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Slay the Princess Anonymous 10/24/2023 (Tue) 00:39:55 Id: af6767 No. 899282
Today's the full release of the VN Slay the Princess and it seems like something anons here might genuinely enjoy. For those who are wondering just what the premise of the VN is " You're a nameless Hero whose main goal is to slay a Princess before she ends the world", it's a bizarre horror romance where you'll end up dying a lot. When I saw the first two demos of the VN, I thought it was a unique premise but ultimately believed it couldn't expand upon the choices from the demo, to my pleasant surprise /v/ it has quite a few routes and sub routes within sub routes. For a VN on the cheaper side (by today's inflated prices) of 16 freedom bux or 21 Leaf shekels, there was a lot of love and autism placed into it. I recommend a pirate of this VN for whenever the GoG version is uploaded online.
>>899282 >These Princesses Developers know what makes my cock rock hard.
>>899282 Got a link or a magnet?
>>899292 It just came out today so nothing yet, I liked the demo and said fuck it and bought it. But if you anons want I'll see if, I can upload the GoG version's files for you sometime this week.
>>899296 Sure, sounds good. thanks anon.
This gets pretty weird.
Seems like a fun concept, please share the download link as soon as possible.
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>>899300 Alice?
>>899282 Are you a ligger in this? Or just some kind of mutant human?
>>899324 Your some type of entity.
Voice of the Blackpilled.
>>899327 >>899328 Exact same sentence structure too with his "Might as well kill myself"
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>>899282 I like princesses. But I'll rather play and ir wait for towergirls the game to release their hp line
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>>899332 Dodo's is one of my favorite songs.
This visual novel has some oddly heartwarming moments.
Stayed up all night playing it, pretty short but it definitely has that "I should come back in a few months and picks some choices I missed out on". Feel. A couple of times I felt like I was close to a happy sub-route but screwed it up. Also the end of the main route/story was slightly confusing to me. There needed to be a bit more explanation, probably didn't help that the guy who gives you the narrative dump you can only ask him limited questions/follow up questions so I guess it's encouraging a second playthrough. I thought it was worth the money, and well written for the most part. Great voicework.
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>>899391 For me, it's the Black Trial theme.
>>899401 I liked that the devs priced it reasonably for what it is. I'm not normally a VN fag but Slay the princess was different enough that I wouldn't mind more weird VNs like it.
Can you hold hands with her?
>>899433 Yes you can
But do all attempts to lay her end in a gay over before any naughty stuff happens?
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This was a story about love after all You do hold hands in the end
>Lay the Princess
>>899637 In many cases she'll lay you the fuck out.
So that a good ending?
Free stuff when?
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I can't breathe.
>>899282 Why are you a monster?
Been playing via Fitgirl repack and surprisingly I'm having a good time with it. Might pick it up when it goes on sale in the future.
>>899996 Showing that you aren't quite an innocent hero.
Tried fighting the princess and she made me into a whore via crushing my chest with her fist. How fucked after this am I?
>>900233 How do you feel about gentle femdom? >>899401 Just finished 5 routes, saw her God self, then went inside her heart to start it all over. I guess that is a happy ending of sorts. From what I understand the Narator created both you and her as Gods, and if you kill her then Death will dissapear as a concept, but that can also be interpreted as the world stagnating, no more babies, no more dead people, no innovation, no passion, no drive for something better. On the other hand, if you don't kill her, then inevitably billions of words with all of it's inhabitants die, just because she exists. I am not sure if resetting everything will help, I guess I will have to see, at least I told her I love her.
>>900324 You can choose to join her in godhood or just leave, the Cabin as mortals and tell her you love her. I like how in the end she looks less uncanny compared to when you first encounter her.
>>899904 >If you have a low-memory machine (8GB of ram or less) <8GB of ram is low memory now
>>900413 It is anon, you're getting pretty old huh?
>>900413 this has been the case since Windows 10 was introduced
>>900433 >>900439 It should not take over 8GB of ram to install a short VN in less than an hour.
>>900440 8 GB was not enough since half a decade ago gramps, get with the times
>>900413 16GB has been the standard for 10 years now.
>>900474 My craptop is only 7 years old and I can emulate PS2 games on it just fine.
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>>900481 No shit PS2 games will run good with 8GBs considering how the PS2 had 32 MB of ram.
>>900413 Welcome to the age of unoptomization.
>>900514 This isn't incorrect but at a point you shouldn't be shocked that spec recs move on. I remember when people bitched about 8GBs.
>>900573 >you shouldn't be shocked that spec recs move on No, people absolute should be shocked. Why is it being demanded that people provide high powered machines in order to accomplish the same tasks that were first implemented on lower powered hardware?
Yeah, I'm going to have to agree with the poorfag on this one. Nothing I'm seeing in this game should make it require that much memory. Only thing I can think of is if they cache all of the audio instead of only caching the current scene's and all of the audio that could possibly come up in any of the next scenes, even then you wouldn't need that much memory and audio streaming has been so good for so long you don't need to cache much at all. That being said, you'd have to be a real shut-in to believe that folks have enough standards nowadays to express shock at a poorly optimized indie title.
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>>899996 >Why are you a monster? Gee, i wonder why protagonist gets called a monster after slaying a local hime. Almost like i`ve seen that before.
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What are you niggers talking about? The game's specs are 4GB of RAM, the repack installer requires 8GB.
>>900588 >inb4 a VN shouldn't require 4GB of RAM You are correct, it requires less, however it needs enough RAM to operate and a large part of that 4GB is already occupied by Windows 7/10, Steam, a Web Browser and some other applications, so it says 4 to make sure there is enough left for it as well.
>>900585 >nly thing I can think of is if they cache all of the audio instead of only caching the current scene's and all of the audio that could possibly come up in any of the next scenes I'm talking about the installation. It took 1 hour and 20 minutes to install, and I had to limit my RAM usage for this to 2GB at the strong recommendation of the fitgirl repack installer as I only have 8GB of ram. Meanwhile, it used practically the entirety of my CPU the whole time. This is a short visual novel from what I gathered. I've installed larger actual games in 10-30 minutes without either of these issues, including some fitgirl repacks.
