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Cuhrayzee Vidya Anonymous 10/20/2023 (Fri) 20:33:11 Id: 9acf2a No. 898293
I haven't seen a thread discussing stylish action for a while, let's change that. Honestly I was kinda disappointed with Bayonetta 3, it wasn't nearly as good as the previous two games and I feel basically killed the series seeing as Kamiya left Platinum in order to work at Hamster probably. Still, it's kinda sad that Bayonetta was destined to die a mediocre death. That said as for Bayonetta's twin IP Astral Chain, apparently Nintendo completely owns the rights to that IP now, so hopefully we can see them develop the sequel in house since I would love to see how Nintendo tackles these kinds of games. Other than a few indie games, there's not really much going on with the genre. The Genokids demo was top notch and I highly recommend everyone here give it a chance, but other than that I'm waiting to hear about some surprise hits like Hi-Fi Rush since that was an extremely pleasant surprise and was actually did better than both Microsoft and Bethesda expected it to be. So hopefully we'll see a new Hi-Fi Rush in the future. Other than that, I'm sure Capcom is gonna remake DMC1 or DMC3 at some point in the near future, and like I said before Hi-Fi Rush did surprisingly well. So I strongly doubt the genre is dead, but that it usually takes a bit to get one of these games off the ground since Souls is the hot sauce these days. Still, what cuhrayzee games are you playing right now /v/? I'm going through Ninja Gaiden and God Hand myself, enjoying them as always.
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>>974802 >Pride shit on the DMC discord Fucking why? I hate these fuckers more day by day and they only have themselves to blame. Thanks the explanation anyway, it's a shame discord is a closed community, I'd probably lurk Redcord if it was on an actual website.
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>>974857 You can log into and use Discord from your browser if you so desired, but I understand if you don't want to make an account or have anything to do with it. They are absolutely selling your data and shit.
>>974859 I only use discord for friends, don't want to go beyond that. Honestly, that's all it should be used for imo. I fucking hate modders hosting their shit on their discord server. And I think a closed community like discord is really bad in general but that's a whole other topic.
>>974865 Aside from my IRL firends, I pretty much exclusively most in Redcord for the most part I know exactly what you mean. Aside from looking up an obscure Emulation issue now and again, I don't have the capacity of keeping up with multiple discord servers. And aside from that, and calmly and politely explaining to people on Reddit why they're retarded, and have no media literacy, I post here.
So true!
>liquid less dense than gas I hate it.
>>975194 DW the original edit still had it correct. Just edited to hate No More Heroes 3 because it fucking sucked.
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I don't get it. It is fun to do gardening and not so fun to do pushing of heavy block unless you are a Strongman of training in the Strongman competition and pushing heavy block for fun and many people also find a fun in flying kite or rubber balloon in the air the most useful of activities is ranked in gardening then pushing of heavy block then flying of rubber balloon which also coincides with the amount of fun gained from playing of these various activities which is why I don't get the ranking of an activities in your picture, OP
>>975203 It's not about activities, but about density of materials, air(represented by the balloon) is the least dense, then you have water and lastly the ice block. Water is usually used in these examples, as it's relatively easy to bring it into all 3 states and yes I do know there is a fourth state called plasma.
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Great thread, OP!
>>975265 Meant for >>975188 , didn't notice the thread got merged.
>>975265 >>975275 It's okay, I don't think you're that dense, you used digital image software and everything.
>>975310 I am 'but the humblest of (you) farmers.
Some people just really suck at Devil May Cry, I'm telling you. Some guy was asking for advice on how to deal with Webm related, so I gave him these to videos as examples he could learn from. I showed him exactly what he can do, and he still required further instructions. Then he replies back to me in 3 days later, asking for more help on mission 9, but that's not even a platforming segment or anything annoying, it's just a regular fight. I told him I wasn't going to hold his hand every time he struggles in this game, and that he should be able to improve on his own, and then he starts being Sarcastic and treating me like an elitist. When really he's on fucking normal difficulty, he shouldn't need any hand holding. And now he replied again, asking me how to use Items. This fucking guy doesn't know how to pause the game and look at his inventory. I also recall that back in the day before his passing, Totalbiscuit said he gave up on DMC4 because of the 3rd webm, he gave up on Mission 3 because if you fail that task you need to re-fight a simple wave of enemies as punishment. HE COULDN'T DO THIS! and keep in mind that webm is on DMD mode, it's even simpler on Normal mode. I don't understand how some people can suck so fucking bad, and then blame the game instead of their own incompetence.
>>975428 >Some people just really suck at Devil May Cry, I'm telling you. Some people are just wired different, my own playstyle seriously resemble more someone banging his head against a brick wall until the wall gives up than anything skillful or graceful, though I usually tend to not ask for advice or blame anyone but myself about it.
