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Slay the Princess Anonymous 10/24/2023 (Tue) 00:39:55 Id: af6767 No. 899282
Today's the full release of the VN Slay the Princess and it seems like something anons here might genuinely enjoy. For those who are wondering just what the premise of the VN is " You're a nameless Hero whose main goal is to slay a Princess before she ends the world", it's a bizarre horror romance where you'll end up dying a lot. When I saw the first two demos of the VN, I thought it was a unique premise but ultimately believed it couldn't expand upon the choices from the demo, to my pleasant surprise /v/ it has quite a few routes and sub routes within sub routes. For a VN on the cheaper side (by today's inflated prices) of 16 freedom bux or 21 Leaf shekels, there was a lot of love and autism placed into it. I recommend a pirate of this VN for whenever the GoG version is uploaded online.
>>977284 >Saucy You want explicit frames of a Princess getting fucked by a bird or do you want more lewd Princess art?
>>977590 The former is obviously too much to ask for, but there were some somewhat lewd moments in the original game, and as the game turned out to be wildly popular, they're no doubt aware of the demand for saucier moments with the princess. >>905998 >>906014
>>953553 >>968745 Can't we have our own word for 'safe horny' instead of copying neologisms from twitter by way of cuckchan? 'Safe Faggotry' perhaps? 'passive lewdness' maybe? >>953638 >nip male >bisexual I suppose I should not be surprised.
>>977596 >>nip male He's half basketball American.
>>977595 Well the Adversary and Eye of the Needle routes have heavy machoistic sexual undertones, Chapter 4 of the Razor has narration that is pretty sexual in nature. The Witch has sexual tension throughout her route, and it the Thorn has you explore her tonsils with your beak. But that's different from lewd.
How much horror or romance does this VN have?
>>977649 It's a bizarre mix of >surreal horror >existential horror >physiological horror >body horror >straight up black comedy >a dating sim and at the heart of it all a genuine love story.
>>977653 How badly will can you die?
>>977654 At one point you'll be turned inside-out depending on route.
>>977211 >>977234 Nice, it's reassuring and refreshing seeing such a little game like this become so successful.
>>977671 It's a wonderful surprise to see a game like this be so critically acclaimed.
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>>977284 What do you mean by saucy? But I agree being on console might lead to censorship or toning down.
>>979731 X to doubt, nothing on Steam was anywhere close to AO to begin with
Feels nice for the devs, I played the game back in Halloween.
>>979920 This looks tumblr as shit.
>>979920 I think even the devs realised more people want shit like STP and not 2012 tumblr VNs, which is most likely the reason why STP is getting so much push.
>>979920 Love the representation there. I feel so seen!
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>>979920 >>979921 >>979924 >>979945 I actually played it. It is a decent mystery thriller though only when it goes on sale. But almost all of the males are just absolutely shit. Like you have no idea. You just fucking know theyre there to fulfill a fetish niche. I dont know why i have such visceral reaction for some of them. Well except the Single Dad. I know hes bara bait, i guess the tall black guy is supposed to be a twink? But if that was the case hes too damn tall. Also not shown is Reese who is just tortured artist secretly a monster fetish bait. Apparently thats what the ladies like though, so write for the audience you wanna cultivate. I think the real problem is the authors not fleshing any of them out, theyre just boring. So much emphasis is on the mystery that you dont really care about getting to know other characters. I would say you can remove about 4 characters(not counting the dog which I actually like) And absolutely nothing will change fundamentally for the plot. (ingame there will be some big changes but fundamentally i feel they don't contribute.)
Why are we a bird person?
>>980860 Because the devs wanted the irony of a bird like monster being sent to kill an innocent looking Princess.
Markiplier is starting a series on it, devs say to pirate the game if they can't afford it. It's only $15 on steam anyway.
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>>983475 I've always been a fan of pirate to try and buy it if you enjoy it.
>>983475 refreshing to see gamedevs being in it for the art
>>983666 This was an example of a passion project that went well passed expected sales.
>>983668 Total steam reviews for this have passed 10k, steam spy is saying it's sold between 500k and a million copies. It's pretty popular for an indie VN.
>>983673 >A fucking VN about the love story between Bird monster and Princess sold a million What a time to be alive.
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>>983673 >it's sold between 500k and a million copies.
>>983673 It had an average of 100 players on Steam charts, since the series it's shot up to 700. https://steamcharts.com/app/1989270#All
>>983795 I must be developing early onset dementia because when I read your post I thought The Last Birdling somehow blew up and got discovered.
VN's are for braindead retards. Probably the lowest form of game making.
>>985120 >t. illiterate
It's surreal seeing a game like this becoming so well known.
>>985121 Its literally the same experience as reading a manga while listening to music.
>>985124 I like the ones with branching paths, like a CYOA. Especially if they include that little branching diagram at the end so you can see all the paths and which endings you haven't unlocked yet.

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