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Same anon as cff1ba, went to my 10+ year old laptop to try the VN. It uses below 1GB of RAM on normal usage, and for comparison 400 MB of RAM is occupied by Steam which is doing nothing, and another 360MB of RAM by a somewhat light-weight browser that only has this page opened.
>>900605 >Same anon as cff1ba <Id hasn't changed >>900605 Once again, read the post immediately above yours. I have not even played the game yet. I'm talking about installation.
>>900608 I thought ID was going to change, because I was on a different device. At this point it sounds more like a problem with the pirate inataller, than the VN itself.
>>900613 I'm going to test how much the VN uses
Just finished and noticed my craptop was a little hot. Why the fuck is this thing melting my SSD? My graphics card is a little warm too at 78C, but not in the red, let alone 10 degrees in the red. Last PC game I played was Hollow Knight, and I could still run that at the lowest or near lowest settings for hours without frying my damn computer.
>>899282 Where are the links to pirate it?
>>899300 >>899322 Having now finished the game once, I have to say The whole concept does seem to take some notes from the Black Souls series. How many other things share a similar concept? BS2 has been done for a while now. Does anyone think the main writer played black souls and wanted to make a similar "not porn" story? At first the meta aspect made me think it was a more serious version of the Stanley Parable. >>900710 Read the thread, fucknuts. >>899904
They added a missing CG.
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>>900713 >I'm going to Alice
>Go down the hard reset route >Oh cool, I wonder if anything will linger, or if it's just like starting a new game? >Any action just rolls the credits Lame. I was kind of hoping it would continue forever.
My game broke somewhere near the ending i believe, still could advance the dialog, but images stopped changing. Probably gonna try a different installation tomorrow.
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>>899282 WRIBS?????
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>>901538 The princess was Alto all along!?
Started playing it, it seems alright.
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she cute
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>>902632 Finished the game, I definitely didn't see some of the ones being posted here. I think I got the true ending. >>900347 >>899631 my fellow brothers.
>>902650 woops, didn't mean to reply to that first one
>>902650 >I think I got the true ending. There is none. Every ending is equally true.
>>902687 sounds like a gay copout to me.
>>902736 Copout from what? Who said there has to be a "true" ending to any non-specific game with multiple endings?
>>902809 If each ending is "equally valid" when they contradict each other, that amounts to meaninglessness. If they just merely wanted to give you a series of choices, that amounts to nothing more than a thought experiment by the devs, and implies they had nothing to convey of their own. Hell, the "good ending" (you know, the one where you kill the princess right from the start of the game and the game calls a "good ending") was clearly intended to be a wrong ending, practically mocking the player for doing it, but by your logic its equally valid with all the other choices; hell, if anything its even more valid because its literally stated to be the "good ending" (even though that's obviously implied to be stupid to anyone with a brain).
>>902650 There is a surprising number of routes you can end up with.
Was there like a Harem route ?
>>902812 >If each ending is "equally valid" when they contradict each other, that amounts to meaninglessness. Why? Can the developer not present multiple alternatives without giving strong positive bias to any so that the player can decide what they think is best for the world? >clearly intended to be a wrong ending, practically mocking the player for doing it That's because it's a short ending, and thus quite boring. Especially since you just went into a game about choices and did exactly as you were told, nearly disregarding the notion of choice. >>902830 There's a good number of them, but many can converge to certain third chapter routes, even when the more direct route to that chapter 3 scenario has been blocked off because you already got the multiple princesses on the more direct chapter 2 branch that leads to it. This can make it difficult to trial and error them all out, but if you actually bought the game through Steam, I think the achievements alleviate that since there's one for probably every princess. >>902887 Well technically, almost every route where you live together with the shifting mount could be called a harem route, since she is the combination of many princesses and contains each and all in her multitude.
>>902892 >There's a good number of them, For the price of this game it's decent.
>>902896 I think there might be 16, which is the price of the game, right? A dollar a princess?
>>902892 >That's because it's a short ending, and thus quite boring. Especially since you just went into a game about choices and did exactly as you were told, nearly disregarding the notion of choice. Its not just short, the artwork they use for that ending is children's drawing quality, clearly intending to mock you. Its also not "boring" either. Its clearly telling you you did the wrong choice. You are literally tricked by the Narrator and you get lip service that you "totally saved the world" for your efforts with essentially an existential death that's intended to be horrific. I consider it the most unsettling of the endings. >Why? Can the developer not present multiple alternatives without giving strong positive bias to any so that the player can decide what they think is best for the world? Because then its hardly a story anymore, its just an overly long context for an experiment, it becomes a glorified survey. If you have nothing of your own to say besides >interesting context for this thought experiment, eh player? then it amounts to something a lot more hollow. There's a reason a lot of games with multiple endings often have true endings, or at least endings that are implied to be the best endings available.
>>902919 I think it's all but stated the best ending is where The Hero (Bird fuck) and Princess leave the Cabin to have lots of sex.
>>902812 >>902892 >>902919 What are you people talking about, if you just go and immediately kill the princess, the game doesn't end. There's a joke end card and then you continue doing the cycles, it clearly is not an ending at all. The game effectively only has 3 actual endings and all other different choices and storylines with the different versions of the princess are completely meaningless because they all lead back to the mass effect endings same place in the end >Become gods with the princess and create new universes together >The same but you don't become gods with her, although the details are a little vague with this one >Keep the universe in limbo forever as the narrator wanted you to None of your choices matter except for the one made at the very end of the game, it only changes what stories you see throughout.
>>902919 So you want a best ending and to be told what to think each ending? Read a fucking book. There's not much point in multiple endings if you make all but one of them not really important because only one ending is the good one you're supposed to get. >>902947 >The same but you don't become gods with her, although the details are a little vague with this one Are you referring to one where you loop forever, or is there a fourth ending? I've continued the cycle of universes, gone into a potential eternal repeating loop where everything is reset the same as a new game, and am on my third run.
Favourite route anons? I enjoyed the Adversary.