>>975428 That platforming fight taught me how broken Nero's charge shot is. From that point on I used and abused it in every Nero section in the game. I'm guessing he needed help on doing the aerial boost move, the one where you need to flick the control stick back and forward? I went through Hard without ever mastering that move. Thinking about it now, that's probably why I sucked at the Sanctus fights as much as I did. I looked up mission 9 and ...it's the one where you fight Agnus as Nero? I don't even remember anything about that mission except the Agnus fight and how it revolved around stunning the boss with all-out offense like a blind retard. >Totalbiscuit said he gave up on DMC4 because of the 3rd webm Wow, really? That's just bizarre. >you need to re-fight a simple wave of enemies as punishment Honestly, fighting some enemies in a DMC game is as much punishment as driving half a lap in a racing game. But yeah, I've had some encounters over the internet myself, where people got really pissy over some mild criticism. I guess that's just part of the current zeitgeist.
>>975453 >I don't even remember anything about that mission except the Agnus fight He wanted me to record another example, this time fighting in that room where you get the Quick Silver item, the fight was some Angelos, and a few Gladius. I just gave him a hint about reflecting the Alto Angelo's Black Hole back at the group. If he can't figure out how to win on his own then he's hopeless. The fact he had to try and google how to use healing items and still couldn't figure out their just in the pause menu says allot already, But given I told him how to use items, and DMC4SE already doubles the amount of red orbs you get, to which you have basically no use for them besides items, since Proud Souls are for abilities. He should be able to manage now. I hope at least, not being able to figure out the fucking pause menu is just Embarrassing, I really had to hold back just asking him if he was dropped on his head as an Infant or something. Finding the item menu should not be a challenge.
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>>975453 <Totalbiscuit said he gave up on DMC4 because of the 3rd webm >Wow, really? That's just bizarre. I'v was able to get this Clip, where the only thing he has to say about DMC4 is that it has timed jumping puzzles. I recall him mentioning dropping the game because of what I stated more or less, but i'd need to find the video where he said that specifically. Which will be harder to track down. The Co-Optional Podcast Ep. 71 - Mar 12, 2015
I found out something that could be useful to someone other than myself. When it comes to the DMC HD collection on Steam the disabled Cloud Saving, The reason for this is that the HD collection is janky and Could Saving doesn't actually work correctly. If you install the HD collection on a new computer your imported cloud saves aren't going to work. Thus they disabled Cloud Saving. But you CAN get them to work. it's actually simple to do so, it just can't be done by steam cloud's automatic process. What you need to do is create new saves for the HD collection first, and then you can replace them with your old saves. They disabled steam Cloud at some point after 2022. If you go to this link logged into your steam, you can still download your DMC HD collection cloud save. https://store.steampowered.com/account/remotestorage
>>975555 It might just be a thing of getting older. I dropped plenty of games for way less
I want to give some attention to this Guide by BossCollection on Youtube. I have never seen a DMC1 Guide with such Comprehensive knowledge all in a single video. This would be very useful for anyone new to DMC1, or rusty. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nyh0YZwZlts
>>976485 Yeah, I understand that feeling myself. >>976500 Oh cool, thanks anon.
So I tried out the Original Japanese release of DMC3 for the sake of comparison. I can not stress enough just how drastic of an experience these few changes can make. Turns out the whole game has English support. For one thing, Gold Orbs are in the Japanese release, yellow orbs were only in the Western release. That alone makes DMC3 way more forgiving. But Japanese DMC3 doesn't have "Easy Mode is now selectable" so there is no calling you a bitch for wanting to play on Easy, that's without the fact that Normal mode in this version is actually the Easy mode in the Western version. I was fighting Cerberus on Easy, and you can just DMC2 him and beat him with only E&I without any trouble. The Western Release of Vanilla DMC3 changed so much of how the game could have been perceived by the public. Japanese DMC3 is a perfectly reasonable to beat until you reach harder difficulties. Western DMC3 made it on to hardest games of all time lists.
>>980993 So wait, how does Japanese DMD compare to its western counterpart?
>>981004 DMD is always the same regardless of region, it's just the lower difficulties that are tweaked in DMC1 and DMC3. DMC1's Normal mode was also easier in Japan compared to the west, but when it comes to DMC3 DMD Given you can have Gold Orbs in the Japanese version, vs Yellow orbs in the western version. Having unlimited continues alone can make beating DMD allot more manageable.
>>981006 Ah, I see. Just cause I know you need spreadsheets for an optimal run of DMD in DMC3 or so the memes say.
