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Stream Thread 12: EIGHT The Rock Anonymous 03/11/2024 (Mon) 12:45:39 Id: ff8fe4 No. 945094
https://8chan.tv/ Post a link to your channel here when you're are streaming. Games, movies, anime, art, programming, politics... Pick your favorite subject! >How do I stream? ∙ Register an account at https://8chan.tv/ ∙ Go to My Channels under your avatar icon, top right ∙ Create a channel, click on it and then the ⚙ icon (channel settings) to find your stream key. ∙ Install OBS Studio https://obsproject.com/ and paste your stream key to Settings/Stream, set Service to Custom and Server to rtmp://8chan.tv/stream/ Some emails may not work when registering Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo (and maybe others) all take issue with Cockmail and won't receive the verification email. If you insist on using such an emails or have already registered using one, email sudsshit@proton.me for help with your account. Max supported bitrate is 3500 Kbps. Set Keyframe Interval to 1 for lowest stream delay. Ask here if you have further questions and also on >>>/site/1519 Last thread >>905621 archive.is wasn't working. An archived link will be provided later. And remember... <HAVE FUN
>>982463 The year is now Mid 1968. The Tet Offensive and it's follow up, Mini-Tet were massive failures. With the NVA and Viet Cong trying to take on US and ARVN forces conventionally they suffered massive casualties. The Americans suffered 9k dead, 35k wounded over 6 months of heavy fighting all throughout the south. The NVA suffered 45k killed, 61k wounded. The destruction was massive, the American embassy was famously seized, Saigon is now half rubble and in the old imperial city of Hue, there was a 28 day siege where ARVN forces held the line and were eventually relieved going against some 25,000 NVA troops. On their retreat, NVA forces committed massacres of some 2k - 6k civilians and military personnel who were helping the government. The famous shot of Nguyễn Văn Lém being executed won the 1969 Pulitzer prize. While Tet may have failed Militarily, it did achieve it's goals in the American homeland. With the Government lying about their progress in South Vietnam, the growing Hippie movement and coupled with the race riots over MLK and Robert Kennedy's assassinations, Lyndon B Johnson would not seek re-election in the November 5th election in 1968. That would be instead between Nixon who would win as a Republican and Hubert Humphrey who would edge out McCarthy to seize the ticket ultimately losing. https://8chan.tv/view/c2436d74-582d-4619-8d84-d6729acede45 I've already got what we're watching after Monster ready for next week. Miyozaki's film The Boy and The Heron is finally available so we'll see that along with some other anime films I think. I'm planning on watching Hosoda's 1998 Digimon movie too. So recommend me something to watch that I can fit on Friday.
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>>981303 KINGMAKER My travel plans were delayed, and my health is returning. So I'm going to try and play some vidya and sperg out over tabletop rules tonight at 7pm cst.
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not vidya, should i stream the trump biden debate? anyone interested
>>984272 Stream it and make a thread about it on >>>/b/ (I say /b/ and not /pol/ because some people seem to be wary of showing their poverty levels country flag).
>>984274 /pol/ is owned by a schyzo and /hispol/ is owned by a tranny, so /b/ is the best option. >>984272 Sure, why not? it could be fun.
>>984274 we have /pol/ board?
>>984181 The year is now mid 1969. Johnson is not seeking re-election, leading Nixon to winning the presidency. The 1968 Democratic conference was marked with turmoil in the Democrat party and violent beatings of hippies outside. In Paris, it took all parties involved 10 weeks just to decide on a circle table to try and begin writing up a peace treaty. Nixon had told Thieu to hold off on going till after he was in to boost his popularity while secretly ordering B-52 bombers to begin bombing the Ho Ch Minh Trail in Cambodia, a great start to his presidency. In Vietnam, the Viet Cong has been smashed. More regular NVA are now required to fight against the Americans and as a result the battles are becoming more conventional, thanks to a change in leadership from Westmoreland to Abrams, yes they named the Tank after him. He and the Phoenix Program would kill 80k Viet Cong in the south trying to pacify provinces. About half of those are said to be innocent. In the 6 months from Jan to June 1969, America lost 9k more dead. NVA statistics are difficult to get as they communist regime did not keep accurate records of dead. An example would be 72 full graveyards needed for all the porters who died on the Ho Chi Minh trail, some 20k dead. But US aircraft would come back to bomb the grave sites after they had just finished burying their dead, leading to more. One thing I like about this series is how they got the likes of John Galloway and Vincent Okamoto before they died. Quite recently too. https://8chan.tv/view/c2436d74-582d-4619-8d84-d6729acede45 Argo after this, still looking for a film for Friday next week.