>>902948 I'm referring to the one where you just walk outside with the princess in human form and the game ends. It's the only proper "and they lived happily ever after" ending the game has. The only issue is that the game doesn't at all address the meta universe stuff when this happens, so I assume the developers don't really want you to think about it and treat it as a "real" happy ending, even though it probably isn't exactly. I'm pretty sure this one happens when you both refuse to killer her and refuse to go along with godhood. >>902950 I liked all of the sappy routes where you take turns killing each other before learning to trust each other on the last route, especially the thorn and the possession ones.
>>902953 >I liked all of the sappy routes where you take turns killing each other before learning to trust each other on the last route Didn't know anons here were into redemption arcs.
>>902948 >There's not much point in multiple endings if you make all but one of them not really important because only one ending is the good one you're supposed to get. What are you talking about? The other endings in works that have true endings are often intended to illustrate why something would be a lesser, or wrong choice. In many cases they serve cautionary or explanatory purposes. That doesn't mean they aren't important. For example, in Steins;Gate, there is basically only 1 true ending, every other ending is more or less a bad ending, but the bad endings serve a true purpose. Similar in Persona 4 (Golden), where the true ending basically highlights the importance of finding the truth relentlessly in the face of opposition, lies, and comforting oneself, where there was even a false/bait good ending before you get to the true ending. If you are brainless enough to think that bad or lesser endings serve no purpose, then there was no point in discussing any of this with you in the first place. A "true" ending can't exist without false endings. Otherwise, yes, its just one ending among many, or just an ending to a work. A book would still certainly be better than a survey though in any case. Why would you read someone else's story if you didn't expect them to tell you something of value with it, retard? If you just want a sandbox where you could do whatever you want and nothing matters, that's fine, but don't pretend like it has any meaning to it.
>>902950 >Pic I really didn't like how on the Adversary route one of the few times you make her feel fear, she becomes the Fury instead of something more timid. And I'm pretty sure there's other routes to the Fury anyways.
>>902962 >The other endings in works that have true endings are often intended to illustrate why something would be a lesser, or wrong choice. Or they're just the choice that's been fleshed out less, regardless of the outcome. But you're right, bad endings (as opposed to simple game overs) can serve a purpose to highlight the one good one, and I was retarded to imply otherwise. But you're still retarded for seeing this as the only decent way to make a game with multiple endings. Especially here on /v/, where you ought to have witnessed complaints for nigh two decades how anons hate being forced into whatever the dev considers the "good" ending by making choices they disagree with lead to bad endings regardless of whether it makes sense. The way you say games with multiple endings should have one good and true ending and the rest be bad and warnings about what the devs thinks are wrong choices comes off to me as wanting to be fed low quality propaganda that tells you how to think. Again, how does letting the player decide what they think is good, instead of telling the player what you think is good, so bad? It's a meaningless thought experiment to you? How? The devs have nothing to say? How? Not that I think this story is very "deep" in the first place, but I don't understand how you reach these conclusions. What about the journey? The ride? Most anons are talking about the princesses they can make more than the final endings. Making any of these endings good and true wouldn't change much because the majority of the fun here is in your interactions with the princesses. Would this game really be better to you if you every ending except either one of two, the new universes or eternal universe endings, said "you're a bad person and everyone suffered because of you" at the end?
>>902953 >I'm referring to the one where you just walk outside with the princess in human form Well then there are at least four endings. You missed the one where you fight awhile, then try to suggest a way where you don't have to kill her or end the current universe, without ever suggesting becoming mortal.
>>902975 >Especially here on /v/, where you ought to have witnessed complaints for nigh two decades how anons hate being forced into whatever the dev considers the "good" ending by making choices they disagree with lead to bad endings regardless of whether it makes sense. Anons can and will complain about anything and everything, and often have. Find something that exists, and I can find you an anon who hates it and another anon who loves it, regardless of how good or bad it actually is. If they want to make their own endings, they should either A. mod the thing, or B. make their own games. The dev told the story the way they wanted to. Now, that doesn't mean that the story endings are beyond criticism or anything, it could be (and often is) shit writing, or a shit message, but its still the message that the developer intended to convey with the story (unless they told it spectacularly badly or something and the player ends up missing the point of it) But that just means you had a developer with a shitty perspective or viewpoint to begin with, what did you expect? Retarded developer makes shit product with a bad message, who could've predicted. Unless you expected a game with absolute freedom (The closest you get are sandbox/sim games, which, again, are more just you doing whatever you want, that's pretty much devoid of a message and the "story" is made by your own experiences) >Again, how does letting the player decide what they think is good, instead of telling the player what you think is good, so bad? Because then the story doesn't have a point. Its just you making choices that you like, and that's it. You might as well hook yourself up to an endorphin machine, it would take less steps. >propaganda By that logic, any story that aims to convey what the author thinks is propaganda. Obviously the author of a story with a point aims to convey what he thinks. Do you not believe anyone else besides you has anything valuable to convey with a story? If so, why bother listening to anyone else's perspectives at all? If you got to choose whatever you wanted in someone's story, its no longer their story, and their message is gone. (in some cases though, that might be a good thing if they were a shit writer or had a shit message). >What about the journey? The ride? That's fine, but the ending is what ties it all together. A journey/ride without an end is a journey without a point. And a journey that only has endings that are "equal" (despite some contradicting each other) just means whatever points it has are totally arbitrary or totally up to personal preference. People can talk about the interesting princesses and that's totally fine, but if that's all they got out of it, then the story doesn't really matter, does it? >But you're still retarded for seeing this as the only decent way to make a game with multiple endings. No, its fine if the game doesn't intend to convey a conclusive meaning with the story. Things like a lot of romance VNs/dating sims with multiple routes+endings are often just personal preference between the girls. But if you're trying to convey a conclusive point with your story, then yes, its bad to only have multiple,"equally valid" (yet contradicting) endings.
>>902987 >Things like a lot of romance VNs/dating sims with multiple routes+endings are often just personal preference between the girls. Are those endings not copouts to you too? The game tells you right at the beginning that's the whole point. It's a visual novel, with a bunch of different girls, with multiple routes and endings.