>>981019 If you go optimal enough, spreadsheets help runs for any game.
>>980993 >Western DMC3 made it on to hardest games of all time lists. Really? My first normal mode playthrough didn't have any significant trouble (I mean I died a bunch but the deaths were my fault) until chapters 18/19 (Mostly because my controller kept dying from how long I was taking to beat them), harder difficulties might change my tune when I start them, but is DMD seriously SPREADSHEETS levels of bad?
>>981103 >Game Trailers Top 10 Most Difficult Games (2008) I think it was Granted, it's not like Gametrailers was a real authority or anything beyond having a lot of people visit their website and watch their content, and you can still find it in some articles. But this was the video where I heard about how hard DMC3 was, which lead me to getting Vanilla DMC3 myself to see just how hard it was, and I got my ass kicked plenty, DMC1 also kicked my ass, but DMC3 felt harder, and given it was actually Hard mode I was playing that only makes sense. There is also the clip here >>975555 where TotalBiscuit describes DMC1 as "A Nightmare" and DMC3 as "Even Worse" There was certainly the reputation that DMC was a very hard series for a while, but that's become less Prevalent over time. >harder difficulties might change my tune when I start them, but is DMD seriously SPREADSHEETS levels of bad? DMC3's DMD is absolutely up there with one of the hardest challenges in gaming, at least if you are talking about Vanilla DMC3 since you are limited to Yellow orbs, and No super costume until you beat it. DMC3SE makes the task of beating DMD much more manageable since for one thing you get Gold Orbs, so that's unlimited continues, and if you beat Very Hard you get to use a Super Costume to make DMD more manageable. Without a Super Costume DMC3's DMD is some serious shit, granted this is me remembering my experiences from over a decade ago, since I'v still never attempted it without a Super Costume, I'v been slowly getting around to S ranking DMC3 now and then, so maybe once I get to going for SS ranks I'll try and do DMD with no Super Costume, since I know i'v improved allot over time, I just still remember everything I went through back then. The main thing that makes DMC3 DMD such a challenge is the enemy DT, in DMC1 Enemies would DT if you took too long in a fight, but in DMC3 it's unavoidable, and enemies will always eventually DT, they activate after you thin their numbers enough, so the optimal method of play would be to whittle. all enemies health down to low, so when some DT you're not dealing with as much of the consequences of their extra defense. People make spreadsheets in relation to pulling off Combos, DMC Combo players aren't really the same as S rank players, it's not the same kind of mindset the spreadsheets are for knowing the exact amount of attacks and which ones you need to break a DT'd enemy Super Armor and get them hit stunned and Launched, and there are all kinds of shit that they calculate when forming their combos.
>>981123 >since I'v still never attempted it without a Super Costume Never Attempted it “again” I mean.
>>981103 >>981123 Oh yeah, It's not just Super Armor, when an Enemy DT's it's a 7 times health multiplier. So yeah getting their health down as much as possible before DT is a necessity, and some enemies in DMC3 are already a pain to fight with normal health values. Vid related by BeeG on youtube goes into more detail in about just how insane DMC3 Combo players are. I respect their efforts, but that kind of combos for the sake of combos isn't my thing, and if you ever look at DMC3 Combo's you'll find they're basiclly never fighting any enemies that can't be juggled. So they're playing a different game entirely with what they get out of DMC.
Any new cuhrayzee games on the radar?
>>976485 >>976503 >>975555 >DMC 1 and 3 >Hard Nigger what?
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>>982984 Phantom Blade Zero might be worth keeping an eye on, The combat looks like it might be interesting, the game looks like a bend of Action and Souls. From what i'v heard the director is apparently a big fan of games like MGR and Ninja Gaiden, but he's wanted to get that fast action combat, but give it the thoughtful level design, Souls game. >>982985 It's easy to think they're not that bad on lower difficulties when you have a lot of experience with them now, but it's important to understand everyone starts somewhere with action games, and if DMC 1 or DMC3 are the first games in the gerne you play then it's going to be very likely you'll have your ass kicked. When I first played DMC1 and Vanilla DMC3 on PS2 I died tons of times, they are quite challenging games if it's your first time playing them and aren't used to them, once you Git Gud then anything blow Dante Must Die isn't that bad sure, but it takes time and pratice to reach the level of taking on DMD. If you take any just about any random person who's never played a DMC game before and give them DMC1 or that vanilla DMC3 game before, they're going to get their ass kicked, the difference between a more casual player and a hardcore player is Whether they enjoy that they are being challenged at all. I'v seen a lot of cases where people want to give up on DMC1 because it's way harder than they're expecting it to be, and they might blame the fact the game is old and janky rather then the fact it's actually that challenging on intentionally.

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