>>984398 What the fug, I love Nixon now. But seriously, the My Lai massacre is not an easy thing to watch. That could turn even a veteran into an anti-war demonstrator. >Twenty-six soldiers were charged with criminal offenses, but only Lieutenant William Calley Jr., a platoon leader in C Company, was convicted. Found guilty of murdering 22 villagers, he was originally given a life sentence but served three-and-a-half years under house arrest after U.S. president Richard Nixon commuted his sentence.
The stage is set on a Monstrous finale. Monday: The Boy and the Heron (2023) Tuesday: Monster (2004), eps 68 - 74 END. Wednesday: Skip Thursday: Digimon Adventure: Bokura no War Game! (2000) Friday: Sakasama no Patema (2013) Monday is Miyazaki's final final film this time for real guys. Interested to see it. Tuesday we're finally finishing Monster. 7 eps left and it all happens in Ruhenheim, which in German means Peaceful Home. That is till Tenma chases Johan there after he found out Franz Bonaparta is still alive there. Lunge is there first though. Thursday is Hosoda Mamoru's first movie and one he'd do essentially 3 times. A satellite falls from the sky and they have to stop it. This would be the same in Summer Wars with the social media influence staying with Belle. Patema is a film I haven't seen in awhile but it does have some gorgeous visuals. Mon and Tue will be parts 9 and 10 of the Vietnam Doc. I'll do the Prohibition one afterwards then start the Civil War one.
>>984482 >Not the superior version of Digimon: The Movie, with Smash Mouth and Barenaked Ladies.
>>984499 >In January 2022, for the release of Belle, Mamoru Hosoda expressed that whenever he promotes a new project abroad, he now meets many people who grew up with Digimon and who talk about the movie. Fine, that'll be next week then. It's a mash up of 3 different movies so it seems like a good time, I just wanna watch Hosoda's first feature film first.
>>984502 I was being terribly sarcastic. Digimon: The Movie is an abomination and a black mark on one of my favorite series. But it's kind of funny in a so bad it's good way.
>>984499 >>984502 >>984506 The best part of the movie was the soundtrack. Unlike the Pokemon movie (Which was top 40 and pop music), nearly the entire thing is nothing but good solid rock.
Anyone else having problems logging into the stream site, or is it just me?
>>984603 Just you
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>>984242 BONUS STREAM Since this is more spur of the moment (and im already waist deep in a run), I'm gonna stream a solo run of the random dungeon. Might do some other games later tonight but nothing from the actual kingmaker campaign or kenshi- going to save those for Monday Night Nicker and more planned streams. Starting right the fugg now. http://8chan.tv/view/25c2fcb5-1fa2-4bb6-a15f-20c21e57b3c0/
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>>985111 Blessed trips, no hangover. That was a fun weekend.
>>984471 The year is now mid 1970. Kissinger has opened up secret negotiations with the North Vietnamese to try and get America out of Vietnam, without South Vietnam or the Soviets knowing. News of the My Lai massacre broke stateside, 403 South Vietnamese were slaughtered by US GIs. Only one person was ultimately charged and spent 3 and a half years in prison before being commuted by Nixon in his second term. A helicopter pilot actually told his gunners to shoot the GIs as he landed between civilians and a squad that was approaching. 115k Americans have left Vietnam and the Anti-War movement back home is splintering into radicals like the fucking Weathermen and a demonstration that ended in 4 dead at Kent State when national guardsman opened fire on students with live ammo. The late 60s were wild man, assassinations everywhere, violent demonstrations and Vietnam vets forgotten in all of it. https://8chan.tv/view/c2436d74-582d-4619-8d84-d6729acede45 The Boy and the Heron tonight.