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>>902950 The thorn definitely won my my heart
>>903106 Nightmare is cute.
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Lewd mods when?
>>903471 I already did that. I was resuscitated. Fate wants me to live.
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An IRL friend of mine who edits on Tv Dopes, was telling me that the faggots there fucking placed Ambiguous Gender for the Hero. When he's literally referred to as male by the whole cast!
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Anything that causes the narrator pain is objectively good.
>>904424 The narrator was flawed and scared but an ultimately sympathetic character driven by the most universal fear, the fear of death. He did what he did for understandable reasons, even if those reasons were fundamentally wrong, and he acted like a lying manipulative cheat to the player for his own benefit.
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>>902950 I wouldnt call her my favourate per-se, due to so many girls scratching a different itch but the Razor's whole section was a lot of fun to play through.
>>904823 Definitely agree
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>>902950 Specter is a cutie.
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>>902971 The other Fury one is on Tower, where you hit her with the knife instead of pledging or killing yourself.

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Best ending is leaving with your waifu and having Harpy daughters.
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>>904424 >>904807 OBJECTIVELY GOOD
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Wait if the MC is a Bird dude how does he kiss the Princess?
>>905167 A theme of the game, is that as long as the MC believes something is possible, then the princess and reality will shift to make it possible. So if he thinks he is able to kiss the princess, then it will happen, if he thinks he is unable then he will be unable.
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>>904885 >Missing out on 5 vagánias
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On Adversary, if you say you want to free her, say you haven't decided what to do then get closer or stay where you are, then [Attempt to free her], the narrator gives the princess the finger after hijacking your body. Your death then takes you to Eye of Needle. And a chart for anyone that needs it. Didn't appreciate being vored by Beast or crushed by roots with Witch.
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>>905209 >Third pic I didn't get the smitten when I got to the Thorn, maybe it's a dialogue choice thing but picking what dialogue sounded most "natural" gave me the cheated even after giving her the blade. It's why I didnt get to kiss Thorn.
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>>904807 The Wilds though. She could see the outside of what everything was. Even to the point where she could break the cage. She deduced why the Narrator needed the bird and princess to kill each other. Follow that up with the Specter, who also could "feel" like she needed to go home. The fact that the Narrator downright says she hates the Princess. How if you try and attack her, she says she never wanted to hurt you.
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>>905211 And what's the end result if you listen to the Narrator? Him forcing you to attack the Princess when you only first talked after the knife, then she turns to Witch, so you both attack each other again, causing her to crush you with roots. Then when you're a part of her with the Wilds, he actively makes you remember, puts the dagger in your hands and presents you the Princess, only Torso and beating heart. And that's not even counting the way that if you stab the princess in the end, she goes away. You're left with the voices and a universe like he wanted. Almost alone with no death to stop you. It's a plain ending. "flawed individual" doesn't even begin to cover the misery he inflicts upon the player in order to "push him forward" That ending in Wilds where you show the princess so basic fugging kindness at the end of everything and you're just left holding her torso after cutting her out of the tree. THAT, is the saddest moment of this game for me. Not Specter, not Nightmare or Wraith or Drowned or Burned Grey. But Wilds when you actually cut her out.
>>905209 Chart is missing The Deconstructed Damsel, and probably other variants that don't get a chapter title. To get The Deconstructed Damsel, go on the Damsel route and then continuously question her motivation.
>>905210 You choose the first and third option as that helps you get the Smitten.
>>905210 I think you have to flirt with Witch when she has the dagger.
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How powerful is Smitten? He actually kills himself after you listen to the narrator and stab the Damsel. He hijacks the body regardless of player choice. Smitten is such a Bro.
>>905463 Broken is sobbing you slayed his goddess dommy mommy. This is Tower onto Fury. As for how Tower tall is actually, her torso is about wide as a human, so maybe 2 meters or so across, then you standing only got up to her ankle, so she'd be a few meters tall, 15 maybe?
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I think that's everything. Just wanted to go through the little side paths there but I've seen every major chapter now. Hard to believe it only took them 18 months while they were working on another project to make this. This was a good game though, glad I played though it.
>>905474 >A world without love is a world not worth saving.
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>A rasict vessel >She will nya she will nyaga and she will do everything in her power to stop you from Dori Dori. Don't believe the nya she says.
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Turns out can even make The Razor (No Way Out) blush. How many princesses can you make blush? I only know about this one and The Witch. Sure, you can romance The Thorn and The Damsel, but I haven't seen them get particularly embarrassed about it.
>>905998 All the Princess want you in some bizarre shape or another.
>>906011 Well of course, but most not sexually, not in a way that would embarrass them. The game is actively anti-lewd. The closest it's gotten to mentioning lewd things is interrogating the razor on whether she's hiding a blade. It doesn't embarrass her, she just, much more seriously instead of obviously lying, insists there is nothing in a "secret place". This place could be interpreted as either of her holes, if she even has any, or her cleavage.
>>905998 I think it's only Razor, Witch, Damsel and Thorn. Specter has her scary face but no blush. She does smile alot though. Wraith and Drowned Grey are scary. Burned Grey is all muscle. Adversary has her grin, you can't really flirt with her, same with Needle and Fury. Tower is all about submission so she and Apotheosis don't do that. Nightmare and Clarity you can't flirt. Prisoner is too cold and Beast and Wilds are too Wild. You hold Wilds uncut but that's at the end of the route, only choice is to free or stab her.
I had a dream where the Princess noticed I had a massive bulge.
>>906088 >You reach into your pants to present your sword to the princess. >You instead pull out the Pristine Dagger.
>>905474 >Hard to believe it only took them 18 months while they were working on another project to make this I believe they were working on this for a while but the final draft took the 18 months.
I want to slay her pussy.
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>>905463 Strongest in the game besides the final form (You) and the final Princess imo
I started playing this completely blind and the Princess went fearal after backstabbing her. Got my Bird ass clawed to death and when I come back to the cabin she's now transformed into cat monster in a jungle. What the hell have I gotten myself into?
>>909772 Don't worry, it only gets better from there.
