinda kills my mood I knew putting a furry in the maincast was gonna suck.
>>986479 It has some positives, and if there are fixes to the most glaring flaws of current job balance (DRK MP loss, braindead monk, BLM having 0 flexibility, etc...) it could be the best FFXIV has been in a couple years, but only really gameplay wise. And there is a lot of neat lore. They didn't fuck up the lore, I guess one of the old writers was on standby to make sure that specifically didn't happen. Zones are beautiful and I really like the 5th zone. I hate the 6th zone, though, and I'm not sure how they're going to address the fact that (lvl 100 msq spoiler) it has zero content because we turned off its entire populace. 4 sidequests aside from aether current quests. What the fuck. Its a literal dead grey zone sparse of everything, including fates. It has kernels of good in there, legitimate good questions being asked, but the writing is so atrocious that none of it is addressed in a decent way. All the character moments especially in that section of the game is marred by this... and Wuk Lamat. If you want a good comparison, Wuk Lamat is basically pre-Crystal Braves Alphinaud. Except she gets vindicated time after time again, and Alphinaud has exactly 0 character moments discussing her flaws and making her a more mature character. Similar deal with Koana, a character you meet early on, is clearly "the smart one" and Wuk Lamat is similar to early Alisae in that she feels inferior towards him and her other brother. But does Alisae pull Wuk Lamat to the side and express the lessons/character development that she personally got in that regard? No, because the Twins get one obligatory dialogue per zone to remind you that they're there. Someone posted a word count of all the characters in Dawntrail and it is hilariously dominated by Wuk Lamat. I only wish Wuk Lamat was an actually interesting character to warrant that word count. This could have worked, but the guy who wrote this expansion WAS the same dude who did the post 6.0 story. He also did the Werlyt trial series which was well written so I'm not sure what the hell this guy is doing. Arguably all these issues would have also been less of a problem if the pacing wasn't god awful. CBU3 has been having pacing issues in all of their games as of late though. It could be this dipshit writer, it could also be a higher up at Squeenix being retarded (many such cases.) This is just Stormblood all over again, except with shittier job design. If you're in it for the fights, I'd just skip all 90-95 MSQ scenes except the Yok Huey stuff (level 93) and the lizard fuck stuff (level 95), i.e. the best parts of the 90-95 stuff. You miss actually nothing until you get to Shaaloni, the best part of the expansion. I played through the extra release dungeons, and they're all really solid. Trash packs actually have threats in them now. The last trash pack in the Halloween dungeon has an actual soft enrage, too.
It's almost over. I could pick up Rank 1 anytime I want to. My guild is dead. My friends are dead. Mondays fear me. Anvil fear me. MinMaxers turn their eyes away from me. As I walk, no leather mob dare makes a sound in my presence. I am alone on this finished server.
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>>986693 heat death of the smugniverse didnt stop the TRUE king autist, and he didnt even blog about it

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