>>985209 I never thought I'd see the day when Miyazaki of all people would "borrow" elements from Shinkai's work. Before Your Name came out, Makoto Shinkai was called the next Miyazaki and I think he's proved that with 3 of the highest grossing films ever in Japan. But to borrow the meteor from Your Name and the doors from Suzume. And somehow Miyazaki gets a Golden Glove, BAFTA, Oscar awards for Boy and Heron. Just goes to show how he's gotten worse as a creator over the years. I thought Wind Rises was a bad film, this is worst. Suzume was a recent film too, 2022, he absolutely could put the door idea into his film and release it in 2023. Whatever, Monster Tomorrow.
>>985278 I never really cared for Shinkai's movies but the Wind Rises was pretty bad, I wouldn't be surprised if the new one he did was worse since he just stopped giving a shit a while back since Ponyo was just ok.
>>985282 I skimmed through it in 3 minutes and was just kind of disgusted by it, I couldn't be assed to actually sit through and watch it, it's like he wanted to make a movie a committee for a company would greenlight out of spite like a checklist because I could literally see the seams of spirited away and howl in it, he really didn't give a shit about it.
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>>984819 KENSHI Monday Night Nicker: Once more into the ruins! We need to collect more SCIENCE so we can make better robo limbs. We also need to get serious about acquiring the full body circumcision machine. Starting later than usual tonight, at 9pm cst.
>>985318 >It's Miyazaki lamenting over his son taking over his studio because he's an incompetent fuck up. >He made Tale from Earthsea, From on Poppy Hill and that stupid 3D one in Earwig and the Witch. See I get it now that's it explained to me but it's the same problem with Evangelion. You have to look at it from a certain point of view that some audience members will not get. If you can't get symbolism naturally like Haibane for example it loses it's meaning.
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>>984482 The year is now mid 1973. Nixon just won re-election in a landslide, winning 60% of the popular vote and every state except DC and Massachusetts. Kissinger's secret negotiations were successful, delivering a treaty just a week before the election. He got every POW home in Operation Homecoming and the North Vietnamese signed a treaty saying they'll keep troops in the south but launch no further military activity at the ARVN while the Americans are leaving. President Theiu wasn't even aware that the negotiations were happening till captured communist documents were brought to him informing of the ceasefire in place. The Americans say it was due to Operation Linebacker that the NV signed the treaty but they say no such thing. Operation Lam Son 719 was an ambush of 20k ARVN by some 60k NVA, with the ARVN taking up to 80% casualties per Battalion. They could clearly not hold conventionally without American support yet, Nixon and Kissinger insisted that "Vietnamization" was working. Future events would be the Watergate burglars being caught forcing Nixon's resignation in 1974 and then Gerald Ford being president and eventually losing to Carter in 1976. Ford would also oversea the fall of Saigon. https://8chan.tv/view/c2436d74-582d-4619-8d84-d6729acede45 Final part of the Vietnam doc, the fall of Saigon, doing Prohibition on Thursday and the final 7 eps of Monster. I've got a download youtube vid that explains the ending if you don't want to stick around for that.
Felt like playing Resident Evil 2 Hard Mode again. Claire A/Leon B. https://8chan.tv/view/50687c10-7275-4870-81fb-dcfed1cbc52a/
>>985401 I don't think it's that deep of a movie, it's just a very selfish production that felt like to me that it was made out of spite moreso than say Anno's 90s shows or Haibane Renmei. I don't think he meant for it to be likable really, like he was tacking on elements from his earlier movies in a schizoid fashion just to illustrate a message.
>>985677 It's kind of like when Oda started shitting on Sanji in the manga out of spite of the VA because he was trying to cuckold his Nami cosplay trophy wife.
>>985680 ... what?
>>985681 Old, old gossip when Oda started drawing Sanji's Wanted picture with a retarded looking scribble, usually it's just dumb shit leeching into productions that comes out with either social media drama or interviews, Zestiria and Baba flaunting a VA since he was fucking her, VA scandals with talent companies being molested, that sort of thing. With shows like Utena it's basically just shitposting.
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>>979739 Why don't you stream anymore? Did I miss something?
VNS stream tomorrow at 1 PM Pacific/4 PM Eastern after a couple week hiatus!

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