Shitty meme game like coffin of Andy and Susie
>>909881 Meme games make good porn though.
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>>909881 Nothing wrong with them
>>909881 What's wrong with memes?
>>910034 >old memes are cuckchan now What?
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>>910035 >Meme that originated from 4chan isn't 4chan
Got vored by Cat monster Princess and cut Bird guy out while burning from stomach acid. Met entity that wants me to keep doing shit and then sends me back to the start of game. Decide to tell Princess I'm killing her and stare at her before charging her. Get into fight where she punches the daylights out of Bird guy and both die from wounds . Chapter 2 rolls in and one of the voices in Bird guy's head wants to fight her again. Grab knife enter basement and find Princess is now a Demon woman who is pleased I brought my knife as she is going to tear me to peices. So am I going to keep getting raped each encounter?
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>>910047 Yes, but now that you're Stubborn, you can enjoy getting raped.
>>910047 >So am I going to keep getting raped each encounter? After this route lock the Princess in the basement.
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>>910044 >Newgrounds and SomethingAwful are now 4chan
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>>910044 >Funniest meme that caused AT&T to shit itself was from YTMND
>>910143 Share.
>>910165 These weren't made on YTMND, but Moonman is what he's talking about.
Unreal this game went super viral.
>>918323 No more than when helltaker did.
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The Shifting Mound did nothing wrong and is completely correct. >>900413 The installer is legitimately horrendous even with 16GB and crashes my computer if the file's above like 5GB. >>918323 Not nearly as unreal as how viral LC has gone.
Next year we're getting free DLC called The Pristine Cut that adds new chapters and etc.
>>918332 >LC Literally who?
>>919300 >Excited to announce Slay the Princess — The Pristine Cut, a free, expansion-sized director's cut of the game releasing next year!
>>919312 Lethal Company, you dumb fucking nigger.
>>919314 >you dumb fucking nigger. <Two letter abbreviation for some (((early access))) game that hasn't been mentioned at all in this thread The nigger is you.
>>919314 Lethal Company? What's that? Isn't that a gachi Fate clone made by gooks?
>>919319 >assumed it was some literal who internet person instead of a game You're the real nigger here.
>>919327 >Having an autism fit because someone used "who" to refer to a developer >>919321 Lobotomy Corporation?
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>>919321 This webm is all that I know about it.
>>919321 Flavor of the month team-based survival horror scavenging game made by a furry with modding capability. I've heard people describe it as like Phasmophobia (the 4 player ghost hunting game from a few years ago) and it looks fun but I can't imagine it staying popular for more than a couple months.
>>919338 >>919342 >>919346 I was merely >pretending to be retarded; I already knew what it was. I had hoped that calling a gacha a "gachi" would tip one of you off. Didn't know a furfag made the game though.
>>919313 I like how they decided to give more of the game for free.
>>919359 >I was merely >pretending to be retarded I never implied otherwise.
>>919456 >Reddit hates early access, Jews, and is ignorant of FOTM games False, faggot.
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>>919300 >>919298 Sounds genuinely disrupting to implement if it's not walled off to it's own section, there was a well thought out partitioning in how the princesses were distributed/evolved and where they would lead. The only places I would place new princesses/chapters in would be in chapter IIIs where they end abruptly in arbitrary ways and not have them as dead-ends. I want my fight with the Apotheosis fulfilled dammit, if followed up upon it would add an amazing David/Goliath situation.
>>919477 Anon you just want to fuck her.
>>919300 Unexpected but welcomed.
>>919477 > there was a well thought out partitioning in how the princesses were distributed/evolved and where they would lead Look at the main routes map. There's definitely some sparse areas. Also, they never gave us a horny princess, and now that the game is out, demand for a horny princess is through the roof.
>>919543 Each of the Princess's forms are horny for Bird cock in their uh own twisted way.
>>919543 >Leaving the blade leads to 3 Chapter 2 princesses and 5 Chapter 3 princesses, 1 pair of which is an in-branch dupe, and 1 of which is possible on the blade route, giving it only 3 unique Chapter 3 princesses and 1 shared Chapter 3 Princess >Taking the blade leads to 6 Chapter 2 princesses and 10 Chapter 3 princesses, 2 pairs of which are in branch dupes, and 1 of which is possible on the bladeless route, giving it 7 unique Chapter 3 princesses and 1 shared Chapter 3 Princess >Furthermore, while the Razor is the only chapter 2 princess you cannot end early and bring to Her, it leads up to two "Chapter 4" Princesses So it seems like the blade route has a fair bit more than double the content of the bladeless route, and if you were going to make a lewd princess, the branch where you don't bring the knife makes more sense. It is after all the route with the Witch, who you can make blush with flattery, the Thorn, who you can kiss romantically, the Wild, who you become one with, and the damsel, who loves you. If you ask the damsel what she wants too much says she wants what you want until she becomes the Deconstructed Damsel. Seems like a good opportunity to turn her lewd by telling her you want that.
>>919546 They have asexual romantic urge, but most are violent which is the opposite of sex, even though it can be paired well with it sometimes. The less violent ones would be more susceptible to lewding.
>>919547 The Thorn has two sub routes if you flirt with her as the Witch you get the smitten who'll enable you to kiss her, and if you don't flirt with her as the witch you'll get the cheated and no ability to make out her.
>>919549 I know. I'm just acknowledging the opportunities for more romantic situations tend towards the bladeless branch.
>>919548 The Moment of Clarity is actually full on Yandere as she takes Birdman losing his fucking mind, at her showing him her trauma a major rejection according to the devs. She pretty much mind breaks him until her can no longer resist her advances.
>>919552 until he can no longer.
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>>919770 Wait doesn't he have a beak? How does he kiss her?
>>919906 This beakless version is not canon. The kiss in the game takes place in first person, so you can assume she kisses the beak and you stick your tongue out. Actually, is the beak ever shown? The Long Quiet could be a beakless bird person instead of a furry tier bird person.
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>>919945 IIRC the devs themselves say that it's Schrödinger's beak, it's there and it isn't. Don't think it too hard.
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I guess it works something like this?
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>>923896 >The game is better if you play it instead of watching people doing so wow who could've thought of that, amazing.
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>>910047 You beat the VN?
>>924099 >You beat the book?
>>924109 I sure want to beat off to this Princess
https://vocaroo.com/12JO44hBQQey https://vocaroo.com/17P2Qdkd51JE Apparently Nichole Goodnight the VA of the Princess went on cuck/v/. Now this could be AI but who knows.
>>926439 This was voice-acted?
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>>926451 YEah, major update before Christmas fixed the audio levels among the dialog lines, making them seem more smooth.
>>926451 Whole cast is voice acted.
/v/ I don't like where this is heading....
>>929884 That's fucking disgusting.
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>>929884 Anons asked for a lewd princess and they got more of it.
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>>930012 that looks good
>>929884 >Voice of the Contrarian <Yes! Behold, the perfect woman!
>>929884 >>930139 <I will ride her like a horse
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>>929884 /v/ros, I don't feel so good.
>>929884 >>930148 Is this a Beastars reference?
>>935338 Found that shit when it was at like 40K views, glad it's getting popular. 2000s europop was fun even if low quality.
The DLC is coming along nicely.
So Nichole Goodnight(Princess VA) loves to shitpost https://youtu.be/TOzQ_ipjRwA
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Anons what the fuck is even going on here? Are they planning on going full surreal horror for the upcoming DLC?
>>941475 Absolute insanity.
>>941661 Virtual insanity?
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>>942230 Cute, but I'm left wanting for it to be a smooth loop.
How does a game about a Bird man and Cosmic Horror in the shape of a Princess end up being oddly romantic?
>>944515 Because it's explicit about that. The very first thing they tell you is that it's a love story. And you forgot it's also about the other birdman too, the Narrator.
>>944580 I was genuinely surprised that this game had zero poz.
>>944587 >beastiality >zero pozz
>>944587 The tumblr crowd is spilt on this game as they are super asshurt that "chuds" overwhelming love STP and that the MC is male. The rest like it and are waiting for DLC.
>>944596 >The tumblr crowd is spilt on this game as they are super asshurt that "chuds" overwhelming love STP and that the MC is male. So this time, unlike with Silent Hill: Vampire Tits, "dommy mommy" shit is no longer safe horny?
>>944656 What the hell is safe horny?
>>944676 Retarded normalfag newspeak that should be ignored.
>>944676 Just a buzzword way of saying things Neo-Puritans are okay with people being aroused by.
Devs did an update and the DLC made the game 25-30% bigger.
>>944684 >Neo-puritans You mean people who actively oppose sexual restriction in any fashion save for that which is exclusively applied to heterosexual white males?
>>944676 Primarily, I see it as a normalfag backlash against the hard left attack on beauty, which makes a point of pointing the hypocrisy of claiming sexy or sexual media is harmful to women and the like, except when said sexy or sexual media suits their political agenda. For instance, in spite of the fact that dominatrix and MILF archetypes being conventionally attractive to a great many men, these sort of depiction of women were not only much less attacked by the left, but even sanctioned and supported by them. This is likely due to how they place women in a position of physical power and often infantilize men. Hence the term "dommy mommy". The Princess turning dominant and sadistic in most cases would fit the archetype, but apparently has not been sanctioned. Other examples of safe horny of course include faggotry, and the like, or fetishes for ugly women, or racemixing. While the term has no shortage of people using it for their own personal purposes and fetishes, including SJWs using the term entirely backwards, I've primarily seen it used in the way as described. As it represents general normalfag discontent with the leftist attack on beauty, I strongly support continuing to use the term and not letting it be subverted. >>944709 >save for that which is exclusively applied to heterosexual white males? Even then there are exceptions, but as Slay The Princess shows, they are growing fewer by the day.
>>944724 > but as Slay The Princess shows, they are growing fewer by the day. STP being a hetro romance VN that has sold 200-300k copies on steam alone is a whitepill.
Is this game coomer bait and do we play a bird who fucks this Princess?
>>949535 >coomer back to cuckchan
>>949547 ok coomer
>>949562 You too nigger
>>949535 Nothing lewd but a lot of sexual undertones all which are warped and dark.
>>949535 >>949562 Lurk moar.
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"The End of Everything" content update for Slay the Princess is LIVE! Greatly expanded late game, including ANIMATIONS Live Orchestral tracks Improved controller support Reminder this isn't the pristine cut but a free update that expands the game by 5%.
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Animated stuff is pretty good.
I recently did a playthrough of this VN. >Was it a lewd VN? No. >Was it a tumblr VN Surprisingly no. >Was it horror VN Yes and no. >Was it a romantic VN Yes Slay the Princess manages to a sincere romance and that alone surprised me.
was it ludo?
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>>952985 I want to lewd the witch.
>>899282 great example of blackrock and sweet baby inc fucking your minds and the minds of young girls and boys and all of you subhumans being too fucking stupid to see it. This celebrates death of the european, congratulations for celebrating that, you stupid livestock, keep turning the wheel that slaughters you
>>952997 I bet you do, you disgusting fucking brown spic. Your dark hands all over heck pale european neck, so lewd, amirite, fellow imageboard users.
>>953007 >>953008 Now this is some proper schizoing.
>>953010 I have a tested IQ of 133 and was born into wealth. Whats the proof of your intelligence? Fucking dumb subhuman, kill yourself. You and your kind would call the man talking about inventing electricity to power a lightbulb a schizo
>>953007 What in the ever fucking hell does this game have to do with ANY of that shit?
>>953011 >Wah Wah high IQ and wealth <Shitpost in a godforsaken vidya board with 3 other retards and one brazuca schizo in a comatose altchan Huh... That's pretty sad... Remember that IQ =/= success in your daily life, and high IQ is correlated to clinical autism and furrys
>>953011 >High IQ Even if that's true, your narcissism and autism makes it so that most of people with IQ less than you will outpace you by simply not being a delusional retards with protagonist syndrome. Your own conduct makes you in this way, completely inferior to them.
>>953013 I could be wrong, but I think he's arguing the game themes are something like Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League and that making and participating in this thread tacitly enables an anti-White agenda.
>>953021 >he's arguing the game themes are something like Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League What? How?
>>953023 "This celebrates death of the european"
>>953025 Yes, but how? This is just utter lunacy.
>>953026 I've never played Slay the Princess, so I don't know. Maybe he'll elaborate on what he meant by it.
>Game has basic bitch existentialist themes >"Anti-white propaganda" I wish that after WW2 Us just nuked everything to the east of France, and then murder every single fascist, Nazi and communist and any other sort of leftist scum in their borders so that they would erase all ideological basis for any of this idiocy. Granted, that would kill me as collateral in the process, but God I think it would be preferable than having to come across this retardation.
>>953011 10/10
>>944724 >supporting that fag shit You're dense. What it means is basically nonthreatening/harmless horniness (and especially if it conforms to norms and advantages current feminist agendas, such as older women not being off the table), they (as in twitter leftists) point to people like Brock from pokemon as an example of "safe horny". They basically want men to be nothing but good little bitches who stay in their place and are never allowed to get any unless its approved by them. People don't need "safe horny", if they think something's attractive, they will do what they will with it.
Slay the Princess is a horror romance VN with elements of black comedy.
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>>905463 >How powerful is Smitten? He's up there. The Narrator can override control over you in some scenarios but is helpless in others. Even Stubborn can't do much more than bluster on the Adversary path. >>951163 >>951273 It's a print and a shirt now too.
>>953021 It's a new wonder in the world where somehow someone relates this game to "anti-white". They have got to be on krokodil or some fucked up drug.
>>953051 The most powerful Voice is the Hero as he pretty much enables you to reach the Princess living in the Cabin's heart which can end in >You permanently killing her >You and her resetting the loop >You and her simply leaving into the unknown together
>>953051 Smitten woops the narrator's ass when he's got the power.
>>953031 His bait isn't that great, anons taking it are just retarded.
>>953034 >twitter leftists) point to people like Brock from pokemon as an example of "safe horny" That's just because they think he's a nigger and not a heavily tanned Japanese guy.
>>953368 >safe horny
>>953368 They're not referring to him as a character being attractive, they're talking about his behavior being an example of safe horny. It's because he's harmless, he never gets anywhere with girls because comic relief, and his "horniness" isn't perversion, he just likes girls regardless of sexualization, as long as they've got a pretty face and are his age or older
>>953371 Follow the conversation. This has already been explained. >>944676 >>944679 >>944684 >>944724
>>953381 >They're not referring to him as a character being attractive, they're talking about his behavior being an example of safe horny. Yes, they give great leeway to the behavior of the negro man, if he was more light skinned, they wouldn't let Pokemon get away with it.
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>>953034 > Brock from pokemon as an example of "safe horny" No.
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>>953034 You sound confused. Content is called "safe horny", not characters, and not by twitter leftists either. In fact, stuff gets called "safe horny" in inverse proportion to how likely it is to draw irate responses from twitter leftists. "Safe horny" is just suggestive or sexual content pandering to anyone but normal people. Here, have a picture.
>>953553 Huh, well, those are just two character archetypes. You can make them as horny to not horny as you need to. It can range from something as chaste as really large American woman protects little Chinese guy from working the railroad, to a big sister Lucario wedges her little brother Riolu between her tits to keep him safe from bullies, while the lil bro nuts uncontrollably.
>>953553 No, I know what I saw. Brock was called an example of safe horny as a behavior archetype of people who like safe horny content (Why do you think its called "safe horny" to begin with?). Brock himself makes no sense as "safe horny" content because there's nothing "horny" (as in sexually desirable to a woman) about his character design or his behavior, nor is there even a lick of fanservice involving him because he's a comic relief character. He is a constantly failing pervert with no charisma, no money, and the only things I can see that modern women might find attractive about his character is that he can cook, and that he's nice to his pokemon (wow talk about "horny"). Also that shit artwork was made by a literal fag with pronouns in his bio. "Safe horny" as a term is literal faggotry meant to constrain men's tastes in a socially accepted box by women, now fuck off. Women don't care about "safe horny" with regards to their own tastes, there are no constraints on what women consume. If they want to be perverts, nobody is stopping them, but don't you dare like anime girls who are youthful and attractive or else you're misogynist.
>>953436 >safe horny i sincerely fail to empathize with whatever mental abnormality that was required for that term to arise, i do not see within the things that subniggerfaggots apply the term, well, something that would incite such a sentiment
>>953862 Because most of their userbase are either niggers or like to copy nigger, twitter users love making up shitty neologisms.
>>953885 That shit originated on chan sites.
>>955423 >chan sites
>>955428 us channers, am i doing it right?
>>955504 Maybe the term 'imageboard' could include websites that aren't descended from the GazouBBS software, and thus the term 'chan' is needed for specification?
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>>953367 If they take the bait, then it's good bait by definition.
>>955629 Then all bait is good bait, because retards are omnipresent.
>>957129 Exactly
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>>953553 >no curves It's shit, men shouldn't be tree trunks, much less women.
>>957192 If I can die a peaceful death, I want it be while resting my head on Noi's abs. You think Dorohedoro would make a good Cuh-razy game?
>>957192 >>957205 Oh lawd this lady.
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But it's too late now, isn't it? Some things, when honked, can never be unhonked. Everything goes dark, and you're pied.
When's the pristine cut coming out?
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>>953638 >Nigganese
>>953034 >>953553 >>953638 "Safe horny" and "reddit sexuality" are both 4meme schizophrenia and I'm not sure why people even use it. >your sexuality isn't as esoteric as mine, get out REDDIT
>>944676 >What the hell is safe horny? >>968745 <your sexuality isn't as esoteric as mine, get out REDDIT That's the opposite of how the whole "Safe horny" phrase is used. The idea to how the whole thing is seen is as so. Some leftist moral busybody will condemn a traditionally sexy female character for "catering to the male gaze" and all that shit, but in the same breath they will state how great the sexuality of the character they are attracted to is. Having seen this enough times, it leads to people noticing there seems to be things that are Safe for leftist to be honry about, and things that are unsafe, and condemned. For example it's "not okay" to be attracted to all Team Ninja girls from DOA because they're generally thin big breasted young women... You know, the most common thing to be attracted to ever. But it is okay to be attached to Lady Dimitrescu because she's a tall older woman. Or it's okay to like Remake Tifa since they cover her up more, and her boobs aren't as big as the original. There is some kind of Arbitrary line that will make characters from media they don't aprove of not okay, and the other from media they do approve of safe.
>>953638 Damn, Mr Pumpkinface has really gone off the deep end
>>968709 When it's done.
>>968751 The easiest way to describe "safe horny" would be shit like Baldur's Gate 3, where it's just ugly chicks, fags, and degeneracy but it's okay because it's leftist approved degeneracy
Pristine Cut better let me slay her pussy or I commit a [FEDPOSTING].
>>968659 Are gonna use our bird cock to empty the biggest load into her clussy?
>>969092 Perhaps.
Slay The Princess is getting a PS5/Switch/Xbox version collectors edtion and is getting localised in several languages. The Pristine Cut releases this fall https://youtu.be/L6Kg5NCYIkY?si=0pMdTEh-pt4qdGBH
>>977211 >>977213 >The weird little demo I watched ManlyBadassHero play two years ago ended up having a gorgeous physical collector's edition Stunned that a dating sim between a Bird monster and shapeshifting Princess cosmic horror was such a success.
>>977211 >>977213 I guess this puts anything more saucy showing up in the Pristine Cut as totally out of the question.
>>977284 The Switch will allow it, but then again since, this is a western game Soyny might not censor and might allow saucy stuff.
>>977351 You're assuming the devs won't prioritize multiplatform parity should any one of the console companies attempt to impose any kind of restrictions on the new content.
>>977351 >>977373 In fact, they could even be contractually obligated to have parity between all releases.
>>977373 I'm just basing this on that BG3 got away with dicks and vag on PS5, along with other western games being allowed to get away with murder. >>977374 it remains to be seen, but hopefully that's not the case.
>>977284 >Saucy You want explicit frames of a Princess getting fucked by a bird or do you want more lewd Princess art?
>>977590 The former is obviously too much to ask for, but there were some somewhat lewd moments in the original game, and as the game turned out to be wildly popular, they're no doubt aware of the demand for saucier moments with the princess. >>905998 >>906014
>>953553 >>968745 Can't we have our own word for 'safe horny' instead of copying neologisms from twitter by way of cuckchan? 'Safe Faggotry' perhaps? 'passive lewdness' maybe? >>953638 >nip male >bisexual I suppose I should not be surprised.
>>977596 >>nip male He's half basketball American.
>>977595 Well the Adversary and Eye of the Needle routes have heavy machoistic sexual undertones, Chapter 4 of the Razor has narration that is pretty sexual in nature. The Witch has sexual tension throughout her route, and it the Thorn has you explore her tonsils with your beak. But that's different from lewd.
How much horror or romance does this VN have?
>>977649 It's a bizarre mix of >surreal horror >existential horror >physiological horror >body horror >straight up black comedy >a dating sim and at the heart of it all a genuine love story.
>>977653 How badly will can you die?
>>977654 At one point you'll be turned inside-out depending on route.
>>977211 >>977234 Nice, it's reassuring and refreshing seeing such a little game like this become so successful.
>>977671 It's a wonderful surprise to see a game like this be so critically acclaimed.
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>>977284 What do you mean by saucy? But I agree being on console might lead to censorship or toning down.
>>979731 X to doubt, nothing on Steam was anywhere close to AO to begin with
Feels nice for the devs, I played the game back in Halloween.
>>979920 This looks tumblr as shit.
>>979920 I think even the devs realised more people want shit like STP and not 2012 tumblr VNs, which is most likely the reason why STP is getting so much push.
>>979920 Love the representation there. I feel so seen!
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>>979920 >>979921 >>979924 >>979945 I actually played it. It is a decent mystery thriller though only when it goes on sale. But almost all of the males are just absolutely shit. Like you have no idea. You just fucking know theyre there to fulfill a fetish niche. I dont know why i have such visceral reaction for some of them. Well except the Single Dad. I know hes bara bait, i guess the tall black guy is supposed to be a twink? But if that was the case hes too damn tall. Also not shown is Reese who is just tortured artist secretly a monster fetish bait. Apparently thats what the ladies like though, so write for the audience you wanna cultivate. I think the real problem is the authors not fleshing any of them out, theyre just boring. So much emphasis is on the mystery that you dont really care about getting to know other characters. I would say you can remove about 4 characters(not counting the dog which I actually like) And absolutely nothing will change fundamentally for the plot. (ingame there will be some big changes but fundamentally i feel they don't contribute.)
Why are we a bird person?
>>980860 Because the devs wanted the irony of a bird like monster being sent to kill an innocent looking Princess.
Markiplier is starting a series on it, devs say to pirate the game if they can't afford it. It's only $15 on steam anyway.
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>>983475 I've always been a fan of pirate to try and buy it if you enjoy it.
>>983475 refreshing to see gamedevs being in it for the art
>>983666 This was an example of a passion project that went well passed expected sales.
>>983668 Total steam reviews for this have passed 10k, steam spy is saying it's sold between 500k and a million copies. It's pretty popular for an indie VN.
>>983673 >A fucking VN about the love story between Bird monster and Princess sold a million What a time to be alive.
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>>983673 >it's sold between 500k and a million copies.
>>983673 It had an average of 100 players on Steam charts, since the series it's shot up to 700. https://steamcharts.com/app/1989270#All
>>983795 I must be developing early onset dementia because when I read your post I thought The Last Birdling somehow blew up and got discovered.
VN's are for braindead retards. Probably the lowest form of game making.
>>985120 >t. illiterate
It's surreal seeing a game like this becoming so well known.
>>985121 Its literally the same experience as reading a manga while listening to music.
>>985124 I like the ones with branching paths, like a CYOA. Especially if they include that little branching diagram at the end so you can see all the paths and which endings you haven't unlocked yet.

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